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Stream Episode 4 Now!
'Retail Crime Uncovered' Podcast Presented by Sekura Global

'From rampant theft to Vibrant Communities, and Everything In-between'

The fascinating podcast hosted by
Emmeline Taylor, Professor of Criminology supported by Sekura Global. Retail theft insights from leading crime and loss experts, shop staff and policing bodies. Hard-hitting interviews with ex-offenders and retail criminals.

In Episode 4, Emmeline is talking with retail crime expert
Lisa LaBruno, RILA's Senior Executive Vice President of Retail Operations about a new programme called Vibrant Communities. Lisa also discusses Buy Safe America and the Inform Act - so much to learn from a fountain of USA retail crime knowledge!

Stream Here


The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

'Fight Retail Crime Day' Paid Off - Lawmakers on Both Sides Respond

Momentum for Federal ORC Legislation Grows After 'Fight Retail Crime Day'
Senator Cassidy Cosponsors Bill to Bolster Federal Response to Retail Theft
WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) cosponsored legislation introduced by Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) to establishes a coordinated multi-agency response and creates new tools to tackle evolving trends in organized retail theft. Organized retail crime costs retailers $720,000 for every $1 billion in sales - up 50 percent since 2015. As law enforcement focuses on the rise in drug trafficking and other offenses, criminal organizations have increasingly turned to retail crime to generate illicit profits, using internet-based tools to organize flash mobs, sell stolen goods and move money.

"Organized retail crime is becoming more and more prevalent, putting retailers, their employees and communities in danger," said Dr. Cassidy. "
The Combating Organized Retail Crime Act provides what we need to fight these crimes."

Stores throughout American communities have not been spared from a national crime wave. These organized theft rings have been developing new tactics to pilfer goods, causing economic harm to American businesses and putting consumers at risk while funding transnational criminal organizations throughout the world. These criminals are exploiting the internet and online marketplaces to stay one step ahead of the law, and it's time the law catches up. This bill improves our federal response to organized retail crime and establishes new tools to recover goods and illicit proceeds, and deter future attacks on American retailers," said Senator Grassley.

The bicameral
Combating Organized Retail Crime Act of 2023 creates a unified government and industry collaboration to address this trend. The bill establishes a Center to Combat Organized Retail Crime at Homeland Security Investigations that combines expertise from state and local law enforcement agencies as well as retail industry representatives. It also creates new tools to assist in federal investigation and prosecution of organized retail crime, and help recover lost goods and proceeds.

It is
supported by the National Retail Federation, the Retail Industry Leaders Association, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, ICSC, the Peace Officers Research Association of California, the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, Sergeants Benevolent Association NYPD and the PASS (Protect America's Small Sellers) Coalition. cassidy.senate.gov

   RELATED: Grassley Rallies Colleagues And Retail Leaders In Support Of ORC Bill

California Rep Sounds the Alarm Over Theft
Retail Theft On the Rise As Harder Fights for More Law Enforcement Resources

Organized retail crime has spiked 26.5%, costing the retail industry over $112 billion last year

Stockton businesses dealing with constant theft; Sacramento has 7th highest rate in the country

WASHINGTON - On Fight Retail Crime Day, Representative Josh Harder (CA-9) sounded the alarm on the dramatic rise of organized retail theft and he's pushing his colleagues to pass his legislation to stop it. The Combating Organized Retail Crime Act would provide law enforcement with new tools to tackle evolving retail theft trends as well as establish a coordinated multi-agency response to stop organized retail theft. This type of organized crime cost the retail industry over $112 billion in 2022 - a dramatic increase from $94 billion in 2021 - and the loss for businesses means even higher prices for families.

Criminals are running rampant right now. They are stealing thousands of dollars' worth of products and facing zero consequences. Law enforcement is already stretched thin and now this rise in organized crime is making it even more difficult," said Rep. Harder. "We have to take this seriously. It's unsafe for our families and driving high prices up even higher. The Combating Organized Retail Crime Act will get our law enforcement crucial resources to finally get these criminals under control."  harder.house.gov

   RELATED: Bipartisan bill would crack down on organized retail theft

Security Dogs Added Outside NYC CVS Location
CVS & Home Depot follow Walmart with new ways to combat theft

All three companies are trying some pretty bold ways to cut down on theft to avoid having to close stores.

Walmart recently took the extreme step of
closing one Atlanta store with plans to reopen it with an on-site police station. That was a solution the retailer came to after talking with community leaders who did not want to see the city lose the retail giant, which has closed some locations in Chicago.

CVS adds security dogs

CVS, through a deal with The 34th Street Partnership, a New York City organization dedicated to promoting business,
has added security dogs in front of one of its locations. The dogs aren't only protecting CVS, but also neighboring stores.

Security guards with dogs are currently stationed outside the CVS on 34th and 8th, among other locations. While the dogs are obviously unable to detect shoplifting behavior, 34th Street Partnership Vice President Ken Ward said their presence outside stores intimidates would-be thieves," the Chelsea News reported.

The pilot program appears to be working as
"known shoplifters" have walked by the CVS and not gone in, according to Ward.

Home Depot works with law enforcement

Home Depot worked with law enforcement in Florida to take down a crime ring that had targeted its stores. The criminals were arrested after an investigation by the Florida Organized Retail Crime Exchange taskforce, according to a press release from State Attorney General Ashley Moody.

