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GLPS 'Where Are They Now?'
Find Your Old Friend & Colleagues - Where Have They Gone?
Take a Look Down Memory Lane
1st Correct Answer Becomes Eligible to Win a Pizza Party!
Can you name the folks in these pics?

Team Pictures Submitted in September &
December 2016
Here's some hints:
Pic #17 (left):
Now this is a prime group of folks - seen here giving back to their
Pic #18 (right): This team ditched their tool belts for a night of fun.
1st person to name all team members in a picture gets entered into the drawing.
Once we reach 10 correct answers, we'll pick one winner for a GLPS team pizza
party with drinks - delivered to your door by Domino's. All parties must be for
retail LP or AP teams.
Submit your answers
Visit Memory Lane - see previous pics
Domino's Rewards Las Vegas PD for
Making Arrest of Individual Who Shot Delivery Driver
The Las Vegas Metro Police Department recently assisted the Domino’s
Safety, Security and Loss Prevention team in apprehending an individual
that was a suspect in an incident regarding one of our TUSA stores. In
appreciation of their efforts, the TUSA Vegas market organized a Feed
the Need event to support the hard working police officers and
detectives involved in the investigation. #FeedTheNeed #TVP
Thanks to Van Carney, National Director, Safety and Loss
Prevention for Domino's, for submitting this story.

Coronavirus Tracker: May 8
US: Over 1.3M Cases - 77K Dead - 220K Recovered
Over 4M Cases - 274K Dead - 1.3M Recovered
U.S. Law Enforcement Deaths |
NYPD Deaths:
Private Industry Security Guard Deaths: 89
NY Times: Most States That Are Reopening Fail to Meet White House Guidelines

Teens Becoming 'Store
Sheriffs' With Little or No Training
Store Workers Become Enforcers of Social Distancing Rules, Amid Rising Violence

Sandy Jensen's customer-service job at a Sam's Club in Fullerton, California,
normally involves checking member ID cards at the door and answering questions.
But the coronavirus has turned her into a kind of store sheriff. Now she must
confront shoppers who aren't wearing masks and enforce social distancing
measures such as limits on the number of people allowed inside. The efforts
sometimes provoke testy customers.
"They are behaving worse now," Jensen said. "Everybody is on edge. I have
hostile members in my face."
Her frustration is shared by store workers across the country, who are
suddenly being asked to enforce the rules that govern shopping during the
pandemic, a tension-filled role for which most of them
have received little or no training. The burden is sure to become
greater as more businesses in nearly a dozen states start to reopen.
Even if a security guard is posted at the store, employees complain they are
often left to stand up to defiant shoppers.
Store tensions recently resulted in violence in at least two states. A
Michigan security officer was fatally shot last week after telling a customer to
wear a mask at a Family Dollar store. Two McDonald's employees in Oklahoma City
were shot Wednesday by a customer who was angry that the restaurant's dining
area was closed, police said.
Also in Oklahoma, one city abandoned its mask rule after store clerks were
threatened. And at a southern California grocery store called Vons, a man showed
up in what looked like a Ku Klux Klan hood. He ignored requests from workers to
remove it until he got to the register, according to the supermarket.
Masks are required in some states. Some major retailers including Costco
Wholesale Club have made masks mandatory regardless of government policies. But
even at stores that post signs about mask recommendations, workers often have
to approach unmasked visitors.
Walmart, the nation's largest retailer and largest private employer, said it
works with law enforcement in communities where face coverings are required.
Jeff Reid, who works at the meat counter at a Giant store in Silver Spring,
Maryland, which mandates masks, said the greeter at his store is the one
confronting shoppers, not the security guard posted outside.
"We are going on the front lines on a daily basis. If it's against the law
without your mask, why are you having cashiers and
teenagers trying to enforce this when this is the law?" asked Zeid,
who often has to reprimand customers to keep 6 feet apart.
Jason Brewer, a spokesman at the Retail Industry Leaders Association, said it's
not a retail employee's role to enforce a local law or an executive order on
face coverings or any other protocol. He said law enforcement should get
involved and that shoppers can do their part.
6 Tips for Protecting Retailers, Employees from Safety, Legal Risks of
Grocery retailers and their employees have fast become some of the most
essential service providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. As with many other
businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, grocery retailers were forced to develop new guidelines and virus
protection protocols on the fly while also navigating rapidly changing national,
state and local directives. Now, many are finding themselves on the legal or
media firing line for not doing enough to protect workers out of the gate.
