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Progressive Grocers Top Women in Grocery
Recognizes Asset Protection Executives

2023 Top Women in Grocery: Rising Stars
Progressive Grocer's
2023 Top Women in
Grocery awards program recognizes the integral role women play across
all segments of the North American food retail and grocery industries. This is
the 17th year for the food retailing industry's longest running program
recognizing and celebrating the accomplishments and contributions of thousands
of women at all levels in the industry.
Davis - Director, Asset Protection - Albertsons Cos./Corporate
• Davis launched such large-scale projects as camera initiatives using
technology to reduce the risk to customers and employees, and a training program
for tracking, investigating and properly communicating incidents involving
workplace violence.
• Her biggest successes included pharmacy investigations: identifying areas to
improve upon collaboration, reporting, communication and partnerships to drive
results and dramatically improve standards and performance.

• Davis' participation and leadership with key partners resulted in fewer fraud
transactions and improved retail sales as she identified the abuse of fraud
tactics by repeat offenders and implemented mitigation and new company policies
to avoid loss.
Berry - Manager, Asset Protection - The Giant Co.
• Berry's territory is the chain's largest region; her hands-on approach helped
it experience record-breaking performances in sales, shrink and underlying
operating income in 2022.
• Every month, she, a manager from a top-performing store and the regional
coordinator would walk the six lowest-performing stores, speaking to teams and
addressing issues and concerns; a beneficiary of this process was the
Phoenixville, Pa., store, whose net promoter score climbed from the low 30s to
67 within three months.
Berry implemented several new technologies to assist stores with shrink; she
recently noticed a gap in front end leadership communication and began working
on a project to rectify this.
Jordan - Division AP & Safety Mgr - Kroger/Nashville Division
• Jordan guided the Nashville division to become No. 1 in the company in
associate accident reduction, with an improvement rate of 20% versus 2021, and
the division finished second in the Kroger enterprise in total accident
reduction, with 16% improvement.
• Under her guidance, Nashville was one of only two divisions to achieve its
shrink budget for the fiscal year.

• In addition to participating in the company's Leadership Excellence
Acceleration program, Jordan co-chairs Nashville's African American associate
resource group and serves as secretary at her local church.
progressivegrocer.com |
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It's 'CIS Week' on the D&D Daily!
Follow along in the 'Vendor Spotlight'
column below as
CIS Security Solutions
showcases solutions for the retail
Retailer IDs extensive
gift card fraud, stops it cold
How a retailer's face match interrupted
nationwide scam in just hours
Step one in any crisis: Stop the bleeding. Retailers lost $94.5 billion
to thieves in 2021. Now they're stemming that figurative tide and preventing new
wounds with FaceFirst's powerful investigative tools.
how one retailer identified an extensive gift card scam and stopped it cold in
less than three hours. A store manager notified the retailer's AP team that a
masked man removed 50 Apple gift cards from the store without activating them.
(This is the first step in a known, complex gift card fraud scheme.) The AP team
ran a FaceFirst search. Even with the mask covering half of the man's face,
the search quickly revealed that he repeated the gift card thefts in 21 stores.
As a result of the first search, the AP team noted the man's frequent
accomplice. They ran a FaceFirst search on the accomplice and quickly found the
second man had placed altered gift cards back on display in 61 of their
stores. (This is the second step in the gift card fraud scheme.)
In less than three hours, the retailer identified the gift card theft pattern-at
least 84 incidents with 2,000+ stolen and altered gift cards in the prior 14
days. The retailer temporarily removed all Apple gift cards from the stores and
began working with the kiosk vendor to address the problem nationwide.
The retailer enrolled the two men in its custom FaceFirst database. FaceFirst
alerted the retailer instantly when the men entered the stores again. The men
returned three more times, determined that the Apple gift cards had been
removed, and have not been back since.
FaceFirst gives retailers incredible investigative power that helps stop the
bleeding and deters criminals so they're no longer harming the retailers'
operations. FaceFirst's AI can search thousands of hours of CCTV security
footage in seconds, turning a nearly impossible manual task for humans into
instant, actionable intelligence. FaceFirst's fast, accurate search tool helps
AP investigators build strong, detailed cases for coordination with law
enforcement agencies and prosecutors.
FaceFirst's face matching technology alerts retailers instantly when known
threats enter their stores, providing both life safety and loss prevention
advantages. Calculate the risks of being caught unaware
a known offender enters your store. If you knew there was a proven
solution to keep your valued customers and associates safer from violent
offenders and prevent loss, would you implement it? The real risk is answering
no. FaceFirst's solution is fast, accurate, and scalable-learn more today at
The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact
Retailers Push Back Against New California Shoplifting Bill
The legislation would only dissuade employees from
intervening when they witness shoplifters, leaving an open invitation "to come
in and steal."
