

'Making a Murderer': From the Screen to the Hot Seat
Dave Thompson, CFI, VP of Operations, WZ

Filmed in January 2019 at the Daily's 'Live in NYC at the NRF Big
Show 2019' event
The Netflix true-crime documentary
series “Making a Murderer” highlighted the case of Brendan Dassey and the
interrogation that led to a highly controversial “confession” and guilty verdict
resulting in Dassey’s incarceration. Worldwide leaders in non-confrontational
interviewing techniques,
Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates (WZ), took a stand by highlighting the
issues and errors made in these interrogations leading to coerced confessions –
and have continued to use this case as an example in their training programs.
Dave Thompson, CFI,
discusses the impact “Making a Murderer” has had on the interrogation community
and how it’s helped push the evolution of this essential skill for practitioners
ranging from law enforcement to loss prevention.
Episode Sponsored By


LP/AP Hero: Isaac Fabrega, Domino's Pizza Safety &
Security Manager, Supporting Local Law Enforcement
Domino’s Pizza Safety and Security Manager, Isaac
Fabrega, supported the Laurel, Maryland PD during this difficult time by
providing lunch and showing support for their help on many issues. We thank
Chief Hamill and his department for the long hours they have been working.
-Van Carney, National
Director - Safety & LP at Domino's, for this submission.

Have an LP/AP Hero On Your Team?
Send us the story and let's share them with the industry.
Let's Show Their LP Pride & Actions
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Protos Security newest Solution Innovation Partner
at the Security Executive Council
Protos Security, a
nationwide leader in Security Services has been added as a Solution Innovation
Partner by the Security Executive Council.
Security Executive Council is excited to welcome Protos Security to our
Solution Innovation Partner (SIP) Program. We believe that Protos’ ability to
leverage traditional security officers, armed security officers, on-demand
emergency security officers, and off-duty Police Officers with technology
oversight is an effective all-hazards risk mitigation solution service offering
likely surely to be embraced by our community of practitioners. We look forward
to driving the SIP Program’s win-win-win mission with Protos and our community”
said Dean Correia Emeritus Faculty, Business Continuity Lead at Security
Executive Council
Solution Innovation Partners program is a part of the Security Executive
Council’s Security 2020 Initiative. SIP is an informed diligence process that
provides end users a degree of confidence as they
choose security product and service providers. Selected companies are evaluated
for their risk mitigation and return on investment capabilities, as well as
their trustworthiness.
Faster, More Accurate Emergency Dispatch Expected in the City
of Westerville and Blendon Township, Ohio
City of Westerville, Ohio joins a growing number of municipalities across the
nation to implement Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP) at its Public Safety
Answering Point (PSAP). ASAP technology automates communication from alarm
monitoring central stations to PSAPs and 911 centers, resulting in faster, more
accurate emergency response.
ASAP was developed in partnership between The
Monitoring Association (TMA) and the Association of Public-Safety Communications
Officials (APCO), with Vector Security President and CEO Pam Petrow co-chairing
the committee. Vector Security was the first alarm company to debut ASAP in
Richmond, VA in 2012.
New Resources for Restaurants at BackToOpen.com
resources include:
● See
where each state currently stands for reopening
● e-Commerce, Fraud and Chargeback challenges
● ServSafe new video on reopening dining rooms safely
Additional resources include:
● Helpful scripts associates can use when encountering COVID-19 issues
● Restaurants Managing Crisis Whitepaper
● De-escalation Q&A in the time of COVID-19
● How to partner with law enforcement and top tips on physical security
● Printable signage from the CDC including hand washing signs, etc.
● Social Distancing signage for printing
● National Restaurant Association Opening Guidelines
● Best Practices for Opening from the Food & Drug Administration
● And more!
Defunding Police Across America Movement?
Ground Zero for the 'Abolish the Police'
Movement to defund police sees Minneapolis as proving ground
Protesters in Minneapolis and across the
country have found a new rallying cry:
Abolish the police.
may differ on what it means to dismantle or defund the police. But the idea
has gained momentum across the country, with activists asking people to
redefine public safety without armed, uniformed officers of the law.
Black Visions Collective and Reclaim the Block, advocacy organizations that have
pushed to defund the Minneapolis Police Department in recent years, have now
captured the attention of the city’s leaders and its residents.
This week, movement leaders have forced elected officials to take a public
stand. On Saturday, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey was heckled and sent
away by protesters after he told them he did not support a full abolishment
of the police department.
The next day, in front of a massive crowd at Powderhorn Park, a majority of
City Council members stood on a stage and said they would “begin the process of
ending the Minneapolis Police Department.”
But doing so means more than just creating a “police in T-shirts” model,
Montgomery said. It means investing in other facets of society that lead to a
safe and healthy population, such as education, housing and health care.
It also means building a different structure to respond to danger that is
“culturally appropriate and competent,” she said. Instead of officers
responding to calls of domestic assault, substance abuse or mental-health issues,
they would be handled by professionals in those fields.
And while a majority of council members made a commitment to end the department,
Montgomery acknowledged there needs to be education on the history of the
police department — and on the disproportionate violence enacted by police
against black people — to sway those who support it.