According to supermarket analysts, one of the biggest mistakes some grocery
retailers made early on was not allowing employees to wear masks or gloves in
the way they requested. This and similar decisions, combined with confusion
about corporate and government policies, led to some illnesses and grocery store
workers publicly lashing out at their employers. Some employees staged
walk-offs, protesting lack of protective gear, while others went to the media to
share their fears about health and safety in their workplace. Some grocery
retailers are even facing wrongful death lawsuits from the estates of employees
who died of COVID-19 complications.
With two-thirds of U.S. states beginning to partially lift stay-at-home orders,
here are the top six things retail employers can do to help essential workers
feel and stay safe on the job as well as protect themselves against potential
legal backlash:
1. Identify exposures and risks specific to the business and employees.
2. Verify all state, city or local COVID-19 related restrictions.
3. Outline the specific measures to be implemented.
4. Be sensitive to and mindful of employee's individual needs and risk factors.
5. Establish a policy around identifying and isolating potentially infectious
6. Lastly, keep employees informed about what you are doing to keep them safe.
COVID Safety Concerns Impacting September ASIS GSX Show
ASIS: Organizers Reviewing Whether to Move GSX 2020 Online
ASIS International announced it is currently exploring options for Global
Security Exchange (GSX) 2020, scheduled to take place Sept. 22-23 in Atlanta,
Ga., amidst health concerns from the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is our plan at present to confirm whether GSX 2020 will take place live on
or before 22 June.
NYC Hires 10,000 For Tracing
New York City will hire 10,000 people for an unprecedented contract-tracing
effort as the governor said the state is "finally ahead of the virus."
Arrests Down 60% - Domestic Violence A Global Crime Epidemic
How Coronavirus Has Stifled the Criminal Justice System
Coronavirus Has Changed Law Enforcement
There are more than 18,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States with
more than 800,000 law enforcement personnel.
The coronavirus has significantly affected the way officers do their job.
Social distancing recommendations to prevent COVID-19 transmissions causes
officers to keep their distance from citizens and make less face-to-face contact
with the public. This, in turn, has resulted in a sharp decline in arrests.
Although serious crime rates have remained nearly identical, arrests from
January through April 2020 are down 60 percent compared with the same
period in 2019.
Despite general crime rates staying the same,
domestic violence incidents have risen sharply over the past few months.
Incidents have risen so sharply, however, that the
United Nations has warned that the
coronavirus lockdown could lead to 31 million new cases of domestic
Effects of the Coronavirus on the Court System - From the Supreme Court to
Local Courts - Stopped in their tracks; Changes to Corrections - COVID-19 Breeding
Grounds & No PPE;
Research Needed to Understand the Total Impact of Coronavirus
on the Criminal Justice System
An Anarchic Gray Market Controls Vital PPE
Fly-By-Night Brokers & Opportunists Jump in PPE Supply Chain
New entrants have flocked to the market of
selling masks, gloves, gowns,
ventilators and
virus tests to fulfill the need of U.S. front-line workers-and it is a
chaotic scene.
A look inside this vital but anarchic market reveals legitimate vendors and
traders, fly-by-night brokers and opportunists who look to make a fast buck
while operating in an arena with little transparency and fast-changing rules.
Some brokers estimate the market has swelled to $50 billion.
What began as a bonanza has grown perilous. The gray market is where many
will continue to turn for the goods-mostly made in China-forcing brokers,
states and others to reinvent a supply chain on the fly.
China tightens customs - Prices change constantly - Policing the brokers -
Seized shipments
'Dialing For Dollars'
Levi's CFO Picks Up the Phone to Remind Retailers to Pay Their Bills
The strategy to call up customers in arrears appears to be working, as
'even the most distressed retailers are paying,' according to finance chief
Harmit Singh
"I'm the chief debt collector," said Harmit Singh. "I am calling the
big retailers, saying, 'You are owing me money; when are you paying me?'"
The San Francisco-based jeans maker is zeroing in on collecting cash owed by its
business customers to help boost liquidity.
"My feedback to all of them is I need a little bit of money every week."
Hackett Group recommends companies have a clear hierarchy for the
debt-collection process and set out timelines to make sure payments arrive in
time, Mr. Bailey said. "You have to have a very clear sequence of escalation,"
he said.
The U.S. is Waking Up
Opening & Shutting Their Doors
Hope it isn't a little too early -
Shutting down again won't be pretty!
COVID-19 Lockdown: U.S. Public Opposes Reopening Most Businesses
The poll specifically asked Americans about whether their states should open
eight different types of business.

