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The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

Using New York City as a Case Study for America's Theft Surge
Deciphering Retail Theft Data: Implications and Actions for Policymakers

Executive Summary

This report explores the limitations of existing data and suggests ways for policymakers to get a better understanding of the problem. It uses New York City as a case study and shows how its challenges are similar to those in other cities. This paper also draws upon examples from other major cities that provide retail-theft data to highlight the commonalities and variations in how retail theft operates throughout the country and discusses some general strategies that could be used to address retail theft in cities across the country.


New York City's public data show a significant rise in retail theft since the pandemic. By 2022, the number of shoplifting incidents had increased 68.1% compared to 2019, representing over 25,000 additional thefts. Although shoplifting incidents declined by 7.3% in 2023, it was still the second-highest year on record for shoplifting, with a 56% increase in thefts since 2019. This increase in the number of shoplifting incidents occurred even as the city's retail sector was shrinking.

In light of this spike in crime over the last few years, the city and state have launched several initiatives to stem retail theft. In December 2022, Mayor Eric Adams convened a summit of law enforcement, retailers, and stakeholders that resulted in a "Plan to Combat Retail Theft," which was unveiled in May 2023, and in November, the city announced the creation of a task force to execute the plan. In May 2022, Manhattan's district attorney, Alvin Bragg, and the Manhattan Small Business Alliance announced a plan "help tackle the rise in retail theft," and in August 2023, the Queens DA announced the rollout of the "Merchant's Business Improvement Program." Governor Kathy Hochul also announced her own state plan in February 2024. Each of these initiatives involves a mix of commitments-some beneficial, some detrimental, and some ambiguous.

New York policymakers are not alone in paying increased attention to retail theft; across the country, there have been calls for governments at all levels to address the issue, which has captured widespread attention, fueled by viral videos of dramatic smash-and-grab incidents of flash mobs storming stores and fleeing with piles of merchandise.

In New York and nationwide, retailers are blaming theft for store closings.   manhattan.institute

Official Press Release from Calif. Governor Gavin Newsom
Lawmakers announce ballot measure to crack down on property crime & fentanyl
SACRAMENTO - Governor Gavin Newsom, Senate pro Tem Mike McGuire and Speaker of the Assembly Robert Rivas, today announced a robust ballot measure to tackle property crime and the fentanyl crisis, including through targeted reforms to Proposition 47.

The proposed ballot measure would implement new penalties for repeat offenders, crack down on serial shoplifters, enhance felony prosecutions for fentanyl dealers, and increase resources for drug treatment programs.

What this measure does

A property crime and fentanyl crackdown

Takes Down Serial Shoplifters: Establishes penalties for repeat offenders who are convicted three times for petty theft or shoplifting within three years. Under this measure, an offender with three theft-related convictions over a three-year period, could face up to three years in jail.

Aggregates Theft Amounts: Empowers law enforcement to combine the value of multiple thefts - even from different victims - to charge a felony.

Cracks Down on Fentanyl Lacers: Introduces stiffer penalties for knowingly selling or providing drugs mixed with fentanyl without informing the buyer.

Holds Fentanyl Dealers Accountable: Establishes a statewide fentanyl admonishment requirement, making it easier for prosecutors to ensure drug dealers who repeatedly sell deadly amounts of fentanyl can be charged with murder if a death occurs.

Increases Resources for Drug Treatment: Expands mental health and drug addiction treatment programs in communities, improving public safety. gov.ca.gov

   RELATED: Are California Democrats gaming the system on crime measure?

New 'Organized Retail and Cyber Crime Unit' in Georgia
Georgia launches statewide retail, cyber crime unit amid battle with Internet trade group over ways to curb online thefts

Georgia launches statewide organized retail and cyber crime unit amid court fight

While updates to Georgia's law governing retail and cyber crimes are in legal limbo, a statewide unit created to combat those illegal activities is now in place. The Organized Retail and Cyber Crime Unit launched Monday.

Data collection is just one part of a multi-layered state strategy to combat ongoing retail crimes at stores and online.

The Organized Retail and Cyber Crime Unit, a first for the state, will have prosecutors and investigators dedicated to dealing with organized retail theft and cyber crimes across the state. The unit is getting over $1.4 million from the state's fiscal year 2025 budget which went into effect today.

"We've had lots and lots of folks with stuff stolen and put online,"Sen. John Albers said. "Crime in general continues to go up and is pervasive and in Georgia, we are going to protect our businesses and our consumers."

Albers sponsored Senate Bill 472 - the Combating Organized Retail Crime Act - which led to the law.

