
2019 GLPS - Group LP Selfies
Your Team - Your Pride - Our Industry
Building Industry Pride - One Team Selfie at a Time
Victra's Asset Protection
technology to life in the most trustworthy, fun, and profitable way"

Back row (left to right): Mark Robinson (Area Director of AP), BJ Day
(Regional AP Manager), and Justin Hallstrom (Regional AP Manager)
Middle Row: Jessica Nixon (Regional AP Manager), Cristina Hanson
(Director of AP Operations), Dave Patel (Regional AP Manager), Steve Mick (VP of
AP), and Ed Fuentes (Area Director of AP)
Front Row: Chris Voity (Regional AP Manager), Lauren Linsenbach (Regional
AP Manager), and Ashley Fernando (Regional AP Manager)
Thanks to Steve Mick, VP of Asset Protection, Risk Management, and Revenue
Assurance at Victra, for submitting
this GLPS.
Recent ADT and Alarm.com Deals Making Waves
Alarm.com + OpenEye Becomes a "Pretty Formidable Competitor"
ADT & I-View Propels An Entire Industry to Wipe Out False Alarms

"Alarm.com has a lot of exposure to the residential alarm business, and while
there still is good potential there, to try and continue to show 20- to
25-percent year-over-year growth, diversifying into other channels that are
going to show strong performance is going to be important," Mack said.
"Commercial is probably the biggest and most obvious of the areas to move into
and this deal is an important enabler for commercial, where video and related
information is increasingly critical to success in that sector."
He continued: "They've got the intrusion piece; they have been developing
the access control piece; and this OpenEye deal gives them the
cloud-managed video piece, so they kind of have the triple play, as
well as all of the accouterments that you can add to the triple play, like video
analytics, where they have some of the leading engineers and also in software,
data analysis and cloud hosting, so they are a pretty formidable competitor."
ADT & I-View propels monitoring services to the next level. May Propel an
entire industry.
at the ADT deal for I-View Now, George De Marco, ESX chairman/managing partner,
DECO Ventures LLC, noted on the phone and in his blog that alarm verification
technology, like I-View Now's, propels monitoring services to the next level.
"With the recent announcement of ADT's purchase of I-View Now's technology, this
move may finally propel the industry to aggressively adopt and adapt
next-gen solutions that use sensors, images and data to effectively determine
the threat level from an intrusion or fire alarm activation," De Marco said.
"False alarm dispatches may finally become a thing of the past."
This is the technology to kind of make that real and to be serious about solving
this problem. This technology is the wave of the future and ADT wants to be
out in front and say that it is the point of differentiation for buying an
ADT system."
Published in the Daily 10-18:
ADT Acquires I-View Now to Help Revolutionize Professional Monitoring
Published in the Daily 10-22:
Alarm.com Acquires OpenEye to Expand Commercial Solutions
NYPD Commissioner James O'Neill expected to step down from NYPD
anticipated resignation comes a little over three years after he was appointed
as the city's 43rd top cop - and on the heels of firing chokehold cop Daniel
Pantaleo amid mounting pressure.
O'Neill, 61, rose through the ranks, serving as the commanding officer in three
precincts - Central Park, the 25th in Harlem and the busy 44th in the Bronx -
before becoming chief of patrol in 2014. Two years later, Mayor Bill de Blasio
named him commissioner when then-commissioner Bill Bratton stepped down.
Since then, O'Neill has embraced neighborhood policing - a method credited with
driving down crime that's aimed at strengthening the relationship between cops
and the community by having officers on patrol in the same neighborhoods on the
same shifts.
Pantaleo's fate rested in O'Neill's hands following NYPD Deputy Commissioner of
Trials Rosemarie Maldonado's recommendation that he be fired for the 2014 death
of Eric Garner. O'Neill said he agreed with Maldonado's scathing ruling in
announcing his much-anticipated decision on Aug. 19 to terminate the 14-year
veteran - a move that received swift blowback from rank-and-file.
Him at the D&D Daily's New Year's Kickoff - Jan. 16, 2017
NYPD Commissioner "Jimmy" O'Neill spoke at
LP's New
Year's Kickoff event in Jan. 2017 as keynote speaker of the night, taking
time for pictures with attending LP teams and
vendors, then addressing the crowd in a speech focusing on current issues facing
the retail community. He had just been sworn in after Commissioner Bill
Bratton had just retired. BTW Bratton was hoping to join Hillary Clinton's team
after her being elected to the Presidency.
McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook out for using
'poor judgment' in consensual
relationship with employee
McDonald's has booted CEO Steve Easterbrook after its board determined a
consensual relationship he had with an employee violated company policy.
Easterbrook will be replaced by Chris Kempczinski, who has most recently served
as president of McDonald's USA.
The termination was unrelated to the company's performance, it said. McDonald's
has been struggling to drive people into its stores amid heavy competition.
Retail & Fast Food Industries - More Sexually Harassed Than Any Other
Nearly half of young retail workers report being sexually harassed,
on average,
seven times a year

A survey of more than 3,000 union members by the Australian Human Rights
Commission, released today, shows young workers in the retail and fast food
industries are more likely to be sexually harassed than those in other sectors.
The largest group of harassers was customers, at 36 per cent.
Various forms of co-workers made up the rest of the harassers:
Peers (27 per cent)
Senior co-workers (12 per cent)
Managers (12 per cent)
Direct supervisors (11 per cent)
Business owners (3 per cent)
More than one response was possible.
Female retail workers under 30 years old were most likely to be harassed, making
up 46 per cent of all victims. Of everyone in that age bracket who reported
being sexually harassed, they revealed it happened, on average, seven times in
the past year.
Some of the first-hand examples reported by survey respondents included:
"Customers have threatened to rape me in the car park."
"Wearing a name badge also makes it easy for predators to look us up online."
"I was asked yesterday by a customer what condoms I use with my boyfriend."
"Having a customer with his hfands down his pants whilst looking at me down the
The customer is not always right.
The Human Rights Commission conducted the survey for the Shop, Distributive and
Allied Employees Association (SDA) union.
Sex discrimination commissioner Kate Jenkins said the figures showed sexual
harassment was a community-wide problem.

