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Maurizio Scrofani named Director of Global
Supply Chain Asset Protection for The Home Depot
his new role as Director of Global Supply Chain Asset Protection for the Home
Depot, Maurizio brings nearly 30 years of experience in retail and manufacturing
where he has held various senior leadership roles for companies such as Macy's
Inc, Bloomingdale's, Delonghi and most notably Verisk Analytics, where he was
the Co-Founder and President of CargoNet, a supply chain risk management
company. He is loss prevention certified (LPC) by the Loss Prevention Foundation
and certified as a cargo security professional (CCSP) from the American Trucking
Association. Congratulations, Maurizio!
Chris De Tray CFE, CFI named Director
Environment Health Safety for Whole Foods Market
joining Whole Foods Market as Director Environment Health Safety, Chris spent
nearly two and a half years with Lucky's Market as Director of Asset Protection.
Before that, he spent nearly six years with Weis Markets as Director of Safety &
Risk Mgt (5 years) and Regional Director of AP (nearly a year). Earlier in his
career, he held LP roles with Harris Teeter and Kmart Corporation.
Congratulations, Chris! |
See All the Executives 'Moving Up' Here
Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position
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Filmed in January 2017 at the Daily's 'Live in NYC at the NRF Big
Show 2017' event
A division of CCL Industries,
Checkpoint Systems
is the only vertically
integrated RF/RFID solution provider for retail. Through a unique
offering of software, hardware, labels, tags and connected cloud-based
solutions, Checkpoint optimizes retail operations and efficiencies with
real-time intuitive data delivered throughout the supply chain and in-store
resulting in improved profitability and an enriched consumer experience.
In this 2017 interview, Stuart Rosenthal, VP of Sales, and Carl
Rysdon, former VP of RFID Solutions, tell us how Checkpoint has stayed
relevant over time - built upon 50 years of radio
frequency technology expertise, innovative high-theft and LP
solutions, market-leading software, RFID hardware and comprehensive labeling
capabilities to brand, secure and track merchandise from source to shelf.

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Coronavirus Tracker: May
US: Over 1.7M Cases - 101K Dead - 480K Recovered
Over 5.7M Cases - 353K Dead - 2.4M Recovered
U.S. Law Enforcement Deaths |
NYPD Deaths:
Private Industry Security Guard Deaths:
Getting to a Flatter Curve
The first 102 days with more than 100 confirmed cases
U.S. Deaths Reported per Day

Get and
Keep America Open
Contact Tracing Jobs
Building an "Army of Disease Detectives"
U.S. Needs 100,000 to 300,000 Contact Tracers
Have a
friend or colleague who needs a job? Want to make a difference?
Send them
COVID Fake News Impact By Guess Who
Fake Online Info/News Impacting Contact Tracing Efforts
Viral Facebook Post Claiming Feds Can
Forcibly Remove You From Homes Challenges Contact Tracers
A viral Facebook post falsely claiming new federal legislation would allow
the government to forcibly remove people from their homes is an example of
one of the many messaging challenges facing Georgia's growing team of contact
The state Department of Public Health wants to quadruple the number of tracers
it employs in the weeks ahead, to upwards of 1,000, as it looks to
contain the spread of COVID-19. It's now embarking on a mini public relations
campaign to explain to Georgians what contact tracing is - and clear up a bevy
of misconceptions about the kind of information the state is collecting.
Winning the buy-in of the public is critical. Tracers' jobs depend on
people who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose sensitive information: their
close contacts. The tracers then reach out to those contacts, urge them to
isolate for 14 days and report their symptoms, which are fed into the state's
communicable disease tracking system.
Editor's Note: This isn't the first time we've seen fake news around
the U.S. response to COVID. With two tabloids in the UK reporting looting on the
West Coast on two separate occasions in early April.
100,000 to 300,000 Disease Detectives Needed in U.S. Alone
Just a Thought - Just a Job? No - You
Can Help Save Lives in the Process
Contact Tracing Disease Detectives Earning $40,000 to
Not bad for a temporary job for displaced retail Loss Prevention
professionals in need of employment in this market. Might be worth
mentioning to any colleague or unemployed LP associates you may know or have
worked with. After all it is somewhat of an investigative process that
requires great interpersonal interviewing skills. And it may just save some
lives in the process.
You don't have to look at it as permanent. But you never know how it unfolds
and wherever you have such large group of people, managers and an organizational
pyramid is there as well. Just a thought. -Gus Downing
For more information,
read here.
