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Ben Perreau named Global R&D Director for Sekura Global
Global is pleased to announce that Ben Perreau is joining our team as Global
R&D Director. The hiring comes as part of the company's continued global growth
and his role will be focused on innovating and developing new Loss Prevention
solutions towards helping Retailers to lower shrink and increase sales.
Ben has an extensive global background in Retail Loss Prevention having worked
since 1990 in Product Management for EAS pioneer companies such as Knogo,
Sensormatic, Checkpoint and Alpha. Ben currently resides in Charlotte, NC with
his wife (and two Swiss mountain dogs) where they enjoy hiking, gardening, and
entertaining friends.
Read more here
See All the Executives 'Moving Up' Here |
Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position
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3 ways to maximize your LP budget
NRF Retail Converge: LP directors on making
the most of limited resources
What do you do when you're handling loss prevention - and there's plenty to be
done but no budget to speak of? As loss prevention teams have gotten smaller, LP
directors shared how to make the most out of your team and resources during
NRF Retail Converge.
tool to harness is technology - and making LP connect with departments
across your organization.
"Find ways to make your department needed and be sought out for help and
advice," said Chris Logel, loss prevention divisional
director with Shoe Carnival Inc.
Operations, accounting, merchandising and more have come to depend on reports
from his department, Logel said.
Gap Inc. - Athleta Asset Protection Director Fernando
Torres said LP efforts can get additional buy-in from a company by
showing how LP serves many purposes.
"Gone are the days where we look at single use," Torres said. "If you
have things that can tie into inventory management or omnichannel, that's where
you get momentum into your needs."
Another tool is one that people have become familiar with during the pandemic:
connecting online.
"We require our teams to travel, but one of the first things that gets cut is
travel," Hot Topic Inc. Loss Prevention Director Mike
Barton said. "Get your team ready to work in a virtual world to
maximize their time."
2021 The 'Upside-Down Year'
2021 Top 100 Retailers
NRF's annual look at top retailers based on
sales rankings
a year that included so much upheaval in retail, the National Retail
Top 100
Retailers list remained relatively stable. Walmart continues at the top,
where it has been comfortably ensconced. Amazon remains in second place.
The Top 100 roster is based on sales rankings for 2020. While pandemic-related
lockdowns negatively impacted some retailers, others were able to benefit:
Grocers like Publix, Aldi and H-E-B all moved up in the rankings, as did The
Home Depot and Target. Those taking a hit included retailers like TJX Companies
and Macy's.
"Companies that invested heavily in buy online, pick up in store in 2018 and
2019 were losing money on it then," says David Marcotte, senior vice
president for Kantar. "In 2020, it all paid off. If you didn't have that
capability, you had to scramble to build it."
Retail investments in ecommerce have slowed since, but Marcotte says that's
because some companies already had invested heavily and can now pull back a bit.
"Look at Walmart, which had growth of 40 percent online, and Best Buy - almost
50 percent of their sales last year were online. They never thought they'd say
The last year or so has brought plenty of incredulity - even among economists. "Our
economists refer to 2021 as the upside-down year," Marcotte says.
"Everything you thought you knew, you don't. It's not 2020, where everything was
confusing." nrf.com
the complete chart
Violence, Crime & Protests
New York Declares 'State of Emergency' Over
Violent Crime
Cuomo declares NY state of emergency to address surge in gun violence
surge in gun violence across cities in New York led Gov. Andrew Cuomo to
declare a state of emergency Tuesday.
The move, which Cuomo called a disaster emergency, means New York can
bolster its law enforcement presence in cities where the shootings are on the
rise and put additional state resources in crime-ridden areas, he said.
Additionally, he said the state will establish a new gun-violence prevention
office within the state Health Department, require police agencies to better
report where the shootings are happening and establish a new council on gun
violence reduction.
The Democratic governor said the state's future is predicated on its ability to
curb gun violence, noting it largely hits communities of color and calling it a
"statewide problem."
Cuomo's first of-its-kind announcement, which comes with $139 million in
state aid for the various initiatives, comes amid a surge nationwide in gun
violence. President Joe Biden
has called for a national crime prevention policy to cut down on
Republicans ripped Cuomo's order, claiming it is another overreach by his
administration and blaming Democrats for loosening crime laws as a reason for
the homicide spike.
"Andrew Cuomo and the Democrats in Albany have spent the past 4 years
dismantling our criminal justice system, undermining public safety, and even
threatening the well-being of alleged assailants," Dutchess County Executive
Marc Molinaro, who ran against Cuomo in 2018, said in a statement.
Today's Headlines: Violence in L.A. is on an alarming rise
A bloody Fourth of July weekend
that left a dozen people dead across Los Angeles accelerated an already
troubling uptick in homicides and shootings in 2021, with some of the city's
most impoverished communities bearing the heaviest toll. Police officials say
guns are fueling the rise.
Homicides are up 25% so far this year across Los Angeles, although the
brunt of the increase has been felt in South Los Angeles, where killings have
jumped 50% over the same time last year.
Shootings citywide, meanwhile, have spiked by half this year. Police and
community activists are bracing for tough months ahead as the summer
traditionally brings with it a rise in bloodshed.
As with the COVID-19 pandemic, the
rise in violence has not been spread evenly in Los Angeles. Watts,
Westmont, downtown Los Angeles, Westlake and other largely poor neighborhoods
have endured much of the upheaval. "Black and Latino communities are suffering,"
said Najee Ali, a community activist.
CA Homicides Up 31.1% - Handgun Sales Up 65.5%
California saw record surge in handgun sales during pandemic, AG says
Nearly 1.17 million new firearms were registered in 2020 in California, with
handgun sales up 65.5% from the year before. The number of long-gun
purchases jumped 45.9% from 2019.
With gun violence also surging, state Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta called on local law
enforcement to step up efforts to reduce shootings, including use of a state law
that allows judges to order temporary removal of firearms from people deemed a
public danger. Bonta said. "In California and across the country, gun
violence in particular continues to be a uniquely American health crisis."
Statewide, there were 2,202 homicides reported in 2020, an increase of 31.1%
over the year before, according to a separate report released Thursday by
the state Department of Justice. Bonta said the vast majority of those homicides
involved guns.
The surge in gun purchases has taken place nationwide. Bonta said the FBI's
national background check system processed a record 39.7 million checks last
LAPD recently reported that shootings were up nearly 67% during the
first four months of this year compared with the same period in 2020,
while homicides were up 26%.
Progressive DA's Office Blames Racism for
Crime Fears
San Francisco DA official says crime surge fears linked to racism
A senior official for the San Francisco district attorney's office compared
the fear of rising crime reports throughout the city to racism in a tweet on
Sunday, after which she locked the account amid backlash.
