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Jeremy Barlow promoted to Director, Installation Support for Interface
Jeremy has been with
Systems since last year. Before his promotion to Director,
Installation Support, he served as Manager, Security Test and Turn Up.
Prior to Interface, he served for more than eight years as a Regional LP
Manager for James Avery Jewelry and a Corporate Investigations
Supervisor for more than a year with 7-Eleven. Earlier in his career, he
held LP roles with Staples, The Home Depot, Mervyns, HomeBase, Shopko,
and Sears. Congratulations, Jeremy! |
See All the Executives 'Moving Up' Here |
Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position
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RLPSA Annual Conference
RLPSA 2023 Conference
Wrap-up: Day 1
By Amber Bradley, Executive Director, RLPSA
Restaurant loss prevention, safety, and risk professionals convened on the Mile
High City of Denver, Colorado for the Restaurant Loss Prevention & Security
Association's (RLPSA) 43rd
Annual Conference at the Sheraton Downtown Hotel, running from April 1 - 5.
RLPSA hosted more restaurant companies than ever before and is enjoying a record
number of attendees!
kicked off DAY 1 to ask a very important question: Are you ready to take on
the industry's toughest challenges? The record number of restaurant
companies and attendees responded in force with this year's theme: CHALLENGE:
Day 1 was a massive success, as professionals from across the industry gathered
to discuss the latest trends and insights in restaurant loss prevention, risk,
and safety. Attendees were treated to a slew of engaging breakout presentations,
experiences, and networking opportunities that highlighted the importance of
staying ahead in this ever-evolving landscape.
The conference was kicked off by the riveting keynote speech from renowned
intelligence expert, John Franchi. Franchi shared his vast knowledge and
experience in the field, as a Senior CIA officer, offering valuable insights and
actionable strategies for businesses to implement and stay on top of emerging
threats in the restaurant space.
A standout presentation at the RLPSA conference was delivered by Kristen Ziman,
Aurora, Illinois Chief of Police (ret.), whose talk on "Preparing for and
Preventing the Unthinkable" captivated the audience. In this riveting and
engaging talk, attendees learned what they never thought they needed to prepare
for and prevent the unthinkable!
Apart from insightful presentations, the RLPSA exhibit floor was all the buzz,
boasting an impressive array of cutting-edge solutions and services catered to
the restaurant loss prevention, risk, and safety professional. Attendees had the
opportunity to get hands-on with the newest products and tech solutions,
allowing them to directly experience the advancements set to transform and
streamline restaurant security.
One of the most talked-about features of the exhibit floor was undoubtedly the
thrilling escape room challenge. This interactive game allowed attendees to put
their problem-solving skills and teamwork to the test, with a grand prize of
$1,500 up for grabs. Not only did this unique activity foster collaboration, but
it also showcased how experiential learning, with our solution provider
sponsors, can inspire the development of innovative strategies. CHALLENGE:
The Envysion-sponsored RLPSA Puppies and Beer exhibit was the star of the show
this year! With its combination of adorable puppies from local breeders,
refreshing cocktails, and powerful business intelligence, it had something for
everyone. Attendees couldn't get enough of snuggling with the puppies, sipping
on cold beer, and learning more about how to leverage data-driven insights. It
was definitely a highlight of the event, with people leaving with a smile on
their face and a renewed passion for leveraging analytics!
1 of the 2023 RLPSA conference was undoubtedly an event to remember. With
engaging presentations, interactive exhibits, and opportunities for meaningful
connections, attendees left equipped with the knowledge and tools to tackle the
ever-changing retail landscape head-on.
Stay tuned for Day 2!
The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact
30,000-Foot View of
Organized Retail Theft
NRF Blog: 6 things to know about retail theft
A baseline for combating organized retail
David Johnston - VP, Asset Protection and Retail Operations, NRF
Let's look at some of the facts around retail theft and organized retail crime.
Retail theft is a problem
A daily review of national and local news highlights that shoplifting and
retail theft are at an epidemic level. Shoplifting is no longer an invisible
act of concealing merchandise - brazen scofflaws are openly stealing from
national retailers and local businesses.
Stolen items are not for personal use
Shoplifting to resell stolen merchandise is part of the organized retail crime
enterprise. When a shoplifter walks out with $20,000 in beauty care products or
power tools, it's not for personal need. Shoplifters might be stealing for
financial need or to feed an addiction, but they are selling the products for
drugs or cash to a fencing operation, pawn shop or other illicit businesses.
Widespread retail theft impacts the customer experience
Shoppers expect merchandise to be in stock and readily available for purchase.
When items are unavailable for purchase, or a customer must summon and wait for
an associate to unlock a product that costs less than $20, frustration mounts
and consumers lose confidence in their local retailers. Store closings
due to theft inconvenience shoppers who must travel farther for everyday needs.
must respond to the issue
Public leaders feel the pressure, and some states have begun to re-structure
or enact new laws or create task forces to go after these criminal groups.