The Community Policing Model Already Used in
Camden, NJ
How Defunding the Police Department Worked for One New Jersey City
"Our officers are guardians, they’re not
Back in 2013, the city of Camden did away with the police department,
with a renewed focus on community service. Now with protests raging across the
country, people are asking: Has the experiment worked?
If judging by the optics over the past week or so – where cities like New York
and Philadelphia have seen police vehicles burned and looters taking advantage
at the height of the unrest – Camden has been relatively calm. The city has
seen nothing like what major cities have, with the Camden Police Chief
instead marching with the protesters, not gearing up to square off with them.
Camden County Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli says the
relative harmony between police and community is a result of the city taking the
radical step seven years ago to disband the police force – tearing up
union contracts and replacing the department with a larger county police force
more focused on neighborhood patrol and respect.
“Our officers are guardians, they’re not warriors,” Cappelli said. “The
difference is significant. We now have three times as many officers on the
street, we have a model of community policing that was formed with the input
of the residents of the city. We have a much safer city.”
Biden, Democrats seek to shut down calls to defund police
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and Democratic leaders on
Capitol Hill are quickly shutting down calls to defund police departments as the
party grapples with how to respond to demands for reforms in the wake of George
Floyd's death.
The idea is splintering black activists and some prominent progressive lawmakers
from Biden and top congressional Democrats while providing fodder for national
Republicans, who are quickly mobilizing to use it as the latest example of
Democrats moving to the left in the lead up to November. thehill.com
YouGov Poll Finds Only 16% Americans Want to ‘Defund the Police’; 65% Oppose
Protest Fallout Continues
Dems Unveil Police Reform - Customers Respond - DOJ
Justice in Policing Act of 2020
House Democrats introduce sweeping legislation to reform police
The Justice in Policing Act of 2020 was introduced on Monday by top
Democratic lawmakers House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck
Schumer, black senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker and members of the
Congressional Black Caucus.

The bill forces federal police to use body and dashboard cameras, ban
chokeholds, eliminate unannounced police raids known as "no-knock warrants",
make it easier to hold police liable for civil rights violations and calls for
federal funds to be withheld from local police forces who do not make similar
The bill makes lynching a federal crime, limits the sale of military weapons
to the police and gives the Department of Justice the authority to investigate
state and local police for evidence of department-wide bias or misconduct.
It would also create a "national police misconduct registry" - a database
of complaints against police.
Customers Respond to How Brands React to Black Lives Matter Movement
surveyed 1,000 Americans through its online platform on June 2. It found that
among Black Lives Matters supporters, more than half (58 percent) want to see
brands “encourage people to vote;” 48 percent want them to commit to look
at their own company and diverse hires; 36 percent to make donations; 34
percent to share links/petitions for their followers to take action, and 29
percent to re-evaluate offers to ensure they have a diverse range of products.
It is common for Generation Z and Millennials to have beliefs that clash with
those of previous generations, but Black Lives Matter has created an almost
unprecedented rift in sentiment. The survey found that younger consumers are
3.2 times more likely to suggest that the movement is going to change their
purchase behaviors in the future. More than 62 percent of respondents under
age 35 said they will be “doing more research on brands and their inclusivity
practices before purchasing, in light of recent events.” Forty-eight percent of
those 35 to 44 said they would be doing more research, while 20 percent of those
45 or older said they would be doing more research.
Minneapolis, MN: St. Paul man charged in connection with Minneapolis Police
precinct Arson
Branden Michael Wolfe, 23, has been charged with aiding and abetting arson in
connection with fires set at the police department's third precinct on May 28,
the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Minnesota said in a statement.
Federal Complaint Filed Charging Man with Possession of Destructive Device
during Protest in Austin
Jacksonville, FL: US Attorney Charged Man With Possessing Molotov Cocktail At
Dallas Man Charged with Theft of Firearms During Protests
Two Texas Men Charged with Theft of Firearms During Protests
Pittsburgh Man Charged with Civil Disorder for Destruction of City of Pittsburgh
Police Vehicle
NYPD officer caught shoving female protester charged with assault
Coronavirus Tracker: June 9
US: Over 2M Cases - 113K Dead - 774K Recovered
Over 7.2M Cases - 410K Dead - 3.5M Recovered
Officers From the COVID-19 Pandemic: 43 |
NYPD Deaths: 45
Private Industry Security Guard Deaths: 135+
Lowest Quarterly Sales Results in History
May's Quarterly Sales Reports Show Huge Disparity
The Winners & Losers Of the Shutdown
Top Essential Retail:
Dollar General sales up 27.6%, Non-Essential Retail:
VF sales up 2%
Bottom Essential Retail:
Papa John's sales up 4.3%, Non-Essential Retail:
Ross Stores sales down 52.6%
Essential Retail: Average
Comps Up 12.5%, Average
Sales Up 15%
Non-Essential Retail:
Average Comps Down 7.39%,
Average Sales Down 23.8%
*Excluding online retailers
*Carvana led the way in sales. Not included in these numbers - (online)
largest sales increase in Quarter 1 up 43%
*Best Buy Numbers not included: Sales Down 6.3%
Amazingly Overall Quarter 1 comp sales up 4.15%,
sales down 6%
With all of the 30's percentage drops in the nonessential retailers
being offset by the 30's percentage increases at the essential retailers. It
almost balanced out.
