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GLPS 'Where Are They Now?'
Find Your Old Friend & Colleagues - Where Have They Gone?
Take a look down memory lane
Industry leaders at the 2007 Downing & Downing
Charity Golf Outing

Anybody know these guys and where they are now?
(That is excluding the younger Gus.)
One probably should be wearing a guard uniform. One's wearing party hats and
carrying the helium bottles. One's wearing an orange smock, and the other one
who knows - he disappeared wearing the emperor's clothes.
Starting Monday, follow along as we take a stroll down memory lane -
find out how your team can win a pizza party!
Post COVID-19 Retail Theft & Safety Thoughts/Issues
R. Doyle, President
Jack L. Hayes International, Inc.
External Theft/Shoplifting Likely to Increase:
• With loss of illicit funds during
store closings, Organized Retail Crime will hit retailers quickly and
frequently, especially in opening days when staffing will be minimal due to
unknown sales volume.
• 'Hit n Runs' thefts will increase.
• Loss of jobs/paychecks, in addition
to the early release of prisoners, will result in increased shoplifting.
• Limited sales floor staffing,
especially when stores first re-open and adjust schedules based on sales volume,
will create additional opportunities for shoplifters.
• Many people entering stores will be
wearing masks/facial coverings, thus limiting the chance of identification.
Read more
We want to share your tips or advice with the industry - Submit here |

Reinventing Grocery: The Timeline to the New Normal
WEBINAR on Tuesday, April 28 @
2:00p-3:00p ET
the Agilence & Date Check Pro teams as they walk through the "new normal" that's
emerging across the grocery industry post-COVID 19. This new co-produced webinar
delivers grocers a data-driven perspective as permanent disruption unfurls
within the grocery retail experience.
Who Should Attend - Grocery Professionals
of all levels and titles; Loss Prevention, Operations, Category Management,
Merchandising and Marketing Leaders
Learn more and register here
PPS Debuts Product Line to Keep Customers and Employees Safe
for Retail, Restaurants, and Grocers
Product Protection Solutions (PPS), a leader in retail security, is pleased to
announce the latest addition to their Keepsafe series of protection tools, the
Sentinel Shield, the Aeroglove and the LED Blue Light.
The PPS Keepsafe Sentinel Shield is an easy-to-mount solution that provides
high-level results protecting associates and customers alike. PPS offers
multiple versions including a free-standing version that requires no screws to
mount as well as a version that can be hung from the ceiling or mounted to
checkout counters via screws.
Getting in Bed With the Enemy
Amazon Scooped Up Data From Its Own Sellers to Launch Competing Products
Contrary to assertions to Congress,
employees often consulted sales information on third-party vendors when
developing private-label merchandise
Inc. employees have used data about independent sellers
on the company's platform to develop competing products, a practice
at odds with the company's stated policies.
The online retailing giant has long asserted, including to Congress, that
when it makes and sells its own products, it doesn't use information it
collects from the site's individual third-party sellers - data those sellers
view as proprietary.
Yet interviews with more than 20 former employees of Amazon's private-label
business and documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal reveal that
employees did just that.
Such information can help Amazon decide how to
price an item, which features to copy or whether to enter a product segment
based on its earning potential, according to people familiar with the practice,
including a current employee and some former employees who participated in it.
In one instance, Amazon employees accessed documents and data about a
bestselling car-trunk organizer sold by a third-party vendor. The information
included total sales, how much the vendor paid Amazon for marketing and
shipping, and how much Amazon made on each sale. Amazon's private-label arm
later introduced its own car-trunk organizers.
"Like other retailers, we look at sales and store data to provide our customers
with the best possible experience," Amazon said in a written statement.
"However, we strictly prohibit our employees from using nonpublic,
seller-specific data to determine which private label products to launch."
Amazon said employees using such data to inform private-label decisions in the
way the Journal described would violate its policies, and that the
company has launched an internal investigation.
Editor's Note: As reported in the Daily on
Feb. 25, Amazon is currently looking to license its checkout-free "Go"
technology to other retailers. If competing companies weren't already worried
about giving up their proprietary data by "getting in bed with the enemy", they
certainly are now after this report.
Coronavirus Update: April
Cases - 51K Dead - 90K Recovered
2.8M Cases - 194K Dead - 771K Recovered