Communities that bury their heads in the sand will eventually recognize far
greater issues. It's hard to say a problem doesn't exist when communities hold
press conferences to reassure citizens that it remains safe to shop in local
Retailers understand the impact across their business
| It will take a "whole community" approach to resolve
Read the full blog here
'Out of Control': Portland's Battle Against
Shoplifting Continues
The city is asking retailers to bear the cost &
responsibility for wrangling theft
Portland retailers try to wrangle theft as city pushes them to do more
"It's unbelievable. The shoplifting we're
seeing is out of control. ... It has been bad, but this is worse."
Businesses big and small in the Portland area are reporting a sharp uptick in
petty theft, mirroring a sentiment aired by retailers nationwide.
recently sought to hire off-duty Portland Police officers to provide
security at a store it had shuttered in response to repeated shoplifting,
according to a letter the company sent to Mayor Ted Wheeler. The mayor's
office rebuffed the request.
Wheeler's aides asked that the company instead commit to allowing its own
security guards to detain shoplifters and then call police, promising more
frequent police patrols in the area in response. His office is asking the
same of the city's other retailers.
Retailers big and small, though, are leery of taking on
that liability. And in recent years, they say they've grown
accustomed to long-delayed police responses, or no response at all.
Retail theft also has become a political lightning rod, with some retailers
citing shoplifters as the impetus behind store closings. The CEO of Walmart
said in December the chain would have to raise prices or shutter stores
in response to thievery, and two months later the chain announced it would close
two Portland stores.
The Oregon Retail Crime Association of Oregon - an industry group formed
in 2019 consisting of corporate retailers, industry groups and labor unions -
surveyed big-box retailers in Portland last year.
"Many said it's a waste of time to call the police
anymore," said Jeremy Girard, a retail security manager and the
group's president. "Even if police do show up and a shoplifter does get
arrested, they're just going to get their charges dropped, or they're just going
to be let go. So I think there's a lot of frustration there."
The numbers show referrals for theft prosecutions by police have declined in
each of the past three years, from about 3,100 in 2019 to just over 900 in 2022.
Even among those cases, the percentage pursued by prosecutors fell, too,
dipping 47% in 2021 before rebounding to 58% last year.
Some small retailers have started to be more aggressive in trying to stop
shoplifters in the act - not in response to the mayor's suggestion, but because
they feel as though they're on their own.
Is Record-Breaking Violence Finally Starting to Decline?
Portland's homicide drop could be a glimmer of hope
that record-breaking violence is slowing
Portland homicides have slowed. Here's why experts aren't ready to call it a
After two years of record-breaking violence in Portland, the number of
homicides is showing glimmers of decline. But with the year's typically most
violent months still ahead this summer, experts say it's too soon to declare
victory. And even if the downward trend persists, the number of people being
killed in Portland still outpaces the annual figures from before the summer of
2020, when homicides skyrocketed to historic levels.
has recorded 19 homicides so far this year as of Friday, compared with 25 by
the end of March in 2021 and 2022 - 24% less than both
of the previous two years.
Homicides in Portland climbed steadily between 2016 and 2019, but never
topped 40 in a single year, with only one month - April 2019 - seeing as many as
six killings. That gradual increase exploded in July 2020, when Portland saw a
staggering 15 homicides in a single month. By the end of 2020, 57 people
would die by homicide - a total that would almost double the following year.
Portland shattered its 1987 record of 70 homicides when it recorded 92
killings in 2021. The city broke its new record
again the following year after recording 101 homicides. The city's
population is about 35% larger than it was in 1987, growing from 419,810 to an
estimated 647,697 in 2022.
The majority of homicides the last two years were caused by gun violence.
Like homicides, shootings in Portland spiked after the
summer of 2020 and are starting to show signs of decline, but the
numbers are still significantly higher than they previously were.
Focusing on Repeat Offenders: The Key to
Stopping NYC Crime?
Researchers say supporting a few thousand repeat offenders could be the key to
reducing crime in NYC
Criminal justice officials and researchers analyzing arrest data have identified
a small group of repeat criminal defendants who, if properly monitored and
supported with social services, may present an opportunity to reduce street
crime in New York City.

The group represents a small portion of all of those charged with crimes over
the last two years, but they stand out because they're repeatedly arrested
in short periods of time while also failing at high rates to show up to their
court hearings. They also appear to be responsible for
a disproportionately large percentage of alleged crimes. The
debate over changing bail laws, which dominates the state legislature and
has delayed approval of the state budget, is now turning to what should be done
about these alleged recidivists.
Researchers and some city officials say providing them with comprehensive
mental health, housing, and drug rehabilitation services could stop some of them
from cycling through a clogged criminal justice system, and even improve
public safety. Others, like Gov. Kathy Hochul, say judges should be granted
extra discretion to impose bail on that group.
