
2020 GLPS - Group LP Selfies
Your Team - Your Pride - Our Industry
Building Industry Pride - One Team Selfie at a Time
The Louis
Vuitton Americas Risk Management Team
Ax throwing at their recent
team outing! |

Thanks to Jon Shimp, VP, Risk
Management at Louis Vuitton Americas,
for submitting this photo. |
NY Times Article Blasts Amazon
Industry Disrupter Under
Fire by U.S. Congress
Led to 0 Arrests Nationwide
Your Amazon Ring Camera Spied on You - Now What?
Congress Demanding Answers
About Data & Law Enforcement
'Gaping Security Holes' - Hijacked Cameras' - 'Hidden Code Sharing Data'
internet-connected doorbell gadget, has gained a reputation as the webcam
that spies on you and that has failed to protect your data.
The company
fired four employees over the last four years for watching customers'
videos. Last month, researchers found that Ring's apps contained hidden code,
which had
shared customer data with third-party marketers. And in December,
hackers hijacked the Ring cameras of multiple families, using the devices'
speakers to verbally assault some of them.
This week,
Ring announced new protocols to strengthen the security of its products,
such as mandating two-factor verification, which requires you to punch in a
temporary code before logging into your account to see your footage.
Yet security experts said that Ring had been slow to react and that its
solutions were weak.
Read more
Amazon lets police ask for Ring videos that are more than a month old
U.S. Senator: 'Lack of Privacy & Civil
Rights Protections is Chilling'
Read more
Senator Markey Investigation into Amazon Ring Doorbell Reveals Egregiously Lax
Privacy Policies and Civil Rights Protections
Lawmaker found Ring has no evidentiary standards for law enforcement to
request video footage, no compliance mechanisms to ensure footage of children
isn't collected.
Read more
Cute videos, but little evidence: Police say Amazon Ring isn't much of a crime
Deafening Lack of Evidence it Makes City's
Park Police Department hasn't made a single arrest facilitated by footage
obtained from Ring cameras since it partnered with the company in April 2018.
Ring promises to "make
neighborhoods safer" by
deterring and helping to
solve crimes, citing its own research that says an installation of its
doorbell cameras reduces burglaries by more than 50 percent. But an NBC News
Investigation has found - after interviews with 40 law enforcement agencies
in eight states that have partnered with Ring for at least three months -
that there is little concrete evidence to support the claim.
Read more
Click here
to see our complete coverage of the Amazon Ring controversy
The End of a 60-Year Era
Leslie Wexner to Step Down
Ties to the Disgraced Financier Jeffrey Epstein
Leslie Wexner to Step Down as Victoria's Secret Is Sold
'Mr. Wexner, who built L Brands into a
retailing force, had come under scrutiny for his ties to the disgraced financier
Jeffrey Epstein.'
H. Wexner, 82, will step down as the chief executive and chairman of L Brands as
the company announced Thursday that it would sell a majority stake of its crown
jewel, the lingerie brand Victoria's Secret, to a private equity firm. The sale
came after months of scrutiny of Mr. Wexner's close ties to the disgraced
financier Jeffrey Epstein and questions about the company's internal culture.
L Brands said it would sell a 55 percent stake of the lingerie brand to
Sycamore Partners, a firm that specializes in retailers, for $525 million.
Mr. Wexner will become chairman emeritus of L Brands when the deal is
finalized, which is expected this spring. Bath & Body Works, also owned by L
Brands, will become a separate public company.
Over the years, he has been described as "one of the great merchant princes of
the late 20th century," a "rag-trade
revolutionary" and the "Merlin
of the mall."
The Epstein Ties - "What a tragic ending to a really brilliant story."

California's Security Bag
Check Compensation Law Suit Finally Resolved
Here's the Supreme Courts Reasoning
California Supreme Court Rules Apple to Pay for Employee Bag Checks
Employees Can't "Freely Avoid" Inspections
This legal case has been going on for over eight years and has been ruled on in
a number of states. With California having more class action cases then any
other. In the final ruling it used one of Apple's marketing theme's, "you
wouldn't think about leaving home without it," against Apple. As there was no
plausible way to avoid the process.
