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Violence & Protests
Mass Shootings Back in the News
WSJ Article Worthy of C-Level Distribution
Recent Spate of Mass Shootings Is Among Worst in U.S. History
Five attacks, in which 39 were killed as U.S. re-opened from the pandemic,
followed year that saw no such events
A string of mass shootings over the past three months as the U.S. re-opened from
the pandemic was one of the worst on record, and law-enforcement officials are
fearful of more to come.
There were five attacks in which four or more people were killed in public
places from March through May, matching the highest three-month total going back
to 1966, according to the Violence Project, a mass-shooting database run by two
criminology professors.
For almost exactly a year, as Covid gripped the country, there were no shootings
that killed four or more people in public places, according to the project. Then
on March 16, a 21-year-old fatally shot
eight people at spas in the Atlanta area. That attack was followed by mass
shootings at a
Colorado supermarket, a
Southern California office building, an
Indianapolis FedEx facility, and a
San Jose, Calif., railyard. A total of 39 people were killed.
With five in the U.S. since January, 2021 has had more mass shootings through
the first half of the year than each year since 2010, except for 2018.

Law-enforcement officials and threat-assessment professionals say possible
factors behind the recent spate of mass shootings include the growth in
public gatherings as the Covid-19 threat has eased, the stress of the
pandemic on Americans' mental health and record sales of guns last year.
"We've got people that have been sitting around for over a year with nothing but
time to plan; all they need is that point that pushes them over toward
violence," said Mike Sena, director of the Northern California Regional
Intelligence Center, a federal law-enforcement hub that identifies threats in
the region and shares information with local law enforcement. "There's been
people that have had a lot of angst, there's a lot of people who've been
acquiring a lot of weapons."
Researchers theorize that some attackers are inspired by others, which could
help explain clusters like the ones seen in recent months.
Authorities were able to stop one would-be mass shooter, arresting 28-year-old
Coleman Thomas Blevins of Kerrville, Texas on May 28 after they intercepted a
message that he was allegedly planning a mass shooting at a Wal-Mart. The
Kerr County Sheriff described Mr. Blevins as having extremist ideologies, and
posted a photo of items seized from his home that included a copy of the Turner
Diaries, an influential novel for white nationalists. White nationalists have
committed mass shootings in the past, including one at an El Paso Walmart in
2019 where 22 people died. A public defender representing Mr. Blevins
declined to comment.
FBI releases report looking at 20 years of active shooter incidents
a study looking at 20 years of active shooter incidents in this country, the FBI
found California had more incidents than any other state. The report
comes out just a few days after a man opened fire at a Northern California rail
yard, killing nine coworkers and then himself.
The agency
looked at data from 333 incidents between 2000 and 2019. In those
incidents, a total of 2,851 people died or were wounded, excluding the
Of the 345 shooters involved in the incidents, the FBI says 119 took their
own life and 150 were arrested by police; other outcomes include the
shooter(s) being killed by police, killed by a citizen or not arrested at this
About 29% of the incidents happened at businesses that are open to
pedestrian traffic; this includes places like retail stores or strip malls,
office buildings, restaurants, etc. About 15% of the incidents happened in open
spaces and 13% happened at a K-12 school.
report doesn't look into the motives or reasons for the shootings, rather,
it charts where these incidents happened and how they ended.
FBI - Active Shooter Incidents 20-Year Review, 2000-2019
DOJ Press release on 'Operation Trojan
A 5-Year Globally Coordinated Effort. The Biggest Global Effort Ever!
Global Organized Crime Crackdown - Probably
the biggest takedown in history.
FBI's Encrypted Phone Platform Infiltrated Hundreds of Criminal Syndicates;
Result is Massive Worldwide Takedown
SAN DIEGO - A wave of hundreds of arrests that began in Australia and
stretched across Europe culminated today with the unsealing of a federal
grand jury indictment in San Diego charging 17 foreign nationals with
distributing thousands of encrypted communication devices to criminal
The 500-plus arrests that took place during a worldwide two-day takedown were
possible because of a San Diego-based investigation like no other. For the first
time, the FBI operated its own encrypted device company, called "ANOM," which
was promoted by criminal groups worldwide. These criminals sold more than 12,000 ANOM encrypted devices and services to more than 300 criminal syndicates
operating in more than 100 countries, including Italian organized crime, Outlaw
Motorcycle Gangs, and various international drug trafficking organizations,
according to court records.

During the course of the investigation, while ANOM's criminal users unknowingly
promoted and communicated on a system operated lawfully by the FBI, agents
catalogued more than 27 million messages between users around the world who had
their criminal discussions reviewed, recorded, and translated by the FBI, until
the platform was taken down yesterday.
During the last 24 to 48 hours, in addition to the more than 500 arrests
around the world, authorities searched more than 700 locations deploying more
than 9,000 law enforcement officers worldwide and seized multi-ton quantities of
illicit drugs.
CLICK HERE - Video Messages from International Partners
Grand totals for the entire investigation include 800 arrests; and
seizures of more than 8 tons of cocaine; 22 tons of marijuana; 2 tons of
methamphetamine/amphetamine; six tons of precursor chemicals; 250 firearms; and
more than $48 million in various worldwide currencies. Dozens of public
corruption cases have been initiated over the course of the investigation. And,
during the course of the investigation, more than 50 clandestine drug labs
have been dismantled. One of the labs hit yesterday was one of the
largest clandestine labs in German history.
"This was an unprecedented operation in terms of its massive scale,
innovative strategy and technological and investigative achievement," said
Acting U.S. Attorney Randy Grossman. "Hardened encrypted devices usually provide
an impenetrable shield against law enforcement surveillance and detection.
The supreme irony here is that the very
devices that these criminals were using to hide from law enforcement were
actually beacons for law enforcement. We aim to shatter any confidence in the
hardened encrypted device industry with our indictment and announcement that
this platform was run by the FBI."
"Today marks the culmination of more than five years of innovative and
complex investigative work strategically aimed to disrupt the encrypted
communications space that caters to the criminal element,"
"Operation Trojan Shield is a perfect example of an OCDETF case - an
investigation driven by intelligence and maximizing the strengths of partner law
enforcement agencies in coordinated efforts to dismantle command and control
elements of criminal networks."
Editor's Note: In reading the various articles, press releases and
videos, it became apparent that this case was driven by and led by the FBI,
which was recognized by every agency and country involved globally. It was great
to see our country's top law enforcement group being recognized and counted on
for delivering the results on such a massive scale. It certainly speaks volumes
about the professionalism, the abilities, and the agents of the FBI and makes
you proud to be an American.
Want to learn more and see the various country leaders video's. Click
Op Ed: Will Operation Trojan Shield Impact
The Global Ripple Effect of
Taking Down the Top Tier Organized Criminals Worldwide
Creating a Power Vacuum - Supply Chain
Disruption - Prices Skyrocket - ORC Spikes - Increased Aggressiveness

By Gus Downing, Publisher
& Editor, The D&D Daily
It won't to the point of being able to point to it and directly connect it. But
it will have an impact.