Another $807,312 will go to expand the Gang Prosecution Unit in Columbus, Macon and Southeast Georgia. The attorney general's Gang Prosecution Unit is currently in Atlanta, Albany and Augusta. stateaffairs.com

Most Violent Day of the Year?
Why is July Fourth the most violent day of the year?

There are more mass killings and mass shootings on Independence Day than any other day of the year.

Amid the celebrations of American independence comes sobering news from Northeastern University criminologist James Alan Fox. July Fourth ranks annually as the most violent day of the year, his research shows.

Since 2006, there have been five mass killings (of four or more victims) by gunfire on July 4, according to the Associated Press/USA TODAY/Northeastern University Mass Killings Database, the most extensive data source on the subject.

The trend is affirmed by the Gun Violence Archive. Since 2014, there have been 58 mass shootings on July 4 resulting in four or more people injured or killed

Two main causes are driving July Fourth violence, Fox says.

"We know from my research and research of others that as the temperature rises, violent crime rates go up," says Fox, who presides over the mass killings database. "The reason for that is partially the physiological effects of heat on our emotions and temperament - we have short fuses when it gets hot.

"And when it gets warm, we spend time outdoors interacting with acquaintances, neighbors, strangers - which means there are more opportunities to get into arguments and fights," Fox says. "On July 4 people are not working and kids aren't in school. There is too much free time to kill, maybe literally." news.northeastern.edu

Retail Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling on Encampments
Retailers are on the front lines of many community issues, including the health and safety effects of public encampments.

SCOTUS Upholds Public Safety Laws That Help Communities
Deborah White, Retail Litigation Center President and General Counsel for the Retail Industry Leaders Association, issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court's Grants Pass v. Johnson ruling that will allow municipalities to tailor laws to their communities to address the complex issue of public encampments:

"The Supreme Court rightly recognized that the causes and responses to homelessness are complex but that the Eighth Amendment does not grant 'federal judges primary responsibility for assessing those causes and devising those responses.' Retailers appreciate the Supreme Court's action allowing policymakers to access all 'tools in the policy toolbox' and remain committed to working collaboratively to improve the vibrancy of communities across the country."

Retailers are on the front lines of many community issues, including the health and safety effects of public encampments. The Retail Litigation Center (RLC) and Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in this case that explained how communities can work together to address public health and safety issues related to the complex problem of homelessness. One example shared in the RLC/RILA brief is RILA's Vibrant Communities Initiative a first-of-its-kind national partnership between the Retail Industry Leaders Association and the National District Attorneys Association to address safety concerns of employees and consumers. rila.org

'Imposter Cops'
Nashville, TN: State issues 62 violations against company accused of allowing 'imposter cops' on Nashville streets
The Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance is requesting the immediate suspension of a Mt. Juliet company's license, alleging they allowed civilians to wear police identification and use red and blue lights in non-police vehicles. The state agency filed a notice of hearing and charges with an administrative law judge, citing 62 violations against the security company Solaren. Solaren, and its owner Jack Byrd, have been at the center of WSMV4′s "Thin Blurred Line" investigation, which exposed how the company is accused of allowing imposter police officers to work at the Opry Mills Mall and in downtown Nashville. An investigation also linked the company to the embattled police department in Millersville and how Byrd, a civilian, also wore police identification and had a police commission card. Our investigation uncovered one of the people employed by the company and allowed to wear a police uniform is a felon. According to the state's civil violations, of the 50 people Solaren allowed to wear police badges and uniforms, only five were actually off-duty police officers.  wsmv.com

Homicides in California dropped by 14% in 2023. Guns were most used weapon by far

How will Minneapolis respond to homelessness after SCOTUS says sleeping outside can be a crime?

How Landmark Supreme Court Ruling Will Impact Retail
Chevron Overruled: Ending the 'Dizzying Breakdance'
In an opinion by Chief Justice Roberts in the Loper Bright & Relentless cases, the Supreme Court overruled the 40-year-old, two-step Chevron methodology courts had been using to review agency interpretations of statutory language. In its most basic form, Chevron had required courts to first assess whether a statutory term was ambiguous and, if so, to defer to the interpretation of the federal agency charged with implementing the statute. Under Loper Bright, courts will now independently decide legal questions by "applying their own judgment" in order to accomplish "the basic judicial task of 'say[ing] what the law is.'"

What does this mean for retailers subject to federal agency actions?

First, more agency actions may be challenged in court. Now that a court will essentially exercise de novo review of agency actions implicating a statute's text, more lawsuits are likely to be filed. While the tide of regulatory challenges has been growing as Chevron's pull has been ebbing, the amount of litigation will likely increase as challengers identify ways to distinguish agency action from statutory delegation. This could cut for and against retailers, depending on the issue.

