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Prosegur Security Launches Integrated Advertising RFID and EAS Platform With
Advanced Visual Deterrence
BEACH, Fla. (January 25, 2023) -
Prosegur Security, a
global leader in security technology, is launching the new generation of its
revolutionary EVO system incorporating the latest RFID technology. The next
generation of EVOs, in addition to featuring a built-in monitor that plays ads
to incoming shoppers, also can display the merchandise carried out by suspected
shoplifters, offering a new dimension in theft deterrence.
"Last year Prosegur revolutionized the concept of EAS with an ad-supported EVO
system which can pay for itself not just through the reduction in shoplifting
but also through ad revenue for the retailer," said
D'Onofrio, CEO of Prosegur's global retail business unit. "This year we are
upping the ante by adding the next generation RFID which accurately detects
what's leaving the store, and can even display the item on the monitor built
into the EVO pedestal."
According to D'Onofrio, the new EVO system provides a robust set of analytics,
including an accurate count of what merchandise left the store, demographic data
of shoppers entering and exiting the store, their sentiment, as well as traffic
count. The new EVO is a part of an all-new suite of retail solutions Prosegur is
launching in 2023 to help brick-and-mortar retailers compete better with
data-driven online retailers by helping them have better visibility into their
operations and boosting profitability.
Read more here
The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact
Unregulated Online Marketplaces Are Fueling
America's ORC Crisis
Will the INFORM Act finally rein in unregulated
online marketplace and curb ORC?
You could be buying shoplifted stuff on Amazon, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace
Experts say organized crime deserves much of
the blame
Executives at retailers like
Target and
Walmart are raising alarms about shoplifting in their stores - and you
may have unknowingly
bought one of these items when you shopped online.
because criminal enterprises are selling over $500 billion in stolen or
counterfeit products through online marketplaces like Amazon, Craigslist, eBay,
and Facebook Marketplace across the globe each year, the Prosecutors
Alliance of California, an
advocacy organization that promotes criminal justice reforms,
estimated in 2022.
If true, this would mean illicit goods account for
up to 10% of the total e-commerce market.
Couple a
spike in shoplifted items with the
rise of online shopping in recent years, and it's possible you could be one
of these unwitting customers. Given the sellers often appear legitimate -
and the goods are
often sold at discounted prices - many consumers are happy to do business.
Rather than being driven by a surge of one-off thieves, experts say
organized criminal organizations are largely to blame, and are hurting
not only the businesses they steal from, but the legitimate online sellers
they're competing with.
Retailers say shoplifting is on the rise
e-fencing - the selling of stolen goods online - is
not a new phenomenon. Organized retail theft increased nearly 60%
between 2015 and 2020, the
National Retail Federation found in a 2020 survey,
costing retailers an average of over $700,000 per $1 billion in sales. In
2021, a law enforcement officer
told The Wall Street Journal that Amazon "may be the largest unregulated
pawnshop on the face of the planet." The apparent
rise in shoplifting over the past year, however, suggests the online selling
of stolen goods may be becoming more common.
Congress passed a piece of legislation retailers
had been pushing for for years, one platforms like Amazon and eBay
came out in support of. The Inform Act will require online marketplaces
collect and verify the government ID, tax ID, and bank account information
of "high
volume third party sellers" - those that make
200 or more sales or earn at least $5,000 in a given year, the hope being
this will help kick some illicit sellers off online platforms.
Robberies, Burglaries &
Larceny Up in NYC - Murders & Shootings Drop
NYC Mayor Eric Adams still burdened by crime one year in office, despite drop in
murders and shootings
Adams and the NYPD recently celebrated
bringing shootings down by 17% in 2022
New York City Mayor Eric Adams vowed crack down on surging crime in the Big
Apple - but results have been mixed a year into his first term in office.

The Democrat and police leadership have celebrated that shooting and murder
numbers have fallen, but other crimes are still trending upward as several
high-profile crimes have critics calling for more to be done.
Adams and the NYPD recently touted that shootings had decreased 17% in 2022
and murders fell 11% when compared to 2021 data. However, as those violent
crimes fell, robberies, burglaries, felony assault,
grand larceny and other crimes continued in the city, spurring major crimes to
increase by 22% compared to 2021.
"I wanted to go after violent crime in general, but specifically,
homicides, shootings, gun crimes, those crimes were terrorizing our city," Adams
told the news site The City last month.
'Too Much Bloodshed'
California reeling from back-to-back shootings that killed 24
"Tragedy upon tragedy," Gov. Gavin Newsom, who was visiting Monterey Park
on Monday, said of the two attacks.
California has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, and there has been
talk of even more restrictions in the wake of the latest violence.
Data suggest the rules have made a difference. As
The Times reported last year, in 2005,
California had almost the same rate of deaths from guns as Florida or Texas,
with California reporting 9.5 firearms deaths per 100,000 people that year,
Florida reporting 10 and Texas 11, according to data from the National
Center for Health Statistics. Since then,
California repeatedly has tightened its gun laws, while Florida and
Texas have moved in the opposite direction.
Governor Newsom noted that people who want to avoid California strict gun laws
can simply go to a state with lesser regulations, buy weapons and bring them
Still, the continuing mass killings have many searching for answers. Some are
calling for tighter gun laws.
New Prosecutor Lists ORC as Top Priority of
Economic Crime Division
New Kings County, Wash., DA Lays Out New Policies
The Economic Crimes and Wage Theft Division will include organized retail
theft, economic crimes, identity theft, fraud, elder abuse and wage theft.
"In 2022, the Prosecuting Attorney's Office filed more than double the number
of organized retail theft charges than it did in 2021," Manion said. "Many
of those cases were filed in collaboration with the Seattle City Attorney's
Office. Seattle City Attorney Ann Davison is a strong leader and has been a
valuable partner in making Seattle a safer city, and I look forward to our
continued collaboration."
The Pros Are Hitting Stores Even in Rural
America - Shoplifting Up 80%
Colorado hardware store owner disturbed by rise "blatant" shoplifting crimes
a daily occurrence. Even depending on how long you guys are here, somebody is
stealing right now," said Todd Erwin, owner of Green Mountain Ace Hardware in
Lakewood and Golden Ace Hardware in Golden.
Erwin, family owns the store, says his family is baffled by the rise in crime at
Ace. "The biggest change is we've seen the organized part of it, so they
come in on cellphones, they have getaway vehicles, they're distracting
our management team and then the large ticket items, just blatantly walking
out with handfuls of power tools, power equipment, chainsaws, yetis."