With the vast majority of the leaders either locked up, waiting to be locked up,
or hiding and wondering if they're next, the first impact will be product
flow - the supply chain disruption. Because it could come to a screeching
halt, or at least slow down significantly. After all - all eyes worldwide
are on what the leaders are going to do next. And every agent on the planet
will be looking to see what kind of impact this historical bust is going to
With the amount of money involved and demand probably going to skyrocket
- there will be new leaders to take their place rather quickly. And therein lies
the second impact.
With the supply chain disrupted and slow and demand high - prices will
skyrocket and demand will follow the same path. Meaning, the street level
dealer and user will need more money for smaller quantities. Stressing the
entire process and pushing them to do more for less. And consequently driving
ORC incidents up across North America and possibly worldwide.
With law enforcement officers nationwide quoting that 70% of addicts fund
their habits through ORC, the increase could be significant. Our guess would be
a 20% to 30% increase in ORC.
And with the #1 location for drug deals being retail parking lots, as
documented by the DEA - who quoted over 40% of their surveillance activities
occur in retail parking lots, this brings these high stressed transactions
right into retail's front yard. With the increased stress and anxiety right now,
given the heated climate and risk, the increased risk of violence is
If anything, this fantastic effort, in this writer's opinion, will cause a
very short and temporary slowdown in ORC and then it will spike as the
higher prices take effect and as the new leaders fight among themselves to
determine who the new leaders will end up being. Power struggles happening
worldwide. As there will be blood as a result of this case.
Dozens will die if not a few hundred. Whether it be from murdering snitches
trying to get the best deal they can. To rival competitors fighting for control
and market share. And no one will be reporting on this. As it just goes along
with the process.
The bottom line though is that retailers may not see it, but they certainly will
feel it - with a spike in ORC, an increase in aggressive behavior in the
stores, and possibly some shootouts in the parking lots. With the increased
violence we're all seeing across the country, I wouldn't be surprised to see a
number of shootouts in the parking lots over drug deals and maybe drug busts.
Hope I'm wrong. But it does fit. Just my thoughts. -Gus
As NYC Opens - So Does Grand Larceny
Grand larcenies on the rebound 37% as NYC opens back up
Grand larcenies have surged across the city over the past four weeks,
with potential victims once again packing restaurants, bars, stores and public
transit, according to NYPD statistics and police sources.
Cops citywide fielded 2,683 complaints for grand larceny - thefts in
which the proceeds exceed $1,000 - during the 28-day period ending
Sunday, department figures show.
That marks a 36.9 percent spike from the 1,960 such calls taken during
the same stretch in 2020, when much of New York was locked down amid the
public-health crisis - driving the city's grand larceny numbers to a low not
seen in decades.
The department tallied 35,505 grand larcenies in all of 2020, the lowest yearly
total of the 21st century by a margin of more than 2,300,
department stats show.
Burglaries also soared during the lockdown - with 15,478 reported in 2020,
the most for a single year since 2014.
Both sources (two NYC cops) also said that many alleged thieves are repeat
offenders cut loose to steal again
thanks to bail-reform laws, which only allow for bail in first-degree
grand larceny cases with proceeds exceeding $1 million.
Here's a New Twist - Clean Up the Streets or We Won't Pay Our City Taxes
Progressive - Baltimore State's Attorney Publicly Stated She Won't Prosecute a Host of Crimes Earlier
This Year
MD., Fells Point, Baltimore City businesses threaten to withhold taxes if
Baltimore does not address crime, drug dealing and other issues
More than 30 business and restaurant owners in Fells Point are threatening to
withhold taxes if city leaders do not address crime, trash and other issues they
say are plaguing the waterfront neighborhood.
The group sent a letter to Baltimore officials Tuesday - two days after
three people were shot in the neighborhood early Sunday morning -
complaining about blatant drug sales, public drinking and other problems they
say are happening in plain sight while police are handcuffed from enforcing the
The letter bemoans a "culture of lawlessness" that allows the " the kinds of
violence and tragedy we witnessed late (over the weekend)."
The letter is a sharp response not only to the violence of the weekend, but
also to the policies of State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who earlier this year
announced that she will no longer prosecute a host of crimes, including drug
possession, public drinking and urination and trespassing, among others. It was
addressed to Mayor Brandon Scott, Council President Nick Mosby, Councilman Zeke
Cohen, Marilyn Mosby and Police Commissioner Michael Harrison.
"These are not concealed, clandestine operations by sophisticated gangs with
suppliers and lookouts. These are brazen individuals who conduct their business
in plain sight because they know Baltimore City will do nothing to prevent or
punish them", the letter read. "This hurts the family fabric and tourist
value of the community."
The business owners say they intend to withhold taxes, minor privilege and
permit fees, and place those funds into an escrow account, which will not be
released "until and unless basic and essential municipal services are restored."
"We have struggled through a global pandemic, enduring restaurant shutdowns and
mask mandates. For months, we have been holding on by a thread, waiting for
daybreak, worrying whether we will make it or if we will be the next business to
shutter our doors for good," the letter stated.
Minneapolis Protests Just Keep Happening
Protest leaders say it's important for Uptown to understand that police
accountability is their problem
Scrutiny over Winston Smith's killing comes as Uptown reels from a rash of
business closures, lootings and crime - and the scars of a mass shooting last
summer that killed one and injured 11.
It's happening too much," Derrick, a 30-year-old medical writer, said of police
killings. "We're becoming desensitized."
He believed that the group on W. Lake Street had every right to be there. But he
noted that some residents at the Walkway Apartments, which advertises "posh
Uptown living," "are scared. Some people are just plain sick of it, to have that
noise [outside] their window."
Baltimore officials pass budget with $555 million in police spending without
amendments & intact - with no opposition

Retail Abuse & Violence in the UK
Store Abuse & Violence Toward Store Associates Skyrockets During COVID-19
Tesco CEO: Current Store Abuse & Violence Toward Associates is
Unacceptable - Up 43% Since '19
Employees Deserve & Need Protection - Pass the
New Amendment For More Protections
UK Retailer: Tesco calls for legislation to protect staff from "abuse, threats &
Almost 7,000 incidents of abuse towards Tesco
staff was reported in past 3 months
has joined the call for legislation to protect shop workers against increased
incidents of "abuse, threats and violence".
On Monday, parliament talked through the issue after a petition submitted by
Usdaw (retail union) received more than 100,000 signatories.
Tesco UK chief executive Jason Tarry said it was important that ministers
followed Scotland in passing new laws.
"Every day our colleagues, along with hundreds of other retail workers, face
abuse, threats of violence and are even assaulted, simply for doing their jobs,"
he said.
"This is not acceptable. Our stores should be safe places to work and shop."
In the past three months, almost 7000 incidents of abuse towards Tesco
colleagues had been reported, marking a rise of 27 per cent from the same period
in 2020 and a 43 per cent increase from 2019.
"Crucially, in the weeks ahead, members of parliament will be debating an
amendment to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, which would mean
Tesco store colleagues, along with all retail workers, would be protected
from this violence and abuse.
Tesco has invested in body-worn cameras for some of its shop floor and security
staff in the last year, as well as installing safety screens in the most
vulnerable convenience stores and 24-hour petrol station kiosks.
It is also running trials of headsets in large stores after they were rolled out
in c-stores.
