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The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

Property & Violent Crimes Continue to Plague California Communities
Despite a drop in homicides, Calif. property crime is up 6.2% and violent crime is up 6.1%

California releases annual crime rates; 'more remains to be done'
Over the past decade, California experienced a spike in the number of untraceable guns used to commit crimes. In 2022, there was a 7% drop in crimes committed using guns without serial numbers, the first decrease recorded since 2013.

The cities with the highest crimes committed while using untraceable guns were Los Angeles with 4,968, or 12.44%, San Diego with 1,562, or 3.91%, San Francisco with 1,132, or 2.83%, and Sacramento with 1,088 or 2.72%.

While crime rates remain below their historical highs, property and violent crimes continue to plague communities, and gun violence remains a "major threat to public safety," Bonta said.

The state's gun death rate is below the national average, but gun violence accounted for nearly three-fourths of all California homicides in 2022. 

The homicide rate, defined as the number of homicides per 100,000 people in the state, decreased 5% in 2022 (from 6 per 100,000 in 2021 to 5.7 per 100,000 in 2022), well below California's historical high of 12.9 per 100,000 in 1993. There was a 4.2% decrease in total homicide arrests from 1,550 in 2021 to 1,485 in 2022.

Property Crime & Violent Crime Remain High

The violent crime rate increased 6.1% from 466.2 in 2021 to 494.6 in 2022, less than California's historical high of 1,103.9 in 1992. The property crime rate increased 6.2% from 2,178.4 in 2021 to 2,313.6 in 2022, below California's historical high of 6,880.6 in 1980.

The total arrest rate decreased 2.7% from 2,606.3 in 2021 to 2,535.2 in 2022, continuing an ongoing year-to-year downward trend that began in 2004 when the total arrest rate was 5,385.5. visaliatimesdelta.com

California's ORC Task Force Making Progress

Does No-Bail in Chicago Have the Same Impact as it Had in NYC?
Illinois is set to become the first state in the nation to eliminate cash bail

Chicago PD: Theft Up 98% Over 2020, Robbery Up 30% Over 2020

Cook County (EN: Progressive Prosecutor) State's Attorney Kim Foxx and Public Defender Sharone Mitchell also released statements praising the court's decision.

Several retailers have closed on Michigan Avenue in recent months, including AT&T, Banana Republic, Macy's, Uniqlo and Timberland.

Earlier this year, it was reported that the vacancy rate on the Magnificent Mile had reached 29 percent. nbcchicago.com

One Chicago restaurant after 28 years is moving to Downers Grove stating: "No one comes to the city from the suburbs anymore. Crime is out of control - gun violence, car jackings, you name it," Aguirre said. "How can you take your family out to eat if you're worried something is going to happen?" suntimes.com

Chicago Today: Our next police superintendent must prioritize dealing with the violent crime that's happening now

Chicago's crime problem is about to get worse
Chicago's crime problem is notoriously bad. And, over the past few years, it has only become more severe. Crime has spiked 88% since 2021 and there are no indications the trend will be reversing any time soon.

Even worse, Chicago's new mayor, Brandon Johnson, just released a 223-page report titled "A Blueprint for Creating a More Just and Vibrant City for All" that included a truly disastrous "public safety" plan.

The plan, which was inspired by a "struggle rooted in black liberation," contains no recommendations to increase enforcement of crimes. msn.com

Cleveland Gun Violence "Out of Control"
New Ordinance Requires Armed Guards 11 p.m. - 5 a.m.

Proposed law would require all late-night businesses to hire armed security in Cleveland
CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - A mass shooting in Cleveland's Warehouse District last weekend that sent nine people to the hospital was a devastating wake-up call to many in the city that the gun violence is out of control.

"Gun violence has really spiked and gone through the roof in our city, and I'm just appalled that we continuously see the same thing reoccurring," said Ward 5 Cleveland City Councilman Richard Starr.

Recent statistics from police show shootings are up 12%, murders are up 30% and carjackings in the city are up 98% from last year.

If the ordinance passes it would require any bar, restaurant, store, or gas station operating between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. to have at least one-armed security guard.

Councilman Starr said the ordinance could pass as early as August and if it does pass any late-night business that doesn't hire armed security could be charged with a misdemeanor. cleveland19.com

Preventing Retail Crime: Is It All in the Entrance?
Strengthening retail loss prevention with advanced secured entry solutions
Secured entry solutions have long been established as proven tools in the fight against shrinkage, theft and unauthorized entry into protected areas. From revolving doors and turnstiles for high-traffic stores to interlocking portals for high-end merchandisers, retailers are increasingly deploying security entrances to help curtail losses while maintaining welcoming, secure environments for their customers. When deployed in large retail box stores and warehouses, a layered application of secured entry solutions can eliminate shrinkage caused by insider threats, external operators and employee collusion.