Calif's "Army of Disease Detectives"
California Rushes to Build an Army of Coronavirus Detectives
State health officials have launched an unprecedented effort to train
thousands of front-line, county-level workers to act as a firewall to
stop the coronavirus from roaring back this fall.
Gov. Gavin Newsom calls them his "army of disease detectives."
Each tracer is receiving 20 hours of online training. Newsom said the state
already had more than 2,800 tracers on hand and another 500 had been trained
in recent weeks, ready to be deployed.
The state health department announced that each county should have 15 contact
tracers per 100,000 residents before it reopens restaurants and stores for
interior patronage.
San Diego County is advertising now for temporary contact tracers, offering
$19.50 an hour (the equivalent of $40,000 a year full time). Other counties
have issued help wanted ads. In Shasta County, a disease specialist at the top
end of scale can make up to $70,000. In Sacramento County, a senior communicable
disease investigator can make $66,000.
So You Want to Be a Contact Tracer?
Contrace Public Health Corps
Helping Health Dept.'s Across the U.S.
of thousands of people across the United States have applied for the job of
cold-calling strangers who may have been exposed to Covid-19. Here's what
it's like.
More than 11,000 people across the United States who are calling people
with advice about containing the spread of Covid-19, according to a survey
conducted by NPR. (That number has most likely grown since the survey
was first conducted in April.)
Estimates for the number of people needed nationwide for contact tracing
range from 100,000 to
as high as 300,000.
Have a friend or colleague who needs a job? Want to make a difference? Send
them this article.
Read more here.
Hundreds of job
leads on next page.
Read our full contact tracing coverage
The Post COVID-19
"New Normal" Future of Retail - Webinar
By Tony D'Onofrio, Global
Retail Influencer
Exclusive to D&D, you can now download this review of the latest global economic
and retail insights on the impact of COVID-19 and how we will emerge in the "new
normal". This
webinar was sponsored by FACEFIRST and presented by the Loss
Prevention Foundation.
As the data is changing continuously, the
D&D version of this presentation has
NEW UPDATED global regional retail forecasts, North America retail
sectors projected growth rates, COVID-19 USA transfer of wealth, and latest USA
store reopening latest information.
Euromonitor projects that global GDP will shrink 3% in 2020, after rising 3.1%
in 2019. USA to be down 5.8%. Forrester projects a very robust 7.2% GDP growth
for North America in 2021.
Click here to read more.

George Floyd Arrest, Death in Minneapolis Police Custody Spark More Protests
Some politicians, including Sen. Kamala
Harris, joined a call for further action after the firing of four officers
Some politicians joined the call for further action, a day after the Minneapolis
Police Department fired four officers involved in the incident. Former
presidential candidate and California Sen. Kamala Harris said on Twitter, "It's
not enough to fire the officers-they must be held accountable and an
investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department's practices must be opened.
His family deserves justice."
All police involved in the event were wearing body cameras, according to the

Online Fraud is Soaring - Up 35% in April & Continuing
into May
Borrower, Beware: Credit-Card Fraud Attempts Rise During the Coronavirus Crisis
Emboldened fraudsters are mounting phishing
attacks & attempting purchases with card numbers stolen in old hacks
Fraudsters are increasingly using pilfered credit-card numbers and phishing
attacks to prey on overwhelmed consumers and banks during the coronavirus
There has been a big jump in attempted credit- and debit-card fraud since
coronavirus shut down the U.S. economy earlier this year, according to Fidelity
National Information Services Inc., known as FIS, which assists about 3,200 U.S.
banks with fraud monitoring. The dollar volume of attempted fraudulent
transactions rose 35% in April from a year earlier, FIS said, a trend that
appears to be continuing in May.
Most of the fraudulent transactions were caught before they hit cardholders'
accounts, FIS said, but the spike in attempts presents another challenge for
consumers and their lenders muddling through the worst economic crisis since
the Great Depression.
A rise in successful fraud attempts could lead to higher losses for card
issuers and, ultimately, higher costs for consumers.
"This is going to hit everyone very hard," said Krista Tedder, head of
payments at Javelin Strategy & Research, which advises card issuers on security
Chains Struggling
COVID Transparency - Employee Privacy & Safety
'On front lines of pandemic, grocery workers are in the dark about virus risks'
Washington Post Investigative Effort Uncovers The 'Privacy Issues'
the pandemic, grocery stores generally are not required to publicly disclose
coronavirus cases involving employees or report them to local health
departments. As states now move to reopen, many grocers are being criticized by
health officials, lawmakers and store employees for not being more open with the
public and their own workers about outbreaks within their stores.