Bill would discourage California employees from confronting shoplifters
It's aimed at curbing workplace violence,
but one retail expert says thefts will increase as a result
A bill aimed at curbing workplace violence has sparked
pushback from the California
Retailers Association, which says the legislation would only
dissuade employees from confronting shoplifters, leaving an open invitation "to
come in and steal."
my SB 553, employers would be prohibited from forcing
their workers to confront active shoplifters, and all retail employees
would be trained on how to react to active shoplifting," he said following
last month's Senate's approval.
The senator's office notes that SB 553 "does not prohibit dedicated security
personnel, like security guards, from stopping shoplifters or active
The legislation also would require employers to provide
active-shooter training to workers. They would also be required to
keep a log of violent incidents and allow companies to apply for workplace
violence restraining orders if the perpetrators are caught.
SB 553 applies to office environments and other job locations, although it
heavily targets the retail sector, which has seen a sharp uptick in shoplifting
- and violence. Security veteran Russell Stuart, who owns the Beverly
Hills-based Force Protection Agency, said the bill's language is confusing.
Employees who opt to confront shoplifters wouldn't face punishment from their
employers under SB 553, but it bars businesses from requiring workers to
intervene in such situations.
Rachel Michelin, California Retailers Association's president, said fewer
workers will be incentivized to stop shoplifters, which will have a heavy
effect on mom-and-pop retailers.
"There will be stores that close," she said.
Fallout from This Week's Federal ORC Hearing
Congress weighs federal response to high rates of retail crime
The five-finger discount costs businesses
nearly $100 billion each year and the problem is getting worse. Congress is now
weighing a federal response to it.
"When the rule of law is gone it threatens our very freedom," said Rep. Andy
Biggs during a congressional hearing on the topic this week. "The fact
that we're having this hearing in some ways is very disappointing. We used to
be a country that adhered to the rule of law."
Combating Organized Retail Crime Act, which
would set up a multi-agency federal response to retail shrinkage led
by the Department of Homeland Security, is currently working its way through the
David Johnston, the vice-president of Asset Protection
and Retail operations for the National Retail Federation, says that
the majority of recent cases are not due to individuals shoplifting small items
for themselves but organized crime rings that resell stolen goods for cash.
Johnston says these thieves can get violent.
However, during a House Judiciary's Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government
Surveillance hearing on organized retail crime and public safety, Rep. Barry
Moore, R-Ala., says changing the law might not solve the problem.
"You've got certain prosecutors who have just decided
not to apply the law on the book," said Moore. 'Whether we change the
law or not, if it's not applied it's very ineffective for us to pass law after
law whether it be gun laws or drug laws or whatever the case if in fact they are
not prosecuted.
The National Retail Federation believes an organized federal response will help
cut down on theft. The organization is
urging congress to pass the bill soon.
RELATED: Slain Home Depot worker's mom tells
Congress: 'The system failed'
Coverage of the House ORC Hearing
Slain Home Depot worker's mom tells Congress: 'The system failed'
Tiffany Lays Out Human Costs Of Organized Retail Theft
Westfield Walks on Loan for San Francisco
Center - Rampant Theft & Other Crimes
Emails reveal safety issues at S.F. Westfield
'We urgently need to discuss Westfield': Emails shed light on safety problems at
downtown S.F. mall
Westfield executives and their retail store tenants at the
troubled San Francisco Centre complained in recent months that San
Francisco's attempts to address rampant theft and other crime at the mall have
fallen short, records obtained by The Chronicle show.
In response to concerns raised by the mall, the city last year agreed to provide
a dedicated law enforcement presence at the ailing downtown shopping center,
sending two police officers to patrol the facility every day.
But the efforts appeared to do little to mollify the mall's owner, which this
week said it was returning the property back to its lenders due to weak
sales, scant foot traffic and a difficult economic climate downtown. Westfield
has said public safety issues at the mall contributed to its problems.
One Westfield executive said in a February email, which The Chronicle obtained
through a public records request, that staff from the youth jewelry store
Claire's had reported that "there was not much slow down" in shoplifting
incidents at the store since the city added officers to the mall.
Emily Weber, a vice president at Westfield's parent company, forwarded the email
to Kate Sofis, who was then San Francisco's top economic development official.
Weber wrote Feb. 9 that, in addition to the concerns raised by Claire's, "I'm
also hearing now from our center team that there were two incidents yesterday
where people were held up by knife point at the center for theft."
Claire's declined to comment. The company closed its San Francisco Centre
location in March.
New York Senate Passes bill creating Retail Crime Task Force
ALBANY- Legislation has passed through the state Senate that would
establish a New York State Organized Retail Crime Task Force.
According to Senator Griffo, who supports the measure, retail crime is a "big
problem" statewide. "This legislation will provide an important opportunity to
research and explore solutions to reduce organized retail crime that has plagued
businesses in the 53rd Senate District and elsewhere," he said.
"I urge the governor to sign this legislation so that we can put a stop to this
criminal activity and protect businesses, employees and consumers."
With a companion bill recently passed through the state Assembly, this proposed
legislation would allow a variety of law enforcement, prosecutor and retail
stakeholders to provide recommendations and review current laws to help prevent
retail theft.