The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office says it had 25 shoplifting crimes in 2021,
compared to 45 in 2022. While the number only increased by 20 instances, it
marks an 80% increase in shoplifting crimes.
"I think it starts with government changing the laws so that there's bigger
penalties," he said.
Currently in Colorado, shoplifting merchandise worth less than $2,000 will be
considered a petty or misdemeanor theft, and anything above that is a
Half Moon Bay shooting: Mass killing was 'workplace violence,' authorities say
A man accused of
killing seven people and injuring one more in Half Moon Bay is set to be
arraigned Wednesday afternoon in what authorities called an incident of
"workplace violence" that amounted to the deadliest mass shooting in San Mateo
County history, the sheriff and county's top prosecutor said Tuesday.
Newsom expresses frustration after multiple mass shootings in California
St. Louis County launches crime mapping system
COVID Update
667.8M Vaccinations Given
US: 103.9M Cases - 1.1M Dead - 100.9M Recovered
673.7M Cases - 6.7M Dead - 645.7M Recovered
Private Industry Security Guard Deaths: 362
Enforcement Officer Deaths: 829

COVID's Continued Impact on the Workforce
Long Covid Is Keeping Significant Numbers of People Out of Work, Study Finds
71% of claimants with long Covid needed continuing medical treatment or were
unable to work for six months or more.
Long Covid is having
a significant effect on
America's work force,
preventing substantial
numbers of people from going back to work
while others continue needing medical care long after returning to their jobs,
according to a new
analysis of workers' compensation claims in New York State.
The study, published Tuesday by New York's largest workers' compensation
insurer, found that during the first two years of the pandemic, about
71 percent of people
the fund classified as experiencing long Covid either required continuing
medical treatment or were unable to work
for six months or more. More than a year after contracting the coronavirus, 18
percent of long Covid patients had still not returned to work, more than
three-fourths of them younger than 60, the analysis found.
"Long Covid has harmed
the work force," said
the report, by the New York
State Insurance Fund, a state agency financed by employer-paid premiums. The
findings, it added, "highlight
long Covid as an
underappreciated yet important reason for the many unfilled jobs
and declining labor participation rate in the economy, and they presage a
possible reduction in productivity as employers feel the strains of an
increasingly sick work force." nytimes.com
The Post-Pandemic Work Reality
Remote Work Gives Rise to Workcations, Bleisure Travel and Hush Trips
a flexible policy that allows employees to combine work and vacation may
prove to be an excellent recruiting tool and a way to show employees that
the company values work-life balance. Such policies could also have a
positive impact on retention efforts.
Employees may be more motivated to stay with a company that extends this
trust and gives them accountability to manage their work and free time.
Additionally, these policies can ease the burden on employees who want to visit
family members who live far away.
On the flipside, if employees are trying to work from a vacation destination,
employers may worry about workers' WiFi connection, the functionality of their
workstation, and their ability to concentrate when they might just want to
explore their surroundings or have a margarita by the pool. Even if they are
attending a business meeting, you may be concerned about their level of
commitment if friends and family are tagging along.
The next worrisome coronavirus variant could come from China - will it get
surveillance is crucial for tracking the next 'variant of concern', but many
countries are winding back their monitoring.
CDC: XBB.1.5 Grows in U.S. as COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations Decline
COVID outbreak in China infects 80% of population
Industry News
What 2022's union trends say about organizing in retail
Among the retail industry's roughly 15 million workers,
around 749,000 - or
about 5% - were represented by a union in 2022.
That's up slightly from the 740,000 workers represents by a union the year
prior, yet flat from a percentage standpoint, according to new Bureau of Labor
Statistics data. In food service, about 1.7% of workers were represented by a
union, around 148,000 compared to 129,000 the year before.
The figures indicate that despite these small gains, the recent movement among
retail and service workers sparked by Starbucks in late 2021 still has a long
ways to go.
John Ahlquist, a professor at UC San Diego, said while there has been
significant attention paid to organizing movements at the likes of Starbucks and
these movements have
yet to scale large enough to move the needle on overall unionization.
Overall, around 273,000 more U.S. residents belonged to a union in 2022 than the
year before, for a total of about 14.3 million people. That's about 10.1% of all
workers. But that's a record low, down from 10.3% the year before.
Nathan Wilmers, a professor at MIT Sloan School of Management whose work focuses
on earnings inequality and labor organizing, said the union membership rate
has steadily declined since the 1980s. As many as 20.1% of workers were
represented by a union 1983, per the oldest comparable BLS data.
"The flip side of the small decline and union density is that the absolute
numbers of union members did increase with the increase in overall employment,
which means that it is the case that more people paying union dues, and
therefore more union capacity for future action than there was, say last year," Wilmers said.
Trade Show Season is Coming - Have a Code of
Conduct for Your Teams?
Is Your Event Code of Conduct Up to Date?
For many organizations, 2022 marked the return to in-person meetings. But did
they update their code of conduct to match the atmosphere they want at their
events? Here's advice to help you ensure your code is ready to guide attendee
"At any gathering, all participants-whether they work [for the organization],
they're attendees, they're leaders, or they're interns-all participants should
feel safe, welcome, respected, and engaged," Berg said. "That's the basis of a
code of conduct. Our behavior affects other people, and we need to recognize it
and take care that we're helping everyone involved have the opportunity to be
Code Basics - Effective codes of conduct can cover both in-person and online
events, and they have a few elements in common, Berg and Judish say. These are
three critical code basics:
Clarify reach. A code of conduct for an event should be clear that it
covers both member and nonmember attendees and applies only to official event
Keep it brief. A code needs to be easily understood by attendees. You
want a code of conduct that's brief, that doesn't place blame, that is
solutions-oriented, and that is really positive in its goal of making
conferences and events welcoming and comfortable and productive for everyone
Make it visible. To ensure awareness of your code of conduct, have
attendees agree to the code when registering, and then draw attention to it
again at the event's opening ceremony.
"Simply reminding people that there are these expectations hopefully will help
avoid ever having to take action under a code of conduct," "That's the goal,
right? You want to have an event code of conduct that you never have to invoke
because everybody complies with it."
How Does the "Silver Tsunami" Impact Security
& More Importantly Retail Itself?
Help wanted signs may end up saying we'll hire
Is our aging population a time bomb? An opportunity?
older, by the way, is an epidemic. About 10,000 people turn 65 each day in
the United States, and by 2035, people 65 and older will outnumber those
under 18 for the first time.
After climate change, "population aging is the second most important
phenomenon that humanity will have to figure out a way to address in the
21st century,"
As the population ages, tens of thousands of people will find that growing old
is unaffordable. Many will live in poverty and become homeless. And just as
low-income people and minorities were hit hardest by the coronavirus, the same
inequities will hammer the aging population.