"It's time to have a new debate," said Aubrey Fox, executive director of the
nonprofit New York City Criminal Justice Agency, which oversees Supervised
Release programs for people charged with crimes. "Let's stop solely focusing
on whether bail reform is good or bad, and let's be honest about the challenges
we face. The current system is working well for most, but
we need better ways of addressing this small group of
people who are coming through the system repeatedly."
Of the more than 92,000 people arrested last year, it shows that 2,505 were
arrested five or more times. Notably, the most serious charges that most
people in that group faced were misdemeanors and non-violent felonies, which
further indicates a population of people who might be helped with more robust
social services rather than incarceration, researchers said.
Ironically, when looking at the group of people arrested five or more times
within a single year, current bail reform measures would not have
significantly affected their legal outcomes, the data show. The bail reforms
of 2020 limited judges' ability to hold people at Rikers Island jails before
their court hearings if they couldn't pay bail. It mostly affected those with
misdemeanors and non-violent felonies, though, and didn't significantly affect
this highly concentrated group of repeat offenders.
Ex-NYPD Commissioner Says 'Insane' Bail Laws
Contribute to Mass Shootings
Let's get organized on guns and 'deal with mass shootings beforehand,' ex-NYPD
Safir, NYC's 1996 to 2000 police commissioner:
"Our system lists 350 million guns in the USA. The major cause of death for
children. We need to deal with mass shootings BEFOREHAND."
"Red flags exist. Nashville's shooter had a history of mental issues. Yet
each state has a different Red Flag Law if they have one at all. Health
providers are not required to notify police when anyone exhibits violent
tendencies. Nashville had no information or Red Flag Law!"
"Police need to be notified when someone exhibits such proclivity.
"Notification goes to a secure database and can be provided to gun dealers like
the airlines' No Fly list that shows in a background check. Remember: That
Nashville shooter purchased her guns 'legally.'
"Many shooters post intentions on social media beforehand. Companies already
have algorithms that identify objectionable posts. Why not the same for a
potential mass shooter?"
"We need background checks and a return to assertive policing.
Criminals no longer fear police. Insane no bail laws
put them and their guns back on the street."
'Disorder and Lawlessness Will Not Be
NYC Mayor Warns Protesters to 'Be on Your Best Behavior' ahead of Trump
York City mayor Eric Adams on Monday discouraged unruly political
demonstration over the indictment of former president Trump, who is
scheduled to be arraigned at the Manhattan courthouse on Tuesday.
Addressing reporters at a press briefing, Adams warned prospective protesters
that disorder and lawlessness will not be tolerated by the massive NYPD
deployment that will be on-scene outside the courthouse in lower Manhattan
as Trump arrives to be fingerprinted and photographed Tuesday morning.
"Control yourselves. New York City is our home, not a playground for your
misplaced anger. We are the safest large city in America because we respect
the rule of law in New York City," Adams said in a warning to potential
protestors. "And although we have no specific threats, people like Marjorie
Taylor Greene, who is known to spread misinformation and hate speech, says she's
coming to town. While you in town be on your best behavior. As always, we
will not allow violence or vandalism of any kind. And if one is caught
participating in any act of violence, they will be arrested and held
accountable no matter who you are."
RELATED: White House 'ready' for Trump arraignment
Thefts running rampant at Havertown, Pa. shopping plaza
Following mass shootings, DeSantis signs permitless carry bill
Mason City, Iowa crime rate drops, according to new data
Retailers Still Feeling the Impact of COVID
3 years later: How COVID-19 exposed the vulnerability of suppliers and workers
to the power of big buyers
A tidal wave of order cancellations in early
2020 had dire repercussions for laborers and their families. The consequences
are still being felt.
years ago at this time, thousands of retail doors across the U.S. were shuttered
as COVID-19 began its rapid, deadly spread.
Most retailers and brands in the U.S. shrugged off the financial impact of the
store closures within a year. Meanwhile, many smaller factories closed for
good, while workers were laid off and lost desperately needed income. Debt,
forced labor and hunger followed the lost wages for many factory workers,
especially in apparel and footwear, where incomes historically have been low to
begin with.
The early period of the pandemic revealed the cracks in supply chains as well
as the underlying dynamics that are still very present by many accounts, and
which predated the crisis.
For all the talk of partnership between buyers and suppliers, the COVID-19
crisis showed just how contingent the relationship often is between powerful
brands and overseas vendors and their workers, as research since that time
has shown.
"It lays bare the vulnerability of the supply chain for the workers,"
Pamela Abbott, a professor of education and director of the Centre for Global
Development at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, said in an interview.
$6.7M Retail Lawsuit
Former Bed Bath & Beyond CEO sues over unpaid severance
Former Bed Bath & Beyond CEO Mark Tritton sued the company on Friday, accusing
the struggling retailer of cutting off bi-monthly payment of his $6.76
million severance agreement in January.