Second, the resolution of lawsuits challenging agency actions will be more permanent. While today's opinion specified that courts can look to executive guidance to inform their analyses, it was clear that agency views cannot supersede the court's independent judgment. Again - this could cut both for and against retailers, depending on the issue.

Third, brush up on your tools of statutory construction and hope your Members of Congress do the same! Congress will need to write legislation that more clearly articulates what they are empowering agencies to do in order to obtain the intended effect of the law.

Finally, the Court made clear that today's ruling does not "call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron framework."

On one hand, retailers may want to challenge prior agency actions bad for merchants (such as the inclusion of certain costs improperly incorporated in permissible debit interchange fees, the propriety of which is the merits question implicated in Corner Post). On the other hand, the potential for disruption of longstanding federal regulation can both put leading retailers with robust compliance programs at a disadvantage and open the door for a patchwork of state regulatory action rila.org

More Retailers Bring AI Into Stores
Retailers like Target & Walmart are bringing generative AI into physical stores
As retailers invest in generative AI to upgrade their online shopping experiences, some of the biggest retailers are beginning to use similar features in physical stores - especially to give employees an extra boost.

Retailers have been quickly adopting generative AI, popularized by ChatGPT in November 2022, to provide more personalized search tools and virtual assistants online and to generate marketing content, among other uses. Now, Target, Walmart and Best Buy as well as smaller retailers such as Boot Barn and Tractor Supply Co. have announced plans to launch AI-powered tools to enhance the store experience.

Target is the latest major retail player to join in, announcing an AI tool called Store Companion on June 20. The company is piloting the feature at about 400 stores and plans to roll it out to all of its almost 2,000 stores by August. Walmart, meanwhile, is using internal AI tools to scan produce, determine how ripe the product is and show what to do with it in a dashboard through generative AI, CNBC reported in April. Best Buy announced plans that same month to develop a generative AI assistant to help employees access company resources and product guides.

These programs showcase the various ways retailers are trying to implement AI into their businesses. Generative AI is a popular buzzword in every business right now, but the best way to put the technology into practice is yet to be determined. Duleep Rodrigo, U.S. sector leader for consumer and retail at KPMG, said retailers are still figuring out which use cases work best with customers and, importantly, which of them drive the most productivity gains, growth or savings.

Target's tool "frees up time and attention for our team to serve guests with care and to create a shopping destination that invites discovery, ease and moments of everyday joy," Mark Schindele, the company's chief stores officer, said in a statement.  modernretail.co

82% of Employees at Risk of Burnout
Is Employee Burnout Stressing You Out?

Workplace stress could be a symptom of a corporate culture totally disengaged from mental health awareness.

The old adage attributed to safety leaders-"We want our workers to go home at the end of the day in the same condition they were in when they arrived"-apparently has been retired. I attend a lot of safety events, and I've heard this new saying quite often lately: "We want our workers to go home BETTER than they were when they arrived."

That's a pretty tall order, though, especially when you consider the ever-increasing rates of workplace burnout, which point to the job itself being responsible for burning out so many employees. In fact, when it comes to workplace injuries, more than half (52%) are mental health injuries (according to study from legal firm Atticus), leading to time away from work due to stress, anxiety, burnout and similar psychological issues. Another study, from consulting firm Mercer, reveals that 82% of employees say they're at risk of burnout. All told, 1 million US workers are absent from work every day because of stress, according to the American Institute of Stress.

What's going on here? And more to the point, what can be done to improve a very dangerous workplace situation?

Toxic workplace behavior is the biggest driver of negative workplace outcomes such as burnout and an intent to leave the company, according to a McKinsey study. Unfortunately, there's a 22% gap in perception of mental health and well-being in organizations between employers and employees ehstoday.com

Should Tractor Supply Be Ditching DEI and Climate Goals?
Tractor Supply announced it will eliminate its diversity and climate target goals in a push to distance itself from "nonbusiness activities" after weeks of conservative backlash.

In a statement, the chain, which caters to mainly rural customers with home improvement equipment, livestock, and agricultural supplies, said it has "invested millions of dollars" in veteran causes, emergency response, animal shelters, state fairs, rodeos, and farmers markets; is the largest supporter of FFA; and has longstanding relationships with 4-H and other educational organizations. However, it's no longer supporting activities and causes that don't align with the values of its core consumer.

The changes come as conservative activist and former Hollywood director Robby Starbuck in a campaign on X (formerly Twitter) called for a boycott of the retailer over its "woke" initiatives, including DEI hiring and employee training practices, in-office Pride Month decorations, climate change activism, and funding sex-change procedures, among other complaints.