Ongoing labor shortages, challenges with employee retention and a rise in social tensions have contributed significantly to the risks faced by retailers. Retailers must take an active role in crime prevention, not just to minimize shrinkage but to guarantee long-term business continuity.

For demanding retail applications where expensive merchandise is sold, like jewelry and watch stores or designer handbags and clothing shops, secured entry solutions, such as security revolving doors and interlocking mantrap portals, can offer a higher level of preventative security by thwarting unauthorized entry attempts as they occur. This level of secured entry is also ideal for back-areas such as cash rooms, vaults and storage areas that are off limits to unauthorized personnel. To further fortify access, these security entrances can be configured with sensors to detect tailgating and piggybacking, identifying when two people try to enter on a single authorization. If tailgating or piggybacking is detected, entry can be immediately prohibited.

It is unfortunately not uncommon for criminals to bypass physical barriers to entry on their quest to commit theft. Smash and grab burglary, wherein individuals smash a barrier, grab readily available valuables and then make a quick getaway, is a common tactic. Smash and grab burglaries occur quickly with the associated costs often far exceeding the cost of the goods that are stolen. Luxury retailers often have trouble keeping up foot traffic sales with plywood in their front doors. Many more are spending thousands to hire on-site security personnel to safeguard their facilities while awaiting repairs.

High-end merchandisers are frequent targets of smash and grab robberies, as criminals can make off with thousands of dollars' worth of products in their hands within seconds. And while advanced security entrances are not immune to smash and grab attempts, there are numerous vandal and bullet resistant solutions available that can be applied to glass facades and security entrances to help further fortify retail establishments while adding another layer of protection for employees and patrons inside. securitymagazine.com

Are Social Media & Gun Retailers to Blame for Buffalo Store Massacre?
Lawsuit says social media & gun companies played roles in 2022 Buffalo shooting
The attorneys and families of the Buffalo Tops supermarket shooting victims filed a new civil lawsuit Wednesday against several social media platforms, gun retailers, and the shooter's parents for their roles in the shooting.

The 176-page lawsuit filed in the New York Supreme Court argues that several corporations in addition to the shooter's parents played a role in May 2022 deadly mass shooting that killed 10 Black people and injured three others.

Nearly a dozen companies were mentioned in the lawsuit, including Meta (which owns both Facebook and Instagram), Reddit, Amazon (which owns Twitch), Google, YouTube, Discord and 4Chan. Other companies named in the lawsuit as defendants include RMA Armament - a body-armor manufacturer - and Vintage Firearms, LLC, a gun retailer.

The lawsuit also argues that the gunman, now 20-year-old Payton Gendron was radicalized by these social media platforms, which directly lead to him carrying out the deadly shooting.

"These social media companies, they knew or should have known that these algorithms will lead people to act in racist, violent manners," Crump said during the news conference. npr.org

Virginia ABC taking preventative measures against retail shrink and theft
Kane said ABC is enhancing security systems through more advanced camera systems and confirming the cameras are in good places to capture quality images.

Three anti-theft measures retailers are using to protecting stores

New Zealand: Security-tagged bacon spotted at store as retail crime soars

Drive-by shootings spike as violent crime stays low in Cincinnati



OSHA Rolls Out New Program for High-Risk Retail Establishments
Regulatory Update: Emphasis Program To Prevent Warehouse Workplace Hazards
DOL on July 13, launched a national emphasis program to prevent workplace hazards in warehouses, processing facilities distribution centers, and high-risk retail establishments.

In the past 10 years, warehousing and distribution centers have experienced tremendous growth with more than 1.9 million people employed in the industry. The Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows injury and illness rates for these establishments are higher than in private industry overall and, in some sectors, more than twice the rate of private industry.

"Our enforcement efforts are designed to do one thing: lead to permanent change in workplace safety," said Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health Doug Parker, in a statement. "This emphasis program allows OSHA to direct resources to establishments where evidence shows employers must be more intentional in addressing the root causes of worker injuries and align their business practices with the goal to ensure worker health and safety."

Under this three-year emphasis program, OSHA will conduct comprehensive safety inspections focused on hazards related to powered industrial vehicle operations, material handling and storage, walking and working surfaces, means of egress and fire protection. The program will also include inspections of retail establishments with high injury rates with a focus on storage and loading areas; however, OSHA may expand an inspection's scope when evidence shows that violations may exist in other areas of the establishment. ehstoday.com

Retail Industry Impact of Possible Kroger-Albertsons Merger
How the Kroger, Albertsons merger could disrupt employment

At the corporate level, duplicate positions could be eliminated for efficiency

The looming potential merger of Kroger and Albertsons promises to impact, not just the two companies involved, but also the entire industry, from retail competitors to the companies' suppliers and business partners.

As previously reported, Kroger and Albertsons have agreed to merge in a $24.6 billion deal that is scheduled to close early next year, pending FTC approval.

