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Cynthia Ferguson-Villa promoted to Sr.
Manager, Global Security Operations for Snap Inc.
Cynthia has been with Snap Inc. for more than two years, starting with
the company in 2020 as Global Security Manager, Awareness, Training and
Education. Before her promotion to Sr. Manager, Global Security
Operations, she served as Sr. Manager, Global Security, Awareness,
Training and Education. Prior to Snap Inc., she spent more than 12 years
in loss prevention roles with Disney Store and nearly four years with
Marshalls as District LP Manager. Congratulations, Cynthia!
See All the Executives 'Moving Up' Here |
Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position
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The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact
New Orleans PD Given Authority to Shut Down
Crime-Magnet Businesses
The city has become America's 'Murder Capital'
New Orleans Police Department given authority to shut down businesses found
harboring violent crime
New Orleans is in the midst of a violent
crime wave and a police staffing shortage
New Orleans Police Department can now shutter businesses that are harboring
"violent and serious crime," after the city council unanimously approved an
ordinance aimed at cutting skyrocketing crime in the city.
The council unanimously approved the "padlock" ordinance on Thursday,
which gives the city’s police department the ability to begin the shuttering
process for businesses that knowingly and repeatedly harbor crime. Moreno,
who authored the ordinance, said the police chief can now suspend licenses of
"chronic nuisance businesses that harbor violent and serious crime."
The council debated the ordinance on Thursday, with some critics saying it
could unfairly target businesses. Moreno pushed back, saying
businesses would be given ample warning, the
opportunity to remedy the problems, as well as due process during
court hearings, Fox 8 reported.
The city will define chronic nuisance as when a business repeatedly fails to
address drug, theft, and violent crimes at their establishments in a timely
manner, according to Fox 8.
The law will only apply to businesses, not residential buildings, and
will also include tracking the racial breakdown of businesses that are
shuttered. Under the law, businesses will be shuttered for up to two years
and could lead to civil penalties for business owners.
New Orleans has been battered by a crime wave in recent months and recorded a
sky-high homicide rate in 2022. In September, New Orleans unseated St. Louis as
America’s "Murder Capital," recording 52 homicides per 100,000 residents. St.
Louis, which has long been ranked and considered one of the country’s most
dangerous cities, had 45 homicides per 100,000 residents that same month.
Bay Area Plagued by Power Tool Heists - Fueld
by the Online Marketplace
Thieves targeting power tools worth up to $50k in latest Bay Area crime wave
The truck-jacking at gunpoint was one in a string of power-tool heists in the
Bay Area last year, a crime that appears to be surging and growing more brazen,
leaving some contractors in a state of perpetual anxiety.
Fears are so raw in the East Bay that at a recent meeting of the
Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association, board member Spencer Ferguson,
of Mr. Rooter Plumbing, in Oakland, implored his peers to
pool their money and hire a security consultant for active
shooter and self-defense trainings.
Oakland police say they saw an uptick in armed power-tool robberies over the
past four months, and officers investigated four such stickups in January
alone, making two arrests. Contractors who spoke with The Chronicle also noted
incidents in Vallejo and San Francisco. Police departments in those cities were
not aware of a pattern, though a spokesperson for San Francisco’s robbery detail
said that burglaries of construction sites are common.
Some cite evidence that thieves are using digital marketplaces to offload
their stolen goods — possibly the same e-commerce sites
that help fuel organized retail theft. Dzierzon insisted that
e-commerce platforms are rife with plundered items, and said he has seen at
least one other sign of an intricate crime ring in action: Weeks ago, he got a
call from detectives at the Las Vegas Police Department, saying they had
uncovered a $2 million cache of tools, one of which bore the logo for Dzierzon’s
company, PipeSpy. The tool was worth between $1,500 and $1,800, Dzierzon said.
While break-ins and thefts have always been a risk of doing business, plumbers
and tradespeople say that in the past two years, perpetrators have become
more methodical and aggressive. Thieves routinely stake out warehouses or
follow work trucks to jobs, preying on workers who have to toil at a fixed
location for a long period of time, leaving their vehicles and gear unattended.
More and more often, the perpetrators are brandishing guns.
Big Cities Make Up 9 of 15 Most Dangerous
Report Ranks America’s 15 Most Dangerous Cities For 2023
MoneyGeek ranked 263 cities with populations over 100,000 people from most to
least safe in this analysis.
an ongoing stereotype that larger cities are more dangerous. Based on our
analysis, we found that stereotype to be true: 9 out of
the 15 most dangerous cities were large cities, while no larger
cities (population of 300,000 or more) made the overall safest list.
Last year, St. Louis, Missouri was named the most dangerous city in America.
This year it was once again named the most dangerous city in the US, with the
highest per-capita crime cost on the list—$8,457.
Coming in second on the list of the most dangerous cities in America was
Mobile, Alabama, followed by Birmingham, Alabama. “Mobile has been
consistently ranked as one of the most dangerous cities in the country. The
property crime rate and violent crime rate there is the highest in the country,
only ranking below St. Louis for most dangerous (due to Mobile having less
high-cost crimes like murder),” says Milnes.
The biggest surprise in the report? The lack of big cities on the lists of
dangerous places, says Milnes. “The surprises are that from everything you
might hear about larger cities on the coasts being quite dangerous,
cities like New York and Boston are not as dangerous as
their reputations would make you think,” he says.