U.S. Law Enforcement Deaths |
NYPD Deaths: 31
Private Industry Security Guard Deaths: 63
A Guide to State Coronavirus Lockdowns
Governors in most states have ordered
businesses to shut and people to stay home
Most U.S. states have imposed lockdown measures restricting gathering and social
contact, disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions of people and the
operations of thousands of businesses.
Wall Street Journal has compiled a
great stay-by-state guide here, which will be updated as new information
becomes available.

Reopening businesses will be harder than shutting them down
Customers will be demanding new safety
measures, says disaster recovery expert

Businesses will have to show they have adequate safety measures in place when
they reopen during the coronavirus pandemic, according the CEO of a
nonprofit that helps businesses with disaster recovery.
"Customers are going to be demanding not just assumptions of safety but visible
steps and measures that companies are taking on behalf of their employees and on
behalf of their customers," Chloe Demrovsky, CEO of Disaster Recovery Institute
International, told CNBC.
Demrovsky said on "The Exchange" that in general, the types of safety measures
implemented by businesses will vary across sector and by size. But all
businesses must have a plan, she said.
"Shutting down businesses was difficult. Reactivating them is going to be
harder," she said.
Policies businesses could put in place includes temperature checks at doors,
in addition to a continued adherence to social distancing, Demrovsky
The changes may be particularly visible in restaurants. She said some may
install Plexiglas barriers and switch to disposable eating utensils.
"Even in sectors where we're not used to seeing it, we're going to have to see
personal protective equipment on all employees," Demrovsky said, adding that
some stores may require that customers also wear masks.
She said retail stores that typically have samples, or testers, for products
such as lotion or makeup will most likely have to stop doing so.
Contactless Payments: Healthy COVID-19 Defense
Touch-Free Payment Limit Gets Raised as
Pandemic Continues
Public Health Mandate: Touch as Little as Possible
Now, using contactless feels better in a time when public health officials are
telling us to touch as little as possible and to thoroughly wash our hands on a
regular basis to help cut down on the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that
causes COVID-19. Indeed, the industry has accelerated its plan to raise the top
amount that you can charge, in any given contactless transaction, due to the
Last year, Visa estimated that more than two-thirds of face-to-face transactions
in Europe occurred using contactless payments, while in Canada and the U.K.,
the usage figure is about 60 percent.
In the U.S., however, contactless card transactions remain rare, with CNBC
reporting last year that only about
3 percent of U.S. cards even have this capability, regardless of whether
POS systems can read them.
Will we ever touch money the same way again?
What the C's Are Reading
Food Retailing and Our New Fate
When it comes to retailing, maybe the most unexpected surprise is that food
retailing is just about the only enterprise that remains more or less as it was
in the B.C. era (Before Corona).
can still go to supermarkets and other food-retailing venues in person to shop
for the goods they need, if they accept the degree of hazard associated with
that. They can also order product online. And sales at the major retailers
selling food are surging, in a good way. But that doesn't mean everything is
exactly the same for food retailing and that in a surprising turn of coronavirus
events, the future of food retailing looks great. That being said, there are
several concerns to consider now:
Up to about this point, we've seen store overcrowding and product shortages,
almost all of which was the result of demand-side imbalances. Now, there are
signs that supply-side shortages are in the making, which would be exceedingly
more difficult to resolve. Then there's the delivery aspect of food retailing.
It's intuitive to assume that delivery services are very well positioned now,
and will be into the future, but is that the case? And what are the worker
conditions during this crisis that could affect deliveries?
And what's the human dimension to all these considerations, including owners,
workers and customers?
Demand-Side Troubles | Supply-Side Hazards | Online Ordering | The Human
With 100,000 stores set to close by 2025,
Mall owners face their next legal hurdle: Co-tenancy clauses
Mall and shopping center owners are likely going to be hearing from tenants that
are pulling out of leases with co-tenancy clauses, as department stores and
other anchor tenants shut for good.
Here's how co-tenancy clauses work, on a basic level: They are typically
built into the leases of the specialty tenants, like a Gap or an AT&T store, in
the middle of a mall, or the shops situated along a grocery-anchored shopping
centers, like a Big Lots or a TJ Maxx.
The clauses will say something along the lines of: If less than 80% of space is
occupied at this property at any given time, or if a major, anchor tenant like a
department store or a grocery store goes dark here, the tenant is allowed a
break in rent. Or the tenant is given the ability to terminate a lease early.
The clauses are meant to protect tenants when circumstances happen that are