Perhaps nowhere is concern about the merger felt more strongly than among the workers of the two companies who fear the deal may cost them their jobs. Although Kroger and Albertsons have both stated that no stores would be closed as a result of the merger, hundreds of locations could be spun off to a new owner.

In addition, many corporate-level positions at both companies are likely to be eliminated as duplicate functions are consolidated, although those job cuts will likely take place over an extended period of time.

The fact remains that there will be considerable overlap in senior-level jobs. The companies will address that issue "on a case-by-case, region-by-region, and brand-by-brand basis."

Many corporate-level positions are likely to be redefined by the merger, with new responsibilities, and some jobs would likely be relocated as the newly formed company would seek to drive operational efficiencies. supermarketnews.com

5-Year Investigation Scrutinizes 'Toxic Work Culture' at McDonald's UK
McDonald's workers in the UK as young as 16 say they were sexually harassed on the job, an explosive report says

More than 100 current and former workers detailed allegations of harassment, sexual assault, racism, and homophobia.

The BBC was told that workers, some as young as 17, are being groped and harassed almost routinely. The UK equality watchdog said it was "concerned" by the BBC's findings and is launching a new email hotline.

McDonald's said it had "fallen short" and it "deeply apologised". It added that all employees deserved to work in a safe, respectful and inclusive workplace.

The BBC began investigating working conditions at McDonald's in February, after the company signed a legally binding agreement with the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) in which it pledged to protect its staff from sexual harassment.

At the time, McDonald's insisted: "We already have a strong track record in this area." But our investigation has revealed a very different picture.

Over a five-month period, we reached out to McDonald's workers to ask about their experiences of working there. Of the more than 100 allegations from employees we spoke to, 31 related to sexual assault, and 78 related to sexual harassment.

We also heard 18 allegations of racism, while six people made allegations of homophobia. bbc.com

Expanded Adoption of Facial Recognition Continues Globally
Face recognition powered by iPad lets international travellers skip checkpoints
A face recognition system powered by iPads lets international business travellers skip two of the three checkpoints at Eurostar's London terminus.

Usually, when you board an international train from London to Paris, or any of the four other European cities served by Eurostar, you have to go through three separate checkpoints. But a new iPad-powered system lets people walk straight past two of them.

Usually, you pass through three checkpoints at the London terminal. But TNW reports that some travellers can now skip the first two of these. Facial recognition is used to identify you, without even requiring you to pause.

Before travel, the passenger downloads the app, authenticates their ID, scans their face, and links their ticket. On arrival at St Pancras Station, they stroll through a dedicated lane for the tech - dubbed SmartCheck - which verifies their entry. 9to5mac.com

   RELATED: Carnival Cruise Line Expands Facial Recognition for Faster Debarkation

'UPS dug their heels in': Teamsters UPS strike plans emerge, could affect 30% of parcels

If the Teamsters strike, some 340,000 drivers, warehouse workers and other employees could walk off the job in one of the largest labor actions in U.S. history.

UPS training nonunion drivers complicates bargaining efforts. thehill.com

Lidl to close 11 stores across the United States immediately

In-N-Out is barring staff from wearing masks unless they have a medical note

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Unlocking the Power of EAS Security Tags:
Boost Your Retail Business Security

What are EAS Security Tags?

Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) security tags are small devices attached to merchandise to prevent theft. There are two primary types of EAS security tags:

1. Acousto-Magnetic (AM) Tags: These tags operate on a low-frequency magnetic field and are known for their strong detection performance and minimal interference with other electronic devices.

2. Radio Frequency (RF) Tags: These tags utilize high-frequency radio waves and are valued for their cost-effectiveness and compatibility with a wide range of products.

Both types of tags can be either hard tags (reusable) or soft tags (adhesive labels), depending on your store's requirements and the type of merchandise being protected.

Benefits of EAS Security Tags

EAS security tags offer several advantages for retailers, including:

1. Theft Deterrence: The mere presence of EAS security tags on merchandise acts as a strong deterrent for potential shoplifters, as the risk of getting caught is significantly higher.

2. Higher Profitability: By reducing theft, EAS security tags contribute to higher profit margins and a more stable bottom line.

3. Inventory Control: EAS security tags help maintain accurate inventory counts, leading to more efficient stock management and better customer satisfaction.

4. Improved Aesthetics: EAS security tags are discreet and blend seamlessly with various types of merchandise, preserving the visual appeal of your store.

5. Easy Integration: EAS systems are compatible with most Point of Sale (POS) systems and can be easily integrated into your existing retail setup.

Implementing EAS Security Tags in Your Store

To get the most out of your EAS security tagging system, consider the following steps:

1. Choose the Right System: Evaluate your store's needs and select the appropriate EAS technology (AM or RF) and tag type (hard or soft) based on your merchandise and store layout.

2. Strategic Tag Placement: Place tags on high-value items and strategically position them to avoid easy removal by shoplifters.