Francisco has undergone a surge in criminal activity, according to the San
Francisco Police Department, which cited reports of vehicle theft doubling from
923 incidents in May 2020 to 1,891 in the same month for 2021.
Kate Chatfield, a senior director in District Attorney Chesa Boudin's office,
downplayed safety concerns by one
user who claimed her "friends are scared for their children, and their
husbands are scared for their wives" amid rising crime reports in San Francisco.
After Twitter users criticized Chatfield for her statement that appeared to
dismiss safety concerns, she locked her account so only her followers can view
her tweets.
Looters ransacked a San Francisco
Neiman Marcus during the day, security footage revealed on Monday, amid
numerous other reports of theft on the rise. An Asian American
UPS delivery driver was attacked and robbed during the day while on his
shift on June 3. The San Francisco Police Department has not released crime
statistics for June.
Under Boudin's tenure, homicides and violent crime have remained at relatively
standard levels and decreased in some neighborhoods across the city.
Burglaries and car thefts increased under Boudin in 2020, a trend that
continued into 2021, according to
San Francisco Police Department data.
Boudin blamed the San Francisco Police Officers Association
in May for poor clearance rates of crimes reported to law enforcement,
saying San Francisco Police Department officers "are only making arrests in
about 10% of all reported crimes."
Cops Get Retail 'Customer Service' Training?
Charlotte police undergo "Customer Service" training
Last week, CMPD rolled out its new, $60,000 first-of-a-kind training program
called CommUNITY Collaboration. The department's 2,500 employees will be
taught new communication techniques to use with residents, or "customers,"
according to the DiJulius Group.
DiJulius Group has previously worked with Starbucks,
Chick-fil-A and Disney.
"You go into Chick-fil-A, the employees are always polite, friendly and the food
is consistent. Why can't we look at that and say we want to provide that
customer service to our citizens? When we leave, we give them a good feeling
about their interactions with the police as best as we possibly can."
Although optimistic, Jackson said "not everyone is going to walk away with
having that beautiful feeling of Chick-fil-A." But he said he gets where
Jennings is coming from, especially when it comes to minor traffic
"When you approach the car, you respect me, you have empathy for me and you want
to address me as a human," Jackson said.
Jackson said a difference between Chick-fil-A and the police is that the fast
food restaurant chain has a history of treating its customers well. Robert
Dawkins, activist and state organizer for SAFE Coalition NC, said CMPD did not
come to the community for input on this new program before its implementation.
"I'm not saying that it's bad, but I think unless you talk to the people that
you're going to call a customer, you're going to get the same result," he
Shopping Cart Protests Cost City $20,000+
Shopping cart protesters won't face fines or citations, mayor & police chief say
month, dozens of shopping carts filled with garbage and other items from
homeless encampments in nearby wooded areas lined busy roadways in Federal
Way on three separate occasions.
One of the involved individuals, who requested anonymity from the Mirror fearing
backlash from city officials, said these protests were a way to "spark a fire
behind getting it cleaned up," the Mirror previously reported.
As of June 16, city officials were aware of three separate cart protests that
cost taxpayers upwards of $20,000 to remove, according to the city. City
officials previously said responsible parties may face $5,000 fines for illegal
dumping, jail time, or trespassing charges. Now, the city of Federal Way and
Federal Way Police Department said they will not cite or fine any residents.
Yesterday's Mpls. Protestors Warned - 'Stage
Two' is Coming This Summer
Mpls. Cancels Aug. 7-8 57th Annual Uptown Art Fair Due to Unrest, Safety &
Violence Worries
Part of the reason the fair was canceled, Osiecki said, was that "things had
continued to escalate, with instigators blocking streets, setting dumpsters on
fire and drag racing."
Bringing in 300,000 people at this time is not something that we can feel
comfortable with, for safety reasons and for our artists," she said. The
Uptown Art Fair was canceled in 2020 because of COVID-19 restrictions. When
limits on gatherings were lifted this spring, organizers announced that the Art
Fair - one of the largest in the state - would take place.
Georgia native calls Atlanta crime surge a 'crisis of failed leadership'
New York City Sees 395 Percent Increase in Anti-Asian Hate Crimes This Year
Justice Department Opens Application Period for Program to Enhance Tribal Access
to National Crime Information Databases
COVID Update
331.2M Vaccinations Given
US: 34.6M Cases - 621.5K Dead - 29.1M Recovered
185.4M Cases - 4M Dead - 169.7M Recovered
Former Senior Loss Prevention Executive
Know of any fallen LP exec? Let's remember &
Private Industry Security Guard Deaths:
Enforcement Officer Deaths: 315
*Red indicates change in total deaths

The Vaccinated & The Unvaccinated or Urban &
On Covid, the U.S. looks increasingly like two different countries
The spread of the Delta variant in
relatively unvaccinated parts of the U.S. is getting worse.
Nationwide, the number of new Covid-19 cases is
holding steady. But that steadiness hides two dueling realities, in two
different Americas.
In many urban and suburban communities, Covid continues to plummet. The
rate of new daily cases has fallen below three per 100,000 residents in
large cities like Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Minneapolis, New
York, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Washington. As a point of comparison, the
national rate of new daily cases peaked last winter above 75 per 100,000 people.
But in less populated areas - which tend to be more politically
conservative and skeptical of vaccines -
the virus is now surging, largely from the contagious Delta variant. The
states with the worst outbreaks are Arkansas and Missouri (each with more than
16 new daily cases per 100,000 people) followed by Florida (10), Nevada (10),
Wyoming (nine) and Utah (eight).
If these outbreaks were concentrated among younger people, it would be less
worrisome, because Covid,
including the Delta variant, is overwhelmingly mild for children and young
adults. Yet even many middle-aged and older adults are not vaccinated in parts
of the U.S. They are catching the virus as a result, and some are dying.
There is a clear relationship between a state's Covid death rate over the
past week and its overall vaccination rate:
America's COVID Surge Team Takes on the Delta
US sends Covid-19 surge team to southwest Missouri after Delta variant fuels
rise in cases and hospitalizations
US government is deploying a Covid-19 surge team to provide public health
support in southwest Missouri, where the spread of the virus is filling up
hospital beds once again.
The surge of Covid-19 cases is so high in the city of Springfield, Missouri,
that the CoxHealth hospital system began transferring patients infected with the
virus to other facilities to provide better staffing. At Cox South, a
Springfield hospital, 12 Covid-19 patients were transferred to other facilities
in the region between Friday and Monday morning.
Over the past week, the Missouri Covid-19 caseload came in second highest in
the country, with 15.5 new cases per 100,000 people daily, or 108 cases per
100,000 people, according to Johns Hopkins University data published Sunday.
Arkansas claimed the highest rate at 15.7 new cases per 100,000 people each
day, the data shows.
