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In Case You
Missed It
April's Moving Ups
New Senior LP's - 9 Promotions - 1 Appointment
Amazon promoted David Rozhon, LPC to Program
Manager – Global WHS Design, Construction & Start Up
Amazon (United Kingdom) promoted Nathan
Oldacres to Senior Investigations Manager
Amazon (France) promoted Othmane Khelouani
to Senior Investigations Manager EMEA
Amazon Web Services named Jayson Sutton
Senior Leader - New Regions
BJ’s Wholesale Club promoted Mike Geoffroy
to Asset Protection Operations Manager
Coinstar promoted Paul LaBlanc to Sr.
Director, Business Enablement
Lowe’s Companies promoted Luke Moeller, LPC
to Corporate Asset Protection and Safety Manager
Macy’s promoted Jessica McGowin, CFI to
Senior Investigator
Michael Kors promoted Mike Jordan to
Director, Distribution Safety & Security - USA, Canada, Netherlands
Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM)
promoted Joe Box, MBA, CFE promoted to VP, LP & Safety
See All the Executives 'Moving Up' Here
Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position
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GLPS 'Where Are They Now?'
Find Your Old Friend & Colleagues
Where Have They Gone?
Take a Look Down Memory Lane
1st Correct Answer Becomes Eligible to Win a Pizza Party!
Who are these folks?

Team Pictures Submitted in July & August 2014
Here's some hints:
Pic #7 (left):
I guess the polar bears got this group. But, hey, I'm sure they swam off to
calmer seas.
Pic #8 (right): Nice lookin' boat, I wonder if they owned or rented
it. Word is the captain took a dive off the poop deck.
1st person to name all team members in a picture gets entered into the drawing.
Once we reach 10 correct answers, we'll pick one winner for a GLPS team pizza
party with drinks - delivered to your door by Domino's. All parties must be for
retail LP or AP teams.
Submit your answers
Visit Memory Lane - see previous pics


Filmed in January 2016 at the Daily's 'Live in NYC at the NRF Big
Show 2016' event
Profitect, now Zebra
Prescriptive Analytics, is the leading global provider of prescriptive
analytics for the retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) industries, allowing retailers to easily understand and act on their data. Their
solution looks at all aspects of the retail supply chain to identify
opportunities for sales and margin improvement, such as: training, vendor and
cashier compliance, fraud, inventory accuracy, and customer behavior. In this LPNN interview, Guy Yehiav,
General Manager & Vice President for Zebra Analytics, tells us how their
solution goes beyond traditional exception-based reporting. Later, Mike Limauro, Senior Director of Asset Protection for
Whole Foods Market, tells us how it can help LP departments transform into a
profit hub for their organization.
Zebra Technologies acquired Profitect in May 2019.

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Coronavirus Tracker: May 1
Over 1.1 Million
Cases - 65K Dead - 157K Recovered
Over 3.3 Million Cases - 237K Dead - 1M Recovered
U.S. Law Enforcement Deaths |
NYPD Deaths:
Private Industry Security Guard Deaths: 82+
Retail Workers Nationwide Stage Coordinated 'Sick-Out'
to Protest Poor Virus Protections
On May 1st,
workers from Amazon, Whole Foods, Instacart, FedEx, Target, and
Walmart joined together in a series of work stoppages to protest conditions
and equipment in the face of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.
The actions have been organized by a range of groups within the various
companies, but are timed to coincide with International Workers’ Day. The
groups are encouraging customers to boycott the stores and services for the
duration of the day.
Organizers at
Amazon said thousands of employees are participating in the
actions nationwide. The groups are calling for better practices and equipment to
protect frontline workers from contracting the disease at work.
Amazon delivery service partners are asking for professional cleaners to
sanitize vehicles at the end of each shift. Currently, drivers are provided with
cleaning supplies and asked to sanitize the vehicles themselves. Amazon has
refused to disclose the number of employees who have tested positive for
COVID-19, communicating only individual cases to the employees affected.
At Target, workers complained it took too long for the company to provide
workers with personal protective equipment, and little is being done to enforce
social distancing within stores. According to
Target Workers Unite, over 100 stores and some distribution centers are
represented in the sickout.
Whole Foods workers organized their
first sick-out protest on 31 March, and are joining the 1 May day of action
calling on more workers to join the sick-out and participate in organized
protests. The sick-out includes demands such as increased hazard pay, paid sick
leave for workers who choose to isolate or self-quarantine, and the closure of
stores in response to confirmed coronavirus cases among workers.