3. Staff Training: Train your staff on the proper use of the EAS system, tag removal, and how to handle alarms effectively.

4. Monitor and Maintain: Regularly monitor the performance of your EAS system and ensure it is well-maintained to avoid false alarms and achieve optimal results.

Click here to read the full blog







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WH Sends "Strong Signal" to the Surveillance Industry
U.S. blacklists spyware companies, citing security threats
The Biden administration on Tuesday added the foreign commercial spyware companies Intellexa and Cytrox to a federal "entity list" that prohibits American companies from engaging in certain trade activities with them, after determining that the two firms pose a threat to U.S. national security and foreign policy interests.

AdvertisementThat action serves as a "strong signal" to entities that use commercial spyware, as well as the surveillance industry as a whole, a senior administration official said.

The decision is part of an ongoing effort to address the proliferation and misuse of commercial spyware, according to senior administration officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to brief reporters on the matter.

The companies added to the entity list include Intellexa S.A. in Greece, Cytrox Holdings Crt in Hungary, Intellexa Limited in Ireland, and Cytrox AD in North Macedonia. They are being penalized for "trafficking in cyber exploits used to gain access to information systems, thereby threatening the privacy and security of individuals and organizations worldwide," according to an update in the Federal Register. washingtonpost.com

Europol Report: Law Enforcement's Perspective on the State of Cybercrime
IOCTA 2023: forget hackers in a hoodie, cybercrime has become a big business

Europol report offers a unique law enforcement perspective on the state of cybercrime

Forget the cliché of a solitary figure in a hoodie hunched over a keyboard in a dark room crunching lines of codes. It is an image that no longer accurately reflects today's cybercrime landscape, where
criminals operate as business-like syndicates across borders.

Europol's ninth
Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA), whose first module is published today, takes an in-depth look into the online criminal ecosystem, examining notable actors, their attack vectors and victims.

Cybercrime has become a big business, with
an entire illicit economy set up to support it with service providers, recruiters and financial services. This makes investigating cyber-attacks ever more challenging for law enforcement, with multiple specialised actors working on parts of the criminal process from every corner of the globe.

Europol's IOCTA aims at providing and understanding of
modern cybercrime to equip law enforcement with the knowledge to fight back. This report and accompanying modules are based on operational information contributed to Europol's European Cybercrime Centre, combined with expert insights and open source intelligence.

Focus of the report:

Cybercriminal services are intertwined
Similar techniques for different goals
The central commodity is stolen data
Same victims, multiple offences
The underground communities to educate and recruit cybercriminals
What happens with the criminal profits?
Europol's support

The current summary presents the main overarching findings concerning the
different typologies of cybercrime, namely cyber-attacks, online fraud schemes and online child sexual exploitation. It will be followed by a series of spotlight publications covering each of the crime areas in-depth.

Read the report

FBI Takedown: UAE Expelled BEC Cybercriminal Causing $59M in Loses for U.S. Companies
DOJ: International Cyber Fraudster Sentenced to 8+ Years in Federal Prison
CHICAGO - A resident of the United Arab Emirates who orchestrated an $8 million cyber fraud scheme targeting several United States-based companies has been sentenced to more than eight years in a U.S. prison.

OLALEKAN JACOB PONLE, also known as "Mr. Woodbery," and "Mark Kain," 31, was living in the UAE in 2019 when he worked with co-schemers to engage in numerous business email compromise schemes. The co-schemers used phishing links to gain unauthorized access to email accounts and then created false instructions directing employees of the victim companies to wire money to bank accounts opened by money mules at Ponle's direction. The fraudulent emails often claimed to be from the company or a known business contact and were nearly identical to prior legitimate emails sent over the company's email account. After unwitting employees wired money, in some cases millions of dollars, to the bank accounts, Ponle instructed the money mules to convert the proceeds to Bitcoin and send them to him.

As a result of Ponle's scheme, victim companies suffered more than $8.03 million in actual losses and more than $51.3 million in intended losses. One of the victim companies was based in Chicago, while others were located in Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, New York, California, and elsewhere.

Ponle is a Nigerian national who was arrested in June 2020 by law enforcement in the UAE. He was subsequently expelled from the UAE into the custody of the FBI and arrived in Chicago the following month. He pleaded guilty earlier this year to a federal wire fraud charge. justice.gov

Cybersecurity labels for smart devices are on their way

VirusTotal Data Leak Affects 5K+ Users







Another Angle to Amazon's Black Market

Bribing Amazon Employees For Info To Help Suspended Sellers
Amazon seller consultant avoids jail in employee bribery scheme
Amazon seller consultant Ephraim "Ed" Rosenberg was sentenced Friday to probation and house arrest for his involvement in a scheme to bribe company employees for confidential data to help his clients.

Federal officials charged Rosenberg and five other individuals in 2020 with conspiracy to commit bribery.