Like Walmart and Home Depot,
more retailers have been working directly with law enforcement to find local solutions to increased theft problems. thestreet.com

But the Theft Data Debate Continues
Chains are using theft to mask other issues, report says
Some retail analysts and researchers, bolstered by local crime statistics, say
stores may be over-stating the extent and impact of theft. Why? It's a useful deflection, camouflaging weak demand, mismanagement and other issues denting business right now. And it forces lawmakers to respond.

Across the country,
the "actual increase in rates of theft" at stores does not "correspond to the increase in company commentary and actions" on theft, according to a new report by retail analysts at William Blair. "Retailers are increasingly vocal on the subject, in part to draw out government action," the analysts wrote.

To be sure,
theft is impacting retailers much more than it was before the pandemic. That's because theft has also gotten more visible and more violent, retailers say, and has put employee safety at risk in some cases.

But a host of other issues, from
inflation to rising costs, are impacting retailers, too. Theft is just one of many structural issues chains are facing, most notably the shift to online shopping and over-expansion of brick-and-mortar retail.

Debating over shrinkage

The National Retail Federation said that retailers' losses, known as
shrink, increased 19% last year to $112 billion, based on a survey of 177 retailers. But shrink as a percentage of sales fell during the height of the pandemic as stores temporarily closed and grew in 2022 as stores re-opened.

This hit to profits is relatively small and fleeting - not reason enough alone to close stores according to the analysts. At
nine major retailers that have increasingly cited the rising impact of theft, shrink as a percentage of sales increased just 0.4% in 2022, they found.

We believe there is a disconnect...between the expected increase in shrink and the attention it has drawn," the analysts said. cnn.com

LA's Theft Task Force Making Progress
Organized Retail Theft Task Force Catching Smash-and-Grab Thieves
This past week, L.A. County Supervisors Janice Hahn and Hilda Solis and Sheriff Robert Luna held an event to discuss the progress made so far by the
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's Organized Retail Theft Task Force.

Last month, the Board of Supervisors approved a
$15.6 million grant from the state to fund the task force. The funds will go towards training for law enforcement personnel involved and new technology.

The task force will feature 22 full-time investigators devoted to organized retail crime, according to Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher, the chief of detectives for LAPD.

California Highway Patrol will "triple its resources" in Los Angeles to help address organized retail crime, according to the governor's office.

"In the first five weeks of the task force, our teams have made
89 arrests for retail-related thefts, recovered six firearms, and executed 52 search warrants," Luna said. Investigators have recovered $370,000 worth of stolen merchandise.

task force is working closely with the business community, establishing new lines of communication with store owners and managers," Hahn said.

"I am going to take an educated guess right now that several of the individuals being arrested are
repeat offenders, and that's a significant challenge for us," Luna said.

The challenge, according to authorities, is holding those people accountable with the
current laws in place. loscerritosnews.net

Europol: Unleashing tech in the fight against intellectual property crime

Europol Intellectual Property Crime Conference hosts 250 experts fighting counterfeit goods that pose threat to health, safety, and the environment.

The conference, themed "Tackling counterfeit goods posing a threat to health, safety, and the environment," delved deep into the critical issues surrounding intellectual property (IP) crime, with a particular focus on the role of advanced technology. Within a busy agenda of conference activities, a diverse group of experts and stakeholders from around the world came together for the discussion.

Since its inception in 2017, the Europol Intellectual Property Crime Conference has proven to be an invaluable platform for law enforcement authorities and the private sector. The conference provides an opportunity for participants to strengthen cooperation, share experiences, and identify new trends in intellectual property crimes.

In September 2023, Europol unveiled its
assessment of the threats originating from financial and economic crimes at EU level. A section of this report is dedicated to intellectual property crime, drawing from a blend of operational insights and strategic intelligence contributed by law enforcement agencies to Europol. europa.eu

Oklahoma Organized Retail Crime Task Force holds first meeting
The Oklahoma Organized Retail Crime Task Force held its first meeting, hosted by Senate Pro Tem Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, to discuss organizational matters on Thursday. The task force was established through Senate Bill 674, with the goal of providing the Oklahoma legislature with research-based recommendations to minimize organized retail crime throughout the state. According to the bill, the task force's recommendations must be submitted in a report to the governor, Senate pro tem, speaker of the House and chairs of the House and Senate committees overseeing public safety by Dec. 15, 2024. The task force consists of 15 appointed members, who selected Home Depot's lead organized retail crime investigator Jaime Bourne as chairman and QuikTrip's manager of public and government affairs Michael Junk as vice chairman. Plans for future task force meetings are unavailable at this time, but will be announced at a later date.  kfor.com

Shoppers wait as long as 40 minutes for items locked up to combat shoplifting

Thompson, Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, pen letter to new Speaker of House



Retailer Accused of Funding Sex-Trafficking Operation
Abercrombie & Fitch sued for enabling ex-CEO Mike Jeffries' alleged sex trafficking operation
Abercrombie & Fitch was accused in a new lawsuit of bankrolling an alleged sex-trafficking operation run by its former CEO, Mike Jeffries, who has also been accused of sexually abusing and raping male models.