outside of their control.
Hudson Yards owner says workers must return to offices
before malls can reopen in post-coronavirus world
People need to get back to work - and will likely spend weeks in the office -
before they get back in the mall, according to the owner of Hudson Yards in New
"My guess is we go back to offices first," Related Companies CEO Jeff Blau told
CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin on Tuesday. "I think retail is going to be a second
step. I think retail is going to be much slower to come back. Just because
people go to their offices, I don't think they are going to rush out to
congregate in restaurants."
Three Hours Longer, the Pandemic Workday Has Obliterated Work-Life Balance
People are overworked, stressed, and eager
to get back to the office
An executive at JPMorgan Chase & Co. gets unapologetic messages from colleagues
on nights and weekends, including a notably demanding one on Easter Sunday. A
web designer whose bedroom doubles as an office has to set an alarm to remind
himself to eat during his non-stop workday. At Intel Corp., a vice president
with four kids logs 13-hour days while attempting to juggle her parenting duties
and her job.
Six weeks into a nationwide work-from-home experiment with no end in sight,
whatever boundaries remained between work and life have almost entirely
With many living a few steps from their offices, America's always-on work
culture has reached new heights. The 9-to-5 workday, or any semblance of it,
seems like a relic of a bygone era. Long gone are the regretful formalities for
calling or emailing at inappropriate times. Burnt-out employees feel like they
have even less free time than when they wasted hours commuting.
In the U.S., homebound employees are logging three hours more per day on the
job than before city and state-wide lockdowns, according to data from
NordVPN, which tracks when users connect and disconnect from its service.
Survey Finds that Safety Takes Priority in Workplace Training
To minimize the occurrence of physical and digital harm in the workplace, 90
percent of organizations are training employees on safety procedures, including
compliance training and programs on other topics.
Of those, 95 percent provide training for employee safety, 96 percent for
workplace safety, 48 percent for customer safety, and 84 percent for digital and
information safety, according to the Association for Talent Development research
report Safety
Training: Protecting Employees and Organizations.
More organizations provided safety training to employees during on-boarding than
at any other time (92 percent). Substantial majorities also covered safety on a
regular schedule for refresher training (82 percent), in response to new
government regulations (73 percent), or due to safety incidents (72 percent).
LAPD Announces It Is Dropping Its Predictive Policing Tool Due to Coronavirus
The Los Angeles Police Department announced today it would be ending its use of
PredPol's predictive policing tool - which the company claims uses artificial
intelligence to predict crime, but which critics have called "fundamentally
An LAPD memo dated April 15 quoted Police Chief Michel R. Moore saying that the
police department would stop using the software, effective immediately, not
because of concerns that activists have raised but because of financial
constraints due to COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
'The Digital Guard': Remote Security Guarding During The Pandemic
As many local and federal government entities use systems complete with facial
recognition and infrared technology to support first responders in preventing
crime, the private sector typically relies on staffed security guards to protect
assets. As the pandemic continues to require citizens to shelter in place, the
availability and affordability of security guards decreases, leaving many
businesses vulnerable to criminal activity.
Can Remote Guarding offer greater protection against thieves, vagrants,
trespassers and active shooters? The Digital Guard is the bridge between the law
enforcement community and the public. When an intruder activates a camera system
on a prospective site, security agents in a secured command center will view and
monitor the intruder's activity. And advanced Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning algorithm alerts the security agents who can then communicate
with the intruder via a strategically positioned speaker system on site and
alert law enforcement of a crime in progress.
Essential Retail Jobs Draw a Crowd
Grocery clerks, warehouse employees and delivery workers are keeping America
running during the pandemic.
Between early and late March, applications
for fast-growing "essential retail" jobs surged 88% nationally, and more than
100% in places like Sacramento, Nashville, and Miami.
That's according to new analysis of LinkedIn data, which sheds light on labor
and hiring trends in this field. Nearly a quarter of the applicants came from
the retail, restaurant, hospitality and food/beverage industries, which have
been hit hard by shelter-in-place rules.
For more insights, see the LinkedIn report
Hiring in a pandemic: lessons from the rise of 'essential retail'
Grocery store pays it forward for first responders and health care workers
Front-line workers at Southeastern Grocers
help others who put themselves at risk to assist those suffering from the