Ephraim "Ed" Rosenberg in March pleaded guilty to a criminal charge, stemming from a Sept. 2020 indictment that charged six people with conspiring to pay Amazon employees bribes in exchange for confidential information that would benefit third-party merchants selling goods on the company's marketplace.

Rosenberg, 48, is a well-known figure in the world of Amazon third-party sellers. He runs a consultancy business that advises entrepreneurs on how to sell products on the online marketplace, and navigate unforeseen issues with their accounts. Rosenberg's Facebook group for sellers, ASGTG, has over 70,000 members, and he hosts a popular conference for sellers each year in his hometown of Brooklyn.

While the marketplace has helped Amazon haul in tens of billions of dollars in sales, it's also become a notorious host to counterfeit, unsafe and expired goods. Behind the scenes, scammers have for years resorted to illicit tactics to squash competitors, artificially boost their listings or bypass Amazon's marketplace rules.

Rosenberg's punishment is far less severe than what other defendants have faced. A former Amazon employee was sentenced last year to 10 months in prison, while a consultant who also sold products on Amazon is serving 20 months in prison.

Prosecutors recommended a lesser sentence for Rosenberg because there was no evidence he initiated attacks on competitors' product listings like some of his conspirators, who allegedly lodged false complaints to Amazon, and bought fake negative reviews for rivals' products. Other defendants also pleaded guilty to tax evasion charges in addition to the bribery scheme.

Between July 2017 and Sept. 2020, Rosenberg paid bribes directly and indirectly to Amazon employees in order to steal confidential data, as well as gain access to internal systems. In one case, Rosenberg made 33 different PayPal payments worth $18,650 to an Amazon employee in Seattle in exchange for confidential information about third-party seller accounts.

Most of his payments were for account "annotations," or an internal Amazon employee log of infractions on a sellers' account, which Rosenberg and another defendant, Joe Nilsen, covertly referred to as "fruit" in email correspondence.

"Sellers who had been suspended from selling on Amazon could use this internal information to see exactly what Amazon had figured out about the sellers' infractions and to tailor their appeals for reinstatement accordingly," prosecutors alleged.

Nilsen bragged to Rosenberg over email about the services he had gained access to by bribing employees. "I don't want to have a little menu floating around but if you are in need of anything, just run it by me and I will let you know," Nilsen continued. cnbc.com

The Post-COVID E-Commerce Slowdown
E-commerce sales continue to slow throughout 2023

According to the latest Brick Meets Click/Mercatus Grocery Shopping Survey, e-commerce sales slowed by 1.2% in the last month.

Some new numbers are in on e-grocery sales, and show that the online grocery market in the United States topped $7.1 billion in June. The latest Brick Meets Click/Mercatus Grocery Shopping Survey reveals that e-comm sales continue to slow, down 1.2% last month on a year-over-year (YoY) basis and 1.8% off for the first six months of this year compared to the front half of 2022.

Continuing a trend that the monthly survey has pointed to for much of 2023, pickup sales expanded 3.2% last month and are up 1.3% for the first six months of the year compared to the same period last year. According to the Brick Meets Click/Mercatus data, pickup accounted for nearly half (49%) of all e-comm sales in June, ahead of delivery and ship-to-home, both of which experienced declines during the first month of summer. At the midway point of 2023, lower delivery and ship-to-home sales helped spur a 100 basis-point drop in e-grocery's year-to-date contribution to total grocery sales. drugstorenews.com

Spain fines Apple and Amazon $218 million for elbowing out small retailers

Amazon seeks distribution centre in the Netherlands







Fraudster Hits 21 States For $733,000 in Gift Cards
DOJ: Pennsylvania Man Gets Two Years in Federal Prison for Participation in Nationwide Fraud Scheme
WILMINGTON, Del. - A Philadelphia, Pennsylvania man was sentenced yesterday to two years in federal prison for his participation in a nationwide scheme to fraudulently obtain over $700,000 in gift cards and merchandise from a nationwide home improvement store.

Mamadou Bah, 39, conducted over a thousand fraudulent transactions at home improvement stores throughout the country between May 2018 and June 2020, using the fake name "Richard Traynham." Bah would pay for gift cards and merchandise at home improvement stores using a barcode on his phone that was linked to fraudulently obtained credit cards. All told, Bah caused losses in excess of $733,000 across stores in 21 states. For this conduct, Bah pled guilty to aggravated identity theft, which carries a two-year mandatory sentence. justice.gov

DOJ: Harrisburg Man Sentenced To 24 Month's Imprisonment For Aggravated Identity Theft
Amisial Elveus, 32, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, was sentenced on July 11, 2023, by U.S. District Court Judge Jennifer P. Wilson, to 24 months in prison to be followed by 12 months of supervised release for aggravated identity theft.

