



Smart Store Can You SEE Me
Tony D'Onofrio, Retail Influencer & Former Chief Customer Officer for Tyco
Retail Solutions
Frictionless secure commerce coupled with immersive customer experiences
have been on my mind for some time. Engaging with an in-store
geolocation security company and new updated data on internet
connectivity, growth of smartphones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
inspired this post.
Future consumer in-store interactions will include autonomous digital
conversations with physical products. As discussed in a
previous post, increased digital interactions will create brand
ambassadors of both consumers and store associates.
For those individuals focused on securing commerce, that same digital
exchange will lead to innovative applications such as geolocation
solutions that will dramatically reduce retail crime. As an example, the
geolocation security company mentioned above has so far in 2018 taken
nearly 600 criminals off USA streets and led to the recovery of over $5
million of in-store physical assets.
Unattended proactive autonomous tracking loss prevention solutions are
critical especially in the United States in de-escalating violence,
reducing retail crime, and increasing recoveries. For security reasons,
this post will not discuss the specifics of the in-store geolocation
The backbone for new digital interactive solutions (and the future of
retail) includes the Internet, smartphones, and IoT. Where are we with
these baseline technologies which are disrupting entire industries,
including retail?
Leads the Digital Way
China's connected user-base is now larger than the combined
populations for Japan, Russia, Mexico, and the United States. For
further context, the USA has an estimated 300 million internet users.
Digital engagement is at the at center of the Chinese
internet growth boom. Note the high percentage of Ecommerce
transactions from the graphic.
The more staggering and important China
statistic is that 98% of the 802 million people are mobile internet
Read Tony's full blog post here



Bill Cunha named Sr. Vice President of Sales
North America for Delta Lock
Delta Lock is pleased to
announce the following additions to our corporate team and business environment.
These initiatives all contribute to our commitment to be the "Brand to Remember"
and the leader in our industry.
Bill Cunha has joined the Delta Lock corporate team as Sr. Vice President of
Sales North America. Bill's expertise comes from the asset protection arena
where he was National Accounts Manager at Vanguard Protex Global for over 7
years, a leading manufacturer of security devices for hand held electronics. His
skill sets include Brand and Marketing Integration, Customer Relationships and
Retention, Sales Effectiveness and Solutions Provider.
Other staff additions include Director Engineering and Director Project
Management. Read more in today's Vendor Spotlight
below. |
Guy Chenard promoted to Chief
Commercial Officer for Genetec
An executive with
Genetec for 13 years, Mr. Chenard oversaw the sales group as
they quadrupled the size of the global business in the last seven
years. Mr. Chenard replaces Mr. Georges Karam, who will remain in a
senior advisory capacity focused on internal corporate growth
initiatives. In his new role, Mr. Chenard will lead sales,
marketing, and customer experience departments across the
organization as they scale the business with new software and
appliance offerings focused on intelligence, operations and
security. Congratulations, Guy!
Read more here
Michel Chalouhi named Vice
President of Global Sales for Genetec
Michel Chalouhi has taken on an international position within the
company and is now Vice President of Global Sales. Michel Chalouhi
has been with Genetec for 15 years, most recently spending seven
years as the Vice President of North American Sales where he oversaw
significant growth in regional revenues, as well as the
solidification of Genetec as the market share leader for Video
Management Systems. In his new position, Mr. Chalouhi will drive
global sales operations worldwide-ensuring alignment and
collaboration among the technical, operational, and sales staff to
continue to deliver on the company's growth plans. Congratulations,
Read more here
Bill Lane named Director Loss
Prevention, Health, and Safety and Audit for Watches of Switzerland
Bill was previously the DVP of Loss Prevention/Internal Audit for
Birks Group, Inc. for over fifteen years before taking this new
role. He was also the Director of Loss Prevention for Mayors
Jewelers Inc in 1996 and a Manager of Loss Prevention for Tiffany &
Co. in 1988. Bill was also the VP of Investigative Services and
Consulting for a few years for Jurney & Associates Inc.
Congratulations, Bill! |
Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position |


The Shrink Story... By the Numbers:
The National Retail Security Survey - 25 Years and Counting

Dr. Richard Hollinger, lead author of the
National Retail Security Survey (NRSS) for over 25 years, shares the
findings of the 2018 report. Are industry shrink numbers shifting upwards? Do LP
executives expect staffing to increase? Hear the numbers and delve into the
insights behind the data in this LPNN interview.
Dr. Hollinger also shares some of the key and emerging trends in LP, while
Bob Moraca talks about the National Retail Federation's role in the
industry-benchmarking NRSS study.
Sponsored By:

Dr. Richard Hollinger - Quick Take 5

Dr. Richard Hollinger, Professor Emeritus,
Sociology Criminology & Law, University of Florida, explains what data is
hardest to capture in the annual National Retail Security Survey and what
surprised him the most about this year's results.