As countries prepare for the coming decades, workforce shortages are just one
of the impacts of aging populations already being felt.
FTC Marks Identity Theft Awareness Week for 2023 on January 30-February 3
The Federal Trade Commission will mark its annual Identity Theft Awareness Week
with a series of free events January 30-February 3 focused on how identity theft
affects people of every community and ways to reduce your risk.
This year's events include webinars, podcasts and other activities. Participants
will hear from experts from the FTC and its Identity Theft Awareness Week
partners, including AARP, Consumer Action,
the Identity Theft
Resource Center (ITRC), the IRS, the Maryland Library for the Blind and
Print Disabled, the Small Business Administration, and the Department of
Veterans Affairs.
Find the full list of events at
ftc.gov/IDTheftweek. Consumers who have experienced identity theft can
report it to the FTC and get a personalized recovery plan at
Follow the
FTC on social media, read
alerts and the
blog, and
sign up
to get the latest FTC news and alerts.
Kroger Expands Its Reach To 36 States Without Opening New Stores
Kroger is delivering groceries directly to doorsteps
in Oklahoma - one of a number of new markets the grocery giant is serving
despite not opening a single new store.
Old Navy, Banana Republic & The Children's Place Closing Stores
Saks Fifth Avenue flagship may be home to casino
Downtown Minneapolis is losing its retailers, but why?


All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time
Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please.
If it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.
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In this independent research report by IHL Group and RIS News
based on a study of over 300 brands, learn how retailers are currently
leveraging analytics solutions across four main categories:
Descriptive Analytics (what happened)
Diagnostic Analytics (why it happened)
Predictive Analytics (what could happen)
Prescriptive Analytics (what should happen)
You'll learn how retailers that are using predictive and prescriptive analytics
are significantly outperforming those that aren't; where these analytics are
adding the most value; and which functional areas winning retailers are
investing in these solutions, including:
Loss Prevention
Employee Performance
Promotions Performance
Merchandising/Category Performance
Supply Chain and Vendor Performance
Store Performance
The report also looks at overall sales and profit growth, store and online sales
growth, as well as the prerequisites, timing, and challenges in implementing
predictive and prescriptive analytics solutions.
Download today to learn more.

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RH-ISAC Releases
Benchmark Reports
Cybersecurity Budgets Increase for Retail & Hospitality Industry
Despite economic headwinds and layoffs in
other areas, most retail and hospitality CISOs expect to add staff in 2023,
according to a new report.
VA (January 25, 2023) - Information security teams have always had to do
more with less, but 2023 might be the year when they are able to do more with
more. Riding a three-year trend, 70% of CISOs expect
their budgets to increase again this year, while 60% also expect more
FTEs, according to the
CISO Benchmark Report released today from the Retail & Hospitality
Information Sharing and Analysis Center (RH-ISAC).
The annual report surveys cybersecurity leaders from consumer-facing
industries to assess data about budgets, personnel, and organizational
The increase in budget and personnel reflects how
cybersecurity has grown as a critical part of business operations in many
organizations. This year, business disruption emerged as a top 10
(No. 7) risk that organizations currently face, up seven spots from No. 14 in
2021. Similarly, 50% of CISOs now have business continuity/disaster recovery
as part of their core responsibilities, an increase of 11 percentage points
since last year.

New this year is an additional benchmark report from RH-ISAC that survey
cybersecurity practitioners to understand the challenges and priorities staff
have in executing daily job functions.
Key insights from the
Practitioner Benchmark Report include:
• 83% serve more than one job function,
which means that employees have a valuable and diverse skill set across
security operations (76%), threat intelligence (66%), and risk management (66%)
• 93% believe they have the necessary skill sets
to perform their job effectively
"The retail and hospitality industries are constantly evolving, and so are
the cybersecurity challenges they face," said Suzie Squier, president of
RH-ISAC. "The RH-ISAC Benchmark Reports provide valuable insights and actionable
information for CISOs and other information security professionals to stay
informed about trends and resource allocation among infosec teams."
The full reports are available to RH-ISAC members,
and summary versions of each report are available to download:
CISO Benchmark Report |
Practitioner Benchmark Report
Click here
to read the full press release

Australia Initiates Global Ransomware Task Force Operations
Aim Is International Cooperation in Fight
Against Digital Extortion
A global ransomware task force led by Australia and comprised of 37 like-minded
governments commenced operations Monday with the aim of sharing intelligence to
stymie future digital extortion attacks.
The task force is an outgrowth of the U.S.-led Counter Ransomware Initiative,
which last met in November at the White House (see:
White House Ransomware Confab Ends With Data-Sharing Pledge).
The task force aims to foster collaboration in global law enforcement agencies
and cybersecurity authorities. In addition to swapping intelligence, it will
share best practices policy and legal authority frameworks.
The global initiative is hosted by the Australian Department of Home Affairs and
its recently
formed Cyber and Critical Technology Coordination Center. Australia in the
latter half of 2022 underwent an apparent rolling wave of cyberattacks that
included a ransomware-fueled data breach at
telecom provider Optus and the country's largest private health insurer
Australian Law Firms Cooperate in Medibank Litigation).
Ransomware Numbers:
# of Paying Victims Down 48% - Average Payment Up 58% - Total Gangs Revenue Down
Ransomware Profits Dip as Fewer Victims Pay Extortion
As Funding From Ransoms Goes Down, Gangs
Embrace Re-Extortion, Researchers Warn
Bad news for ransomware groups: Experts find that earning an extortionate
crypto-locking payday is getting harder as the world fortifies against the
onslaught of criminal malware.
The bad guys can blame more would-be victims getting robust defenses in place,
including well-rehearsed incident response plans, which make executing a
successful attack harder. Also, law enforcement agencies mobilize earlier to
assist victims, and by doing so they're learning better how attackers work and
where they might strike next. Such intelligence is key to deterring future
Here's one sign of the impact of such changes: While 79% of victims paid a
ransom in 2019, in 2022 only 41% of victims paid, reports ransomware
incident response firm
Coveware. That's despite the number of successful ransomware attacks
appearing to
remain constant.

Another sign: Fewer funds appear to be flowing to ransomware-wielding groups and
affiliates, who are predominantly based in or around Russia. Based on
currently available data, "2022's total ransomware revenue fell to at least
$456.8 million in 2022 from $765.6 million in 2021 - a huge drop of 40.3%,"
reports blockchain intelligence firm Chainalysis.