From July 6, 2020, until November 6, 2020, in Dauphin County, Elveus unlawfully obtained and used credit card account numbers belonging to unsuspecting individuals, used the numbers to code credit cards, and then used the credit cards to pay for gasoline fill-ups for multiple vehicles on multiple days at a Giant gas station on Union Deposit Road in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Elveus was arrested at the Giant on November 6, 2020, while in the process of filling cars with gas that he paid for with a fraudulently encoded credit card.

Judge Wilson also ordered Elveus to pay restitution in the amount of $32,227.71. justice.gov

Fairfax County, VA: Organized theft group arrested in Fairfax County, charged for stealing thousands worth of luxury items in Montgomery County
The Fairfax County Police Department said it was able to prevent an organized retail theft crew from stealing from a McLean store. The group was accused of stealing thousands in luxury goods from a store in Chevy Chase, Maryland on Thursday. On July 13, police received a tip of a retail theft crew that left the Saks Fifth Avenue store in Chevy Chase, Maryland in a gold Chevrolet Impala with Pennsylvania tags. Officers used this information as well as LPR technology and learned that the car was nearby their location in Fairfax County. Fairfax police soon saw the car heading into Saks Fifth Avenue in McLean. Police said that once the suspects were in the store, they grabbed multiple high-end handbags and other luxury merchandise and went towards the exit without paying. When the two suspects were approached by the store's Loss Prevention team, they ran. Officers who were already in the area were able to take one suspect into custody. Police found the other suspect in a nearby dumpster after searching the area. The driver of the vehicle was also found and taken into custody. A representative from another retail store reported that one of the suspects had stolen from their business.  dcnewsnow.com

San Francisco, CA: Walgreens chain freezers shut after shoplifters rob store 20 times a day
Footage of a San Francisco Walgreens shows the glass doors of the frozen food section chained shut after workers complained that the store gets robbed nearly 20 times a day. The video, posted online by political commentator Richie Greenberg, shows all the doors to frozen microwavable meals held shut by thick chains secured with several large metal locks. Another portion of the clip shows entire aisles locked behind plexiglass fixtures and floor-to-ceiling glass cabinets. Customers must go to a store employee to unlock the display to buy many products, such as hair dye, makeup, shaving cream and over-the-counter medicine. Workers told the local media that shoplifters clean out all the pizza and ice cream from their inventory every night. They also say thieves hit the store and fill their bags with stolen goods 20 times a day. foxnews.com

Mankato, MN: Third man charged with burglary in relation to $33,000 hobby shop burglary
A man who was originally accused of receiving stolen property from the Atlantis Hobby shop now faces a burglary charge related to the April break-in. Stoney Ramell Johnson, 35, was charged with felony third-degree burglary Friday in Blue Earth County District Court, according to an amended criminal complaint. He still faces the felony receiving stolen property charge. Johnson is the third person charged with burglary in connection to the break-in, which reportedly resulted in about $33,000 in merchandise being taken.  mankatofreepress.com

McLean, VA: Organized shoplifting attempt at Saks Fifth Avenue in Tysons foiled
Three people arrested for recently attempting to shoplift from Saks Fifth Avenue in Tysons Galleria were part of an "organized retail theft crew" based in Philadelphia, Fairfax County police say. The three individuals - one man and two women - were seen picking up "multiple high-end handbags and other luxury merchandise" at the store on July 13, according to the Fairfax County Police Department. Officers with the department's Tysons Urban Team (TUT) had tracked the trio to the store after getting a tip from Sak's Fifth Avenue's regional loss prevention team that their vehicle - a gold Chevrolet Impala with Pennsylvania tags - had just left the company's Chevy Chase store. After taking merchandise at Saks in Tysons, officers saw the individuals start toward the store's exit without paying, according to police: The FCPD says approximately $15,000 worth of merchandise has been recovered. Some may be from another retail store that reported a theft by one of the suspects. All three individuals face charges of grand larceny, larceny with intent to sell or distribute, conspiracy to commit larceny and organized retail theft. ffxnow.com

Pensacola, FL: Atmore man jailed in Fla. for Lowe's thefts
An Atmore man, accused of stealing more than $5,000 from several different Lowe's outlets in and around Pensacola, Fla., remained behind bars in the Sunshine State as this week began. According to Escambia County (Fla.) Sheriff's Office reports, 32-year-old Jared Thomas Dean of a Beck Street address apparently decided to "do it right for less." Dean simply walked out of several Lowe's stores without paying for the merchandise he took with him. He was arrested July 11 when company loss prevention specialists were finally able to identify him on video surveillance cameras after he ripped off the Lowe's store on Nine Mile Road in Pensacola. The Atmore man is charged with two felony counts of grand theft and a misdemeanor count of petit theft.  atmorenews.com

Geneva, AL: Florida man facing multiple burglary charges for thousands in Cigarette thefts

Gwinnett County, GA: Police looking for man accused of stealing 11 cell phones from T-Mobile store