"We've seen this in Arkansas, Missouri, Wyoming ... those are the places
where we're going to see more hospitalizations and deaths as well,
unfortunately. And any time you have large outbreaks, it does become a breeding
ground for potentially more variants," he told CNN on Monday.
A Return to COVID Restrictions & Masking?
Some in US pushing for more COVID restrictions, masking, as Delta variant
the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus spreads around the world and within the
United States, some in the U.S. are pushing to bring back health measures
from the peak of the pandemic, like mask-wearing, even for vaccinated people.
No jurisdiction has reinstituted a mask requirement or other similar mandate
yet, and officials in some states have said the evidence currently suggests
doing so is unnecessary. But other jurisdictions are raising the alarm that
the Delta variant, which was first discovered in India, could require a retreat
to pandemic health measures. And some individuals are explicitly calling for
mask mandates.
Barbara Ferrer, the county's director of public health, acknowledged that
vaccines are "very effective" in protecting against the Delta variant. But,
she added, "Mask wearing remains an effective tool for reducing transmission,
especially indoors where the virus may be easily spread through inhalation of
aerosols emitted by an infected person."
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government's chief epidemiologist, is also
encouraging vaccinated people to wear masks if they are somewhere with a low
vaccination rate.
Employee Incentives Key to Driving Up
Vaccination Rates?
Why businesses should offer incentives for employees to get vaccinated
While the future is undoubtedly brighter than it has been in recent memory,
there still is headway to be made in eradicating COVID-19 for good. With much of
our community still unvaccinated, many are still at risk of getting and
spreading the virus. This is a threat to not only the health of our
citizens, but the economic recovery of our businesses.
Regardless of industry, when a business experiences a COVID-19 case, it means
days off for staff members and potential temporary closures. With many
businesses already short-staffed, just one COVID-19 exposure, even now, can
be detrimental to a business's ability to stay afloat and make up for lost time
during the pandemic. More than that, community-wide vaccinations will bring
added peace of mind to workers on the frontlines who endured tremendous
hardships - like layoffs, furloughs, pay cuts and risking their own health and
safety - throughout the past 15 months.
Employers can help by providing additional incentives for employees to get
vaccinated. No incentive is too small, and a little goes a long way. Many
businesses are offering flexibility in schedules, extra paid time off, one-time
bonuses and gift cards, or time off to recover from symptoms should a person
experience them.
All Marylanders who died of covid in June were unvaccinated, data shows
Unvaccinated people made up all of Maryland's reported
coronavirus deaths last month, as well as the vast majority of new cases and
hospitalizations, the state reported Tuesday - data that public health officials
say demonstrates the effectiveness of vaccines.
The numbers come as experts try to persuade the vaccine-hesitant to get shots
and protect themselves against a virus that has killed more than
22,000 people in the region and
nearly 4 million worldwide.
Virginia reported a seven-day average of 180 new cases on Tuesday; the number
has been under 200 for about a month, since June 10. Maryland reported a
seven-day average of 66 new cases on Tuesday, down from 114 one month ago. D.C.
reported a seven-day average of 10 new cases, down from 24 a month ago.
Unvaccinated people entering 'death lottery,' West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice
Gov. Jim Justice, whose state offered multiple lottery incentives to people who
received a vaccine, said convincing younger people to get the shot continues to
be a challenge. While 77.2% of adults over 65 are vaccinated, the rate drops to
53.3% for those ages 12 and up. West Virginians choosing not to receive a
COVID-19 vaccine are entering a "death lottery," the state's governor said.
Delta variant makes up more than half of Covid cases in U.S., CDC says
Costco drops 9 a.m. shopping slot for seniors as it returns to pre-pandemic
Dollar General adds chief medical officer position
FR Not Banned - Retailers Only Need
"Conspicuous" Signage & No Re-Selling
What businesses should know about NYC's new facial-recognition law
A city law
restricting facial-recognition
technology and other
biometric data collection takes effect Friday-setting up potential legal
headaches if businesses don't act.
Retailers, restaurants and entertainment venues will be required starting
July 9 to post a clear notice if they are collecting any type of biometric
information including fingerprint scans and facial recognition. The law,
approved by the City Council in December, also bans the sale of biometric
information between businesses.
It is not exactly the
ban on facial recognition that some privacy advocates support. City
businesses that collect biometric information are in the clear, so long as
there is "conspicuous" signage detailing the activity and they don't turn
around and sell the data.
SDM's Annual Listing
Top Systems Integrators Report 2021: Hitting the Sweet Spot
integrators faced no shortage of curveballs in 2020, but many in the top 100
managed to stay ahead in the count and find success.
As one top systems integrator eloquently put it, 2020 was a "very unique year."
It was far from easy to thrive in business, but despite a dip in systems
integration revenue (down 12 percent collectively from the previous year), many
reported finishing the year at least even with, if not ahead of their 2019
numbers, particularly in the latter half of the year. A large part of the reason
for this success was the ability to shift from vertical markets that were
stagnant to others that ramped up during the pandemic.
2021 Top
Systems Integrators Report Rankings
'Robot in Training': Retail's Shift to
Automation Could be Permanent
Wave of Automation May Be Bad News for Workers
The need for social distancing led
restaurants and grocery stores to seek technological help. That may improve
productivity, but could also cost jobs.
increase in automation, especially in service industries, may prove to be an
economic legacy of the pandemic. Businesses from factories to fast-food
outlets to hotels turned to technology last year to keep operations running amid
social distancing requirements and contagion fears. Now the outbreak is
ebbing in the United States, but the difficulty in hiring workers - at least at
the wages that employers are used to paying - is providing new momentum for
Some economists say the latest wave of automation could eliminate jobs
and erode bargaining power, particularly for the lowest-paid workers, in a
lasting way.
The trend toward automation predates the pandemic, but it has accelerated at
what is proving to be a critical moment. The rapid reopening of the economy has
led to a surge in demand for waiters, hotel maids,
retail sales clerks and other workers in service industries that had
cut their staffs.
Stores Flooded With Shoppers as Hurricane Elsa
Last-minute shoppers crowd Tampa Bay stores ahead of storm
Taylor could only shrug at the price of plywood, as he loaded a couple of
sheets onto a cart. His focus was beating Elsa to the roof deck of the Tangra
Nightclub where he said a pricey television was in her path.
Several aisles away, new stock of generators arrived at the Tampa Home Depot
where Taylor was shopping, but the machines were not expected to last long.
Flashlights and batteries were also selling fast, along with pumps and of
course plywood.
Buying is only step one for Sebastian Leon, a sub-contractor assigned to
securing an open building before the storm hits. "I'm a little scared that
we won't be able to finish it on time because the weather's not helping us,"
Leon said. "It's stopped raining, then it starts raining every hour or so."
The Grace brothers hit a pair of hardware stores hoping to gather the goods
to protect their Tampa business.