The popular clothing brand, a staple in malls across America,
allowed Jeffries "unfettered access" to resources, "enabling" him to build a "criminal enterprise" that endured for years, according to court documents.

The suit against Abercrombie,
filed in Manhattan on Friday, also named 79-year-old Jeffries, the former CEO's family office, and his partner Matthew Smith as co-defendants. It was brought by David Bradberry under the New York Adult Survivors Act, which allows people to file civil sexual abuse claims that would have otherwise exceeded the statute of limitations.

Jeffries ran Abercrombie as CEO from 1992 until 2014. In the decades between, he and his partner allegedly lured hopeful male models to events and parties around the world, where they were often forced into performing sexual acts.

Bradberry, now 37, said he was first approached in 2010 by a man claiming to be an agent for young stars. In reality,
he was part of a highly organized network of middlemen employed specifically to track down attractive young men, BBC News reported. He then allegedly set up Bradberry, 23 years old at the time, with a modeling scout, who told him he would not be allowed to meet with Jeffries unless he engaged in sex acts. When they were finished, the scout allegedly gave Bradberry cash.

According to the lawsuit,
Abercrombie knew - or should have known - it was providing the "financial lifeblood" for Jeffries' sex-trafficking operations. The former CEO used corporate resources including a jet and unlimited amounts of cash to bolster his ventures, ultimately enabling him to accumulate "new victims at an alarming rate."

The suit, which is seeking class-action status, estimated "
dozens and likely over a hundred young models" were victims. nydailynews.com

'Pharmageddon' is Coming
Thousands of pharmacists plot next walkout over work conditions
Workers from some of the nation's biggest pharmacy chains, from CVS to Walgreens, have planned another "walkout" starting Monday as they continue to plead for better working conditions.

They're calling it "pharmageddon," Shane Jerominski, a licensed pharmacist for over a decade who is helping coordinate the latest protest, told FOX Business.

From Monday through Wednesday workers at Walgreens, CVS and Rite Aid have pledged to call in sick, according to Jerominski. Some of the biggest demands include guaranteed hours and better pay for technicians. They also want pharmacists and pharmacy managers to have a direct say in the scheduling.

The hope is that these
changes will lead to better staffed stores, improve their work-life balance and reduce the margin of error that they say could impact patient safety.

It's hard to pinpoint how many people will be involved in this latest effort, according to Jerominski. However, according to a poll posted on his social media page, The Accidental Pharmacist,
over 2,000 people said, "I'm all for this no matter what."

An additional 1,442 people said they would as long as "hundreds to thousands of pharmacists and technicians" participate, according to screenshots of the poll seen by FOX Business. nypost.com

"Just Walk Out" Picking Up Momentum With Consumers Slowly
One in Three Shoppers Interested in Frictionless In-Store Checkout
While "
Just Walk Out"-style checkout remains quite new to most consumers, and may not be for everyone, PYMNTS Intelligence reveals that a significant portion of shoppers are open to the payment method, creating an opportunity for grocers looking to lower their labor costs.

PYMNTS Intelligence's report "How We Will Pay Report: How Connected Devices Enable Multitasking Among Digital-First Consumers" draws from a survey of more than 4,600 U.S. consumers to understand how they use their internet-connected devices on a day-to-day basis.

The results reveal that, among the more than 95% who use such devices,
35% would be interested in an experience wherein they walk into a store and pick up a product, then walk out without standing in a check outline to pay, with sensors detect what they have put in their cart, automatically charging them for those items using an app with the payment method. Plus, 6% reported that they already use this checkout method.

Frictionless checkout is becoming more common across grocery stores and convenience stores, but many consumers are not quite ready to take the plunge. For now, it seems that, for grocers to reap the benefits of technology, they may also need to offer more traditional options to those who are more hesitant.

Amazon, for its part, has been
adding more traditional self-checkout kiosks to stores that previously relied solely on Just Walk Out. pymnts.com

COO Gets 66 Months & Finance Exec Gets 30 Months for $1.8+ Million Embezzlement
DOJ: Finance Exec. Gets 30 Months Fed. Prison for Stealing $1.8+ Million From Employer Shore Appliance
Duane G. Larmore, age 48, of Salisbury, Maryland, sentenced to 30 months in federal prison, followed by three years of supervised release, for a wire fraud conspiracy and aggravated identity theft in connection with
the theft of more than $1.8 million from Shore Appliance Connection, where Larmore worked maintaining the books and records for the company.

From mid-September 2016 through about March 2020, Larmore conspired with others to steal more than $1.8 million from a Salisbury, Maryland company, Shore Appliance Connection.

Co-defendant Stephen Franklin was the chief operating officer of Accurate Optical, a chain of optometric shops on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and with the owners of Accurate Optical he also purchased East Coast Optometric, a chain of South Carolina optical shops.

Larmore and Franklin stole nearly $2 million from Shore Appliance to use for their own purposes, including to make investments and to pay business expenses for Franklin's business, without the knowledge and consent of the owners of Shore Appliance.

