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"Shouldn't the bad guys be locked up,
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Click here to watch the video

Summer 2023 Weekend Shooting Analysis
Crime & Violence in America's Big Cities

Big City Violence Continues to Drop Compared to Last Summer

1,222 Shootings - 327 Killed - 1,281 Injured in 15 Cities Over Last 11 Weekends
Shootings (down 9%), deaths (down 20%) and injuries (down 9%) have all declined from 2022

The D&D Daily's Big City Weekend Violence Study - Memorial Day to Labor Day

The Daily's annual study analyzes weekend shooting data in 15 major U.S. cities from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend 2023

Starting Memorial Day Weekend, the D&D Daily compiled and analyzed data from 15 major U.S. cities to get a snapshot of summer gun violence.

Over this past weekend, from August 4th through August 6th, there were 92 shootings recorded in these 15 big cities, resulting in 28 deaths and 83 injuries.

In total, over the past 11 weekends, these cities have recorded 1,222 shootings, resulting in 327 deaths and 1,281 injuries.

Compared to last summer at this time in the study, total shootings in these cities are down 9%, deaths are down 20%, and injuries are down 9%.

The D&D Daily will continue to track this data throughout the summer to capture the weekend violence trend in our nation's big cities as warm weather typically brings about more crime and violence.

Click here to see the list of incidents per city and follow along each week as this spreadsheet will be updated every Monday. docs.google.com

Read more coverage about America's crime and violence surge in the section directly below

The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

The Retail Supply Chain Is Under Attack by Organized Criminals
The entire supply chain is under attack from organized crime groups

How Nike Sneakers Get Stolen at Every Turn

The company's warehouses, trucks and stores are regularly targeted by organized crime groups looking to steal and resell Air Jordans

It's getting harder for a pair of Air Jordans to make it all the way from the factory to a store shelf or your front porch. Nike goods have been stolen at almost every step of the supply chain, from distribution centers, rail yards and storage trains to FedEx delivery trucks, highlighting how retail crime goes beyond shoplifting or smash-and-grab thefts in stores.

"The supply chain is under attack right now," said Keith Lewis, vice president of operations for Verisk-owned CargoNet, a theft prevention and recovery network that often collaborates with law enforcement.

Nike, which generates more than $50 billion in annual sales, hasn't disclosed the amount of merchandise it loses to theft and declined to comment for this article.

The journey to the U.S. for a pair of Air Jordans starts at factories in Vietnam or China, where the sneakers are typically manufactured. The sneakers then have a winding path from Asia, with several stops at ports, warehouses and distribution centers before they arrive in stores or homes. A pair of shoes are at risk of being stolen at each stop, Lewis said.

Executives at retailers such as Target, Macy's, BJ's Wholesale Club and Ulta Beauty have blamed criminal networks for causing problems with their inventories and called it an urgent issue. Reports of cargo theft across the supply chain increased by 63% during the first half of 2023 compared with a year earlier, according to data from CargoNet.

Nike products became more attractive targets for criminals in recent years as reselling limited-edition sneakers turned into an easy way to make a profit. Air Jordans and other designs regularly change hands for hundreds of dollars above the original price.

In February, Nike offered to pay for off-duty and more on-duty police officers to address safety and theft concerns at a northeast Portland, Ore., store, which has been closed since last year. The Portland mayor's office said the proposal wasn't feasible given staff limitations.  wsj.com

   More Coverage of Nike's Theft Problem

   • Nike Grapples with Rising Organized Crime Theft in Supply Chain

   • Nike Products Stolen at Every Stage of the Supply Chain, Report Finds

   • Thieves are targeting Nike shoes across the supply chain

Retailers Call on Lawmakers to Pass Combating Organized Retail Crime Act
Washington retailers show support for federal legislation to combat ORC

Rep. Kim Schrier is co-sponsoring the "Combating Organized Retail Crime Act of 2023" to strengthen laws and create a new team to fight retail crime rings.

A piece of legislation highlighted Thursday aims to target organized retail crime, a problem the Washington Retail Association says costs businesses $2.7 billion a year statewide and puts employees and shoppers in danger.

US Representative Kim Schrier says the Combating Organized Retail Crime Act would create an organized retail crime center within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and direct DHS and the Department of Justice to direct grants and resources toward the problem.