Unfortunately, ransomware groups have a proven history of innovating when
market conditions get tough. Coveware says attackers facing "financial
strain" last quarter collectively focused more on hitting slightly larger
organizations in pursuit of bigger ransom payments. So while fewer
victims paid, from the third quarter to the fourth, the average ransom
payment increased by 58% to $408,644, and the median payment increased by 342%
to $185,972, based on thousands of cases Coveware helped investigate.
As the supply of victims willing to pay a ransom decreases, demand for these
victims by ransomware groups appears to have been increasing, leading to higher
operating costs and lower revenues, and apparently driving criminals to use
more desperate tactics.
Former CEO Of Email Security Company Sentenced To Five Years In Prison
ROBERT BERNARDI, 68, of McLean, VA., the founder and former Chief Executive
Officer of the Virginia-based email security company GigaMedia Access
Corporation, d/b/a GigaTrust ("GigaTrust"), was sentenced to five years in
prison. BERNARDI was sentenced for orchestrating a scheme to defraud investors
and lenders of millions of dollars through false and misleading
misrepresentations, including fabricated bank statements and audit reports, and
by impersonating a purported customer, auditor, and GigaTrust lawyer.
Robert Bernardi repeatedly lied and impersonated others in order to convince
investors and lenders to fund his failing company. Rather than admit that
GigaTrust was underperforming, Bernardi concocted multiple schemes to keep the
company afloat, defrauding investors and lenders out of millions. Today's
sentence is a just consequence of Bernardi's fraudulent actions"
Chat Cybersecurity: AI Promises a Lot, But Can It Deliver?
Understanding your attack surface makes it easier to prioritize tech and systems |
Retail Secure Conference
Violence in stores is up by as much as 300%. Protect your associates and your
March 21, 2023 | The International Centre,
Mississauga ON
Violence in retail settings has become more common and more dangerous.
good news for retailers?
RCC's Retail Secure Conference will explore forward-thinking solutions for
mitigating these dangers - and more. The conference brings top retail loss prevention experts, industry suppliers,
security and law enforcement professionals together to explore actionable
systems and forward-thinking retail solutions.
RCC's continued work on de-escalation - including a recently released video with
Impact Risk Partners and detailed guidebooks - will be one of the topics further
explored at the conference as retailers and loss prevention and security
professionals work together to curb the concerning increase of violence seen in
stores across Canada.
Stay tuned for agenda and speaker announcements and take advantage of
Early Bird rates before February 21, 2023.
Click here to get
tickets and learn
Theft is Surging in Canada - But Like in the
U.S., Data is Tough to Come By
Retailers respond with more security & anti-theft
devices - and higher prices
We all pay for grocery theft
With food inflation at record highs, it is no surprise to learn there are
cases of theft occurring, but that trend could mean more cameras, security
guards and perhaps even anti-theft devices directly on food products
Cases of grocery store theft are grossly under-reported and obtaining food
theft data is extremely challenging. Most thefts are in-store,
off-the-shelf, of only a few products at most, and usually thefts by people
driven by desperation, negligence, or a mixture of both. The most troublesome
and financially damaging incidents for grocers are those carried out by
internal employees.
These cases rarely make headlines, due to their sensitive nature as the optics
can be embarrassing. Volume and valuation for these cases are usually more
important. Theft in general in food retail is taboo. But with the food inflation
rate exceeding the general inflation rate for more than a year now, the
industry realizes that their theft problem is worse than before.
Some stores are increasing security to prevent theft these days. There
are certainly the security guards at the entrance, but there are also
more and more security personnel dressed in civilian clothes, patrolling the
stores all day pretending to do their shopping. It's a discreet tactic but
one that is very effective.
Elsewhere in the world, certain methods are much more visible. Some stores in
the United States, Europe and elsewhere have even installed anti-theft alarms
directly on certain products, especially on meat cuts, cheese and confectionery.
You can expect more cameras, more surveillance, and more security in
general as your favourite grocer won't have a choice.
The other challenge facing grocers are self-checkouts. These systems are
increasingly popular, but monitoring at the point of service is challenging.
The technology is still not yet ready to limit theft.
Toronto's 'Organized Retail Crime Awareness
Toronto Crime Stoppers Launches Organized Retail Crime Awareness Campaign
On Wednesday, January 11, 2023, at Toronto Police Headquarters, Toronto Crime
Stoppers was joined by Toronto Police Chief of Police Myron Demkiw and corporate
partners to launch Phase 2 of the Organized Retail Crime Awareness Campaign.
Toronto Crime Stoppers Coordinator, Det. Marc Madramootoo, hosted the event,
with remarks by Chief of Police Myron Demkiw, Toronto Crime Stoppers Chair -
Sean Sportun and Rui Rodrigues - Executive Advisor Retail Council of Canada.
The objective of the initiative is straightforward, create awareness within
the community on the growing issue of retail theft and remind citizens to report
individuals involved in this criminal activity anonymously to Crime
"Organized retail theft is often perceived as harmless shoplifting, when in
fact, it's a lucrative, criminal enterprise and part of the business plan for
gangs funding other illegal activities," says Sean Sportun, Chair, Toronto
Crime Stoppers. "This proactive approach to create awareness in partnership with
our retail partners and the Toronto Police Service is a testament to improving
the safety of the community we serve which empowers a movement of a crime free
This initiative was made possible thanks to the generous support of
GardaWorld and other other community partners.
Robberies & Other Crime Has Businesses Feeling
Frustrated Chinatown business owner considers leaving historic Vancouver
From property crimes to smashed storefront windows to defaced cultural
landmarks, it's an understatement to say Vancouver's Chinatown neighbourhood
needs help. While it may soon get some from City Hall, for one business
owner, it may be too little, too late.
Ng and her husband have owned New Town Bakery and Restaurant along Pender Street
between Main and Columbia for 43 years. The 67-year-old has worked in Chinatown
for more than five decades and says she has seen a steep decline in the
neighbourhood, referring to the ongoing reports of vandalism, tagging,
graffiti, and robberies.
Ng says things have gotten so bad over the past 10 years that they're
considering either moving their business or retiring.
"It was nothing like this before. Things are getting worse. I'm sad, I'm
frustrated, and I'm hopeless," she told CityNews. "For me, I really want to
give up Chinatown. I can move somewhere else. I don't have to stay here and
Vancouver police say crime in the neighbourhood was up between 2021 and 2022.
"Offences against people are up 19 per cent. Property
offences are up 18 per cent - including arsons up 50 per cent,
mischief up 17 per cent and commercial break and enters
up 20 per cent," explained Sgt. Steve Addison, noting these figures
are based on the boundaries of the neighbourhood laid out by the Chinatown BIA.