NY Bill No: AO6568
U.S. Congress: House Bill 895 Combating ORC Act Adds 9 New C-Sponsors in Last
Now reaching 36 Co-Sponsors. 19 Republicans and 17 Democrats. Is your U.S.
Rep supporting the bill?
Check out the list here.
Chicago's New Mayor (Accidentally) Keeps
ShotSpotter Tech in Place
Mayor Johnson approves $10 million payment to extend ShotSpotter deal he vowed
to end - aide blames automatic signature
An aide said Johnson's signature was
unwittingly attached to a document authorizing the payment, which covered a
contract extension that was approved by Lori Lightfoot.
Brandon Johnson signed an agreement last week to spend over $10 million more
on the controversial ShotSpotter technology he lambasted on the campaign trail
and vowed to do away with.
Jason Lee, Johnson's senior adviser, said the mayor's signature was
unwittingly attached to the document, which authorized the hefty payment to
cover a contract extension that former Mayor Lori Lightfoot approved last
The controversial ShotSpotter contract started in August 2018 and is now
valued at nearly $49 million, according to the document. In approving the
extension last year, Lightfoot quietly pushed the end date from Aug. 19 to Feb.
16 next year.
During his campaign for mayor, Johnson criticized the technology and
threatened to stop using it, citing the cost and "clear evidence
it is unreliable and overly susceptible to human error."
That hardline stance appeared to send ShotSpotter's stock value into a tailspin
after Johnson was elected in April, and the company then changed its
corporate name to SoundThinking. Acknowledging the new name of the rebranded
company is among the changes written into the document Johnson signed.
"While we cannot speculate on the city's next steps," the company spokesperson
said in a statement, "SoundThinking continues to focus on providing the
highest quality gunshot detection services to the Chicago Police Department, so
they can render swifter aid to gunshot victims and more effectively respond
to incidents of gun violence, better protecting the
citizens of Chicago."
The spokesperson claimed the technology is 97% accurate, and said the
police department had credited the firm "with 125 lives saved in the last
five years, the recovery of 2,985 firearms and 24,421 pieces of evidence."
Philly may ban ski masks in public places like schools, parks, recreation
centers, and on public transit
Philly City Council is considering legislation banning the masks, which became
popular during the pandemic. The bill is unlikely to pass in time for summer,
assuming Council follows usual procedures.
"The proliferation of ski masks being used by people committing crimes has
made police work harder and is "a problem that we cannot ignore." "What it will
do is make it easier for the police to identify suspects and make our neighbors
feel safer."
Councilmember Anthony Phillips introduced legislation Thursday that would allow
the city to fine people $250 for wearing the masks in specific public places and
$2,000 in commission of a crime, and it was cosponsored by 10 other members -
meaning it already has the support of a majority of Council.
Several states, including Virginia, Florida, and Georgia, have similar bans
on people wearing facial coverings that are intended to disguise their identity.
Businesses Get Creative to Crack Down on Gun
Edwins trading food for guns to combat crime in Cleveland
70+ people have been shot to death in the city of Cleveland so far this year.
Starting right now, anyone who brings in an unloaded handgun to Edwins
restaurants, bakery or butcher shop will be given a $250 gift card that can
be used at any Edwins location, whether it is for fine dining, top cuts of meat
or fresh baked goods.
Chrostowski said it's time that the Cleveland community thinks outside the
box, especially when it comes to getting guns out of the hands of youth. He
said he's talked with many people in the community who want the business
sector to step up, and many folks are supporting this start.
Westfield mall's San Fran Centre - Cinemark movie theater closing this week
New City Budget Cuts $31M from Boston Police Department
Baltimore City Council Passes $2M To Expand & Improve City's Surveillance
Network - 'CitiWatch'
Another Dollar Store Hit With OSHA Complaints
OSHA has issued citations or violations in more than
500 inspections at the national discount retailer's Dollar Tree and Family
Dollar stores
Worker's complaint leads Department of Labor to again find Dollar Tree exposing
employees to blocked aisles, trips, falls, slowing safe exit
OSHA proposes $98K in penalties for exposing
8 employees to safety hazards
WI - Federal workplace safety inspectors opened an investigation at a
Pewaukee Dollar Tree store in January 2023 in response to an
employee's concerns about unsafe work conditions.
Inspectors with the U.S. Department of Labor's
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration found merchandise blocking aisles and exit routes,
creating trip and fall hazards and preventing workers from leaving the location
safely in an emergency.
Since 2017, OSHA has issued citations to Dollar Tree Inc. for
violations in more than 500 inspections at the national
discount retailer's Dollar Tree and Family Dollar stores in the U.S.
In all, OSHA has identified more than 300 violations.
"OSHA inspectors repeatedly find Dollar Tree employees exposed to the risks
of injury from stacked merchandise, and blocked aisles and exits," said
Occupational Safety and Health Area Director Christine Zortman in Milwaukee.
"They need to develop and follow a company-wide safety
and health program for its stores to eliminate these well-known
hazards and protect the safety of their employees."
The agency issued Dollar Tree Inc.
a citation for one repeat violation and proposed $98,219 in penalties
after the inspection at the Pewaukee store, which employs eight workers.