This is Your Retail's Evolution On Speed
And the malls come tumbling down
This was inevitable
Much of this push to open may be wishful thinking. Not only are stay-at-home
orders still in place in many areas, but most shoppers (89%) also remain
anxious about shopping in physical spaces. The top worry for 63% of
survey respondents is being too close to other people, 40% are most
concerned about store cleanliness, with 34% leery of touching
point-of-sale terminals and 32% of handling cash.
More than 60% of Americans are
worried about lifting restrictions too quickly, with only 29% concerned
about not reopening quickly enough, according to a May 5 Monmouth University
poll. A third want to move to ensure the economy "does not go into a deep and
lengthy downturn," but 56% say public health concerns are more important
in deciding when to end the current limits, according to that report.
"The medical drives everything - there will be no return to normalcy,
whatever normalcy means, until there's a solution to the virus," he told Retail
Dive in an interview.
Even if the main portion of a mall does open, there are going to be many
stores - both anchor department stores and specialty retailers - that
won't, ever.
In fact, a little more than half of all mall-based department stores could
close for good by the end of next year, setting off a spiral "knockdown"
effect, as in-line mall tenants would be allowed to lower rents or exit
leases. That was already a reality, but the pandemic has sped up a scenario that
was set to unfold over the next five to 10 years to instead happen over the
next couple of years, according to Green Street's Tibone.
As stores close up indefinitely, all shopping center types face risk, but
traditional enclosed malls face the most.
The old, traditional style of shopping mall, where you had two anchor department
stores at either end and a bunch of in-line clothing stores in between -
anyone who sticks with that model is going to be dead."
'What If I Get Coronavirus?' - Fear, Plain &
Why Fear Is the Greatest Obstacle to Returning to Work
Anticipation is growing for the U.S. to restart the economy and for businesses
to reopen. Despite Americans' overwhelming desire to get back to work, however,
there is one major obstacle to getting back to normal-fear.
A recent CBS News poll showed that only 44% of workers are comfortable going
to a workplace outside of their own homes. That means more than half of
all employees lack the confidence to return to their offices or worksites.
Employers and their HR teams need to be proactive, strategic and thoughtful
in their approach in order to create cultures of certainty, confidence
and safety amidst all this uncertainty and fear.
As part of their return-to-work plans, many companies are initially focusing on
the physical aspects of the workplace by reconfiguring workspaces to allow more
distance between employees. Temperature screenings will likely become the norm,
especially for larger companies. Sneeze guards and other protective "barriers"
are being installed to additionally protect employees from customers and
vendors. Sanitizer dispensers will be located throughout the workplace, along
with signs reminding employees to regularly wash their hands and avoid touching
their faces.
RILA: Is your space ready for relaxed emergency mandates?
Environmental health considerations for the commercial space
This is a guest blog post from UL's
Engineering Manager Mike Carpenter, Principal Scientist Elliot Horner, and
Senior Sales Manager Sean McCrady.
been almost nine weeks since the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
announced the first U.S. COVID-19 case of unknown origin on February 28.
While subsequent
reports dispute the CDC's original timeline, the fallout from COVID-19, the
disease caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2, is indisputable.
While not every state or region has seen a large number of COVID-19 cases, the
crisis has greatly affected us all due to the closure of numerous businesses
around the country. However, with the planned relaxing of emergency mandates in
some areas, it's time for businesses to review their plans to safely unshutter
office and retail spaces.
Professional Group Endorsed by Mark Cuban
Occupational Health and Safety Experts Announce 'Back to Work Safely'
Guidelines and Resources
AIHA Develops Industry Specific Guidelines
for Re-entry into the Workplace
AIHA, Professional Association For Occupational Health & Safety Science
Professionals, Introduced the "Back to Work Safely
The "Back
to Work Safely" initiative to help employers and employees get back to
work safely with industry sector specific guidelines and resources.
Yesterday Mark Cuban posted on his Twitter account (@mcuban):
"Before you go back to work, this is one site you should review. The @AIHA, an
organization that specializes in corporate and industrial hygiene has put
together an amazing safety guide for almost every type of business.
These free guidelines include recommendations on ventilation, personal hygiene,
physical distancing and enhanced cleaning. Guidelines are available for the
following industries:
General Office Setting
Gyms and Workout Facilities
Hair and Nail Salon
All resources are available to download on
www.backtoworksafely.org. CDC will feature a link to these guidance
documents on their website.