"Retail Needs a New Hero to Take
the Lead in Innovation
& LP is the Best Candidate"
"LP might become retailers' go-to department for
technological innovation"
One of the best-attended and most widely discussed sessions at the recent NRF
PROTECT loss prevention conference was a presentation by James Mullan,
senior vice president of GDR USA, called "Retail's Secret Innovation Lab: How LP
can be the modern-day heroes that future-proof your business." GDR USA is the
American branch of London-based GDR Creative Intelligence, which helps retailers
track trends and develop strategies for the consumer-facing aspects of their
business. Clients include Microsoft, P&G, Waitrose, Samsung, Tesco, Macy's,
Under Armour, Hilton and a few dozen other well-known names.
Mullan began by acknowledging that loss prevention is not, traditionally, the
first place one would look in a retail organization if trying to track down its
center of dynamic innovation. "Generally speaking," he said, "you think of there
being a tradeoff - greater security versus a better customer experience. But
that's not necessarily the case. Today it's possible to build a better customer
experience and increase security."
So retail needs a new hero - someone to take the lead in innovation. Which
raises a question: If the marketing/innovation or IT teams can't get it done,
who can make innovation happen?
"So retail needs a new hero - someone to
take the lead in innovation,"
and Mullan's candidate is loss prevention."
sounds a little improbable, but he makes a good case for it. Why LP? Because
technologies known to reduce shrinkage can also be used to provide a better
customer experience. The way to sell them to management is not based on
innovativeness and glitz, but on the same basis as any loss prevention
"LP business cases are easy to quantify and easy to understand," Mullan
said. "And you are a trusted source. Your work, done well, typically provides
a clear return on investment that keeps CEOs, CFOs and shareholders happy."
From RFID at Macy's to Camera's at check-outs to facial recognition and
contactless payment, LP is leading the way.
Mullan closed his presentation with a call for loss prevention specialists to
collaborate with their colleagues in other areas to help drive badly needed
retail innovation efforts. "All the lines across everything are blur-ring," he
said, "and I think that means you guys - LP - need to start bringing your
expertise and experience to bear with other teams. They will value you for it."
Editor's Note: You can be the Hero if you're willing to Take A Risk
and put it on the line. If you truly believe in a new program, or new software,
or a new technology application, you have to be able to face challenges, defend
your position, prove it through the numbers, build support, and overcome & deal
with rejection. For those who can, ultimately may win; and those that can't,
never will.
By the way, as everyone
knows and talks about, it was LP that brought in all the camera's that everyone
pushed back on over the last thirty years. But now everyone wants a piece of. So
it's great to finally hear a senior executive acknowledge it and actually ask
the industry to do it again and to see Stores magazine put it in print. All of
LP's predecessors would be proud.
More Employers Try Continuous Background
Uber announcement puts real-time checks in spotlight
Most companies screen for red flags in their employees' work, legal or financial
history once, before they come on board on Day 1. The problem is that those
checks represent a moment in time. If an employee commits a crime, has a license
revoked or loses work authorization after being hired, the employer may never
find out.
Only 11 percent of organizations re-screen current employees, according to a
2018 report from background screening provider HireRight. Even these periodic
checks-done once a year, for example-can mean employers are blind in the
"As organizations become more mature in their screening programs, they realize
that fluid information is something they want to have a better grasp on," said
Mary O'Loughlin, HireRight's managing director and vice president for
health care and life sciences.