Because of the business' location, Ng says they have a hard time attracting
and retaining staff. She adds her business is down 20 per cent
year-over-year, resulting in losses of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
RELATED: COVID isolation, social media could be
factors in violent crimes by teens
Canada's Data Privacy Week
OPC launches 2023 Data Privacy Week campaign
Canada joins many countries around the world in marking Data Privacy Week
to commemorate the 1981 signing of the first legally binding international
treaty on privacy and data protection.
Philippe Dufresne, Privacy Commissioner of Canada, issued the following
statement on the occasion of Data Privacy Week:
My job is to protect and promote the privacy rights of
individuals and to ensure that organizations respect their privacy obligations.
I do so not only by investigating and making decisions on privacy complaints,
but also by championing privacy as a fundamental right, and encouraging
businesses and government institutions to foster a culture of privacy by
considering privacy implications at the outset of any initiative, and making it
easy for Canadians to choose privacy protection as the default setting.
This week is Data Privacy Week. I encourage everyone to take a moment to
think about privacy and explore our website and resources to learn how you can
better protect yourself, your customers, and your community.
This year, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has also
produced a series of videos featuring OPC employees providing privacy tips to
individuals, organizations and federal institutions to help them better protect
privacy and safeguard personal information.
We encourage everybody to help us mark Data Privacy Week January 22-28 and
increase awareness about privacy protection.
RELATED: The last week of January is Data Privacy
Week 2023
Committee hopeful grocery code of conduct will be in place by end of year
After more than a year of talks, meetings
and negotiations, the steering committee working on the code say they're
"putting the final touches on it"
The latest progress report from the steering committee working on the code
confirmed that most of the key provisions were complete and progress was
being made on how the code will be overseen and enforced.
By enhancing transparency, predictability and fair dealing, the code will
help make Canada's food
supply chain more resilient," the statement read, with "transparency,
predictability and fair dealing" being the three key watchwords for the entire
process since the federal and provincial ministers called on the key players
across the industry to get together and create a code in July 2021.
While the basic rules and provisions are agreed upon, the remaining "finishing
touches" relate to governance and enforcement.
There will be a board of directors from representatives across the industry and
an adjudicator supported by a small team which will listen to complaints and
enforce the code. It's likely the office will have six staff.
There will also be wider consultations with the
industry to introduce as many stakeholders as possible to the proposals.
RCC Cybersecurity Webinar Series
Keeping Your Operations Safe: Cybersecurity Awareness Webinar
Cybercrimes in retail have surged. According to
SonicWall's biannual report, there has been a massive 264% increase in
ransomware attacks on e-commerce and online retail businesses.
assist retailers, RCC has launched the
new Retail CyberSecure program. The first webinar in the six-part series
is aimed at making retailers aware of the latest tactics cybercriminals are
using to target unsuspecting users at each point of the shopping journey.
This webinar will cover key areas of cybersecurity vulnerability that retailers
and their teams need to be aware of, including dangers in: web browsing;
payment processing; email checking; online interactions.
Click here to register
From Pandemic to Possible Recession
'Rough Ride Ahead' For Retailers In Canada As Reality Sets In: Doug Stephens
"While they're trying to repair some of the damage maybe that we've done by the
pandemic they're now kind of battening down the hatches for the possibility
and the probability of recession," said the Fortune 100 Business Advisor,
Founder and President of
Retail Prophet and
author of
Resurrecting Retail: The Future of Business in a Post-Pandemic World.
Canada's largest alcohol retailer's site hacked to steal credit cards
The Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), a
Canadian government enterprise and the country's largest beverage alcohol
retailer, revealed that unknown attackers had breached its website to inject
malicious code designed to steal customer and credit card information at
POLL: Which grocery store departments are most vulnerable to theft?
Zellers to Open Initial 25 Stores in Canada with Potential Return of Mascot 'Zeddy'
5 Years Since Sears Canada Shut All Stores [Retrospective]

Robbers Shoot Their Way Out of Jewelry Store
Suspects shot their way out of Scarborough mall after jewelry store robbery
police say three suspects shot their way out of a Scarborough shopping centre
after making off with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise from a jewelry
store Thursday evening.
Security camera footage obtained by CTV News Toronto shows a man approaching the
store and asking to be let in. He waits because there is a customer already in
the shop. After a few minutes, the door opens for the customer to leave, and
when the other man tries to enter, three men approach. One suspect in
black and armed with a gun pulls the new customer away.
The customer walks away, while the robbers are seen smashing the glass cases
inside the store. One man who owns a mobile phone and computer store near the
back of the mall said he locked the back door when he heard the robbery and
pushed a large garbage bin across to try block the thieves from leaving. He
said they shot the glass out of the door when they couldn't get out.
$1.3M in Precious Metals Stolen from Store
3 teens out on judicial release 'caught in the act' robbing Toronto store:
A group of teen boys allegedly part of a "crime group" were "caught in the
act" robbing a store in Toronto, resulting in their arrest and nearly
$1.3 million in gold and silver being recovered, police say.
York Regional Police said on Dec. 10 at 2:15 p.m., three masked suspects entered
a precious metals store on Bloor Street and robbed it while using a firearm.
They obtained gold and silver and went to a nearby vehicle where a fourth
suspect was waiting, police said.
York Regional Police Hold-Up officers were in the area as part of an
investigation into the same suspects, police said, and the officers contained
the vehicle, which was allegedly stolen.
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Employees choked by man in robbery at Shoppers Drug
Mart in Oakville
Halton police say two pharmacy employees were assaulted during the daylight
robbery of an Oakville Shoppers Drug Mart on Sunday, Jan. 22. At around 2:45
p.m., a man entered the Shoppers at 351 Cornwall Rd., and ordered employees to
open the narcotics safe, police said. The safe had a time delay requirement and
would not open. Police allege the suspect choked two employees during the
robbery and stole some other medications from the counter before fleeing the
area. Halton EMS attended the scene to assist the employees with what were
described as minor injuries.
Police recover over $350K worth of stolen household items at Mississauga
The suspects were identified, and police executed a
search warrant at a business in Mississauga, where a handgun and ammunition were
seized. Investigators also recovered 176 appliances stolen from three separate
warehouses in Peel Region worth more than $350,000.
Thieves steal up to $250K in products from Vancouver snowboard shop, owner says
The owner of a popular snowboard shop in Vancouver
says his business was targeted by thieves, who were able to make off with
hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of items early Tuesday.