See the Top 15 Most Dangerous Cities below
1. St. Louis, MO
2. Mobile, AL
3. Birmingham, AL
4. Baltimore, MD
5. Memphis, TN
6. Detroit, MI
7. Cleveland, OH
8. New Orleans, LA
9. Shreveport, LA
10. Baton Rouge, LA
11. Little Rock, AR
12. Oakland, CA
13. Milwaukee, WI
14. Kansas City, MO
15. Philadelphia, PA
230 Law Enforcement Deaths in 2022
Down 66% from 2021 - COVID Caused Most Fatalities
2022 Line of Duty Deaths Statistical Review
Roll Call this month features a high-level overview of statistics relating to
officer line of duty deaths (LODDs) in 2022. While
2022 saw a dramatic decrease in LODDs compared to
2020 and
2021, law enforcement continues to be one of the most dangerous
professions in America. The data shown here demonstrates the massive sacrifices
that law enforcement officers have made while protecting American citizens this
past year.
Leading Causes of Death in 2022

In 2022, 230 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty, a 66%
decrease from 2021. The cause breakdown from our four major cause categories

Full biographies, incident details, and tributes for each of these fallen heroes
can be found through the above links. We encourage you to take the time to
reflect on the impact these losses have had on their families, departments, and
Walmart Stores Targeted by Intentional Fires
Several Walmart Stores In Atlanta Affected By Fire. One Will Permanently Close.
was bad news for Walmart shoppers in Atlanta this week with confirmation that
one of the Walmart stores in Atlanta that was temporarily closed will not reopen.
It was one of several stores that were closed due to fires in 2022.
Last August, a Walmart in Peachtree City, Georgia, was closed after a
14-year-old girl
started a fire in the store's paper goods aisle leading to significant
damage. Another Walmart in Atlanta was hit by fire twice in 2022.
In May a Walmart on Martin Luther King Drive in Atlanta was
forced to temporarily close after a fire was deliberately lit in the store's
clothing department. The same store was hit again in December with another
fire set off in the store.
Just days later, yet another Walmart store in Atlanta was affected by fire
this time in the Walmart on Howell Mill Road. Unfortunately for shoppers at
the Howell Mill location, the decision has now been made to permanently close
the store.
"After a thorough review of all factors related to our Vine City and Howell
Mill Road stores, we have made the decision to reopen our Vine City location as
a Walmart Neighborhood Market and permanently close our Howell Mill Road
location. Unfortunately, a variety of economic headwinds existed at both
stores before they were closed due to arson." - Walmart spokesperson
Read the D&D Daily's initial reporting
on the store fires
Riverton, WY Walmart Has One Of The Highest Theft Rates in Nation
Asheville sees 200% surge in break-ins amid violent crime spike
COVID Update
669.6M Vaccinations Given
US: 104.4M Cases - 1.1M Dead - 101.5M Recovered
676.2M Cases - 6.7M Dead - 648.6M Recovered
Private Industry Security Guard Deaths: 362
Enforcement Officer Deaths: 830

America’s offices are now half-full. They may not get much fuller
Office occupancy hit a post-pandemic
milestone of 50 percent last week, according to data tracked by Kastle Systems.
Experts think this could be the new normal.
The tug of war over getting workers back to the office just reached a key
milestone: 50 percent are back at their desks on average, the most since the
pandemic hit in March 2020.
But that means major corporate offices are only half as full as they once were —
and many experts think this could be as good as it gets.
Overall growth in office occupancy has begun to level off in recent months
despite efforts by many bosses to get workers back more often, according to data
tracked by Kastle Systems. Last week, office occupancy across the country’s
top 10 metro areas edged up to 50.4 percent of pre-pandemic levels,
according to Kastle, which measures office activity through entry swipes.
But the return-to-office figures are unlikely to go much higher as flexible work
becomes entrenched in the lives of white-collar workers, experts say. Some
employees have resisted hard mandates to return:
They’ve left for remote opportunities elsewhere or even
flouted in-office requirements, flexing worker leverage while the labor
market remains hot. In response, more companies seem to be moving toward
acknowledging that the 9-to-5, Monday-through-Friday in-office job is over. More
than half of U.S. jobs that can be done remotely were hybrid as of November, up
from 32 percent in January 2019,
according to data from Gallup.
“Office numbers have flatlined,” said Nicholas Bloom, an economist at
Stanford University who has been studying the evolution of flexible work. “Longer-run,
work from home will clearly rise, as the technology supporting this is improving
rapidly, driven by the surge in current levels.”
Insurers Avoid Picking Up Businesses’ Covid-19 Pandemic Costs
Policyholders have been trying to collect on
policies for ‘business interruption,’ but courts have so far sided with insurers
that argue the policies are triggered by physical damage to property, not the
presence of virus
Businesses have long relied on insurance to cover losses from unexpected
disruptions. But they have faced an uphill battle in trying to get carriers to
pay out on one of the biggest ever: pandemic shutdowns.
Insurers that sold “business interruption” coverage have denied claims by
companies that suffered through lockdowns or other fallout of the Covid-19
pandemic, and many courts have shot down subsequent lawsuits. The presence of
virus wasn’t enough to trigger the policies, which generally require some kind
of physical damage to property, the courts say.
Businesses, however, continue to litigate in hopes of a payout.