"We've got cameras on the inside, so we'll be able to monitor where the
water's coming in," Adam Grace said. "And if it does, we'll come up here."
'State of Emergency' Issued in Florida & Georgia Over Hurricane Elsa
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has issued a state of emergency for nearly 100
counties in the state ahead of the impacts of Hurricane Elsa. Tuesday
evening, Elsa regained its strength as a hurricane as is
expected to make landfall in Florida Wednesday as a category 1
Kemp's order affects 92 counties in middle, south and southeast Georgia. The
state of emergency order is set to expire on Wednesday, July 14 at 11:59 p.m.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis expanded a state of emergency Monday to cover 26
counties. President Joe Biden approved an emergency declaration for the
state ahead of the storm.
SN's: Top 25 supermarket operators by sales
Dollar Tree and Family Dollar Hit with Privacy Suit Over Fingerprint Clock-Ins
in ILL.
Kohl's to Give Bonuses to Hourly Employees That Work Through the Holidays
Team esports concept from U.K. to open 500 locations in U.S. malls and centers
P.F. Chang's to open 50-plus take-out locations
USA Today Ranks Chick-fil-A America's Top - McD's Ranked Last

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The U.S. Has Had Enough! Biden Administration Delivers Ultimatum to Russia
No mention of consequences. Tough sanctions would be
logical next step - What about Hack-Back?
Ransomware: US warns Russia to take action after latest attacks
US warns Russia to take care of cybercrime
operating in its own backyard or the US will take care of
it themselves.
Following the latest series of ransomware attacks, the White House has said the
US will take action against the gangs involved, if the Russian government
The June ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline, which distributes much of the
fuel to the eastern seaboard of the US, was a
turning point in discussions about cybercrime between US president Joe Biden and
Russian president Vladimir Putin.
The question over ransomware came up again after last week's attack on US
tech firm Kaseya, whose
VSA remote management and monitoring software was compromised, leading
about 1,500 companies being affected. While few critical infrastructure
providers appear to have been hit, it has forced the closure of dozens of
Coop supermarket stores in Sweden since Sunday. Affected Coop stores
remained closed until Tuesday as it replaced cash registers.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday
offered an update to the US response to Russian-based cybercrime.
She said a high level of the US national security team has been in touch with a
high level of Russian officials to discuss the attacks. But she said that even
if the ransomware gangs were not operating with the permission of the Russian
government, stopping the attacks was still Russia's responsibility.
'Operation Lyrebird' Busts "Dr. Hex"
Interpol Arrests Infamous "Dr. Hex" in Morocco
RaaS Operator & Developer
Acting under the signature name of 'Dr Hex' since 2009, the suspect is
believed to have targeted thousands of unsuspecting victims over several
years through global phishing, fraud and carding activities involving credit
card fraud.
He is also accused of defacing numerous websites by modifying their appearance
and content, and targeting French-speaking communications companies, multiple
banks and multinational companies with malware campaigns.
The suspect is also alleged to have helped develop carding and phishing kits,
which were then sold to other individuals through online forums to allow
them to facilitate similar malicious campaigns against victims.
Under Operation Lyrebird, INTERPOL's Cybercrime Directorate worked closely
with Group-IB and with Moroccan Police via the INTERPOL National Central Bureau
in Rabat to eventually locate and apprehend the individual who remains under
INTERPOL Executive Director of Police Services Stephen Kavanagh said: "This is a
significant success against a suspect who is accused of targeting unsuspecting
individuals and companies across multiple regions for years, and the case
highlights the threat posed by cybercrime worldwide."
Kaseya Ransomware Attack: 'This Is a Dramatic Escalation'
Tom Kellermann of VMware Carbon Black on the
Timing, Impact of REvil Strike
Kaseya VSA ransomware attack was discussed exhaustively over the Fourth of
July holiday weekend. But there's one big question that hasn't been answered,
says Tom Kellermann, head of cybersecurity strategy at VMware Carbon Black:
"Who gave REvil the zero-day?"
this attack a dramatic escalation of supply chain assaults, Kellermann
suggests there may have been some behind-the-scenes collusion between
cybercriminals and nation-state threat actors.
"We can talk about the ransomware till we're blue in the face, but who gave
REvil the zero-day?" Kellermann asks. "They're not known for producing
zero-days. And the fact that they had the zero-day really shows a bit of
cooperation that's unprecedented - once again - between a nefarious rogue regime
and the cybercrime cartels."
In a video interview with Information Security Media Group, Kellermann
The timing and scale of the Kaseya attack;
Unanswered questions about how the zero-day exploit was shared the adversaries;
Why this incident calls for a cyber-proportionate response.
Making Your Legal Defense Easier After a Breach or Cyberattack
8 Ways to Preserve Legal Privilege After a Cybersecurity Incident
Knowing your legal distinctions can make
defense easier should you end up in court after a breach, attack, or data loss.
When an organization faces a cybersecurity incident, taking appropriate steps
to preserve the attorney-client privilege and work-product protection is
critical, particularly given that government investigations or litigation
can follow. Courts are applying the privilege more narrowly and may require a
company to disclose documents in litigation that the business believed were
confidential, including details on how a company was compromised and how many of
its clients were affected by the attack.
Generally, to protect communications and work product, organizations must
demonstrate that their purpose was for legal advice or made in anticipation of
litigation, not ordinary business reasons. Here are eight key actions
organizations should take to preserve privilege during a cybersecurity incident.
Involve Counsel at the Outset
Counsel should lead and supervise every aspect of a breach investigation. If a
cyber incident has occurred or is suspected, in-house counsel should be
promptly notified. But because they often provide business and legal advice,
it is prudent to retain outside counsel as well, since investigations in some
countries only apply the privilege with external counsel.
Counsel Should Retain Third Parties
Counsel should retain third parties, such as forensic teams, with a retainer
agreement stating the third party is being retained to assist counsel in
providing legal advice in anticipation of litigation. If a company retains them
directly, a court may be more likely to find it was prepared in the ordinary
course of business.
Have a Separate Vendor Agreement for Breach Response
Organizations retain vendors to perform a variety of routine work from
penetration testing to audits. If an organization retains the same vendor in
response to a cyber incident, breach counsel should retain them under a separate
agreement and clearly define the incident-specific scope of work as distinct
from the pre-existing business relationship. Communications and work product are
more likely to remain confidential if a distinct statement of work is used for
breach response rather than a master services agreement.
Treat Legal Fees as a Legal Expense - Separate Business
from Legal Communications - Consider Whether a Report Is Necessary - Limit
Distribution of Protected Information - Continue to Guard Against Risk of
Disclosure, Even if Information Is Protected darkreading.com
All Companies - Big & Small - Are at Risk
Navigating the complexity of ransomware negotiations
Most ransomware attacks are opportunistic, and at the end of the day,
cybercriminals do not discriminate. Nobody plans to fall victim, but the fact is
any company with an internet presence, regardless of size, is at risk.