Under Armour faces investigation into accounting practices
Justice Department, SEC examining how sportswear maker recorded revenue; company
says it is cooperating with investigators.
Federal authorities are investigating Under Armour Inc.'s accounting practices
in a probe examining whether the sportswear maker shifted sales from quarter
to quarter to appear healthier, according to people familiar with the
Justice Department prosecutors are conducting a criminal inquiry into the
matter in coordination with civil investigators at the Securities and Exchange
Commission, another person said.
When examining what are known as revenue-recognition practices, authorities
generally focus on whether companies record revenue before it is earned or defer
the dating of expenses to make earnings appear stronger, among other possible
Facial Recognition Software Sparks Transparency Battle
Another Privacy Advocate Article in Law 360
About a quarter of law enforcement agencies in the U.S. have access to a facial
recognition system, and over half of American adults are in a facial recognition
database, according to Jameson Spivack, policy associate at the Center on
Privacy & Technology at Georgetown University Law Center.
The FBI, meanwhile, has performed 390,186 facial recognition searches, and
between 2017 and April 2019 received 152,565 law enforcement requests for
searches, according to June testimony before the House Oversight and Reform
Committee from Deputy Assistant Director Kimberly J. Del Greco.
"Any time we have a technology that's going to help us be more professional and
have a better ability to perform our job, we want to make sure that we embrace
that," said Ronald Lawrence, president of the California Police Chiefs
Association, which lobbied against California's body camera bill, whittling it
down from a total ban to a three-year moratorium.
The investigation of the Boston Marathon bombing is "a perfect example" of how
facial recognition can be a boon to both police and the public, said Lawrence,
who pointed out that the technology "was critical to solving that case."
Despite these successes, activists continue to fight law enforcement's use of
the technology. Hofer says he is currently working with four other cities on
banning facial recognition software.
Inside Edition Wants to Produce an Episode on
Retail ORC
Anyone Interested in Shooting One?
One of their Investigative Producers has contacted us asking if we might know of
any retailer that would allow them to get involved at the ground level, so to
speak, in an ORC investigation and apprehension. As they would like to do a
segment on the national problem with a real-world case to back it up.
As some will remember, a few years ago another group filmed shoplifting
apprehensions in Southern California with the help of a contract security firm
and a local retailer. This appears to be different from the respect that the
Producer recognizes that ORC is not typical shoplifting and it's representative
of a much deeper industry problem.
If anyone would be willing to discuss it with them,
let us know and
we'll put you in touch with him.
- Gus Downing
DOJ Awards $165M in Public Safety Funding to NC
Check with Your Local PD's & See if they Have Grant Funds for that Special
Retail Program
The Department of Justice today announced awards of more than $165 million to
support public safety efforts in the state of North Carolina. The funding from
the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), Office of Justice
Programs (OJP), and Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) will support violent
crime reduction, opioid/substance abuse reduction efforts, school safety,
victim services, transitional housing for domestic violence victims, law
enforcement activities, justice mental health, and juvenile justice.
Editor's Note: Often used by local PD's to fund ORC Task force,
holiday shoplifting blitzes and assisting retail LP efforts. Does your city have
any of these funds available and can you apply? Ask your local detective or
officer or possibly ask your superior to submit a formal request. Below
you'll find the DOJ program itself.
The Department of Justice offers funding opportunities to support law
enforcement and public safety activities in state, local, and tribal
jurisdictions; to assist victims of crime; to provide training and technical
assistance; to conduct research; and to implement programs that improve the
criminal, civil, and juvenile justice systems.
Communities that have been affected by mass violence incidents may be
able to apply for assistance through several DOJ grants.
Learn more
The DOJ Program Plan is a tool to help applicants and grantees find funding
opportunities (solicitations) managed by the DOJ grant-making components that
address their criminal, juvenile, and civil justice needs.
DOJ Program Plan Home Page
Retail fails: 6 of the biggest blunders from industry history
Every now and then in retail, decisions turn out so badly that leaders can't
even blame the weather. Or "fashion misses."
There are times when a decision, or its execution, or both, are so flawed or
ill-fated that they change the trajectory of a year, or two, or a company's
entire future. These stand as cautionary tales for the entire industry.
There are lessons in these failures. Very often they revolve around myopia. Neil
Saunders, managing director of GlobalData Retail. He thinks some of the biggest
retail failures boil down to "believing your own hype" and the isolation of
leaders from criticism. "It's like the 'Emperor's New Clothes,'" Saunders
said. "It takes that child in the room to say, 'You know what? This isn't very
sensible. This is a really dumb decision.'"