U.S. plans to stop buying Covid shots for the public this fall
This winter's U.S. COVID surge is fading fast, likely thanks to a 'wall' of
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
State Crime Data and Strategies to Lower Crime
Part 4 of a 4 Part Series
Council of Criminal Justice - Pandemic, Social Unrest, and Crime in U.S. Cities
- Year-End 2022 Update
This report updates CCJ’s previous studies of crime changes during the
coronavirus pandemic, extending the analyses with data through December of 2022.
The current study finds a drop in homicide, aggravated assaults, and gun
assaults and a rise in robbery and most property crimes. The authors’
conclusions have not changed: to achieve substantial and sustainable
reductions in violence and crime, cities should adopt evidence-based
crime-control strategies and long-needed reforms to policing.
The crime data were obtained from online portals of city police departments that
provided monthly incident-level data for the period between January 2018 and
December 2022.
It examines monthly crime rates for 10 violent, property, and drug offenses
in 35 American cities. The 35 cities are not necessarily representative of
all U.S. cities. Not all cities reported data for each offense, and the data
used to measure the crime trends are subject to revision by local jurisdiction.
Larcenies are thefts unaccompanied by force or breaking and entering. Thefts
from motor vehicles and shoplifting are the two most common forms of larceny.
The average monthly larceny rate exhibited a distinct cyclical pattern over
time, as shown in Figure 10. The larceny rate in the 29 cities with available
data was lower during the first year of the pandemic than during the prior two
years. But this decline ended in 2021, and larcenies rose by about 8%, on
average, in 2022 over the number in 2021, an increase of 39,858 larcenies in
the 29 study cities. However, the number of larcenies remains 6% lower than
in 2019, the year before the pandemic started.

Robberies are thefts committed with force or the threat of force. The average
monthly robbery rate in the 31 cities with available data was lower during the
first two years of the pandemic than during the preceding two years, as shown in
Figure 7. Robberies began to increase near the end of 2021; by the end of
2022 there were 4,143 more robberies in the study cities, a 5.5% increase
over the number in 2021. However, the number of robberies remains 4% lower than
2019, the year before the pandemic.

Industry News
Prepare for a Tidal Wave of Corporate Fraud
The Great Fraud Reckoning
The tough stock market will push some
companies to paper over their weak performance by resorting to fraud.
Get ready for what will feel like an inescapable wave of corporate fraud.
financial conditions tightening, the market is primed to put pressure on
corporate balance sheets, tempting executives to cheat to meet Wall Street's
This is what happens when cash is harder to find — say, after a sustained
decline in the stock market or an enormous increase in the cost of borrowing
money. First, there is what Bank of America called "corporate
misery" as forward-looking numbers come in lower than projected. (That's
already happening.) Then that misery finds a company run by executives who think
that by committing acts of fraud, they can obfuscate their dire financial
The risk of running into companies that have moved from funk to fraud gets
higher the longer financial conditions remain tight, Howard Scheck, a former
chief accountant of the Securities and Exchange Commission's Division of
Enforcement, told me. Now he's a partner at the advisory firm StoneTurn, where
he leads accounting investigations for corporate clients facing allegations of
fraud from regulators — like the people at his old job — or shareholders.
"I think we're going to be very busy this year," he said.
Not a Good Mixture With 'Tidal Wave of Fraud'
Audit committee job creep taking its toll
With internal audit committees biting off
more than they can chew, committee members across businesses are feeling the
Over two-thirds of directors across the U.S. think that the areas of risk
overseen by audit committees have dramatically expanded in the 20 years since
the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
More specifically, 35% of audit committee directors believe that this job creep
has put them in a position similar to the board as a whole when it comes to job
according to a report from Diligent and Corporate Board Members released
“The role of the audit committee has become unwieldy,” said Dottie Schindlinger,
executive director of the Diligent Institute. “The audit committee is beginning
to look like the full board in terms of what is on their plate.”
Overfull plates Moreover, the job has become significantly less
attractive, with the role seeing turnover rates at an alarming level,
Schindlinger said.
Cameras Like One That Captured Tyre Nichols Beating Are Multiplying Across U.S.
Cities including Memphis, Tenn. have
installed thousands of cameras, but a debate continues over their usefulness
MEMPHIS, Tenn.—Surveillance cameras like the one that captured
police officers beating Tyre Nichols have proliferated in the U.S. in recent
years, even as researchers, civil-liberties advocates and law-enforcement
officials debate whether they are effective at combating violent crime.
Most studies have shown that public surveillance systems in the U.S. don’t have
much impact on violent crime but can reduce property crimes such as thefts
and break-ins, said Daniel Lawrence, a research scientist at the nonprofit
CNA Corporation’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation.
Such cameras also have helped increase the rates at which crimes are solved
in some cities by providing video evidence, he said.
There is no recent public data on how many surveillance cameras are in the U.S.,
but researchers say the number is growing. A widely cited 2019 study by research
firm IHS Markit projected the number would grow from 70 million that year
to 85 million in 2021.
Most of the devices are owned by businesses and homeowners for security,
according to the study, but some cities have installed cameras in efforts to
solve and prevent crime, often over the objection of civil liberties advocates.
Chicago has more than 30,000 cameras.
Steve Mulroy, the district attorney of Shelby County, which includes Memphis,
said he understands “Big Brother” concerns, but defended the benefits of such a
“They do serve a useful purpose sometimes in not only in preventing police
abuses in this case, but they’re just, you know, fighting regular crime,” said
Mr. Mulroy, a Democrat. “Like all useful tools, they can be abused, and you need
safeguards to prevent the abuse.”