This decision is notable because by rejecting a bright-line distinction
between "avoidable" and "unavoidable" tasks, the Court calls into question a
defense employers have raised in many similar security check cases.
Key Points: Apple employees spent waiting for and undergoing mandatory
security inspections is compensable.
Editor's Note: In one of the Courts opinions, they actually used
Apple's own marketing as rational proof against it.
Read Key Points & Courts reasons here
What HR Is Reading
What California's Latest Bag Check Case Means for You
Decision is Retroactive
Employers should also note that this case extends well beyond just bag
checks. It provides a key for evaluation of compensable time under
California law generally. Although many activities may remain unpaid under the
guidance of this decision, employers in California should nonetheless
identify and evaluate any and all unpaid activities of their employees that
could have any arguable relationship to their work-whether it is on-site or not.
Open-Hiring: Is There a
Place for it in Retail?
'Inclusive Hiring -
Fair-Chance Hiring'
The Body Shop's "Open Hiring': Just answer 3 yes-or-no questions
No Interviews, No Background Checks & No
Drug Tests
The Body Shop
hiring employees on a first-come, first-serve basis if they answer "yes" to
three basic questions.
Three yes-or-no questions. If answers yes to all three, the job is
theirs. The three questions used were: Are you authorized to work in the
U.S.? Can you stand for up to eight hours? Can you lift more than 50 pounds?
What Is Open Hiring?
Some employers are embracing this as a way to open the doors to a whole group of
often-overlooked individuals. For a lot of roles, experience actually isn't
critical, so an employer can opt to not worry about experience and instead
train on the tasks at hand. This model has been championed by the
Greyston Bakery in New York-the company that makes brownie treats for
companies like Ben & Jerry's. They're still a leader in this hiring model and
have launched an Open Hiring Center to help other organizations
implement their own version of the practice. This overall model is sometimes
called inclusive hiring or fair-chance hiring.
Some of the aspects of open hiring are a bit tougher for some employers to
embrace-such as not doing criminal background screening-but that doesn't mean
the practice is without merit or that it can't be modified a bit, if needed,
while still embracing the concept.
For employers interested in the idea, it's important to note that open hiring
doesn't necessarily mean that no screening is done at all. Applicants are
considered based on their ability to do the job. This means employers can still
have the final say in exactly how the process might look at their organization,
while still embracing the concept. This might mean less emphasis on work history
and more emphasis on the applicant's abilities. It might mean more training for
new hires. It might mean a probationary period.
Proponents of an open hiring model cite multiple other benefits. For example:
Improved retention - Improved diversity - The recruiting process is fast -
The organization is seen as helping the community.
What Is Open Hiring? - HR Daily Advisor
Associations Cancel Events, Shake Up Schedules in Response to Coronavirus
Numerous events big and small have had to change their schedules or even cancel
in response to lingering concerns about the Wuhan coronavirus. The disease led
to the recent cancellation of Mobile World Congress, among others. Events,
including many run by associations, have faced major disruptions, delays, and
even cancellations. And some of those affected aren't even taking place in
Asia-showing how concerns about the disease stretch beyond Chinese borders.
Report: Trucks remain prime target of cargo thieves worldwide
Cargo in transit by road remains the dominant risk; theft from trucks parked
in unsecured lots average 8 per day globally.
International transport and logistics insurer TT Club and supply chain
intelligence firm BSI released data for 2019 showing that 87% of cargo thefts
targeted trucks in 2019, up from 84% in 2018, dwarfing theft from all other
modalities, including warehouses and trains. What's more, 60% of truck
incidents occurred while the vehicles were in transit, in rest areas, or at
an unsecured parking location.
Regionally, South America ranks highest in the median value of cargo per
incident from unsecured truck parking, at $100,000, followed closely by
North America, at $80,000.
The top three commodities stolen in 2019 were food and beverages,
electronics, and alcohol and tobacco.
NJ's Toys R Us Bill Signed into Law to Protect Workers From "Getting Screwed"
Legislation sponsored by LD20 Senator Joe Cryan and Senator Nellie Pou (LD35) to
protect workers from "getting screwed" when their employers go into bankruptcy
or close their doors was signed into law Thursday by Governor Phil Murphy. The
law, S-3170, makes New Jersey the first state in the country to guarantee
severance pay in the wake of mass layoffs.