After talking with retail experts, we compiled a list of some of the biggest
mistakes that still loom over the retail industry today, in their implications
if nothing else.
1. That time J.C. Penney tried to become Apple
- "Doing nothing wasn't really an option. But doing what they did was a worse
option than doing nothing."
2. Most decisions at Sears from 1993 onward - "It really just ended up
backfiring on them."
3. Kmart's big-box binge - In the years before it went bankrupt, Kmart
acquired sporting goods retailer Sports Authority, bookseller Borders, office
supplier OfficeMax, the home improvement retailer that would become Builders
Square, and club retailer Pace Membership Warehouse. Kmart would turn around and
sell or spin off those acquisitions just a few years later as the company's
eponymous discount stores faltered and it looked to raise cash.
4. Target's $7 billion 'debacle' in Canada - Everything that followed the
creation of Target Canada is a study in the scope of things that can be done
badly in retail.
5. American Apparel's blindspot - its toxic public image - "[American
Apparel] became a victim of this enormous arrogance within the company. And that
led it to become just completely disconnected from any semblance of what is
reasonable in terms of marketing and promotion and behavior."
6. When Ascena doubled down on a declining sector - "[Ascena] bought
apparel chains that were poorly positioned in a bid to become a dominant apparel
merchandiser, and they did it at exactly the wrong time," Egelanian said. "It
was incredibly exposed to the regional mall business. And what does it do? It
goes and buys regional mall retailers."
The Many Values of Store Visits
Are You Out There Hitting Those Stores?
The difference between success and failure can be as simple as visiting each
store and having a relationship with employees.
The c-store industry is, and will continue to be, a people business. As such,
you cannot overlook the many values gained by making frequent visits to your No.
1 and No. 2 assets - your employees and your c-stores. It's here where the magic
happens, and it's here where your success as a company is determined
Through the many years I've been associated with c-stores and truck stops, the
visits that stand out most are the planned visits from our Big Oil partners. We
would spend hours getting the stores in near-pristine shape, only to have our
partners not show up. I'm going to estimate about half of their "planned" visits
never took place, and this was often a blow to employee morale. Store employees,
both management and staff, would be dressed in their best uniforms and prepared
for an inspection that never came. In fairness, many of the missed visits were
not intentional; however, the damage was done. Feelings were hurt, and each
subsequent planned visit was taken less seriously.
Editor's Note: Over the years one of the top observations made by a
lot of executives and solution providers, and interestingly enough widely
mentioned, is those leaders who don't travel that much to their stores and a few
who just don't travel virtually at all. And it's such a core basic but easily
discounted when budgets are tight. But like the opening line to this article, it
can be the difference between success and failure of programs, initiatives, and
even the shrink results of a unit or group of stores. Just a thought, Gus
American Dream Mall, Mall of America, Edmonton Mall Owners
Triple Five to Develop World's Largest Entertainment/Shopping Center in Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
Quarterly Results
Restaurant Brands International consolidated systemwide sales up 9%
Tim Horton's comp's down 1.4%, sales
Burger King comp's up 5%, sales up 11%
Pop Eyes comp's up 10%, sales up 16%
Publix Q3 comp's up 4.3%, sales up 6.3%
Ruth's Hospitality Q3 comp's up 0.6%, sales up 4%
Under Armour Q3 DTC down 1%, wholesales down 2%, total revenue down 1%
Last week's #1 article --
2019 Security 500 Rankings
Which security programs are taking the lead? These 500 enterprises have been
ranked through metrics to determine the forerunners in 20 sectors.
Retail/Restaurants (Company Name & Security 500 Member)
1. Starbucks Corp. - Garrett Petraia, Vice President, Global Security and
2. L Brands, Inc. - John Talamo, Senior Vice President, Asset Protection
3. Under Armour, Inc. - Fred Bealefeld, Vice President; Chief Global
Security Officer
4. Abercrombie & Fitch - Shane P. Berry, Group Vice President of Asset
5. Brinker International, Inc. - Bill Heine, Chief Security Officer
6. Big Y Foods, Inc. - Mark Gaudette, Director of Loss Prevention
7. Yum! Brands, Inc. - Steven Antoine, Chief Security Officer, Global
Assets Protection
8. VF Corp. - Justin Cullinan, Head of Global Security
9. Lululemon Athletica, Inc. - Greg Brumley, Vice President, Asset
Protection and Facilities
10. Big Lots!, Inc - Robert LaCommare CFI, VP, Asset Protection & Safety
11. Pappas Restaurants, Inc. - Joe Wojcik, Senior Investigator
12. Ascena Retail Group, Inc. - Eric Pidgeon, VP, Asset Protection
13. Costco Wholesale Corp. - Larry Montague, Director of Security
14. Art Van Furniture, Inc. - Michael F. Case, Senior Director of Loss
15. Kohl's Corp. - Randy Meadows, Senior Vice President of Loss
16. The Kroger Co. - Mike Lamb, Vice President of Asset Protection
17. Safeway/Albertsons - Kathleen Smith, Vice President of Asset
18. Things Remembered - James Baumgart, Senior Manager of Loss Prevention
19. AutoZone, Inc. - Patrick Barker, Corporate Security Manager
20. HAC, Inc. - Craig Nelson, Director, Risk Management and Loss
The 2019 Security 500 Methodology
The Security 500 Benchmarking Survey is based on information from several