The Washington Post interviewed about 40 current and former employees at more
than 30 supermarkets who alleged that the companies had not disclosed cases
of infected or dead workers, retaliated against employees who raised safety
concerns, and used faulty equipment to implement coronavirus mitigation
The $800 billion grocery industry - dominated by a handful of major players,
including Walmart, Kroger and Albertsons - employs more than 3 million people in
what are typically low-paying positions with little job security.
At least 100 grocery workers nationwide have died of complications from
the virus since late March, and at least 5,500 others have tested positive,
according to a Post review of data from the nation's largest grocery workers
union, other workers' rights coalitions and media reports.
Many local health officials told The Post they have been left in the dark as
clusters of cases have emerged in supermarkets coast to coast.
Read more
Editor's Note: Great story and well worth the read - Extensive
story on the grocery industry's lack of transparency and challenges it faces
with hundreds of varying laws, ordinances, employee privacy and safety.
Excellent investigative work on a tough subject that the retailers find
themselves caught in the middle of. Just my thoughts. -Gus Downing
Read more
Calif. Face Recognition Bill Has Security Exception
California Activists Ramp Up Fight Against Facial-Recognition Technology
A Microsoft-backed bill to regulate the
technology mirrors law in Washington state
Supporters of the legislation say it will impose much-needed guardrails on
nascent tools that could grow in prominence if businesses and authorities start
using the technology to respond to the coronavirus. But activists argue the
legislation will open the door for expanded surveillance in the public and
private sectors.
The bill calls for companies and agencies that use facial recognition tools in
areas accessible to the public to "provide a conspicuous and contextually
appropriate notice" that faces may get scanned.
The legislation also allows companies and agencies using the technology to store
images of faces in databases for future use if they obtain consent,
there is an exception when a "security or safety purpose" is involved.
The Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection approved Mr. Chau's bill by an
8-to-3 vote. the bill moves to the Assembly Appropriations Committee in early
June and a potential floor vote in the chamber later that month.
The bill, which would be enforced by the state attorney general's office, would
require annual reports by agencies that use the technology and would require
vendors to share technical details of their tools to be tested for accuracy.
Surveilling employees who work from home could do more harm than good
Virtually looking over employees' shoulders isn't just bad for privacy.
Research shows it could also be bad for business.
The Washington Post,
NPR, and
The New York Times have reported, computer monitoring software products
such as Interguard and Time Doctor have flourished during the coronavirus
pandemic as companies try to keep tabs on far-flung workers. Count digital
monitoring of employees as yet another existing work trend accelerated by
Some academic research shows that it may be counterproductive, echoing
what remote work advocates say is common sense. Tracking employees through their
computers, especially in an indiscriminate way, risks creating new distractions,
sinking employee morale, and increasing turnover. Without better ways of
measuring employee output, companies might only be bringing toxic work
environments home.
California Reopens In-Store Shopping Statewide Amid Coronavirus
Retail is back, with some restrictions, as are hair salons and barbers in
most counties.
Governor Gavin Newsom made some of the more dramatic changes to California's
technically ongoing lockdown by lifting the closure of in-store shopping for the
broader retail industry, which had been only allowed to offer curbside pickup
for the last several weeks. Before being able to operate curbside, nonessential
retail businesses had been forced to close for nearly two months.
"You have the option to go into a store now, with modifications," Newsom said in
a daily teleconference.
No Clear State or Federal Guidance on Employers Role
What Role Should Employers Play in Testing Workers?
Amazon plans to spend as much as $1 billion this year to regularly test its work
force,and build its own lab near the Cincinnati airport.
"It is a really hard conversation because people want absolutes: 'If I do this,
will it guarantee I'll have a safe workplace?' None of the testing is going to
provide that right now," said John Constantine, the chief executive of ARCPoint
Franchise Group, a nationwide lab network offering virus testing to employers.
He added that if done smartly, testing could reduce health risks. "Even if it's
not perfect, some testing is better than no testing."
Despite rapid advancements in testing, there are still limitations. Diagnostic
tests, for example, only detect infections during a certain period. And while
blood tests administered after an infection can find antibodies that might offer
some immunity, they should not be used alone to make decisions about when people
can return to work, the Association of Public Health Laboratories and Council of
State and Territorial Epidemiologists warned this month.