Interesting retail impact. As the consumer didn't really deviate that much
considering. This excludes online retailers.
Report: U.S. retail sales to drop 10.5 % in 2020—with one bright spot
Much In line with the Daily's Tracking Currently
The U.S. retail sector could take years to recover from the impact of
COVID-19, and the hit could be worse than that of the Great Recession.
That’s according to eMarketer’s latest forecast on U.S. retail sales (including
auto and fuel), which predicted that total retail sales will drop 10.5% to
$4.894 trillion this year, a level not seen since 2016 and is steeper than the
8.2% drop in 2009.
E-commerce is the only bright spot, jumping 18.0% to reach $709.78 billion this
year, representing 14.5% of total U.S. retail sales in 2020, according to the
Robberies & Burglaries Double Nationwide
During Riots Two Most Active Days Last week
Tuesday 6/2/20 & Wednesday 6/3/20 = 81 Robberies/Burglaries
(4 armed, 5 Unarmed robberies, 72 burglaries)
Tuesday 6/4/19 & Wednesday 6/5/19 = 40 Robberies/Burglaries
(28 armed robberies, 2 unarmed, 10 burglaries)
October's the 2nd Wave Date - If it Comes Back
A Second Wave of Coronavirus Could Mean a Devastating Fall
As the summer approaches and the rate of transmission of the coronavirus begins
to move in undulations instead of huge spikes, complacency could trigger a
bigger wave as schools open and people move inside.
the fight against the coronavirus, assuming the best-case scenario — the
population continuing to maintain social distancing and hand hygiene; keeping
the elderly protected by sheltering in place; wearing masks; robust testing; and
“really good contact tracing” — we’ll see the virus smolder. Absent that good
behavior, we may see a potentially devastating second wave in the fall.
“Some places will have a problem and then go back into shelter and place
but we’ll never have anything as horrific as what happened in New York City.
We’ll see undulations until it’s over. That’s the best scenario,”
On the other hand, of all of those protections and mitigation tactics fade into
complacency, we could see the darkest period yet, beginning around October.
In October, after two incubation periods, the cases could start to dramatically
increase. That would also coincide with flu season and, in California, fire
season, where the smoke could exacerbate the seriousness of the virus in some
Employers Consider Safety Precautions for Return to Workplace
half of organizations surveyed have not announced a return-to-work date as
COVID-19 restrictions ease in some parts of the country, but a majority of HR
professionals think setting even a tentative date is a good idea.
The findings from new Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) research
released June 9 illustrate how U.S. employers are considering a phased
return of employees, staggered start and stop times, health precautions, and
physical changes to their worksites.
Setting a return date is a good idea, two-thirds of HR professionals said,
because it eases job-security concerns among staff, especially for those in
physical and service industries such as health care, retail and
education. Employers that have established a date prefer employees to return on
or before June 30, according to more than three-fourths of HR professionals.
Other strategies include:
Staggering the start and stop of employees' workdays as well as break times so
as to reduce the number of workers in one location at the same time (75
Reducing the number of customers permitted on site at one time and taking
measures such as counting the number of people as they enter (78 percent).
Limiting the number of employees or customers on site at one time (81 percent).
“Workers should expect to see more masks, fewer handshakes, marked floors, more
barriers, and greater flexibility—especially when it comes to remote work.”
Among employers implementing a phased-return plan, one-third intend to do so by
specific departments or functions. Others are first bringing back employees with
lower health risks or those in leadership positions. The length of the phased
return also varies, from two weeks to more than three months.
Industry orgs called for stepped-up pharmacy security
With the proliferation of protests around the country — and risk of drug
diversion from looting or break-ins, industry organizations are calling for
local and state authorities to better protect pharmacies to prevent drug
NACDS president and CEO Steve Anderson told NACDS chain members this week that
he has been communicating with governors, state attorneys general and state
boards of pharmacies, as well as the U.S. attorney general and the Drug
Enforcement Agency, about the need to protect pharmacies nationwide.
“There is a lot that needs to be said and done about all aspects of this
situation. However, NACDS’ communication to our leaders at this moment urges
immediate action to help prevent the targeting of pharmacies for the theft of
controlled substances," Anderson said. "I would urge that your company also
reach out to the governors in the states that you serve, reiterating this
NACDS is not the only industry organization calling for more secure pharmacies.
The National Community Pharmacists Association also spoke out on behalf of local
UK: 25% A Quarter of supermarket staff have experienced abuse during pandemic
The study, from crowd-sourced data collection firm Shepper, found that while 51%
of supermarket staff said they had not encountered any abuse from consumers,
staff did provide examples of customers behaving aggressively and “shouting in
frustration” while shopping.
The research – which included supermarkets Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Asda, Morrisons,
Lidl and Aldi – found that 35% of Aldi stores had experienced staff abuse from
customers, the most out of all supermarkets measured, followed by Lidl with
abuse in 28% of its stores. Morrisons staff had the least amount of abuse, which
occurred in 21% of its stores.
Jan Vanhoutte, Shepper co-founder, said: “It’s saddening that supermarket staff
are not receiving the same support that NHS staff have had since the pandemic
started. Shop floor supermarket employees have been critical to our society
during this challenging time, they are heroes in their own right, working on the
frontline despite the risks, to help the nation.