"It also targets organized crime by strengthening federal money laundering statutes and penalties," Schrier said.

The Washington Retail Association (WRA) says businesses across the state are dealing with the impacts of crime rings, which resell items and often have connections to other illicit activity.

Carl Kleinknecht, President of the Washington Organized Retail Crime Association and Director of Security for Bellevue Collection, says there are some things businesses can do to increase the chance of offenders getting arrested and to help address the problem overall.

"Retail investigators are the ones that are going to notice the shoplift, they're also the first link in that chain of accountability because they have to put together a really good case backed up by video, backed up by statements, so when strapped police departments arrive, they can give the best possible evidence over to them so local law enforcement can refer those charges to the prosecutor's office," Kleinknecht said. king5.com

   More Coverage of Washington's Push for ORC Legislation

   • Rep. Schrier sponsoring bill cracking down on organized retail theft

   • Congresswoman tours Issaquah Target, touts organized retail theft legislation

More Hy-Vee Locations Deploy Security Guards
Part of the chain's retail security team to operate across eight states

Ask Us: Hy-Vee mum on armed guards

Mankato's Hilltop Hy-Vee has added armed security guards, something done previously at Hy-Vees elsewhere in the Midwest

With still no response from Hy-Vee after 10 days, Ask Us Guy dug around online and found several news reports from 20 months ago about the grocery guards.

"Customers at the Midwest grocery chain Hy-Vee will soon encounter armed security guards while shopping at stores in light of the recent surge in retail thefts," according to the Post story on Dec. 30, 2021. "The Iowa-based retailer unveiled plans Wednesday for the launch of a retail security team to operate at stores across eight states."

The Hy-Vee officials quoted by the Post and other news organizations at the time did not make any reference to the mass shootings that had occurred at retail stores - including a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado earlier in 2021 and at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas in 2019. But they did talk of hoping to deter violence and crime, including theft.

"While the chain has not said if a specific incident prompted the initiative, Hy-Vee Vice President of Security Jamie Sipes suggested in an interview that a recent uptick in retail thefts nationwide was a factor," the Post reported. "'I think across the country, we're seeing an increase in thefts and different crimes in retail locations,' Sipes told KYTV in Missouri.

The media reports stated that Hy-Vee promised to train the guards in de-escalation techniques and that many would have law enforcement backgrounds. Along with guns, some of the guards were armed with tasers.

The story in the Post noted that Hy-Vee's decision to add security guards came at a time when 57% of retailers had reported an uptick in "organized retail crime," including the brazen smash-and-grab robberies sometimes conducted by a swarm of thieves after they organized themselves in advance on social media.  mankatofreepress.com

NY Lawmakers Face Backlash Over Retail Crime
'New York's retail crime problems stem from lawmakers in Albany.'

The Impacts of Retail Theft
Here in New York theft under a thousand dollars is considered a misdemeanor that carries no jail time. Assemblyman Brian Miller, (R) 122nd District says it New York's retail crime problems stem from lawmakers in Albany.

"Those who are organizing and participating in retail thefts are essentially a revolving door of criminals with no consequences, which is a result of Bail Reform Laws implemented by New York State," he said.

If something isn't done to curb theft here in New York, curbside pickup may end up being the only way to get retail items. Assemblyman Brian Miller elaborates on how that could happen.

Local political representatives want the Governor to sign legislation establishing a task force that would provide independent expert opinions on the most effective ways to combat organized retail crime.

Local suggestions include retail networking, funding for additional security measures, local ordinances, and even public identification of known thieves.

"Albany has to say, 'Hey, listen, what are we going to do to protect these people,' because you know we got 16, 17, 18-year-old girls working in there. We do not want to put them in harm's way, and it becomes a safety matter, and until they make consequences for their actions this is going to continue."

The only changes Governor Kathy Hochul made to N.Y.'s Bail Reform Law eliminates the clause that forced judges to consider the "least restrictive" bail option. Now, judges can choose what they believe is "necessary to reasonably assure" a defendant's return to court.