National SAFER Workplace Day: Friday, June 30
National Safer Workplace Day occurs on the last Friday of June
commemorating the SAFER workplace initiative which promotes workplace safety
with a heightened focus on machine safety to reduce the potential of near
misses, accidents, and injuries.
The SAFER acronym is based on the 5 fundamental steps used to conduct a risk
assessment and stands for stop, assess, formulate, execute, and review.
Following each step allows a systematic approach to effectively identify and
correct hazardous machines, tasks, process and conditions.
Check out this brief to learn more about SAFER steps and discover simple
ways to celebrate at your company.
Why Starbucks' Pride decor ignited chaos and confusion this year
Starbucks faced an uproar this week after some of its workers claimed on social
media that the company banned Pride Month decor in its stores.
Chaos and confusion ensued. The Starbucks workers' union blasted the move on
Twitter. But Starbucks denied changing any policies around Pride decor. And
while some workers said they were asked to remove Pride decorations, others
continued to decorate their stores with
Pride-themed items.
"We unwaveringly support the LGBTQIA2+ community," a Starbucks spokesperson told
Insider. "There has been no change to any policy on this matter, and we continue
to encourage our store leaders to celebrate with their communities, including
for US Pride Month in June."
NY AG Urges Target to Re-Display Pride
New York AG says Target pulling Pride items was 'wrong'
New York Attorney General Letitia James has sent a letter to Target CEO Brian
Cornell, urging the retailer to return Pride merchandise it
removed following incidents in stores where people destroyed displays and
products and confronted store workers.
On Wednesday, James
tweeted that "Target's decision to pull some of its pride merchandise
because of backlash from anti-LGBTQ+ customers is wrong. Hatred and bigotry
can't win: New York elected officials and I are urging @Target to reverse its
decision and stand up for #LGTBQ+ rights."
Written earlier in the month, the letter asks the retailer to "consider other
measures, such as enhancing security, rather than capitulating to a small
group of extreme individuals' intimidation tactics."
Check Fraud Doubles in One Year
Cases of check fraud escalate dramatically, with Americans warned not to mail
checks if possible
Check fraud is back in a big way, fueled by a rise in organized crime that is
forcing small businesses and individuals to take additional safety measures or
to avoid sending checks through the mail altogether.
Banks issued roughly 680,000 reports of check fraud to the Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network, also known as FinCEN, last year. That's up from 350,000
reports in 2021. Meanwhile the U.S. Postal Inspection Service reported roughly
300,000 complaints of mail theft in 2021, more than double the prior year's
Companies to ramp up use of AI tools for hiring, employee engagement
According to the results of a newly released survey by payroll firm Paychex
Inc., more than 75% of human-resources leaders at companies with 20 or more
employees said they plan to use artificial-intelligence tools over the next 12
months. That includes AI tools for tracking applicants, assessing employee
satisfaction and identifying potential candidates online.
The report identified other ways AI tools could help companies, including to
gather employee feedback and synthesize the data to help highlight areas of
improvement. Chatbots can also answer basic employee queries and help
skill-building and training activities.
'Recession Delayed'
Retail Spending Rose 0.3% in May as Consumers Remain Resilient to Rate Rises
Consumers spent more at most categories of retailers, including grocery,
furniture and electronics stores. They spent less at gasoline stations, which
can reflect declining prices at the pump.
"The recession will be delayed as long as consumers continue to spend,"
said Oren Klachkin, an economist at Oxford Economics. wsj.com
Despite lingering inflation and economic uncertainty, consumers showed up at
retailers in May, lifting sales 4.2% year over year in the segments covered by
Retail Dive. E-commerce rose 8.7% compared to May 2022, according to numbers
released Thursday by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Year over year, home goods sales fell 4.5% and electronics sales fell 4.1%.
Sporting goods sales rose 2.5%. Clothing sales were essentially flat
from last year, edging down 0.16%, while department store sales fell 3%.
West Coast Dockworkers and Ports Reach Contract Agreement
The agreement came after rising tensions over recent
weeks led to job actions by dockworkers at various cargo terminals, raising
concerns over potentially wider disruptions that would rattle the American
Shoe company Rockport files for bankruptcy for second time in 5 years
Sephora, True Religion, Camille Rose and More Brands Celebrating Juneteenth 2023
How companies can build trust with the LGBTQ+ community - during Pride and
Senior LP & AP Jobs
Sr. Manager, AP Field Optimization & Capabilities job posted for Gap Inc. in San
Francisco, CA
Senior Manager of Asset Protection Optimization and Capabilities will play a
critical role in developing and activating field strategy and ensuring the
smooth operation of the Field Asset Protection function at Gap Inc. This
organization consists of the Gap Inc. field Asset Protection team, which
consists of approximately 340 employees and is responsible for all aspect of
safety & security in our 2,400+ North America store locations.

Note: The D&D Daily will not be publishing Monday, June 19, in
observance of the Juneteenth holiday. We will resume publishing on Tuesday.
more about the history behind Juneteenth here.