The law increases the minimum number of days of notice from 60 to 90 that
employers of 100 or more full time employees when there is a mass layoff, plant
closing or transfer resulting in 50 or more employees losing their jobs. It will
also require severance pay equal to one week for each year of service. The
severance would be "earned in full" upon the termination of employment.
Is NJ's American Dream Mall Getting Ready for Huge Retail Launch?
Houston We May Have a Problem
About 17,000 people have been hired to-man the 450 restaurants, stores, and
services in the 3 million-square-foot area. Problem is, the Retail Apocalypse is
The massive project officially opened on Oct. 25 of last year. Thus far,
according to NJ.com, just the three-story candy department store It'Sugar has
joined the Nickelodeon Universe theme park, the indoor ice skating rink and Big
Snow, an indoor ski and snowboard park, as the mall's tenants.
American Dream's top brass have said in the past that a majority of the
retail outlets and dining places are set to debut in March. That said,
however, a lot of the schedules start dates have been pushed back.
Officials told the public recently that additional details are yet to come.
Macy's Chief Executive Officer Jeff Gennette, for example, said his company
"certainly did consider it," but the department-store chain held off, given
the property is "unproven."
Companies like Japanese fashion brand Uniqlo and retail chain Primark and Gap
Inc.'s Old Navy and Banana Republic are opening. Victoria's Secret, Pink and
Bath & Body Works, all owned by L Brands Inc., will have locations as will Kate
Hudson's athleisure line Fabletics and Charlotte Russe Inc. which filed for
bankruptcy about a year ago.
The latest group of retailers who are said to be part of the program includes:
Charlotte Russe
Ginger Sushi
Jarana Restaurant
Likkle More Jerk
Manchu Wok
SJP by Sarah Jessica Parker
Sunglass Hut
Thai Express
800 Store Lidl to Reach 1,000 Stores in UK By 2023
Belks Department Stores Cuts 80 Corporate Jobs
Macy's Dropped To Junk-Bond Status
HyVee Announces Reorg. - Possible Layoffs & No More Operating 24 Hours a Day
Forever 21 acquired by Authentic Brands, Simon and Brookfield
Quarterly Results
Domino's Q4 U.S. comp's up 3.4%, International comp's up 1.7%, net sales up 6.3%
Jack in the Box Q1 system comp's up 1.7%, company comp's up 2.9%
SpartanNash Q4 Retail comps up 0.5%, Food Dist. net sales up 1.5%, Military
Dist. net sales up 0.5%, Q4 total net sales up 5.3%, Full Yr. total net sales up
The D&D Daily's Q4 & 2019 Crime Reports |
Robbery Report
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Retail Fatality Report
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ORC Report
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Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please.
If it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.


Apply Now for Vector Security, Inc.
2020 Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) Scholarships
Scholarships support certification for loss prevention
and those interested in a career in loss prevention.
Loss prevention professionals as well as those who aspire to work in loss
prevention in the United States and Canada can apply for Vector Security's
annual Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) scholarship program now through
March 31, 2020.
can be submitted via the Vector Security website at
The scholarships provide financial support to loss prevention professionals - or
those who have an interest in loss prevention - seeking to obtain LPQ and LPC
certifications. Vector Security began awarding the scholarships in 2009 in
support of career development and continuing education for professionals in this
important and rapidly-growing industry.
More than 260 scholarships totaling $262,460 have been awarded since the program
began. The scholarships cover all course and examination fees for retail loss
prevention professionals who wish to obtain LPF's Loss Prevention Qualified
(LPQ) or Loss Prevention Certified (LPC) certifications.
A total of 10 LPQ and 10 LPC scholarships will be awarded to U.S.-based
professionals, while another five LPC scholarships will be awarded to those
based in Canada.
"We are proud to once again offer the Vector Security LPF scholarship program to
LP professionals in the U.S. and Canada," said Michael T. Grady, LPC, Executive
Vice President, Vector Security Networks. "As the security needs of multi-site
businesses continue to evolve, it's important for LP professionals to stay
current on industry trends and solutions. Continuing education and
certification, such as LPQ and LPC, in this field will help LP professionals
meet the challenges of their profession."