The Move to Eliminate Cash Bail
4 Takeaways From PPI's New Report On The Bail Industry
Bail companies owe counties across the United States millions in unpaid
forfeitures, the Prison Policy Initiative claims in a recent report that
argues states and localities should end their use of money bail.
PPI gathered evidence from 28 states where its says bail companies avoided
paying forfeited bonds. Here are four takeaways from the report.
Despite Criticism, Bail Cos. Maintain a Strong Presence
in the U.S.
"We're a solution, not the solution," Padilla said of his industry. "If you
eliminate the bail industry, you're going to leave the freedom of everyone that
is arrested to the sole discretion of a judge."
Most states have bail industry operations. Only 14 states and Washington,
D.C., have eliminated or restricted the use of commercial bail bonds, according
to PPI's report.
PPI is among several organizations to cast a critical eye on cash bail. The
American Bar Association has suggested commercial bail bonds in pretrial
release systems, PPI points out.
Despite the challenges, PPI maintains that "it makes more sense for states
and localities to end the use of money bail entirely."
"This, too, would face fierce opposition from the industry, but a major fight to
end cash bail is more feasible than rolling back dozens of separate procedural
advantages across 41 states and thousands of counties," the report states.

Kellogg’s Honey Smacks 2018 Salmonella Outbreak - Largest-Ever Criminal Penalty
& Criminal Conviction in a Food Safety Case
Caused by Third-Party Former Director of Quality
Assurance Cover-Up of Kerry Inc.'s Facility Conditions
Kerry Inc. Pleads Guilty & Agrees to Pay $19.228 Million in Connection with
Insanitary Plant Conditions Linked to 2018 Salmonella Poisoning Outbreak
Food and ingredient manufacturing company Kerry Inc. pleaded guilty today to a
charge that it manufactured breakfast cereal under insanitary conditions at a
facility in Gridley, Illinois, that was linked to a 2018 salmonellosis outbreak.
If the guilty plea is accepted by the court, the $19.228 million fine and
forfeiture will constitute the largest-ever criminal
penalty following a criminal conviction in a food safety case.
Former Kerry Inc. Director of Quality Assurance Pleads Guilty to 3 Misdemeanors
Causing Introduction of Adulterated Food Into Interstate Commerce, that caused
2018 Salmonella Poisoning Outbreak
Ravi K. Chermala, oversaw the sanitation programs at various Kerry
manufacturing plants, including the Gridley facility. In pleading guilty,
Chermala admitted that between June 2016 and June 2018, he
directed subordinates not to report certain information to
Kellogg’s about conditions at the Gridley facility. In addition,
Chermala admitted that he directed subordinates at the
Gridley facility to alter the plant’s program for monitoring for the
presence of pathogens in the plant, limiting the facility’s ability to
accurately detect insanitary conditions. Chermala is scheduled to be
sentenced on Feb. 16.
78% of CFOs Say Quiet Quitting is a Problem: Weekly Stat
the labor-induced hurdles for CFOs, over three quarters (78%) of CFOs surveyed
in the
CFO 2023 Outlook report released on Wednesday indicated
“quiet quitting,” or employees doing the bare minimum of work to remain
employed, is a problem for their company.
Needed Labor is Engaged Labor
Quiet quitting can stem from employees’ feeling their work is unimportant or has
little effect on the company’s results. To avoid this, CFOs must hire a
candidate that has the right mix of skill sets. Those skill sets should provide
the new hire the greatest chance of being highly productive across a range of
projects. If an employee feels as if their presence is meaningless, they may
begin to trim efforts to the bare minimum.
Retail layoffs in January spiked 3,225% year over year: report
Amid fears of an upcoming recession, retailers cut 13,000 jobs last month, a
3,225% increase year over year, according to a report from Challenger, Gray
and Christmas shared with Retail Dive.
Overall, the report found that U.S. employers laid off 102,943 people last
month, a 136% spike from the 43,651 workers laid off in December and up 440%
from January 2022.
In January, employers announced plans to hire 32,764 employees,
particularly in the entertainment and leisure sector, a 58% drop from the 77,630
hires announced in January 2022. Retail employers said they planned to hire 615
employees, down significantly from 5,901 in January 2022.
Mount Washington, in New Hampshire, tallest peak in New England, recorded wind
chill of minus 108 degrees
An arctic mix of cold air and whipping winds created teeth-chattering conditions
across the Northeast on Saturday, with wind chills pushing temperatures into the
double-digits below zero and causing “frost quakes” in some places.
Northern New England experienced the worst of the wind chills and severe cold,
but the frigid temperatures extended to New York and other parts of the region
as well. Temperatures were expected to warm up on Sunday.
Major grocery chain with hundreds of locations starts closing multiple stores
Annual compliance regulations: Is your business ready?
Quarterly Results
Natural Grocers Q1 comp's up 0.5%, net sales up 1.1%
Last week's #1 article --
Dollar General opens its 19,000th store in big store milestone


All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time
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The Tally ORC Early Warning System
A Safer Approach to ORC

Watch the video above to see how
can deter criminals using its ORC Early Warning System, a
smart-sensing shelf insert that communicates with the Tally platform
to give you instant alerts as product is removed from the shelf.
With the Tally software, no additional work is required by your
stocking team. It simply detects the presence of an item, using the
Tally patented sensing technology
No additional tagging of your products is required, just place the
item on the shelf and view the status from your smart phone.