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Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please.
If it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.

Guardian's PDQ Award-Winning
False Alarm Reduction Techniques
Guardian Protection earned the 2019 Police
Dispatch Quality Award by exercising proven best practices to determine if
police response is warranted. Here's how.

Batman had Robin, The Green Hornet had Kato and thousands of law enforcement
officers have
Guardian Protection - only the latter is much more impactful for being a
real-life partner in fighting crime.
Not only is Guardian one of the nation's largest security systems installation
and monitored services providers but also among the most diligent when it comes
to managing false alarms and verifying alarm signals before summoning first

Guardian Protection's consistent execution of proven best practices for the
deployment and ongoing monitoring of security systems has helped it deliver on
the mission to protect people and property - thereby making the firm and its
associates heroes in the eyes of law enforcement and customers alike.
commitment and posting false alarm dispatch rates of just 0.2 for its
residential accounts and 1.1 on the commercial side have led to Guardian being
winner of the 2019 Police Dispatch Quality (PDQ) Award, the company's first
such recognition in the program's 14-year history.
Established by SIAC and Security Sales & Integration and officially endorsed by
the Partnership for Priority Verified Alarm Response (PPVAR) and the
Installation Quality (IQ) program, the PDQ Award annually recognizes a security
company that best demonstrates a proactive, cooperative and successful effort in
false alarm reduction strategies.
The program's mission is to raise industrywide awareness, promote partnering
with responding agencies for public safety, motivate alarm companies to be
proactive and provide workable models.
"Historically and to this day, we work side-by-side with law enforcement as
necessary to implement false alarm reduction tactics within our company," says
Vice President Care and Monitoring Operations Jason Bradley. "We seek input from
law enforcement at the beginning of our policy-making processes rather than at
the end. We begin those conversations by using our industry's false alarm
reduction best practices as a foundation, thereby adding credibility to our
working together."
Founded in 1950 as Guardian Alarm Systems of Pittsburgh and in 1991 being
acquired by the Armstrong Group of Companies, Guardian Protection has grown to
its present status providing a broad range of systems and services to hundreds
of thousands of residential and commercial clients.
Continue on to find out more about Guardian Protection and its PDQ-winning
program, and
check out the slideshow for an inside look at
the company.
Read More Here


Stay HumbleOver the last few weeks we (WZ) have
been packing up our office in anticipation of moving to a new location. I've
moved more times in my life than I'd like to count as I'm sure many of you in
the field have done the same. The moving process can be stressful,
time-consuming and tedious - but it can also be reflective and humbling. Packing
up boxes of folders, files and office supplies may seem like a monotonous task
that could be done expeditiously - and it should. However, I can't seem to pack
an item without reflecting on when I acquired it and the experience that
surrounded it. Before you think I'm crazy, I'm not referring to having an
inspirational moment with my stapler or rolodex (yes I still have one). I'm
referencing challenge coins, books, conference badges and mementos that bring me
back to an event or a relationship I made while in the field. There are a lot of
professionals that have a wall in their office with certificates they've earned
or a shelf with awards they've been given. We should be proud of what we
accomplished, but truth be told, we should never forget where we were before the
walls become so decorated.
Read more here |