These incidents cause significant disruptions to companies' ongoing operations,
which can be greatly detrimental, especially to those in manufacturing, energy,
and healthcare sectors. Left to the attacker's discretion, companies can feel
lost trying to piece together this high-stakes puzzle. When breached, companies
can (and should!) leverage the expertise of teams trained to guide you through
the situation.
The decision to pay out a ransomware gang is not quick and straight-forward,
but rather multi-layered, and dependent on how each attack's circumstances
meet essential criteria of this "engagement protocol checklist":
Ransom negotiation protocol checklist
First and foremost, before communications can begin, you need to determine if
legal engagement with the threat actor is possible. How? An
OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) check must be run to see whether any
data (i.e., IP addresses, language, system access, etc.) or metadata is
associated with an entity that has been put on the U.S. Sanctions list. If the
answer is yes, communication with and ransom payments to the attacker is
Once you've confirmed that legal engagement with the threat actor can proceed,
you must weigh your answers to the following questions:
Is my data backed up and accessible on the network?
If not, can I rebuild the data from scratch?
If the stolen data is shared publicly, how will this impact the company?
Will my business survive if I don't pay?
Chinas GDPR is coming:
Are you ready?
Exploring the upcoming China's draft Personal Information Protection Law: Topic
Eight - Appointing a DPO in China
Install immediately: Microsoft delivers emergency patch for PrintNightmare
security bug
Biden: US damage appears minimal in big ransomware attack
Top Retailers in Canada
Retail's Best Recognized: 2021 Excellence in Retailing Awards Finalists
Twenty-nine standout companies receive the
coveted designation as being amongst the most creative and innovative retailers
in Canada
- Retail Council of
Canada (RCC) announced today the
2021 Excellence
in Retailing (ERA) Awards finalists.
Excellence in Retailing Awards
identify and celebrate the best retail innovation in eCommerce Experience;
Environmental Leadership; Health, Safety & Wellness; In-Store Experience &
Design; Loss Prevention; Omni-Channel; Philanthropic Leadership; Pop-up
Experience and Design; Retail Marketing; and Talent Development.
2021 Excellence in Retailing Awards Finalists by Company
- Andrew Peller Limited
- Ardene
- Aritzia
- Best Buy Canada
- Canada Goose
- Canadian Tire Corporation
- Federated Co-operatives Limited
- Lee Valley Tools Ltd. |
- Lindt & Sprüngli
- London Drugs
- Longo's
- Lowe's Canada
- Mastermind Toys
- Michael Hill Jeweller
- Peavy Industries LP
- Purolator
- Rexall Pharmacy Group Ltd.
- Save-On-Foods |
- Sephora Canada
- Shikatani Lacroix Design
- Sobeys Inc.
- Spiritleaf
- Staples Canada
- TELUS Retail Limited
- The Home Depot Canada
- Walmart Canada
- Well.ca |
The 2021 winners will be announced at the Excellence in Retailing Awards Virtual
Gala on September 15, 2021. The Gala completes the third day of
STORE 2021,
Canada's biggest retail industry event of the year.
For more information on the Excellence in Retailing Awards or to purchase Gala
tickets, visit
Crime & Protests
Millions More in Police Funding
Vancouver police to spend more than $3 million this year managing protests
Police Chief Adam Palmer says most protests
tied to the environment
Vancouver Police Department predicts it will spend more than $3 million this
year on managing protests and demonstrations in the city, most of which
are tied to people concerned about the state of the environment.
Chief Adam Palmer told the Vancouver Police Board June 24 that police spent
"about $2.5 million" in 2020 on deploying officers to protests - a year he
described as dramatic in terms of the increase in costs associated to managing
what have been largely street-based gatherings.
"2021 is on path to be even more significant and our estimate is we will
spend well in excess of $3 million," Palmer said. "By far and large, the
greatest number of protests we're seeing are environmental - whether it's
logging, [protecting] old-growth forests, TMX pipeline - those sorts of protests
[are] way more than anything else."
Vancouver police budget statistics supplied to Glacier Media show a steady
increase in recent years on money spent to manage protests and demonstrations,
with $478,460 in 2018, $1,033,297 in 2019 and $2,835,584 last year.
The chief said protests related to COVID-19, including those led by
anti-maskers are also significant but he expected those to wane once the
pandemic subsides and provincial health orders are lifted.
Political demonstrations tied to national and international events also occurred
in Vancouver this year, he said, describing the city as "the epicentre" for
British Columbians to gather and protest.
COVID-19 has delayed criminal trials across
Is the justice system doing enough to address the problem?
RCMP in Sask. opposed rapid testing as
option to avoid 6-month trial delay
It was an emergency decision announced late on a Friday - three days before a
murder trial was set to begin. A judge postponed the trial of Greg Fertuck,
who is charged with first-degree murder over the alleged killing of his
estranged wife, Sheree Fertuck.
It was scheduled to begin in Saskatoon on March 29, 2021. Because of safety
concerns over an outbreak of COVID-19 in nearby Regina, the judge delayed
the court date by six months. It was a big blow to both families.
"It was like a big sinking feeling in my stomach, right, because it's ...
here we go again, it's another delay," said Teaka White, Sheree Fertuck's
Now, judges are being asked to consider the question of whether or not the
delays were entirely unavoidable, and if enough was done to reduce the impact to
the families of the victims and people accused of serious crimes, who are
innocent unless proven guilty.
COVID Update
Delta Variant in Canada
Canada says COVID-19 Delta variant could cause greater than expected surge
Canada projects COVID-19 infections will decline rapidly over the next two
months, but
the more contagious Delta variant risks causing a greater-than-expected
resurgence of cases later this year,
public health officials said on Friday.
provinces are opening up businesses again as vaccinations advance rapidly.
More than 76% of eligible Canadians have had at least a first dose, and more
than 26% have had a second, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Friday.
But Theresa Tam, the country's chief health officer, said
there needed to be a controlled and gradual reopening
because a resurgence is possible if reopening businesses increases contact rates
by 50% or more.
Light at the End of the Tunnel
B.C. lifts restrictions, including requiring masks indoors, as number of
COVID-19 cases drop
Step 3 will see a return to normal indoor and
outdoor personal gatherings, fairs and festivals can be held, casinos and
nightclubs can reopen and all indoor fitness classes will be allowed.
Columbians will be
free to gather, dine out, gamble, exercise, attend festivals and watch sporting
with the lifting of most of the province's COVID-19 restrictions,
effective July 1.
And, all of it can be done without wearing a mask.
Premier John Horgan called the announcement that
will end some old restrictions,
in favour new guidelines, "an exciting day."
"After the longest public health emergency in Canadian history,
I believe it's safe to take the next step forward.