Shoppers at Instacart
organized their first sick-out protest on 30 March, and Shipt
launched their own independent sick-out protest on 7 April.
Amazon Response to Friday's Worker Strikes:
"While we respect people's right to express themselves, we object to the
irresponsible actions of labor groups in spreading misinformation and making
false claims about Amazon during this unprecedented health and economic crisis,"
an Amazon spokesperson said. "What's true is that masks, temperature checks,
hand sanitizer, increased time off, increased pay, and more are standard across
our Amazon and Whole Food Market networks already."
As Covid-19 deaths mount in retail, Walmart workers take matters into own hands
with contact-tracing plan
A national labor non-profit on Wednesday launched a virtual tracker (areyousafe.work)
for coronavirus cases in Walmart stores around the country, citing the
retail giant’s inaction in the face of the pandemic in the midst of rising
infections and deaths of employees.
“The rise of deaths and infections of Walmart associates show clearly that the
company is not only failing to keep its associates and customers safe, but also
failing to communicate clearly about store conditions,” Michigan Walmart worker
Ruby Ann Woolwine said in a statement. “We can’t wait for more
half-measures—we’re taking matters into our own hands to get the information we
deserve to know.”
The Covid-19 tracker “will allow associates nationwide to report infections
and store safety conditions” in a publicly available database, United for
Respect said in a press release.

Click to view the Walmart worker COVID-19 tracker
Logansport, IN: Nearly 900 workers at a Tyson Foods pork plant
test positive
Nearly 900 workers at an Indiana Tyson Foods pork processing plant have tested
positive for the coronavirus, a report said.
The meat processing facility in Logansport is one of several Tyson plants across
the country that have voluntarily closed due to virus outbreaks.
County officials have been working with Tyson, the largest US meat supplier, to
develop a reopening plan, according to WISH-TV.
The plan gained steam after President Trump on Tuesday invoked the Defense
Production Act to mandate meat plants stay open during the pandemic, the report
The Logansport plant employs 2,200 people — 890, or 40 percent of which, have
tested positive for the illness.
Tyson has also voluntarily idled its meat processing facilities in Waterloo
and Perry, Iowa, and beef plants in Pasco, Washington and Dakota City, Nebraska
while it completes cleaning of the facilities and workers there undergo
U.S. States Roll Back Restrictions as Lockdowns Ease Across Asia
Nonessential retailers are set to reopen in
Alabama, Iowa and Texas, but California and New York remain cautious
The U.S. government’s social-distancing guidelines expired Thursday, replaced by
recommendations that leave it up to each state to decide when and how best to
reopen their economies.
Governors and local officials across the country took
varying approaches, reflecting the virus’s uneven spread. By the end of the
week, more than half the states in the country will have, in differing forms,
relaxed restrictions enacted during the first days of the pandemic.
Nonessential retailers in Texas, Alabama and Iowa are set to reopen with
capacity restrictions on Friday.
In New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the state planned to hire “an army” of up to
17,000 contact tracers to follow the path of those infected and determine
whether their contacts should be isolated as restrictions eventually ease.
NYC: Javits Center hospital to close after treating nearly 1,100 patients

The temporary US Army hospital at the Jacob K. Javits Center is closing Friday
after treating nearly 1,100 patients with coronavirus, federal officials said.
The makeshift, 1,000-room hospital — converted from four sections of
exhibition space on Manhattan’s West Side — opened in late March after Gov.
Andrew Cuomo requested the US Army Corps of Engineers to build at least four
field hospitals and the Navy to deploy its USNS Comfort hospital ship to the
“Planning is ongoing for the drawdown of federal resources that are no longer
needed due to the flattening of the curve,” the spokesperson wrote in an email.
“The remaining patients at the Jacob Javits Center are expected to be discharged
or transferred today.”
Vital medical equipment and other supplies at the Javits Center and the three
other completed facilities will remain in place in case there’s a second wave of
COVID-19, WABC reports.
Pay Them If You Send Them
A Guide to Employee Temperature Checks
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) gave employers the green
light to take employees' temperatures to try and ward off the spread of the
coronavirus in
guidance updated March 18. But will taking temperatures really work?
"Generally, measuring an employee's body temperature is a medical examination,"
the EEOC stated. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits medical
examinations unless they are job-related and consistent with business necessity.
Because the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local
health authorities have acknowledged community spread of COVID-19, the
respiratory illness caused by the coronavirus, and have issued related
precautions, "employers may measure employees' body temperature. However,
employers should be aware that some people with COVID-19 do not have a fever,"
the agency stated. And some people with a fever do not have COVID-19.