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Shootings & Deaths

Gwinnett County, GA: Man killed after possible exchange of gunfire at Applebees on Stone Mountain Highway
Gwinnett County police said a man died Monday night after a possible exchange of gunfire between an Applebee's and an auto parts store in South Gwinnett. Police were called to the Applebee's, which occurred at 5200 Stone Mountain Highway in unincorporated Stone Mountain, at about 10:30 p.m. on a report that someone had been shot in the parking lot. Officers found a man suffering from a gunshot wound in the parking lot between the Applebee's and an O'Reilly Auto Parts store. The man was taken to a local hospital where he died from his injuries. "Detectives are looking into the possibility that there was an exchange of gunfire between the suspect and the victim," Sgt. Michele Pihera said. "Local businesses are being canvassed for any relevant surveillance footage.  gwinnettdailypost.com

St Louis, MO: WANTED: Person of interest in gas station clerk's shooting death escapes police custody
The St. Louis Police Department is asking for help locating a person of interest who escaped custody after a gas station clerk was killed in a shooting in south St. Louis early Tuesday morning. According to police, around 3:30 a.m., a man, later identified as 22-year-old Iyaz Ahmed, was found shot in the head inside the BP convenience store in the 1100 block of Hampton Avenue in the Clayton Tamm neighborhood. Ahmed was transported from the scene to the hospital, where he later died. Police told News 4 Ahmed was working as a clerk at the time of the shooting. Homicide detectives spent more than three hours on the scene, processing evidence both inside the store and on the exterior lot. The front door's glass was shattered and a cell phone and gun could be seen right inside the door on the floor. According to detectives, who are actively reviewing surveillance video, the clerk may have confronted multiple suspects attempting to break into his car, which was parked in front of the store at a gas pump. Customers of the gas station told News 4 the clerk was known to always park in that spot. Ahmed was originally from Bangladesh and was adopted by his aunt, Rahana Bezum, after his father died. He is a graduate of Parkway Central High School and relative say he was working on a college degree in I.T. Tuesday afternoon, police released a photo of 19-year-old Jataveion Scott, whom they identified as a person of interest. Investigators said Scott escaped custody earlier in the day kmov.com

Livonia, MI: Argument between strangers at Livonia party store leaves woman dead, suspect wounded
A 27-year-old Redford woman is dead after she was shot in an argument with a stranger at a Livonia party store early this morning, police said. The suspect in the killing, a 24-year-old Detroit woman, is in custody after an acquaintance of the victim shot her in return. According to a Livonia Police press release, officers responded at 12:53 a.m. July 18 to a call of shots fired in the parking lot at 13820 Merriman Road, where Nicholas Party Shop is located. Upon arrival, they found the victim dead from an apparent gunshot wound. The suspect and a male acquaintance of hers were also shot and wounded by a male acquaintance of the victim.  hometownlife.com

Evergreen Park, IL: Grocery store employee shot to death while at work
An employee at the Mariano's grocery store in Evergreen Park was shot and killed by her boyfriend inside the business, according to the Evergreen Park Police Department (EPPD). The EPPD said officers responded to the crime on July 13 at about 9:12 a.m. Upon arrival, they found Jailene Flores, 21, in a back storage room with multiple gunshot wounds. She was pronounced dead at the scene. According to the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office, she lived in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood. Armoni Henry, 21, of the 8200 block of South Fairfield Avenue, was identified as the shooter, the EPPD said. He was charged with first-degree murder and appeared in court on July 14.  beverlyreview.net

El Paso, TX: Execution date set for man who kidnapped, killed little girl from Walmart store
The man who is on death row for kidnapping and murdering a little girl from a Lower Valley Walmart store more than 20 years ago now has an execution date. David Renteria is now scheduled to be executed on Nov. 16, 2023, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. That's nearly 20 years after he was convicted in the kidnapping and murder of 5-year-old Alexandra Flores. He will be the fifth death row inmate from El Paso to be put to death since 1982.  ktsm.com

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Shelby County, TN: MPD searches for suspect in Cordova Walmart burglary
The Memphis Police Department is searching for the suspect responsible for burglarizing a Cordova Walmart over the weekend. Police say around 4:30 a.m. Sunday, at the Walmart located at 577 North Germantown Parkway, a man walked in through the store's front door while it was closed, evading overnight employees. The suspect allegedly hid in the Automotive section behind the car battery display before loading four air conditioner units onto a hand cart and pushing them out the Automotive exit door. The suspect then backed his maroon Chevy Trailblazer up to the store, loaded the stolen merchandise, and took off, police say.  actionnews5.com

Gwinnett County , GA: Man shoved Bass Pro Shops manager out of the way while allegedly stealing merchandise
Gwinnett County are looking for a man who they said would not let anyone - not even a store manager - stop him from allegedly stealing merchandise from a Bass Pro Shops store in Lawrenceville earlier this month. Actually, they are looking for two men in connection with the July 2 theft at the Sugarloaf Mills Bass Pro Shops store. They are accused of allegedly stealing more than $2,636 in merchandise from the store. But, it's what one of the men did while walking out the door, after allegedly bypassing the cash register, that stands out. "The store's manager tried to stop the suspects but was pushed out of the way by one of the males," Master Police Officer Hideshi Valle said.  gwinnettdailypost.com