This is the way merchandising was meant to be!
Detect immediately when product is
removed and deter theft immediately in your store.
Click here to learn more |
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Anti-TikTok pressure is bipartisan and mounting in Congress
Anti-TikTok pressure is mounting in Congress from both sides of the aisle, with
lawmakers proposing legal measures to ban the popular video sharing app from use
in the U.S. to requests for dominant app stores to drop it.
The push is largely based on concerns that the app, owned by Beijing-based
ByteDance, poses national security and privacy risks based on the data TikTok is
able to collect on users’ activity on their devices both on and off the app.
Security experts have expressed similar concerns about the app. “This
data can reveal sensitive parts of our daily lives, including health and
location information,” he added.
RELATED: How the US Could Ban TikTok in 7
Not-So-Easy Steps
Why CISOs Should Care About Brand Impersonation Scam Sites
Enterprises often don't know whose
responsibility it is to monitor for spoofed brand sites and scams that steal
customers' trust, money, and personally identifiable information.
Impersonation stands at the heart of so many cybercriminal schemes today.
Whether used to fuel traditional phishing or malware propagation attacks,
business email compromise (BEC), advertising fraud, or e-commerce fraud, there's
nothing quite so effective as piggybacking off the trust and goodwill of a brand
to lure people into a scam.
Brand impersonation can be a particularly thorny problem for CISOs, especially
when the threats stray from the typical malicious email attacks that security
practitioners have grown up fighting. Today, retailers, product creators, and
service providers increasingly face a whole host of brand theft and
impersonation ploys that stretch far beyond the common phishing scam.
Criminals are making a killing setting up scam sites that masquerade as a
brand's property to sell counterfeit or gray-market merchandise, fence stolen
goods, or process payments but never send the products. According to the
US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), consumers have lost more than $2 billion
to these kinds of scams since 2017.
Stealing a Brand
For the businesses that are imitated, these scam sites at best erode the
brand's trustworthiness and value. At worst, they steal sales and could even
threaten the very existence of a small or emerging business.
What CISOs Can Do About Brand Impersonation Scam Sites
Apply these nine tips to proactively fight
fraudulent websites that use your brand to rip people off.
Retailers, product creators, and service providers are increasingly having to
deal with
brand impersonation attacks. Mimecast’s "2022
State of Email Security Report" found that 90% of organizations
experienced an impersonation attack over the previous 12 months. Further,
Mimecast "2021
State of Brand Protection Report" found that companies on the BrandZ
Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2020 list experienced a 381% rise in brand
impersonation attacks over May and June of 2020 compared to before the
pandemic. New domains suspected of brand impersonation also rose by 366%. These
impersonation attacks include not only the typical phishing or malware attacks,
but also fraud that sells or claims to sell products or services on behalf of
the brand. These include fencing of stolen items, non-delivery scams, and
counterfeit or grey market sales of product.
CVEs expected to rise in 2023, as organizations still struggle to patch
The rising threat of flawed software will get even worse, as common
vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) will average more than 1,900 per month,
according to a
report released Wednesday by insurance provider Coalition.
The monthly total will include 270 high-severity and 155 critical
vulnerabilities, which often give attackers the ability to remotely take
control of computer systems.
The San Francisco-based company said 94% of organizations scanned in 2022 had
at least one unencrypted service that was exposed to the internet.
The report opens a window into the role vulnerabilities play in exposing
organizations to sophisticated threats.
Inability to prevent bad things from happening seen as worst part of
cybersecurity job
6 Examples of the Evolution of a Scam Site |
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Amazon's Year of Cost-Cutting
Amazon reports net loss of $2.7 billion for 2022
a year marked by drastic cost-cutting measures — from ending experimental
projects to pausing grocery store growth to cutting 18,000 jobs — Amazon lost
$2.7 billion in 2022, the company reported Thursday.
Amazon attributes part of that loss to its investment in Rivian, an electric
vehicle startup that has struggled with production delays and market
upheaval. The startup made its own job cuts Wednesday,
trimming 6% of its workforce.
Chief Financial Officer Brian Olsavsky noted Amazon’s financial data for the
fourth quarter — between October and December — includes $640 million in
costs related to employee severance and $720 million related to the company’s
evaluation of its physical grocery stores.
Amazon has paused growth for its Amazon Go and Amazon Fresh stores, and plans
to close some stores as it works to refine the format, both Olsavsky and CEO
Andy Jassy said Thursday. In addition to Amazon’s Go and Fresh stores, the
company acquired Whole Foods in 2017.
The company also said Thursday it had notified the 18,000 workers who lost
their jobs as part of the recent cuts, confirming the latest round of
layoffs was essentially done.
It entered the fourth quarter of 2022 “with labor more appropriately matched
to demand” compared to the same time period in 2021, Olsavsky said,
“allowing us to have the right labor in the right place at the right time to
drive productivity gains.”
Tricking Online Shoppers
How shopping sites are using psychology to trick you into spending more
Online retailers use psychological tricks
and tools to get consumers to make purchases.
retailers use psychological tricks and marketing tools to get consumers to make
purchases. And as
online sales have grown during the pandemic, retailers have learned to
be more persuasive.
Companies are relying more on first-party data to build personal
relationships with customers and convince them to make purchases. This data
will only grow in importance as
social media ads become more costly, and
Internet cookies, which help track users on different sites, are phased out.