Jeff Nowak, an attorney with Littler in Chicago, added that if employers want to
take workers' temperatures, they should pay employees sent home for high
temperatures to limit any legal risk, if they can afford to do so.
Shoppers are flouting grocers' one-way aisle rules
Shoppers seem to be disregarding directional
policies with particular abandon
They have waited patiently in line to get in, stared down empty shelves and even
donned face masks. But telling consumers which way to walk through the
supermarket might be asking too much.
Getting customers to follow all of the new safety guidelines they've put in
place over the past two months has been challenging for retailers. But shoppers
seem to be flouting one-way aisle policies many supermarket operators have put
in place with particular abandon. Social media sites are bubbling with posts
from irate customers who complain that other shoppers routinely disobey
directional signage and violate social distancing protocols as they shove carts
around stores. Analysts interviewed by Grocery Dive also say they've seen
shoppers and employees disregarding one-way aisle rules in their local stores.
Disheartening trip to grocery store. Many people not wearing masks,
not obeying one-way aisles, hard to maintain six feet, people
fondling merchandise. We are terrible at cooperation.
Large chains like Walmart, Albertsons, Hy-Vee and Publix
are among the grocers that have told shoppers they cannot reverse
course when walking down aisles as a way to keep people from getting too
close to each other. Stores are primarily relying on signage and their employees
to direct customers once they enter.
Telling people not to walk freely while food shopping can be challenging for
grocers because people are so accustomed to making their own choices in a
supermarket, Neil Saunders, managing director of GlobalData Retail, said in an
interview. "In this country, people don't like being told what to do ...
it takes a lot of conscious thought not to behave in that way.
What the CFO's Read
How to Prepare Your Workplace for Employees to Return
Planning and making good use of the
remaining time employees are working from home can get your workplace up and
functioning more quickly.
Until there is a vaccine or treatment for COVID-19, it’s clear that workplaces,
particularly dense offices in major cities, will have to make some changes for
employees to return. This need to adjust the office environment for employee
safety comes at a time when budgets are straining under a recession and lost
revenue. Planning and making good use of the remaining time during which
employees are working from home can help reduce costs and get your workplace
functioning more quickly.
Imagine the Post-Pandemic Office - Begin Taking Action - Pursue
Landlord-Tenant Partnerships
There's Hope For the Older Folks
Researchers pinpoint the ideal age for entrepreneurs, and it’s not
Silicon Valley’s idolization of smart young upstarts is misguided, according to
a fascinating
meta-analysis of 102 studies of entrepreneurs. Researchers at Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute (RPI) found that people who launch businesses in their
50s have greater financial success and higher satisfaction levels than younger
Watch Out For Upcoming Video Requests
LinkedIn Adds New Video Intro and Interview Assessment Tools
to Improve Digital Recruitment
The Future of Interviewing is Here
adding a new way to help employers and candidates connect via video – an
increasingly important consideration during the COVID-19 lockdowns - while it’s
also launching a new, AI-enabled assessment tool that can help interview
candidates better prepare for the interview process.
First off, with more job interviews being conducted in isolation, LinkedIn is
fast-tracking the launch of its new video introductions process, which
enables recruiters to ask candidates to submit a video response to a question,
which can help to assess their communication skills and presentation.
Editor's Note: Staging is everything! BTW - Have your spouse review
before you push that button. If anything like mine, you'll do better. And
remember West Point - No dress-down - If anything dress-Up. Just some thoughts
As explained by LinkedIn:
Get to Know Job Candidates Better and Faster with LinkedIn’s New Video Intro
Chicago Police Say Overall City Crime Was Down 30% in April
Double-digit drops in robberies, burglaries,
thefts and other crime
Overall crime in Chicago fell by 30% in April 2020 compared to the same month
last year amid a statewide stay-at-home order, according to statistics released
by Chicago police. Despite the overall reduction in major crimes, the 207
shootings in April 2020 marked a 1% increase from the 194 shootings in April
2019, police said in a statement Friday. The number of murders fell by about 8%,
from 61 in April 2019 to 56 in April 2020.
The city saw
the most violent five-day period of 2020 so far between April 5 and 9.
The 30% drop in overall crime comes largely from double-digit reductions in
criminal sexual assaults, robberies, aggravated batteries, burglaries, thefts
and carjackings, police said.
There have been 625 shootings and 154 murders in
Chicago so far this year, police said. Those are climbs of about
16% and 8%, respectively, through the same time period last year.