How has your organization's risk level changed in the past 12 months?
More than half of risk professionals worldwide say their organization's risk
levels have increased in the past 12 months, according to new research from
ISACA, CMMI Institute and Infosecurity Group.
The State of Enterprise Risk Management 2020 report reveals that only 29 percent
of respondents have a high degree of confidence that their enterprise can
accurately predict the impact of threats and vulnerabilities associated with
emerging technologies.
Additionally, fewer than a third (31 percent) of security pros say their
enterprises can respond quickly when new threats are identified, a problematic
dynamic given today's fast pace of business and technology-driven change.
The top five cybersecurity risk management challenges are changes/advances in
technology, changes in types of threats, too few security personnel, missing
skills in existing cybersecurity personnel, and increased number and frequency
of threats.
Risk identification processes commonly adopted,
but infrequently optimized
Global regions face wide spectrum of cybersecurity threats
Management and governance gap revealed
Q3 Ransomware Detailed Report
Retail in Top 5 Targeted Industries
Ransomware: Average Ransom Payout Increases to $41,000
Sodinokibi and Globelmposter Gangs Target Larger Victims, Coveware Warns
For the third quarter of this year, the average ransom amount paid was $41,198,
an increase of 13 percent compared to the second quarter and a nearly six-fold
increase from the third quarter of 2018, according to ransomware incident
response firm Coveware. The five most-targeted industries in the third quarter
were professional services, the public sector, healthcare, software services and
"The rate of increase has plateaued, reflecting resistance to paying by victims
who are increasingly finding new ways to restore and recreate data, rather than
pay," Coveware says in a new report. "Ryuk continued to make headlines, and
other similar Hermes variants like DopplePaymer and I-Encrypt became more
prevalent, suggesting that threat actors are rotating through different kits."
Siegel says that one surprise from the research is how much ransomware continues
to evolve, with many more groups adapting network intrusion techniques
previously used by nation-states' advanced persistent threat groups or only the
most advanced cybercrime gangs.
"The year-over-year changes are the most stark," he says. "Ransomware has gone
from being an autonomous threat that companies tried to deflect at their
perimeter to being a targeted threat where the methods of intrusion and attack
are closer to that of APTs than spam campaigns. It puts a lot of pressure on CISOs to have a multilayered approach."
Under the Gun: IT Service Providers
Coveware says the increase in ransomware payments is due to increased ransom
demands being made by attackers who wield Ryuk, with the average demand
increasing from $267,742 in Q2 to $377,026 in Q3.
Target: Remote Desktop Protocol
Coveware says 51 percent of the intrusions its customers experienced in the
third quarter traced to attackers accessing its network stolen remote desktop
protocol credentials, which remain easy and inexpensive to procure on cybercrime
marketplaces. Another 39 percent of ransomware outbreaks traced to phishing and
8 percent to a software vulnerability exploited by attackers
Bitcoin continues to be the dominant virtual currency being demanded by
attackers, with Coveware saying that 99 percent of all payments get made using
Paying a Ransom: Just the Beginning
When organizations do choose to pay their ransomware attackers, there are no
guarantees that they'll receive a decryption tool, or that it will work.
Coveware notes, however, that from July to September, 98 percent of the
companies it worked with that paid a ransom did receive a working decryption
tool, a slight increase from the prior three-month period. It notes that some
threat actors are reliable, while others - especially those using Rapid and
Dharma ransomware - often default after being paid.
Just because victims receive a decryptor, however, doesn't mean they're getting
all of their data back. In the third quarter, "victims who paid for a decryptor
successfully decrypted 94 percent of their encrypted data," Coveware says, which
was a slight improvement from the second quarter.
Red Flags for Victims
Cybercrime remains a business, and Coveware's Siegel says attackers who don't
provide working decryptors are shooting themselves in the foot. That's because
ransomware victims are well aware of whether a gang has a history of defaulting
on their promises after they've been paid.
Ransomware School: The Rise of GandCrab Disciples
Upskilled Hackers Have Moved to Sodinokibi Ransomware-as-a-Service and
Criminal innovation continues to thrive online, facilitated by the highly
specialized cybercrime-as-a-service economy. Ransomware-as-a-service
offerings such as Sodinokibi - also known as REvil or Sodin - have made
high-quality crypto-locking code available to any attacker who wants to
subscribe and share profits.
This industrialization and democratization of RaaS offerings has led to a
profound shift in how ransomware attacks get waged.
"The underground community [has reacted] by developing multidimensional
structures of criminal alliances, shadow auctions, trusted groups, secretive
relationships and partnerships designed to maximize the revenue of the expanding
ransomware market," according to a new report released by New York-based cyber
intelligence firm Advanced Intelligence, or AdvIntel. "These fragile unions
bring together experts from all across the dark web, who join the efforts to
attack the most secure and lucrative targets."
Europol Publishes Law Enforcement and Industry Report on Spear Phishing
4 November 2019, Europol's European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) published a
strategic report on spear phishing, reflecting the views of both law enforcement
and private industry on one of the most prevalent cyber threats currently
affecting organisations across the EU.
Spear phishing describes the practice of targeting specific individuals
within an organisation or business for the purposes of distributing malware
or extracting sensitive information. As reflected in this year's Internet
Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA), spear phishing is the number one
attack vector and enabler for the vast majority of cybercrimes.
The report is the result of a two-day meeting with the European Cybercrime
Centre's 70 key industry partners from internet security, telecommunications and
financial services. The Joint Advisory Group Meeting, which took place on 26 -
27 March 2019, gathered representatives from industry and law enforcement at
Europol's headquarters in The Hague to discuss what can be done to help mitigate
this type of crime.
The report highlights the role of spear phishing as the main attack vector for
cybercriminals and contains the definition of the main modi operandi that
criminals use to deceive the target (among others, emails coming from trusted
accounts, malicious attachments or links to fraudulent websites). Moreover, the
document collects conclusions and recommendations for organisations on how to
effectively combat this threat on a technical, educational, as well as
operational level -enforcing security policies, implementing artificial
intelligence and a raising public awareness on the topic.
Download the report here
What to Know about PCIP Requalification
PCI Professional (PCIP) Qualification
Payment Card Industry Professional (PCIP) is an individual,
entry-level qualification in payment security information and provides you
with the tools to help your organization build a secure payment environment.
Becoming a PCIP demonstrates a level of understanding that can provide a strong
foundation for a career in the payments security industry.
Support your organization's or client's ongoing security and compliance efforts
through your knowledge of how to apply PCI Standards.
The PCIP certification must be renewed every three years. Requalification
questions about the how and what often come in when someone has missed their
requalification date. The month of October shows nearly 100 PCIPs who must
requalify. We thought this would be a great time to remind everyone how the
process works and exactly what must be done when to ensure a smooth
Editor's Note: Great certification for a team member in 2020. Just a
Senior Job:
Director, Enterprise Security posted for U.S. Cellular in Chicago, IL
Locking down the datacentre: A security checklist for IT administrators