We can cheer for our kids at the soccer game, in the arena, in the gymnasium. We
can go to a friend's place for dinner. We can plan that wedding. We can go to
the theatre. We can go to a concert. We can engage again in what makes life so
important," he said.
Instead of the mask order,
people are being urged to continue wearing masks until two weeks after they get
their second dose of a COVID vaccine.
The decision to go ahead with Step 3 was driven by the
continued fall in daily cases of COVID-19 from a peak of more than 1,000 a day
earlier this year. On
Tuesday, B.C. reported just 29 cases.
Canada Drops Quarantine Rules for Vaccinated
'It's very freeing': Quarantine rules ease for fully vaccinated Canadian
Fully vaccinated Canadians returning to the country from abroad expressed relief
Monday at
no longer having to quarantine for two weeks.
Effective this week,
citizens and permanent residents who've had a full course of a COVID-19 vaccine
approved for use in Canada can skip the 14-day quarantine.
Eligible air travellers also no longer have to spend their first three days in
the country at a government-approved hotel.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the easing of the rules mark a "big step,"
adding that
travel volumes are expected to increase with the change.
"We're going to ensure that our airports and our travel facilities are able to
handle the new surge with careful measures in place,"
he told reporters on Monday.
This interactive 'safer shopping' directory shows B.C. businesses that still
require masks
Retail sales in Canada plunge in Q2 amid third wave of COVID-19
Canada begins easing U.S. border pandemic restrictions
Canada's E-Commerce Explosion
Since 2019, ecommerce sales in Canada have nearly doubled their share of overall
retail sales
In 2020, Canada's retail ecommerce sales had
the second-highest growth globally behind Argentina
boosted Canada's ecommerce market robustly last year by 75.0%,
making it the second-fastest-growing ecommerce market worldwide behind
Argentina, at 100.6% growth.
"The shift to online
shopping was slower to develop in Canada than other countries, notably the US,
so there was plenty of room to grow," said eMarketer principal analyst at
Insider Intelligence Paul Briggs. "The pandemic forced retailers to sell more
online, and consumers lapped it up.
Retail ecommerce surged ahead last year and is now a primary growth driver of
retail in Canada in 2021."
Ecommerce's share of total retail
will expand to 13.4% this year
and reach 17.2% by the end of our forecast period in 2025.
Despite last year's decline,
overall retail sales in Canada will increase 6.4% year over year to $481.40
billion, surpassing
pre-pandemic levels. And it's on track to surpass $500 billion next year.
Nordstrom to open 21 Indochino custom apparel shops in stores

Calgary, AB: Man injured in shooting outside northeast Calgary Walmart
Calgary police say a man was injured in a shooting outside of Marlborough Mall
on Sunday. Investigators said
the victim was shot while in the Walmart parking lot at around 11 p.m., just as
the store closed to the public.
Police said the victim later arrived at a nearby hospital with gunshot wounds
and remains in hospital in stable condition. Investigators say the incident
doesn't pose any threat to public safety. Anyone who witnessed the shooting or
has information can call the Calgary Police Service non-emergency line at
403-266-1234 or contact Crime Stoppers anonymously.
Guelph, ON: Teen arrested for threatening owner who recognized him from previous
store theft
Guelph police have arrested a teenager they say threatened a business owner who
was refusing him entry because he recognized him as someone who
previously stole from the store.
The teen reportedly went to the Macdonell Street business last Friday around
11:40 a.m., but was
stopped at the door by the owner
because he had stolen $47 worth of items a couple weeks earlier.
Police say the teen became upset, threatened to assault the owner, and then fled
on foot. The teen was reportedly found downtown later that afternoon and was
arrested. Police say they
found suspected crystal meth on him too.
An 18-year-old Guelph man has been charged with
theft under $5,000, uttering threats, and possession of controlled substance.
Kingston police arrest 2 teens from Quebec for convenience store robbery
Yarmouth RCMP still searching for June 8 convenience store robbery suspect
Police investigating armed robbery at Kitchener convenience store |
View Canadian Connections Archives
&uuid=(email)) |
Times Are A-Changin' at Amazon as Bezos Exits
Amazon sets a new tone as Jeff Bezos era comes to an end
Amazon added two new entries to its set of
14 leadership principles, including "Strive to be Earth's Best Employer" and
"Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility."
on Thursday
added two new entries to its vaunted "leadership principles," a list of more
than a dozen business philosophies meant to guide employee decisions and goals.
Many of Amazon's leadership principles have existed since the company's earliest
days, such as "Customer Obsession" and "Invent and Simplify," and are the
foundation of its corporate culture. The newest additions possess a
distinctly different tone, adopting the theme of prominent criticisms that
have been levied against the company.
The first, "Strive to be Earth's Best Employer," calls on leaders to "work every
day to create a safer, more productive, higher performing, more diverse, and
more just work environment."
It's in line with what
CEO Jeff Bezos laid out in his final letter to shareholders earlier this
year, wherein he acknowledged Amazon needs to do a better job for employees.
Amazon has faced routine criticism from employees who say it has cultivated a
brutal workplace culture, with tensions rising to a head in April amid
a failed unionization vote at one of its Alabama warehouses.
Another addition, "Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility," highlights how
Amazon's status as the world's largest online retailer and cloud-computing
company brings with it new challenges.
"We started in a garage, but we're not there anymore," the new principle states.
"We are big, we impact the world, and we are far from perfect. We must be humble
and thoughtful about even the secondary effects of our actions."
Amazon faces mounting pressure from regulators and lawmakers around the world
over whether it's unfairly wielding its size and influence against competitors.
Fired by Bot at Amazon: 'It's You Against the Machine'
Contract drivers say algorithms terminate them
by email-even when they have done nothing wrong.
Amazon started its gig-style Flex delivery service in 2015, and the army of
contract drivers quickly became a critical part of the company's delivery
Typically, Flex drivers handle packages that haven't been loaded on an Amazon
van before the driver leaves. Rather than making the customer wait, Flex drivers
ensure the packages are delivered the same day. They also handle a large number
of same-day grocery deliveries from Amazon's Whole Foods Market chain. Flex
drivers helped keep Amazon humming during the pandemic and were only too happy
to earn about $25 an hour shuttling packages after their Uber and Lyft gigs
dried up.
But the moment they sign on,
Flex drivers discover algorithms are monitoring their every move.
Did they get to the delivery station when they said they would? Did they
complete their route in the prescribed window? Did they leave a package in full
view of porch pirates instead of hidden behind a planter as requested? Amazon
algorithms scan the gusher of incoming data for performance patterns and decide
which drivers get more routes and which are deactivated. Human feedback is rare.