In a 13-page complaint filed with the Supreme Court of the State of New York,
Tritton accuses the company of breach of contract for failing to continue
the payments following his departure from the company on June 23, 2022.
According to the court document, Bed Bath & Beyond's chief legal officer, David
Kastin, acknowledged the company stopped paying Tritton in order to preserve its
cash reserves. Bed Bath & Beyond has struggled in recent months to avoid
bankruptcy, warning just last week that it could not rule out needing
bankruptcy protection if its latest attempt to raise $300 million in the stock
market fails.
In discussions between Kastin, Tritton and his legal counsel, the company
"conceded Tritton was (and is) entitled to those payments and that Tritton
complied with all requirements and/or conditions," that would entitle him to his
severance payments, the court complaint says.
Most Valuable Retail Brands
Amazon, tops list of USA's most valuable brands; Apple, Walmart in top five
The online giant retook the number spot from Apple on brand valuation
consultancy Brand Finance's annual ranking of the 500 most valuable U.S. brands.
Amazon claimed the top spot even as its brand value declined 15% this
year to $299.3 billion from $350.3 billion last year. Despite its fall in value
this year, Amazon's brand value is still up 36% since the beginnin
Apple, at No. 2, had a brand value of $297.5
billion, down 16% from $355.1 billion last year. Rounding out the top five:
Google (brand value $281.382 billion).
Microsoft ($191.574 billion and
Walmart ($113.781 billion.
Other retailers in the top 10 were The Home Depot, No.
8 (brand value $61.053 billion) and
Starbucks, No. 10 ($53.432 billion).
Store closures: check before you shop on Easter Sunday
Why every retail leader should take a shift on the sales floor


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Tally's 'ORC Early
Warning System' Catches
Shrimp Theft in Action at FMI AP Conference
By Sean Ryan - President, Tally Retail
Solutions LLC
Retail Solutions recently attended the
FMI Asset Protection & Grocery Resilience conference in Orlando. What a
great conference, attendance was up and the agenda was awesome.
Tally had set up a display of our "ORC Early Warning System" in one of
the ballrooms. The solution consists of a shelf pad, audio announcement and
video camera. Once a predetermined amount of product is removed an announcement
sounds, along with video recording and texting.
We had set up a 3-foot shelf, with sample products of liquid detergent pods,
energy drinks, bottles of vodka and bags of fake shrimp. We were really excited
to display the solution for shrimp, as we do not know of any viable solution for
this product. I purchased bags of shrimp, emptied them out and filled the
bags up with some fake plastic shrimp I found online.

On the second day, it was time for the evening reception a couple of floors up
from the ballroom. About 10 minutes into the reception, I received a text from
the shelf. I didn't think much of it, perhaps thinking a few straggler attendees
were testing the shelf.
About 2 hours later, I went back to the ballroom, and much to my dismay, one of
the bags of fake plastic shrimp was gone! I went to the video recording and
found out that a lady with purple hair had made off with my fake plastic shrimp!
(Click the screen grab to the right to download and
view the theft)
She didn't take the detergent, energy drinks or vodka -- just the fake plastic
shrimp! Perhaps she didn't wash clothes or drink alcohol and energy drinks.
Perhaps she had a plastic cat at home that was hungry.
I contacted hotel security and gave them the video. They came back and said they
had eyes on the offender but lost her in the elevator. Doug Baker from the FMI
was kind enough to show the video to the attendees to see if anyone could find
I gave a couple of samples of the shrimp from the other bag to some attendees
and starting getting pictures of possible locations of the missing shrimp! If
anyone knows the whereabouts of the missing shrimp, please take a photo and
send to
We will show his potential whereabouts throughout the year at the next FMI
conference in Dallas.
Hope to see you and the shrimp there!
For more info about next year's conference, contact

To learn more about Tally's 'ORC Early
Warning System',
click here
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Active Directory: Most Common Jumping Board
for Retail Attacks
Retailers Need to Close Active Directory Security Gaps
operations are an increasingly popular target for cybercriminals. The growth
of online shopping, self-checkout systems, point-of-sale transactions and other
digital processes has created numerous opportunities for attackers.
And the most common jumping board for cyberattacks on retail? Active
Directory (AD). Because AD serves as the backbone of many environments, an
attack that takes down AD can effectively halt operations. Therefore, smart
retail teams prioritize solutions and processes that significantly reduce that
risk by identifying AD security gaps, detecting attacks and quickly implementing
recovery plans that can help the organization regain control of their
Three Steps to Securing AD
Retail security teams looking to protect against identity-based attacks should
focus on three areas: hardening the AD attack surface, detecting attempted
attacks and planning for a fast, secure AD recovery.
1. Prioritize AD security gaps caused by
misconfigurations and lapses.
