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Retailers Disappear & LP Exec's Move On In Their Careers
Follow along below as we take a stroll down memory lane!
Click pictures to enlarge Team Pictures Submitted August 2014Pic #1 (left): Wow, look at this great lookin' group of folks. I wonder if any of them appeared in the famous catalog...Pic #2 (right): There is absolutely nothing "blue" about this "special" loss prevention team. Team Pictures Submitted December 2015
Didn't know they were trained to cook on the real stuff. Pic #4 (right): Oh well, another one for the history books & they call that casual... The horses are gone too - because someone left the door open.
Here's some hints: Pic #6 (right): This team went thru new owners and were quite the authority in one retail sector. Only to reach the fate of losing the game like so many others.
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Here's some hints: November & December 2015
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