Across the Pond They're Delaying Opening to
June 15th
UK COVID-19 Guidance - All Non-Essential Retailers to Open
June 15th
HM Government: Working safely during COVID-19 in shops and branches
OSHA Publishes Specific COVID-19 guidance for Retail Pharmacies
OSHA revises criteria for recording COVID-19 cases
Saks owner balks at lawsuit alleging a 'clandestine corporate shell game'
Tuesday Morning files for bankruptcy- Closing 230 of its 687 stores
Lidl set to open 100th U.S. store
Quarterly Results
AutoZone Q3 U.S. comp's down 1%, sales down 0.1%
Ralph Lauren Q4 North America sales down 11%, NA retail comp's down 13%, Europe
sales down 19%, Eu retail comp's down 16%, Asia sales down 22%, Asia retail
comp's down 23%, Total sales down 15%
Ralph Lauren Full Yr. North America sales down 2%, Europe sales down 3%, Asia
sales down 2%, Total sales down 2%
All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time
Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please. If
it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.
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RH-ISAC Virtual Regional Intelligence Workshop Hosted by Safelite Group
Thu, June 4, 2020 - 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
RH-ISAC is excited to announce that it will be offering a 1-day virtual workshop
for retail and hospitality practitioners in Ohio. This program will be virtually
hosted by Safelite Group, a leading member within the RH-ISAC community, and is
proudly sponsored by SpyCloud.
Spend the day with top retail and customer-facing cybersecurity practitioners,
network with peers, and walk away with practical strategies for actioning on
your cyber threat intel.
The RH-ISAC Virtual Regional Intelligence Workshop series is built by members
for their retail cybersecurity practitioner peers in various regions throughout
the United States and is designed to deliver practical strategies and insights
for retailers on intelligence programs, requirements, and processes at the
tactical, operational and strategic levels.
Join us for a 4:00 PM virtual happy hour following the workshop!
Enterprise clouds hammered by cyber attacks during pandemic
Remote workers logging onto enterprise cloud service accounts are an easy
access point for attackers, says McAfee
That is according to new statistics produced by cyber security firm McAfee
using data drawn from 30 million users of its Mvision Cloud service. The
Cloud adoption and risk report – work-from-home edition highlights what McAfee
describes as “significant” and “potentially long-lasting” trends as the
usage of cloud services, often accessed via unmanaged devices, spikes during
It said such trends emphasised the need for security delivery models to change
fundamentally, and urgently.
The report highlighted that cloud-based unified communications and collaboration
tools, such as Cisco WebEx, Microsoft Teams and Zoom, as well as
Microsoft Office 365, were particularly at risk from attacks – which most often
take the form of large-scale attempts to access accounts using stolen
Rise in Retail-Focused Phishing Campaigns During Pandemic
As the image below demonstrates, there has been a significant increase in the
number of phishing campaigns in the first half of this year. A small part of the
increase can be attributed to better collection capabilities than in 2019, but
the majority of the increase is because of an increase in activity. Note the
increase in retail-focused phishing campaigns in December of 2019, which is
consistent with expected phishing activity associated with the Christmas
holiday. Normally, there is a steep dropoff in this activity starting in
January, but that did not occur.
To put the numbers in context, from March 1 through April 30 of 2020, Recorded
Future tracked 7,934 retail-focused phishing campaigns, versus 4,319 in 2019 —
an 83% increase in campaigns.
84% of Businesses Will Increase Work-from-home Capacity Beyond Pandemic Despite
Security Concerns
2020 Remote Work-From-Home Cybersecurity Report, sponsored by
Pulse Secure and produced by Cybersecurity Insiders, offers perspective on
WFH challenges, concerns, strategies and anticipated outcomes.
The research indicates that three-quarters of businesses now have more than 76
percent of their employees working from home compared to just under 25 percent
at the close of 2019. While a third of respondents cited their business being
“ill prepared or not prepared” for remote working, 75% of businesses were able
to transition to remote working within 15 days.
Popular App Mathway Leaks 25 Million User Records
NIST Seeks Public Input on Use of Positioning, Navigation and Timing Services
Agency plans guidance to strengthen cybersecurity of related tech, in
response to White House order.
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Mask Debate Continues
Some Stores Require
Others Worry it Could Help Criminals
Stores Fear Face Coverings Could Drive Robberies
Some retailers push for face masks, others are concerned about crime impact
'Lower your mask before entering,' some
stores ask
masks aren’t mandatory in Canada, but some retailers are pushing for customers
to wear them to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Costco, Marshalls, Winners
and Old Navy are among some of the retailers asking Canadian shoppers to put on
a face mask before shopping in their stores.