436+ Chicago police officers have tested positive for COVID-19; three have died
Senior LP & AP Jobs
Safety Manager job posted for Wakefern Food Corporation in Woodbridge, NJ
Safety Manager will be responsible for the development and successful
implementation of corporate distribution and retail safety programs. Creating
and setting corporate goals, standard and metrics to measure progress and
performance for safety. This role will also provide leadership, support, and
direction to create a culture of safety throughout the organization and our
retail space.
We are seeking a dynamic and safety focused professional to join our team as
a Safety Manager.
This is a corporate role reporting to the
Director of Risk Management & Safety.
Senior LP Job Postings Removed from Website:
Dir. of Security - Grassroots
Cannabis - Chicago, IL
National Mgr, ORC & Special
Investigations - Rite Aid - Camp Hill, PA
Apparel Retailers Sales Down 50% in March & Are In Trouble
Macy's to reopen 68 stores on Monday & 50 More May 11
Whole Foods offering free masks to all customers nationwide - Read Amazon's blog
Reopening Considerations for Retail & Mixed-Use Property Owners
CDC May 1st: Watch for Symptoms of COVID-19
Dollar General Announces Additional $25 Million Investment in Employee
Appreciation Bonuses
Trudeau announces Canada is banning assault-style weapons, following deadliest
shooting in country's history
Quarterly Results
Amazon Q1 net sales up 26%, hits $75.5B
$41B product sales and $33B in services
All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time
Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please.
If it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.
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WEBINAR: The Impact of COVID-19 on Retail and How Prescriptive Analytics Can Help
May 13, 2020 @ 1:00pm EST

Join the
Loss Prevention Foundation as we partner with Zebra Prescriptive Analytics,
formerly Profitect, as they shed light on current consumer purchasing trends,
explain how the retail market is shifting and provide recommendations and
insights on leveraging prescriptive analytics to help your organization adapt to
that shift.
Your Host:
Mat Schriner, LPC – Director of Operations at The Loss Prevention Foundation
Our Distinguished Guests and Speakers:
J.R. Werner – Director of Sales (Americas) – Zebra Prescriptive Analytics
Scott Pethuyne – Customer Success Analyst – Zebra Prescriptive Analytics
At the end of the session, Zebra Prescriptive Analytics will also give away 5
free LPC Course Scholarships to random webinar attendees! Winners will be
notified the day following the Webinar via email.
This webinar is presented by the Loss Prevention Foundation in partnership with
Zebra Prescriptive Analytics and qualifies for 1 continuing education unit (CEU)
towards your LPC recertification or CFI recertification.
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National Security Agency / Cybersecurity Information
Selecting and Safely Using Collaboration Services for Telework
a global pandemic or other crisis contingency scenarios, many United States
Government (USG) personnel must operate from home while continuing to perform
critical national functions and support continuity of government services. With
limited access to government furnished equipment (GFE) such as laptops and
secure smartphones, the use of (not typically approved) commercial collaboration
services on personal devices for limited government official use becomes
necessary and unavoidable.
An Overall Security Industry Perspective
COVID-19 and Enterprise Security's Response
What challenges has COVID-19 presented to
enterprise security?
As of this writing in mid-April, more than 167,000 people have died worldwide of
COVID-19, the flu-like disease caused by the new coronavirus, according to data
from Johns Hopkins University. The United States had the highest confirmed death
toll, with more than 35,000 fatalities.
the COVID-19 crisis, enterprise security executives are busier than ever –
standing up business continuity plans, enacting broader contingency plans,
mitigating risks with employees working at home and more – all to keep
businesses humming as the coronavirus outbreak has spread.
To date, what challenges has the coronavirus presented to enterprise security,
especially as stay-at-home orders went into effect and most enterprise employees
telecommuted? How did business continuity plans evolve as the crisis progressed?
And what lessons have enterprise security learned to date?
Note: From Hospitals to University's to Data Centers to Yum Brands and
GoDaddy, the article covers the entire security industry and finds common
variables that supports the industry's key lessons "that just as the
proverbial phrase “culture eats policy,” so too does “principles trump
playbooks.” And:
“Building relationships in our profession really count, as well. The
personal contacts we make at events sponsored by Security magazine, ISMA and
ASIS and our involvement in the public-private alliances, such as the FBI’s
Infragard program, are invaluable to exchanging valuable insights. We can all
learn from one another’s experiences.”