Finding the gaps in security is, of course, the first step in closing them.
In AD, these gaps are mostly caused by misconfigurations and lapses in security
hygiene. One example is overprivileged accounts, such as when a group is granted
administrative privileges inherited by every user. Accounts with weak or
plaintext passwords present another easy target, as do older accounts that are
no longer used. Misconfigurations involving legacy systems and privileged access
for service accounts are other often-overlooked vulnerabilities.
2. Monitor and respond to intrusions and attacks.
Continuous, AD-specific monitoring provides visibility into the network.
Such insights can uncover signs that an attack is underway - even a more
sophisticated attack that bypasses security agents and doesn't leave a trace in
security event logs. Detecting attacks that are in progress but haven't yet
locked up systems or done other damage can often enable retail organizations to
stop those attacks before they cause revenue loss or reputational damage.
3. Provide AD-specific backup and timely recovery.
An automated AD backup and forest recovery solution can simplify recovery of
the entire AD forest. Robust solutions enable a fast rebuild of AD forests
on clean servers. Ideally, such solutions can also prevent the reintroduction of
ransomware by ensuring that AD backups are complete and malware-free. As a
result, the time to fully recover AD can be reduced from days or weeks to
minutes, minimizing the interruption to business processes.
A More Secure Retail Sector
Ransomware and other cyberattacks pose a serious threat to retail businesses.
Yet Active Directory, an essential infrastructure component that reaches into
every aspect of a company, is often overlooked in cybersecurity efforts.
Implementing automated solutions and workflows that find gaps in AD, detect
intrusions and speed recovery is critical to ensuring that business operations
can withstand modern cyberattacks.
Software Liability Reform: Pushing Companies
to Prioritize Security
Can a White House initiative compel tech companies to write safer code?
Software liability reform is a centerpiece
of the Biden's recent national cybersecurity strategy. Implementing it will be a
recent weeks, the Biden administration has opened the door to reforming some
of the basic economic incentives of the software industry. In its recently
released cyber strategy, the Biden administration called on Congress to develop
legislation to develop a software liability regime, one that
would allow consumer and businesses to sue software
makers if they fail to take proper care in designing the security of their tools.
Software companies, if the White House has its way, will no longer be able to
disclaim liability for the products they produce.
Three decades after its launch, Microsoft Server Exchange remains buggy, hard to
fix and prone to attack, and that has
led many security experts to conclude that Microsoft simply isn't putting
the necessary resources into maintaining a product that remains a crucial
piece of enterprise infrastructure.
In responding to the breaches of 2021, the company's "security and customer
support teams worked around the clock to support customers as they updated their
systems," a Microsoft spokesperson said, noting that the company continues "to
support on-premises customers to move to a supported and up-to-date version."
Errors in code are inevitable. The failure of software makers to put
sufficient resources toward security, however, is making it far harder than it
should be to harden computer systems, said Trey Herr, who directs the Cyber
Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council. "Users shouldn't have to be
triaging a Swiss cheese product," he said. "Software will always have bugs but
recurring faults, in the same way, in the same place, in the same product, are
an issue of bad development practices."
By embracing liability reform, the Biden administration is trying to shift
how big software companies allocate their resources. "Liability is about
sharpening the incentives for better development and shifting that burden away
from users," Herr says.
TikTok's Talks With Biden Administration Have
Stalled Out
White House talks with TikTok stall after blistering congressional hearing
TikTok's general counsel said Friday the
company hasn't heard from the Biden administration since CEO Shou Zi Chew
appeared before Congress.
The White House hasn't offered additional feedback on TikTok's proposed plan to
avoid a U.S. ban since the congressional hearing where lawmakers quizzed the
company's CEO over links to China and other national security concerns,
according to TikTok general counsel Erich Andersen.
proposed $1.5 billion plan to avoid a U.S. ban would cordon off American
user data in Texas-based Oracle servers. Oracle and other third-party
auditors would be responsible for auditing the code to make sure it meets its
commitment to the U.S. government. Security personnel who would eventually be
approved by the U.S. government would oversee the arrangement.
The White House
has pushed for TikTok to totally divest the Chinese giant and has
signaled that anything short of a sale will lead to a ban. The Chinese
government has publicly expressed opposition to a ban.
Andersen says that according to TikTok's logs, the Chinese government has
never requested user data and TikTok has never provided it, either. The U.S.
government has requested user data from TikTok in criminal investigations and
the company has cooperated, according to Andersen.
The White House and intelligence community have referred to the Chinese
threat as hypothetical and not one where China has already actively exploited
TikTok user data. Speaking at the same conference, Deputy U.S. Attorney
General Lisa Monaco declined to offer any additional details on the White House
evaluation of the Project Texas proposal.