Should the Governor sign legislation to create a task force, it would have one year to complete their study before presenting their findings to the governor, and the Attorney General. wktv.com

Will Anti-Theft Measures Alienate Younger Customers?
Stores risk losing younger shoppers with anti-theft measures targeting self-checkouts: retail expert
Amid a recorded rise in retail theft, companies are taking more measures at self-checkouts to stop people from stealing. Allowing customers to complete their own transactions can make shopping seamless and easy, but a retail strategist says self-checkouts are also an avenue for theft.

Liza Amlani, principal and co-founder of Retail Strategy Group, said that self-checkouts without additional measures are one of the ways thieves can easily steal from retailers.

"Customers want self-checkout, they don't want to be monitored, or security hovering over them," Amlani said. But some companies have started implementing more measures, particularly at self-checkouts, that can change the customer experience.

"The convenience of self-checkout, especially across the younger generations who prefer it, I think that's where retailers will really kind of lose customer loyalty and even market share," Amlani said.


New technology in tags, like radio-frequency identification (RFID), allows for a product to be tracked by the company throughout the supply chain.

"There's a lot of products out there that have magnetic traceability, like through RFID technology built into the product label," she said. "So it is possible for brands and retailers to track the journey of their product, especially from a theft and loss prevention perspective."


The May 2021 survey shows 53 per cent of respondents said they would use a self-checkout machine in the future. While the new technology makes small purchases quicker for customers, one shopper points out how convenient cashiers still are. krdo.com

How is organized retail theft impacting businesses? What is shrink?

View from the Right: Are Democratic policies fueling a surge in crime?



Are Delivery Companies Responsible for Crimes Committed by Drivers?
She says a Doordash driver tried to rape and kill her. The company says it's not their problem.

She sued Doordash, but the delivery company says it's not responsible for its contractors.

According to an account laid out in criminal charging documents, a civil lawsuit, and interviews with Chloe and her attorney - Young forced his way inside, stripped off his pants, exposed himself, and tried to rape her. In the process, she said, he beat her, broke her nose, strangled her, and bit off four of her fingertips - two on each hand.

Young had a history of violence. In 2016, according to court records reviewed by Insider, Young pleaded guilty to charges of aggravated assault, hit-and-run, and driving without a proper license after he ran over a woman with a car following a verbal dispute. He served three years in prison and was out on parole while working for Doordash.

A grand jury in Coffee County, Georgia, where Chloe lives, brought a five-count indictment against Young over the incident at her apartment, charging him with attempted rape and attempted murder.

In a civil lawsuit filed against Doordash in November, Chloe is seeking to hold the company to account for what she experienced. She said she doesn't use the app anymore, nor other apps that use third parties for deliveries, like Seamless or Postmates. She stays away from other "gig economy" apps like Uber and Lyft as well, considering them an even greater safety threat.

Chloe is accusing Doordash of negligence, alleging the delivery company failed to conduct an adequate background check on Young. Doordash, the lawsuit says, should have never hired Young as a so-called "Dasher" or given him access to her home address.

According to Kendall Shortway, a lawyer representing Chloe, Doordash outsources many background checks to another tech company, Checkr. Shortway intends to add Checkr as a defendant in the case, she told Insider.  businessinsider.com

Another COVID Fixture That's Here to Stay
New York City Will Make Outdoor Dining Permanent, With Caveats

New rules passed by the City Council on Thursday will organize the haphazard but popular outdoor dining structures, but will force their removal in the winter.

Outdoor dining along New York City streets, one of the rare pandemic-era accommodations that proved popular, is set to become permanent - but in a way that could drive many restaurant owners to take down their streetside sheds for good.

Under a bill passed by the City Council on Thursday, restaurants will be allowed to continue to offer outdoor dining in roadways under a new licensing system. But those structures will have to be removed for the winter, and reconstructed in the spring - a requirement that some restaurateurs say will be a costly and onerous burden.

The bill, which has the support of Mayor Eric Adams, aims to strike a balance by retaining a popular al fresco program while regulating it more closely, allowing for the clearing of abandoned or ugly dining sheds.

Still, some restaurant owners have expressed outrage about having to remove and store outdoor dining structures from Nov. 30 until March 31, which will take away a dining option for patrons, especially those who are immunocompromised or otherwise Covid-conscious. Smaller restaurants in particular could find it too expensive or cumbersome to participate. nytimes.com

Will Automation Lead to More Retail Job Losses?
The robots are coming - and the companies building them are looking for workers

The sectors most likely to adopt robotics are electronics, energy tech and utilities and consumer goods, according to a 2023 report from the World Economic Forum.