Experts that spoke to Insider said many of the business strategies deployed
by retailers tap into shoppers' fear of missing out, or FOMO, on the latest
and most popular products. Offering incentives for adding more items to online
carts like free shipping is another example of the psychological tricks a
retailer can play.
Retailers have been deploying tactics that close more sales and increase the
order basket for well over a decade. But
we're shopping online now more than ever before, and these subtle nudges
are starting to feel more widespread.
Amazon’s delivery drones served fewer than 10 houses in their first month
Amazon layoffs hit workers in robotics, grocery, health and AWS divisions
Multi-State Fraudster Hitting Kroger Stores
Pleads Guilty
KDOJ: Kanawha County Woman Pleads Guilty to Federal Fraud Crimes
CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Karen L. Hodges, also known as “Karen Igo,” “Karen Clay,”
“Karen Richmond,” and “Karen Gessel,” 49, of St. Albans, pleaded guilty today to
three counts of securities fraud.
According to court documents and statements made in court, Hodges admitted to
having counterfeit checks created so they appeared to be
payroll checks issued by Kroger. Between October 20, 2018, and
December 19, 2018, Hodges presented and cashed three counterfeit payroll
checks totaling $2,461.96 at Kroger locations within the Southern District
of West Virginia. Hodges admitted that she has never worked for Kroger, and knew
that she was deceiving them into giving her cash based on these counterfeit
payroll checks.
Hodges further admitted to presenting and uttering numerous other
counterfeit checks totaling $37,587.66 during the same time period at Kroger
locations within the Southern District of West Virginia, as well as the
Northern District of West Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Virginia.
Hodges also admitted to cashing two legitimate checks in her father’s name
totaling $983.12 at Kroger locations within the Southern District of West
Hodges is scheduled to be sentenced on May 3, 2023, and faces a maximum penalty
of 30 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a $750,000
fine. Hodges also owes $38,570.78 in restitution.
Spokane, WA: SPD arrest two suspected of shoplifting over $20,000 worth of
The Spokane Police Department arrested two people suspected of shoplifting
around $23,000 worth of merchandise over three months. SPD's Stolen Property
Enforcement and Recovery Unit got several reports of the two suspects
shoplifting across different locations in Spokane and Spokane Valley. Police say
the suspects had a specific method of shoplifting: they would enter a store,
fill shopping baskets with merchandise and run out of the store. On Jan. 30, a
local business contacted the police saying one of the suspects, 22-year-old
Monica M. Boggess, was near the 4700 block of North Division Street near
Northtown Mall. Police found Boggess getting out of a stolen car. She tried to
run away, but police arrested her without incident. Police also found out that
the other suspect, 35-year-old Brandon Stoddard, was also in the area. Officers
chased Stoddard down and took him into custody. Police say through their
investigation that the couple stole over $23,000 in merchandise over three
months from two stores. Boggess was arrested for first and second-degree theft
and organized retail theft. SPD says she previously stole items online, so she
was also charged with trafficking in stolen property.
Clark, NJ: Police Announce Arrest in ULTA Shoplifting Incidents
The Clark Police Department on Feb. 3 announced that an arrest has been made
following an investigation into two shoplifting incidents that occurred at the
ULTA store located in Clark Commons. According to police, on Dec. 24, 2022, a
store manager observed a woman placing 16 bottles of perfume into a bag and
exiting the store without paying for the items, which were valued at $1,643.
Police state that, on Jan. 19, 2023, the same female returned to the store and
again filled a bag with merchandise totaling $1,600 before leaving without
payment. An investigation into both incidents led to the arrest of Alliyah Hines
who admitted to police that she shoplifted the merchandise from ULTA on both
aforementioned date and two additional days, totaling $4,000 in merchandise.
TN: Trio of Boosters Busted at Kroger
Three women were jailed after pushing $2,799.06 worth of merchandise in three
carts out of the Goodlettsville Kroger on February 2. Loss prevention recovered
the shopping carts and merchandise in the parking lot. 26-year-old Cristina Ion,
35-year-old Petcu Narasa, and 32-year-old Serban Anita were located nearby when
police arrived and were taken into custody.
Los Angeles, CA: Brazen baby buggy theft caught on video at baby boutique
A baby boutique in Toluca Lake is seeking the public's help finding a pregnant
woman and male accomplice who walked away with a pricey infant stroller during a
brazen daytime theft. Security video shows a noticeably pregnant woman appearing
to scope out the front of a baby boutique with no employees present. A man soon
joins her and together they pick out - and then walk out - with an expensive
stroller. The store says the Mima Xari stroller retails for $1,599.
Perkins Township, OH: Man arrested for theft of $2200 of electronics and trading
Livonia, MI: 2 women wanted after not scanning $1400 of merchandise at Livonia
Walmart, fleeing when confronted
Eureka, CA: Walmart employee thwarts theft; $1200 of merchandise thrown over
Lawn & Garden fence
Menomonee Falls, WI: Police seeking male suspect in $800 Kohl’s theft
Waynesboro, VA: Police looking for Lowe’s shoplifting suspect
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Shootings & Deaths
Philadelphia, PA: Man in custody after woman killed in Rite Aid stabbing in
A woman is dead, and a man is in custody after police say a Rite Aid became the
scene of a deadly stabbing Friday night. The 34-year-old victim was found
suffering from two stab wounds to the side of her body inside a Rite Aid on the
200 block of Lehigh Avenue around 10:30 p.m. She was transported to a local
hospital, where she later succumbed to her injuries.