House Approves $484 Billion Bill to Aid Small Businesses, Hospitals
Jobless claims jump another 4.4 million - 26 million Americans have lost their
jobs to coronavirus
Neiman Marcus eyes Sunday bankruptcy filing, $600 million emergency funding
J.C. Penney in Advanced Talks for Bankruptcy Financing
Retailers exposed: Who's paying rent and who's not
NYC: City Council grocery clerk bonus bill could bankrupt supermarkets
Meatpacking union says 25% of US pork production hit by coronavirus closures
1 in 5 New Yorkers May Have Had Covid-19, Antibody Tests Suggest
Ruth's Chris To Repay $20 Million In Small Business Loans After 200,000 Sign
Online Petition
Bangladeshi garment workers face ruin as global brands ditch clothing contracts
amid pandemic
Germany reopens retail stores but shoppers stay home
On-Demand Webinar from Sensormatic & Loss Prevention Foundation:
How Supply Chain Continues to Evolve to Meet Customer Demand


All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time
Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please.
If it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.
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Pushouts are Increasing:
Here's a Resource for Your Employees

Retailers across the globe are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic which is
complete with its own set of challenges. Unfortunately, grocers and other retail
companies utilizing carts are seeing a substantial increase in pushout theft. As
the economy worsens, retailers are seeing a variety of products being pushed out
- including toilet paper.
To help educate employees about how to spot this type of theft and more
importantly, what can be done through customer service and other tactics,
download this free resource from Gatekeeper Systems. It's an
8.5 x 11 printable
poster to hang in breakrooms or distribute throughout your employee base.
Take a look, it might help us all combat this rise in pushout theft. Count on
Gatekeeper Systems to help your employees apprehend merchandise, not
Download the Pushout Theft Prevention Flyer |
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The Future of Retail in a Time of Uncertainty
By Kristen Dalton, RH-ISAC Director of Research and Education