Coronavirus Lockdowns Lead to Surge in Digital Piracy
Black-market television & film sites traffic
jumps 30%+
Pirate website operators have also capitalized on this spike in demand by
enticing users into buying subscription packages, offering deals marketed as
Covid-19 and self-isolation discounts, experts say.
“Criminals are very flexible,” said Sergio Tirró, head of Europol’s
Intellectual Property Crime Coordination Center, which, along with other
European law enforcement agencies, has been tracking the growth in piracy. “Organized
crime groups have increased their marketing [around coronavirus].”
Social media companies have cracked down on piracy by banning certain content
and URLs, while law-enforcement agencies have arrested people behind online
piracy in various countries. But experts say such criminal groups, which
often cut across borders and constantly adapt to avoid censors, are hard to
In a recent advisory, Europol warned consumers that black-market streaming
could also expose users to cyberattacks.
Pirated content could carry malware that infects computers and allows hackers to
access users’ home networks and personal information, said Mark Mulready, vice
president of cybersecurity services at Netherlands-based security company Irdeto
BV, which briefed European officials on April 6 about similar concerns in the
videogame industry.
Fortinet Makes All Online Cybersecurity Training Courses Available
for Free to Address Skills Gap
Fortinet, a global leader in broad, integrated and automated cybersecurity
solutions, this week announced it is opening the entire online, self-paced
catalogue of advanced
Network Security Expert training courses for free.
Fortinet is making 24 advanced security courses available for free that cover
topics ranging from Secure SD-WAN, public cloud security and secure access,
among others.
The courses will be free for the remainder of 2020 to help address the
rapidly evolving needs of organizations securing highly distributed and remote
workforces. These courses also provide students and anyone looking to start a
career in cybersecurity the opportunity to learn new skills or upskill.
Fortinet’s NSE Institute now offers multiple levels of free training either for
broad cyber awareness learning or technical upskilling.
Ransomware: Average Business Payout Surges to $111,605
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Sean Donnelly is Senior Director Global Retail Asset Protection and
Investigations at Under Armour and he considers innovation part of Under
Armour’s DNA, which is also true for his asset protection department, and
this feeds his desire to constantly innovate in a way that creates greater
efficiencies from his team. When members of his Asset Protection (AP) team
relayed information about an RFID-based EAS system, he was instantly
In this session, we will dive into the following
• Benefits of RFID for Loss Prevention
• Lessons learned by Under Armour’s
asset protection team
• Roadmap to create complete loss
prevention strategy
• Observations from the lock-down
situation and future potential to respond more effectively using RFID
• How the reopen process looks like
and what challenges and opportunities are
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Interrogating Bezos - What An Interview
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Called to Testify Before Congress
Did Amazon use data about independent
sellers on its platform to develop competing products?
on the House Judiciary Committee called on Amazon.com Inc. Chairman and CEO Jeff
Bezos to testify on
its private-label practices, citing a Wall Street Journal investigation that
found Amazon employees used data about independent sellers on its platform to
develop competing products.
The House panel has been investigating the market power of Amazon and
other giant large technology firms.
Testimony by Mr. Bezos would give lawmakers a public forum to interrogate him
on the private-label practices as well as other subjects. Bipartisan concerns
about the company stretch across a range of issues, from its market power and
its impact on small businesses to the safety of its workers and sales of
counterfeit products on its platforms.
The online giant has launched an internal investigation following the Journal’s
report, and the company said employees using such data to inform private-label
decisions would be violating its policies. In response to previous antitrust
scrutiny, Amazon has said it follows all laws and has emphasized that it
accounts for less than 4% of the U.S. retail market.
After The Journal report, Sen. Josh Hawley (R.,Mo.) pushed the Justice
Department to
open a criminal antitrust investigation into the company.
Spending $4 Billion on Worker Safety & Product Delivery
Amazon Says It Will Forgo Billions In Profits To Invest Into Worker Safety
said that it will give up its profits this quarter as it spends billions on
worker safety measures and makes a sweeping attempt to demonstrate that it is
protecting frontline employees tasked with getting millions of packages to
consumers during the coronavirus pandemic.
The e-commerce juggernaut said on Thursday that while it would typically expect
to make $4 billion in operating profits in the second quarter, it will spend “the
entirety of that $4 billion, and perhaps a bit more” on expenses tied to keeping
workers safe and getting products to customers during COVID-19.
“Providing for customers and protecting employees as this crisis continues
for more months is going to take skill, humility, invention, and money,”
said Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos in a statement. “If you’re a shareowner
in Amazon, you may want to take a seat, because we’re not thinking small.”