Uber is the most high-profile company to go public
with its plans to conduct continuous background checks on its on-demand
workforce. The company has been pushed to do a better job of screening its
drivers following
recent accounts of alleged misconduct.
Since launching the screening in July, Uber has removed over two dozen drivers,
said Gus Fuldner, Uber vice president of safety and insurance.
"It is a subscription that listens to a candidate's data over time, looking
for and identifying changes in their background to mitigate risk for companies,"
said Tomas Barreto, vice president of product and engineering at Checkr. If new
information launches a full background check, the worker is also notified, he
said. "If a candidate believes their report is inaccurate or incomplete, they
can initiate a dispute. In the future, the technology could allow candidates who
previously were disqualified to resurface after enough time has passed from
prior traffic violations."
Continuous background checks are possible primarily because more police
departments and court systems have moved to online records systems, as well as
due to advances in technology to scan the Web and analyze data.
We're seeing more industries embrace the idea, particularly in industries with
access to vulnerable people or where direct, one-to-one consumer access is a
part of the employee's or contractor's scope of work," she said.
The trend is spreading to sectors such as manufacturing and retail,
government and public school systems.
"More companies are asking about it."
Drones Deliver Safety, Efficiency Gains
Railroad BNSF also finds crime-fighting benefits
Companies are finding more uses for unmanned aerial vehicles as drone technology
and video analytics tools improve. A prime goal for BNSF Railway Co. and
Allstate Corp., among other firms flying drones, is to keep employees out of
dangerous situations during property inspections.
BNSF uses drones to inspect railway infrastructure, some high above land or
built into the edges of mountains, freeing human inspectors from having to
clamber over and under bridges
Drones also are being used by the railroad company to augment employee tasks at
ground level, tackling potential crime in its train yards. Cargo theft remains a
problem for U.S. railroads and BNSF's private police unit sometimes sends up a
drone to check out reports of trespassers in train yards or near track.
"We're selective about when we use it. There have been occasions," Mr.
Murugappan said.
Qualcomm takes aim at counterfeit and illegal
devices with new platform
Qualcomm took the wraps off a new platform the company said stands as an
expansion and improvement to the U.S. wireless industry's attempts to prevent
the sale of stolen phones.
Qualcomm said its new Device Identification, Registration and Blocking System (DIRBS)
platform "leverages each device's unique identifier to help mobile industry
participants and governments alike combat reported stolen and counterfeit
phones, which otherwise can bypass laws and certification requirements."
Added Qualcomm: "Specifically, DIRBS looks up in-country databases maintained by
governments, to confirm that devices aren't stolen, have been properly imported,
have passed required certifications, and have properly allocated globally unique
identifiers. Regulators can then take action to mitigate the number of devices
that do not meet these standards from being registered with cellular networks."
Attacking & Being Attacked
C-Stores - Fast-Casual Restaurants - EU's Top Cop
AmazonGo Plans 3,000 Stores by 2021
Go's Bulls Eye - Fast-Casual Restaurants & Convenience Stores of America
The online giant is off to a strong start, with plans to open about 10 locations
by the end of this year, and about 50 locations in major metro areas in 2019,
anonymous sources told Bloomberg.
Amazon is positioning its cashierless convenience store concept in dense urban
areas populated by young, busy, affluent residents willing to "spend a little
more than a typical fast-food experience for better quality food." The company
will also open multiple locations in proximity, a move that would centralize
food production for multiple stores and help Amazon reduce costs, the report
European Union Antitrust Chief to Investigate
Amazon Dominates as a Merchant and Platform. Europe Sees Reason to Worry.
Vestager, the bloc's competition commissioner, announced the start of an
investigation into whether Amazon is unfairly using data collected about
third-party sellers to make its own decisions about products to sell -
information that would give it a potentially anticompetitive edge.
Ms. Vestager, the world's most aggressive regulator of American technology
giants, said that Amazon's dual position as host of the largest online
platform for third-party sellers and as a retailer of goods deserved a closer
look from European investigators.
The EU's top antitrust cop could be a big threat
to its business model
Amazon's Jekyll-and-Hyde Act Meets Its EU Match
Jeff Bezos, please meet Margrethe Vestager. Ask your buddies in the technology