Drivers occasionally receive automated emails, but mostly they're left to obsess
about their ratings, which include four categories: Fantastic, Great, Fair or At
Bloomberg interviewed 15 Flex drivers, including four who say
they were wrongly terminated,
as well as former Amazon managers who say the largely automated system is
insufficiently attuned to the real-world challenges drivers face every day.
Amazon knew delegating work to machines would lead to mistakes and damaging
headlines, these former managers said, but decided
it was cheaper to trust the algorithms than pay people to investigate mistaken
so long as the drivers could be replaced easily.
Lawmakers Urge FTC to Continue Facebook Antitrust Fight
Amazon reportedly discussed forming 'Rebel Alliance' to take on Microsoft |
Sacramento ranks as the 10th worst city in the US for retail theft
of the top 10 worst cities in the country for retail crime, three of them are
right in California, according to the last survey done by the National Retail
Federation. Sacramento is number 10, and San Francisco is ranked 5th worst.
Things have gotten so bad in San Francisco that Target has temporarily reduced
its operating hours in five store locations, according to ABC7. Rachel Michelin,
President and CEO of the California Retailers Association, explained why
Sacramento made the list.
"I think there are a lot of reasons. One is there's a lot of proximity to
different freeways, so it's easy to go in and steal items and then take it out
on the open road, take it to a different county, different city where they'll
sell it at a flea market or swap meet," Michelin said. She said the real
problem is Organized Retail Crime (ORC), where organized theft rings will
use youth or the homeless to steal items and use that money to fund other
activities like drugs or sex trafficking. "The organized piece of this is really
bad, and we really need to have our policymakers pay attention to that,"
Michelin said. Michelin said, fortunately, Governor Gavin Newsom allocated
$5.7 million in his budget for the organized retail crime task force. But she
says local policymakers also need to act.
Fife, WA: Video shows burglar who cut hole through wall of Metro PCS, $50,000 in
cash and merchandise
Police are asking for the public's help to identify a burglary suspect who
wiggled his way through a hole he cut in the sheetrock of a Metro PCS store.
Around 4 a.m. on July 2, the suspect pried open the window to a vacant business
in the 400 block of Pacific Hwy E in Fife. The suspect then sawed a hole in the
wall of the next-door business back office and crawled through the sheetrock
into the cell phone store. "We do get a pretty good video of the suspect as he
cut a hole in the wall and he entered the business, looked right up at the video
camera. Eventually, he covered the camera so he couldn't be seen but him
initially entering and looking up at the camera gave us a pretty good view of
the suspect so we're hoping your viewers can help us identify the suspect," said
Fife PD Chief Pete Fisher.
Florida Trooper Traffic Stop Turns Up
Manufacturing Equip & Cards
Counterfeit Credit Card Manufacturer Pleads Guilty in Tampa
Jacksonville, Florida - Eugene Stephan Cole (31, Tampa) has pleaded guilty to
possession of credit card manufacturing equipment. He faces a maximum penalty of
15 years in federal prison and payment of restitution to victims that he
defrauded. Cole also agreed to forfeit to the United States various equipment
and computer media he had used to produce counterfeit debit and credit cards.
During a subsequent probable cause search of the BMW, the trooper located
marijuana, a counterfeit North Carolina driver license, a magnetic card
encoder/re-encoder, a card embosser, various computer media, and 18 blank
plastic cards-all of which had a magnetic stripe capable of being encoded with
credit or debit card account information, and several credit and debit cards.
Three of the cards were in Cole's name, while the other cards bore the names of
various other individuals. .
Further investigation by the United States Secret Service and the FHP determined
that all of the cards bearing Cole's name and the TD Bank Visa debit card,
embossed with the name "Austin Hudson," were counterfeit. The other cards were
determined to be genuine, with fraudulent purchases made in Tennessee.
Mount Pleasant, WI: Man allegedly stole three computers from Best Buy
An Illinois man allegedly stole three computers worth a combined $1,859.97
from Best Buy at 2710 S. Green Bay Road. Nicholas B. Waters, 27, of North
Chicago, was charged with a felony count of retail theft intentionally taking
between $500-$5,000. According to a criminal complaint: On July 9, 2020, an
officer was sent to Best Buy at 2710 S. Green Bay Road for a retail theft. Loss
prevention stated that two men entered the store and left with three laptop
computers valued at $1,859.97. One of the suspects, later identified as Waters,
was seen pushing the computers out of the store in a shopping cart.
An investigator was able to determine whose car was seen at the crime scene. He
went to speak to the owner who said that she loaned the car to Waters. The
investigator then tried to speak to Waters but wasn't able to. He learned
that Waters was also a suspect in a theft of Dyson vacuums from a Target in
Vernon Hills. Waters has also been arrested in the past for thefts at Targets in
Illinois and West Allis. Waters was given a $2,500 cash bond in Racine
County Circuit Court on Thursday. A preliminary hearing is set for July 8 at the
Racine County Law Enforcement Center.
Update: London, England: Man charged following Tom Davies store break-in
Hundreds of frames were stolen from the eyewear designer's Sloane Square
location, including six frames designed for Disney's Cruella film. A man has
been charged with burglary following a break-in at eyewear designer Tom Davies'
Sloane Square site on 9 June. CCTV showed two masked men break into the store at
2am on 9 June and take hundreds of pairs of Tom Davies glasses, valued at around
£500,000, including six frames designed for Disney's Cruella film which were due
to be auctioned for charity. Davies released the CCTV footage of the incident
and put posters up around London appealing for the return of the glasses.
Hundreds of pairs of glasses are still missing, however, with Davies adding:
"Hopefully the sequel to this story will be a happy one."
Rhinelander, WI: Police looking for Menards power tool theft suspect
Shootings & Deaths
Wilmington, DE: Suspect in killing of Dunkin' manager in Philadelphia indicted
for 2 murders in Delaware
The man accused of killing a Philadelphia Dunkin' store manager was indicted for
two murders in Delaware on Tuesday. Keith Gibson, 39, went on a brutal crime
spree in Delaware, killing two victims and hurting four others over a three-week
period, officials said. Gibson is also a suspect in multiple murders committed
in Philadelphia earlier this year. "This indictment lays out one of the most
vicious, staggering crime sprees I've seen in my career," said Attorney General
Kathy Jennings. "It is even more disturbing to think, based on what
investigators have revealed in Pennsylvania, that this may just be the tip of
the iceberg."
Pomona, CA: Man who shot ex-Target co-workers in 1993 sentenced to life
A Southern California man who shot and killed two former Target co-workers,
including one who received the promotion he wanted, was sentenced Tuesday to
life in prison without possibility of parole. Sergio Dujuan Nelson, 46, also
received a consecutive sentence of 35 years to life for the 1993 attack on the
employees as they sat in a car in the parking lot of a Target store in the Los
Angeles suburb of La Verne, the San Bernardino Sun reported. Nelson killed Robin
Shirley, who got the promotion, and Lee Thompson, who had defended Shirley when
Nelson harassed her over it, according to court documents cited by the paper.