Are Retailers Ready For Juneteenth?

All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time
Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please.
If it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.
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Meet The Next Generation Of Morellos At CIS Security Solutions
Most of you know Peter Morello, Sr., the current President, and Founder of CIS
Security Solutions. Not only has he been a commercial fisherman and a charter
boat captain for many decades, Peter has also simultaneously been in the loss
prevention solutions business for almost 35 years, helping retailers to fight
return fraud, theft, ORC, and counterfeiting. Peter's brilliant mind is always
at work, even when he is not in the office. He has the rare ability to see
schematics and solutions in his mind while someone is discussing an issue, and
he can often develop a solution before the conversation is over.
Peter was heavily involved in the creation of multi-colored ink validation
ribbons (back in the dot matrix days), UV ink, Scratch and Secure Ink, and the
counterfeit detection pens so many are using today. He is responsible for
helping to develop and bring the alarming recoiling tether to retail stores,
protecting handbags all over the world.
of you already know his sons, Pete, Jr., and Paul, who will take over the
business after Peter Sr. finally retires from working in the office. Pete and
Paul grew up attending meetings with Peter, Sr. since they were children. Even
while they had other careers, they grew up in the Loss Prevention Industry and
have been contributing to refining and updating CIS's solutions for years,
showing they have the same amazing ability as their father. Now they are working
full-time with CIS and are the first and second mates to the captain at the
Nicole, Peter's daughter, joined CIS at the beginning of the year. Nicole is a
teacher, a realtor, and now will be part of the new generation of Morellos to
contribute to the continued protection of our retailers' bottom line. Nicole
will be involved in marketing and sales and will lend a fresh view and add a new
younger perspective for our industry, and she will be providing the same care
and support our clients have come to expect from CIS over the years.
You will meet the next generation at the LP conferences this year. Stop by and
say Hi. The next generation of Morellos are ready to listen to your needs and
will help develop the solutions that you want.
Visit our
website for information on our solutions and read the
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Industry Insights Report Reveals Top Cyber Threats in the Retail & Hospitality
Credential harvesting, ransomware, and
phishing represent the largest share of threats facing the community, according
to data from Verizon and the Retail & Hospitality ISAC.
VA (June 15, 2023) - The
Retail & Hospitality Information Sharing and Analysis Center (RH-ISAC) today
released the 2023 Retail & Hospitality Industry Insights Report, which analyzes
cybersecurity trends in the consumer-facing sector. The report compares key
takeaways from the Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR) with RH-ISAC
member data to provide additional context that helps benchmark the threat
landscape against a wider community.
Key findings in the analysis reveal:
• Phishing, ransomware, and credential harvesting were
key top threats reported and discussed in the RH-ISAC community,
which aligns with top threats in the Verizon DBIR
• Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, while present, did
not rank as a key threat reported or discussed by the RH-ISAC community,
as opposed to being a top threat in the Verizon DBIR
• Member discussion of BEC attacks on sharing platforms
increased over 2022, corresponding to the massive increases noted by
• Members focused heavily on defending against the
Log4j vulnerability throughout the first half of 2022, aligning with
defense activity reported by Verizon, which slowed as the industry moved to
patch quickly
• Attacks targeting customer payment data are among the
top concerns for RH-ISAC members, which aligns with the granular view
of industry-specific metrics provided by Verizon
A copy of the
full report is available to download here.
CISOs See Improved Security Culture Despite
Budget Cuts
Security culture improving in businesses despite factors holding teams back
Most CISOs have observed improved security
culture in their organizations over the last 12 months despite slowing budgets,
competing priorities, and insufficient staffing.
The vast majority of CISOs have observed positive security culture gains in
their organizations in the last year despite a perceived dip in the quality of
overall security posture, according to the
10th annual Information Security Maturity Report published by ClubCISO
and Telstra Purple. The research surveyed 182 members of ClubCISO, a global
community of information security leaders working in public and private sector
companies. The paper paints an optimistic picture of organizational security
with CISOs reporting a drop in reported material breaches compared to the year
before, while 60% state that leadership endorsement has been a major
influence in improving organizational security culture.
Despite positive findings though, several factors still
hold CISOs and their security teams back including a lack of resources, slowing
security budgets, competing priorities, and insufficient staffing,
the report found.
Security culture is moving in the right direction in most businesses to at least
some degree, according to 80% of respondents, with 62% feeling that their
security culture is making "good progress," compared to 57% in 2022. Along
with leadership endorsement, proactive "report it" no-blame policies (41%),
simulated phishing (38%), and tailored training (37%) are key drivers improving
security culture, according to the report. Stronger alignment between
security and senior leadership teams is also noted, including both the
executive team (67% in 2023 vs 59% in 2022) and the board (54% in 2023 vs 49% in
However, growing lists of priorities and limited resources are hampering
security culture. According to respondents, the top three factors most
negatively impacting security culture over the last 12 months are too many
competing priorities (61%), security teams being overstretched (44%), and a lack
of resources to promote security awareness, behavior, and culture (26%).