Jim Cormier with the Retail Council of Canada says what might work for one
location could be more difficult for another. “We appreciate the fact that it
has been guidance, but not mandates in this case,” said Cormier.
One particular issued being raised about face masks is the safety of employees
-- but not from COVID-19. Some convenience stores in the Halifax area are
asking customers to temporarily lower their masks
before entering the store so they can be easily identified.
On Monday, Halifax Regional Police released photos of a man suspected of robbing
an Irving gas station on Fairfax Drive on April 6. Police say the man, who
was wearing a medical mask, demanded money and threatened the staff with a
knife, though no knife was seen.
Alberta recommends masks, but not making them mandatory would
create "enforcement problem"
No mask, no service? Experts say businesses have the right to require masks on
Retail Reopening
Mass Testing? - New Safety Measures -
Cuts & Closures
'Mass Screening' for Coronavirus Coming to a
Store Near You?
Toronto-Based AI Company ‘Predictmedix’ Launches COVID-19 Screening Technology
for Retailers
artificial intelligence (AI) firm Predictmedix has launched screening
technologies that will assist businesses by detecting potential COVID-19
infection and other illnesses. The versatile technology will also be used to
scan physical spaces to ensure that people are following protocol such as
physical distancing and the mandated wearing of face masks.
Earlier this month, Predictmedix filed for a US patent for COVID-19 testing and
the technology is being offered to businesses as the world shifts into a new
normal. The ground-breaking technology has a wide range of uses and the
publicly traded company is expected to see a rapid increase in its share price
in the coming weeks amid increased awareness and retailer adoption.
One of the most encouraging new developments for Predictmedix is mass
screening for COVID-19. Retailers, restaurants, landlords, and any
business with a physical presence will be able to utilize the AI technology
to screen for symptoms of the coronavirus as well as for other illnesses.
As Lululemon Reopens Hundreds of Stores, Here’s How It’s Keeping Shoppers Safe
of today, more than 150 Lululemon stores have opened back up in North
America, Europe, Asia, New Zealand and Australia, with roughly 200 additional
locations set to reopen over the next two weeks.
Canada-based company said it has put into place new safety precautions in
stores, which will operate with modified hours. Associates are
required to wear face masks, while cleaning and sanitization practices
have been “enhanced.” The number of shoppers allowed in stores at once will
be limited, and store layouts have been updated to adhere to social
distancing guidelines.
Substantial Number of Canadians Believe Their Province is Opening Too Quickly
Shoppers line up in downtown Montreal as retailers reopen to public
Vancouver Retailers Busy as Stores Begin to Reopen After COVID-19 Shutdowns
Toronto grocery store asks customers to sanitize their carts
Some Calgary shops choose to not fully open their doors despite COVID-19
restrictions being lifted
Canada Goose lays off 125 workers to cope with the impact of COVID-19
Stokes to Permanently Close 40 Store Locations in Canada
Coronavirus highlights the need for a surveillance debate beyond ‘privacy’
The pandemic has stirred up a surveillance
coronavirus pandemic has stirred up a surveillance storm. Researchers rush to
develop new forms of public health monitoring and tracking, but releasing
personal data to private companies and governments carries risks to our
individual and collective rights. COVID-19 opens the lid on a much-needed
Surveillance and profit
Zuboff insists that a new mode of economic accumulation has been rapidly
emerging ever since internet-based platforms — led by Google — discovered how to
monetize the so-called “data exhaust” exuded by everyday online communications:
searches, posts, tweets, texts. Beyond the loss of privacy, she sees the
destruction of democracy and behavioural modification, citing a former
Facebook product manager who says the “fundamental purpose” of data workers is
to influence and alter people’s moods and behaviour.
It’s not just CCTV cameras, it’s also smart devices
Yes, it’s our laptops, phones and tablets. Surveillance is now digital and
data-driven. For too long, the stereotypical icon of surveillance has been the
video camera. But today, what deserves to be the stereotypical icon is the
smartphone. This, above all, connects the individual with corporations that not
only collect but analyze, sort, categorize, trade and use the data we each
produce. Without our permission, our data are examined and used by others to
influence, manage or govern us.
It’s not just the state, it’s the market
While the state and its agencies often overreach through intelligence and
policing strategies, it is the market and not the state that holds the cards
in the surveillance game.