SIA Open Supervised Device Protocol Approved as International Standard
Security Industry Association’s (SIA)
Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) standard has been approved by the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) technical committee on alarm and
electronic security systems as an international standard. The latest version of
SIA OSDP will be listed as IEC 60839-11-5 and be available in the
IEC Webstore.
SIA OSDP is an access control communications standard developed by SIA to
improve interoperability among access control and security products. Maintained
and developed by the SIA OSDP Working Group since 2011, the standard was
submitted to the IEC as a candidate standard in 2016.
25,000 Stores Predicted to Close in 2020
As Pandemic Accelerates Industry Upheaval
U.S. retailers could announced between 20,000 and 25,000 closures this year,
according to a tracking by Coresight Research, with 55% to 60% of those
situated in America’s malls.
That would also mark a new record for the industry. That would also mark
a new record — which was previously
the more than 9,300 locations in 2019.
In recent weeks, bankruptcy filings in retail have begun to mount. Coresight
said it expects more liquidations, ticking up the closure tally.
Coresight has, so far, recorded a total of 4,005 announced closures by retailers
in 2020, including more than 900 by the home decor retailer Pier 1 Imports,
roughly 300 by the health chain GNC, more than 200 by Tuesday Morning, and some
from L Brands’ Victoria’s Secret, Papyrus and Penney.
“We expect that a return to pre-crisis levels in offline discretionary retail
sales overall will be gradual, as we expect consumer confidence, demand and
spending to be short of normal for some time,” Coresight founder and CEO
Deborah Weinswig said in the report.
A separate report by eMarketer is forecasting total retail sales in the U.S. to
fall more than 10% in 2020 and that they won’t bounce back to pre-Covid-19
levels until 2022. Meantime, eMarketer is calling for e-commerce sales to surge
18% this year.
“This is the sharpest consumer spending freeze in decades in the US,”
said eMarketer senior analyst Cindy Liu.
CDC COVID-19 Resources:
To receive weekly emails about the COVID-19 outbreak,
sign up for the COVID-19 newsletter
What Workers and Employers Can Do to Manage Workplace Fatigue during COVID-19
CDC Resuming Business Toolkit
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation: Path Forward – Navigating the Return to
State of the Market: Security, Monitoring & Smart Home
After a year of growth, alarm companies
prepare to weather a world of unknowns.
According to Omdia, security won't fare nearly as bad as other industries,
though Q2 and Q3 will likely be difficult.
"'Unlike other industries that are being impacted by COVID-19, alarms could be
less susceptible overall to decline, since the uncertainty could lead to a
stronger demand for alarm monitoring and security in general,"' Kozak says.
"'Consequently, alarm monitoring companies that continue with a
business-as-usual approach could be hit harder than those that can be more agile
in terms of getting in front of customers and offering professional services in
new, creative ways."'
Most other security professionals agree the turbulent economy and rising
unemployment could create a stronger demand for security.
"'The safety concerns of our customers will continue to be magnified,"' says
Brent Duncan, CRO, Interface Security Systems, St. Louis, Mo.
"'Unfortunately, such a shock to the economy of this magnitude will only
increase crime, theft, burglary and fraud. We are well positioned with our
solutions to help businesses combat these challenges."'
Johnson Controls hopes that after a challenging April and May, the
industry will start to see green shoots in June and a rebound as we move into
the second half of the year.
When demand starts to rebound, firms will have to adjust many aspects of their
operations to meet the overdrive of expectations combined with the busiest time
of the year,"' Davis says. "'Being able to recover from a pandemic driving a
deep recession quickly could put real pressure on systems at companies that were
finding ways to merely survive just a few weeks prior. Businesses coming out of
the depths of the crisis best prepared for recovery could likely find many
Retailers say Pandemic Risk Insurance Act would provide 'greater relience' in
future outbreaks
National Retail Federation today welcomed the introduction of the
Pandemic Risk Insurance Act, which would establish a federal program to
help businesses obtain insurance coverage for pandemics modeled on a system for
terrorism insurance established following 9/11.
“Congress must take swift action on a solution to provide all businesses
protection against future pandemic risks,” NRF Vice President for Government
Relations, Banking and Financial Services Leon Buck said. “The development of a
public-private partnership to address this risk will provide certainty for
businesses and organizations of all sizes and will ensure that we can meet
future pandemic events with greater resilience.”
“This legislation is the cornerstone of a proactive approach in managing the
risk and impact of a pandemic or epidemic in the future,” Buck said.
More space through summer:
Delta Airlines Reduces Cabin Seating
Airlines will be reducing its cabin seating and blocking middle seats to
improve safety and cleanliness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Reducing the overall number of customers on every aircraft across the fleet is
one of the most important steps we can take to ensure a safe experience for our
customers and people," said Chief Customer Experience Officer Bill Lentsch.
"Delta is offering the highest standards in safety and cleanliness so we're
ready for customers when they're ready to fly again."
The Robin Report: What the CEO's
Millennial and Gen Z Trust in a Newly Reopened World
Young consumers’ trust, and engagement with brands during shutdowns will play a
factor in what brands they choose to patronize when stores reopen. Let’s review
three NextGen consumer concerns during Covid and what retailers can do to
address them:
1. Employee Protection is Table Stakes
The Edelman Trust Barometer found that 71 percent of consumers agree that if
they perceive that a brand is putting profit over people throughout the
outbreak, they will lose trust in that brand forever. According to Edelman,
78 percent of consumers expect businesses to act to protect their employees and
their communities, while 73 percent expect
businesses to adapt their human resource policies either to give employees paid
sick leave or prevent at-risk employees from coming to work.
Now, the above stats were pulled by polling consumers across generations. And
since Gen Z is the most socially conscious consumer demographic (closely
followed by their millennial predecessors), they’ll hold brands particularly
accountable. NextGen consumers will base their post-Covid purchasing decisions
on each brand’s employee experience during shutdowns.
2. Social Media as a Vehicle for Mental Health
3. Delivery Takes Precedence After the Outbreak
Senior LP & AP Jobs Market
Director, Verizon Emergency Response, Irving, TX.
The Verizon Response Team (VRT) is responsible for developing strategies that
leverage Verizon Response assets, capabilities, and crisis support to strengthen
Verizon’s position with Public Sector agencies and strategic business customers.
The team builds partnerships internally and externally to defend and grow our
public safety customer base and positively impact our communities. Through a
differentiated customer engagement model, the team delivers customer support
throughout disaster planning, response, recovery, and prevention to drive deeper
relationships, support revenue growth initiatives, and reinforce Verizon’s
commitment to public safety.
Continue Reading
Director of Food Safety and Quality Assurance, Brinker International, Coppell,
Brands: Brinker, Chili's, Maggiano's
Brookstone Prepares for
Kansas Introduces the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Privacy Act
Signet Jewelers to close nearly 400 stores
Tailored Brands considers bankruptcy
Shutdowns Prevented Approximately 60 Million Coronavirus Cases In US, Study
Macy’s, Inc. Raises Approximately $4.5 Billion in Financing
Partnership for Priority Verified Alarm Response:
You're invited to attend PPVAR's Mid-Year Meeting held in a virtual format
Quarterly Results
Casey's General Store Q4 comp's grocery & merchandise down 2% - full yr up 1.9%,
prepared foods down 13.5% - total sales full yr up 2.1%,
Signet Jewelers Q1 comp's down 38.9%, digital up 6.7%, total sales down 40.5%
All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time
Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please. If
it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.
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WEBINAR: Navigating Brick-and-Mortar's Resurgence
Wednesday, June 10 @ 1:00pm EST

● Hedgie Bartol, LPQ, Retail Business Development Manager, Axis Communications
● Pedro Ramos, Vice President of Sales, Agilence
Join the Loss Prevention Foundation as we partner with
Agilence &
Axis Communications to
discuss how traditional retail will bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic in
this 1-hour webinar, “Navigating Brick-And-Mortar’s Resurgence.”
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused most brick-and-mortar retailers to indefinitely
close their stores and has accelerated the adoption of eCommerce, BOPIS, and
curbside sales to stay afloat. Once stores reopen, many are rightfully wondering
if things will return to “normal” or if customers will shop in stores again. How
will buying patterns change once stores are able to reopen? What will the
post-pandemic shopper look like? Should pre-pandemic forecasts be thrown out the
window? Will friction-less checkout cause an increase in theft?
While no one can be certain of what the future will hold in these uncertain
times, the Agilence and Axis Communications teams are joining forces to combine
data and subject matter expertise to navigate the coming months. During the
broadcast, speakers will discuss how traditional brick-and-mortar can bounce
back and evolve if retailers are willing to leverage all the data readily
available within their stores.
The speakers will discuss:
● The Smart Restart: How to Safely Reclaim the Buying Experience
● A 360 View of the New Shopper: New Ways to Segment
● Is Forecasting Useless? The Need for Real-time Data
● Taking Store Operations from Essential to Exceptional
● Reinventing Loss Prevention for a Friction-less Retail World
● And more…
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Safeguard Your Remote Workforce
DDoS attacks on VPN servers can not only bring remote work to a standstill but
also cut off admins from accessing their systems. Here are three ways to stay
A crucial part of ensuring operational continuity, or something close to it,
throughout the pandemic is cyber resilience — that is, being able to ensure
continuity of digital services, from the applications and data that employees
need to carry out their duties from home to any customer-facing elements such as
e-commerce websites and mobile apps.
Cyber Resilience Is Multifaceted
Cyber resilience is not only about ensuring that key digital systems and
applications continue to be operational. It is about protecting those systems
and applications from malicious interference, whether because of digital
vandalism or more sophisticated attempts to infiltrate the organizational
infrastructure and steal data.
It is also about protecting the organization's online reputation, ensuring that
damaging or untrue news stories do not proliferate across social media. The
unfolding coronavirus pandemic is having a dramatic impact on organizations'
ability to manage all three of these aspects.
VPN Access Turns into a Bottleneck
Operational availability of core systems and applications has been challenged by
the drastic change in working circumstances to which most organizations must
adapt. The shift to home working has required organizations to deploy new
collaboration and conferencing tools, organize new cloud service delivery models
and perhaps secure VPN access for staff working from home, and even get new
hardware out to remote staff. This is costly and complex.
Meanwhile, many of the organizations supplying such services have had to rapidly
reorganize in order to ensure continuity of service amid huge spikes in demand.
Attacks Are Up 30%
Link11 has witnessed a notable
30% increase in the volume of DDoS attacks defended against from February 17
to March 9 compared with the same period in 2019 (disclosure: I'm the COO of
Link11). Other organizations have reported similar increases. Some of these may
well be motivated by extortion or revenge — especially as the pandemic has meant
many organizations have made employees redundant or furloughed staff.
How to Build and Maintain Cyber Resilience - 1. Act,
don't react. - 2. Have a shield in the cloud. - 3. Protect your APIs.
Security in a Post-COVID World – Your Team, Your Future
By George Gerchow, Chief Security Officer,
Sumo Logic
“New tooling or intelligence approaches can help automate steps for key
areas, such as security analysis and investigation”
IT security in particular – under the microscope. However long it may appear, it
looks as if there is an end in sight.
What unifies all companies across the world is how they get back to normal,
whatever normal will be in the future.
Whatever is coming, preparing your team is an important first step. Creating a
‘mission statement’ for the security team is a good way to prepare. It might
seem like a case of too much management-speak in action, but there is a
practical reason behind this.
Secondly, make a prescriptive decision on how you will run your security
operations in future. This will be based on the success of your business today,
what your forecasts suggest over the next couple of years, and what timeframes
are realistic. Now, none of us are fortune tellers; however, we can define what
we intend to deliver over time and look to stick to it. This prescriptive
approach demonstrates leadership to your team and provides guidance to the rest
of the business as well.
Alongside this forward-looking approach, consider how to implement some new
practices and procedures to support your team.
To support social distancing, you may want to stagger team members being in the
office. This should make transmission of any infection between security team
members harder, while making the transition easier. You can also consider
looking at meeting areas for social distancing and hygiene support, so that
people feel comfortable coming back in.
Demonstrating empathy during this difficult phase is also important. Team
members should feel that their wishes around getting back to work are being
respected – whether that means relieving the strain of juggling family life
alongside remote work, or enabling a return to a familiar working environment
and team. The idea should be to phase in any changes gradually.
A 10-point plan to vet SaaS provider security
Using a software-as-a-service provider means giving up some control over
security, so close vetting of SaaS security during vendor evaluation is
Any cloud-based offering comes with security risks, however. How can an
organization know for sure if its SaaS providers’ security provisions are up to
its own standards?
SaaS providers are vulnerable to many of the same malware and hacking attacks
that plague any other organization. These threats can impact companies using the
services. Focusing your SaaS provider evaluation process on the following areas
will minimize that risk.
1. Review SaaS patching policies
2. Check alignment of SaaS & internal security controls
3. Make sure you own your data
4. Ensure the SaaS provider complies with relevant regulations
5. Know where the data is stored
6. Check for data loss or corruption provisions
7. Involve security in the SaaS procurement process
8. Identify sub-services the SaaS provider uses
9. Test thoroughly during free SaaS trials
10. Review SaaS provider’s third-party audits
7 Ransomware Trends: Gangs Join Forces, Auction Stolen Data
Can't Stop the Crypto-Locking Malware
Attacks? Criminals Keep Hitting Big Targets
just the past week, for starters, reports have emerged of a collaboration
between the Maze and Lockbit gangs, as well as the REvil - aka Sodinokibi -
operators not leaking stolen data for free when victims don't pay, but instead
auctioning it off to the highest bidder. And despite the ongoing COVID-19
pandemic, many gangs have continued to pummel the healthcare sector and its

Here are seven of the latest ransomware trends.
1. Maze Offers 'Data Leaking as a Service'
2. Fresh Shakedown Play: Auctioning Stolen Data
3. Targeted Ransomware Attacks Continue
4. Healthcare Keeps Getting Hit
5. More Free Decryptors
6. Unfixed Flaws Get Exploited by Others
7. Gangs May Still Be Camped Out
Sometimes, attackers remain camped out in victims' networks after hitting it
with ransomware. For victims, one challenge can be that attackers can eavesdrop
on their post-breach response plans. Recently, for example, "REvil and Maze
seemingly continued to have post-incident access to Agromark and ST
Engineering's networks," Callow says.
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Listen to Local, State & Federal
Law Enforcement Live
If you want to listen
to local, state, and federal law enforcement live try RadioReference and
RadioReference is the largest broadcaster of public safety live audio
communications feeds, hosting thousands of live audio broadcasts of Police,
Fire, EMS, Railroad, and aircraft communications. During any emergency
RadioReference is a great reference to try and listen to first responders live.
To start listening today go to
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81 Percent Rise in May Retail eCommerce Sales, ACI Worldwide Research Reveals
Easing of lockdown restrictions reflected in
trends across retail categories; DIY and sportswear recover while growth in home
office and electronics supplies levels off
Global eCommerce sales continued to show strong growth in May, with certain
sectors experiencing triple-digit year-on-year growth, according to an
analysis by
ACI Worldwide of hundreds of millions of eCommerce transactions from global
merchants. Overall retail transaction growth of 81 percent in May, compared to
the same period last year, was primarily driven by sportswear and sporting
goods (216%), retail specific to housewares and DIY supplies (190%), and
gaming (84%).
The sustained increase in eCommerce transaction volumes reflects a further full
month of wide-ranging COVID-19-related restrictions, with consumers opting for
online and click-and-collect channels over brick and mortar stores. However,
the easing of lockdown restrictions in many countries is reflected in
certain sectors that until now have experienced the biggest boost; gaming
purchases were up 126 percent over the previous year in April, compared to 84
percent in May, while electronics were up only 32 percent in the past month
after having been up more than 55 percent in April. Sectors that have been
most negatively impacted showed a slight recovery in May; travel was down 91
percent in April, while in May improved slightly to 73 percent lower than the
same period last year.
Fraud attempt rates for May were at 3.4 percent, down from 5.3 percent and
4.4 percent in March and April, respectively. Not only did fraud rate by
value decrease in May, it was also the first time this year that fraud decreased
on a year-on-year basis (3.8% in May 2019). However, the average ticket price
of attempted fraud increased by $18, driven by electronics and retail goods.
Meanwhile, non-fraudulent chargebacks have increased 25 percent overall, with
airline and ticketing sectors particularly impacted. Chargebacks are taking
slightly longer to process due to COVID-19 (on average, 7 days longer) as
issuers and merchants strive to maintain positive consumer experiences.
Bezos to racist customer: ‘You’re the kind of customer I’m happy to lose’
CEO Jeff Bezos posted another email exchange with an angry customer who
criticized the company’s support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Bezos
called the customer’s email “sickening” in an Instagram post late Sunday, saying
the person was the “kind of customer” he’d be “happy to lose.”
The customer’s email, which Bezos included in a screenshot, contains
profanity-laced insults and racist slurs and says that Amazon’s decision to show
solidarity with protesters “will ruin [Bezos’] company.” “This sort of hate
shouldn’t be allowed to hide in the shadows,” Bezos wrote.
“It’s important to make it visible. This is just one example of the problem.
And, Dave, you’re the kind of customer I’m happy to lose.”
US e-commerce sales jump 18% in 2020, but not enough to offset retail's decline |
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Millbrook, AL: Seven People Arrested in Connection to Millbrook Wal-Mart Theft
Over the last two weeks Millbrook police have made multiple arrests in theft
cases associated with multiple incidents of shoplifting that occurred at the
Millbrook Wal-Mart over the last several weeks. Millbrook Police Chief P.K.
Johnson released the following statement in regards to the arrests: “This is a
continuing trend that we’ve been dealing over the past several years. This is
just a sample of the arrests that are made by our officers on a weekly basis. It
is a burden on our resources, our municipal court system, and I’m sure it has a
negative impact on the businesses and its customers as well. That being
said Wal-Mart has an outstanding loss prevention program and a state of the art
surveillance system. We work very well with Wal-Mart’s loss prevention staff to
identify and apprehend those that choose to commit these thefts.
San Bernardino, CA: Harbor Freight Employee charged with Looting and Burglary of
his own store
Moses Barbanavarro, 32, was also arrested Friday on suspicion of stealing tools,
a machete, and a welding helmet from Harbor Freight Tools on Highland Avenue,
according to police. Police said the Harbor Freight Tools manager recognized
Barbanavarro as one of the burglars from surveillance footage.
Medford, OR: Woman wanted for the theft of $700 in merchandise from Fred Myer
Avon, OH: Lowe’s reports theft of $525 worth of merchandise
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Shootings & Deaths
Joplin, MO: Police ID 2 Victims killed, Suspect In Hookah Lounge Shooting
A 20-year-old Joplin man is facing possible charges of first-degree murder after
two people were shot to death at a hookah lounge during the weekend. Police say
officers who were called to Bites N Pipes in Joplin around 11:45 p.m. Sunday
found two people dead inside the lounge, located in the Bayberry Square Strip
Kansas City, MO: Man shot, killed in Northland Price Chopper parking lot
Police are investigating a homicide Monday afternoon in a Price Chopper parking
lot. Police were called just before 5:30 p.m. on a shooting. When they arrived
at the location, they located an adult male with a gunshot wound in a vehicle.
He was pronounced deceased. Police said the preliminary information from
witnesses revealed that a male suspect left the scene in an unknown vehicle.
Deptford, NJ: Family files $10 Million Wrongful Death lawsuit in 2018 Deptford
strip mall shooting by Police
The family of a suspected shoplifter who was fatally shot by a Deptford
Township police officer in 2018 while allegedly trying to flee a South Jersey
strip mall has filed a $10 million wrongful death lawsuit, contending the deadly
police action was “unreasonable and unjustifiable.” The lawsuit, filed Monday in
U.S. District Court in Camden, charges that Sgt. Kevin A. Clements acted
improperly when he shot and killed LaShanda Anderson, 36, of Philadelphia, at
the Deptford Crossing Center on June 9, 2018.
Fresno, CA: Officer involved Shooting in front of Hobby Town USA
An officer-involved shooting happened just after midnight on Tuesday. A driver
almost hit a man on a bike, the driver went back to check on the person and the
man on the bicycle pulled a handgun on the driver. Police arrived at the scene
and shots were fired between the man on the bike and police. The man tried
running away on his bike when officers caught up to him. 2 officers were
involved in this shooting and at least 4 shots were fired. The suspect is in the
hospital and is expected to be okay after being hit twice by gunfire. The
suspect has a criminal history involving felony theft.
Memphis, TN: Man charged with attempted murder after shooting at Police
According to an affidavit, on June 1, an MPD aviation unit was dispatched at 4
a.m. to monitor a large group of vehicles. The vehicles were involved in several
vandalisms and burglaries. Davion Green, 20, has been charged with two counts of
Attempted Second-Degree Murder and Employing a Firearm During a Dangerous
Robberies, Incidents & Thefts
Suspects posed as NYPD cops in $150K Manhattan jewelry store heist
suspects robbed a jewelry store of more than $150,000 in a broad-daylight heist
over the weekend while impersonating NYPD cops amid George Floyd protests raging
in the city, federal prosecutors said Monday.
Ismael Igartau of Queens and Jose Rodriguez of the Bronx, both 59, were buzzed
into a jewelry store on 92nd Street at about 1:30 p.m. Saturday because the
storeowner believed they were cops from the 19th Precinct. The suspects were
wearing bulletproof vests and one had what appeared to be a detective badge,
according to prosecutors.
The pair asked to see the storeowner’s pistol permit, claiming firearms at city
stores were at risk of being stolen because of looting in the city, prosecutors
said. They pulled out guns and zip-tied the owner’s wrists, a federal complaint
said. They grabbed between $150,000 and $165,000 worth of jewelry and fled the
Decatur, AL: Black store owner punched by officers after calling to report
Alabama police chief says an officer who punched a store owner while responding
to a robbery wasn’t sure if the owner was a threat to the officers’ safety.
Decatur Police Chief Nate Allen played body camera footage Monday afternoon from
one of the officers involved in the March 15 incident at Star Beverage, showing
a different angle to the video posted on Facebook Sunday night.
That video Sunday night shows the owner of the store being punched by one
Decatur officer before all three officers grab him. Allen said the officers were
responding to a robbery call that night at the store. In the video posted on
Facebook, Allen said the store owner can be seen loading rounds into a magazine
with the gun nearby on a table.
Portsmouth, VA: Man serving 80 years for robbery seeks help from Gov. Northam
A Portsmouth man sentenced to serve 80 years in prison during his senior year in
high school for a string of armed robberies that resulted in no deaths on
injuries is pleading with Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to use his power to
pardon him. “I deserve a punishment. Robbery is a serious crime deserving a
serious punishment, but to have my whole life taken away from me as an
18-year-old child [is excessive],” said inmate Ronald Davis, who has served 22
years in prison to date for the 1997 robberies. “I don`t deserve this.”
Franklin County, PA: Pharmacy ordered to pay more than $180,000 in civil
penalties for bad record-keeping
Savage Family Pharmacy, a Waynesboro store, has agreed to pay $180,480 in civil
penalties for failing to comply with record-keeping and other requirements of
the Controlled Substances Act, which resulted in the “diversion” of opioids from
the pharmacy. According to the allegations filed, between 2015 and 2019, the
Savage Family Pharmacy did not adequately monitor the conduct of its employees,
failed to keep complete and accurate inventories and records regarding the
receipt and dispensing of Schedule II controlled substances, including oxycodone
and hydrocodone. Pages of the “perptual log” were also removed by an employee
that was diverting the controlled substances, the DOJ said. Because of this,
tens of thousands of doses of controlled substances went unaccounted for and
were “potentially diverted for illicit purposes,” the DOJ said.
Big Jump in Burglaries in Northern Queens, Up 46 Percent in 2020
London, England: How Boodles Jewelers was bamboozled by a
high-class gang in a £4million Ocean’s Eleven-style heist
San Juan, Puerto Rico: U.S.Customs seizes fake Rolex watches and jewelry valued
at $265,000
AT&T – South Fulton,
GA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Lincoln, NE
– Burglary
C-Store – Bibb County,
GA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Las Vegas,
NV – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Lewistown,
PA - Armed Robbery
C-Store – Adrian, MI –
C-Store – Ketchum, ID
– Burglary
C-Store - Sioux Falls,
SD – Burglary
CVS – Nottingham, MD –
Harbor Freight – San
Bernardino, CA – Burglary
Guns – Raleigh, NC –
Guns – Lubbock, TX –
Jewelry – Portland, OR
– Burglary
Liquor – Rantoul, IL –
Liquor – Niagara
Falls, NY – Burglary
Music – Portland, OR –
Pawn - Memphis, TN –
Pharmacy - Anne
Arundel, MD - Robbery
Pharmacy - Queens, NY
- Armed Robbery
Rent a Center – San
Bernardino, CA – Burglary
Restaurant – Myrtle
Beach, SC – Burglary
Daily Totals:
• 8 robberies
• 13 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed |

Click to enlarge map
Bob Borowski named Loss Prevention Specialist for Amazon
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Change is the only constant. Embracing it and dealing with it, while absolutely
necessary, can be a daunting task that is difficult for everyone. Psychologists
believe that humans strive to eliminate fear by avoiding change when, in fact,
change can be the best thing for us. Those that run to it usually are in front,
and those that avoid it most of the time end up in the rear.
Just a Thought, Gus

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