The money will go towards personal protective equipment like masks, enhanced
cleaning of its warehouses, a less efficient layout that better allows for
social distancing and higher wages for hourly workers. It also plans to
spend $300 million to develop its own COVID-19 testing capabilities.
Amazon had introduced a raft of worker safety measures in the last several
months in an attempt to protect the health of their employees. It extended two
weeks of paid time off for employees who have coronavirus or have come into
contact with someone with coronavirus. Workers who are unable to come into work,
or prefer not to, have also been given unlimited unpaid time off. The company
also stepped up the frequency and intensity of its cleaning efforts, including
the regular sanitization of door handles, handrails, touch screens, scanners and
other frequently touched areas. It has eliminated in-person meetings during
shifts and staggered the timing of shifts and break times.
“The service we provide has never been more critical, and the people doing the
frontline work — our employees and all the contractors throughout our supply
chain — are counting on us to keep them safe as they do that work. We’re not
going to let them down,” wrote Bezos on Thursday.
Amazon Q1 net sales up 26%, hits $75.5B
$41B product sales and $33B in services
eBay’s US sales drop 3.8% in Q1 2020
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D&D Daily Survey:
How will COVID-19 impact Loss Prevention & Organized Retail Crime at your stores
as the nation prepares to reopen?
industry values your input! The D&D Daily wants to hear your thoughts
as retail prepares to reopen following
mass closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Given the past seven weeks, we've all had a chance to think about what is going
to happen as we reopen the doors, but are we prepared for the impact the
pandemic will have on Loss Prevention and Organized Retail Crime?
What does ORC look like in the coming months? How
are your stores preparing?
Click here
to take a two-minute survey and share your thoughts!
ORC Cases from 2017 - By Dollar Amount
We at the D&D Daily compiled the top ORC cases we reported in 2017, ranked
by dollar amount. Here are cases 6-10 of the year.
Click here for the #1 case of 2017 and
here for cases 2-5.
$7.2M -
Medinah, IL, Man Gets 13 Yr's Prison for
Credit Card Fraud
Sebastian Deptula, 37, pleaded guilty Tuesday to wire fraud after an FBI
investigation. He also was ordered to pay $3.6 million in restitution to victims
and another $3.6 million in forfeiture to the government.
As part of the scheme, Deptula applied for credit cards using the names and
personal information of other cooperating individuals. Typically, they obtained
several credit cards for each person to maximize the total amount of credit
available. When the co-conspirators received the credit cards, they would
rapidly purchase items, including expensive electronics, so the limits could be
reached before the card was frozen.
$6M -
York, NY: Thieves steal $6M in jewels while ball drops
on New Year's Eve
trio of Midtown burglars waited for the stroke of midnight to pull off a $6
million New Year's Eve heist, law enforcement sources said Monday. "They laid in
wait until the ball dropped," said a law enforcement source. The three hooded
and masked men broke into a West 36th Street jewelry wholesaler at 12:01 a.m.
Sunday in what appears to be an inside job - while 7,000 cops were distracted
protecting Times Square revelers just a few blocks away. The source said the
thieves "100 percent" planned the heist to coincide with the ball drop. They
made off with around $6 million in gems and are still at large, police sources
$6M -
Woman Sentenced for $6 Million "Mystery Shopper"
Fraud Scheme
A Houston, Texas, woman, Timeiki Hedspeth, 39, was sentenced today to nearly 15
years in prison for her role in a $6 million fraud scheme involving "Mystery
$5M -
Providence, RI: Jeweler pleads guilty to $5M
scheme using fake invoices
A Connecticut man pleaded guilty Wednesday to what federal authorities described
as a long-running $5 million fraud scheme using his Rhode Island jewelry store. Prosecutors said the scheme focused on a deal Kent made with a so-called
"factoring" firm in Chicago. Factoring firms buy invoices from companies at a
discount to help those businesses get the capital they need to grow without
having to wait for outstanding invoices to be paid.
$4.5M -
CA: Burglars steal nearly $5 Million of Anastasia Beverly Hills make-up products
Between Jan. 28 and Jan. 30, LAPD detectives said unknown suspects cut a hole in
the roof and broke into a warehouse located within the LAPD Devonshire Division,
where Anastasia Beverly Hills Inc. stored the cosmetics. The thieves got away
with more than 100,000 "Modern Renaissance" eye shadow kits valued at $4.5
Macon, GA: Bibb County Burglary ring bust recovers stolen electronics, vehicles,
cash, and guns
County deputies busted a burglary ring that led to four arrests and recovered
several stolen items. Bibb County deputies investigated a number of business
burglaries throughout Macon-Bibb that occurred over the past few months. In many
of these burglaries, exterior walls of the businesses were breached with either
a sledgehammer or some type of saw. Crowbars or other prying tools were also
used to enter other businesses. Bibb County deputies report those arrested were
charged with the Georgia RICO Act because it is believed that in this spree of
burglaries they collectively engaged in a pattern of unlawful conduct.