There's no denying automation will eliminate certain jobs in the coming years. But as companies adopt robots on manufacturing floors, in kitchens and on delivery routes, workers have a growing opportunity to join the ranks in helping to build and implement the technology.

Both humanoid and nonhumanoid robots are set to reduce employment in the years to come, as nearly equal amounts of companies say they're expecting growth, worker displacement or a neutral effect due to the technology, according to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report for 2023 forecast. The sectors most likely to adopt robotics are electronics, energy tech and utilities and consumer goods, according to the study.

For example, the WEF study found 60% of companies operating in the production of consumer goods and the oil and gas industry project jobs will be lost due to automation. On the other hand, 60% of companies operating in information and technology services expect jobs to be created due to robots in the next five years. cnbc.com

Are Too Many Places Prompting for Tips?
Customers' patience is being tested as tipping has expanded well beyond full-service dining and bars to quick-service restaurants, retailers, grocers, and even airport self-checkouts.

One reason tipping requests have become more pervasive is touchscreen tablets, which businesses are increasingly using as point of sale (POS) systems. Setting up a tipping prompt digitally is easy and more effective than the traditional tip jar that can be ignored. retailwire.com

White Castle joins 7 other fast-food restaurants using AI at the drive-thru
Shake Shack is adding more tech to its stores

Last week's #1 article --

Family-owned hardware store lost $700K in just one year due to retail theft

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Using Salesforce for 'Sophisticated Phishing Campaign'
Salesforce Zero-Day Exploited to Phish Facebook Credentials

Cyberattacks used the legitimate Salesforce.com domain by chaining the vulnerability to an abuse of Facebook's Web games platform, slipping past email protections.

Attackers were recently spotted exploiting a zero-day flaw in Salesforce's email and SMTP services in a sophisticated phishing campaign aimed at stealing credentials from Facebook users.

Guardio researchers detected cyberattackers sending targeted phishing emails with @salesforce.com addresses using the legitimate Salesforce infrastructure. An investigation revealed that they were able to exploit a Salesforce email-validation flaw to hide behind the domain's trusted status with users and email protections alike.

The sender of the emails claimed to be "Meta Platforms," and the messages included legitimate links to the Facebook platform, further bolstering legitimacy.

"It's a no-brainer why we've seen this email slipping through traditional anti-spam and anti-phishing mechanisms," Guardio Labs' Oleg Zaytsey and Nati Tal noted in the post. "It includes legit links (to facebook.com) and is sent from a legit email address of @salesforce.com, one of the world's leading CRM providers."

The messages directed recipients via a button to a legitimate Facebook domain, apps.facebook.com, where content has been altered to inform them that they'd violated Facebook's terms of service. From there, another button led to a phishing page that collected personal details, including full name, account name, email address, phone number, and password.

Nonetheless, "there is no evidence of impact to customer data," Salesforce told Guardio. The flaw, meanwhile, has been fixed. darkreading.com

Burger King Data Leak
Burger King Serves Up Sensitive Data, No Mayo

The incident marks the second time since 2019 that a misconfiguration could have let threat actors "have it their way" when it comes to BK's data.

AdvertisementA misconfiguration in the site for Burger King France has exposed sensitive data that could have been used to launch a whopper of a cyberattack against the chain.

Researchers at Security Affairs found the flaw and noted that a similar 2019 misconfiguration had leaked information on kids who bought Burger King menus.

The most recent Burger King data leak incident exposed database credentials, and what researchers think are job posts and applicant data. The analysts weren't legally able to view the contents of the database, the report noted.

By combining the compromised credentials with the site's Google Tag Manager ID, threat actors could have changed the Tag ID to a container they control, and from there execute arbitrary code, the Security Affairs team explained. The researchers also discovered a Google Analytics ID among the exposed data, which could have been used to manipulate the site's analytics.

The researchers alerted Burger King to the potential for cyberattacks stemming from the data exposure, and the problem has been fixed.  darkreading.com

Cyber Regulations: 'Vague Language, More Enforcement'
How To Deal With the Vagueness in New Cyber Regulations

Recent regulations for privacy, AI, and breaches tend to be overly broad, suggesting that the rulemakers lack tech acumen.