East Hartford, CT: Armed robbers shoot Clothing Store Owner who pulls out legal
firearms and kills suspect
A Connecticut clothing store owner fatally shot a suspected robber during a
shootout last week, but was wounded in the exchange of gunfire, according to
police. "A brief struggle took place between the store clerk and one of the
suspects who pulled out a firearm," the East Hartford Police Department
reported. Police identified the store employee as a clerk, though NBC
Connecticut reported it was the store owner who was on the premises working late
that night. Two men wearing black ski masks entered the clothing store Humble &
Paid Co. just after 10:30 p.m. on Thursday with the intention of robbing the
store, the police said in a press release. The store owner was subsequently shot
in the back by one of the suspects but managed to return fire with two of his
legally-owned firearms. The store owner was able to strike one of the suspects
multiple times, while the other suspect reportedly fled during the first
struggle during the incident, according to police.
Levittown, PA: Bristol Township Police seek driver after fatal hit-and-run in
McDonald’s parking lot
Police in Bristol Township are searching for the driver they say fled the scene
after a pedestrian was hit and killed in an area McDonald’s parking lot.
Officials said the incident happened late Sunday afternoon, a little before
4:15, in the parking lot of McDonald’s on the 7700 block of Bristol Pike, in
Berkeley County, SC: Fight led to deadly Moncks Corner bar shooting
Berkeley County deputies are investigating a late January bar shooting that left
one dead and two hurt. Deputies responded to Bar 52 on Jan. 28, just before 1
a.m. The arriving officer saw three men lying in the parking lot with gunshot
wounds. One of the victims told the officer that two to three men were in the
bar “causing an issue.” The victims tried to leave, and a fight broke out,
according to the incident report. At some point, one of the men pulled out a gun
and fired shots, according to the report.
New York, NY: Off-duty NYPD Officer fighting for life after shooting during
attempted robbery in Brooklyn
continue to search for the gunman who shot and critically wounded an off-duty
NYPD officer during an attempted robbery in Brooklyn. The incident happened at
around 7 p.m. Saturday on Ruby Street near Linden Boulevard. Officials say the
26-year-old officer, who is from Deer Park, went with his brother-in-law to buy
a car he arranged to pick up through Facebook Marketplace. The suspect
immediately announced the robbery and pulled out a gun. Officials say the
off-duty officer also pulled out a gun and shots were exchanged. The off-duty
officer was struck in the head. After the off-duty officer was shot, his
brother-in-law picked up his gun and continued firing. The brother-in-law was
not struck by gunfire.
Houston, TX: 2 brothers shot by masked suspect while leaving convenience store
in southeast Houston
An investigation is underway after two brothers were shot while leaving a
convenience store in southeast Houston Monday. Police received reports about a
shooting around 2:13 a.m. Officers said they located two men who were shot when
they arrived at the scene. They were both transported to the hospital, HPD said.
According to HPD Lt. J.P. Horelica, two brothers, one in his 20s and one in his
30s, were at a convenience store in the area. When they left, an unknown man
wearing all black with a black mask approached them and shot them multiple
times, Horelica said. Horelica said one of the brothers was shot at least four
times (in the chest, in the abdomen, in the arm, and leg), while the other was
shot in the leg. The brother who was only shot in the leg was able to run home
and call for help, HPD said. Police said one of the brothers had to undergo
surgery but they are both in stable condition.
Philadelphia, PA: Man critically injured after he is shot multiple times inside
West Philadelphia corner store
Philadelphia police are searching for a suspect after a man was shot multiple
times inside a West Philadelphia corner store. According to officials, the
shooting happened on the 400 block of North 59th Street Saturday evening, about
5:30. Responding officers from the 19th District rushed the man to Lankenau
Hospital. The man, thought to be in his early 20s, took multiple bullets
throughout his body. He was listed in critical condition. Police were searching
for one male suspect, but no arrests were announced.
Philadelphia, PA: Man shot in Mayfair attempted robbery being held by police
Memphis, TN: Man threatens to shoot up store after they deny fake money
Incidents & Thefts
New York, NY: Arrest made after 90-year-old NYC candy store owner brutally
The NYPD has arrested and charged a man in connection with the brutal assault of
a 90-year-old Manhattan candy store owner. Luis Peroza, 39, was charged Friday
night with assault in the attack right outside the store owner's shop. Ramon
'Ray' Alvarez was attacked Tuesday morning in the East Village. He said he was
on the sidewalk in front of Ray's Candy Store around 3 a.m. when two men
carrying cases of seltzer water walked up and tried to get him to buy them. When
he declined, Alvarez said one of the men threatened him and pulled out what
appeared to be a belt with a rock attached to it and assaulted him in the face.
He collapsed onto the ground and the men got away.
Springfield, MO: O’Reilly Auto Parts employee assaulted during robbery; suspects
not found
An employee at a Springfield O’Reilly Auto Parts location was assaulted during a
robbery Sunday afternoon. According to the Springfield Police Department, the
incident happened around 2 p.m. Sunday at the auto parts store on S. Campbell.
Police say two men entered the store, requested parts, grabbed them, and tried
to leave. Employees tried to stop them, and the suspects assaulted one of the
employees. The men did not display any weapons and stole parts worth a small
amount of money. Police say they had a high call volume Sunday afternoon and
were not able to get on the scene until 25 minutes after the incident. The
employee suffered minor injuries.