industry. They'll tell you that she is not a fun person to deal with.
Clearly, she is only just starting to sniff around, and the odds are there won't
be a crackdown in Europe anytime soon, if ever. But these early inquiries should
worry Bezos and his team.
I was most intrigued by the fault line Vestager has zeroed in on: the
company's dual role as both a shopping mall and a shop in its own right. If
- and we're a long way from this - Vestager tries to undo Amazon's double
e-commerce model, things could get ugly for the company.
EU's Top Cop Investigation - Does it Stir-Up
SEC & DOJ Discussions & Possible Investigation
Over the last twelve months quite a few article have been published on that very
subject. From politicians to journalist and even the President have been asking
questions about antitrust concerns. So the question is does a formal EU
investigation motivate a U.S. counterpart? Just a thought.
Nev. Amazon Workers Can Seek Security Check Pay:
6th Circ.
Former NYPD Anti-Terrorism Officer Sentenced To
Four Years In Prison
For Narcotics, Credit Card Fraud, Identity Theft, And Counterfeit Currency
LOPEZ agreed to transport and protect what he believed were three kilograms of
heroin to a drug dealer located in the Bronx under LOPEZ's protection as an NYPD
police officer. During the attempted transaction, LOPEZ described having
previously engaged in narcotics trafficking and stated that "with me it's
guaranteed, they know for sure, they just send me out, do your thing, get an
address, meet the person, do your thing, and I'm gone." LOPEZ was arrested when
he attempted to make the delivery.
In addition, from May 2017 through November 2017, LOPEZ engaged in a scheme to
create and utilize fraudulent credit cards, including by using stolen identity
information. He was part of a counterfeit credit card operation whose
participants used stolen or otherwise illicitly obtained personal identifying
information to create fraudulent credit cards, and then used those cards to
purchase merchandise for themselves. As part of his role in these crimes, LOPEZ
also possessed and used a device that applies electronic data to blank physical
credit cards.
Also from May 2017 through November 2017, LOPEZ possessed and used counterfeit
United States currency.
Health Concerns
Florence's Death Toll Includes Millions of
Florence has already killed 5,500 hogs, 3.4 million fowl
Impassable roads, still-cresting rivers complicate revival. The current
push to save animals will, by necessity, be followed by a more grisly effort:
The need to quickly and safely get rid of millions of carcasses that carry
significant health risks. Speed is key. As livestock carcasses degrade, they
release fluids, gases and a slew of toxic chemical, biological and radiological
compounds, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said.
Food Safety
Chipotle - America's Poster Child For Food Safety
48 Million Americans Get Food Poisoning Each Year
Food Safety: Are You on Top of It?
Simple steps like monitoring temperatures and automating labels can go a long
way in preventing food safety issues.
Each year, more than 48 million Americans are sickened from food poisoning.
The culprits? Listeria, E. coli, salmonella and, more recently, cyclosporiasis,
which this summer made more than 500 quick-service restaurant (QSR) customers
sick after they ate pre-packaged salads at locations across the U.S.
Grocery chains and convenience stores are just as vulnerable, particularly when
selling grab-and-go items like sandwiches, salads, wraps and desserts.
It not only hurts your brand and location (tremendously!) but you lose the trust
of your customers, and often potential customers, when word spreads. We haven't
even mentioned the loss of inventory. After all, if you get a report of food
contamination, you'll often end up purging more than the offending item once you
realize you have food safety issues. On average, refrigerated inventory at any
time is valued at up to $10,000 in restaurants and retail stores.
How can you protect yourself? Here are a few things to check-and double check.
FDA Works
to Prevent Foodborne Outbreaks of Cyclospora
FDA Commissioner Outlines Advancements in Food Surveillance Efforts
The safety of the American food supply is one of the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration's highest priorities. A key part of our work in this space
focuses on implementing the principles and measures of the FDA Food Safety
Modernization Act (FSMA). The actions directed by FSMA are designed to prevent
foodborne illness and food safety problems from happening.
We've also advanced new technology for pursuing food surveillance efforts and
expanded the list of foodborne pathogens that the FDA monitors. Owing to these
efforts, including a new FDA laboratory testing method, we've recently been able
to add screening for Cyclospora - a parasite that causes intestinal infection
after people ingest something, such as fresh or uncooked produce, or water that
was contaminated with human waste - to the list of foodborne pathogens that we
can routinely test for in appropriate commodities.