Survey of 12,000 Retail Associates by Home
Affairs Committee
UK: 2/3 shopworkers who report incidents say no help was provided
Two-thirds of shopworkers who reported incidents of abuse or violence have
suggested that no help was given to them after receiving an initial response
from their employer or the police, according to a report.
fact a survey of 12,000 retail staff - published by the Home Affairs Committee -
found that only one in five shopworkers who reported incidents were satisfied
with how the police or their employer responded.
Most respondents said they had witnessed and experienced verbal or physical
abuse at work. Half of those surveyed reported incidents to the police, of which
only 12 per cent led to an arrest.
Meanwhile a third did not report incidents to their employer because they
believed nothing would be done or it was "just part of the job".
The findings were published ahead of a Westminster debate today on protection
for retail workers after a petition by the shopworkers union Usdaw was
signed by more than 100,000 people.
Yvette Cooper, who chairs the Home Affairs Committee, said: "During the Covid
crisis, we've seen an appalling and unacceptable increase in reported attacks
and abuse against shop workers.
"No-one should feel unsafe at their place of work and there are no circumstances
where such behaviour should be tolerated.
"The sheer number of responses we have received shows just how widespread this
problem is.
COVID Update
303.9M Vaccinations Given
US: 34.2M Cases - 613K Dead - 28.2M Recovered
174.8M Cases - 3.7M Dead - 158.2M Recovered
Former Senior Loss Prevention Executive
Know of any fallen LP exec? Let's remember &
Private Industry Security Guard Deaths: 279
Enforcement Officer Deaths: 305
*Red indicates change in total deaths

Warning Signs as New Variant
Fauci says U.S. must vaccinate more people before Delta becomes dominant Covid
variant in America
health officials are scrambling to get more Americans vaccinated to keep the
Delta variant, first identified in India, from proliferating across the
United States.
The variant has become the dominant strain in the U.K., accounting for an
estimated 60% of new cases. It's now more prevalent than the Alpha strain,
formerly called the B.1.1.7 strain, which was first identified in the U.K., and
transmission is peaking in people between the ages of 12 and 20, White
House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said at a press briefing Tuesday.
In the U.S., the Delta variant accounts for more than 6% of cases scientists
have been able to sequence, he said. The actual number is likely higher, as the
U.S. is running the genetic sequence on a fraction of cases.
Fauci also said that the Delta variant is more contagious and may be
associated with a higher risk of hospitalization than the original "wild
type" Covid-19 strain.
Studies also show that two doses of the Pfizer or AstraZeneca shots are
effective against the Delta strain, according to the National Institutes of
COVID Brain Fog - Yes It's True
Tired? Lack motivation? Pandemic brain fog might be to blame
The phenomenon is affecting those who have had COVID-19 as well as those who
The phenomenon - which is affecting those who have had COVID as well as those
who haven't - is attracting attention from academics, medical researchers and
mental health professionals who are trying to understand exactly what brain fog
is and whether it will fade as fast as toilet paper shortages or prove to be
more persistent.
Articles that analyze brain fog as part of the cognitive changes connected to
COVID-19 are popping up in scientific journals.
Psychology professor Richard Lee was in the midst of a longitudinal study on
mental health in students, staff and faculty at the university. In April 2020,
he and his colleagues shifted to tracking well-being during the pandemic, adding
questions specifically about mental acuity. Up to 20% of respondents reported a
drop in clarity of thinking.
"They self-report about having a harder time focusing, communicating,
concentrating and staying motivated," he said about study participants.
"They talk about a lack of enthusiasm, trudging through the day. COVID brain
fog is just starting to be documented in the literature, but it's a real thing."
"Symptoms of forgetfulness and a slowdown in thought-processing speed
have huge implications for students, but this is also a factor in the workforce
of the knowledge economy," he said.
"With brain fog, there could be more errors or difficulties getting things
done on time. Employers may have to adjust performance standards. They will
have to consider whether to be gracious or to penalize people who can't hold to
the same standards as before."
Fines & Detention for Not Obeying COVID
In China's new Covid hotspot, police detain those who violate virus prevention
in Guangzhou detained people who have fallen foul of Covid prevention laws,
as the southern Chinese city deals with an outbreak of the Delta variant
first identified in India.
Authorities in the city of over 15 million people have moved swiftly to
introduce mass testing and lockdown local areas since detecting the first
local case of the Delta variant in China on May 21 in Guangzhou.
Chen Bin, the deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission, said
on Tuesday that if people do not cooperate with the city's attempts to to stamp
out the virus, they could face "legal liability" including fines and
Violations of laws include not wearing masks in public places, not
co-operating when asked to take a coronavirus test, not complying when a person
has been asked to isolate and quarantine and spreading false information.
Washington state kicks off 'Joints for Jabs' to promote COVID-19 vaccinations
Adults can claim a complimentary joint of marijuana in Washington state this
week when they receive a COVID-19 vaccine shot.
The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board announced Monday that the
promotion, called "Joints for Jabs," was effective immediately and would run
through July 12. During the afforded time period, state-licensed cannabis
retailers are permitted to give one free pre-rolled joint to customers who
are 21 or older when they receive their first or second dose of a COVID-19
vaccine at an active, on-site vaccination clinic. Customers can only claim
the complimentary joint from the retail location during the same visit as
receiving the jab, according to the board.
Best Buy Vaccine Sweepstakes - $5,000 each for 21 employees
Best Buy employs about 100,000 people. Twenty winners will be chosen from its
field employees and one winner will be selected from its corporate offices based
in Richfield. Employees have until July 22 to get fully vaccinated and enter the
drawing. Workers who are already vaccinated can enter as well.
COVID-19 cases plunge in Michigan: 'This 3rd surge ... is now officially over'
Lawsuit Claims Walgreens Was Negligent in
Security Guard Hiring & Training
Hollywood, CA: Walgreens Lawsuit Over Fatal Shooting by Security Guard Allowed
To Proceed
victim's family says a security guard falsely accused a 20-year-old Black man of
shoplifting before fatally shooting him at a Walgreens.
The lawsuit was filed in April 2019, accusing negligence, assault and battery
and violation of civil rights by Hart and the estate of her late brother,
Jonathan Hart.
"This lawsuit concerns the despicable conduct of Walgreens, whose executive
board placed Walgreens' interests in maximizing the corporation's profits above
the safety of innocent consumers shopping at their stores," The suit also
says Walgreens was negligent in the screening, hiring and training of security
Jonathan Hart was fatally shot by Ciota around 8 p.m. on December 2, 2018, while
attempting to leave the Walgreens at Vine Street and Sunset Boulevard after
being falsely accused of shoplifting.
The lawsuit says Hart was targeted because he was Black and gay. On the night of
the shooting, Hart and his friends complained to a cashier that Ciota was
harassing them around the store despite the fact that they had done nothing
wrong, but no actions were taken.
According to the complaint, Ciota then pulled his gun and fatally shot Hart in
the neck while he was running away. The suit also says it took several minutes
for the security guard and other employees to call for help, while Hart was
later pronounced dead at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
Walgreens released a statement after the first suit by Hart's mother was filed,
saying, "As we have stated from the beginning, we immediately terminated the
security company that employed the guard involved in this tragic incident. We
are fully committed to providing a safe environment for our employees and
customers in the communities we serve. Any suggestion of racial profiling or
discrimination is simply false and contrary to our deep commitment to inclusive
UK Government announces new watchdog to protect workers' rights
The UK Government has announced it will create a new watchdog to protect the
rights of workers and clamp down on workplace abuse across all industries,
including retail.