On September 7, 2023, Judge Chasanow sentenced Stephen Franklin, age 54, of Salisbury, Maryland, to 66 months in federal prison on the same charges and also ordered him to pay restitution in the full amount of the victims' losses. justice.gov

Bosch to sell its security products businesses
In what the company is calling a "realignment," Bosch Building Technologies announced on Thursday morning that it is selling most of its product businesses, including video surveillance, access control, intrusion detection and communications. The fire alarm business will remain with the company. securityinfowatch.com

Z Gallerie to close all 21 stores

Wawa plans 80 Stores in NC

Insignia Product Recall Of 930,000 Pressure Cookers Sold at Best Buy

Quarterly Results

McDonald's Q3 Global comp's up 8.8%, U.S. increased 8.1%, Global Systemwide sales* up 11%, Consolidated revenues up 14%

Senior LP & AP Jobs Market

Director, Loss Prevention job posted for Pandora in New York, NY
The Director, Loss Prevention is responsible for shaping and safeguarding PANDORA's Retail Organizations assets and profitability by overseeing loss prevention initiatives and security measures. The are responsible for developing, implementing, and managing strategies to prevent theft, fraud, and operational losses. careers.pandoragroup.com

Last week's #1 article --

NYC's 1,500 to 8,000 Illegal Pot Stores Linked to Hezbollah?
Lawmakers look to weed out illegal NYC smoke shops with possible ties to Middle East terror funding
New York lawmakers fret that fast-growing chains of marijuana shops across the city could be a source of cash for Middle East terror groups - and they're pressing for legislation to help root out rogue financiers, The Post has learned.

Weed that ends up at some of the
illegal smoke shops has been linked to Chinese criminal networks which are among the biggest cannabis growers in the US, according to Chris Urben, a retired DEA agent.

Chinese rogue financiers, in turn, have also historically done business with Lebanese money-laundering networks, according to Urben. When the latter are involved, there is likely a connection with Iran-backed terror group Hezbollah, he adds.

"We have seen links with the
Chinese money launderers dealing with the Lebanese money launderers, so we believe there is some sort of money-laundering connection" to marijuana sold at some illegal shops, said Urben, who worked for the federal Drug Enforcement Administration for 25 years. nypost.com

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If it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.






What's Small And Round And Makes Lots Of Sound?
The Tick-R-Tape Tag and Super Mini Tape Tag!

The Tick-R-Tape Tag can be used alone with just the base or secured to the package with conductive tape or a conductive label, creating additional alarm capabilities. It can replace wire package wraps and "keepers". When the merchandise goes through the POS, the associate keeps the tag and leaves the base and tape on the package to go home with the customer for removal later, with no damaged packaging. Through testing and research with the LPRC, it has been established that the customers are not bothered by that and actually feel better knowing the package had not been opened by others. See the report on our website, or in the LPRC knowledge Center.

This tag has 6-alarm capability when using 2-pieces of conductive tape and can self-alarm out the door while activating the EAS pedestals. Its 98 dBl alarm can be heard throughout the store. The Tick-R-Tape Tag uses our handheld decoder to deactivate the alarm before removing it from the package. This will prevent unauthorized detachers from being used. The Tick-R-Tape Tag has unlimited life due to having a replaceable battery. It is water resistant and cannot be "jumped". With our new modifications, the Tick-R-Tape Tag can be used with the new Gen6 SP on large, boxed goods like vacuums.

The Super Mini Tape Tag can protect most items, with or without using the conductive tape or label. Prevent shoplifters from taking the product out of the box and leaving JUST the box! Use the Super Mini Tape Tag to keep all the components together. It is perfect for small fragrances and electronics.

The Tick-R-Tape Tag can provide up to 630% more available shelf space compared to keepers and can provide up to 33% more available shelf space compared to small wire package wraps. Both the Tick-R-Tape Tag and the Super Mini Tape Tag can be placed anywhere on the package to optimize merchandising and visual appeal.

Reduce shrinkage, increase available shelf space, reduce check-out time by up to 50%, and reduce labor at the front end.

We may not stop shoplifting in its tracks, we can deter, displace, and slow down thieves from targeting your stores by using the CIS Tape Tag solutions.

Call 772-287-7999 or visit www.cisssinc.com for more information on these and other solutions from CIS Security solutions.







5 key questions for Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Take this opportunity to reassess cyber preparedness and address new retail cyber risks

By Christian Beckner - VP, Retail Technology & Cybersecurity; Executive Director, Center for Digital Risk & Innovation, NRF

Cybersecurity Awareness Month presents the opportunity for companies to reassess their cyber preparedness. These five questions are not a comprehensive checklist; instead, they cover several areas that may warrant additional attention by companies' cybersecurity leaders.

Do I have a robust cybersecurity awareness program for all my employees?

Cybercrime groups and other attackers are persistent in their efforts to find weak points in companies' security. Recent cyber incidents have involved attempts to
gain access credentials from employees in administrative or customer support roles as an entry point to the company's networks and systems.

How recently have I inventoried critical systems and data and who has privileged access to them?

Companies must
keep a clear inventory of who has privileged access to key systems and eliminate privilege for employees and contractors who do not need it. For those who do need privileged access, it is critical to put into place multiple levels of security, particularly with respect to validating requests for resets of passwords or other types of authentication.

Are my information security and fraud prevention leaders working together?