Surveillance is for sorting -
Surveillance challenges:
People who steal shopping carts could be fined under proposed Moncton bylaw
A proposed bylaw in Moncton would allow the city to fine people for taking
shopping carts from downtown businesses, something two councillors worried would
see the city fining homeless people.
The draft bylaw would allow the city to issue fines between $140 and $2,100
to people who remove a shopping cart from the premises of the business that owns
the cart.
The bylaw, drafted because of a potential "blight" of abandon carts, could
also fine the businesses whose carts were taken.
RCMP officer shortage has led to health and wellness concerns

Regional Police take down gun and drug trafficking ring in Project Stanley
York Regional Police have charged 17 people after dismantling a gun and
drug trafficking ring that was discovered following a break-in and robbery in
Vaughan. “An Investigation started which was dubbed Project Stanley. This was as
a result of us identifying suspects who ultimately purchased a Stanley pry
bar at a local Home Depot. Video surveillance was obtained through that Home
Depot and we were able to identify persons associated to that purchase of the
tools that were used in the home invasion.”
$1.7M in Counterfeit Goods Seized At Canada-U.S. Border
U.S. Customs and Border officials have seized $1.7-million worth of counterfeit
goods heading into Minnesota. On Thursday, they inspected a rail container at
the International Falls border crossing, and discovered batteries, hats and
flags headed for Ranier. They seized almost 71,000 packages that they say
violate intellectual property laws.
Winnipeg, MB: Police arrest man after gunshots in CF Polo Park mall parking lot;
Suspect charged with attempted murder
100 Mile House, BC: RCMP look for tips in $1,000+ credit card fraud
(Update from 2014) RCMP officer 'falsely arrested, falsely imprisoned, assaulted
and battered' elder with walker; suspected her of shoplifting
Winnipeg, MB: 15-year-old handed maximum youth punishment for violent Liquor
Mart robbery
Man arrested at Pearson Airport in connection to 2019 game store robbery
Click here to read
the full 'Canadian Connections' column
How are we doing? We need your input & suggestions. Send to
Canadian Connections Archives
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Amazon's Logistics Powerhouse
Amazon Delivers 50% of Their Own Packages Now
Amazon is the fourth‑largest US delivery
service & growing fast
Amazon has invested $60 billion since 2014 in building out fulfillment
warehouses, leasing airplanes and buying delivery vans.
Amazon leased 97% of its fulfillment and data center space in 2019, the
retailer said in its annual report.
Amazon is approaching a truly vertically integrated logistics network on par
with the largest delivery companies in the world.
What's more, Amazon may compete more aggressively in the years ahead with
its Amazon Shipping service to
deliver orders for other online retailers, including those that do not
sell on Amazon's online marketplace.

However, the report notes retail competitors may hesitate to hand over
fulfillment to Amazon now that it is a major rival in many merchandise
categories: “Other B2C [business-to-consumer] retailers may not want to ship
with Amazon, so Amazon may have to look to the B2B [business-to-business] market
to grow its non-Amazon shipping business.”
Amazon's growing warehouse and delivery center network
Amazon now operates nearly 500 logistics facilities in the U.S. covering 173
million square feet and another 1,100 globally that cover 262 million square
10 receiving centers - shipping merchandise to 773,000 square feet 170
fulfillment centers. More than 200,000 robots assist employees at 50
of these sortable centers.
Packages destined for consumers outside of a fulfillment center's region
are sent to one of 20 air hubs where cargo planes fly parcels around the
Amazon operates 40 cargo planes and plans to expand to 70 planes by 2023.
Whether from an air hub or a fulfillment center, packages go to one of 49
U.S. sortation centers, each averaging 340,000 square feet,
Last-mile delivery is handled by delivery stations—Amazon has about
200 delivery stations in the U.S. and plans to open another 84 in 2020.
Averaging 129,000 square feet, employ 200-300 workers and are located near
airports of major cities.