Facing political and legal threats, many companies have been retreating from their diversity policies after putting a major focus on them following the 2020 murder of George Floyd. In April, the Wall Street Journal reported that dozens of companies, including Kohl's and GameStop, were quietly removing language from or tweaking their DEI programs. A growing wave of anti-DEI sentiment followed a U.S. Supreme Court decision in 2023 to strike down affirmative action in colleges. retailwire.com

All Bob's Stores locations to close
The retailer was unable to secure the financing necessary to keep operating. The fate of sibling Eastern Mountain Sports remains unclear.

FTC Blocks $4 Billion Merger of Mattress Giants Tempur Sealy and Mattress Firm

Report: Iconic music retailer Sam Ash to be acquired by Mexican retailer

Delta Apparel files for bankruptcy; to sell 28-store Salt Life brand


In observance of Independence Day,
the D&D Daily will not be publishing on July 4th & 5th.

We will resume publication on Monday, July 8th.

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Blind Justice: How Technology Doesn't Discriminate and Why That's Important

The fight against retail theft is an age-old challenge that continues to evolve. As retailers grapple with the dual imperative of safeguarding assets and ensuring an inclusive, bias-free shopping environment, the advent of the Purchek® technology by Gatekeeper Systems represents a revolutionary stride forward. Unlike traditional theft-prevention methods, which often rely on human judgment and intervention, the Purchek® technology offers a fully automated, cart behavior-based system that embodies the principle of blind justice in the retail industry. Here is how this technology is setting a new standard for fairness, safety, and efficiency.

The Purchek® solution operates on a simple yet powerful premise: it prevents shopping carts from leaving a retail store location without proper authorization from the point of sale (POS). Should a cart attempt to exit without this authorization, it locks in place, simultaneously triggering a video event and an audible alarm. This often results in the offender abandoning the shopping cart without confrontation. The beauty of the Purchek® technology lies in its unbiased approach to preventing theft. It does not see age, gender, ethnicity, or any other demographic detail; it sees cart behavior. If the movement of the cart does not match that typical of a paid transaction, the Purchek® solution responds accordingly - no exceptions, no discrimination. This enables the system to prevent even the most discrete theft, incidents that would have otherwise gone completely undetected.

Read more here






Organizations Should Be Optimistic About Protecting Networks & Data
Three reasons to be optimistic about cybersecurity

There are three trends within cybersecurity that give organizations reasons to be optimistic about protecting their networks and data.

The cybersecurity landscape is a menacingly bad neighborhood, with threat actors constantly prowling and developing new and more sophisticated attacks. But still, there are three trends within cybersecurity that give organizations reasons to be optimistic about protecting their networks and data.

1) Public/Private Collaboration

The threat of information sharing within the public and private sectors traditionally has been tenuous at best, often clouded by a lack of trust. Companies may have been reluctant to share information on an attack, for instance, out of fear of disclosing sensitive information or suffering a loss of reputation. In many cases, organizations concentrate on protecting their own systems.

However, there is a growing interest in collaboration across sectors, industries, and geographies. This collaboration places a greater emphasis on sharing threat intelligence and threat detection content and knowledge that can support proactive defenses.

2. Protections Against Insider Threats

Enterprises are making strides in countering those kinds of threats. Organizations are committing more resources to training and giving employees a better working knowledge of detecting insider threats. Additionally, IT teams are moving away from relying strictly on Data Loss Prevention solutions based on known attack signatures and adopting more advanced solutions, including those focusing on behavioral analytics. For example, newer solutions are making use of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to analyze real-time and historical activity and identify behaviors that can be precursors of insider threat attacks.

3. The Maturation of Artificial Intelligence

Speaking of artificial intelligence, recent advancements in AI, especially machine learning (ML), promise to bring substantial innovations to cybersecurity. AI's coming of age can give organizations the necessary visibility, speed and accuracy to defend against the onslaught of cyber threats effectively. The next generation of advanced analytics will help support continuous monitoring across the entire enterprise, enable security teams to identify attacks in real time, initiate responses, and reduce false positives to deliver material alerts. securityinfowatch.com

Cyberinsurance Getting Cheaper - Premiums Drop 15%
Cyberinsurance Premiums are Going Down: Here's Why and What to Expect

The change in premium rates is more likely to be the insurers' correction than the insureds' improvement in security.

Cyberinsurance is getting cheaper, with premiums falling around 15% since they peaked in 2022. Commenting on a report from broker Howden, Reuters suggests business has become more adept in curbing losses from cybercrime.