The blending of tactics creates an imperative for companies to align their cybersecurity and fraud prevention teams. While some retailers have fraud prevention integrated within their cyber teams, in many cases they are located within loss prevention or other business functions. While this separation may be appropriate depending upon the risk profile of the company, there must be clear alignment and communication between cyber and fraud teams.

How engaged is my company leadership and board of directors in managing cyber risk?

The SEC rule is the first significant federal cyber regulation for many retail companies, and it increases the need for the entire leadership team - not just the chief information security officer or chief information officer - to take responsibility for the company's cybersecurity risk management and ensure the company has effective internal governance and is providing adequate resources to counter cyber threats.

How am I collaborating with other retailers to address cyber threats?: nrf.com

'Emergency' AI Executive Order
Biden to Use Emergency Powers to Mitigate AI Risks

Executive order seeks to manage artificial-intelligence threats from privacy to national security

The Biden administration plans to invoke emergency federal powers as part of a new executive order aimed at
reining in the risks of artificial intelligence, a new technology as powerful as it is potentially disruptive.

AdvertisementPresident Biden will release on Monday an order invoking the Korean War-era Defense Production Act which would compel major AI companies to notify the government when developing any system that poses a "serious risk to national security, national economic security or national public health and safety," according to fact sheet that White House aides shared over the weekend.

The order
aims to step into a global regulatory vacuum over a fast-growing technology. It seeks to mitigate risks from privacy to job losses and underscores an effort to address the sometimes slow pace of response to the new technology among those in Congress and other government agencies.

A central pillar of the order will be an effort to
manage such national security risks as cybersecurity threats. It addresses fears that AI might fuel a global arms race of more powerful cyber weapons and unleash an avalanche of online disinformation, such as deep-fake images or videos that might be nearly impossible to distinguish from authentic content, officials said.

The order will
require AI companies to tell the Commerce Department how they are working to protect their technology from malicious use, a senior administration official said. It will also direct the use of AI to help find and fix vulnerabilities in critical software and direct cloud-service providers and resellers to notify the government within 90 days when a foreigner uses their services to train large AI systems, the official said.

The administration, in addition to the executive order, is also
working on a national-security memorandum addressing ways national-security agencies can use AI to support their missions. wsj.com

Cyber Insurance Changing as New Threats Emerge
Stemming Losses That Go Uncovered by Cyber Insurance
Each year cyber insurance carriers become more sophisticated and knowledgeable about the risks that cybercriminals pose to law firm operations. With several years of experience under their belt, cyber insurance carriers know how to evaluate a law firm's defenses against cyberattacks. Moreover,
cyber insurance coverages and exclusions change over time to reflect new threats and claims exposure.

A recent survey by Delinea, Closing the Cyber Insurance Gap: 2023 State of Cyber Insurance Report, identifies the leading reasons why insurance carriers did not provide coverage for cyber losses suffered by their insureds. According to a survey of 300 businesses and law firms, cyber insurance coverage was most often denied for the following reasons:

• Lack of security protocols in place (43%)
• Internal bad actor (38%)
• Human error - misconfiguration, lost cell/laptop (38%)
• Acts of war (33%)
• Did not follow compliance procedures (33%)
• Acts of terrorism (32%)
• Not reporting to insurance company first (31%)

With the exception of "acts of war" and "acts of terrorism," all of the leading factors contributing to denials of cyber insurance coverage are under the control of law firm leaders. Implementing reasonable data security measures, having an incident response plan in place, and screening/training law firm employees are all critical responsibilities for modern law firms. jdsupra.com

How AI is Transforming Defensive Cybersecurity

What Lurks in the Dark: Taking Aim at Shadow AI







'The War of AI' - Who Has the Strongest Data Sets
Visa: Battle With Payments Fraudsters May Be Won With AI
Paul Fabara, chief risk officer at Visa, told PYMNTS in a recent interview that the shift to online channels during the pandemic - and afterward - meant analog businesses became digital overnight.

And with the great pivot to card-not-present and other types of online commerce, fraudsters have been fine-tuning their efforts to compromise credentials, hijack payments themselves and find new areas of vulnerability.

The threats "created a wave of new technologies that evolved quickly," Fabara said, "and generative AI [artificial intelligence] may be among the technologies that are 'the next frontier' in terms of protection for transactions and the payments ecosystem." AI has gotten good enough, by way of example, to find when a URL has been "contaminated" and may in fact pose a threat to legitimate consumers.

Of course, that same technology is available to the fraudsters themselves, he said.

"In many ways," he added, "this is going to become a war of AI, as to who has the strongest data sets to be able to create better protection for consumers." pymnts.com

Payment Friction Losses Consumers Quickly
Online shoppers want more forms of digital payments
41% of consumers expect retailers and other businesses to adopt new payment technologies once they have been proven and any operational issues resolved. Meanwhile, another 41% expected this adoption to occur within the first year of technology availability.

Younger generations are more likely to let payment processes influence their choice of businesses, says Esker. 59% of Generation Z shoppers say they had opted not to purchase a product or service if they were not offered an online payment option.

Additionally, 33% of consumers switched service providers due to inconvenient or complicated online payment processes. That figure rises to 54% among 18- to 24-year-olds.