Atlanta, GA: Restaurant burglarized three times in 10 days
A brazen thief has been caught on surveillance video cameras, breaking into
Hotto Hotto Ramen and Teppanyaki in the Peoplestown Neighborhood of Southeast
Atlanta. We’re told he took around $1,500 worth of alcohol not once, but three
times within a 10-day timeframe.
TX: Fight breaks out at grocery store after free food hoax
A power outage resulted in a fight over rotten food in Texas. H-E-B Grocery in
Austin said the power went out last week at one of their stores, which meant a
massive amount of food couldn’t be kept at safe temperatures. When the store
disposed of it in a large dumpster, someone falsely posted on social media that
“free food” was available. Officials said more than 250 people showed up and
started fighting over the discarded food.
Fort Wayne, IN: ‘Disgruntled customer’ pulls gun inside Lima Road Walmart
A person described as a ‘disgruntled customer’ caused the Walmart located on
Lima Road on Fort Wayne’s north side to be temporarily evacuated Thursday
evening according to Fort Wayne police. Police were sent to the store just after
7 p.m. after a person pulled out a gun and pointed it in the air. When police
arrived, Walmart loss prevention personnel believed the person was still in the
store so the building was evacuated. A review of surveillance video showed that
the person had left the store before police arrived.
No one was hurt in the incident.
Lafayette, IN: Walmart armed robber receives 12-year prison sentence
Memphis, TN: Man admits to breaking into 7 businesses, 6 smashing storefronts
with an SUV
Phoenix, AZ: $100K in property stolen from Super Bowl Experience in downtown
Tokyo, Japan: Sales of Security items jump after spate of robberies across Japan
Auto – Springfield, MO
– Robbery
C-Store – New York, NY
– Robbery
C-Store – Scotland
County, NC – Robbery
C-Store – Jackson, MS
– Armed Robbery
C-Store- Suffolk
County, NY – Armed Robbery
C-Store – San Diego,
CA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – New Bedford,
MA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Tulare
County, CA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – New Orleans,
LA – Burglary
Candy – Washington, DC
– Armed Robbery
Candy – Washington DC
– Armed Robbery
Clothing – East
Hartford, CT – Armed Robbery Owner shot/ Suspect killed
Distribution Center –
South Windsor, CT - Armed Robbery
Dollar – Nash County,
NC – Armed Robbery
Dollar – San Antonio,
TX – Robbery
Grocery – Scioto
County, OH – Armed Robbery
• Jewelry – Santa Ana, Ca – Burglary
• Jewelry – Rancho Cucamonga, CA – Robbery
• Jewelry – Tempe, AZ – Robbery
• Liquor – San Mateo, CA – Burglary
Restaurant – Atlanta,
GA – Burglary
Restaurant – Prince
William County, VA – Robbery (Subway)
Restaurant – Memphis,
TN – Armed Robbery (McDonald’s)
Specialty – New York,
NY – Robbery
Walmart – Livonia, MI
– Robbery |
Daily Totals:
• 21 robberies
• 4 burglaries
• 1 shooting
• 1 killed |

Click to enlarge map
David Branum CFI, LPC named Regional Asset Protection Manager
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Director of Asset Protection & Safety
Mount Horeb, WI - posted
January 27
The Director of Asset Protection and Safety is responsible
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Field Loss Prevention Manager
Phoenix, AZ - posted
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As a Field Loss Prevention Manager (FLPM) you will
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Business Continuity Planning Manager
Jacksonville, FL - posted
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Responsible for developing, implementing and managing the
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will develop and lead testing requirements to ensure these programs are
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Region Asset Protection Manager (Ft. Lauderdale)
Fort Lauderdale, FL - posted
January 18
Responsible for managing asset protection programs
designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad
check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region.
This position will develop the framework for the groups' response to critical
incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...
Region Asset Protection Manager-St Augustine and Daytona Beach Market
Jacksonville, FL - posted
January 18
Responsible for managing asset protection programs
designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad
check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region.
This position will develop the framework for the groups' response to critical
incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...
Region Asset Protection Manager: Fresco y Mas Banner
Hialeah, FL - posted
January 18
Responsible for managing asset protection programs
designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad
check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region.
This position will develop the framework for the groups' response to critical
incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...
Regional Asset Protection and Safety Manager (UK)
London, UK - posted
January 3
Responsible for ensuring application of Environmental,
Health & Safety (EHS), occupational safety, and loss prevention programs and
policies at the store, region, and cross-regional levels. Works with the Team
Leaders and Team Members to ensure education, communication, and understanding
of safety and loss prevention policies, including how safety and asset
protection contributes to profitability and business success...

Manager of Asset Protection & Safety Operations
Woodcliff Lake, NJ - posted
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The Manager of Asset Protection & Safety Operations is
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Loss Prevention Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst
Boston - Framingham, MA - posted
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As a Loss Prevention Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst
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Being in a slump is an absolutely scary place where your brain does more damage
than your actions or lack thereof. More mental than anything else, a slump
happens to all of us, and getting out of it can look like the longest darkest
tunnel you've ever experienced. But remember there's always light at the end of
every tunnel and getting focused on that light is the key. And turning it always
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using the basics to get out of the slump is the only way out. Lean on your
basics and trust you know them well enough that the old performance will start
showing itself, because once they do, you'll find yourself having fun and out of
that slump.
Just a Thought, Gus

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