"Added security such as multifactor authentication has helped to protect companies' data, reducing insurance claims," writes Reuters on July 1, 2024. It would be good if this were true, but most things are usually more complex than they first appear.

Cyberinsurance premiums increased rapidly in 2021 and 2022. The insurers got their sums wrong through an insufficient understanding of the cybercrime market. They were forced to redefine a cyberwar exclusion clause, increase denials and exclusions, and hike premiums. Now premiums are declining again.

"Fewer companies are willing to invest a considerable amount of money in cyberinsurance after a bad experience when insurance coverage was denied for various reasons and contractual clauses subtly incorporated into the insurance agreement," comments Ilia Kolochenko, partner & cybersecurity practice lead at Platt Law LLP, and CEO at ImmuniWeb.

Now the cyberinsurance industry is becoming more mature with better actuarial understanding of the risks, he adds. The implication is that improved security from the insureds, better understanding of security from the insurers, and a more discerning marketplace is forcing the insurers to reduce premiums to maintain market share.

The change in premium rates is more likely to be the insurers' correction than the insureds' improvement in security. "What we are likely seeing with lower premiums is a consequence of several factors: the insurance market's cyclical nature, now with more capacity in the market, combined with self-insurance retentions covering many of the frequency losses," suggests Marko Polunic, MD at Fenix24. The missing key to understanding what is happening is that term, 'the insurance market's cyclical nature'. securityweek.com

Does AI Make Thread Landscape 'Impossible to Secure'?
Video: Inside the minds of CISOs
In this Help Net Security video, Nick McKenzie, CISO of Bugcrowd, discusses the key findings from their recent report, which comes at a crucial time as security leaders' roles are being discussed more with the current risk landscape and the increasing need to prioritize security first over operational resilience in almost all verticals.

Most CISOs (76%) believe AI makes the threat landscape impossible to secure. 90% of CISOs claimed their jobs were more difficult than ever. 50% believe their enterprises are ill-prepared for a breach. AI is not all bad news, though.

Nearly 30% of enterprises have adopted AI tools, allowing them to reduce security team headcount while others monitor the potential vs. risk ratio of their security posture before deciding on the next steps. helpnetsecurity.com

Chinese Hackers Exploiting Cisco Switches Zero-Day to Deliver Malware
A China-nexus cyber espionage group named Velvet Ant has been observed exploiting a zero-day flaw in Cisco NX-OS Software used in its switches to deliver malware.

The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-20399 (CVSS score: 6.0), concerns a case of command injection that allows an authenticated, local attacker to execute arbitrary commands as root on the underlying operating system of an affected device.

"By exploiting this vulnerability, Velvet Ant successfully executed a previously unknown custom malware that allowed the threat group to remotely connect to compromised Cisco Nexus devices, upload additional files, and execute code on the devices," cybersecurity firm Sygnia said in a statement shared with The Hacker News. thehackernews.com

Security leaders weigh in on Life360 data breach

Leveraging no-code automation for efficient network operations







Amazon's 'Challenge the Fake' Initiative
H-FARM students against counterfeiting with Amazon and INDICAM

Amazon has developed a learning and awareness programme with INDICAM on the protection of intellectual property and the fight against counterfeiting, targeting Gen-Z.

Amazon, we're constantly working with industry experts and associations to educate consumers about the dangers of purchasing counterfeit products. From this perspective, raising awareness among the younger generation on the risks involved in counterfeit goods is an important step toward building a safer future for consumers.

This commitment has led us and INDICAM, an Italian association working to protect intellectual property, to conceive and organise a challenge for the 600+ students of venture builder H-FARM, called Challenge the Fake. The students were asked to suggest concepts for communication and marketing campaigns targeting their peers, in order to tackle the sale of counterfeit items and promote the protection of intellectual property.

The awarded project, which was also presented at this year's INDICAM Forum before an audience of more than 200 attendees, is titled "DEFAKE Contest" and consists of the proposal to launch a social media contest for young rappers who are asked to highlight the importance of purchasing original items through freestyle sessions and actual tracks, making the purchase of counterfeit goods "uncool". The jury that determined the winning project also included an official from the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, Simona Marzetti.

"Engaging young people and looking at innovation trends are major goals in the fight against counterfeiting," said Juna Shehu, Managing Director of INDICAM. "Monitoring the e-commerce world is essential for us today, therefore collaborating with players that are committed to our mission - like Amazon, which has been a member of INDICAM since November 2023 - has a strategic value."