Regulatory bodies at every level of government have handed down stiffer privacy and disclosure requirements this year - and penalties to match - crafted with ambiguous language and squishy guidelines leaving cybersecurity teams hip-deep in liability and no clear path to compliance.

Vague Language, More Enforcement

Some of the vague language of cyber regulation is necessary, Shostack points out.

"Also, let's be frank. The reason these standards are vague is often [because] industry demands for flexibility," he adds. "If we're having trouble because the standards are too open-ended, we should bring that to our industry groups and lobbyists."

Katz, an attorney and former tech executive, agrees it's up to the cybersecurity community to help educate and shape rulemaking discussions. Without technical guidance, regulatory bodies like the SEC are left with little influence beyond punishment, she adds.

Katz says that lack of cybersecurity expertise is fueling the SEC's consideration of legal action against SolarWinds executives for the company's 2020 breach.

Continued regulatory uncertainty requires increasingly close collaboration with legal and compliance experts both during preparation, as well as during an actual cyber incident response, Shostack says. darkreading.com

AI's Impact on the Tech Workforce
How Layoffs and A.I. Are Impacting Tech Workers

Can AI save the tech industry, which shed nearly 400K jobs last year?

Tech companies shed more than 386,000 jobs last year and in the first half of this year, according to Layoffs.fyi. That number is climbing. But while layoffs have taxed workers, a booming artificial intelligence market is giving the industry a renewed sense of optimism.

"I have been in San Francisco for almost 12 years now and I have never felt this kind of energy," said Flo Crivello, CEO of AI startup Lindy. "And I was here for the mobile boom."

"Every cafe, every restaurant, every conversation that you overhear in the street, half of the time, it's ChatGPT, it's AI, it's the latest company that is being funded," he said.

Generative AI startup deals announced or finalized In the first quarter of this year totaled more than $12 billion, compared to about $4.5 billion invested in the space all of last year, according to PitchBook.

Amazon, Alphabet and Microsoft have also made significant AI investments.

So how have layoffs impacted tech workers and what will the AI boom mean for their future? Watch the video to learn more. cnbc.com

Top 12 vulnerabilities routinely exploited in 2022

Google, Microsoft Take Refuge in Rust Language's Better Security







Amazon's 'Safety Reckoning'
'Hazardous by design'? After pandemic boom, Amazon faces safety reckoning
Rose Kracht, an inspector with Washington's Department of Labor and Industries who was following up on worker complaints, came armed with heart-rate monitors, wearable sensors, a GoPro camera and a digital survey, prepared to ask employees what it was like to work at Amazon. Inside, Amazon employees unloaded trailers, packed boxes and moved thousands of items through the 1.1 million square foot facility. The roughly 1,000 people employed there worked among conveyor belts, robotic arms and autonomous robots moving customer orders from one station to the next.

But that morning in August 2021, Chris Murphy, Amazon's workplace health and safety manager for the suburban Tacoma warehouse, turned Kracht and her team away, Kracht later reported.

It wasn't the first time Amazon blocked inspectors. But the act teed up a high-stakes legal battle between Washington's workplace safety regulators and one of the state's largest employers, a fight now playing out before a state board that adjudicates appeals of L&I decisions.

L&I claims Amazon created an unsafe work environment in three Washington warehouses, and has fined Amazon four times for failing to keep workers safe. After a series of appeals by Amazon, the department and the company went to trial in July, kicking off a weekslong contest that could determine the future of work at Amazon. If L&I prevails, Amazon will have to make changes to its operations at the department's behest. If the court rules for Amazon, state regulators' hands may be tied going forward.

Amazon says it's already improving safety at its warehouses - it points to new training, equipment and other investments - but L&I inspectors worry about the risk of injury each time an Amazon employee clocks in. It's a concern shared by federal workplace safety regulators, the Department of Justice and some in the U.S. Senate, all of which are investigating Amazon's warehouses.

While the injury rate at Amazon warehouses has declined, the extent of that decline and how the company compares with the rest of the industry is hotly contested. A coalition of labor unions that analyzed 2022 regulatory data found the overall injury rate at Amazon was 7 injuries per 100 workers in 2022, 70% higher than the rate at non-Amazon warehouses.