Anyone who is currently in the loss prevention industry, or has an interest in a
career in loss prevention, can apply for an LPQ scholarship. Those applying for
the LPC scholarship must meet certain eligibility requirements. Details can be
found at

Become RFID-Certified at RFID Journal LIVE!
2020 event will include the Fast-Track RFID Professional Institute Certified
Associate training. During this advanced, one-day fast-track course attendees
were given an overview on how to design, install, configure, monitor and
troubleshoot an RFID system in the field. The training prepares participants for
the RFID Professional Institute Certified Associate exam. Don't miss this
The 2020 event will also have keynote speakers and other conference sessions
that provide unique insights into some of the world's largest, most
sophisticated and most innovative RFID deployments to date, and show how the
technology is being used across major industries.
Click here to learn more about the conferences 9 industry focused-tracks and
8 technical
and how-to tracks.
New Guidance: PCI DSS for Large Organizations
Security Standards Council has published a new Information Supplement: PCI DSS
for Large Organizations. This document was produced by the 2019
Special Interest Group (SIG), whose members provided their expertise and
shared experience of managing PCI DSS assessments in large organizations.
Often the larger an organization becomes, the more interconnected and complex
its relationships with internal business units and third parties become. As a
result of this complexity, large organizations may need to evolve their
approaches for implementing and maintaining PCI DSS controls across the entire
organization. The document provides guidance and suggestions that cover a range
of business considerations, including:
Roles, responsibilities, and ownership of PCI DSS functions
Sustaining compliance
Mergers and acquisitions
Managing acquirers and payment channels
Education and awareness
Systems management to maintain PCI DSS compliance
Multiple audits and assessment
Laws, regulations, and standards
Read the information supplement
44% of Security Threats Start in the Cloud
Amazon Web Services responsible for 94% of
all Web attacks
originating from
the public cloud
Cloud-enabled cyberattacks are ramping up, as indicated in a new Netskope study
that found 44% of security threats use cloud services in various stages of the
kill chain. Attackers are targeting popular cloud apps and services to exploit
the growing trust in commonly used enterprise platforms.
Microsoft Office 365 for Business, Box, Google Drive, Microsoft Azure, and
GitHub are the most-targeted cloud apps, researchers discovered in the February
2020 Netskope Cloud and Threat Report. Most (89%) enterprise users operate in
the cloud, and 33% of them work remotely.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a hot target for cloud storage apps, Imperva
researchers found in their Cyber Threat Index, also released today. Web attacks
originating from the public cloud saw a 16% spike from November to December
2019. AWS was a top source for these attacks, responsible for 94% of all Web
attacks starting in the public cloud. "This suggests that public cloud companies
should be auditing malicious behavior on their platforms," researchers said.
2020 State of Password and Authentication Security Behaviors Report by Yubico &
Ponemon Institute
to the report,IT security practitioners and individuals are both engaging in
risky password and authentication practices, yet expectation and reality are
often misaligned when it comes to the implementation of usable and desirable
security solutions. The tools and processes that organizations put in place are
not widely adopted by employees or customers, making it abundantly clear that
new technologies are needed for enterprises and individuals to reach a safer
future together.
"For years, achieving a balance between high security and ease of use was near
impossible, but new authentication technologies are finally bridging the gap.
With the availability of passwordless login and security keys, it's time for
businesses to step up their security options. Organizations can do far better
than passwords; in fact, users are demanding it."
Other findings from the research include:
Individuals report better security practices in some instances compared to IT
Fifty-one percent of IT security respondents say their organizations have
experienced a phishing attack, with another 12% of respondents stating that
their organizations experienced credential theft, and 8% say it was a
man-in-the-middle attack. Yet, only 53% of IT security respondents say their
organizations have changed how passwords or protected corporate accounts were
managed. Interestingly enough, individuals reuse passwords across an average of
16 workplace accounts and IT security respondents say they reuse passwords
across an average of 12 workplace accounts.