Malware and machine learning: A match made in hell
Automatic Updates Deliver Malicious 3CX 'Upgrades' to Enterprises |
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Google Keep, Keeps Your
Tasks on Track
Most of us are constantly on the go, and in a
virtual world where majority of us live, work, and organize our lives through
our smartphones, it is always great to find an appt that helps consolidate our
tasks. Enter Google Keep. The Keep app is all about creating content, sharing,
and collaborating with your contacts. While an app, it is also a synchronized
website that allows you to create lists, capture those random thoughts you have
while commuting or when you're in line at the grocery store, and compile
information that is instantly available across all your devices. Hands busy? You
can use your voice to dictate a note in the Keep app. What's great about this
app is you can easily turn your notes into checklists to keep track of tasks at
work and home. Certainly worth checking out. |
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Amazon's Massive Anti-Union Campaign
Amazon Spent $14 Million On Anti-Union Consultants In 2022
Labor consultants have been a key ingredient
in the company's counter-campaign against labor unions.
spent more than $14.2 million last year on outside consultants whose job was
to convince workers not to unionize, according to
new disclosures filed Friday with the Labor Department.
The unusually large expenditures on anti-union consultants show how
determined the online retail giant is to prevent collective bargaining within
its workforce. The company remained union-free in the U.S. until last year
when the upstart Amazon Labor Union (ALU) successfully organized a warehouse in
Staten Island, New York.
Amazon has more than 100 warehouses in the U.S. and has managed to keep
unions at bay since the ALU's
upset victory last April. However, workers rejected union bids at two
other warehouses in New York following the Staten Island vote.
Labor consultants have been a key ingredient in the company's counter-campaign,
delivering anti-union talking points in what are known as "captive audience"
meetings with workers. The company pays firms around $3,000 per day, plus
expenses, for each consultant, according to filings.
Employers and their consultants are obligated to disclose their arrangements
with the Labor Department so that workers understand who the company hired and
how much it paid to lobby them on unionization. The deadline for employers to
inform the government of their 2022 spending was Friday.
It is relatively rare for a company to disclose spending in excess of $1
million on labor consultants in a single year, let alone more than $14 million.
Still, Amazon boasts a worldwide workforce of around 1.5 million and had $514
billion in sales last year, according to its most recent annual report. The
company has faced union organizing drives in Alabama, New York, California and
elsewhere in the U.S.
Amazon spent $4.3 million on anti-union consultants in 2021, HuffPost
Walmart Revamps Online Presence
Walmart rolls out fresh look for its website and app
The redesign comes as shoppers spend less on
discretionary purchases, such as clothes and TVs.
Starting this week, all customers who browse the company's website and app
will see bigger and glossier photos, videos and social media-inspired content
that Walmart hopes will nudge more purchases.
Tom Ward, Walmart's chief e-commerce officer,
said the goal is to make shopping online easier and more engaging.
"When you walk into a store, you get inspired and excited by what you see," he
said. "And so we thought, 'How do you drive that same inspiration and
excitement in our closest store - in our app?'"
Walmart cutting 1,027 jobs at Fort Worth e-commerce facility
E-commerce firm Boxed Inc files for bankruptcy, eyes software unit sale |
Chicago: Man Charged With $243,000 Organized Retail Theft Of Tools and
Attorney General Kwame Raoul today announced criminal charges against a St.
Clair County man over the alleged possession, purchase and sale of purported
stolen retail merchandise including tools, electronics and lawn equipment in the
estimated amount of $243,000. The charges are the latest resulting from a
multi-jurisdictional investigation facilitated by Raoul's Organized Retail Crime
Task Force.
Raoul's office charged Christopher D. Odem, 50, of Belleville, Illinois, with
Class 2 felony organized retail crime, punishable by up to seven years in
prison; two counts of Class 1 felony theft, each punishable by up to 15 years in
prison; three counts of Class 2 felony theft, each punishable by up to seven
years in prison; Class 3 felony theft, punishable by up to five years in prison;
and Class 1 felony money laundering, punishable by up to 15 years in prison.
"The effects of organized retail crime are not limited to any one region of
Illinois. Buying and reselling stolen items creates a market that encourages
retail crime and makes communities less safe," Raoul said. "Today's charges
demonstrate the importance of the collaborative work that my office's Organized
Retail Crime Task Force is doing to hold individuals accountable. I would like
to thank the Illinois State Police and our law enforcement and retail partners
for their help with this investigation."
According to Raoul, Odem knowingly purchased new, in-the-box stolen merchandise.
The items, including power tools and electronics, were purportedly stolen from
local retailers, and the defendant allegedly purchased them for resale. The
charges come out of an investigation that resulted in charges filed earlier this
month against another St. Clair County man who is also accused of possessing,
purchasing and intending to sell purported stolen retail merchandise. The
Illinois State Police (ISP) and the Illinois Department of Revenue's (IDOR)
Bureau of Criminal Investigations assisted with the investigation.