Amazon disputes that assertion, and says the unions' comparison to others in the industry is flawed. Amazon found in its own analysis, which used a different injury rate measure, that rates at U.S. facilities fell to 6.7 injuries per 200,000 working hours in 2022.

The faceoff in Washington serves as an early test of Amazon's authority to shape work within its warehouses, and the culmination of an investigation three years in the making. seattletimes.com

Tik Tok's E-Commerce Hiring Spree
TikTok is building an e-commerce team to go after pre-owned luxury bag buyers and sneakerheads

TikTok is hiring staffers to sell pre-owned luxury items like bags and collectibles like sneakers.

TikTok's ambitions for social shopping are coming into focus - namely, the company seems interested in selling just about everything.

In addition to courting merchants with free shipping and other subsidies and offering influencers cash bonuses to shill products, the company recently began selling goods directly in the UK. It plans to roll out a similar offering in the US this month, per the Wall Street Journal.

Now TikTok appears to be building a dedicated team tasked with boosting sales of pre-owned luxury items like bags and collectibles such as sneakers, per a new set of job openings on its website. businessinsider.com

Has e-commerce peaked?
The pandemic boom in online retail has given way to stagnation and stiffening competition

Instacart adds more ecommerce solutions for retailers







Peachtree City, GA : Three suspected serial burglars arrested after stealing expensive hair weaves
Early Friday morning, three men from Houston, Texas, were speeding through Peachtree City, drawing the attention of a Peachtree City Police officer. That stop led to the discovery of hair weaves stolen earlier that morning from The Hair XChange in north Fayette County. The three - Christopher Keith Collins, Paul E. Smith and Fredrick Wills - are being held in the Fayette jail on charges of smash-and-grab burglary, according to the Fayette County Sheriff's Office.  youtube.com

New Hartford, NY: Walmart Loss Prevention Employee Allegedly Assaulted While Trying to Stop Theft
A loss prevention employee at the New Hartford Walmart was almost pepper sprayed when trying to prevent an alleged theft. Wednesday night, New Hartford Police were called to Walmart on Commercial Drive for a larceny-in-progress report. Officers located three suspects in the parking lot "attempting to load a large amount of stolen store merchandise into a vehicle. The Three suspects were detained by police," NHPD said.
After an investigation at the scene, "36-year-old Dereca Gilmore, along with two juveniles, stole over $500 of store merchandise and began to flee the store with the merchandise in shopping carts," police said.
The investigation also revealed that a member of the loss prevention team stopped the suspects. "Gilmore attempted to discharge pepper spray upon the loss prevention member. Gilmore and the juveniles then physically assaulted the loss prevention member by punching her in the face and head multiple times. Gilmore and the juveniles then continued into the parking lot and were the process of loading the stolen merchandise into a vehicle when the police arrived and apprehended all three, " NHPD said. The victim sustained "severe contusions to the face and head" and was taken to a local hospital for treatment. Gilmore was arrested and charged with robbery and assault.   wktv.com

Minneapolis, MN: Another person charged in Romanian crime ring targeting Twin Cities retailers

Antioch, TN: Alleged thief fills trash can with stolen cigarettes and scratch-off tickets at MAPCO

Seattle, WA: Smash & Grab Burglars flee with thousands of dollars in merchandise from local Vape Shop, store front destroyed

Southington, CT: Suspects Sought In Southington Lowes $800 Shoplifting Incident

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Shootings & Deaths

Jefferson Parish, LA: JPSO investigates homicide after man found shot dead in a Terrytown Gas Station parking lot
The Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office is investigating a homicide after a man was found shot to death in the parking lot of a business in Terrytown. The sheriff's office says the shooting happened Sunday night. "Just before 10:45 pm, deputies were called to the 500 block of Behrman Highway in reference to a shooting. When they arrived, they located an adult male victim on the ground in the parking lot of a business. The victim was suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. He was pronounced dead on the scene," JPSO spokesperson Captain Jason Rivarde says.  wwltv.com