J.C. Penney & Sephora Make Up, Drop Divorce
JCPenney and Sephora Reaffirm Partnership
J. C. Penney and Sephora today announced they have reaffirmed their
long-standing partnership to operate Sephora (inside 650 stores) inside JCPenney
(SiJCP). Both companies worked constructively to resolve outstanding legal
matters and have agreed to mutually beneficial revisions to their joint
enterprise operating agreement. JCPenney and Sephora have worked together
over the past 14 years to serve our customers and be relevant in an evolving
retail landscape.
In separate news, Penney said it will skip payment of $17 million on interest
owed on its senior secured term loan.
Airlines Make Safety Their #1 Concern
U.S. Travel Industry Releases Guidance for Future Business Travel
The U.S. travel industry submitted to the White House and governors a document
containing detailed
guidance for travel-related businesses to help keep their customers and
employees safe from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Entitled "Travel in the New Normal," the document describes vigorous
measures the travel industry will follow to reduce the risk of COVID-19 and help
to communicate across each and every step of a traveler's journey. The goal: to
allow travel to safely resume as states and municipalities relax physical
distancing guidance.
Macy's says it plans to have all of its stores reopened in 6 weeks
Macy's delays first-quarter results to July 1, citing COVID-19 disruption
Court Upholds Strict Noncompete Tied to Incentive Payments
Kroger to end 'hero pay' for workers on May 17
A record 20.5 million jobs were lost in April as unemployment rate jumps to
Albuquerque, NM: Teen finds $135K next to ATM. Instead of walking away with it,
he called police
Quarterly Results
Ingles Markets Q1 comp's up 17.5%, net sales up 14%
Natural Gorcers Q1 comp's up 17%, net sales up 20.4%
Ahold Delhaize USA Q1 comp's up 13.4%, net sales up 13.7%
Papa John's Q1 North America comp's up 5.3%. International comp's up 2.3%, sales
up 4.3%
Carvana Q1 Units Sold up 43%,. revenue up 45%
Rent-A-Center Q1 comp's up 1.7%, revenue up 0.8%
Sally Beauty Q2 comp's down 7.1%, sales down 7.9%


All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time
Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please.
If it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.
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New Solink Video Alarm Notifies You
of Important Incidents, Instantly
temporary closures and longer off hours, ensuring the security of your business
through remote monitoring is essential for peace of mind and to ensure your
premise is secure. Traditional alarm systems notify you and the authorities of
possible intrusions into your business through the use of sensors. It can take
up to 5 minutes for an alarm to be actioned and sent to a dispatching station.
Further, false alarms are prevalent, which can lead to expensive fines and
unnecessary stress for you. When a break-in occurs, you may spend hours
reviewing footage to share with the authorities to assist with the
With this in mind, Solink has created a state of the art system that
automatically alerts you of motion, when armed, and allows you to verify the
footage from the existing Solink mobile app. If the authorities are required,
you can make that call and easily share the video clip to assist
first-responders. This can all be done in a matter of seconds.
Best of all, this new feature is available to all Solink customers at no
additional charge. There is no need for new equipment or technology as the
feature works with your existing security cameras that are connected to Solink.
Configuration of alarm-enabled cameras can be done remotely to identify a
schedule of monitoring and the specific zones you want to be covered. As always,
our 24/7 customer support team is ready to help.
For customers with existing alarm services, this can be used to verify a call in
the middle of the night. Monitoring stations can use this to quickly and easily
perform video verification on behalf of Solink customers.
Get Up and
Running - Quickly
Enabling video alarms for your existing cameras in Solink is simple
and intuitive. Depending on business needs, video alarms can be
always on, follow a location alarm schedule, or be manually turned
off. |
Specific Hours and Cameras for Increased Insight
Solink video alarms provide the flexibility to choose the hours and
cameras for when and where your alarms are enabled. This helps
ensure only meaningful results are delivered to you via email or
push notification. |


Want to learn how Solink helps you stay
connected to your business?
Take a virtual tour
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IBM's Top 35 Women Leaders Shaping the Future of Artificial Intelligence
Retail Exec Makes the List:
Maiga Bishop, Director of Business Intelligence and Analytics, Dillard's
at its Think Digital conference, unveiled its list of
Leaders in AI, recognizing 35 exceptional female business leaders from 12
countries who are using artificial intelligence to drive transformation, growth
and innovation across a wide variety of industries.