B.C. employee arrested after allegedly posting $80K in refunds to her own credit
Pokémon, Magic cards stolen during string of comic book store robberies in
3 Brampton teens charged after series of armed carjackings, pharmacy robberies
Police search for man after knife-point robbery in Oshawa
Pembroke man accused of shoplifting, faces 21 charges |
View Canadian Connections Archives
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U.S. AG & 8 States AG's Claim Google Forcibly
Shaped The Market-Products & Tools to Eliminate Ad Tech Competitors
Justice Department Sues Google for Monopolizing Digital Advertising Technologies
Through Serial Acquisitions and
Anticompetitive Auction Manipulation, Google Subverted Competition in Internet
Advertising Technologies
Today, the Justice Department, along with the Attorneys General of
California, Colorado, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island,
Tennessee, and Virginia, filed a civil antitrust suit against Google for
monopolizing multiple digital advertising technology products in violation of
Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act.
Filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, the
complaint alleges that Google monopolizes key digital advertising technologies,
collectively referred to as the "ad tech stack," that website publishers depend
on to sell ads and that advertisers rely on to buy ads and reach potential
customers. Website publishers use ad tech tools to generate advertising revenue
that supports the creation and maintenance of a vibrant open web, providing the
public with unprecedented access to ideas, artistic expression, information,
goods, and services. Through this monopolization lawsuit, the Justice Department
and state Attorneys General seek to restore competition in these important
markets and obtain equitable and monetary relief on behalf of the American
As alleged in the complaint, over the past 15 years, Google has engaged in a
course of anticompetitive and exclusionary conduct that consisted of
neutralizing or eliminating ad tech competitors through acquisitions; wielding
its dominance across digital advertising markets to force more publishers and
advertisers to use its products; and thwarting the ability to use competing
products. In doing so, Google cemented its dominance in tools relied on by
website publishers and online advertisers, as well as the digital advertising
exchange that runs ad auctions.
U.S. AG Says Google Manipulated Mechanics to
Weaken if Not Destroy Competition
Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Delivers Remarks on Lawsuit Against Google
for Monopolizing Digital Advertising Technologies
Today, the Department of Justice, joined by eight states, filed a civil
antitrust lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
Virginia against Google.
We allege that Google has used anticompetitive, exclusionary, and unlawful
conduct to eliminate or severely diminish any threat to its dominance over
digital advertising technologies.
These technologies, which are known as "ad tech," automate advertising sales by
website publishers to online advertisers.
When an internet user opens a webpage that has ad space to sell, ad tech tools
almost instantly match the website publisher with an advertiser looking to
promote its products or services to the website's user.
This product and process typically involves the use of an automated advertising
exchange. This exchange runs a high-speed auction designed to identify the best
match between a publisher selling internet ad space and advertisers looking to
buy it.
As alleged in our complaint, for 15 years, Google has pursued a course of
anticompetitive conduct that has allowed it to halt the rise of rival
technologies, manipulate auction mechanics to insulate itself from competition,
and force advertisers and publishers to use its tools.
In so doing, Google has engaged in exclusionary conduct to severely weaken,
if not destroy, competition in the ad tech industry.
As detailed in our complaint, we allege that Google's anticompetitive conduct
extends to three significant elements of the digital ad buying process.
First, Google controls the technology used by nearly every major website
publisher to offer advertising space for sale.
Second, Google controls the leading tool used by advertisers to buy that
advertising space.
And, third, Google controls the largest ad exchange that matches publishers and
advertisers together each time that ad space is sold.
The big banks want to take on PayPal in e-commerce, but that's harder than it
Amazon launches RxPass, a $5/month Prime add-on for all-you-need generic drugs
covering 80 conditions
Perry, GA: Dollar General employee arrested after $80,000 in fraudulent
A Perry Dollar General employee has been arrested after investigators say she
made dozens of fraudulent charges at the Dollar General on Plaza Drive.
According to Perry PD, 32-year-old Vanessa Brownlee, from Warner Robins, made
over 150 fraudulent transactions at the store. An investigation on Monday showed
that these transactions cost the store nearly $80,000 in losses.
Federal Prosecutor; "We Can Hope the Third
Time is the Charm & That He Finally Learns His Lesson"
EyeglassesDepot.com Operator Busted a Third Time - Pleads Guilty in Federal
Court of Defrauding His Customers
VITALY BORKER, the operator of "EyeglassesDepot.com" and other online retailers
of purported designer eyewear, pled guilty today to one count of wire fraud in
connection with a scheme to defraud customers of his websites.
"Once again, Vitaly Borker has pled guilty to crimes relating to his
fraudulent operation of eyewear websites. Borker's plea today demonstrates this
Office's intolerance for recidivism, and we can only hope that the third time
is the charm and that Borker finally learns his lesson."
Beginning in at least June 2020, after being released from federal custody and
entering a Residential Reentry Center, VITALY BORKER operated an eyewear sales
and repair services website called EyeglassesDepot.com. EyeglassesDepot.com
claimed, among other things, that it sold "brand new and 100% authentic designer
eyeglasses and sunglasses" and that it had "thousands of pairs of glasses in
stock...ready for shipping as early as TODAY." In truth, however, the eyewear sold
to customers of EyeglassesDepot.com was often used or counterfeit.
In order to conceal his role in operating EyeglassesDepot.com, BORKER - who has
twice previously been convicted in this District of crimes relating to his
operation of eyewear websites - used the identities of other individuals in
connection with the operation of EyeglassesDepot.com.
BORKER, 46, of Brooklyn, New York, pled guilty to one count of wire fraud, which
carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and willbe sentenced on April
There's a lot more to this story - Stay tuned
as we follow it.
DOJ: Brooklyn Man Indicted for Interstate Transportation of Stolen Goods
Tony Newton, 63, of Brooklyn, New York, is charged by indictment with two counts
of interstate transportation of stolen goods. Newton was charged by criminal
complaint in July 2022 for transporting stolen jewelry from a store located
in a shopping center in Edison, New Jersey, to Brooklyn, and is detained.
On June 1, 2022, and July 16, 2022, Newton transported stolen jewelry across
state lines from Middlesex County, New Jersey, and Union County, New Jersey,
respectively, to New York.
Each count of interstate transportation of stolen goods is punishable by a
maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and $250,000 fine.