The Leader in Crime Prevention Systems

Captis Intelligence
is a global industry leader and pioneer in i4 technology - Combining a powerful
yet scalable platform that provides industry-first solutions to the asset
protection, financial, security, law enforcement, and KYC (Know Your Customer)
markets. Kirk Brown, Vice President of Business Development for Captis
Intelligence, explains how their I-4 platform (Information, Intelligence,
Investigation, and Identification) helps solve some of Loss Prevention's most
challenging problems.
Bob Moraca Discusses the NRF's
Latest LP Efforts and Focus
From expanding the NRF LP Council and the National Retail Security Survey to
previewing what's to come at this year NRF Protect conference, Bob Moraca,
Vice President of Loss Prevention for the NRF, shares some of the
organization's top priorities and biggest industry challenges. |
Redefining Ethics & At What Costs
AI in E-Commerce: Risk or Competitive Advantage?
If AI lets you implement discriminatory pricing or restrict access to a product
based on a customer's race, age or gender, should you?
You browse an e-commerce site on your mobile device, looking for a pair of
shoes. Then, with every swipe on your phone, you see ads from other retailers
offering you shoes, shoes and more shoes. Are you flattered that the retailer
shared your session cookie with third parties? Or do you shake your head,
annoyed that these ads are following you everywhere?
You visit an online retailer and can't find what you're looking for. Up pops a
chat window. You have a great and very successful conversation with Brenda and
discover it was a chatbot. Are you delighted at the store's efficiency? Or do
you feel duped?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the face of e-commerce. From
chatbots to recommendation engines to image search to smart logistics, the pace
of technological advances in e-commerce is outstripping the pace of regulatory
and ethical frameworks. But are these advancements coming at a price?
According to a
study conducted in 2019 by Capgemini, most executives (77%) are
uncertain about the ethics and transparency of their AI systems. More tellingly,
executives in nine out of 10 organizations believe the use of AI systems have
created ethical issues during the last two to three years. Consumer sentiment
echoes this trend, with close to half of consumers believing they have felt the
impact of an ethical issue caused by AI.
AI and ethics defined
AI's impressive functionality raises many ethical questions over the design,
development and deployment of AI-based technology -- and businesses and
government agencies are scrambling to keep pace.
Notably, the European Commission last year launched a study into the ethics of
AI, with the aim to provide an appropriate ethical and legal framework for the
increasing public and private investments in AI. The resulting 41-page "Ethics
Guidelines for Trustworthy AI" report outlines
seven key requirements for
ethical AI. The Capgemini report further consolidates those into four
critical recommended elements:
The Amazon 'Chainsaw' Massacre
Amazon is dominating the holiday price war
With the holiday sales season underway, Amazon is pricing 20% below other
online retailers on average in key product categories.
Walmart was the closest behind Amazon, with prices 4.1% more on average than the
e-commerce giant's. Target was 10.6% more expensive than Amazon overall.
Walmart's Jet unit was 11.3% more expensive, according to the study.
Meanwhile, category specialists like Best Buy, Staples, Dick's and Wayfair were
generally priced well above Amazon. That, according to Profitero, signals those
retailers "choosing to compete on non-price factors to win with shoppers."
For retailers hoping for an end to perennial holiday price wars - sorry.
Amazon has entered the holiday sales fracas with a chainsaw, meaning things
likely won't get better anytime soon.
Walmart trailed Amazon by just over 4%, according to Profitero. In individual
categories, the disparity is narrower. Walmart was only 0.2% behind
Amazon's prices on baby products, 1.3% behind on pet supplies and 1.7% behind on
toys. The same goes for Target, which was within 5% of Amazon on price in
toys, household supplies and beauty products.
"Instead, they are competing on value beyond price, offering memberships,
personalized services, personalized promotions and private label products
consumers can't find elsewhere," Anderson said of category specialists. "This is
the recipe for how retailers - and even brands selling direct-to-consumer - can
compete long term in this age of algorithmic-driven pricing."
'Cyber Week' will generate 20% of total holiday revenue |


Gilbert, AZ: Arizona couple busted in $2.7 million stolen beauty products
Arizona couple was arrested for allegedly operating an interstate stolen goods
operation that took in more than $2.7 million from online sales. Gilbert police
Sgt. Mark Marino said 42-year-old Zach Robbins and his wife, 47-year-old Jie
Robbins, were arrested after a search warrant was served at their home near
Higley and Warner roads. Their arrest came after a three-month investigation.
Detectives said they found around $500,000 to $750,000 worth of stolen
over-the-counter health and beauty products inside the home. Police believe the
married couple had been conducting interstate sales of stolen property for more
than four years. Investigators also believe that the pair would pay others to
shoplift items from local stores. Marino said the couple would then resell the
merchandise through eBay and Amazon storefronts. The two were booked on charges
of trafficking stolen property, money laundering, and illegal control of an
MI: Michigan State Police seized over $300K in goods stolen from big box retail
MNET Investigation: Over the past eight months the Metro Narcotics Enforcement
Team (MNET) has been investigating a business owner engaged in organized retail
crime that spans the Metro Detroit Area. Detectives with the state police and
other law enforcement agencies began about eight months ago investigating a
business owner they say was selling the stolen items. The business owner is
accused of recruiting people to steal merchandise from retailers that he would
resell at a profit or for his own personal use, officials said. Police said an
undercover detective infiltrated the operation and sold the suspect more than
$6,000 worth of stolen property. After multiple undercover operations and hours
of surveillance, authorities said, police executed search warrants at the
suspect's business and at his home. Troopers and officers seized $300,000 and
$15,000 in fraudulently purchased merchandise.
St George, UT: 2 men face felonies after stealing computers from business,
trying to resell to chain store
A monthlong investigation by a Washington City Police detective led to the
arrest of two men suspected in a business burglary where police allege that
equipment, furniture and mail valued at nearly $10,000 was stolen. The two men -
Jonathan McAlister and Matthew Anastacio, were arrested Wednesday. They appeared
in 5th District Court on multiple charges Thursday. Both men face one count of
second-degree felony theft and one third-degree felony count of burglary, along
with one misdemeanor charge for mail theft. The charges stem from an incident
reported Oct. 1 when officers responded to a burglary in Washington City where
they learned that several computers, equipment and a box of U.S. mail had been
Fairview Heights, IL: Metro East suspect pretends to sneeze to steal
71-year-old's wallet, buys $2,000 worth of gift cards
East Police are searching for a robbery duo who pick-pocketed a man's wallet at
a Bob Evans restaurant late October. Police said a 71-year-old Belleville man
had finished eating breakfast at a Bob Evans on Ludwig Drive around 10:30 a.m.
when he paid for his meal and began to leave. Surveillance video shows a man
watching the 71-year-old from the corner of the restaurant. He is seen exiting
the entryway in front of the victim. Police said one of the suspects allegedly
sneezed, which stopped the victim from moving forward. As the pair was stopped
in the entrance, another male suspect bumped into the victim from behind.
Fifteen minutes later, the victim got an email that one of his credit cards was
used at a CVS in Swansea and then noticed his wallet was missing. Investigators
said the suspects were able to purchase several gift cards that cost up to
$2,000. The victim's stolen wallet also had cash inside.
Merced, CA: Apple products stolen during Burglary at Target
Merced Police are investigating burglary at Target in Merced. According to Sgt.
Emily Foster, authorities responded to the Target store located at 3280 R
Street, for a report of a burglary at about 7:14 p.m. Saturday. Foster said
described the thieves as three adult black males. They stole Apple products from
the store before fleeing the scene, according to police. The total value of the
items stolen remained unclear Sunday.