"This initiative confirms our commitment to supporting industry associations and institutions in the fight against counterfeiting, which also involves activities aimed at protecting, informing and raising awareness among customers, and in this case young people in particular," said Alessandro Nicolis, Amazon's Head of External Relations, Trust & Safety, Europe. "In 2023, Amazon invested over $1.2 billion and employed over 15,000 people, including machine learning scientists, software developers and expert investigators dedicated to protecting customers, brands, selling partners and our online store from counterfeiting, frauds and other forms of abuse."  aboutamazon.eu

Will Amazon Win the 'Battle of AI Titans'?
Amazon well-positioned in 'battle of the AI titans': Analyst
Maxim Group managing director and senior consumer internet analyst Tom Forte is favoring Amazon in the next chapter of the AI race and broader Big Tech growth.

"I think there's an opportunity that their [Amazon] health care initiatives can help them hit the $3 trillion mark. More likely it'll be... advertising, e-commerce, cloud computing growth," Forte tells Market Domination. "I think they're very early stage in their efforts. But I do think there's a potential, given that it's a huge total addressable market [TAM] and maybe one that's potentially ripe for disruption..."

Forte also comments on Apple's own AI initiatives and whether Amazon investors should view regulatory crackdowns as "just noise."  finance.yahoo.com

Why There's More to Zillennial Shopping Habits Than Social Media

Amazon's international unit on track to swing into annual profit








Santa Clara County, CA: $90,000 Safeway Fuel thieves charged
Two East Bay men have been charged with a scheme in which stolen credit card data was used to steal thousands of gallons of diesel fuel from South Bay Safeway locations and pumped into a makeshift bladder in the back of a truck. Yuniel Cordero, from Oakland, is accused of committing a string of fuel thefts from Safeway stores in Santa Clara County. He then sold the diesel at a discount to Henrry Umana's San Leandro trucking company. The estimated loss is over $90,000 to date. Arraigned on June 25, Cordero, 40, is charged with organized retail theft, identity theft, conspiracy, 61 counts of grand theft, and 14 counts of petty theft. He was released on July 1 by the court over our objection. Umana, 44, is charged with organized retail theft, receiving stolen property, and conspiracy. He was arraigned yesterday and released by the court over our objection. They both face incarceration, if convicted.  da.santaclaracounty.gov

Surrey, B.C., Canada: Perpetrators of 'complex shoplifting scheme' plead guilty, face deportation
The perpetrators of a "complex shoplifting scheme" that purportedly involved "the use of devices to block security alarm systems," have pleaded guilty and will be deported, according to Surrey RCMP. Police announced the arrests of 51-year-old Nicoleta Rusu and 39-year-old Emil Marian Stan in the shoplifting scheme earlier this year. The pair was accused of $53,000 worth of "high-value retail thefts," with the items taken including "high-end fragrances and athletic clothing." The thefts took place over a six-month period in Surrey, Langley and Abbotsford, Mounties said at the time. On Tuesday, Surrey RCMP announced that the suspects had pleaded guilty to various charges they were facing. Mounties said the pair will be deported after serving their sentence, but did not say to which country or countries the thieves would be sent.  bc.ctvnews.ca

Arlington, VA: Two thefts in two hours reported at Clarendon's Lululemon store
Clarendon's Lululemon store was hit by thieves twice Monday, separated by only a matter of hours, according to police. Arlington County police responded to the store at 2847 Clarendon Blvd just after 5 p.m. after two women in their teens or 20s had entered the store, gathered up merchandise, and left without paying, a police spokeswoman said. Then around 7:15 p.m., police responded to the store again after a similar theft involving three female suspects who fled on foot, according to ACPD. In both cases, officers searched the area but were unable to locate the suspects. An investigation into the incidents is ongoing.  arlnow.com

Lady Lake, FL: Shoplifting suspect accused of stealing baby clothes and shoes; 4 prior thefts since 2019, 11 arrest pics

Nashville, TN: Woman charged 12 times for shoplifting in less than 5 months


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Shootings & Deaths

Newport Beach, CA: Woman run over, killed after armed robbery attempt in Newport Beach
At least two suspects are in custody after running over a woman while attempting to flee the scene of a robbery outside a sprawling, high-end shopping mall in Orange County Tuesday. Authorities said the incident occurred around 3:30 p.m. when a group of suspects approached a husband and wife outside a Barnes and Noble bookstore at Fashion Island shopping center, located at 401 Newport Center Drive in Newport Beach, and attempted to rob them. Officials at the Newport Beach Police Department said a struggle ensued and shots were fired, though no one was hit. Two of the suspects jumped into a white sedan in an attempt to flee the scene and ran over the woman and killed her. The suspects then led officers on a high-speed pursuit into Los Angeles County where they were eventually taken into custody in South Gate. A third suspect was located Cypress, police said.  fox5sandiego.com