Safes in many of the businesses were either cut open or removed altogether.
Surveillance video or witnesses indicated that the suspects wore dark clothing
and masks. Similar items were also taken from multiple businesses. Investigators
also found many items fitting the description of goods taken from the businesses
burglarized. These items include cash, clothing, cigarettes, TV’s, and an
assortment of electronic devices. Also seized were six guns and three vehicles.
Middletown, DE: Troopers Make Arrests in Recent Liquor Store Thefts
The Delaware State Police have arrested three subjects, all from Philadelphia,
on Organized Retail Crime related charges, in connection with recent thefts from
southern New Castle County liquor stores. On Tuesday, April 28, a theft took
place at Summit Liquors. A second theft then occurred at Smith Liquors in
Townsend. In each incident it was reported that two females and two male
suspects entered the businesses and proceeded to conceal multiple bottles of
high end liquor in bags, and then fled without paying. A combined total of
approximately$1700.00 in alcohol was stolen. On Thursday April 30, Troopers
conducted a traffic stop of a vehicle matching prior information, at which time
three occupants of the vehicle were taken in to custody without incident. During
a search, Troopers recovered multiple bottles of liquor, valued at $1000.00.
Also discovered shoplifting tools, to include multiple bags and a security tag
removal device.
Lake Zurich, IL: Thieves take 60 champagne bottles, valued at more than $4,000
Bakersfield, CA: BPD searching for two Target thieves stealing over $700 in

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Shootings & Deaths
Update: Little Rock, AR: Family Dollar employee shoots, kills man outside store
A man killed outside a Family Dollar in Little Rock on Wednesday was shot by a
store employee, police said. Officers responded around 5:35 p.m. to the Family
Dollar, on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, and found 45-year-old Keith Cobbins
suffering from a gunshot wound to the chest. Police said in a news release there
was a "disturbance" in the parking lot between Cobbins and an employee of the
store, 42-year-old Shalonda Nelson, that escalated into the shooting. Nelson was
interviewed and released pending further investigation, police said. Department
spokesman officer Eric Barnes said investigators were still reviewing the
store's video evidence to decide if Nelson's actions were justified.
Perth, Australia: Police fatally shoot man who stabbed 7 at Mall
Australian police fatally shot a man who stabbed and slashed seven people at and
near a shopping mall on Friday, officials said. None of the victims of the
rampage in the northwest coastal town of South Hedland suffered life-threatening
injuries. Five were hospitalized with stab wounds, including two who remain in
serious but stable condition, officials said. Police have not revealed a motive.
There was no indication the assailant, aged in his 30s, was politically or
ideologically motivated, Western Australia state Police Commissioner Police
Commissioner Chris Dawson said.
The assailant first stabbed a man at a motel near the mall and then another man
who was sitting in a car at a nearby fast food restaurant, police said. He then
knifed two men and three women at the mall, including a woman pushing a baby
carriage. The child was not injured. Two police officers Tasered the man but he
still lunged at them with the knife, Dawson said. A policeman fired several
shots and killed him, he said.
Memphis, TN: One Employee dead, another in critical condition following argument
/ shooting inside a Jewelry Store
person has died this morning after a shooting in Whitehaven, another person was
taken to Methodist South in critical condition. The shooting happened in
Whitehaven at The Jewelry Box. Officers received a call about an incident at a
business that was open. Store workers were arguing and shots were fired,
according to police. Police said the store owner will be held accountable for
the business being open during COVID-19 restrictions.
League City, TX: Galveston Co. Deputy shoots and kills suspected Armed Robber of
A deputy-involved shooting in League City overnight left a suspected robber dead
outside of a convenience store. Galveston County sheriff's deputies responded to
a possible robbery call at a convenience store along Tuscan Lakes Boulevard and
FM-646 around 9:30 p.m. The deputy involved was 100 yards away and said the
suspect came out of the store with a handgun. That's when authorities say the
shootout began. abc13.com
Robberies, Incidents & Thefts
'It's a lawless city': Philadelphia merchants alarmed by Mobs of people
group of 20 merchants in Philadelphia say policies set forth by the city during
the COVID-19 pandemic has caused an alarming epidemic of shoplifting, and in
some cases, mobs of people. In one incident at the 7-Eleven store at 22nd &
Market streets, video shows a group of about 8-10 kids come in and spread out
throughout the store. Each starts collecting items from different shelves and
refrigerators before suddenly running for the door. The owner says this has
happened two to three times since the pandemic.