"Businesses must embrace online payment technologies that align with consumer preferences," says Esker U.S. chief operating officer Steve Smith. digitalcommerce360.com

UK introduces Online Safety Bill mandating age verification
Requiring companies to keep children away from certain content by enforcing age limits and age-checking measures, including biometric technology. Platforms will have to remove both illegal and legal but potentially harmful content. The law also makes it easier to convict people who share intimate images or deepfakes without consent.

TJX Cos. Home Goods division pulling the plug on its e-commerce business

US holiday ecommerce retail sales growth will return to double digits this year after slowing in 2022








Register Now: SDORCA 2023 Symposium Coming November 8

'Exceeding the Vision: Building Bridges & Taking Action Together'

The upcoming SDORCA Symposium on November 8th will be a great day to network with ORC professionals from across the state and region. We have planned a great training day, centered around collaboration and partnership between the public and private sector. SDORCA was created as a way to bridge the gap between loss prevention and law enforcement and this symposium will be highlighting the effectiveness of partnerships from across Southern California.
Registration closes Nov. 1, 2023.

Click here to register

(Update) Tampa, FL: Man arrested in 'massive' $1.6 million liquor theft in Hillsborough County, deputies say
Hillsborough County deputies arrested a man who they said was involved in a "massive" theft that stole approximately $1.6 million in liquor from a local warehouse. The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said between July 7 and July 10, a group of thieves stole crates of liquor from a distribution center in Gibsonton, using at least two semi-trucks to transport the goods. According to investigators, the stolen liquor was moved to South Florida, but detectives managed to track the shipment to a storage facility in Hialeah. During their investigation, deputies seized "a Kenworth semi-cab, two Wabash trailers, and a Kia Stinger" that authorities said were used in the crime. After finding the stolen liquor, detectives managed to recover the shipment, valued at over $1.5 million, and give it back to the owner, the sheriff's office said. "I commend our dedicated detectives for their tireless efforts in swiftly apprehending the individual responsible for this audacious million-dollar liquor theft," Sheriff Chad Chronister said. "The recovery of over $1.5 million worth of stolen liquor is a testament to their unwavering commitment to justice. As the investigation unfolds, we anticipate further arrests, ensuring that all involved parties are brought to justice." Deputies said they arrested Miguel Angel Artles Rivas, 33, as a suspect in this case. He now faces charges of grand theft of $100,000 or more and burglary over $1,000 in damages. However, they still have a warrant out for another suspect, 54-year-old Ruth Melly Cardero. 

Los Angeles, CA: Man arrested for organized retail crimes netting more than $100k in LA, Riverside counties
Nickolas Mallory, 25, was arrested on Sunday after investigators served a warrant at his residence, according to Los Angeles Police Department. He was booked on suspicion of robbery and his bail has been set at $1.3 million. A statement from LAPD says that Mallory "was involved in multiple robberies/felony thefts from Nordstrom stores in Los Angeles, and numerous thefts from the 73500 block of El Paseo Drive in Palm Desert." On top of that, police also noted that he was responsible for additional felony crimes committed in Los Angeles and Riverside Counties that resulted in a loss exceeding $100,000 in merchandise. Following his arrest, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office filed additional felony charges against Mallory, which included robbery, burglary, organized retail crimes, possession of a firearm by a felon and unlawful possession of an assault weapon. 

San Bernardino County, CA: Man busted with $20,000 in tools stolen from Home Depot Stores
A 34-year-old man from Perris was arrested last week on charges of grand theft after deputies discovered thousands of dollars in merchandise stolen from Home Depot stores, authorities announced. A deputy with the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department responded to a Home Depot store on Oct. 19 on reports retail theft between Oct. 13 and 15 resulting in the loss of approximately $1,400 in property. A little more than a week later, SBSD deputies, along with deputies from the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, served a search warrant at a residence in the 2300 block of Stonybrook Way in Perris. 

Rochester, NY: NY State Woman Allegedly Made Over 10K in Fraudulent Returns
A Rochester woman has been charged with making over $10,000 in fraudulent returns to several area retail stores. New York State Police arrested 22-year-old Theresa Colaizzi in the afternoon on October 20 after what they described as an 'extensive investigation'. Troopers said from January through June of this year, Colaizzi purchased items from HomeGoods, Marshalls, HomeSense, and T.J. Maxx in Monroe and Ontario Counties. She would then make fraudulent returns to receive a double refund. In total, she took home $10,175.25 from those TJX Companies. Colaizzi was charged with third and fourth-degree grand larceny and two counts of first-degree scheme to defraud. 

Rocky Mount, NC: Gun, drugs, party speaker: 3 men charged with robbing 5 major retail stores including Target, Ulta
Three men are facing charges after they were arrested for breaking into several retail stores and stealing items, the Rocky Mount Police Department said Friday. At about 1:30 a.m. Tuesday, officers said they were called to the Ulta Beauty in reference to a breaking and entering call. When they arrived, they said they found that the suspects had shattered the glass on the front doors of the business, then went inside and stole multiple items. Detectives who worked on the case said an anonymous citizen helped them identify one of the suspects. They said they used this tip and other information to obtain and execute a search warrant on the 1000 block of Star St., where they said they found the stolen property from Ulta Beauty. Investigators said they also executed a search warrant on the 600 block of Hammond St. In both locations, they said they found stolen property from Target, T.J. Maxx, Burlington and Lowe's. The stolen property included clothing, tools, appliances, perfume, cologne, electronics and other items, detectives said. According to the police department, a handgun and marijuana were also found and seized. 