Click here for the full infographic
The Ecosystem of Phishing: From Minnows to Marlins
The Digital Shadows' Photon Research Team analysis entitled
From Minnows to Marlins, the Ecosystem of Phishing analyzed many of
the popular marketplaces and forums frequented by cybercriminals. It found that
phishing page templates and clones impersonating some of the biggest brands in
the world, are being priced and sold from just $1.88. These templates aim to
masquerade as legitimate companies and trick recipients into handing over
sensitive information, like credentials, password resets or notifications of
suspicious activity, says the report.

The analysis details from start to finish how criminals create, distribute,
steal data, and monetize phishing emails and pages. Many criminals begin by
using phishing email templates, often indistinguishable from the real thing
which use the same exact assets (e.g. images, fonts, and wording). Criminals can
then combine these with 'clone' websites, the cost of which start under $2.00.
After purchasing a cheap domain and email contact lists (with 10m email contacts
being advertised for just $12.99) spammers can launch a campaign for under $20
with little technical knowledge required, notes the study.
Phishing emails are the most exploited "vulnerabilities" in the modern age of
cyber criminality. Phishes have evolved over time, taking on new forms and
adding advanced functionality at every stage of their development and delivery
scheme. Simple social engineering emails with misspellings and grammatical
errors have evolved into nearly undetectable impersonations of the brands that
people see coming through their email inboxes every day.
Read the full report:
The Ecosystem of Phishing: From Minnows to Marlins
Phishing key findings and statistics
Register for NRF Dinner @ RSA 2020
Waterbar San Francisco California
February 26, 2020 6:00pm to 9:00pm Pacific
The NRF Dinner at RSA 2020 will take place during the RSA Conference on February
26, 2020, at the highly rated, Waterbar Restaurant in San Francisco, California.
dinner offers an intimate roundtable setting, in which retail cybersecurity
experts can discuss industry trends and engage in insightful dialogue on cyber
risks and business challenges.
Please join us for an evening of dinner, networking, and inspiration in a quaint
For any additional questions, please email
At the Waterbar at 399 The Embarcadero in San Francisco: 6:00 PM
'Top secret' security measures at pot dispensaries
The costly side of Illinois' new marijuana trade that can't be revealed
is a high stakes reality for Illinois' new marijuana entrepreneurs. It's costing
each of them a small fortune but it is something they can't talk about it.
How a dispensary secures its facility is so top secret, marijuana execs told the
I-Team state regulators restrict companies from sharing the details.
The reason is a mix of marijuana and money. A lot of both, in the recreational
use facilities that opened just last month under a new state law. Nearly $40
million worth of weed was sold during the first month it was legal. That is a
lot of cash to keep track of.
"The cannabis industry is dealing with a lot of cash. A duffle bag full of
product could be $60,000, $70,000," said Dan O'Sullivan, senior security
consultant with Clear Loss Prevention. "It creates a target."
"It's something we don't provide because we don't want anyone to have that
access because, you know, it's proprietary to how we operate our business,"
said Brendan Blume, vice president of store development for Green Thumb
Industries which owns and operates nearly 100 dispensaries nationwide, including
Rise in Joliet.
Oregon Police Investigating Cannabis-Focused Burglary Ring
Police in Oregon are investigating a burglary ring that targeted cannabis
businesses, the Oregonian reports. As part of the investigation, Portland and
Salem police seized $33,000 in cash, 30 pounds of cannabis, six pounds of
hash oil, 16 firearms, and burglary tools, along with clothing and other
evidence from the victimized businesses, the report says.
Portland Police Assistant Chief Andrew Sherer said on Twitter that one arrest
had been made in the case and there were "more to follow." Officials have
not released any other information, citing the ongoing investigation.
9 Pot Shop Robbery Suspects Sought in 2 Yakima Store Hits
Cannabis Around the World, Part I: Before the Common Era
Tony Gallo, Managing Partner & Katharine Baxter,
Lead Technical Writer for Sapphire Risk Advisory Group
While widespread cannabis use may seem like a relatively new idea, cannabis use
has been around in the world longer than most modern countries. Methods of
application and consumption vary, but cannabis has long been used
recreationally, medicinally, and religiously throughout the ancient world and up
through the present.