Etsy sold 12+ million face masks during April, leading to $133M
Walmart.com to hit $41B in 2020 - 44.2% Increase
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Manchester, NJ: Arrested Fugitive Led Ocean Co. Burglary Ring; over $100,000 in
ATV’s, Cigarettes, CBD Products stolen
arrest of Craig Orler who had been on the run for nearly two days culminated an
investigation that led to the dismantling of a commercial burglary ring,
Manchester police said Friday. The commercial burglaries occurred over the span
of 3 months and resulted in the theft of vehicles, trailers, outdoor power
equipment, cartons of cigarettes, CBD products, and cash with a combined
estimated value of about $100,000, he said. The trio was identified during a
three-month investigation by Manchester, Toms River, and Berkeley Township
detectives into the burglaries. Bendyna was arrested without incident on
Wednesday in Philadelphia; Bowman remains at large and is believed to be in the
Philadelphia area. The investigation led to the identification of three
addresses, two storage units and two vehicles used to store the stolen
equipment/merchandise between New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Orler, who has an
extensive criminal history, faces multiple charges for money laundering, being
the leader of an organized retail theft enterprise, burglary, theft, criminal
mischief, eluding police, resisting arrest, and possession of a control
dangerous substance.
Tucson, AZ: Dark sorcerers wanted for stealing thousands of dollars worth of
Magic the Gathering cards
Oro Valley Police Department hopes to cast Sorcerous Spyglass in order to reveal
the identity of serial thieves wanted for allegedly stealing thousands of
dollars worth of Magic the Gathering trading from multiple stores around the

Sydney, AU: Man and woman charged over alleged $45,000 baby formula theft
man and a woman have been charged with running a baby formula crime syndicate in
southwest Sydney. Detectives arrested a 45-year-old man during a vehicle stop in
Padstow about 11am on Tuesday, before a Bankstown business and a Chester Hill
home were raided. More than 250 tins of baby formula, $45,000 in cash and
various other health and beauty items, all believed to be stolen, were seized.
Arlington Height, IL: Four suspects flee Marino’s Grocery with $6,000 worth of
merchandise in 2 thefts
Auburn, IN: Over $1,500 worth of alcohol recovered by Police following arrest of
3 for shoplifting from CVS
Bainbridge Township, OH: Three Walmart employees investigated for $1,400 theft
of merchandise
Smyrna, TN: Two females flee Ulta Beauty with $900 of Dyson Hair Dryers
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Shootings & Deaths
Man arrested for fatal shooting at Kroger in west Louisville on Sunday
a release, Louisville Metro Police said 21-year-old Carl B. Hardin III was
arrested for the shooting that happened at the Kroger store on West Broadway.
Police say Hardin got into a fight near the gas pumps at the store, when Hardin
drew a handgun and fired the gun several times hitting and killing a man the
coroner identified as 37-year-old Dayshwan Tolbert. Investigators say multiple
people were behind Tolbert, when he was shot. LMPD spokesman Dwight Mitchell
says in the release, "this created circumstances manifesting extreme
indifference to the value of human life. All were placed in substantial danger
of death or serious physical injuries." Hardin faces an additional charge of
wanton endangerment.
Kansas City, MO: KCPD investigates fatal stabbing outside Family Dollar, suspect
in custody
City Police are investigating a fatal stabbing Tuesday evening near 18th Street
and Prospect Avenue. Authorities said officers were called at 7:18 p.m. to area
and found one person (male) down outside a Family Dollar. Police said the victim
died at the scene. A store employee told officers that the incident involved a
shoplifter. Police said a person of interest is in custody.
Milwaukee, WI: Three people shot and wounded outside Walmart
On Sunday afternoon around 1:30 p.m., officers were on scene at the Walmart
Store on Capitol Drive, where three people were shot outside the store. Police
said an 18-year-old man was seriously hurt, while a 20-year-old man and
29-year-old woman suffered injuries that were not life-threatening. Two persons
of interest were taken into custody.
Magna, UT: Man shot multiple times outside Grocery store
A second suspect is being sought in connection to a shooting in Magna that left
one man injured on Tuesday morning. Juan Ledezma-Avia, 18, was booked into the
Salt Lake County Jail on charges of aggravated assault, felony discharge of a
firearm, obstruction of justice and reckless endangerment, according to the
Unified Police Department. Police say another man was also involved in the
shooting that left a 29-year-old man in critical condition.
Atlantic Beach, NC: Man wanted for shooting outside a Kangaroo Express
Fountain, CO: Police investigating after 2 teens shot at 7-Eleven
Robberies, Incidents & Thefts
Stockton, CA: Walmart Security Guard hit by vehicle of fleeing shoplifters
A 33-year-old man was working Wednesday as a security guard when a vehicle
dropped off two female suspects at about 8:40 p.m. The women entered the store
and attempted to flee with merchandise. The women then fought with the security
guard before the suspect vehicle accelerated toward the security guard and
struck him with the front of the vehicle. The women got into the vehicle, which
fled. The victim was transported to an area hospital for treatment. Stolen
merchandise was recovered.