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Shootings & Deaths

Roswell, NM: Suspect in Walmart shooting to remain in pretrial detention
A Walmart employee accused of fatally shooting a man at the store's Roswell location will stay behind bars. New Mexico 5th Judicial District Judge Dustin K. Hunter on Friday granted a motion by the District Attorney's office to keep 18-year-old Joshua Martinez in custody pending trial on charges of second-degree murder and unlawful possession of a firearm by a person under the age of 18. Sandra Gallagher, Martinez's attorney, argued that no evidence was presented to show her client would be a threat to witnesses and should be released on bond and with other conditions. She also noted Soltero is believed to have had a gun on him when he was shot. Gallagher claimed Martinez acted in self-defense when he fired seven rounds into Soltero. Gino Basile, a detective with the Roswell Police Department, testified that on the night of the shooting, investigators were able to identify Martinez as the assailant through surveillance video,
detectives who had past encounters with Martinez and a fellow Walmart employee. The surveillance video did not include sound, but Basile said footage from the moments before the shooting showed Soltero and Thyberg walking towards the front registers and Martinez behind them at the time and heading in the same direction. Soltero and Thyberg are shown stopping and turning around to see Martinez. Soltero then makes a hand gesture towards Martinez. The couple then walks away as Martinez follows them. They then stop, and Martinez catches up with them. What Basile described in his testimony as a physical altercation ensues. Thyberg reportedly tried to punch Martinez. Some pushing and shoving followed before Soltero reportedly retreats down another aisle, hides behind a pallet of merchandise and can be seen on the video reaching into his waistband.  rdrnews.com

Tucson, AZ: PCSD K9 killed while locating armed robbery suspects
The Pima County Sheriff's Department said one of its K9s was killed while trying to locate armed robbery suspects. It happened near Fort Lowell and Alvernon around 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 27. Deputies were in the area looking for a man connected to an armed robbery. He was seen entering a fenced yard, when K9 Kenzo was sent to find him. Deputies said Kenzo was found unresponsive during the search, causing deputies to enter the yard and search the property. The suspect was then located and taken into custody without further incident. Kenzo was rushed to the hospital but succumbed to his injuries. Two men were arrested. The PCSD said 35-year-old Cody Dillon Bartlett is facing charges of armed robbery, aggravated robbery, and killing/harming a work/service animal.   kold.com

Nassau County, NY: Accused Green Acres Mall shooter charged with attempted murder
Long Island police arrested Nicholas Aaron Hibbert, who is accused of firing a shot during a confrontation with security at Green Acres Mall in Valley Stream. Hibbert was charged with attempted murder, robbery and criminal possession of a weapon when he was arrested on Thursday, police said. Hibbert was suspected of trying to steal clothes from a boutique when he was confronted by store security before the gun fired on Monday.  cbsnews.com

Nashville, TN: Domino's worker shot in botched Armed Robbery
A Domino's employee was shot during an attempted robbery incident in Nashville Saturday morning, according to the Metro Nashville Police Department. Around 2:30 a.m., police said the robbery attempt happened at the pizza chain on 3956 Clarksville Pike. The robbery suspect is not in custody, according to police. Police said employees were closing the store for the night when the suspect attempted to rob it. The man allegedly shot one of the employees as they were attempting to run, according to police. Police said the employee's injuries were non-life-threatening. The victim was taken to a local hospital for treatment.  wsmv.com

Houston, TX: Board denies parole for man convicted of brutally murdering wig store employee in 1998

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Upper Darby, PA: Police officer thrown into glass window at Dollar General
A police officer is recovering after being thrown into a glass window in Upper Darby on Friday night. This happened at a Dollar General store near 69th and Market Streets around 7 p.m. Friday. We're told as officers responded to the area, one of them was pushed through the window. The officer was taken to a nearby hospital and treated for his injuries. Police say they have a suspect in custody.  cbsnews.com

Chicago, IL: Chicago clothing store hit for second time in crash-and-grab burglary
Business owners in Chicago are stepping up security and bracing for the next crash-and-grab. It's been the trend all week long. Vehicles are being used to ram into businesses, so burglars can get inside. The latest happened Saturday morning at Urban Jungle, a vintage sneaker shop in Wicker Park. As CBS 2's Noel Brennan reports, the owner was left cleaning up a mess. The crew of thieves took vintage clothes and more. And they left behind a giant hole and a stolen Jeep, which they used to ram their way inside. It's the sixth time something similar has happened in the past five days. cbsnews.com

Janesville, WI: Live cluster bomblet, ammunition found in Goodwill donation
A live cluster bomblet and ammunition have been found in a donation dropped off at a thrift shop in southeastern Wisconsin. An employee at the Janesville Goodwill made the discovery while conducting inventory Friday morning, according to the Janesville Police Department. The store and surrounding area were evacuated as a bomb squad was called in to remove the small bomb and ammunition. Now the Janesville Police Department is searching for the person who included the bomb and ammunition in their donation.  wkow.com