Responsibility for tackling modern slavery, enforcing the minimum wage and
protecting agency workers, which are currently spread across three different
bodies, will all be brought under one roof.
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) said
this approach would help improve enforcement through better co-ordination and
pooling intelligence.
The body will provide a port of call for workers so they know their rights
and can whistleblow on bad behaviour, while providing guidance to businesses
on their obligations to staff.
Current plans will see the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority, the
Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate and HMRC's National Minimum Wage
Enforcement combined to create a single enforcement body.
BEIS said the government would also explore further measures to target abuses in
the garment sector amid scrutiny of the industry following revelations about the
conditions for workers.
EU Gets Their Own DOJ
Europe Has a New Cop on the White-Collar Crime Beat
The European Public Prosecutor's Office, launched last week, will investigate
crimes involving EU funds, including Covid-19 relief programs
European Union's newest law-enforcement agency is facing a number of challenges
out of the gate, including watching how billions in Covid-19 relief funds are
spent and dealing with resistance to expanded EU powers from some member states.
The European Public Prosecutor's Office, launched last week, will
investigate and prosecute crimes involving EU funds and taxes. Even in normal
times, that would prove a daunting task. But today, the agency's antifraud
mandate also includes the 750 billion euros, equivalent to $913 billion, that
the EU has earmarked to help member countries recover from the pandemic.
Led by an anticorruption prosecutor from Romania, the EPPO is operating in
uncharted territory. Without a criminal code of its own to enforce, it
will have to navigate the disparate laws and judicial systems of its members to
bring cases.
"There is no precedent for a European public prosecutor office, and our job is
to make it work," Laura Codruta Kövesi, who will lead the agency as the European
chief prosecutor, said at a press conference last week. "It is not easy to find
solutions for 22 different judicial systems. There are many challenges ahead of
The agency, housed in Luxembourg, will be staffed by prosecutors delegated from
their member countries who will conduct investigations on the ground in the
countries where they reside. Besides bringing criminal charges against
individuals in their home country or another EU member state, the EPPO also will
have the ability to seize assets and conduct searches.
American Frozen Food Institute Expands Food Safety Zone
The American Frozen Food Institute has expanded its Food Safety Zone to include
a new Enteric Viruses Control Program aimed at preventing and
controlling Norovirus and Hepatitis A throughout the global frozen fruit
supply chain. Created for the international community of food safety
professionals, the EVCP is a free, interactive, online tool with downloadable
resources for ease of incorporating into a company's food safety plan.
The best practices that encompass the EVCP are focused on six key areas from the
farm to the facility to ensure the safety of the global berry supply chain:
Retail Sales to Now Exceed $4.44 Trillion in 2021, as NRF Revises Annual
The National Retail Federation today issued its revised annual forecast for
2021, anticipating that retail sales will now grow between 10.5 percent and 13.5
percent to more than $4.44 trillion this year as the economy accelerates its
pace of recovery. The announcement was made during NRF's inaugural
State of
Retail and the Consumer event. A recording of the announcement is available
NRF now forecasts that 2021 retail sales are estimated to total between $4.44
trillion to $4.56 trillion. Non-store and online sales, which are included in
the total figure, are expected to grow between 18 percent and 23 percent to a
range of $1.09 trillion to $1.13 trillion as consumers continue to utilize
ecommerce. The numbers exclude automobile dealers, gasoline stations and
The updated figure compares with $4.02 trillion in total retail sales in 2020.
Of that, $920 billion was from purchases made through non-store and online
In addition, NRF now projects full-year GDP growth to approach 7 percent,
compared with the 4.4 percent and 5 percent forecasted earlier this year.
Pre-pandemic levels of output are expected to return this quarter.
Cross Functional Teams Communications &
Employers shouldn't expect a seamless transition to hybrid work
The transition will require significant planning and communication from
managers, Barrero said. In terms of implementation, hybrid work will be more
demanding than the widespread remote work of the pandemic. "It requires so much
more coordination and so much more forethought," he said.
As employers run into the challenges of hybrid work, they may be tempted to nix
the arrangement. "It's going to be a lot easier for companies to say, 'We tried
hybrid for a month and it didn't work, so everyone come back to the office,'"
Barrero said. But that response could deal a serious blow to worker morale.
Instead, employers may want to take a more adaptable and experimental approach.
If the first set of rules around hybrid fails, employers can plan to adjust.
As employers tinker with their plans, they'll need to lean heavily on
communication and transparency. And managers, the role models, will have to
stick to the rules, whatever they may be.
Wage War Impact
Chipotle has hiked prices across its menu by about 4% as wages and ingredients
get more expensive
Chipotle raised the prices on its menu by about 4% last week. A spokesperson
told Insider the price hike is designed to help offset a wage increase that
Chipotle has begun offering its workers. The higher prices mean the average
chipotle meal will cost about 30 to 40 cents more.
Last month, the chain said it would
raise its hourly wages to an average of $15 per hour by the end of June.
At the time, Chipotle CFO Jack Hartung
warned the company would have to increase prices to offset the higher pay.
"We think everybody in the restaurant industry is going to have to pass those
costs along to the customer," Hartung said during the company's
quarterly earnings meeting in April. "We think we're in a much, much better
position to do that, than other companies out there."
As offices consider hybrid work, can warehouses operate remotely too?
Technologies such as RFID let managers glean insights off site, while
operators steer and monitor forklifts from afar.
Driven by the proliferation of RFID tags and, in the future, blockchain,
warehouses may not need as many people physically present in the facility
anymore, even if the warehouses do not become fully autonomous.
Supply chain and operations managers can gather data and insights, often in real
time, about a warehouse even if they're not at the site. And advancing
technology may allow some ground operations within the warehouse or at the
loading dock to work remotely, too.
Best Buy closed Thanksgiving Day
Gap to close 19 UK stores
Five Below to open 170 to 180 new stores in 2021
Quarterly Results
Inditex (Zara owner) Q1 online sales up 67%, sales up 50%
Academy Sports Q1 comp's up 35.7%, net sales up 39.1%
J Jill Q1 DTC up 32.7%, net sales up 42%


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Webinar from Protos Security
What's in Store for Loss Prevention?
Protos Security, in
partnership with The Loss
Prevention Foundation,
Axis Communications and
ThinkLP, recently hosted a webinar on the future of loss prevention. The
webinar is now available to watch on-demand.
prevention experts Chris Copenhaver, Patrick Henderson, Rhett Asher and Hedgie
Bartol share some friendly banter along with their predictions as we look at the
future of the loss prevention industry.
We've seen technological advances ripple through many industries, and even more
rapidly within internet-based organizations. Although loss prevention can be
slower to modernize (we certainly have more reasons to be cautious), the changes
that have impacted other industries are heading our way, leaving loss prevention
uniquely positioned to be infinitely more prepared.