Four months ago, the Javits Center in New York City was bustling with more than
40,000 people attending the
National Retail
Federation (NRF) 2020 Vision: Retail's Big Show. Navigating retail
innovation across four incongruent floors covering 760,000 square feet - with a
15-story glass-enclosed Crystal Palace high and wide enough for endless
imagination - seems insignificant now, to the new reality retailers face: a
future that has been caged in by the steel pillars and geometric beams of the
iconic building, which now serves as an emergency field hospital designed to
treat coronavirus patients.
The collective vision companies had for the industry - to use technology and
data to personalize the customer experience with seamless integrations between
the physical and digital worlds - has been obscured by a global pandemic.
Front-line employees that were reimagined as next generation store associates
who could provide tech expertise and consultative advice on new products and
services, have been furloughed. Emerging business models, such as retail as a
service, that were realized as IoT-connected stores and boutique showrooms
designed to facilitate mutual learning between companies and consumers, has been
replaced the urgency to buy only essential items in the few stores that remain
open. Curated experiences that were intended to be highly personal opportunities
to build brand loyalty no longer exist in a world of physical and social
distancing. Point of Sale (PoS), meanwhile, had been evolving as the ultimate
consumer accommodation that could happen anytime, anywhere: in-store, online,
through brand apps, digital wallets, and even selfie wallets.
The idyllic balance between these in-store and digital experiences, as a means
of connection and convenience, has been disrupted by a public health crisis that
has accelerated our immersion into the digital world. What was a hypothetical
question at the NRF conference - am I a retailer or tech company? - now
has an immediate existential meaning: who do I need to be in this moment? Read
More Here
More from RH-ISAC:
Workforce Awareness During COVID-19
Ransomware Campaigns During COVID-19
Discussing the PCI Software Security Framework: What Merchants Need to Know
BEC Gift Card Scams Move Online During COVID-19 Pandemic
With 60 million corporate employees working remotely due to the Coronavirus
outbreak, romise (BEC) scams.
In what has been called the "world's largest work-from-home experiment,"
organizations around the globe are being forced to quickly transition to a
remote workforce, ready or not. Cybercriminals have opportunistically adjusted
to this new normal by updating phishing lures, malware, and other fraud
techniques. BEC crime rings are no different.
BEC By Text Message: 'Can You Run a Quick Errand?'
Faced with a newly remote workforce and shuttered stores due to the current
crisis, BEC groups have suddenly needed to find a way to keep their sizable
revenue streams flowing. And it looks like they may have found one.

Going Remote: Gift Card Laundering When Stores Are Closed
New Tech Headache For Companies In Post Work-From-Home World:
What Happens To All That New Hardware Used By Telecommuters?
Just over the horizon for American businesses and government agencies is the
return to the traditional office work environment. But what will companies and
agencies do with the new laptops and other devices they put into employee homes
in order to keep things going during state-imposed stay-at-home orders? The
International Association of IT Asset Managers (IAITAM) today outlined the key
steps employers need to take to protect their data and investments.
1. Organizations will have to identify all of the new assets now.
2. Assets need to be tracked and remote users need to understand the transition
3. A plan should be in place now to deal with excess hardware.
Important Questions to Answer Before Paying a Ransomware Demand
2019 Average Payment Was $81,116 With
Total Global Rev. $170 Billion
Best practices in the cybersecurity community suggest never paying a ransom to
cybercriminals, but many companies do attempt to
recover data through this method. The simplest explanation for why is simply
to get access to their networks back as quickly as possible.
According to data reported in
The New York Times, 205,280 organizations submitted claims about
being hacked by a ransomware attack in 2019, this is an increase of 41 percent
from 2018. The actual figures may be even higher, as some organizations elect
not to notify the authorities about compromised systems. The same article
reported that the average payment made to release the locked files climbed to
$81,116 during the last quarter of 2019.
So if it's not illegal to pay a hacker to regain access to your data, is it
On the same note, there are
cybersecurity strategies worth considering that may give an organization
a "security parachute" in the event of a successful ransomware attack.
Putting The Pieces Back Together After Ransomware securitymagazine.com
You're One Misconfiguration Away from a Cloud-Based Data Breach
People Are Making Bots to Snatch Whole Foods Delivery Order Time Slots
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Join us for a free 1-hour webinar April 30, 2020 at
11:00am EST to learn how retailers can connect their EAS hardware,
giving them the ability to service, diagnose and see analytics remotely.
This enables them to improve profitability, efficiency and transparency
across their EAS fleet.
During this free webinar offered by The Loss Prevention Foundation, in
partnership with Nedap, Asset Protection and Loss Prevention professionals
will learn how connected systems are becoming the EAS standard for retailers
in the industry and why being connected is so important for both present and
the future.
&uuid=(email)) |


Emerging Loss Prevention Issues: Training is Key
Carol Leaman, CEO of
Axonify, and Lisa LaBruno, EVP Retail Operations, RILA