ORC 'Flash Mob' Raids of Ulta Stores
Chicago, IL: Man gets 2 years for 'flash mob' raids of Ulta Beauty stores
man has been sentenced to two years for participating in a series of shoplifting
raids at Ulta Beauty stores that cost the popular cosmetics store more than
$11,000 in lost merchandise. Jaheim Jackson, 20, pleaded guilty to four
counts of felony retail theft and received four concurrent two-year sentences.
But, after receiving the state's 50% good behavior discount and other credits,
he only spent five days in prison. Prosecutors said Jackson and three women
entered the Ulta store at 3015 North Clark in Lakeview a couple of days after
Thanksgiving 2021, but they were all asked to leave because Jackson wasn't
wearing a COVID mask. They all returned to the store within an hour and loaded
baskets with merchandise from the fragrance department, prosecutors said. The
group allegedly walked out with $8,500 worth of goods. When Chicago police
pulled over a car that a witness saw leaving the scene, Jackson was behind the
wheel with Ulta merchandise lying on the back seat, prosecutors alleged. Cops
said they could identify Jackson as one of the shoplifters because the store's
security cameras recorded him not wearing a mask during the group's initial
visit. Investigators arrested Jackson again about a week later after they
connected him to an earlier raid at an Ulta store in suburban Berwyn.
Prosecutors said the thieves took fragrances worth $2,865 that time.
NY: Update: Suspects wanted for stealing $5,000 worth of Apple goods from Target
store in Queens Place Mall
Police have released photos of two suspects wanted for allegedly stealing more
than $5,000 worth of Apple goods from a Target store at the Queens Place Mall
last month. The suspects, a man and a woman, allegedly swiped the Apple goods
from the store on March 23 at around 8:10 p.m., police said. The Target store is
situated inside the mall, located at 88-01 Queens Blvd in Elmhurst. Police from
the 110th Precinct released photos of the alleged assailants via Twitter on
April 1.
Delaware County, PA: Thefts running rampant at Havertown, Pa. shopping plaza
are searching for brazen thieves allegedly targeting several big box stores
along West Township Line Road in Havertown. Police say the suspects walk in,
load up a cart and just walk out with the merchandise. In the most recent
Facebook post by Haverford Township police, a masked man is accused of stealing
on two occasions at the Lowe's, one time in February and again earlier in
March. The suspect loaded up on various power tools, generators, and
merchandise before leaving without paying, according to police. Another
Lowe's theft case was reported Thursday on West Township Line Road. Police say a
man stole three battery packs worth nearly $400. Over at Kohl's, a woman
is accused of stealing clothes and jewelry on March 18 and 19. In both cases,
police say she just simply walked out. At the Giant back on March 9,
police posted about a case where a man stole over $200 worth of groceries and
energy drinks. Haverford Township Police Department has been making posts about
thefts at these stores for months. "Unfortunately, the days and the times we're
living in, interest rates are up, inflation is up and people still need," said
Zella Gordon, who lives nearby.
Bangor, ME: Four arrested for Penobscot County $1000 theft from multiple store
Mayfield Heights, OH: ORC Suspect connected to crimes in Ohio and Michigan
arrested at Micro Center
Highland Township, MI: Two Suspects sought in True Value Hardware store robbery
Concord, CA: Three masked suspects with hammers Smash and Grab jewelry at St.
Andrew Jewelers
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Shootings & Deaths
Hillsboro, OR: Police investigating after woman shot, killed at restaurant
A 42-year-old woman was shot and killed at a restaurant in Hillsboro early
Sunday morning, April 2, according to the Hillsboro Police Department. Police
said they were called to a shooting at Kim Red Rose Restaurant, 897 S.W. Oak
St., at about 12:45 a.m. Sunday. The shooter reportedly fled in a car before
police were dispatched to the scene. "Evidence at the scene showed there was a
group of at least four people who were asked to leave the bar. One of them then
shot and killed the victim," police said in a statement released on social media
Sunday afternoon. "Additional shots were fired outside the bar as well."
Atlanta, GA: Man killed in series of shootings that began at Atlanta gas station
Police are investigating a deadly series of shootings that started at an Atlanta
gas station early Friday morning. Police lights covered the Exxon gas station on
Metropolitan Parkway in Atlanta's Adair Park neighborhood. According to the
Atlanta Police Department, at around 2 a.m., officers responded to reports of a
person shot in the area. At the scene, they found a man shot to death
Investigators say it appears that a fight had broken out between several people
that ended in gunfire. They believe the group involved in the shooting knew the
Atlanta, GA: Man shot outside restaurant on Edgewood Avenue
A man had to be taken to the hospital after fight ended in gunfire outside a
local restaurant. The shooting was reported just after midnight at 349 Edgewood
Avenue NE. The address is listed for Harold's Chicken & Ice Bar. According to
Atlanta police, two men got into a fight inside the restaurant. The suspected
shooter was asked to leave, but waited outside for the other man to exit and
shot him.