What should we be doing now to keep up with trends in loss prevention
technology? How do we balance the limitless potential for increased efficiency
with the risks of getting caught up in the excitement of new technology?
Click here to access the on-demand webinar now |

Upcoming RH-ISAC Events
June 10 -
EX-RH2021: First Industry-Wide Cybersecurity Exercise
June 15 -
RiskRecon: Deconstructing Supply Chain Risk
June 16 -
Building an Effective Security Champions Program
June 17 -
RH-ISAC Virtual Regional Workshop Hosted by
Canadian Tire
June 21 -
Fireside Chat With Deb Dixson: Roadmap to Maturity
June 23 -CISO
Roundtable Discussion: Supply Chain & Operational Risk
June 24 -
Getting Ahead of Holiday Shopping Season Security Threats
June 24 -
A Panel Discussion on Targeted Threat Intelligence
Sept. 28-29 -
2021 RH-ISAC Cyber Intelligence Summit
Inviting LP & AP to attend or get a member of their
team involved, especially if
their retailer is a member of RH-ISAC.
Hear From the Author of Verizon's DBIR
Verizon Breach Report: Ransomware, Phishing and Top Trends - Video 15:10
Verizon's Chris Novak (Threat Research Director) Discusses Highlights From
2021 Breach Investigations Report
attacks have evolved over the years as attackers have come out with new
strategies for digital extortion, says Chris Novak, global director of the
Threat Research Advisory Center at Verizon Business Group.
"We are now starting to see third-party extortion. This is where they
[hackers] hold your system hostage, steal your data, not only ask you to pay
ransom but go through your data and ask your vendors/partners also to pay
ransom," says Novak.
In a video interview with Information Security Media Group, Novak provides
insights for the global market on the new Verizon
2021 Data Breach Investigations Report. He discusses:
Highlights of the data breach investigations report;
New trends in ransomware;
How the threat landscape will likely evolve in 2022.
Novak is a co-founder and the global director of the Verizon Threat Research
Advisory Center. He is an internationally recognized expert in the field of
incident response and computer forensics and has been involved with information
security for more than 15 years. Novak has assisted corporations, government
agencies and attorneys with all matters involving computer forensics, fraud
investigations and crisis management.
Using Artificial Intelligence to Mitigate Risk
Smarter Than You Think: AI's Impact on Workplace Safety
Artificial intelligence can play a powerful
role in mitigating risk if you properly collect the right data.
look at how artificial intelligence can be applied to a company's safety
initiatives, how to provide the data necessary for delivering meaningful results
with an AI assistant and how to get the answers you need from an AI assistant.
Applying AI Assistants to Safety
When we think of AI as applied to digital assistants, a more suitable
description is cognitive computing. This means training computers how to learn,
reason, communicate and make decisions all on their own. Cognitive engines are
trained rather than programmed, allowing them to learn how to complete tasks
traditionally performed by people. This is important because it means that
safety managers do not need to be data scientists to obtain meaningful insights;
the AI assistants will learn from managers and improve their responses over
Collecting Usable Data
We've found that in as little as four weeks, safety managers and directors who
start collecting data digitally are able to gain important insights from their
safety programs. It is then possible to go back and normalize those historical
records most likely to enrich AI-driven analysis.
Once data has been normalized or cleaned, it can be used in a meaningful way. We
can even use human intelligence to gain insights into safety. These insights, in
turn, can be employed to create a business case to the company's financial
executives for investing in AI.
Training an AI Assistant
AI assistants are cognitive engines that train themselves over time. However,
once the AI functionality is in place, safety managers will still have to assist
with that training. It's similar to training a new human assistant; the only
difference is that you may need to communicate using a specific set of
interactions that it can recognize.
The Press Will be Watching: Just
like Posting Local Mall Shoplifters - Wow
Texas Passes Bill Establishing "Wall of Shame" for Data Breaches
On May 31, 2021, the Texas Legislature approved House Bill 3746, which seeks to
amend the Texas Business and Commerce Code § 521.053 relating to certain
notifications required following a breach of security of computerized data.
Notably, the bill directs the Texas attorney general to post on its website a
public listing of received data security breach notifications (for any breach
involving at least 250 Texas residents) and then update the listing on a monthly
NIST Releases Tips & Tactics for Control System Cybersecurity
impact of cybersecurity breaches on infrastructure control system
owners/operators is more visible than ever before. Whether you work for an
infrastructure owner/operator or are a consumer of an infrastructure service,
the events of the past few months have made it clear that cybersecurity is an
important factor in ensuring the safe and reliable delivery of goods and
services. For infrastructure control system owners/operators, it can be
challenging to address the range of cybersecurity threats, vulnerabilities and
risks that can negatively impact their operations, especially with limited
NIST has developed an infographic,
Tips and Tactics for Control Systems Cybersecurity, with quick steps
control system owners/operators can take now to get started or refreshed on
their cybersecurity journey and to help manage their control system
cybersecurity risks. We also coordinated with the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure
Security Agency (CISA) to find out what resources they may recommend and
included them below for you as well.
nist.gov |
&uuid=(email)) |
Violence & Crime
'Blueprint' to Curb Violence in Canada
Canada vows 'transformative change' to address violence against indigenous women
unveiled a blueprint Thursday to address violence, racism and
disproportionately higher deaths of indigenous women in Canada, vowing
"transformative change" two years after a public inquiry labeled their killings
a genocide.
The Can$2.2 billion (US$1.8 billion) action plan is a response to the
2019 National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls that
found they were 12 times more likely to experience violence and seven times
more likely to be killed than other women in Canada.
It comes also one week after the grim discovery of unmarked graves of 215
children at an indigenous residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia.
The measures -- including increased spending on indigenous culture and
health, giving communities more control over social services and the creation of
a task force to investigate unsolved murders -- will drive "transformative
change necessary to end this national tragedy," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
told a news conference.
Planned, Targeted Attack
A driver slams into a Muslim family, killing four people, in what Canadian
police say was a hate crime
family of five was waiting at an intersection in the Canadian city of London
when a driver intentionally mounted the curb and struck them, killing four,
because of their Islamic faith, officials said Monday.
"There is evidence that this was a planned, premeditated act, motivated by
hate. It is believed that these victims were targeted because they were
Muslim," said Detective Superintendent Paul Waight of the London Police. "There
is no known previous connection between the suspect and the victims."
A 74-year-old woman was pronounced dead at the scene Sunday night and the other
four family members -- a 46-year-old man, a 44-year-old woman, a 15-year-old
girl, and a nine-year-old boy -- were transported to the hospital by paramedic
Veltman has been charged with four counts of first-degree murder and one
count of attempted murder. According to Waight, London Police are also
working with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on potential terrorism charges
against Veltman. It is unclear if Veltman has obtained an attorney.
BC's Gang Violence Scourge Continues
Vancouver man killed in another targeted shooting
Vancouver Police Chief Adam Palmer held a press conference on May 17, during
which he acknowledged the uptick in gang-related violence, adding how he did
not expect it to stop anytime soon.
To the surprise of no one, Palmer was correct. The violence carried on with the
most recent public shooting taking place on Friday. Alvis Anjesh Singh, 44, was
found fatally wounded inside his vehicle across from River Front Park,
near his Southeast Vancouver home.