All the News - One
Place - One Source - One Time The D&D Daily respects your time & doesn't
filter retail's reality




Delta Lock Expands Corporate
Team with Hiring
of Sr. Vice President of Sales North America
Lock is pleased to announce the following additions to our corporate team
and business environment. These initiatives all contribute to our commitment to
be the "Brand to Remember" and the leader in our industry.
Bill Cunha has joined the Delta Lock corporate team as Sr. Vice President
of Sales North America. Bill's expertise comes from the asset protection arena
where he was National Accounts Manager at Vanguard Protex Global for over 7
years, a leading manufacturer of security devices for hand held electronics. His
skill sets include Brand and Marketing Integration, Customer Relationships and
Retention, Sales Effectiveness and Solutions Provider.
Other staff additions include Director Engineering and Director Project
We are also extremely proud to welcome, and graciously accept the opportunity,
to partner with the following companies as part of our global consortium of
industry experts.
Best Security Industries as Technology Development
Partner - EAS, I.P. Cameras and AP/LP Devices
AXIS Communications as Technology Development Partner - I.P.
Camera Systems
Securitech as Technology Integration Partner - Life Safety
Compliant and Security Devices
Environmental Lights as Technology Integration Partner -
Commercial Custom LED Lighting
North America Locksmith Services as a division of Delta Lock
- 24/7/365 Service, Repair, Replace
As a total turnkey solutions provider, Delta Lock and partners make our
collective expertise second to none and available to all of our customers. Delta
holds over 10 patents on innovative solutions for both mechanical and electronic
locks and peripherals for loss prevention, asset protection and security.
This is The Delta Difference. |



Europol's Internet
Organized Threat Report
"Internet Organized Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) 2018"
For the fifth year in a row, Europol has produced the
Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA). The aim of this
Assessment is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current, as well as
anticipated future threats and trends of crimes conducted and/or facilitated
online. While current events demonstrate how cybercrime continues to evolve,
this year's IOCTA shows us how law enforcement has to battle both innovative as
well as persistent forms of cybercrime.
Many areas of the report therefore build upon previous editions, which
emphasises the longevity of the many facets of cybercrime. It is also a
testimony to an established cybercrime business model, where there is no need to
change a successful modus operandi. The report also highlights the many
challenges associated with the fight against cybercrime, both from a law
enforcement and, where applicable, a private sector perspective.
Cyber-dependent crime
› Ransomware remains the key malware threat in both law enforcement and industry
› Cryptomining malware is expected to become a regular, low-risk revenue stream
for cybercriminals.
› Use of exploit kits (EKs) as a means of infection declining, with spam, social
engineering & newer methods such as Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) brute-forcing
coming to the fore.
› New legislation relating to data breaches will likely lead to greater
reporting of breaches to law enforcement
Payment fraud
› The threat from skimming continues and shall do as long as payment cards with
magnetic stripes continue to be used.
› The abuse of PoS terminals is taking on new forms: from manipulation of
devices to the fraudulent acquisition of new terminals.
› Telecommunications fraud is a well-established.
Cybercrime: 15 Top Threats and Trends
Europol's Internet Threat Report Finds That Older Crimes Remain Alive and Well
operating online continue to target cryptocurrencies, leverage phishing and
other social engineering attacks, as well as tweak age-old scams - including
Nigerian prince emails - for the modern age. Those are just a handful of
takeaways from the
Internet Organized Crime Threat Assessment for 2018 from Europol, the EU's
law enforcement intelligence agency.
The report charts the ongoing prevalence of ransomware, the rise in
cryptocurrency mining attacks as well as the shift by one-time bank hackers to
target cryptocurrency users and exchanges.
But the potential domain of internet-enabled crime remains vast.
"Payment fraud continues to emphasize criminal gains and the facilitation of
other crimes, as well as significant financial losses for citizens and financial
institutions alike," says De Bolle, who was the commissioner general of the
Belgian Federal Police before she took the helm of Europol in May.
Alert: Cybercriminals Utilize Social
Engineering Techniques To Obtain Employee Credentials To Conduct Payroll
The IC3 has received complaints reporting
cybercriminals are targeting the online payroll accounts of employees in a
variety of industries. Institutions most affected are education, healthcare, and
commercial airway transportation.
target employees through phishing emails designed to capture an employee's login
credentials. Once the cybercriminal has obtained an employee's credentials, the
credentials are used to access the employee's payroll account in order to change
their bank account information. Rules are added by the cybercriminal to the
employee's account preventing the employee from receiving alerts regarding
direct deposit changes. Direct deposits are then changed and redirected to an
account controlled by the cybercriminal, which is often a prepaid card.
As Tech Drives the Business, So Do CISOs
Security leaders are evolving from technicians to business executives as tech
drives enterprise projects, applications, and goals.
The tasks topping the CISO's to-do list are slowly shifting, as their core
priorities transition from primarily technical expertise to securing business
applications and processes.
It's the key takeaway from a new report, conducted by Enterprise Strategy Group
(ESG) and commissioned by Spirent, on how CISO responsibilities are shifting as
cybersecurity becomes more complex. