Jayson Sutton named Senior Leader - New Regions for Amazon Web Services
being named Senior Leader - New Regions for Amazon Web Services, Jayson spent
nearly 10 years with Ross Stores, where he held various positions including VP
LP (over a year), AVP - LP (nearly three years), Sr. Director - LP (nearly two
years) and Regional LP Director (over four years). Earlier in his career, he
worked for Checkpoint Systems, Target, and Toys R Us. Congratulations, Jayson!
Othmane Khelouani promoted to Senior
Investigations Manager EMEA for Amazon (France)
has been with Amazon for than three years, starting with the company in 2017 as
a Loss Prevention Manager before being promoted to Senior Investigations Manager
EMEA. Before that, he spent four years with JD Sports Fashion as a Regional Loss
Prevention Manager. Earlier in his career, he worked for France Loisirs and
Nespresso. Congratulations, Othmane! |
See All the Executives 'Moving Up' Here
Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position
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Filmed in January 2014 at the Daily's 'Live in NYC at the NRF Big
Show 2014' event
Joe Malone, co-owner of
Security Resources,
tells us how the company grew from a small business in Philadelphia to a
national security firm specializing in security guard and investigative
solutions throughout North America. Licensed and registered in all 50 states,
Security Resources utilizes a partner network of over 700 security companies to
address the ever-changing needs of retailers. In this interview, Joe talks about
their industry-leading process.
In August 2019, Security Resources
merged with Protos Security, a nationwide leader in security guard services.
In early 2020, the company announced a
new logo and brand identity system, reflecting Protos' expanded portfolio of
managed, direct and monitored guard services.

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NASP Partners with Corporate Counseling Associates to Provide Free Virtual
Support Services for Retail Associates during Covid-19 Crisis
a letter to its Retail Advisory Committee this week, the
Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP) announced a partnership with
Corporate Counseling Associates (CCA) – an Employee Assistance Program provider
to Fortune 500 companies. The partnership – born of the covid-19 pandemic –
makes CCA’s virtual counseling and support resources readily available to retail
associates at no cost to the retailer or their associates.
Read More Here
Editor's Note: As NASP is located in the very heart of the NYC
COVID-19 outbreak, their support of retail workers is an incredibly wonderful
thing to do. They are LP Heroes - Thanks NASP!
Join Top Retailers on Navigating Uncertain Times With Security Technology
Join Genetec for a
conversation with leaders from Retail and Quick Service Restaurants (QSR)
TODAY, April 21st at 5:15 pm – 5:45 pm EDT/ 2:15 pm - 2:45 pm PDT.
During this session, we will discuss current challenges
facing the retail industry, and the importance of security technology in
navigating these uncertain times.
Register here:
Here’s a video clip of the session.
Interface Security Systems & OpenEye Partner Up
Security Systems, a managed services provider delivering managed network,
interactive alarm monitoring, video surveillance and business intelligence
solutions to distributed enterprises, announced a new strategic partnership with
OpenEye, a provider of
cloud-managed solutions for video security, business intelligence and loss
The strategic partnership will combine the proven solutions of both companies —
Interface’s interactive monitoring service with OpenEye’s Web Services Platform
(OWS) — to deliver a remote video surveillance solution with seamless cloud
video management to retailers, restaurants and distributed enterprises.
Prime Communications Once Again Increases Their Commitment to the LP Industry by
Becoming the Newest Master Level Partner with The LP Foundation
Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) announced that
Prime Communications
has once again advanced its partnership to become the newest Master Level
Scholarship Partner. Headquartered in Elkhorn, NE and founded in 2001, Prime
Communications, Inc. (PCI) provides enterprise leaders with high performance
physical security, infrastructure & network solutions. PCI was recently named to
the SD&I’s Fast 50 List as a top systems integrator and is committed to
delivering custom engineered security and network solutions.