Written records of cannabis use are rather limited, but researchers believe that
ancient cannabis was consumed orally or by burning and inhaling the dried plants
for medicinal or religious purposes. While scientists disagree on when cannabis
use truly began, most believe that people began to use
plant sometime between 2000 to 500 B.C.E. - but exact dates and locations are
widely debated.
Many scientists believe that evidence found in central Eurasia indicate the
region may have seen the plant's earliest introduction into civilization around
500 B.C.E. Cannabis is indigenous to the cool, wet, mountainous regions of
modern-day China, but it remains unknown when people began to cultivate the
plant to increase THC levels. Recent discoveries of cannabis remnants in burial
sites in northwest China imply medicinal or ritualistic use, but more research
would be necessary to truly understand cannabis' role in these ancient
Read more
Environmental Health and Safety Compliance in The Cannabis Industry:
Starting at Ground Zero (Part 3)
In Part 2 we discussed envisioning the scope of your environmental, health and
safety (EHS) compliance program so you can determine whether you want to pursue
a "good enough" program or set yourself apart by pursuing a program that goes
above and beyond to protect its employees and the environment. Here we will be
discussing how to implement the program you have envisioned with respect to
health and safety as well as the most common trouble areas for compliance for
the cannabis industry.
Health and Safety
Plenty of 'off the shelf' content can easily be found with a few mouse clicks.
Written program documents should follow the Occupational Health and Safety
Administration (OSHA) guidelines, and International Standards Organization
(ISO)-45001. Following a 'good enough' approach, however, may be as likely to
produce a shelf full of binders no one looks at, as it is to produce a vibrant
A more progressive approach is to engage your greatest asset - your team. They
are the ones, after all, that the programs should be designed to support and
protect. Your team may not know the regulations, but they know your operation,
they can identify the risks involved, and they are best suited to provide the
input which will design an effective Health and Safety program.
In our experience, the environmental regulations most applicable to the cannabis
industry include those relating to air emissions permitting, hazardous materials
storage and management, wastewater and stormwater.
Air Emissions - Hazardous Materials - Wastewater
Read Part 1
here and Part 2
Amazon's 1st ever employee says it "scares" him and should be broken up
first ever employee Shel Kaphan whose work "allowed them to come into existence"
said he believes the company should be broken up.
Kaphan, who joined the retailer when it was founded in 1994 as its chief
technology officer, said that the online behemoth he helped to build now
"scares" him.
Speaking to reporters during a PBS Frontline special called
Amazon Empire: The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos earlier this week,
Kaphan went on to say he felt the retailer's massive influence over small
businesses ability to thrive online mean it should be broken up by US antitrust
"I think the characterization of Amazon as a ruthless competitor is true. Under
the flag of customer obsession they can do a lot of things which might not be
good for people who aren't their customers."
Amazon's chief executive of consumer business Jeff Wilke was also interviewed
during the programme, arguing that although any big company deserves scrutiny
Amazon has "intense competition" in each of the markets it operates.
US ecommerce sales grow 14.9% in 2019
spending represented 16.0% of total retail sales for the year. Amazon
accounted for more than a third of all ecommerce in U.S.
Consumers spent $601.75 billion online with U.S. merchants in 2019, up 14.9%
from $523.64 billion the prior year, according to the
Department of Commerce quarterly ecommerce figures released Wednesday.
Higher growth rate than 2018, when online sales rose 13.6% year over year.
comparing growth: US ecommerce vs total retail sales graph insert
Ecommerce also accounted for more than half-56.9%-of all gains in the retail
market last year. That's the largest share of growth for online spending
since 2008, when ecommerce represented 63.8% of all sales growth. Plus, this is
only the third time in the history of U.S. retail that the
year-over-year dollar gains for online purchases exceeded the gains for in-store
spending in a given year.