Shootings & Deaths
Butts County, GA: Man fatally shot at Waffle House after allegedly using racial
Police were called three times Thursday night in reference to the incident at
the restaurant in the 3200 block of Highway 36 West in Jackson, the GBI said in
a news release. The first call was made over an angry customer, the second was
over a fight and the last call reported shots had been fired. Authorities said
the shooting was initiated when Nicholas Phinazee Bryan, 27, of Milner, used
racial slurs in a confrontation with two men. Bryan was asked to leave the
Waffle House by staff, but instead a physical altercation ensued between Bryan
and one of the two men, according to the GBI. Bryan was then allegedly shot by
the second man. The GBI was called by the sheriff's office just past midnight to
investigate the incident. Bryan was taken to Monroe County Hospital where he
later died.
Dallas, TX: Pregnant CVS Employee shot during attempted Armed Robbery
University Park Police say doctors have delivered a baby boy to the female
victim shot. Both mother and baby are reprorted in critical, but stable
condition. University Park Police say they are releasing just one still image of
the suspect to the public, as the entire surveillance videotape contains
information that could impede the investigation. According to police, a suspect
entered a CVS store at 3012 Mockingbird Lane about 6:40a.m. Sunday, demanded
money, and shot an employee who was eight months pregnant.
Dallas, TX: Roly Poly Sandwich Restaurant to Donate Tips to Victim Shot During
CVS Robbery
Robberies, Incidents & Thefts
Village, CO: Brink's armored vehicle robbed at gunpoint in Colorado, FBI looking
for suspects
The FBI is looking for three suspects who robbed an armored truck at gunpoint in
Colorado in the middle of the afternoon. The incident happened Wednesday at
about 2:30 p.m. outside of a bank in Denver. When the employee stops to load the
vehicle, the suspects are seen quickly exiting the car and pointing two
semi-automatic handguns and what Greenwood Village police described as an AK-47
variant at the employee, who is forced to his knees by one of the suspects while
the other two empty the armored vehicle. In less than 30 seconds, the suspects
are seen driving away.
Burglars Crash Car Into Versace Store Chicago Premium Outlet
Police arrest suspect following gun incident at Target near Ohio State's campus
Tulalip, WA: 5 Arrested after beating a man in the Seattle Premium Outlets
parking lot with a baseball bat
Colorado Spring, CO: Police investigate 7 robberies in 27-minute span
Yakima, WA: Police warn store owners that robbery season is approaching
Canton, MA: Police nab CVS robbery suspect who used threat of AIDS
Fairburn, GA: Man gets Life sentence for fatally beating Publix employee
Almost two years after a 58-year-old woman was beaten to death with a baseball
bat, her accused killer has learned his fate. A judge recently sentenced Jared
Kemp to life in prison for the 2017 murder of Toni Abad. His girlfriend, De'Asia
Page, was sentenced to 30 years for her role in the killing. Kemp and Page were
both 18 at
time of Abad's death. Abad was trying to do a good deed when she was killed four
days before Christmas that year, authorities said. Abad was leaving her job at a
Publix grocery store when Page asked her for a ride to a street nearby. When the
two arrived, Kemp came out of the woods, broke the driver side window with the
bat, then hit Abad several times. She died from that beating. The suspects then
placed Abad in the trunk of her car and threw her phone into the woods.
Prosecutors said Kemp and Page drove the car to a Waffle House and left it there
behind the restaurant. Police officers responded to the Waffle House for an
abandoned vehicle call and noticed the shattered window and keys in the driver
seat. When the officer opened the trunk, he discovered Abad's body. Prosecutors
said Page admitted her involvement in the crime to a security guard at a service
station near the crime scene. She was arrested on Christmas Eve 2017. Kemp was
later arrested for his role and convicted of murder, felony murder, armed
robbery, hijacking a motor vehicle in the first degree and aggravated assault.
Sioux Falls, SD: Man set to be executed for stabbing death of fellow Donut Shop
A 63-year-old South Dakota man is scheduled to be put to death for the slaying
of a 22-year-old deliveryman who stumbled upon a burglary in 1992. Charles
Rhines is scheduled to die Monday by lethal injection for Donnivan Schaeffer's
1992 death. Rhines had recently been fired from his job at Dig 'Em Donuts in
Rapid City and was burglarizing the store when Schaeffer walked in.
Lockport, NY: Man was sentenced Friday to 16 months to four years in prison for
making $1,316 in fraudulent credit card purchases
Jeremy Kaufman accepted a pre-indictment plea offer in Sept. 18 to attempted
third-degree burglary. The offense was considered burglary because Kaufman had
been banned from the grocery store. At the time, Kaufman was in a diversion
program for racking up $538 in fraudulent purchases using a credit card he stole
from a man he'd been living with. He pleaded guilty to fourth-degree criminal
possession of stolen property.