Nashville, TN: Man charged after deadly incident at Nashville Topgolf
A man who was punched and kicked while trying to diffuse a fight at Topgolf in Nashville has died as a result of severe head injuries, and a suspect has been charged in his death, according to the Metro Nashville Police Department. Umesh Dahal, 41, was attending a concert in the lower level of Topgolf on Saturday when an argument erupted inside, causing people to go into the parking lot, police said. Dahal was reportedly trying to break up the fight when he was punched, causing him to fall and hit his head on the concrete. He was then kicked in the head while on the ground, police said. Bishal Rai, 26, was identified as the man who allegedly kicked Dahal while he was on the ground, according to police. He was charged with aggravated assault, and now that Dahal has died, that charge will be upgraded to criminal homicide, police said.  wsmv.com

Pineville, NC: Update: No charges for Pineville Officer who shot, killed Food Lion shoplifting suspect
No charges will be filed against a Pineville Police Department sergeant who shot and killed an accused shoplifter in May, investigators said. The incident happened on May 14 near the Food Lion on Johnston Road near Highway 51. A Pineville police officer responded to a shoplifting call and said the suspect, 46-year-old Dennis Bodden, got into a struggle with him before he took off. The Mecklenburg County District Attorney's Office said Sgt. Adam Roberts' body cam footage shows him approaching Dennis Bodden, who was wearing headphones under his hood. The video reportedly shows Dennis Bodden was startled when Roberts yelled for his attention. Roberts said he caught up with Dennis Bodden and used a Taser on him after he got "physically confrontational." Police said Dennis Bodden got more aggressive so Roberts used a Taser on him again before a second officer arrived. This is when police said Dennis Bodden lunged at the sergeant and tried to grab his gun, so the sergeant shot him. Roberts told investigators he feared for his life, and the DA said he fired his gun three times. Dennis Bodden died at the scene.  wsoctv.com

Meas, AZ: Update: Man pleads guilty to murdering CVS store manager in Mesa
A man has pleaded guilty to killing the store manager of a CVS Pharmacy last year in Mesa. Jared Sevey, 39, pleaded guilty last week to second-degree murder and first-degree burglary for a shooting reported in September 2023 at a CVS store near Brown Road and Mesa Drive. The shooting resulted in the death of Michael Jacobs, a long-time CVS employee. Public records show Sevey had gotten into an altercation with Jacobs about shoplifting. The defendant then went home to retrieve a firearm and returned to the CVS store. Sevey asked to speak to the manager and when Jacobs came up to the front of the store, the defendant fired multiple shots, records show. When he was apprehended by police, Sevey reportedly told officers he was "guilty." Sevey will be sentenced in court on July 26 12news.com

Montgomery, AL: Update: 18-year-old charged in triple homicide at Montgomery Hispanic grocery store
Montgomery police have arrested a teenager in connection to last month's deadly shooting at Tienda Los Hermanos grocery store on Troy Highway. Jarques Butler, 18, has been charged with two counts of capital murder, with the warrant for a third count to be signed Wednesday. He is being held without bail in the county jail. Police say Butler was caught Tuesday afternoon after officers caught up to him in the area of East Fifth Street. A police spokeswoman said Butler ran away but was caught following a search of the area with help from the Alabama Law Enforcement Aviation Unit. The June 4 attack at the family's store claimed the lives of Romero Lopez, 43, and his son Daniel Lopez, 20. Family friend George Elijah Jr., 50, was also killed. Police have not officially released the motive, but store owner Maribel Lopez - sister of Romero Lopez - has said it stemmed from a robbery.  wsfa.com

Philadelphia, PA: 5 injured in shootout at Chinese takeout restaurant in Philadelphia's Grays Ferry section
Five people were injured after dozens of shots were fired in Philadelphia's Grays Ferry neighborhood. The shootout happened at a Chinese takeout restaurant at 27th and Dickinson streets at 10:30 p.m. on Monday. More than 40 rounds were fired during the gun battle, according to police.  6abc.com

Brockton, MA: Pawn Shop shooting leaves man injured
A man was hurt in a shooting Tuesday evening in Brockton, Massachusetts. Police say they responded shortly before 8 p.m. to the shooting on Belmont Street. Aerial footage showed officers outside Traders World, a pawn shop. The shooting left a man with non-life-threatening injuries, according to police. Authorities say the shooting was not random. No arrests have been made, and the investigation is ongoing.  nbcboston.com