Prosegur USA Announces a New Remote Monitoring Video Solution that Doesn’t
Require a DVR on Location
Genetec makes its digital evidence management system available at no-cost to
help organizations collaborate remotely
Available Now: All 3xLOGIC and Sonitrol Online, On Demand Training is FREE
Knightscope Releases COVID-19 Public Safety Announcements Feature
Coronavirus Update: April
Cases - 43K Dead - 75K Recovered
Over 2.5M Cases - 175K Dead - 670K Recovered

New Retail Layoffs & Furloughs
Kirkland's furloughs all part-time store employees & temporarily reduces pay of
full-time managers
Tapestry cuts 10% of staff, plans to furlough “most” assistant store managers &
sales associates at locations that haven’t reopened by May 30
NYPD Traffic Chief William Morris on life support with coronavirus
Chief of Traffic, William T. Morris, who is among the department’s top brass, is
in the hospital on life support with COVID-19. Morris, 61 and a three-star
chief, oversees traffic and highway patrol.
Special Note: The NYPD has been a fantastic ally and friend of the
Daily for years and has supported out Live in NYC at the NRF Big Show event
"LP's New Years Reception" by always addressing the group and sharing their
real-life stories, advice and making us feel right @Home in NYC. We wish Chief
Morris a speedy recovery along with the 3,000 other NYPD officers who have been
impacted by COVID-19. Our prayers are with all of you. -Gus Downing
Commercial Burglaries Up
Some Crimes Are Spiking in America’s Major Cities
Lack of social interaction leads to overall
decline in crime
Amid empty streets and shuttered shops, crime rates in some of the biggest U.S.
cities have dropped -- with a few exceptions.
Car thefts and store robberies are spiking in some municipalities even as crime
overall -- especially violent offenses -- dropped in 10 of the 20 most populated
cities, more than halving in San Francisco alone, according to a Bloomberg News
analysis of data from 10 major cities.
Burglaries are also on the rise in New York, up 26% year-to-date as compared to
the same period in 2019. In the week ended April 12, they more than doubled
in the southern half of Manhattan, where many stores are now unoccupied.
Burglaries jumped almost 34% in Denver in March amid a growing number of
break-ins at marijuana dispensaries. In Philadelphia, burglaries were
down 6.7% overall, with residential break-ins falling 25% as more people stay
home, but unoccupied businesses were hit hard, with commercial burglary
rising 71%.
Charis Kubrin, a professor of criminology at the University of California,
Irvine, who reviewed the data said the bulk of the burglaries in New York
also appear to be at commercial properties. There are fewer store owners and
bystanders who might witness crimes in action and report them — providing less
deterrence for would-be offenders, she said. A reduction in policing might
also be a contributing factor, Kubrin said. One in six NYPD officers was
out sick at the beginning of the month.
Robberies and burglaries dropped more dramatically in Los Angeles than
some other major U.S. cities, perhaps because it closed non-essential
businesses and told people to stay at home earlier than other cities, Kubrin
The Daily's Research on Commercial Burglaries
Commercial Burglaries From 3/1 Up 20% to 189% in U.S.
With the mean being 67%
Boulder, Colo. Sees 189% increase in burglaries since 3/1
Burlington, Vermont up almost 100% since 3/1
NYPD has seen a 75% increase in reports of burglaries from March 12 to 3/1
Nashville liquor store burglaries up 53%, in discount stores up 15% in Q1
Spoken, Wash. Sees 50% increase in burglaries since 3/1
Albuquerque, N.M., Sees a 50% to 66% increase in weekly burglaries since 3/1
Seattle up 21% over 28 days in March
Houston commercial burglaries up 20% last two weeks, dated 4/2/20
Facebook Provides New COVID-19 Symptom Maps to Assist in Response Planning
in conjunction with
Carnegie Melon, has this week
the first of its new COVID-19 symptom tracking maps, which may help authorities
in planning for future outbreaks by highlighting where groups of people are
experiencing coronavirus symptoms across the US.
The maps use self-reported symptom data from Facebook users, then pin
that info onto map locations, highlighting key areas of potential spread.
That can provide key early indicators of potential problem areas - as explained
by Facebook CEO
Mark Zuckerberg:
"Understanding how COVID-19 is spreading is critical for local governments
and public health officials as they allocate scarce resources like ventilators
and PPE, and eventually to decide when it is safe to start re-opening different
places. Researchers believe these symptom survey maps can be an important tool
in making these decisions." socialmediatoday.com
Safety - OSHA - Mental Health
During the Pandemic
Re-Starting - Revised Guidances - Whistleblowers Spike?
With Retailers Just Starting Their Engines,
Safety Should be Priority #1
Which poses a lot of questions that will
impact your stores
testing returning workers to issuing PPE and expanding sick leave, retailers
have a major responsibility to their associates, consumers, and to the
community's they serve/impact.
And retailers have to be sensitive to the trends of the industry at large as
Right out of the box what the retail leaders are doing will inevitably become
the duty of care and what's reported publicly then becomes your
reputation in the market. And as everyone knows Chipotle had a heck of a
time for over two years gaining their customers back. Costing millions in
expense, building out a sophisticated safety program and team and losing their
founder and president.
This re-start for a number of retailers will be their last chance and for others
it'll be a time to shine. And a lot of it will be driven by how you approach
the safety of your associates and consumers.
Just some thoughts -Gus Downing
Here are the safety measures businesses should adopt if operating during the
Guidance from the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the federal
Occupational Safety and Health Administration is multifaceted and based on a
job's exposure risk.
The following are guidelines from OSHA for workplaces based on coronavirus
risk for employees:
Promote handwashing with a space for employees to wash their hands or
provide hand sanitizer.
Encourage employees to stay home if they are sick and use proper
respiratory etiquette, such as covering the mouth and nose when coughing.
Routinely clean workspaces and discourage employees from touching one
another's work areas.
Isolate employees suspected of having the coronavirus, if possible.
OSHA Issues COVID-19 Guidance for the Package Delivery Employers
OSHA had previously released a
Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19, with recommendations for
protecting employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. The new
COVID-19 Guidance for Package Delivery Workforce is another
industry-specific guidance released by OSHA. While the Agency’s guidance is
advisory and non-mandatory, it provides useful tools for the package delivery
industry in protecting employees and customers during the pandemic. To that end,
OSHA’s recommendations include:
Read Here
OSHA & Lawyers Expecting 'Significant Increase in
Whistleblower Complaints'
What happens if an employee sends a
whistleblower complaint to OSHA?
Employers should be prepared for significant increase in whistleblower
complaints. OSHA is seeing an uptick in complaints related to COVID-19 issues,
including workplace crowding and improper PPE use.
Read more
Employers Have a Crucial Role to Play During This Shut-Down
How to help employees manage their mental
health during the coronavirus crisis
While everyone should take responsibility for their mental health, there’s a
host of things employers can do to help employees remain happy and productive
throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Putting mental health at the forefront of the conversation is an important
step organizations can take to ensure that employees have the support and
resources they need now and for the future.
Employers are requesting webinars or Q&A sessions focused on mental health
strategies for their workforce—including topics such as effective communication
and how to cope with stress or anxiety. Other employers are offering training on
best practices—like keeping consistent one-on-one meetings and hosting fun,
virtual meetups that allow for human connection with coworkers—to help managers
identify and support employees dealing with mental health challenges.
Read more
CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Webinar
Emergency Partners Information Connection (EPIC)
Psychological First Aid: Addressing Mental Health Distress During Disasters
When people are faced with disaster, intense emotions are often present and
appropriate. Psychological First Aid (PFA) can help responders promote an
environment of safety, calm, connectedness, self-efficacy, empowerment, and
hope. PFA was developed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network
and the National Center for PTSD, with contributions from individuals involved
in disaster research and response. This webinar provides a brief overview of PFA
and connects viewers with both online and in-person training resources.
Meghan Griffin, MPH, Public Health Advisor, U.S. Depart. of Health and Human
Wednesday, April 22, at 1 p.m. ET. Closed captioning will be available.
Read more
Read all the safety news
The Food Supply Chain
Covid-19's Impact
We're "Perilously Close To The
Edge" In Our Meat Supply
We came close to a major food shortage
Farmers Dumping Milk - Euthanizing Hogs - Letting Berries Rot
1st Part of Our Farm's Supply Chain
Farms are seeing excess products due to lack of demand from typical buyers. And
lack of demand contributes to plummeting prices. For example, hog farmers say
they are
losing $37 on every pig they sell, making euthanizing the hogs a cheaper
So, farmers struggling in the face of absent workers,
shuttered pork packaging plants, and a loss of buyers are considering
killing baby pigs to cut losses. Dairy farmers
are dumping milk. Driscoll's president Soren Bjorn
told Irene that the company would let 10-15% of its crop "end up in the
ditch" if the berry producer doesn't receive government funding.
Dairy Drivers Scared to Drive - Exports Frozen - Commercial Byers Shut Down
We're "Perilously Close To The Edge" In Our Meat Supply
Meat processing plants are shutting down, as workers catch coronavirus and die
2nd Part of Our Sad Food Supply Chain
In the meat industry, hundreds of workers have caught coronavirus. At least five
Tyson employees
at two different plants have died. A Sioux Falls Smithfield Foods processing
plant in South Dakota has been connected
to 644 coronavirus cases and one death.
Essential workers are dying across industries and at different points in the
supply chain. Amazon internally reported
its first warehouse-worker death from COVID-19 this week. At least
30 grocery store workers have died from COVID-19. A lack of a union or
organized workers group makes it difficult to tally up the impact of the
coronavirus on restaurant workers, but employees in Chicago and Los Angeles have
filed OSHA complaints against McDonald's.
Employers have pushed back against calls to shut down businesses.
"The closure of this facility, combined with a growing list of other protein
plants that have shuttered across our industry, is pushing our country
perilously close to the edge in terms of our meat supply,"
Smithfield CEO Kenneth Sullivan said in a statement after the company closed
a major pork plant on Sunday.
Shortages continue in food banks and grocery stores
3rd part of the crumbling supply chain
story: shortages
NYC Food Pantries Declares State of Emergency:
as they struggle to meet growing demand and unemployment soars to percentages
that haven't been seen since The Great Depression.
Retailers shouldn’t count on Mnuchin’s or Trump’s help
Many retailers are caught between a rock and hard place as their businesses
suffer from the coronavirus pandemic. Many are too big to qualify for the
government’s Main Street lending program, while their debt levels make it
difficult to qualify for Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility. The result is
that a large number of specialty clothing retailers and department store
operators are looking at alternatives, including bankruptcy, to find a way
out of the current morass.
Last week, the National Retail Federation sent a letter to Treasury Secretary
Steven Mnuchin and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell calling on the
government “to take steps now to ensure that our nation’s largest retailers can
rely on the same economic support programs that have been made available to
America’s small businesses and largest corporations.” So far, the Trump
administration has not responded affirmatively to NRF’s request.
Lululemon apologises after staffer offends with 'bat fried rice' T-shirt
Canadian exercise apparel brand Lululemon (LULU.O) issued statements on Tuesday
apologising for, and distancing itself from, a T-shirt design promoted by one of
its art directors that triggered outrage and accusations of racism online. The
hashtag “Lululemon insults China” was viewed 204 million times on China’s Weibo
platform by Tuesday afternoon, with some commentators demanding a boycott of the
Coronavirus prompts Tractor Supply to expand same-day delivery to all stores
Portland, Maine backtracks to allow curbside and delivery by nonessential retail
Cub Foods bucks trend, opening stores for 24 hours
Shake Shack returns $10M paycheck protection loan to the government
Restaurants have laid off thousands in wake of coronavirus - but ghost kitchens
are hiring
COMING THURSDAY: Gus Downing joins industry experts in new episode of LPRC's
CrimeScience COVID-19 Series

In the upcoming LPRC CrimeScience COVID-19 Series episode, the new weekly
podcast covering the current pandemic, featured guest Gus Downing of the D&D
Daily joins industry experts. Tune in Thursday, 4/23,
to hear our discussion on current crime data, how COVID-19 is changing retail in
the short & long term, risks & vulnerabilities, and much more.
What is the LPRC CrimeScience COVID-19 Series?
In this new weekly segment of CrimeScience, industry experts discuss how
retailers are coping with the changes and impacts the Coronavirus pandemic is
having on the retail loss prevention industry.
Dr. Read Hayes covers LPRC initiatives related to the pandemic, Tom Meehan, CFI
reviews risk and vulnerabilities in technology and Tony D’Onofrio discusses the
‘new normal’ from current events every Thursday.
Learn more about the podcast series
All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time
Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please.
If it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.
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Introducing OWS Cloud Lab

Introducing OWS Cloud Lab - a series of webinars discussing cloud-managed video
tools and concepts including remote management, reducing IT overhead,
streamlining operations, generating actionable intelligence, and best practices.
Recent webinars include information about reducing truck rolls and managing
systems remotely, an introduction to the key benefits of
OWS Premium and
OWS 24/7, and managing concerning access control and intrusion events with
Alerts in OWS. Watch for new webinars every month to stay up to date on ways to
take advantage of the benefits of cloud-managed video.
Training webinars are facilitated by Jim Mack, the OpenEye Technical Training
Manager. His focus is to make sure OpenEye’s internal sales team and you are
trained on the best techniques for the sale and use of OpenEye products and
features while providing Heroic Customer Service. With over 25 years of
experience in the IT, Point of Sale and Surveillance sector, Mack has held many
positions ranging from sales and sales engineering to operations and Research
and Development, always with a technical focus.
Sign up today for one of our live webinars to learn more about how to get
the most out of OpenEye Web Services. You'll find links to register for all the
latest training webinars on our website.
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FBI says cybercrime reports quadrupled during COVID-19 pandemic
in an
online panel hosted by the Aspen Institute, FBI Deputy Assistant Director
Tonya Ugoretz said the number of reports has quadrupled compared to months
before the pandemic.

"The FBI has an Internet Crime Complaint Center, the IC3, which is our
main ingest point. Sadly the IC3 has been incredibly busy over the past few
months," Ugoretz said. "Whereas they might typically receive 1,000 complaints a
day through their internet portal, they're now receiving something like 3,000
- 4,000 complaints a day, not all of those are COVID-related, but a good
number of those are.
"They really run the gamut. Everything from setting up fraudulent internet
domains [...], we've seen people set up fraudulent COVID charities, promise
delivery of masks and other equipment, and then deliver fraudulent loans,
extortion, etc.. So pretty much, sadly, anything you can think of.
Cyber-criminals are quite creative," the FBI official said.
Life in a data center - Thanks to all those folks that keep us all connected
'You can't just stop.' How data centers are dealing with the coronavirus crisis
Data centers have been preparing since
January to make sure that the world would stay connected amid the coronavirus
To keep operating, data centers need on-site staff to maintain the
infrastructure. "People see data centers as large rooms of servers, but they
don't realize it actually takes a certain amount of folks to maintain them,"
Chris Yetman, chief operating officer at Vantage Data Centers, told ZDNet. "Sure,
you may need fewer people overall, but you can't have no one."
As the crisis escalated, Yetman switched all of his non-essential team to remote
working. "But we determined pretty quickly that we could not send home engineers
who work on the facilities," said Yetman. "And so we focused on making it as
comfortable for them as possible."
Yetman ordered personal protective equipment (PPE) and set up sanitizing
stations everywhere he could, both to minimize the risk of infection and to
reassure his employees. "We've gone through and sanitized everything," he said.
"You have to make people who have to work comfortable that they're going to be
Fingerprint readers started coming with disinfectant or sanitizing wipes, and
hand-washing stations were built near the entrances of the building; and the
offices have already received two deep cleans so far. In parallel, Yetman and
his team re-arranged the way shifts are worked to reduce the amount of time that
employees have to work side by side, and to keep the same staff in the same
buildings to lower the chance of cross-contamination. Again, risk zero proved
impossible: some maintenance works require more than one person, not the least
for safety. "So we still have to manage that, but we're trying to make sure
we're good about how we manage it," said Yetman.
It's not an easy job trying to keep a key piece of infrastructure operational
during a global pandemic. But with society at large depending on the
internet, more so now than ever before, there aren't that many options, either.
"You can't just stop," said Yetman. "You can't just say you're going
to turn it off."
Editor's Note: Think about how this is going to change your corporate
facilities. With all of the access control hardware, the simplistic act of
signing in and reusing pens & badges, installing more hand-washing stations at
entrances, in-house cafeterias and a host of issues around the 6 foot rule. Just
a thought
-Gus Downing
8 video chat apps compared: Which is best for security?
Most aren't end-to-end encrypted. Some are. None are perfect. Here are your
engulfed popular videoconferencing software Zoom when its promise of providing
end-to-end encryption (E2EE), turned out to be a lie. For years the Zoom client
informed users that "Zoom
is using an end-to-end encrypted connection."
Zoom even lied to the SEC in 2019 in its pre-IPO filings, claiming to offer
"end-to-end encryption" when they did not.
The main difference between Zoom and its major competitors, Google Meet and
Microsoft Teams, is that Zoom lied about offering E2EE, and Google and Microsoft
don't even pretend to offer E2EE. Those in search of a true end-to-end encrypted
videoconferencing solution will have to go further afield and make trade-offs in
exchange for that greater level of security.
CSO took a high-level look at the security of Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft
Teams, Cisco's Webex Meetings, FaceTime, Signal, WhatsApp and Wire. Here's what
we found.
Zoom is throwing money at the problem and hiring leading security experts to
improve their offering, so watch this space.
Signal: If you need true E2EE for a one-to-one video call, then Signal wins
hands down. Signal's best-of-breed encryption secures text, voice-mail style
audio messages, audio calls and video calls.
WhatsApp: Did you know WhatsApp offers videoconferencing for up to
four people? We didn't. While not optimized for the enterprise, WhatsApp
says it uses the same encryption protocol as Signal, and the app is free to
download and use. Facebook has also invested a substantial amount of money
building out available bandwidth for WhatsApp users, and it shows.
Intercontinental videos can be crisp and clear. Full details of WhatsApp's
advertised encryption is available
Wire: Like WhatsApp, only with a greater focus on the enterprise,
Wire also offers videoconferencing for up to four people and audio conferencing
for up to 20 people. Like Signal and WhatsApp, Wire's encryption is "always on,"
and there is no option to turn it off.
FaceTime - Jitsi - Microsoft Teams - Cisco's Webex Meetings - Google Meet -
Don't forget about metadata
Google enters zero-trust market with BeyondCorp Remote Access offering
makes its internal zero-trust access infrastructure available to anyone on a
subscription basis as an alternative to VPNs.
Google is launching a commercial zero-trust remote access service that will
allow companies to enable their work-from-home employees to access internal
web-based applications without the need of virtual private networks (VPNs).
BeyondCorp Remote Access, the subscription-based service will be part of
Google Cloud's portfolio and will cost $6 per user per month, but it will not
require customers to already be users of Google's existing cloud-based services
or enterprise collaboration tools.
California Residents: Federal Prosecutors & FBI Participate In Telephonic Town Hall To Provide Information About COVID-19 Scams
COVID-19 crisis will make drones an everyday technology, GlobalData says
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COVID-19 Scam Text Messages
have reported receiving text messages related to being exposed to COVID-19. The
messages have been reported to say: “Someone who came in contact with you has
tested positive or has shown symptoms for COVID-19." They then recommend you get
tested for COVID 19. The link is not from an official organization and is a
phishing attempt to get your personal information.
The Federal Trade Commission says they have received more than 25,000 complaints
about COVID-19 fraud since the beginning of this year. Remember to always go to
a trusted source for information about COVID 19. |
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'Scores' of Amazon employees plan to not show up for the job this week as part
of labor actions
'The biggest mass action yet' against the
tech giant
of Amazon workers are planning to not show up for their jobs this week in an
effort to bring attention to their safety concerns and put pressure on the
company to improve workplace conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic, say
organizations supporting the workers.
It is being billed as the biggest mass action yet in an
ongoing dispute between the e-commerce behemoth and its workers.
Hundreds of warehouse workers pledged to call out from their jobs starting
Tuesday, according to Athena, a coalition of local and national organizations
representing workers.
Another mass sickout among tech workers is planned for Friday and has been
organized by the group Amazon Employees for Climate Justice. "We are asking
you to call in sick on Friday, April 24th to show that you want Amazon to go in
a different direction," the group said in a Medium post to Amazon workers.
The Athena coalition says there are more than 130 warehouses where Amazon
workers have contracted COVID-19, including some warehouses with more than
30 confirmed cases. “Amazon’s corporate management has consistently responded
with delay tactics and incoherent plans that do not rise to the urgency of the
pandemic,” Athena said in a statement about this week’s action.
Scam alert: Online shoppers duped into buying counterfeit masks
Counterfeit masks sold on the internet are duping shoppers across the country. A
local fireman reached out to the 41 Action News investigators to alert the
public to the problem. He said he purchased the mask after an ad popped up on
Facebook. The advertisement by WowHaul showed a picture of what the company
called an N99 mask, which was promoted as filtering out 99 percent of harmful
particles. The 41 Action News investigators found another Facebook post that
mimicked that of WowHaul from a company called Immunity. The fireman and several
customers said when the mask showed up it was cheaply made and not as described.
As coronavirus restrictions drag on, Americans shift online spending from
stockpiling to entertainment
Coronavirus scammers are flooding social media with fake cures and tests
In Case You Missed It
Los Angeles, CA: LAPD Organized Retail Theft Unit Detectives warning the public
of Covid-19 Scams
Los Angeles Police Department's Commercial Crimes Division, Organized Retail
Theft Unit Detectives are urging the public to be aware of potential deceptions,
identity thefts, and scams designed to defraud them of their stimulus money.
According to the LAPD, the following information is provided to assist the
public in identifying and avoiding any such criminal endeavors.
Stimulus Checks: The government issued Economic Impact Payment, commonly
known as a "stimulus check", is not a check at all. It's a payment made by
direct deposit, from the IRS, into an individual's checking account. No forms
are required, and the Federal government won't ask payment up front to process
the payment. The IRS will simply deposit the money, and they've begun this
process for many Americans already. Anyone calling, or knocking on your door,
regarding your stimulus check is likely an identity thief.
In-Home Covid-19 Test Kits: There are no commercially available in-home
tests for COVID-19 that consumers can purchase. There are no consumer services
offering "in-home testing" at this time. Please do not trust anyone offering to
sell tests to individuals, or to test anyone in the privacy of their home. They
could be a burglar, identity thief, or scam artist.
Cures and Vaccines: There are no consumer products that treat or cure the
COVID-19 virus. There is no current vaccine for the corona virus. Anyone
attempting to sell a cure, treatment, or vaccine for corona virus is attempting
to scam individuals out of their money.
Calls and Emails: Be particularly aware of emails, texts and calls
claiming to be from health or government officials regarding your health. These
calls may be an attempt to obtain your credit or personal information. Emails
may tempt consumers to click on links that install malware of various kinds on
their computers.
Price Gouging: Individuals or businesses selling COVID-19 related
products at exorbitant prices are committing a crime. Consumers who observe this
activity should report it to the police.
Prevention: Please follow guidelines to remain at home, to wash your
hands, to engage in social distancing, and remain safe. Be vigilant for anyone
attempting to sell you "snake oil" cures, treatments, tests, or vaccines. Please
be careful of anyone attempting to obtain your personal information, and avoid
any suspicious COVID-19 email links.
Wilkes-Barre, PA: Pennsylvania State Police investigate credit card fraud at
three separate Lowe's locations
Pennsylvania State Police are investigating credit card fraud that happened at
three different Lowe's locations in the area. Police say there were four
transactions completed at Wilkes-Barre, Edwardsville, and Bartonsville Lowe's.
These fraudulent transactions totaled $11,060.58 in losses.
Rapid City, SD: 11 firearms burglarized from the same Pawn shop in 2 days
Rapid City Police Department learned of the first burglary at Pawn With Us when
an alarm went off at 4:45 a.m. Sunday. Officers found a window that had been
shattered with a rock and reviewed surveillance footage that shows two suspects
entering the business and stealing four AR-15-style rifles before fleeing. Pawn
With Us's alarm rang at 5:30 a.m. Monday and officers again found a smashed
glass window. The surveillance footage shows three men breaking the window and
stealing six rifles and one shotgun.
Sumter County, FL: Two women arrested after botched ‘return’ of stolen
merchandise at Wal-Mart

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Shootings & Deaths
Raytown, MO: Walmart is scene of 2nd Fatal Police Shooting when officer kills
armed man
An off-duty Raytown police officer shot and killed a man Saturday night when the
man allegedly walked into a Walmart and pointed a handgun toward the checkout
area, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Willie Hampton, 37, of
Kansas City, was fatally shot by the officer about 8:10 p.m. just inside one of
the store entrances at the Walmart Supercenter, police and a Walmart spokesman
said. Citing its preliminary investigation, the highway patrol said Hampton
pointed the gun in a “threatening manner” at the checkout area. The officer, who
was in uniform and working security at the store, recognized the threat and shot
Hampton, according to the patrol, which is investigating the shooting.
The shooting Saturday night was also not the first time an off-duty law
enforcement officer killed a person at the Raytown store. At the same Walmart, a
Jackson County sheriff’s deputy on May 28, 2017, was working off-duty security
when a man named Donald Sneed III was suspected of shoplifting. Sneed allegedly
became violent when employees tried to stop him. The deputy, Lauren Michael,
shot and killed Sneed during an altercation captured on surveillance video. At
the time, she said Sneed took her stun gun away from her and shocked her with
it, which was why she shot him. The sheriff’s office also gave that version of
events. Then-sheriff Mike Sharp awarded Michael a medal of valor for her
Kingsport, TN: Man found dead in convenience store parking lot from gunshot
Authorities in Kingsport said Monday morning that a man was found dead from
gunshot wounds in the parking lot of a convenience store. According to the
Kingsport Police Department, officer responded to Zoomers and found the man
around 4:50 a.m.
Polk County, FL: Man accused of trying to kill Police Officer following 3 Circle
K Armed Robberies
A Lakeland man has been arrested following a high speed Police chase in Polk
County. During the chase, the suspect pointed a handgun at the officer and the
officer reported hearing two shots being fired in his direction. The suspect
lost control of the vehicle on the shoulder, at which time Plant City and
Lakeland officers arrested the man, identified as 23-year-old Kenneth Allen
Phelps Jr.
Robberies, Incidents & Thefts
Tyler, TX: Police investigate burglary at Best Buy; search for suspects ongoing
Police are looking for a group of people who are suspected of breaking into a
Best Buy early Monday morning. Authorities were dispatched to a commercial
burglary alarm at the store on 5514 S. Broadway Avenue around 1:48 a.m.
According to Tyler Police, they are searching for two to seven people. Police
said the suspects used forced entry into the building. According to police, a
white dodge pickup truck was found abandoned a few blocks from the location.
Holton, KS: KHP aircraft helps locate 2 alleged Walmart theft suspects
Bakery – Enfield, CT –
Best Buy – Tyler, TX –
Bike Shop – New
Orleans, LA – Burglary
C-Store – Logan, OH –
Armed Robbery
C-Store – Lakeland, FL
- Armed Robbery
C-Store – Lakeland, FL
– Armed Robbery
C-Store - Lakeland, FL
– Armed Robbery
C-Store – Lake County,
MI – Burglary
C-Store – Pageland, SC
– Burglary
C-Store – Weslaco, TX
– Burglary
C-Store – Visalia, CA-
Grocery – Enfield, CT
Grocery - Mendocino
County, CA – Burglary
Jewelry – Troutdale, OR – Burglary
Liquor - Calvert
County, MD – Burglary
Motorcycle – Elon, NC
- Burglary
Pawn – Rapid City, SD
– Burglary
Pharmacy – Lyons, NY –
Restaurant – Spokane,
WA – Burglary
Shoe – Durango, CO –
Walmart – Logan, OH –
Armed Robbery
Daily Totals:
• 5 robberies
• 16 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed |

Click to enlarge map
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Sometimes the best reaction is no reaction, as the old expression "Silence is
Golden" is more applicable than most think. Especially in a situation where
you're unfamiliar with the surroundings, the people, the cultural beliefs, or
the boundaries. The key is having the self-discipline not to react or speak. It
can help prevent you from going too far or showing anger and it just might keep
you from destroying a relationship or your reputation. Reacting is easy -
listening and biding your time isn't.
Just a Thought, Gus

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