What's more, CISOs still feel that insufficient staffing is affecting their
ability to deliver against objectives, although this dropped slightly from last
year (50% in 2023 vs 57% in 2022).
New Food and Ag-ISAC
Food Producers Band Together in Face of Cyber Threats
Companies launch information-sharing
platform for industry as attacks mount
A specialist group within the Information Technology-Information Sharing and
Analysis Center, which tracks threats across multiple industries, served as the
primary avenue for intercompany intelligence since 2013. Last month, the IT-ISAC
announced that the food and agriculture sector would finally be getting its own,
dedicated platform. Similar groups already exist to enable companies in the
financial services, retail, automobile and other sectors to exchange details
about threats their peers should watch out for.
"There's been a long recognition that the food and ag sector was one of the
few critical infrastructure industries without an ISAC," said Scott Algeier,
executive director of both the IT-ISAC and the new Food and Ag-ISAC.
Founding board members include PepsiCo, Bunge, Tyson, Cargill, Conagra Brands
and Corteva.
EU Draft Legislation - A Long Way to Go Before
AI Regulation Is Here. Almost.
EU lawmakers move forward with draft law to
regulate development of AI-powering products such as ChatGPT
Advances in artificial intelligence this year have rocked the tech industry,
triggering calls from politicians, consumer groups and
AI executives themselves for rules governing how to use the technology.
Those regulations are now
taking shape, at least on this side of the Atlantic. The European Union's
parliament voted Wednesday to push forward draft legislation, called the AI Act,
that is positioned to be the West's first comprehensive set of AI regulations.
The draft rules include bans on real-time, remote biometric surveillance in
public spaces and would prohibit harvesting surveillance footage or scraping the
internet in developing facial-recognition databases. The parliament's version
also seeks a ban on so-called predictive policing systems, which analyze prior
criminal behavior and other data and try to predict future illegal activity.
Editor's Note: The trend has been to have guardrails for safety and
security use cases.
Meanwhile: The French Senate voted to adopt a draft
law on testing facial recognition technology in public spaces.
DOJ: Russian National Arrested & Charged with Committing LockBit Ransomware
Attacks Against U.S. & Foreign Businesses
of the Russian Above: US Organizations Paid $91 Million to LockBit
Ransomware Gang
LockBit ransomware operators launched 1,700 attacks in the US and
received roughly $91 million in ransom payments.
Now one of the gang members is sitting in a Federal Prison.
How to achieve cyber resilience?
XSS Vulnerabilities Found in Microsoft Azure Cloud Services |
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Amazon's War on Fake Reviews
Amazon's three-step plan to halt phony reviews
Amazon is calling on the public and private
sectors to unite in an effort against fake online product reviews.
In a corporate blog post, Dharmesh Mehta, VP, worldwide selling partner
services, Amazon said that during 2022, 125 million customers contributed
nearly 1.5 billion reviews and ratings to Amazon stores. To ensure review
authenticity, the e-tail giant leverages technologies such as machine learning
models that analyze thousands of data points to detect risk, as well as human
expert investigators.
According to Amazon, it proactively blocked over 200 million suspected fake
reviews from its stores in 2022. However, in recent years, Amazon says fake
reviews are primarily being driven by the emergence of an illicit "fake review
broker" industry that solicits fraudulent consumer reviews in exchange for money
or free products, through websites, social media channels, and encrypted
messaging services.
As of the end of May 2023, Amazon says it had taken legal action against 94
bad actors, including fraudsters in the U.S., China, and Europe. However, to
maximize the success of efforts to stop and shut down fake reviews, Amazon is
recommending the private sector, consumer groups, and governments work together
following a three-step "blueprint":
1. Greater information sharing about known bad actors:
Through cross-industry sharing-including information on bad actors' tactics
and techniques, who they are targeting, the services they provide, and how
they operate-Amazon says it can more effectively shut down their schemes.
2. Clearer enforcement authority and greater funding to
hold bad actors accountable: In some countries, Amazon advises that
governments should establish enforcement authority or stronger enforcement
tools to penalize fake review brokers.
3. Better controls for services that facilitate fake
review solicitation: Fake review brokers use third-party services
like social media and encrypted third-party messaging services to facilitate
their illicit schemes. Amazon investigates and regularly reports abusive groups,
deceptive influencers, and other bad actors to these third parties.
In order to further disrupt fake review networks and address the problem at
scale, Amazon wants to work with third-party media companies to help improve
their detection methods and ensure they have better controls to detect fake
review networks and shut them down proactively.
Amazon Shuts Off User's Smart Home Devices
Over False Racism Allegations
Amazon customer claims company locked him out of smart home devices over 'bogus'
racism allegations
An Amazon customer claims that the tech giant locked him out his smart home
devices after a delivery driver falsely accused him of using a racial slur.
Brandon Jackson said he was locked out of his Amazon devices from May 25 to May
31 of this year. A smart home is a residence that incorporates smart
functions, such as security systems, audio devices and lights.