Online retailers face challenges in how they handle online returns
Finding the ROI in Online Returns - registration required
Canada a Possible eCommerce Strategy in light of US-China Tariffs |

East Brunswick, NJ: Kohl's Smash-and-grab shoplifters sought in $157k jewelry
Arrest warrants have been issued for two Brooklyn men, and police are still
trying to identify a woman and driver who are all being sought in connection to
an alleged smash-and-grab theft of about $157,000 worth of jewelry from a Route
18 store. Warrants have been issued for Andrew Joyner, 35, and Garry Dunbar, 23,
who are both charged with shoplifting, conspiracy to commit shoplifting, and
criminal mischief. About 2:15 p.m. Feb. 11 police responded to the Kohl's store,
333 Route 18 for a report of shoplifting and criminal mischief after suspects
allegedly used hammers to smash out the jewelry display cases and remove
jewelry, police said. Carrying tote bags, the three suspects walked up to the
display cases where the men used hammers to break the glass and remove the
jewelry inside. The woman took items in the area of the display cases, police
Fredericksburg, VA: Thieves use stolen cards to make thousands in fraudulent
Fredericksburg police are seeking the public's help in identifying a group of
people who used stolen debit and credit cards Saturday to pile up about $15,000
in fraudulent purchases. City police spokeswoman Sarah Kirkpatrick said one
victim was at BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse at 1861 Carl D. Silver Parkway on
Saturday about 5:30 p.m. when she realized her cards were missing. She
immediately called her bank and found out that thousands of dollars worth of
purchases had recently been made with her cards. The woman told police that she
had her purse with her the entire time, but does recall being bumped by someone
at the bar. A second victim was at the Cracker Barrel in the same general area
when her cards were stolen.
Fairview Heights, IL: 4 women who stole from Macy's, pepper-sprayed store
Police are looking for four women who they said stole from a Macy's and
pepper-sprayed employees as they ran out of the store. The theft happened
Tuesday night just before closing at St. Clair Square. Macy's employees said
four women walked in and each grabbed armfuls of clothing. They then walked to
the door. Two loss prevention officers tried to stop them as they left. They
said three of the women made it outside while the fourth turned around and
sprayed mace into the faces of the loss prevention officers, police said. Police
said the loss prevention officers declined medical treatment, and didn't suffer
any other injuries.
kmov.com |
Shootings & Deaths
Mobile, AL: Shootout inside Walmart store in Alabama leaves 2 dead
Two men shot each other and died after an argument inside an Alabama Walmart
store, police said Thursday. A statement from the Mobile Police Department said
the two were arguing in a Walmart Neighborhood Market on Wednesday night and
both pulled out guns Witnesses described people running for cover as multiple
shots were fired. Both men were taken to a hospital where they died. Police
identified the victims as Jaquess Thompson, 21, and Seantatis Kirksey, 44. No
one else was injured, police said.
Greenville, TN: Armed Corrections officer fatally shot by Police in Lowe's
parking lot
A corrections officer accused of targeting a woman he had been dating in a store
parking lot was shot and killed by a police officer in Tennessee. Travis
Mullins, 29, was pronounced dead Monday evening outside a Lowe's Home
Improvement store in Greeneville. Greeneville police were called to the scene
for a reported hit-and-run, said Leslie Earhart, a spokeswoman for the Tennessee
Bureau of Investigation. Mullins had left but returned to the scene armed with a
gun. Officers disarmed Mullins and attempted to arrest him. He was somehow able
to get another gun from his vehicle and point it at officers. A Greeneville
officer then shot and killed Mullins.
Cincinnati, OH: Man arrested in triple shooting involving teen at Roselawn strip
According to the Cincinnati Police Department, the shooting happened in the 7600
block of Reading Road just before 8 p.m. Surveillance video from the scene
captured Tony Tate, 53, shooting one victim as they laid on the ground, court
documents said. He then fired shots at the victim's friend, striking him in the
chest. Tate then shot a 13-year-old girl in the back as she ran back toward her
dance class. Police said the two adults and 13-year-old were transported to area
hospitals for treatment. Their injuries are believed to not be life-threatening,
and all three people are in stable condition. Tate was arrested on three counts
of felonious assault and three counts of having weapons under disability.