Pasadena, MD: Former worker allegedly burglarized Tandoori Kabob restaurant
Lake Wales, FL: Man Allegedly Took UBER To Shoplift From Winn Dixie & Then Tried
To Change His Look By Allegedly Stealing Clothing From Family Dollar
ATM Skimmer Gang Had Protection from Mexican Attorney General’s Office
Taiwan: Court sentenced man to 10 years, 10 months for fake gun armed robbery of
$126,000 in watches in Hong Kong
Cargo Theft
U.S. Q1-2020 Cargo Theft Report
From SensiGuard Supply Chain Intelligence Center
Report Highlights:
Theft of Full Truckload is most frequent cargo theft event type
California, Texas and Illinois ranked as the top states for cargo theft
Miscellaneous and Food & Drinks most stolen product types
Tobacco was the stolen product with the highest average value
Quarterly spotlight focuses on Fictitious Pickups
Download the report (registration required)

Cincinnati, OH: More than $250k in counterfeit US bills seized; made in China
C-Store – Polk County,
FL – Robbery
C-Store – Taylorville,
UT – Burglary
C-Store – Oakland, NJ
– Burglary
CVS – Manchester, NH –
Gas Station – Oconee
County, GA - Burglary
Jewelry - Locust Grove, GA – Robbery
Liquor – Oakland, NJ –
Love’s Truck – Madison
County, KY - Robbery
Mattress - San
Antonio, TX – Burglary
Restaurant – Millburn,
NJ – Burglary (Short Hills Mall)
Restaurant- Pasadena,
MD - Burglary
Restaurant – Lubbock,
TX – Robbery/ Assault
Unknown – Las Vegas –
Robbery/ Assault on employee
Walgreens – Milwaukee,
WI – Armed Robbery
Walmart – Stockton, CA
Daily Totals:
• 7 robberies
• 8 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed |

Click to enlarge map
Martin Deslauriers named Regional Loss Prevention Manager for Giant
Tiger |
Kenny Douglas, LPC promoted to Fraud Prevention Manager for Amazon |
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District Loss Prevention Manager
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position is responsible to provide feedback, guidance and protection for our
Team Leaders and Associates. This role has oversight and responsibility for
approximately 8 to 10 store locations...

District Loss Prevention Manager
Birmingham/Montgomery/Tuscaloosa, AL
The District Loss Prevention Manager ensures shrinkage control and
improves safety in the stores through proper investigation and training. This
position is responsible to provide feedback, guidance and protection for our
Team Leaders and Associates. This role has oversight and responsibility for
approximately 8 to 10 store locations...

District Loss Prevention Manager
Roanoke, VA/ Martinsville, VA/ Winston Salem, NC
The District Loss Prevention Manager ensures shrinkage control and improves
safety in the stores through proper investigation and training. This position is
responsible to provide feedback, guidance and protection for our Team Leaders
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Physical Security Leader
Corte Madera, CA
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Vice President |
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Allied Universal |
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Director |
Asset Protection Dir. |
Goodwill Industries of Dallas |
Dallas, TX |
May 21 |
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Goodwill of SE Louisiana |
New Orleans, LA |
April 2 |
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Home Depot |
Atlanta, GA |
Jan. 6 |
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Tractor Supply Co. |
Brentwood, TN |
Feb. 11 |
Corporate/Senior Manager |
Corp. Mgr. Security Operations |
Carvana |
Phoenix, AZ |
April 6 |
Sr. Loss Prevention Manager |
Gap Inc. |
San Francisco, CA |
Oct. 29 |
Senior Manger, Asset Protection |
Home Depot |
Atlanta, GA |
Feb. 18 |
Safety Manager |
Wakefern Food Corp. |
Woodbridge, NJ |
May 1 |
Manager, Asset Protection Solutions Supply Chain |
Walgreens |
Windsor, WI |
Mar. 25 |
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Your success is directly tied to the relationships you have with your stores,
with your colleagues, and with your vendors. The ability to develop, nurture,
and grow those relationships is critical if you expect to deliver the results
you need. And as in the case of all relationships, it's also about what you
bring to the table and the value you add. Oftentimes, one's biggest challenge is
usually driven by your weakest or worst relationship and over time those are the
ones that'll have the biggest impact. So take the time to access them and
remember it's never too late to try to change one.
Just a Thought, Gus

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