According to IBM, these leaders were chosen because they and their companies are
demonstrating the power of AI to help improve business and work for their
customers and employees. From understanding and deriving insights from tens of
millions of financial documents, to improving new employee onboarding
experiences, to helping women have a better experience buying intimate apparel,
these women leaders are shaping innovative AI use cases. Their AI efforts,
says IBM, helped to increase customer satisfaction, improvements in employee
retention, faster response times, significant cost savings, and more efficient
See the
full list of 2020 IBM Women Leaders in AI honorees here |
New Back Door For Hackers
Malicious Bots Infiltrate Online Food Delivery
With grocery delivery in higher demand than ever, new add-ons have emerged to
secure slots for consumers, presenting a new pathway for bad bots to wreak
As demand for online grocery shopping has risen, so has the availability of new
browser extensions to help shoppers game the delivery system. In recent weeks,
developers have released add-ons that perform functions like scanning for and
alerting users to delivery slots, completing the checkout -- and inadvertently
presenting a pathway for malicious bots to harvest user information.
That last one may not be the intention of well-meaning developers looking to
help shoppers get the food they need in a timely fashion, but according to Ido
Safruti, co-founder and CTO of PerimeterX, these extensions present a series of
new risks.
"From mid-January to mid-March, food and grocery delivery experienced a 41%
increase in traffic - both good and bad," he says. "Bad traffic includes
malicious bots that execute attacks including account takeover and Web scraping.
We've seen an increase in the volume of attacks, and in the sophistication of bot attacks across sites."
FireEye Report: A Majority of Attacks Successfully Infiltrate Enterprise
Environments Without Detection
released the
Mandiant® Security Effectiveness Report 2020 which reveals data about
how well organizations are protecting themselves against cyber threats and the
overall effectiveness of their security infrastructure.
The report summarizes the results of thousands of tests performed by experts
from the Mandiant Security Validation (previously known as Verodin) team. The
report reveals that while organizations continue to invest significant budget
dollars in security controls and assume that this means assets are fully
protected, the reality is that a majority of the tested attacks successfully
infiltrated the organizations' production environments without their
knowledge. Additionally, the report includes guidance to help
organizations ensure that their security controls perform as expected by
implementing a strategy that includes continuous security validation.
In the tests, 53 percent of attacks successfully infiltrated environments
without detection. 26 percent of attacks successfully infiltrated
environments but were detected, while 33 percent of attacks were prevented
by security tools.
To download a full copy of the Mandiant Security Effectiveness Report 2020,
including a list of the 10 fundamentals for successful cyber security
effectiveness validation, visit
Pandemic Could Accelerate Passwordless Authentication
For the past few years on World Password Day we've wondered why we're
celebrating passwords given the reality that more than 80% of security
breaches are caused by weak passwords and credentials, according to data
from the highly-regarded
Verizon data breach report.
Today, as thousands of companies have been forced to work remotely because of
COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, the question this year is whether the pandemic
will result in the move to passwordless authentication solutions en masse.
The business case has been there for several years: according to Gartner,
between 20% to 50% of all help desk calls are for password resets, while
Forrester Research's oft-quoted stat says that the average help desk labor
cost for a single password reset is about $70.
Jermoluk says by automating password resets, companies can save on help desk
costs, plus pour some of that money into automated help desk applications.
There are also two other important benefits, compliance and the ability to
use any device. Passwordless systems from companies such as Beyond Identity,
OneLogIn, and SecureAuth, let users authenticate via fingerprint or facial
recognition. They collect detailed user data such as device, location, time,
application, and purpose. All of this data helps organizations comply with
regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and
California's Consumer Privacy Act. And with passwordless authentication, workers
are free to use their own devices because there's a secure connection between
the application and the device.
"Passwordless authentication is also more secure," says Brooks. "Brute force
attacks don't work and phishing attacks are more difficult to do."
GoDaddy Confirms Breach Affecting 28,000 Accounts: Report
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A real-time occupancy monitoring system
that helps you to enforce social distancing guidelines as well as occupancy
stores are increasingly enforcing social distancing regulations by limiting
the number of shoppers in their premises to curb the spread of the novel
Coronavirus. If you operate a retail store, you need to protect public
health by installing a real-time occupancy monitoring system that helps you
to enforce social distancing guidelines as well as occupancy restrictions.