This is the eighth homicide of the year falling within the city of
Vancouver's jurisdiction.
Vancouver Police have stated this was a targeted incident, and while they have
not officially confirmed whether or not it is part of "the current gang
conflict," VPD did allude to Singh was known to them.
COVID Update
Retailers Urge Leaders to Reopen Ontario
Ontario Premier Doug Ford Urged to Open Ontario Retail and Restaurants
Immediately as Covid Cases Come Down at a Critical Time
an open letter to Ontario Premier Doug Ford, the Canadian Federation of
Independent Business is urging the provincial government to immediately begin
reopening the economy to save thousands of businesses from being forced to
shutter their doors permanently.
"Tomorrow is supposed to be the day that our retailers, our restaurant
patios, our gyms and our hair salons finally reopen their doors after two
long months of province-wide lockdown. Instead, Ontario's reopening plan has
them remaining closed for at least another two weeks, and many for much longer,"
said the national organization representing 95,000 small and medium sized
businesses, including 38,000 in Ontario.
"Meanwhile, COVID cases continue a strong downward trend, and estimates
show vaccinations have already hit the first-dose threshold for Step 2. Only
42 per cent of Ontario's small businesses are fully open and only 37 per cent
are fully staffed. A mere 27 per cent are at normal revenue levels. All
these indicators lag CFIB's national average and are among the worst in the
country, ahead of only Nova Scotia. The situation is dire, and the cost of not
moving sooner will be immense."
The organization said restaurants in Toronto have been closed to indoor
dining for 367 days across the various provincial lockdowns, shutdowns, and
emergency breaks. An entire year's worth of business has been lost and the
industry is looking - at minimum - at another 67 days of being closed to indoor
dining under the current plan.
James Rilett, Vice-President, Central Canada, for Restaurants Canada, said the
organization remains very frustrated because the province has been shut down for
so long.
Steep Fines for Going Maskless
Flouting Calgary's mandatory mask bylaw will now get you a $500 ticket
Council will have another conversation about
what to do with the city's face covering rules later this month. But for now,
the steeper penalties are officially in place
fine for failing to wear a mask in a place where Calgary's bylaw requires one
is now $500. In early May, frustration around enforcement of health
restrictions was running high as Alberta was at the peak of the third wave, with
more than 25,000 active coronavirus infections.
Now, daily cases are declining rapidly and the province is proceeding through
its three-step reopening plan. If vaccination targets are hit as the
government expects, the province-wide mask mandate could be removed as early as
late June, and Calgary's bylaw would likely follow suit.
Council will have another conversation about what to do with the city's face
covering rules later this month. But for now, the steeper penalties are
officially in place.
The Pandemic Effect
Condos lobbies are getting buried under mountains of home deliveries
Package delivery has more than doubled
during the pandemic. For condo operators, that's presenting obstacles, and
Sean Paramalingam works as a concierge at several residential buildings in the
GTA and has watched parcel volume skyrocket over the past 15 months. At
the 450-unit Epic on Triangle Park near Queen and Dufferin streets, Paramalingam
went from receiving about 100 packages a day
pre-pandemic to as many as 250 now.
"That's a full-time job right there," says Paramalingam. "Few people realize
just how much things have changed."
Lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and mandatory store closures have led to a
colossal boom in package delivery. Pretty much anything you once bought in a
store can now be delivered to your door, from exercise bikes to ice cream
sandwiches. According to Statistics Canada, retail e-commerce increased by 69
percent year over year in December 2020.
Attracting Chinese Tourists to Canada Post-Pandemic Critical for Retail Growth
Alert for Online Shoppers in Canada
Buyer beware: Little recourse for online shoppers stuck with counterfeit goods
PayPal's purchase protection little help
when it comes to bogus items, buyers say
Ralph thought he'd found a great deal when he spotted a portable camp chair for
$30 US on his Facebook feed in March. The avid mountain biker from Ottawa said
he particularly liked the innovative look of the chair's rocking mechanism,
perfect for post-ride relaxation.
Ralph, 51, said the ad looked "respectable" enough - the website appeared to be
based in North America and the purchase would be protected by PayPal - so he
decided to go ahead with the purchase.
A month and a half later, Ralph received a notification that his chair had
arrived in the community mailbox of his suburban neighbourhood. The chair turned
out to be just 28 centimetres tall, a flimsy folding footstool at best. After
some back and forth correspondence with the seller, Ralph now feels cheated and
is calling on PayPal to do more to protect its customers.
Online shoppers say a loophole in the PayPal system has allowed vendors
to exploit unsuspecting buyers with a bait-and-switch scheme involving the
delivery of low-quality or counterfeit merchandise.
Focus on Cyber Security: Event Recap
Fraud attempts force Quebec's park agency to pause sale of discount passes
How Canadian Grocers are Innovating Operations to Keep Up With Growing Online
Consumer Demand

$46,000 Robbery Spree - C-Stores & Gas
Stations Targeted
Winnipeg, MB: Man facing charges for 15 armed robberies and other offences after
four-month crime spree
Winnipeg police have arrested and detained a 27-year-old man in custody for a
series of armed robberies between March and June 2021.
The Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) major crimes unit first began investigating
the armed robberies after an incident on Mar. 9, when gas was stolen from a
gas bar in the 1000 block of Keewatin Street. Later that evening, the man
believed to be the same suspect returned and stole money and cigarettes at
On Mar. 13, a man armed with a knife robbed a gas bar in the 3300 block
of Portage Avenue, taking money from the till, cigarettes, and the employee's
personal vehicle. On the same day, a convenience store in the 500 block of
Osborne Street was robbed by a man with a knife.
Police estimate the total value of merchandise and cash stolen to be around
$46,000. Investigators believe the same man was responsible for 15
Windsor police arrest convenience store robbery suspect |
View Canadian Connections Archives
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Consumers Feel Unsafe Making Purchases Via
Social Media
Study: Consumers Warm to Social Commerce, But Payment Mistrust
Could Hamper Growth
was a defining characteristic of 2020: with stores, workplaces, restaurants,
gyms and travel hubs closed, people around the world turned to one of the
few remaining channels available for community and connection - social media.
The increase in social media usage, combined with a tandem increase in online
purchasing, proved to be the push both consumers and brands needed to move
into the burgeoning realm of social commerce.
Increasingly though, consumers are making that switch: nearly half (48%) of all
social media users surveyed by CouponFollow said they had made at least one
purchase through social media last year. However, consumer shopping patterns on
social still have some key differences with other commerce channels, so brands
and retailers must plot out their social presence carefully, particularly when
it comes to the actual purchase:
43% of consumers said they don't trust social media platforms to manage the
payment process
While social shopping is still relatively nascent in the U.S., the propensity of
consumers who do shop on social to do so repeatedly is a signal of the channel's
Friends and influencers carry sway, but the content most likely to
inspire purchases comes from brands themselves; and
Advertising is key to conversion on social platforms: 67% of purchases
from users surveyed by CouponFollow were driven by a paid ad.