Filmed in January 2014 at the Daily's 'Live in NYC at the NRF Big
Show 2014' event
Carol Leaman,
CEO of Axonify, sits down
with Lisa LaBruno,
Executive Vice President of Retail Operations for the Retail Industry Leaders
Association (RILA), to
discuss the major challenges retail Loss Prevention programs face and how
effective training can help mitigate those risks. Lisa describes the four areas
of training associated with LP apprehensions, including the specific components
of a successful training program.
Episode Sponsored By

Kount Unveils eCommerce and Fraud Trend Tracker for Spring 2020
Kount, the leader in digital fraud prevention and account protection, today
announced a new weekly tracker for up-to-date eCommerce purchase trends emerging
in the current global pandemic. In light of the impacts of the coronavirus,
Kount is helping businesses to monitor trends including changes in online
transactions by industry, shifts in eCommerce models including expedited
shipping requests, and fraud threats related to each of these findings.
Findings show industries including home office supplies, electronics, crafts,
and gaming have seen increases in digital transaction volumes as consumers are
challenged with the tasks of working, taking care of their children, and
recreating, all from the confines of their homes. The data also shows a change
in how eCommerce is delivered, as consumers have a sense of urgency in receiving
items. Kount observed a 183% growth in mid-March for expedited shipping
requests. At the same time, transaction data shows there is also an increase in
Buy Online, Pick Up in Store (BOPIS) requests, as well as ship-from-store
Kount data shows:
Retail eCommerce
• Sales for home office furniture
and electronics increased 54% week to week in mid-March as many Americans
prepared for the new reality of remote work for the first time.
• Wellness and vitamins sales
increased 43% during the same period with the heightened focus on public
• While there's been a run on hand
sanitizers and toilet paper, Kount's data shows in early March, they rocketed
up 1244% and 145%
The weekly data tracker also includes emerging
fraud trends to monitor such as account takeover, retail arbitrage, and friendly
fraud. Kount protects against fraud and chargebacks for more than 6,500
online businesses across every industry and geography, helping them to
accelerate eCommerce through AI-driven fraud prevention.
Bezos Takes Back the Wheel at Amazon
chief executive, who had distanced himself from day-to-day management, is
closely involved in the company's response to the pandemic.
After years of working almost exclusively on long-term projects and pushing
day-to-day management to his deputies, Mr. Bezos, 56, has turned back to the
here-and-now problems facing Amazon, the company said, as the giant retailer
grapples with a surge of demand, labor unrest and supply chain challenges
brought on by the coronavirus.
He is holding daily calls to help make decisions about inventory and testing,
as well as how and when - down to the minute - Amazon responds to public
criticism. He has talked to government officials. And in April, for the first
time in years, he made a
publicized visit to one of Amazon's warehouses.
Mr. Bezos' change reflects how completely different managing is during a crisis,
said Bill George, a former chief executive of the medical device company
Medtronic who teaches leadership at Harvard Business School.
Instacart to add another 250K shoppers
FMI Applauds SNAP Online Expansion, Committed to Getting More Retailers
T.J. Maxx, Discount Rivals Hunker Down With No Online Options
Albuquerque, NM: Suspected shoplifter accused of making off with $70K
over two years
suspected shoplifter accused of making off with nearly $70,000 worth of
merchandise from Target is behind bars. Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office says
Michael Koehl stole from Target stores in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho, once
every couple of days over the course of two years. During one recent
encounter, Koehl is accused of trying to stab a loss prevention officer with
a hypodermic needle. Thursday deputies tracked him down inside the Target on
Paseo and I-25. They say he fled and tried to get away through a drainage tunnel
but deputies caught up with him along with $800 work of merchandise. Koehl is
facing felony larceny charges.
Oak Park, FL: Shoplifters stole thousands of dollars worth of Diapers from
Publix, Walgreens, CVS, and Family Dollar
shoplifters who have a thing for diapers have stolen thousands of dollars worth
of baby products from stores in North Lauderdale, Tamarac, and Oakland Park. On
Monday, March 9th, the stole nearly $900 worth of diapers from Publix in Oakland
Park. On Friday, March 20, they helped themselves to $200 worth of diapers and
baby products from the Walgreens in Tamarac. Their most recent theft happened on
Tuesday, April 14th when they swiped multiple boxes of diapers from the Family
Dollar store in North Lauderdale. Detectives believe the subjects were also
involved in similar thefts recently at a Walgreens and CVS in Margate. Broward
sheriff's investigators say subjects were seen driving a gold-colored Chevy
Impala with damage to the rear bumper on one occasion and a blue Toyota Corolla
on another.
Stevens Point, WI: Police search for woman who stole $700 worth of baby supplies
from Target
Cleveland, OH: Rogaine Thieves bust for theft at Rite-Aid and charged with
Violating Stay at Home Order
Millbrook, AL: Police Arrests 3 in Wal-Mart on 17 Theft Charges
Grand Traverse County, MI: Man charged with Felony $1000 Theft of Electronics
and Gift Cards from Target
Lexington County, SC: Shoplifter stole $400 of Lowe's floor tile identified