Incidents & Thefts
Mall Bomb Threat
Jacksonville, FL: Police find no threat at Avenues Mall after investigation
Jacksonville Sheriff's Office released a statement that there was no threat at
the Avenues Mall after an investigation. According to JSO, an initial call came
after a mall patron reportedly saw someone wearing what they believed to be
inappropriate attire. For example a tactical vest over clothing, or an outfit
resembling fatigues. The mall requested JSO to search the building for security,
emptying the building of shoppers and employees. After a search, Officers did
not reportedly find anything, or anyone wearing the outfit that the caller
Houston, TX: Shoplifter wanted for aggravated robbery after striking employee
with wood during flee attempt
with the Houston Police Department have released photos of a suspect who
allegedly assaulted an employee while shoplifting. It happened on Mar. 2. at a
grocery store in the 800 block of South Sam Houston Parkway. Police said a man
entered the store around 12:20 p.m. and began filling up two shopping carts.
Surveillance images caught the man leaving the store without paying for the
items. An employee who saw what was happening attempted to stop the shoplifter,
but the suspect threatened to hurt the worker. The employee still followed the
suspect outside of the store and attempted to recover the stolen items. That was
when, according to police, the suspect picked up a piece of wood and struck the
employee in the arm.
NC: Police release photos of person suspected of stealing $1500 from register at
A representative with the Town of Leland has released information concerning a
theft that took place at Walmart at approximately 9 p.m. on Friday, March 31.
According to the town, the suspect opened an unattended register and took its
contents before exiting the store.. Police are still investigating the incident
and no arrests have been made as of Monday.
Raleigh, NC: Comedian, customers help stop robbery at Chick-Fil-A
at a Raleigh Chick-fil-A helped thwart a robbery Friday afternoon. The robbery
happened at the Chick-fil-A on Capital Boulevard during a busy lunch rush.
Police said the suspect was taken into custody at the restaurant and no one was
injured. Les Long, a comedian from Raleigh, pulled out his camera and described
the moment when others at the restaurant tried to take down the robber "Whatever
was going to be done with this guy would be done as fair as possible," Long
said. In the video, three Chick-fil-A workers and a bystander helped restrain
the suspect and gather the money that had been taken. Raleigh police eventually
arrived on scene and handcuffed the suspect. "The whole situation lasted four,
five or six minutes," Long said. Police have not said what charges the robber
will face.
Las Vegas, NV: Police searching for female suspect who assaulted 73-year-old
female restaurant employee
Visalia, CA: Man sentenced for burglary spree; 17 felonies of theft, burglary,
attempted burglary, and vandalism
Stafford, VA: Marines break up knife fight at Chick-fil-A
Tacoma, WA: Cannabis dispensary burglarized after vehicle crashes into front
Huron County, MI: C-Store Manager gets prison time for stealing $13,000 from
Monticello, KY: Man loses appellate appeal for Armed Robbery of AT&T store
Adult - Yakima, WA -
Armed Robbery
Auto - Putnam County,
NY - Burglary
Beauty - Baltimore, MD
- Burglary
C-Store -
Jacksonville, FL- Armed Robbery
C-Store - Framingham,
MA - Armed Robbery
Dollar - Bibb County,
GA - Armed Robbery
Dollar - Monroe, LA -
Armed Robbery
Dollar - Aikens, SC -
Armed Robbery
Dollar - Cohutta, GA -
Dollar - Jasper
County, TX - Robbery
Gas Station -
Cleveland, OH - Robbery
Hardware - Highland
Township, MI - Robbery
Hotel - Salina, KS -
Jewelry - Concord, CA
- Armed Robbery
• Jewelry - Staten Island, NY - Robbery
• Jewelry - Garland TX - Robbery
• Jewelry - Pleasant Prairie, WI -
• Jewelry - West Nyack, NY - Robbery
• Jewelry - Bowie, MD - Robbery
• Jewelry - Glendale, AZ - Robbery
• Jewelry - Camarillo, CA - Robbery
• Jewelry - Roseville, WI - Robbery
• Jewelry - Northridge, CA - Burglary
Marijuana - Tacoma, WA
- Burglary
Restaurant - Raleigh,
NC - Robbery (Chick-fil-A)
Restaurant - Concord,
NH - Robbery
Walmart - Leland, NC -
Robbery |
Daily Totals:
• 23 robberies
• 4 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed |

Click to enlarge map
None to report. |
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Professionalism or the lack thereof is a reflection of a person's inner self.
How an executive presents themselves and talks about their former jobs, bosses
and colleagues is a real indication of how they'll talk tomorrow about who
they're working with today. And while it's human nature to be interested in the
gossip, it's usually the wolf in sheep's clothing and the one who has the need
to rationalize that has the most to say.
Just a Thought, Gus

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