Nedap's Store Occupancy solution features:
● Real-time overview of occupancy level in the store
● Ability to set maximum occupancy level
● Suitable for any device
● Notify staff when max occupancy level is exceeded
● Store and review historical occupancy data
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Filmed in January 2015 at the Daily's 'Live in NYC at the NRF Big
Show 2015' event
Celebrating its 50-year anniversary,
Se-Kure Controls continues to
develop and manufacture innovative asset protection systems that maximize return
on investment for retailers. With over 800 products running the gamut from
mechanical security to alarm modules, Se-Kure Controls offers customized
solutions for any loss prevention need. In this interview, hear from Greg
Saputo, Mike Campbell, and the late Roger Leyden, who talks about the
evolution of the company and the biggest developments he's seen in the industry
over the last half-century.
Note: On March 17th, 2020, Roger J. Leyden, a pioneer in the LP industry
and the Founder & CEO of Se-Kure Controls passed away.
Read our 'In Memoriam' column for Roger published in the Daily here.
Stay-At-Home Drives Historic & Dramatic Online
The Data is in for the 1st 8 weeks of COVID-19 impact
New PriceSpider Data Finds Ecommerce Traffic Outpaces Black Friday Nearly Every
Day in April
The global leader in data and consumer analytics technology has seen a
sustained level of traffic over that record day every day since April 4 and
has found that platform traffic surpassed Black Friday 2019 numbers. Traffic
rose 108 percent above this year's average beginning on April 4 and has
continued to climb as high as 233 percent over that average the past four weeks
on their Consumer Conversion Platform. The platform includes solutions like
Where to Buy, Inventory and Stock Availability, and Ratings and Reviews.
"In the past few weeks, we've seen historic shifts across ecommerce,
whether it be how much they're buying, what they're buying or where they're
buying it," said Anthony Ferry, Co-founder and CEO of PriceSpider. "Stay at
home orders continue to be in effect for a lot of the country and ecommerce will
continue to grow rapidly during this time, but no one could have predicted the
growth we're seeing on our platform right now."
While nearly every category is seeing gains in ecommerce, there have also been a
number of interesting trends in which categories are performing the best.
Week of March 9: Health & Beauty - 159.4%
Week of March 16: Health & Beauty - 278%
Week of March 23: Consumer Electronics - 235.2%, with CPG (Health & Beauty +
Food & Beverage) barely trailing at over 210% growth
Week of March 30: Consumer Electronics - 346.1% with Food and Beverage barely
trailing at 340% growth
Week of April 6: Consumer Electronics - 388.9%, Hardware 358%, CPG 301%
Week of April 13: Hardware - 485.2% and Consumer
Electronics - 433%
Week of April 20: Hardware - 525.4%
Week of April 27: Hardware - 589.6%
The company works with over 1,600 brands worldwide, including many of the
world's top consumer packaged goods brands.
For more data and insights from PriceSpider, visit their blog:
Editor's Note: Some of this trend will continue for some time. Until
consumers feel safe again. Which may be a year or so or until a vaccine. Bottom
line though is: How much of the increase will become the new norm? My guess is
50% of it. And it will change retail as we know it forever. Just look at the
trend over the eight weeks themselves with the last three almost double of the
first three. What does that show?
Just my thoughts -Gus Downing
Sales surge 90% for Wayfair from at-home shoppers during coronavirus pandemic
Etsy's sales grow 100% in April thanks to face masks
Albertsons Ramps Up E-Commerce Strategy
D&D Daily Survey:
How will COVID-19 impact Loss Prevention & Organized Retail Crime at your stores
as the nation prepares to reopen?
industry values your input! The D&D Daily wants to hear your thoughts
as retail prepares to reopen following
mass closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Given the past seven weeks, we've all had a chance to think about what is going
to happen as we reopen the doors, but are we prepared for the impact the
pandemic will have on Loss Prevention and Organized Retail Crime?
What does ORC look like in the coming months? How
are your stores preparing?
Click here
to take a two-minute survey and share your thoughts!
Update: Palm Springs, FL: FENCING OPERATION: Man ran shoplifting, fencing
operation to ship items to Cuba
Aguiar-Santana, authorities allege, had mules shoplift goods that he either
fenced locally or shipped to his native Cuba. His arrest came, they said, after
they caught and "turned" one of his helpers. Aguiar-Santana, 46, charged with
dealing stolen property, was booked Thursday at the Palm Beach County Jail with
his bail set at $15,000. He remained jailed early Friday. According to a
Palm Springs police report, a search of Aguiar-Santana's home uncovered 10 large
garbage bags of razor cartridges, one bag of female hygiene products, two chest
freezers packed with meat, and numerous containers of laundry detergent. Lantana
police had caught a man shoplifting Sunday at the Costco near Interstate 95 and
also tied him to an April 28 theft there, the Palm Springs report said.