Shootings & Deaths
Columbus, GA: One person shot during Robbery at Family Dollar
One person was shot during an armed robbery in Columbus Thursday evening. The
armed robbery happened at Family Dollar on Brown Avenue. Columbus police
responded to a call regarding a shooting shortly after 4 p.m. Upon arrival,
officers discovered the incident was an armed robbery of an individual. The
victim was treated at the hospital and released. No arrests have been made in
the case. The case remains under investigation.
Robberies, Incidents & Thefts
Springfield, MO: Man accused of stabbing Walmart security guard
during shoplifting attempt
say a Springfield man tried to leave a Walmart store with a cart full of stolen
merchandise and then stabbed the security guard who stopped him. Eric Reed, 29,
was charged earlier this month with robbery and armed criminal action. According
to a probable cause statement, Reed tried to leave the Walmart Neighborhood
Market on April 13 without paying for a cart full of merchandise. When a
security guard tried to stop him, Reed allegedly claimed his wife would be
coming to the store the next day to pay for the items. Not buying that
explanation, the security guard blocked Reed from leaving, and eventually
wrested the cart away from him. The statement says Reed then grabbed a bottle of
juice and walked out of the store. The security guard reportedly followed Reed
out of the store and tried to retrieve the juice. There was a struggle in the
parking lot, and Reed allegedly pulled out a knife and cut the security guard in
the hand and abdomen. Police then arrived and arrested Reed as he was walking
away from the store.
Seattle, WA: Update: Two suspects arrested after woman was ran over, dragged
outside Fred Meyer store
Two suspects were arrested in connection to a deadly hit-and-run in March
involving a woman who was ran over and dragged outside a Seattle grocery store.
Seattle Police arrested a 33-year-old woman Thursday afternoon for March 19
murder in the Ballard Fred Meyer parking lot. A 50-year-old man believed to be
involved was already in jail or an unrelated robbery, police said. Police said
the suspect failed to stop after hitting Lori Tate and fled the area. Tate was
taken to Harborview Medical Center with life-threatening injuries but she died
seven days later, police said. A $11,000 reward was offered March 27 to help
detectives catch the accused killers. Tate was headed back to her car outside
the Fred Meyer in Ballard when she was run over and dragged by someone in a
truck. Her 12-year-old son was with her at the time.
Topeka, KS: Man arrested after burglarizing Menards, attempted burglarizing at
A Topeka man faces four charges, including burglary and attempted aggravated
burglary at two hardware stores Friday morning. Police had been called to the
Lowes around 1:40 a.m. after a person reportedly smashed through a south door
attempting to enter. Shortly later, police were called out to the Menards on a
similar report. Curtis E. Wright, 43, was arrested after being caught inside the
store, according to police. Wright is being charged with Attempted Aggravated
Burglary, Burglary, Criminal Damage to Property, and Violation of Stay Home
Atlanta, GA: Police investigating burglary at Buckhead jewelry store
Police are investigating a burglary at a popular jewelry store in Buckhead.
Officers responded to an alarm call around 3 a.m. Friday at Brown & Company
Jewelers located in the 3200 block of Peachtree Road. Upon arrival, responding
officers saw a large hole in the glass window at the front of the store.
Tucson, AZ: Bank Robbery suspect who stabbed TPD K9 Blitz sentenced to 18 years
Academy Sports -
Joplin, MO - Robbery
Auto - Dealer - Tulsa,
OK - Burglary
C-Store - Evesham, NJ
- Armed Robbery
C-Store - Bartow
County, GA - Robbery
C-Store -
Chambersburg, PA - Robbery
C-Store - Louisville,
KY - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Tulare
County, CA - Armed Robbery
Clothing - Brooklyn,
NY - Burglary
Family Dollar -
Columbus, GA - Armed Robbery / 1 shot-wounded
Family Dollar -
Detroit, MI - Burglary
Guns - Hot Springs, AR
- Burglary
Hardware Topeka, KS -
Burglary (Lowes)
Hardware - Topeka, KS
- Burglary (Menards)
Hardware - Bellmead,
TX - Robbery (Home Depot)
Jewelry - Buckhead, GA
- Burglary
Liquor - Philadelphia,
PA - Burglary
Liquor - Laurel, MD -
Restaurant - Santa
Ana, CA - Armed Robbery
Restaurant - Aurora,
CO - Robbery (McDonalds)
Tobacco - Brooklyn, NY
- Burglary
Tobacco - Madison, WI
- Burglary
Walgreens -
Leavenworth, KS - Armed Robbery
7-Eleven - Riverside,
IL - Armed Robbery |
Daily Totals:
• 12 robberies
• 11 burglaries
• 1 shooting
• 0 killed |
Weekly Totals:
• 49 robberies
• 51 burglaries
• 1 shooting
• 0 killed |