Mt. Laurel, NJ: Police Looking for Chronic Costco Shoplifter
The Mount Laurel Police Department (MLPD) is asking for the public's help in
identifying an individual who is suspected of shoplifting from Costco on
Centerton Road over the weekend - and it's not the first time the person is
accused of stealing. The incident occurred on Saturday, January 21, when the
suspect (pictured) entered Costco at about 9:26AM and loaded two Dyson
vacuums and eight Roomba vacuums into a shopping cart. The individual passed
all points of sale without paying for the items before they were confronted by
Costco's loss prevention team, but was able to make off with two Roomba
vacuums. According to the MLPD, the suspect then got into a black Lincoln
MKX (pictured) and left the scene. This is not the first time the individual
in question is accused of stealing, as the person is a suspect in numerous other
shoplifting incidents at Costcos in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
PA: Police in Cumberland County seek 2 people who crashed vehicle into firearms
store, stole guns
Police in Cumberland County are looking for two people who crashed a stolen
vehicle into a firearms store and took guns. The burglary happened around 5 a.m.
Saturday at SPAR Firearms in the 6000 block of Carlisle Pike in Hampden
Township. Police said the burglars crashed a pickup truck, which was reported
stolen in Dauphin County, into the glass windows in the front of the building.
Video surveillance shows the two people enter the store through the damaged wall
and steal a "small number of firearms" before taking off, according to
National City, CA: Update: Organizer in 2019 National City jewelry store robbery
The organizer in an armed robbery of a South Bay jewelry store was sentenced to
96 months in prison, United States Attorney Randy Grossman's office said in a
news release Monday. Trenelle Cannon, 23, pleaded guilty to one count of
Conspiracy to Interfere with Commerce by Robbery in federal court for his
involvement in the robbery of the Alpha and Omega Jewelry Store in National City
back in 2019. At around 12:25 p.m. on March 26, 2019, National City Police
Department officials say three masked individuals went into the store located at
the 1500 block of Sweetwater Road, pointed a gun at the store clerk and smashed
up to six jewelry cases to grab the merchandise inside before fleeing. Cannon
never entered the store, Grossman's office said, instead assisting the operation
in an organizational role. This included providing instructions to those who
carried out the robbery on what to do during the operation and actively
attempting to sell the stolen merchandise afterwards. In his plea agreement,
Cannon also admitted to providing the gun used in the robbery. Cannon is
apparently a member of the O'Farrell Park Street Gang, according to officials.
UK: Newcastle, England: Romanian organized crime group targeted North East
stores in $180,000 'phone steaming' plot
A member of an organised crime gang who targeted electronics stores in a
£150,000 smash and grab "phone steaming" plot has been jailed. A group of young
criminals, mainly from Romania, struck at a series of mobile phone shops across
the North East, using violence and aggression to frighten workers and customers
and steal valuables. Two members of the gang - Ionathan Marin and Ionathan
Stefan - were dealt with in September 2021 and now justice has finally caught up
with Marius Dragusano after he went on the run. Others involved fled the country
and were never caught.
Tauranga, New Zealand: Sunglasses stolen in early morning burglary of Tauranga
eye clinic
Around 100 pairs of sunglasses were stolen within minutes in a smash-and-grab at
a Tauranga eye clinic this morning. Tauranga Eyecare by Langford Callard
director and optometrist Celia Cutfield told the Bay of Plenty Times the Cameron
Rd building's alarm went off at 3.20am, and security arrived seven minutes later
to find the glass front door smashed.
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Shootings & Deaths
Yakima, WA: 3 shot dead at Circle K; suspect is found dead
suspect in a shooting that left three people dead in a Yakima, Wash.,
convenience store early Tuesday morning is believed to have died from a
self-inflicted gunshot wound, police said. Law enforcement initiated a SWAT call
at a home where the suspect, Jarid Haddock, 21, was suspected of being at, but
he was not there at the time. Instead, he was at a local Target store, Yakima
Police Chief Matt Murray said. Police said the suspect borrowed a woman's phone
to call his mother, and she overhead him making statements that he killed the
three people and was going to kill himself, Murray said. The woman got her phone
back and informed police of what she heard and that he was at a nearby Pizza
Hut. The suspect, who was traveling on foot, was later found near a marijuana
store. "I listened to that call," Murray said. "It's pretty harrowing, and I
have to really thank her again because she was really courageous in getting us
there." As police approached, they heard gunshots and found Haddock dead.
Authorities believe he shot himself, but no one saw him carry out the act.
Update: Hillsborough, NC: Hillsborough Police charge man with murder of elderly
Home Depot worker
have charged a man with murder in the death of an elderly worker knocked to the
floor last year during an alleged robbery at the Home Depot in Hillsborough.
Terry McAnthony McMillian Jr. of Durham has been charged with first-degree
murder and robbery. Surveillance footage showed the employee, 83-year-old Gary
Rasor, stepping out in front of a man in the outdoor garden center of the store
as police say he fled with stolen merchandise. Footage showed the man shoving
Rasor to the concrete floor and then continuing to walk past him. McMillian
allegedly left the scene with three stolen pressure washers in a car with
temporary license plates. Rasor was hospitalized with several broken bones. He
died Nov. 30 from complications from injuries he suffered in the Oct. 18
incident outside of the home improvement store in the Hampton Pointe Shopping
Center in Hillsborough. North Carolina state law defines first-degree murder as
a killing that is willful, deliberate, and premeditated or committed during the
perpetration or attempted perpetration of a crime like robbery. If convicted,
McMillian could be sentenced to life in prison without parole. The North
Carolina medical examiner ruled the death a homicide, police said previously.
Investigators were assisted by the State Bureau of Investigation and the FBI's
Raleigh-Durham Safe Streets Task Force, in addition to help from the Durham and
Orange County sheriff's offices. McMillian was taken into custody without
incident in Durham around 7 a.m. Tuesday and is being held without bail in the
Orange County jail in Hillsborough.
Louisville, KY: Teen McDonald's employee shot and wounded in attempted robbery
teenager is recovering in the hospital after an attempted robbery in Newburg.
According to Metro Police, their Sixth Division officers were called to the
McDonald's location on Preston Highway and Indian Trail around 7:15 Tuesday. In
their preliminary investigation, police said a suspect in a vehicle attempted to
rob the business and while doing so, shot a teenage male employee in the arm.
The suspect fled moments after. The teen was alert, conscious and taken to UofL
Hospital by ambulance. His injuries, police believe, are non-life threatening.
LMPD said their detectives are canvassing the area for information. There are no
McDonald's corporate headquarters issued a statement following the incident
saying: "We are shocked by this senseless act of violence. The safety of our
employees and our customers is of paramount importance to our organization and
our thoughts are with our employee and their loved ones. We are fully
cooperating with the police investigation into this matter."