US retail ecommerce sales to grow 17.9% in 2021 - 15.3% of total retail sales
Higher than the 13.7% predicted in January 2021, to reach $933.30 billion
Total retail sales this year will increase by 7.9% to $6.083 trillion,
surpassing $6 trillion for the first time. The two fastest-growing categories
are apparel and accessories (up 28.7%) and home furnishings (up 11.4%). And
because online sales account for about one-third of both categories' total
sales, those sectors will help drive overall ecommerce growth as well.
DoorDash, Uber Eats, Instacart challenge major e-commerce retailers
Aspen, CO: Louis Vuitton store targeted in $500,000 roof top Burglary
cut a hole in the storeroom wall of the Louis Vuitton store in downtown Aspen on
Saturday and stole as much as $500,000 worth of merchandise, police said
Tuesday. One man and one woman along with two vehicles were caught on
surveillance video, though there could have been more thieves and more vehicles
involved in the brazen burglary, said Sgt. Rick Magnuson, head of the
investigative unit at the Aspen Police Department.
"We do have surveillance of some subjects and vehicles," he said. "We think they
stole between $400,000 and $500,000 ... of shoes, accessories and clothing." The
thieves were inside the store, located at 205 S. Mill St., for about an hour,
Magnuson said.
The incident occurred between 8:30 p.m. and 11 p.m. after the thieves entered an
unlocked hallway at the back of the store and cut a hole in the drywall to gain
access to the storeroom, Magnuson said. They used an unspecified cutting tool to
open a small hole just large enough for one person to enter, he said. "It
appears there was at least one female and one male, but there may be others," he
Hendersonville, TN: Serial shoplifters arrested mid theft at Home Depot
Hendersonville police arrested two suspects last week following multiple reports
of shoplifting at the local Home Depot. Two Nashville men, ages 49 and 55, are
suspected of committing eight shoplifting incidents at the store between April
30 and June 3. Both were taken into custody while they were in the process of
stealing from the store, police said. The suspects are facing charges of theft
over $2,500, theft over $1,000 and theft under $1,000. Police anticipate
additional charges resulting from similar incidents of theft in other
Cedar Rapids, IA: Two arrested for theft of more than $2,000 in merchandise from
multiple stores
people from Waterloo were arrested in Cedar Rapids on Monday after allegedly
stealing more than $2,000 worth of merchandise from multiple stores. In a news
release, officials said 32- year-old Steven Esparza and 27-year-old Jessica
Morris were arrested on multiple theft charges. The thefts reportedly happened
at Dick's Sporting Goods, and Walgreens. Officials said Esparza and Morris left
the store with a shopping cart full of about $1,395 in merchandise without
paying. Police found the stolen vehicle in the PetSmart parking lot. Esparza and
Morris were found and detained at the Bed, Bath & Beyond. Officers say they
found the key to the truck with the stolen merchandise in the Esparza's pocket.
Additionally, about $1,048 worth of stolen merchandise was found in the truck,
and was determined to have been stolen from Walgreens earlier Monday afternoon.
The stolen items included electronics, household cleaning items and makeup
Gloucester Township Target shoplifting Suspect's attempt to flee ends with a
tackle on Gloucester Township highway
Police tackled a Winslow man as he tried to run across a busy street here after
an alleged shoplifting incident on Tuesday afternoon. Robert E. Joyner III was
charged with resisting by flight and other offenses after an incident that began
at a Target store around 1:10 p.m., according to Gloucester Township police. The
charges against Joyner, 39, are only allegations. He has not been convicted of
any crimes connected to this case. Loss-prevention employees at the Target
store alerted police around 1:10 p.m. after recognizing Joyner "from previous
encounters," said a police report. Joyner was previously banned from the
store on Berlin-Cross Keys Road as a result of 15 alleged shoplifting incidents
since December 2020, said the report. It alleged the store lost merchandise
worth more than $22,600 during those incidents.
Knoxville, TN: Two suspects stole bags full of laptops from Knoxville Best Buy
The Knoxville Police Department is asking for the public's help to identify two
people suspected of stealing computers from an electronics store. Property
Crimes Unit investigators are seeking to identity two suspects who stole two
bags full of Apple MacBooks from the Best Buy in Cedar Bluff on May 30. The
suspects left the scene in a dark-colored sedan.
UK: South Yorkshire, England: Thieves travel miles to steal bottles of
champagne, gin, rum and toilet paper in shoplifting spree
Thieves stole hundreds of dollars worth of items, including Moet and Tattinger
champagne and bottles of Bombay Saphire gin and Bacardi. They also stole beauty
products, children's toys, food and everyday household items including toilet
paper. The crooks visited a Cortonwood Retail Park, Barnsley and supermarket to
steal their haul of goods last Friday. South Yorkshire Police said: "On Friday,
four people popped out to do more than just their 'big shop'. They travelled
into South Yorkshire from their homes in Leeds to do the biggest shop they
possibly could - without actually paying for any of it. "They had to come to
South Yorkshire as they were too well known, and actually on bail conditions not
to go into their favorite stores near their homes.
UK: Northampton, England: Shoplifter took 96 bottles of booze in 30 visits to
three Northampton stores during 25 days of May
Shootings & Deaths
Update: Philadelphia, PA: Suspect in custody in connection to deadly robberies
in Philadelphia, Delaware
A suspect is in custody in the shooting death of a Dunkin Donuts store manager
in the city's Fairhill neighborhood. Police sources tell FOX 29 he is also a
suspect in a similar incident last month in Delaware and could be connected to
other attacks. Authorities in Wilmington say Keith Gibson, 39, was taken into
custody Tuesday morning after a robbery at a Rite Aid. Gibson allegedly
pistol-whipped and shot at a female employee before fleeing. FOX 29's Dave
Schratwieser reports that the female employee was able to throw a GPS tracker
into the bag that Gibson ran off with, helping lead police to him.
The Wilmington Police Department said Gibson was found with a ballistic vest, a
loaded firearm, a knife, and narcotics. He was taken into custody and charged
with a number of crimes including first-degree robbery and possession of a
deadly weapon, according to police. Sources say Gibson has also been
identified by police as a suspect in the fatal shooting of Christine Lugo, 41, a
Dunkin' Donuts manager. Lugo was shot and killed inside the store early
Saturday morning. Police say Lugo had complied with demands to retrieve cash
from the back office before she was shot and killed.
Now investigators are focused on Gibson in the murder of Elsmere, Delaware
T-Mobile store manager and mother of two Leslie Basilio, 28, back in May.
Basilio, the manager at a T-Mobile Store, was forced inside her store in Elsmere
around 5 a.m. on Saturday, May 15. Once inside, police say she was robbed and
shot in the head.
Robberies, Incidents & Thefts
Glendale, CA: Video Shows Uniformed Officer Kick Man In Face At Dick's Sporting
Goods During Apparent Arrest
rough arrest at a Glendale mall was caught on camera. The video shows two men
punching another man at a Dick's Sporting Goods store at the Glendale Galleria.
A uniformed officer then arrives and kicks the man in the face. A witness who
sent the video to CBS2/KCAL9 said they believed mall security or undercover
police were attempting to arrest the man for shoplifting when the uniformed
officer arrived and kicked the man. The Glendale Police Department released a
statement that said: "The Glendale Police Department has seen the video and as
of tonight, we have initiated a full investigation to determine all of the
facts. This incident will be carefully reviewed, including all actions taken by
the officers during the arrest process. Any additional video and reports
regarding the case will also be thoroughly reviewed and evaluated."