San Diego, CA: Man pleads guilty in 2018 Adult Book Store murder
Robberies, Incidents & Thefts
Burnie, MD: Man Steals Van With 5 Children Inside From Giant grocery store
parking lot
Anne Arundel County police are investigating after a man stole a van with five
children inside in Glen Burnie Monday night. According to police, officers
responded to a Giant Food parking lot just before 11 p.m. after the caller said
a man stole the van with their five children inside. Police said investigators
searched the area for the suspect and van, but a man called in and said he found
the unattended children in the area of Ordnance Road. The children were
recovered safely, police said. Police did not release the ages of the kids.
Police were not able to find the stolen van.
Benton Harbor, MI: How a new police program led to 6 suspect arrests
In hopes of quelling the city's substantial crime rates, the Fifth District
Crime Prevention Squad (DCPS), a unit of the MSP, was placed in Benton Harbor in
April. Over the course of a few months, the unit has worked to reduce crime and
build positive relationships between the Benton Harbor community and police,
they report. The group confiscated nine firearms and arrested six suspects in a
two-week span. Three of the confiscations were in a single traffic stop on June
26, where one suspect was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon and two
occupants fled on foot. On June 17, the DCPS also worked in collaboration
with the Benton Township Police on an armed robbery investigation at the AT&T
and T-Mobile stores.
Houston, TX: Suspects pull gun on McDonald's manager during argument over salt
on their fries
A couple of suspects were arrested after they allegedly pulled a gun on a
McDonald's manager during an argument over salt on their fries, the Harris
County Precinct 4 Constable's Office says. Davion Guillory and Treykia Cohen are
charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Constable Mark Herman says
surveillance video shows the suspects displaying the gun while arguing with the
manager at the drive-thru window.
Stealing Packages off Doors Now a Felony in Arkansas
Stealing packages off doors in Arkansas could now land a person in jail for up
to 6 years in prison with a new law that just passed. According to a report from
THV11, the Arkansas Legislature has stepped up to the plate when it comes to
deterring thieves from stealing packages from residential doorsteps. Porch
pirating has gone on far too long and it's about time that this criminal
activity has been taken seriously. The new law states that any individual that
is caught stealing packages is now subject to a Class D felony and could lead up
to 6 years behind bars. Until now stealing packages used to be a misdemeanor
Australia: Elderly golf club bandit mails full amount, IOU letter to Gold Coast
handwritten IOU note and $650 cash has been mailed to a golf course after a man
left with an expensive club. The Helensvale Golf Course appealed for information
and offered a $500 reward after a man walked out of its store with a $650 club
earlier this week. Today, staff received a letter containing a wad of cash and a
note. CCTV footage caught the moments leading up to the alleged robbery, with
the elderly man already holding a golf club. "So he's made his way down looking
at all the different clubs we have until he's seen the most expensive we have,"
club owner Chris Lawton told 9News. "And he's come back the second time to take
it within 10 minutes." The man waited for store staff to be distracted before
casually walking out with the club. The letter didn't give staff the name of the
man involved.
Detroit, MI: Grosse Pointe Man Charged In Dollar Store Robbery, Sexual Assault
in November of 2020
Tulsa, OK: Garden Center Targeted Multiple Times By Thieves despite having
locked gates, a security system and cameras inside and out
Chicago, IL: Man gets 6 years in prison for burglarizing Roselle Verizon store |
C-Store - Cole County,
TN - Burglary
Cleaner - Rochester,
MN - Burglary
Dollar General -
Pineville, LA - Armed Robbery
Gas Station - Sioux
City, IA - Robbery
Gas Station -
Evansville, IN - Robbery
Hardware - Tulsa, OK -
Jewelry - Auburn, MA - Robbery
Jewelry - Houston, TX - Robbery
Jewelry - Burnsville, MN - Robbery
Jewelry - Tucson, AZ - Robbery
Jewelry - Miami, FL - Robbery
Jewelry - Albuquerque, NM - Robbery
Jewelry - Columbus, OH - Robbery
Jewelry - Cheyenne, WY - Robbery
Jewelry - Sommerville, MA - Robbery
Jewelry - San Antonio, TX - Robbery
Jewelry - Los Angeles, CA - Robbery
Metro PCS - Fife, WA -
Pharmacy -
Bakersfield, CA - Burglary
Restaurant -
Calverton, NY - Burglary
Restaurant - Joplin,
Mo - Burglary |
Daily Totals:
• 14 robberies
• 7 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed |

Click to enlarge map
Moises Rosario, MA promoted to Region Asset Protection Manager
for CVS Health |
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Featured Job Spotlights
Asset Protection Coordinator
Rochester, NH
- posted June 17
Preventing and deterring theft and limiting the loss of company assets in the
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responsibilities including but not limited to internal theft investigations,
external theft investigations, and physical security...
Asset Protection Coordinator
York, ME
- posted June 17
Preventing and deterring theft and limiting the loss of company assets in the
stores through best-in-class service, healthy business partnerships, profit
analysis, and investigations. Oversee and complete Asset Protection Department
responsibilities including but not limited to internal theft investigations,
external theft investigations, and physical security...
Asset Protection Coordinator
Dover, NH
- posted June 17
Preventing and deterring theft and limiting the loss of company assets in the
stores through best-in-class service, healthy business partnerships, profit
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responsibilities including but not limited to internal theft investigations,
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Sr. Lead, Organized Retail Crime
Baltimore, MD
- posted May 25
The Sr Lead, Organized Retail Crime (ORC) is responsible for the direction and
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Area Loss Prevention Manager
Pittsburgh, PA
- posted May 11
Our Area Loss Prevention Managers ensure safe and secure stores through
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Area Loss Prevention Manager
Sacramento, CA
- posted April 20
Our Area Loss Prevention Managers ensure safe and secure stores through
the objective identification of loss and risk opportunities. Our Area Loss
Prevention Managers plan and prioritize to provide an optimal customer
experience to their portfolio of stores. They thrive on supporting and building
high performance teams that execute with excellence...

Corporate Security Manager
Calabasas, CA
- posted April 6
The Corporate Security Manager will, among other things, (a) be
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Providing a reference on an executive is a serious commitment and should never
be taken or given lightly as references play a critical role in the decision
process regarding major investments companies make when they hire a new
executive. For example, when a company hires a $100,000 a year executive,
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it could lead to problems not only for the company referencing the executive,
but also for the executive themselves and that's the real concern. So when
you're asked to give a reference, make sure you understand the position they're
looking to fill and give an accurate assessment based on your experience and
knowledge of that person and of the needs of that position. Because the last
thing anyone wants is to have an executive fail in their new position if it
could have been avoided.
Just a Thought, Gus

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