Macon, GA: Man shot to death in parking lot of Macon fast-food restaurant,
suspect on the run
Charlotte, NC: Homicide at northeast Charlotte gas station parking lot is 8th of
Incidents & Thefts
Glasgow, KY: Two Police officers injured in Little Caesar's restaurant assault
Police say two officers were injured in an altercation at Little Caesar's Pizza
Tuesday afternoon. Major Terry Flatt told WBKO News police got a call around
3:05 p.m. of a dispute between a customer and employees of the
restaurant. When police responded, the customer reportedly assaulted four
officers. Two of them were treated for minor injuries and released. The
customer, identified as Ryan T. Woodard, was taken to the Barren County Jail.
Among his charges are robbery 1st degree, resisting arrest, assault of four
police officers, disorderly conduct, and menacing.
Pittsburgh, PA: 13-year-old arrested in connection with robbery, abduction of
Pittsburgh pizza delivery driver
A 13-year-old boy has been arrested and charged in connection with the Jan. 3
robbery and abduction of a pizza delivery driver in Pittsburgh's Elliott
neighborhood. Pittsburgh police did not identify the teen. Police spokeswoman
Amanda Mueller said the boy has not been charged as an adult because of his age.
"An affidavit has been filed, but until or unless he is charged as an adult, a
name will not be released," Mueller said. Police charged the teen Monday with
offenses including aggravated assault, kidnapping, robbery, criminal conspiracy
and robbery of a motor vehicle. He was arrested earlier that day in the 600
block of Elliott's First Avenue, according to a public docket of police arrests.
"There is one arrest of a juvenile, but more arrests are expected," Cara Cruz,
another police spokeswoman, told the Tribune-Review.
Rowan County, NC: Targeted attack on Rowan County Dollar General Worker
Saturday afternoon an Associate came into work at the Dollar General, within
minutes a man walked into the store and attacked the associate behind the
counter, then walked out of the store. This was not a robbery, nothing was
stolen, just a random attack according to Police. The associate suffered minor
New York, NY: NYPD probing break-in and robbery pattern on Upper West Side
targeting several restaurants and bakeries
Charlotte, NC: $50,000 reward for information after mail carrier robbed at
gunpoint in south Charlotte
San Leandro, CA: 5 suspected in at least 27 East Bay convenience store robberies
Washington, DC: Armed serial carjackers captured in DC restaurant's freezer
St Paul, MN: DOJ: Two Men Sentenced to Prison for Armed Carjacking in Rosedale
Mall Parking Lot
Fairfax County, VA: Thieves have targeted gaming machines in six 7-Eleven stores
in Fairfax Co. in four weeks
San Diego, CA: Firefighters Rescue 'Burglar' from Oven Vent on Roof
Minneapolis, MN: Target burglar set fire inside store
Police say a burglary suspect confessed to starting a fire inside the Target
Express on Lake Street after breaking in to the store early Tuesday morning.
Police spokesman Officer Garrett Parten says squads were dispatched to the store
at 1300 West Lake Street around 3:40 a.m. after reports of a business burglary.
Responding officers noticed a damaged door, went into the Target and found a
suspect inside. While that man was being booked he reportedly told police he had
started a fire inside a garbage can. Parten says the fire activated a sprinkler
inside the store. Fire crews arrived about 5 minutes later, laid down water
lines and extinguished what little remained of the fire and subsequent hot
spots. The building sprinklers were then shut down. At this point there are no
reports on the extent of water damage caused by the incident.
C-Store - Muncie, IN -
Armed Robbery
C-Store - Fairfax
County, VA - Robbery
C-Store- Rapid City,
SD - Burglary
C-Store - Bakersfield,
CA - Armed Robbery
C-Store -
Philadelphia, PA - Armed Robbery
CBD - Lincoln, NE -
Gaming - Scranton, PA
- Burglary
Gas Station -
Miltonvale, KS - Robbery
Gas Station - Blaine,
WA - Burglary
Guns - Cumberland
County, PA - Burglary
Hardware - Round Lake
Beach, IL - Burglary
Liquor - Henderson, KY
- Robbery
Pet - Colorado
Springs, CO - Robbery
Restaurant -
Wilmington, DE - Armed Robbery (Applebees)
Restaurant - New York,
NY - Burglary
Restaurant - New York,
NY - Burglary
Restaurant - New York,
NY - Burglary
Restaurant - Glasgow,
KY - Robbery
Restaurant -
Louisville, KY - Armed Robbery (McDonalds)/ Emp shot-wounded
Restaurant -
Naperville, IL - Armed Robbery
Restaurant - Ladson,
SC - Burglary
Restaurant - Honolulu,
HI - Robbery
Restaurant - San
Diego, CA - Burglary
Target - Minneapolis,
MN - Burglary |
Daily Totals:
• 12 robberies
• 12 burglaries
• 1 shooting
• 0 killed |

Click to enlarge map
None to report. |
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Region Asset Protection Manager (Ft. Lauderdale)
Fort Lauderdale, FL - posted
January 18
Responsible for managing asset protection programs
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This position will develop the framework for the groups' response to critical
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Region Asset Protection Manager-St Augustine and Daytona Beach Market
Jacksonville, FL - posted
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Responsible for managing asset protection programs
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This position will develop the framework for the groups' response to critical
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Region Asset Protection Manager: Fresco y Mas Banner
Hialeah, FL - posted
January 18
Responsible for managing asset protection programs
designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad
check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region.
This position will develop the framework for the groups' response to critical
incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...
Regional Asset Protection and Safety Manager (UK)
London, UK - posted
January 3
Responsible for ensuring application of Environmental,
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Manager of Asset Protection & Safety Operations
Woodcliff Lake, NJ - posted
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The Manager of Asset Protection & Safety Operations is
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Loss Prevention Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst
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As a Loss Prevention Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst
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District Asset Protection Manager
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As the District Asset Protection Manager you will lead administration of
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- posted November 4
The Asset Protection Associate (APA) is responsible for
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Handling the big question - Why did you leave? is the hardest of them all if, in
fact, your departure was involuntary. Like Bum Phillips, the old Houston Oilers
coach, once said at a luncheon I attended, "There's two types of coaches - those
that have been fired and those who are waiting to be fired." And quite frankly
he was almost dead-on as over 70% of executives will face involuntary departures
from an employer during their career. The best position to take is one of
absolute straightforwardness. Be open - be honest - and be reflective right from
the beginning. But get it over quick and deal with it right at the beginning of
the interview and don't make it a long-winded response. Certainly review it -
rehearse it - make sure it answers the question. But get it out of the way and
move on in your own mind. Look to the future and leave it behind you.
Just a Thought, Gus

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