The man said he was a drug addict and homeless and had met a man named "Manny"
who worked at a suburban West Palm Beach barber shop in the strip center where
the man hung out. For four months, he said, Manny would drive him to big box
retailers - Publix, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe's and others - and wait in the
parking lot as he pilfered clothes, razors, meat and other items. The
coronavirus pandemic blocked Manny's shipments to Cuba and inventory piled up in
his home, the informant told investigators.
Lower Nazareth, PA: Police arrest theft suspect after alleged accomplices leave
him behind
The Colonial Regional Police Department reports that Savery K. Richardson, of
Brooklyn, and two other men pulled into the Sam's Club parking lot just before 6
p.m. Tuesday and began opening memberships with stolen personal information.
Police said the information came from seven victims across the country.
Authorities said the trio took turns over roughly the next hour going into Sam's
Club to purchase merchandise. Police said two of the men purchased a pair of
70-inch televisions each valued at $750, a security system and seven Roomba
vacuum cleaners, all totaling about $3,746. One of the men, who is not named in
court records, tried to purchase six more Roombas but left the merchandise
behind after an employee confronted him about his purchase.
Richardson also purchased a $750 70-inch TV and returned to the store about an
hour later. He was filling his cart with another television, a security system
and a Roomba, when a store employee approached him. He reportedly left the
merchandise behind and walked out of the store. His cohorts had already driven
away with the merchandise, stranding Richardson in the parking lot with 7 cell
phones each with an open Sam's club purchasing app.
Muncie, IN: Walgreens Pharmacy Tech bust stealing 4000 hydrocodone and oxycodone
Brenda Lynn Carson, 26, was arrested Monday by the Delaware County Narcotics
Unit and special agents with the DEA at the store. Carson is charged with two
felony counts of dealing in a Schedule II narcotic drugs and theft and six
misdemeanor charges of possession of prescription pain medication.. Walgreens
loss prevention personnel stopped Carson as she was leaving work and found 23
hydrocodone pills in her possession. Law enforcement was called to the store and
during an interview Carson reportedly admitted she had been stealing hydrocodone
and oxycodone tablets from the store.
Carson told investigators she was consuming six or seven pills daily to feed her
addiction. Carson told investigators she had given half of the stolen
medications to her mother. Carson's mother, who resides in Anderson, said she
was purchasing the pills from her daughter for $10 each. Walgreens management
told authorities the tablets cost about 98 cents each.
Elkhart, IN: Police need your help finding the people who stole
motorcycles from Elkhart store
Multiple people breaking into North End Cycle in Elkhart
and taking several motorcycles in a stolen U-Haul. This burglary
happened on April 28th, but detectives released the surveillance video
Thursday because they're hoping someone in the public will recognize
these people. The five people took six different motorcycles from the
well-known Elkhart shop. Neither police nor the store gave details about
the value of the stolen bikes.
wsbt.com |
Athens, GA: Woman used Play-Doh bar code in felony shoplifting scheme at Target
Police charged Regina Marie Williams, 28, of Hull, with shoplifting from the
Target at 3065 Atlanta Highway, according to a police incident report obtained
by AJC.com. She's accused of using a 55-cent Play-Doh bar code 32 times at a
self-checkout kiosk while taking more than $500 worth of items.
Taylorville, IL: 5 arrested in C-Store smash and grab burglary; liquor and
Jasper, IN: Kentucky Men Arrested for Stealing $1,500 From Indiana Walmart

Shootings & Deaths
Update: Flint, MI: Reward being offered in death of Family Dollar Security
Guard; Two men are still at large in the shooting death of Calvin Munerlyn
A reward of up to $5,000 is being offered by Michigan State Police and the U.S.
Marshals Detroit Fugitive Apprehension Team for information that leads to the
arrest of the two men accused of killing a security guard in Flint. 23-year-old
Ramonyea Bishop and his father, 44-year-old Larry Teague, face murder charges
for the shooting death of Calvin Munerlyn at a Family Dollar store. Police say
Munerlyn had confronted Teague's wife about their daughter not wearing a mask in
the store on Friday, and she called her husband after leaving the store. Teague
allegedly began arguing with Munerlyn before Bishop pulled a gun and shot the
guard in the head.
Austin, TX: Jewelry store employee shot, seriously injured in Central Austin
An employee of a Central Austin jewelry store was rushed to the hospital
Thursday evening after being shot during a robbery, police said. It happened at
around 5 p.m. at Korman Fine Jewelers. Austin-Travis County EMS said an adult
patient was transported to a local trauma center with potentially
life-threatening injuries. An Austin Police Department spokesperson said there
were multiple suspects and many shots were fired.