Ill. State police investigate cargo thefts at South Holland's Lincoln Oasis on Tri-State Tollway
State police say they are investigating reports of cargo thefts at the Chicago Southland Lincoln Oasis in South Holland, but not providing details about what has been taken or over what period of time. Electronic message boards are in place advising truck drivers cargo thefts have taken place and advising them to be vigilant. chicagotribune.com

DOJ: Charlotte Man Gets 14 Years On Gun Charge In Connection With Armed Robbery And Possession Of A Weapon By An Inmate
On February 5, 2019, at 4:37 p.m., Williams and another individual robbed the NY Jewelry & Repair Store located at 6121 South Boulevard in Charlotte. justice.gov

Redwood City, CA: San Mateo County Sheriff Urges Legislators to Reevaluate Lower Penalties for Theft, Laments 'Lawlessness'

Waverly, NY: Employee accused of stealing more than $12,000 from Waverly Dollar General

Glynn County, GA: Man arrested for setting fire to clothing rack inside Brunswick Walmart causing $10K in damages



C-Store - Newark, DE - Armed Robbery
C-Store - San Antonio, TX - Burglary
C-Store - Springfield, MO - Burglary
C-Store - Jasper, MO - Robbery
C-Store - New Haven, CT - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Swatara Township, PA - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Dauphin County, PA - Armed Robbery
CVS - Weston, WV - Robbery
Clothing - Chicago, IL - Burglary
Dollar - Swatara Township, PA - Armed Robbery
Dollar - Upper Darby, PA - Robbery
Gas Station - Macon, GA - Robbery
Grocery - Rockville, MD - Armed Robbery
Grocery - Quincy, WA - Burglary
Hardware - Lewiston, WA - Burglary
Jewelry- Nashville, TN - Robbery
Jewelry- Charlotte, NC - Armed Robbery
Jewelry - Salinas, CA - Armed Robbery
Jewelry - Greenwich, CT - Armed Robbery
Restaurant - Nashville, TN - Armed Robbery / employee shot
Restaurant - Yuba City, CA - Robbery
Restaurant - Omaha, NE - Armed Robbery
Tobacco - Delhi Township, OH - Burglary                                    


Daily Totals:
• 17 robberies
• 6 burglaries
• 1 shooting
• 0 killed

Click to enlarge map



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Loss Prevention Manager (House of Sport)
Boston, MA - posted October 10
As a Loss Prevention Manager, you will support the Store Leadership team in achieving company objectives by managing all Loss Prevention programs and policies within the store. This key role will have the tremendous responsibility of keeping our associates, customers and our store safe...

District Asset Protection Partner
Tucson and Chandler/Phoenix, AZ Area - posted September 27
The Asset Protection (AP) Partner is a strong communicator, advisor, investigator, and compliance partner. This role is responsible for asset protection program execution at all levels and implementing methods to prevent, and control losses, in support of protecting company assets. This role collaborates with store teams, Human Resources, Supply Chain, and District Management...

District Asset Protection Partner
West Sacramento, CA - posted September 26
The District Asset Protection (AP) Partner is a strong communicator, advisor, investigator, and compliance partner to our Stores. This role is responsible for driving shrink improvement and leadership of asset protection program execution at the District level. The District AP Partner is responsible for assessing store-based shrink initiatives, promoting shrink awareness, and implementing methods to prevent, and control losses...

Asset Protection Specialist
Newburgh, NY - posted September 25
The Asset Protection Specialist role at Ocean State Job Lot is responsible for protecting company assets and monitoring store activities to reduce property or financial losses. This role partners closely with store leadership and the Human Resources team, when applicable, to investigate known or suspected internal theft, external theft, and vendor fraud...

Security Director
Chicago, IL - posted September 7
Reporting to the VP of Corporate Security, the Director of Corporate Security is a professional security practitioner that acts as an advisor/consultant to the assigned Property Management Group. Responsibilities include monitoring security vendors' performance, evaluating for contract compliance, and serving as a program quality control manager...

District Asset Protection Manager
Washington, DC - posted August 31
The MidAtlantic Division has an opening for a District Asset Protection Manager in Northern Virginia. This person will support Fairfax, Arlington, and Loudoun counties. This is a salary role with up to 70% travel within the assigned district. District Asset Protection Manager will provide positive/proactive leadership, and instruction in the area of Security/Asset Protection...

Corporate & Supply Chain Asset Protection Leader
Quincy, MA - posted August 3
The primary purpose of this position is to manage the Corporate Asset Protection function for all US Support Offices and Supply Chain. Direct team in the design, implementation and management of physical security processes and equipment to ensure facilities are considered a safe and secure environment for all associates and external parties...

Occupational Health & Safety Manager
Mount Horeb, WI - posted July 27
This role is responsible for examining the workplace for environmental or physical factors that could affect employee or guest health, safety, comfort, and performance. This role is also responsible for reducing the frequency and severity of accidents. To be successful in the role, you will need to work closely with management, employees, and relevant regulatory bodies...

Region Asset Protection Manager
Jacksonville, FL - posted October 24
Responsible for managing asset protection programs designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region. This position will develop the framework for the groups' response to critical incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...


Regional AP Mgr - South FL Market - Bilingual required
Miami, FL - posted August 8
Responsible for managing asset protection programs designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region. This position will develop the framework for the groups' response to critical incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...

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