Sumter, SC: Man killed outside of SC convenience store
A man was killed Saturday and the Sumter Police Department is searching for an acquaintance who they say might have information about the deadly shooting. At about 11 a.m., 25-year-old Adrian NaBryce McCray was found lying on the ground outside of a convenience store in the 500 block of Boulevard Road, police said in a news release. That's in the downtown Sumter area, about 1.5 miles from Prisma Health Tuomey hospital. McCray was taken to an area hospital, and his family members were there with him when he died hours later, according to the release. The Sumter County Coroner's Office will schedule an autopsy, the release said. Police said they learned McCray's acquaintance, 43-year-old Travis Jermaine Wright, was near the A&P Coastal Mart at about the time of the shooting. Because Wright could have information about the shooting police are looking for him, according to the release.  yahoo.com

Shreveport, LA: Update: Suspect in shooting in Walmart parking lot surrenders
An arrest has been made after a man was found suffering from multiple gunshot wounds behind a building on East Bert Kouns Industrial Loop. The Shreveport Police Department announced Friday, Aug. 4 that Ralynd Nunley, 19, surrendered himself to police in connection with the shooting. He's charged with attempted first-degree murder. The shooting happened on Aug. 3 just before 4 p.m. in the 1600 block of E Bert Kouns. The male victim, who is in his 50s or 60s, was found lying on the ground suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. He was taken to a local hospital to be treated for life-threatening injuries.  ksla.com

Edinburg, TX: 7 injured after shooting in Edinburg nightclub
Seven people are reported to be injured after an early morning shooting that occurred at an Edinburg nightclub, authorities say. According to a release from the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office, the incident occurred at El Antro Nightclub, located at the 5100 block of Raul Longoria Road. Deputies responded at 4:35 a.m. and found seven victims with gunshot wounds. The victims were taken to a local hospital.  myhighplains.com

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Chicago, IL: Dior in downtown Chicago held-up at gunpoint
A man has been arrested for robbing a store in Chicago's Gold Coast. Police said Anthony Bowens, 53, robbed a store on the 900 block of Rush Street on Friday. The Dior store on the 900 block of Rush Street was robbed at gunpoint on Friday night, but police would not confirm that it was the same store Bowens is accused of robbing. He was arrested on Saturday on 63rd Street. He is charged with felony armed robbery and misdemeanor driving on a suspended license.  fox32chicago.com

Lewisburg, PA: Man charged for assaulting store employee
A West Milton man and an accomplice allegedly punched and kicked an employee at Lewisburg Walmart as onlookers attempted to stop the fight. Jovan Markus Garcia, 20, now faces a felony aggravated assault charge, misdemeanors of simple assault, disorderly conduct, and summary harassment for the alleged incident that occurred on Aug. 1. Trooper Gideon Green of state police at Milton says Garcia and another man walked into the store and saw the employee working the grocery aisle. Garcia then punched the employee in the face and threw him to the ground. The employee told troopers the men punched and kicked him several times while he was on the ground, as well as stomped on his neck area, according to the affidavit.  northcentralpa.com

San Francisco, CA: Feds indict 3 men suspected in at least 25 armed robberies of East Bay convenience stores

Lake County, IL: Members of video gaming burglary crew that stole $400K from businesses in Chicagoland area sentenced to prison

Lake County, IL: Man charged with burglarizing multiple smoke shops in Lake and McHenry counties

Luzerne County, PA: Walmart theft, using fake ID leads to drug arrest

Yreka, CA: Suspect in an arson fire outside a Walmart has been arrested



Auto - Topeka, KS - Burglary
Beauty - Peachtree City, GA - Burglary
C-Store - Fort Lauderdale, FL - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Topeka, KS - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Antioch, TN - Robbery
Dior - Chicago, IL - Burglary
Gas - Mecosta County, MI - Armed Robbery
Guns - Orlando, FL - Burglary
Hardware - Concord, NC - Armed Robbery
Hardware - Southington, CT - Robbery
Jewelry - Concord, CA - Burglary
Jewelry - Chicago, IL - Robbery
Jewelry - Garland, TX - Robbery
Jewelry - Pleasanton, CA - Burglary
Marijuana - Puyallup, WA - Burglary
Pet - Bloomington, MN - Burglary
Restaurant - Virginia Beach, VA - Robbery (McDonalds)
Restaurant - Virginia Beach, VA - Robbery (Dunkin)
Restaurant - Virginia Beach, VA - Robbery
Tobacco - Lake County, IL - Burglary
Vape - Seattle, WA - Burglary
Walmart - Luzerne County, PA - Robbery
Walmart - Garden City, CA - Armed Robbery
Walmart - New Hartford, NY - Robbery             


Daily Totals:
• 14 robberies
• 10 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed


Click to enlarge map



None to report.