The homeowner claimed "everything seemed fine" after he had a package delivered
on May 24, but was locked out of his Echo Show device the next day. He said he
quickly contacted a company representative for assistance.
"I was told that the driver who had delivered my package reported receiving
racist remarks from my 'Ring doorbell' (it's actually a Eufy, but I'll let
it slide)."
Jackson then claimed he had video footage proving that no interaction
occurred, and none of his family members were in his home at the time.
Will 'Buy Now, Pay Later' Reshape Online Shopping Habits?
Google Is Weaving Generative AI Into Online Shopping Features |
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Bakersfield, CA: 4 people arrested for allegedly stealing $10,000 worth of store
Bakersfield Police Department arrested four people for organized retail theft
and other charges, along with an additional two people for unrelated warrants,
at a motel in South Bakersfield on Tues, June 13. According to the BPD, the
BPD's Organized Retail Theft Unit executed a search warrant for a room at the
Econo Lodge motel on Wible Road around 11 a.m. The warrant was in relation to
reports of retail theft at Marshall's and TJ Maxx on Mon, June 12. The BPD says
that purses were stolen from the stores. The motel room search revealed
approximately $10,000 in stolen merchandise from various stores around
Bakersfield, leading to the arrest of four people involved. Maile Bond, 18,
Steven Noey, 23, Margarita Mora, 59, and Roel Garza, 55, were all arrested for
organized retail theft and conspiracy. Bond, Mora, and Garza also were arrested
for receiving stolen property and Noey was arrested for grand theft and
possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond and Mora were also arrested on
misdemeanor warrants, whereas Noey was arrested on a felony warrant.
Concord, NH: Regional Crimeline: Police Seek Tips About Thefts At Lowe's
Concord police investigators are asking for help identifying two men accused of
being involved in two theft incidents at Lowe's on Fort Eddy Road. The man
pictured in the photo on the right was accused by police and the store of
stealing more than $1,000 worth of tools and power equipment on May 17. The man
on the left was accused of visiting the store on June 3 and stealing a chainsaw
and asphalt sealer. "The value of the theft was over $1,000," Lt. Marc McGonagle
of the department's criminal investigations division.
Genesee County, NY: 3 Rochester suspects charged in connection to $6,000 of
stolen property
Three Rochester citizens were arraigned on charges relating to stolen property
in Genesee County on Thursday. The three individuals - Kiara Bates, 31; Jayona
Henderson, 20; and Ashanay McBean, 27 - were located on Route 5 heading into the
Town of Batavia. The Erie County Sheriff's Office reached out to the Genesee
County Emergency Communication Center for help in locating a vehicle involved in
a larceny on June 13. Inside the vehicle was $6,000 in stolen property
associated with the larceny being investigated by Erie County Sheriff's Office.
The Acura was reported missing on May 28 of this year to the Niagara Frontier
Transportation Authority (NFTA) Transit Police Department.
Charleston, SC: Arrests made in West Ashley Ulta $3,000 shoplifting
The Charleston Police have arrested four people in connection to a robbery at a
West Ashley Ulta Beauty store. Ieshia Drayton, 31, Tyra Drayton, 25, Keyajanay
Green, 21, and Tyeshia Prioleau, 24, are all facing shoplifting charges,
according to jail records. The four are accused of taking nearly $3,000 worth
of fragrances from the store. According to the police report, surveillance
video shows four people placing items into bags. When they were confronted the
four individuals then grabbed the bags full of merchandise and left the store,
without paying.
Fresno County, CA: 2 men accused of stealing from Lowes arrested after long
men were arrested after police say they stole merchandise from Lowes in Clovis
and then led them on a high-speed chase. Clovis police got a call from Lowes
loss prevention about the theft of a pressure washer. An officer spotted the
suspect's car, a 1967 Cadillac, on Shaw Ave and pulled it over. The officer said
the driver stopped briefly but took off again and hit another vehicle. Police
followed until the driver ran a red light. The Fresno police helicopter followed
the Cadillac that stopped briefly at Willow and Shaw Avenues to let a passenger
out. The passenger, later identified as 36-year-old Lukas Taylor, was quickly
captured by Clovis officers. The helicopter continued following the car and
observed the driver passing traffic on both sides of the road, running red
lights. He continued driving recklessly and speeding until he went off the road
and got stuck at a creek. The area was surrounded by Fresno County sheriff's
deputies, the Forest Service, and Clovis police. A K-9 officer was brought in to
help with the search. The Sheriff's helicopter, Eagle 1 spotted the man and
directed units to his location and took him into custody. The suspect had to be
treated for a dog bite.
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Shootings & Deaths
Emporia, VA: Restaurant owner killed, son shot by former employee
A disgruntled former employee is responsible for killing the owner of a Chinese
restaurant in Emporia and also shooting the man's son, according to police.
Emporia Police Chief Ricky Pinksaw said dispatchers received a 911 call about
shots fired in the China Garden Restaurant on W Atlantic Street around 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday. When officers arrived, they found the owner of the business dead. The
son of the owner, who suffered multiple gunshot wounds, was flown to VCU Medical
Center in Richmond, according to Pinksaw.