Flint Township, MI: Walmart evacuated in Flint Township after shopper made
threatening statements
The Walmart in Flint Township is back open after police evacuated the store to
investigate threatening statements from a shopper. The Flint Township Police
Department says customers reported a suspicious 19-year-old walking around
inside the store and making threatening statements around 10:40 a.m.
Investigators did not disclose the nature of the threats, however. Police could
not determine whether any of the man's threats were credible, so they evacuated
customers and employees while the investigation continued. The store was closed
for about two and half hours while police searched inside. The 19-year-old
suspect was arrested and taken to the Genesee County Jail. Police will be
sending reports about the incident to the Genesee County Prosecutor's Office,
which will decide whether any criminal charges are filed.
Philadelphia, PA: Feds Bust Accused Explosives Maker in Ongoing ATM Blasts
Last summer there were dozens of ATM explosions throughout Philadelphia as
thieves targeted hard-to-get-into cash machines with homemade explosives. Now, a
North Philadelphia man is accused of manufacturing quarter-sticks of dynamite,
or M-style devices, similar to the explosives used in some of the 161 ATM blasts
reported in Philadelphia and surrounding communities since June 1, 2020. A
criminal complaint filed in federal court last week details the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Philadelphia's investigation into
David Perez.
Lehigh Acres, FL: Arson charges dropped against Lehigh Acres Family Dollar
ex-manager; $2.5M in damages
trial call will be in August for a Lehigh Acres man accused of taking money from
his job as manager at a Family Dollar shortly before he quit and a fire
destroyed the building. At a hearing Tuesday for Josue Vazquez-Reyes, 24, Lee
County Circuit Judge J. Frank Porter set an August 26 trial call on a charge of
grand theft. Vazquez-Reyes was arrested on multiple charges in March as the sole
suspect in a February arson of the Lehigh Acres Family Dollar. The building, at
3519 Lee Blvd., sustained extensive damage and investigators had called it a
$2.5 million loss. However, the Office of the State Attorney 20th Judicial
Circuit of Florida eventually filed a no prosecution on the arson, as well as
charges of burglary and property damage/criminal mischief, against Vazquez-Reyes
saying there was insufficient evidence. A public information officer for the Lee
County Sheriff's Office said the remaining grand theft charges against
Vazquez-Reyes stemmed from an internal theft at the store discovered after he
"abruptly" resigned two weeks prior to the fire.
Mesa County, CO: Pawn shop searched in stolen property investigation
along the Interstate 70 Business Loop saw increased police activity Tuesday
while the Mesa County Sheriff's Office executed a search warrant at a local pawn
shop. Deputies were on scene all day Tuesday at A Pawn Shop, 353 Pitkin Ave., as
part of an ongoing criminal investigation into stolen property. Investigators
would likely continue searching the property throughout today as well, Mesa
County Sheriff's Office spokesperson Megan Terlecky said. "We're going to be
there all day today and probably all day tomorrow as well," Terlecky said. "The
business is not in operation while we're conducting those search warrants." The
investigation began around six months ago and stemmed from other stolen property
investigations. No arrests have been made at this time. "There's a lot for them
(investigators) to go through and a lot of work to be done," Terlecky said.
Chicago, IL: Police release video of armed robbery suspects at Mount Greenwood
Subway shop
Chicago, IL: Minivan Plows Into Ashley Stewart store in Morgan Park, 2 injured
Denver, CO: Business owners call on city to act on homelessness, crime |
C-Store - Columbia, SC
- Robbery
C-Store - Daytona
Beach, FL - Robbery
C-Store - Clayton, OH
- Burglary
Collectables - Lyons,
NY - Burglary
Jewelry - New York, NY - Burglary
Jewelry - Ontario, CA - Robbery
Jewelry - Woodbridge, VA - Robbery
Jewelry - Greenwood, IN - Robbery
Louis Vuitton - Aspen,
CO - Burglary
Pharmacy - Charlotte,
NC - Armed Robbery
Restaurant - Robinson
Township, PA - Armed Robbery (Domino's)
Restaurant - Chicago,
IL - Armed Robbery
Rite Aid -
Philadelphia, PA - Armed Robbery/shooting
Verizon - Lexington,
KY - Robbery
7-Eleven - Castle
Shannon, PA - Armed Robbery
7-Eleven - South
Fayette, PA - Armed Robbery |
Daily Totals:
• 12 robberies
• 4 burglaries
• 1 shooting
• 0 killed |

Click to enlarge map
Steven Onderdonk named Area Loss Prevention Manager for Ulta Beauty |
Michael Smith named Multi Unit Asset Protection Manager for Macy's |
Submit Your New Hires/Promotions or New Position
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Featured Job Spotlights
Sr. Lead, Organized Retail Crime
Baltimore, MD
- posted May 25
The Sr Lead, Organized Retail Crime (ORC) is responsible for the direction and
support of Organized Retail Crime (ORC) investigations, strategies and training
to ensure the effective execution of asset protection and retail initiatives...
Field Loss Prevention Manager
Nashville, TN
- posted May 21
Staples is focused on our customer and our community. As a Field Loss
Prevention Manager for Staples, you will manage and coordinate Loss Prevention
and Safety Programs intended to protect Staples assets and ensure a safe work
environment within Staples Retail locations...
LP Auditor & Fraud Detection Analyst
Greater Boston, MA
- posted May 11
As a Loss Prevention Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst
for Staples, you will conduct LP operational field audits remote, virtual and in
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Regional Asset Protection Manager
Phoenix, Dallas, Denver and Houston
- posted April 22
Victra is the leading exclusive, premium retailer for Verizon with a
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Area Loss Prevention Manager
Pittsburgh, PA
- posted May 11
Our Area Loss Prevention Managers ensure safe and secure stores through
the objective identification of loss and risk opportunities. Our Area Loss
Prevention Managers plan and prioritize to provide an optimal customer
experience to their portfolio of stores. They thrive on supporting and building
high performance teams that execute with excellence...
Area Loss Prevention Manager
Sacramento, CA
- posted April 20
Our Area Loss Prevention Managers ensure safe and secure stores through
the objective identification of loss and risk opportunities. Our Area Loss
Prevention Managers plan and prioritize to provide an optimal customer
experience to their portfolio of stores. They thrive on supporting and building
high performance teams that execute with excellence...

Corporate Security Manager
Calabasas, CA
- posted April 6
The Corporate Security Manager will, among other things, (a) be
responsible for ensuring a safe and secure environment for our employees,
vendors, and visitors, (b) develop, manage, execute and continuously improve
corporate security processes and protocols, and (c) lead a team of security
specialists at our corporate offices...
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No matter how smart a person is or how good a product or service is, your
success always boils down to your attitude - your demeanor - how well you
connect with those you're working with. Making that connection - working on that
relationship - and approaching your internal and external customers as just that
- customers - is critical if you expect to be successful. Remembering one key
point all the time may help - they don't have to buy anything you're saying or
selling regardless if you're a vendor or an LP executive. Because at the end of
the day, there's always someone else close by that can offer the same thing
you're offering.
Just a Thought, Gus

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