Click to enlarge map
None to report. |
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District Loss Prevention Manager
Roanoke, VA
The District Loss Prevention Manager ensures shrinkage control and
improves safety in the stores through proper investigation and training. This
position is responsible to provide feedback, guidance and protection for our
Team Leaders and Associates. This role has oversight and responsibility for
approximately 8 to 10 store locations...

District Loss Prevention Manager
Knoxville, TN
● Investigate reports of asset losses, injuries, or harassment to
determine proper facts and execute proper disciplinary actions.
● Conduct physical security checks to minimize asset loss and maintain CCTV and
Alarm systems.
● Train new associates in the areas of Asset Protection and
● Create and recommend ideas for increased shortage control and fewer accidents...
Loss Prevention Manager - Central Valley
Fresno, CA
Our Area Loss Prevention Managers ensure safe and secure stores through the
objective identification of loss and risk opportunities. Our Area Loss
Prevention Managers plan and prioritize to provide an optimal customer
experience to their portfolio of stores. They thrive on supporting and building
high performance teams that execute with excellence...

Physical Security Leader
Corte Madera, CA
Responsible for leading and execution of the Protection and Prevention tiers of
the Profit Protection strategy for all RH locations including our Corporate
Campus in Corte Madera, CA - PROTECTION - Access Control | Alarms | CCTV |
Guards - PREVENTION - Awareness | Audits | P&P | Training...

Prevention Manager
Las Vegas, NV
● Demonstrate management leadership skill to achieve the goals of the
● Experienced with and has knowledge of regulatory agencies to include:
● Establishes and communicates a risk business plan consistent with the
objectives of the Company that pro-actively identifies and corrects poor
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"Something just told me it was the wrong thing to do -- it didn't feel right --
I didn't have a good feeling about it." The subconscious is a very strong silent
partner we all have and oftentimes it speaks to us in these phrases. The problem
becomes when we over-think things and muffle the most powerful partner we have
-- our own minds. Or we allow our closest confidant, our closest friend, or even
at times our mentor to change or alter our true feelings. Coming to the right
decision with any big issue is difficult and certainly we need the input of our
trusted inner circle, and our spouse, but at the end of the day you're the one
living with the consequence of your decision and you alone are responsible for
it. When the bird on your shoulder is talking, make sure you listen because most
mistakes are made when that voice has been muffled.
Just a Thought, Gus

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