Monroe County, FL: Florida strip mall owner's charges upgraded to first-degree
murder in shooting of man urinating on side of building
The owner of a strip mall in Monroe County is now facing upgraded charges after
a grand jury indictment for the fatal shooting of a 21-year-old man in an
alleyway near his business. 57-year-old Lloyd Preston Brewer III is now facing
one count each of murder in the first degree, aggravated assault with a deadly
weapon, and violation of a concealed firearm permit, according to the
indictment. He was originally charged with murder in the second degree with a
deadly weapon without premeditation following the shooting death of Garrett
Hughes. Authorities say Brewer fatally shot Hughes on Feb. 13th after finding
him urinating on a wall in the alleyway behind the Conch Town Liquor & Lounge in
the Searstown shopping center owned by Brewer. According to the report, Hughes
had just come from the lounge and was intoxicated. Officials say Brewer was
driving in the lot at the time and noticed Hughes urinating on his business.
Brewer then got out of his vehicle, confronted, Hughes, and fatally shot him in
the stomach.
County, FL: Person shot walks into 7-Eleven, taken to hospital
Deputies in Orange County responded to a shooting at a gas station Thursday
morning. A sheriff's office official told Channel 9 a person was shot at a
7-Eleven gas station at Orange Blossom Trail and 40th Street. Deputies were
called about the shooting around 4:15 a.m. The store is equipped with a parking
lot video system (camera, load speaker and strobes) No other details have been
released by law enforcement.
Incidents & Thefts
Memphis, TN: DOJ: Second Man Sentenced in Series of Armed Robberies and
Conspiracy to Commit Additional Robberies of Mid-South Retail Stores
On Tuesday, June 13, 2023, a federal judge sentenced the second of two men
involved in a series of robberies of mid-South Walmart and Kroger stores
beginning Christmas Eve 2021. Randy Readus, 36, of Memphis was sentenced to 180
months in federal prison for his role in multiple business robberies and
conspiracy to commit robberies in the Memphis and surrounding areas, said Kevin
G. Ritz, United States Attorney for the Western District of Tennessee. U.S.
District Court Judge John T. Fowlkes, Jr. also ordered Readus to serve two years
of supervised release and pay restitution of more than $34,000 upon completion
of his prison term. There is no parole in the federal system. Readus's
co-defendant, Memphis resident Julius Black, 32, was sentenced on May 18, 2023,
to 240 months in prison after previously pleading guilty to these and other
robbery charges. Judge Fowlkes also ordered that Black serve three years of
supervised release and pay restitution. This case was investigated by the FBI's
Safe Streets Task Force.
Lubbock, TX: Romanian Gold Thief Who Robbed Rockville Store Caught In Texas
An international gold thief wanted for stealing from a Rockville store has been
captured in Texas, according to an NBC Washington report. Mircea Lucaci, a
Romanian national who also uses the last names Lopez and Rostas, is accused of
stealing thousands of dollars in gold from Congressional Jewelry and Coin on
Rockville Pike, NBC Washington reported. Detectives had been searching for
Lucaci since August, the report said. He was arrested in Lubbock.
Las Vegas, NV: Man accused in 4 armed robberies across Las Vegas, Henderson
Wheatfield, NY: Niagara County begins cracking down on illegal cannabis stores
C-Store - American
Canyon, CA - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Daphne, AL -
Armed Robbery
C-Store - Bertrand
Township, MI - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Terrell, TX
- Armed Robbery
C-Store - Ocala, FL -
C-Store - Oklahoma
City, OK - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Houston, TX
- Armed Robbery
C-Store - Auburn, WA -
Armed Robbery
Clothing - New York,
NY - Robbery
Collectables -
Montclair, NJ - Burglary
Grocery - Pittsburgh,
PA - Armed Robbery
Grocery - Plattsburgh,
NY - Armed Robbery
Grocery - Phoenix, AZ
- Armed Robbery
Hardware - Clovis, CA
- Robbery
Jewelry - Torrance, CA - Robbery
Jewelry - Broomfield, CO - Robbery
Jewelry - Camarillo, CA - Robbery
Jewelry - Thornton, CO -Robbery
Liquor - Berrien
County, MI - Armed Robbery
Restaurant -
Cleveland, OH - Armed Robbery / shots fired
Restaurant - Los
Angeles, CA - Armed Robbery
Daily Totals:
• 20 robberies
• 1 burglary
• 1 shooting
• 0 killed |
Weekly Totals:
• 88 robberies
• 32 burglaries
• 5 shootings
• 2 killed |

Click to enlarge map
None to report.
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Holding people accountable can be a difficult task made even more difficult if
those people don't even hold themselves accountable for their own performance or
actions. Rationalizing, minimizing, deflecting - some people are just incredibly
difficult to develop and lead. But then again, isn't that the key to being good
leaders. Learning how to manage and lead is a life-long process that's tested
every day you go to work. With human nature being to take the path of least
resistance, the manager has to be there making sure no one does.
Just a Thought, Gus

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