AT&T - Silver Spring,
MD - Burglary
C-Store - Moses Lake,
WA - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Carson City,
NV - Armed Robbery
Clothing - Aurora, IL
- Burglary
CVS - Dallas, TX -
Armed Robbery
CVS - Kern County, CA
- Armed Robbery
Dollar General -
Toledo, OH - Armed Robbery
Dollar General -
Topeka, KS - Armed Robbery
Dollar General -
Bentonville, AR - Robbery
Dollar General -
Cleveland, OH - Robbery
Gas Station -
Whitehall, OH - Armed Robbery
Grocery - Litchfield,
ME - Burglary
Hardware - Omaha, NE -
● Jewelry - D'Iberville, MS - Robbery
● Jewelry - Charlotte, NC - Robbery
● Jewelry - Albuquerque, NM - Burglary
● Jewelry - Fultondale, AL - Robbery
● Jewelry - Leads, AL - Robbery
Jewelry - Wyoming, MI
- Robbery
Marijuana - Edmond, OK
- Burglary
Pharmacy - Omaha, NE -
Armed Robbery
Restaurant - Corpus
Christi, TX - Burglary (Chick-Fil-A)
Shoe Store - Los
Angeles, CA - Burglary
Target - Columbus, OH
- Armed Robbery
Target - Merced, CA -
7-Eleven - Brockton,
MA - Robbery
Daily Totals:
• 17 robberies
• 9 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed |

Click to enlarge map
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Senior ORC Investigator
Boca Raton, FL
The Senior Investigator is part of a fast-growing, ever changing environment
that partners with Store Operations to ensure we provide the best experience to
our customers. The Senior Investigator is responsible for assisting with
implementing a strategy to combat organized retail crime and external theft
across the TJMaxx and Marshalls brands...
Loss Prevention Investigator
Seattle, WA
The Loss Prevention Investigator is part of a fast-growing, ever changing
environment that partners with Store Operations to ensure we provide the best
experience to our internal and external customers. With a focus on internal
cases, the Investigator takes complex investigations head-on through
establishing solid partnerships with store and LP leadership...
Loss Prevention Investigator
San Jose, CA
The Loss Prevention Investigator is part of a fast-growing, ever changing
environment that partners with Store Operations to ensure we provide the best
experience to our internal and external customers. With a focus on internal
cases, the Investigator takes complex investigations head-on through
establishing solid partnerships with store and LP leadership...
Area LP Manager
San Jose or Fresno, CA
The Area Loss Prevention Manager (ALPM) drives shrink improvement and asset
protection programs for two (2) to four (4) Districts which contain
approximately 25-65 Ulta Beauty Stores. The Area Loss Prevention Manager is
responsible to assess store procedures, promote awareness and methods to
prevent, protect and control losses...

Area LP Manager
Sacramento, CA
The Area Loss Prevention Manager (ALPM) drives shrink improvement and asset
protection programs for two (2) to four (4) Districts which contain
approximately 25-65 Ulta Beauty Stores. The Area Loss Prevention Manager is
responsible to assess store procedures, promote awareness and methods to
prevent, protect and control losses...

Regional Asset Protection Manager (North East)
Boston, MA
The successful candidate will be responsible for the management of the Asset
Protection function in their assigned area. Guide the implementation and
training of Asset Protection programs, enforcement of policies and procedures,
auditing, investigations and directing of shrink reduction efforts...
Area Loss Prevention Manager
Charlotte, NC
Our Area Loss Prevention Managers ensure safe and secure stores through the
objective identification of loss and risk opportunities. Our Area Loss
Prevention Managers plan and prioritize to provide an optimal customer
experience to their portfolio of stores. They thrive on supporting and building
high performance teams that execute with excellence...
Area Loss Prevention Manager
Seattle, Portland or Salt Lake City
Our Area Loss Prevention Managers ensure safe and secure stores through the
objective identification of loss and risk opportunities. Our Area Loss
Prevention Managers plan and prioritize to provide an optimal customer
experience to their portfolio of stores. They thrive on supporting and building
high performance teams that execute with excellence...
Area Loss Prevention Manager
Calabasas, CA
Our Area Loss Prevention Managers ensure safe and secure stores through the
objective identification of loss and risk opportunities. Our Area Loss
Prevention Managers plan and prioritize to provide an optimal customer
experience to their portfolio of stores. They thrive on supporting and building
high performance teams that execute with excellence...

Loss Prevention Operations Specialist
Tucscon, AZ
The Loss Prevention Specialist will oversee the Burglar/Fire Alarm and overall
Physical Security function for stores including CCTV for all new stores,
renovations, acquisitions, closing, existing stores and warehouses. In addition,
this position supports the security/property control component for the Corporate
Headquarters main campus...

Region Asset Protection Manager
Jacksonville, FL
Responsible for managing asset protection programs designed to minimize shrink,
associate and customer liability accidents, bad check and cash loss, and safety
incidents for stores within assigned region. This position will develop the
framework for the groups' response to critical incidents, investigative needs,
safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...
Region Asset Protection Manager
Charleston, SC
Responsible for managing asset protection programs designed to minimize
shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad check and cash loss, and
safety incidents for stores within assigned region. This position will develop
the framework for the groups' response to critical incidents, investigative
needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...
Brand Protection Specialist
New York, NY
The role of the Brand Protection Specialist is to deter shrinkage, and to assist
in educating the store teams regarding the prevention / deterrence of both
internal and external theft and fraud, while serving as an Ambassador to the
brand and the department...
Manager of Loss Prevention & Security
Wawa, PA The Manager of Loss Prevention and Security serves as the subject matter expert
in the area of Loss Prevention and Physical Security for the Company with focus
on developing and driving solutions that will create an optimum associate and
customer experience in a safe and secure environment... |
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Perception becomes reality slowly on a macro level and it's difficult to change
it if it's incorrect or doesn't portray the truth. It's the same reason law
enforcement separates witnesses to ensure clarity and truth. The group mind
becomes influenced by opinion and agendas and distorts the true reality. One can
only rely on daily vigilance based on doing what's right to hopefully impact the
individuals one works with on a daily basis to carry the experience forward and
be witness to what is right.
Just a Thought, Gus

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