Summerville, AL: Man charged with intentionally setting fire outside grocery store
Last Wednesday, a man set a trash can fire that severely damaged the entrance area of a Food Lion store. Dustin Reece was quickly arrested and charged with Arson. Reece claims he stated the fire looking for attention to his mental health issues.  wbrc.com

Milford, CT: Two suspects charged in robbery at Connecticut Post Mall
Two people face charges in connection with a robbery at the Connecticut Post Mall over the weekend. Police responded to the Macy's department store at 1201 Boston Post Road Saturday at about 3:39 p.m. following a shoplifting-turned-robbery, according to the Milford Police Department. Two suspects in the store, later identified as 50-year-old Juan Cartagena of New Haven and 25-year-old Shoshana Moskowitz of Cheshire, allegedly took merchandise and left without paying, police said. A loss prevention officer confronted the suspects before Cartagena pulled out a knife and pointed it at them, according to police. Cartagena and Moskowitz fled when the loss prevention officer backed away. No injuries were reported.  courant.com

Richmond, VA: Police searching for suspect in armed robbery of postal worker

Franklin Lakes, NJ: Ex-Employees Of Cellphone Store Charged With Theft; $8,000 in missing merchandise

Coral Springs, FL: Former T-Mobile Employee Charged with Illegally Using Customer's Identification

Wilson, NC: C-Store Clerk stole $1,500 by cashing fake lotto tickets



Clothing - San Jose, CA - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Kanawha County, WV - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Geneva, AL - Burglary
C-Store - Geneva, AL - Burglary
C-Store - Lancaster County, PA - Burglary
C-Store - Warden, WA - Burglary
Cellphones - Gwinnett County, GA - Robbery
Eyewear - Norfolk, VA - Burglary
Gas Station - Memphis, TN - Robbery
Hobby - Mankato, MN - Burglary
Jewelry - Temecula, CA - Burglary
Jewelry - Holyoke, MA - Robbery
Jewelry - Scarsdale, AZ - Burglary
Jewelry - Las Vegas, NV - Robbery
Jewelry - Carson, CA - Robbery
Jewelry - Tulalip, WA - Robbery
Macy's - Milford, CT - Armed Robbery
Pawn - Ithaca, NY - Burglary
Restaurant - Saratoga County, NY - Armed Robbery
Sports - Gwinnett County, GA - Robbery
Tobacco - Winston-Salem, NC - Robbery
Walmart - Batesville, AR - Robbery
Walmart - The Villages, FL - Robbery
Walmart - Marion County, FL - Robbery
Walmart - Shelby County, TN - Burglary


Daily Totals:
• 15 robberies
• 10 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed

Click to enlarge map



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Denver, CO - posted April 5
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Baltimore, MD & Philadelphia, PA - posted July 10
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Loss Prevention Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst
Boston, MA - posted July 7
As a LP Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst for Staples, you will conduct LP operational field audits remote, virtual and in person, within a base of 60 retail stores to ensure compliance to operational standards to drive operational excellence and preserve profitability. You will also train store managers on Key-Holder responsibilities, Inventory Control standards, Cash Office procedures, Protection Standards, Safety and Fraud trends...

Manager, Physical Security
Jacksonville, FL - posted July 7
Responsible for overseeing all aspects of the company's physical security strategy for retail stores, warehouses, and store support center and field offices. This includes responsibility for the capital expense and repair budgets, developing written specifications, layout and design for all systems and to ensure all installations and repairs are made to SEG standards...

Region Asset Protection Manager
Montgomery & Birmingham, Alabama - posted July 5
Responsible for managing asset protection programs designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region. This position will develop the framework for the groups' response to critical incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...

Regional Manager, Loss Prevention (Western Territory)
Remote - posted June 28
The Regional Loss Prevention Manager is responsible for the control and reduction of shrinkage at the stores in their Territory. Investigate and resolves all matters that jeopardize or cause a loss to the company's assets. Has ownership for all company related shrinkage programs in their assigned stores.

Regional Manager, Loss Prevention (Central Territory)
Remote - posted June 28
The Regional Loss Prevention Manager is responsible for the control and reduction of shrinkage at the stores in their Territory. Investigate and resolves all matters that jeopardize or cause a loss to the company's assets. Has ownership for all company related shrinkage programs in their assigned stores...


Regional Director, LP & Safety (Midwest)
MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA - posted June 27
We are looking for a Regional Director of Loss Prevention to join us in MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA. You will develop, execute, and maintain shrink and shrink compliance initiatives. You will also conduct internal and external field investigations, loss control auditing, store safety programs, and compliance programs and audits...

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