Robberies, Incidents & Thefts
Bossier City, LA : Attempted Armed Robbery Thursday at Walmart, Suspect dressed
as 'Security'
suspect dressed as 'Security' and apparently wearing a wig, attempted to rob the
Bossier City Walmart Thursday afternoon. On May 7 at approximately 3 p.m., a
Bossier City police officer was flagged down and responded to the incident at
Walmart on Airline Drive. Upon arrival information and surveillance footage was
obtained in reference to the suspect," detectives say. "Video surveillance
revealed the suspect was a white male dressed in all black clothing wearing a
security guard jacket and hat with 'SECURITY' displayed on the front. The
suspect was wearing a mask over his face. It appears that the suspect was
possibly wearing a gray colored wig."
BCPD says the suspect appears to be over the age of thirty-five, weighs
approximately 200 pounds and is approximately 5'8" tall. The white male suspect
pulled a black handgun out and demanded money from the cashier at the Money
Center. There was no money taken from the business during the incident. No
injuries were reported.
Pittsburgh, PA: Fugitive Wanted On 14-Year-Old Warrant Arrested For Threatening
Walgreens Employee Over Face Masks
say Adam Kruse has been on the run from North Huntingdon Police for some time.
Officers say he had a fleeing and eluding police charge from 2006. His alleged
run from police ended in Mercer County when police say the 59-year-old was
picked up. "They found an individual in a vehicle sleeping and found out he had
a warrant out there for 14 years out of our department," said Detective Thomas
Harris. Kruse's story would take yet another turn once he was in North
Huntingdon Police's custody. He was allegedly involved in an incident on Sunday
night at Walgreens.
"He wanted to buy one face mask and was told he had to buy the whole box. He
became irate," said Harris. "He said he'd come back, shoot the employee, anyone
in the store and any responding law enforcement officers." Investigators showed
Kruse a photo from store surveillance video. Initially, he denied it was him.
Eventually, he admitted to being in Walgreens, but police say he denied making
any comments about shooting people.
Bristol Borough, PA: Shoplifter Threatened Manager With Knife
Police in Bristol Borough Borough are seeking a man they say shoplifted from a
local store, then pulled a knife on its manager. The incident happened at about
8:30 a.m. on Monday, May 4. According to police, the man shoplifted six bottles
of body wash from the Selecto Market. When he was confronted by a store manager,
the man pulled a small pocket knife, police said. They say the man then ran away
and left the scene on a bicycle.
Jones County, MS: Suspect in multiple Laurel jewelry store burglaries arrested
UK: Trowbridge, England: Jail for Tesco thief who threatened Security Guard
Daily Totals:
• 12 robberies
• 7 burglaries
• 1 shooting
• 0 killed |
Weekly Totals:
• 48 robberies
• 41 burglaries
• 2 shootings
• 1 killed |

Click to enlarge map
None to report. |
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District Loss Prevention Manager
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The District Loss Prevention Manager ensures shrinkage control and
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District Loss Prevention Manager
Birmingham/Montgomery/Tuscaloosa, AL
The District Loss Prevention Manager ensures shrinkage control and
improves safety in the stores through proper investigation and training. This
position is responsible to provide feedback, guidance and protection for our
Team Leaders and Associates. This role has oversight and responsibility for
approximately 8 to 10 store locations...

District Loss Prevention Manager
Roanoke, VA
The District Loss Prevention Manager ensures shrinkage control and
improves safety in the stores through proper investigation and training. This
position is responsible to provide feedback, guidance and protection for our
Team Leaders and Associates. This role has oversight and responsibility for
approximately 8 to 10 store locations...

District Loss Prevention Manager
Knoxville, TN
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determine proper facts and execute proper disciplinary actions.
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● Create and recommend ideas for increased shortage control and fewer accidents...

Physical Security Leader
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Prevention Manager
Las Vegas, NV
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Interesting how the social dynamics of a small industry mirror, somewhat, the
same social dynamics of a family, with the holidays and conferences almost being
one in the same, where we're excited to visit with old friends and colleagues,
yet cautious about the battle lines business and careers at times necessitate or
cause. At the end of the day, it's all about doing what's right for the
industry, adding value, helping people and continuing to help evolve the
industry. And while each executive has their individual agendas, it's important
to remember that we are all part of one industry and we all share one goal - to
guide, nurture and evolve it.
Just a Thought, Gus

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