Indianapolis, IN: Person found shot outside Liquor store on Indy's near north side
A person was taken to an area hospital after an overnight shooting on the near north side. According to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, officers were dispatched to the 1600 block of N. College Ave. around 12:50 a.m. Tuesday where they found a man had been shot. The victim was awake and breathing, police said, and was transported to a hospital. Police didn't disclose the extent of the man's injuries. Video from the scene showed officers focusing on a parking lot of a liquor store. Investigators also looked through a car parked in the lot.  cbs4indy.com

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Benton Harbor, MI: Update: 2nd Benton Harbor man pleads in gun store theft, kidnapping
Benton Harbor man has admitted to kidnapping a sporting goods store manager with a pistol, then stealing over 120 pistols from the store, authorities say. Darnell Bishop, 33, pleaded guilty to kidnapping and brandishing a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Michigan announced Tuesday in a release. He faces up to life in prison, according to the release.  woodtv.com

Seattle, WA: Suspects smash truck into Seattle's Math'n'Stuff during failed break-in

Chicago, IL: Repeat liquor thefts plague Chicago restaurants as owners look for answers

Dallas, TX: 2 teens plead guilty to robbing USPS letter carriers across North Texas

Manatee County, FL: 'Prolific' Burglar Broke Into 5 Businesses in 3 days

Winnipeg, MN, Canada: After 'encouraging' results, province extends funding for Winnipeg police retail theft initiative

Summerville, SC: Alligator spotted underneath Publix shopping carts in South Carolina



C-Store - Des Moines, IA - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Sand Springs, OK - Armed Robbery
Furniture - Portland, OR - Burglary
Jewelry - Lyndhurst, OH - Armed Robbery
Jewelry - Sevierville, TN - Robbery
Laundry - Brevard County, FL - Burglary
Pawn - Brockton, MA - Armed Robbery / victim wounded
Pets - Bradenton, FL - Burglary
Restaurant - Charlotte, NC - Armed Robbery
Restaurant - New Orleans, LA - Burglary
Restaurant - New Orleans, LA - Burglary
Restaurant - Bradenton, FL - Burglary
Restaurant - Chicago, IL - Burglary
Security - Bradenton, FL - Burglary
Target - Warrington Township, PA - Robbery
Toys - Seattle, WA - Burglary
Vape - Tewksbury, MA - Armed Robbery
Walgreens - Glasgow, DE - Armed Robbery
Walgreens - Newark, DE - Armed Robbery
Walmart - Millbrook, AL - Robbery       


Daily Totals:
• 11 robberies
• 9 burglaries
• 1 shooting
• 0 killed


Click map to enlarge




None to report.

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Corporate Risk Manager
Memphis, TN or New Orleans, LA - Posted June 27
Summary of Role and Responsibilities: Proactive approach to preventing losses/injuries, whether they are to our employees, third parties, or customers' valuables. They include cash in transit, auto losses, or injuries; Report all incidents, claims, and losses that may expose the company to financial losses, whether they are covered by insurance or not...

Loss Prevention Specialist
Temple, TX - Posted June 18
The Loss Prevention Specialist identifies various types of losses and thefts, works cross-functionally in a fast-paced environment providing critical guidance to Operations on asset protection and profit improvement initiatives. At The Fikes Companies, our Mission is to build a highly successful company which our employees are proud of, our customers value, and the communities we serve can count on...


Regional Loss Prevention Manager
Indiana - Posted May 9
The Regional Manager of Loss Prevention, Audit & Firearms Compliance is a leadership role that will evaluate and reduce shrink for the stores and facilities assigned in their region by conducting internal and external investigations and resolving all matters that jeopardize or cause losses to the company and its assets. Regional Loss Prevention Managers are also responsible for conducting field audits for store and firearm compliance...

Multi-Store Detective (Pittsburgh Operating Market)
Pittsburgh, PA - Posted April 9
Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

Multi-Store Detective (Cleveland Operating Market)
Cleveland, OH - Posted April 9
Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...


Multi-Store Detective (Akron/Canton Operating Market)
Akron/Canton, OH - Posted April 9
Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

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Listening and hearing what your internal customers are saying is critical if you expect to be successful with any program or project. Oftentimes, the speed of delivery negatively impacts the process of success and keeps us from hearing exactly what we need to hear when we so passionately roll out our programs and projects. After testing and reviewing our plans and being so committed to our beliefs, we oftentimes don't hear our retail partners once we've committed ourselves to a specific path. And sometimes it's not what they say that's important as much as what they don't say or as much as what they quietly say beneath their breath or maybe even how they react. Whenever you're rolling out a new program or project, use those interrogative skills, in a positive way, and read the reactions of your internal customers because they will determine the success regardless of how good it is.

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