Aurora, CO: Man who shot C-Store Clerk during Armed Robbery sentenced to 50
years; linked to 3 armed robberies in 2018 and was on probation at the time of
the crimes
Robberies, Incidents & Thefts
Europol: Illegal Cigarette Factory Uncovered In
Underground Bunker in Spain
Human Slavery Workers - Locked Up
Underground in Toxic Bunker
individuals were arrested for cigarette counterfeiting
& drug trafficking
On 13 and 14 February 2020, the Spanish Civil Guard (Guardia Civil) dismantled
an organised crime group involved in illegal cigarette manufacturing and drug
trafficking. Europol supported the operation
Beds and Pillows
The operation uncovered a full range of production facilities operated by
the criminal group.
Hidden in a bunker four metres underground. In the facility, believed to have
been operating since 2019, workers made and packed the counterfeit cigarettes; a
complete production line under one roof. Beds and living quarters for the
workers were also found underground. This is the first underground factory to
be discovered in the EU. Workers there were forced to work in extremely
dangerous and toxic conditions. Locked up four metres underground, they
were not allowed to leave the facility on their own, and no emergency
security was in place.
Blindfolded the workers when taking them to and from the factory. Although
paid for their work in the facility, workers are usually not allowed to leave or
make contact with others while working. Criminals often even seal the premises
to enforce this. These illegal activities are estimated to bring in about
$675,000 U.S. per week in criminal profits.
LaPlace, LA: Man arrested after dragging Officer with vehicle in parking lot of
On Feb. 15, officers working a security detail were notified of a man, later
identified as Hollingsworth, stealing items in the store. Store personnel
reported that in another incident the same suspect had previously stolen items
valued at about $1,500 from the store. Officers located the suspect and detained
him, however, he did not have identification and gave a false name to officers.
Shortly after being detained, Hollingsworth fled from the office and exited the
store. Police say Hollingsworth was able to manipulated the handcuffs to the
front of his body and also refused verbal commands to stop. Officers made
contact with Hollingsworth as he was entering a vehicle. As an officer dove on
top of Hollingsworth to stop him from fleeing, Hollingsworth started his vehicle
and drove off, dragging the officer across the parking lot before crashing into
a basket corral. The officer was able to place the vehicle in park then
apprehend the suspect. Hollingsworth and the officer were treated for minor
Riverdale, Home Depot files counterclaim against woman who sued after getting
stuck with $125,000 in stolen gift card
woman who was scammed of at least $125,000 in a gift card fraud now faces a
civil court counterclaim filed by retail giant Home Depot. Kaitlyn Peterson
sued Home Depot after the company in May 2018 deactivated about $165,000 in
cards that it discovered had been stolen by an employee, since fired. She
had responded to a ksl.com classified ad offering discounted Home Depot
electronic gift cards. After she bought and successfully redeemed one card, the
man, Daniel Martinez, offered to sell her more. He told her he had earned the
cards by winning international online games. She was building a house in Weber
County, so she bought numerous cards and redeemed thousands of dollars' worth
without a problem.
But after Home Depot detected the scam, Martinez was fired and he was charged
and convicted of communications fraud. A judge ordered him to pay Home Depot
more than $161,000 in restitution. Ogden police determined Martinez had stolen
$330,000 in cards. According to court records, between Oct. 7, 2017 and
May 16, 2018, Peterson made a total of 12 purchases from Martinez for a total of
$198,225. Peterson was stuck with $125,000 in cards she could not redeem.
Peterson's lawsuit argues that Home Depot should have had better employee and
gift card security. Instead, the company "did nothing and allowed Martinez to
operate with impunity selling fraudulent egift cards to plaintiff for eight
months," the suit said.
In documents filed Friday in U.S. District Court, Home Depot said it owes
Peterson nothing because she never held legal title to any of the gift cards.
Man to serve six years for fake C-Store kidnapping, robbery
Henrico County, VA: Gun store burglarized 3 times since December wants 'justice'
Seattle, WA: Businesses hoping state lawmakers crack down on rise in shoplifters
Tennessee Supreme Court Concludes Burglary Statute Applies To Banned Walmart


Daily Totals:
• 36 robberies
• 2 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed |

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Every journey has bumps in the road and no one is immune for they all present
themselves at different times, in different places, and from people you'd never
expect. The real test is how you deal with them and how you don't let them
define you. Because bumps are growth opportunities merely masked in conflict.
Just a Thought, Gus

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