"Actually, I've been facing a lot of shoplifting. Every day I try to call and
sometimes when I call 911 nobody answers," said Mohammed Karim, a store owner.
At another store, another mob enters a store, including a young boy. Within
minutes, the same thing happens with people running for the door with various
items, the clerk running after them to no avail. Due to the pandemic, the
Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw ordered arrests be delayed for
non-violent crimes such as theft, drugs or prostitution. "I think
broadcasting no arrests for retail theft was the biggest mistake the city ever
made," said store owner Sukhvir Thinb.
Dothan, AL: Police respond to Armed Robbery at Dollar General; store employees
locked in break room
are responding to an armed robbery call at the Dothan Dollar General located at
Fortner Street. Around 9:15 p.m., Dothan police responded to the armed robbery
call. When police arrived, they found store employees locked inside the store’s
break room. The suspect had fled the scene. No injuries have been reported.
Salisbury, NC: Man who held people at gunpoint at Harris-Teeter pleads guilty in
In 2018, Cody Schimmels held people at gunpoint inside Harris-Teeter. The
situation ended when he was shot by police. On Thursday, Schimmels was in court
where he entered a guilty plea to five counts of felony first degree kidnapping
and one count of felony attempted robbery with a dangerous weapon. He was
sentenced to a minimum of 204 months (17 years) to a maximum of 282 months (23.5
years) in prison.
Mobile, AL: Police Hunting for Screwdriver-Wielding Shoplifter
Vallejo, CA: Shoplifting suspect coughed in Target workers' faces to make
Opa-locka, FL: Five Trucks Torched outside Flea Market
tractor-trailers caught on fire Friday morning at the Opa-locka Flea Market.
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue said the fire initiated in one of the trucks parked in
the lot and spread to the other four. A person who lives in a recreational
vehicle parked in the same lot was burned trying to run away from the fire. He
was treated on the scene. No word on what sparked the fire.
Auto Parts – Chicago,
IL – Burglary
Auto Parts – Slippery
Rock, PA – Burglary
Auto Parts – Sonora,
CA – Burglary
Bait Shop – Davis
County, IA – Burglary
C-Store – League City, TX – Armed Robbery/Susp
shot, killed by LE
C-Store – Norfolk, NE
– Armed Robbery
C-Store – Wheaton, IL
– Armed Robbery
C-Store - Hancock
County, IN – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Champaign,
IL – Armed Robbery
Dollar General –
Dothan, AL – Armed Robbery
Grocery – Greensboro,
NC – Armed Robbery
Grocery - Stockton, CA
– Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Chicago,
IL – Robbery
Restaurant – Beckley,
WV – Burglary
Restaurant –
Binghamton, NY – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Katy, TX
– Armed Robbery
Walgreens – Pacifica,
CA - Robbery
7-Eleven – Truckee, CA
– Robbery
Daily Totals:
• 13 robberies
• 5 burglaries
• 1 shooting
• 1 killed |
Weekly Totals:
• 46 robberies
• 50 burglaries
• 2 shootings
• 1 killed |

Click to enlarge map
None to report. |
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District Loss Prevention Manager
Birmingham/Montgomery/Tuscaloosa, AL
The District Loss Prevention Manager ensures shrinkage control and
improves safety in the stores through proper investigation and training. This
position is responsible to provide feedback, guidance and protection for our
Team Leaders and Associates. This role has oversight and responsibility for
approximately 8 to 10 store locations...

District Loss Prevention Manager
Roanoke, VA
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safety in the stores through proper investigation and training. This position is
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and Associates. This role has oversight and responsibility for approximately 8
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Vice President |
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Allied Universal |
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The speed of the day and today's economic pressures often tempts even the most
defined professional to take shortcuts and risk exposures that ultimately they
have to mentally deal with and occasionally have to face the consequences for.
There is no better use of the adage, It's the Tortoise vs. the Hare, and the
tortoise always wins, that applies here. Staying grounded in your principals,
committed to your mission and being a professional is what should drive every
executive every day - remembering that long term actions speak louder than words
and the tortoise always wins will hopefully rule the day.
Just a Thought, Gus

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