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Director of Retail Solutions - North America
Denver, CO - posted April 5
This role will be focused on selling our SaaS retail crime intelligence platform by developing new prospects, and progressing Enterprise level prospects through our sales process. You will report directly to the VP of Retail Solutions - North America, and work alongside our Marketing, Partnerships and Customer Success team to grow our customer base...

Corporate & Supply Chain Asset Protection Leader
Quincy, MA - posted August 3
The primary purpose of this position is to manage the Corporate Asset Protection function for all US Support Offices and Supply Chain. Direct team in the design, implementation and management of physical security processes and equipment to ensure facilities are considered a safe and secure environment for all associates and external parties...

Occupational Health & Safety Manager
Mount Horeb, WI - posted July 27
This role is responsible for examining the workplace for environmental or physical factors that could affect employee or guest health, safety, comfort, and performance. This role is also responsible for reducing the frequency and severity of accidents. To be successful in the role, you will need to work closely with management, employees, and relevant regulatory bodies...

Field Loss Prevention Manager
Nashville, TN - posted July 26
As a Field Loss Prevention Manager (FLPM) you will coordinates Loss Prevention and Safety Programs intended to protect Staples assets and ensure a safe work environment within Staples Retail locations. FLPM's are depended on to be an expert in auditing, investigating, and training...

Regional Asset Protection Manager
Baltimore, MD & Philadelphia, PA - posted July 10
As a Regional Asset Protection Manager, you will support Whole Foods Market's Northeast Region. This will be a total of 21 stores in the Baltimore, Philadelphia, Southern New Jersey and DC area. Be empowered to ensure that multiple stores operate efficiently and achieve our asset protection and safety goals...

Loss Prevention Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst
Boston, MA - posted July 7
As a LP Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst for Staples, you will conduct LP operational field audits remote, virtual and in person, within a base of 60 retail stores to ensure compliance to operational standards to drive operational excellence and preserve profitability. You will also train store managers on Key-Holder responsibilities, Inventory Control standards, Cash Office procedures, Protection Standards, Safety and Fraud trends...

Manager, Physical Security
Jacksonville, FL - posted July 7
Responsible for overseeing all aspects of the company's physical security strategy for retail stores, warehouses, and store support center and field offices. This includes responsibility for the capital expense and repair budgets, developing written specifications, layout and design for all systems and to ensure all installations and repairs are made to SEG standards...

Region Asset Protection Manager
Montgomery & Birmingham, Alabama - posted July 5
Responsible for managing asset protection programs designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region. This position will develop the framework for the groups' response to critical incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...

Regional Manager, Loss Prevention (Western Territory)
Remote - posted June 28
The Regional Loss Prevention Manager is responsible for the control and reduction of shrinkage at the stores in their Territory. Investigate and resolves all matters that jeopardize or cause a loss to the company's assets. Has ownership for all company related shrinkage programs in their assigned stores.

Regional Manager, Loss Prevention (Central Territory)
Remote - posted June 28
The Regional Loss Prevention Manager is responsible for the control and reduction of shrinkage at the stores in their Territory. Investigate and resolves all matters that jeopardize or cause a loss to the company's assets. Has ownership for all company related shrinkage programs in their assigned stores...


Regional Director, LP & Safety (Midwest)
MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA - posted June 27
We are looking for a Regional Director of Loss Prevention to join us in MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA. You will develop, execute, and maintain shrink and shrink compliance initiatives. You will also conduct internal and external field investigations, loss control auditing, store safety programs, and compliance programs and audits...

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In the 1980's, it was common practice when you resigned from a company to make copies of your files and take them with you to a certain extent. Everyone knew about it and it was almost accepted behavior. Today, it's quite different and much more serious. So much more information is available to virtually everyone that, one push of a key, and certainly a well-orchestrated effort can have dramatic consequences and can bring criminal charges. In today's world, intellectual property is a critical asset to every organization and it's the responsibility of every executive to safeguard and maintain their company's intellectual property integrity. Every organization, regardless of size, can be impacted and quite frankly most have been.

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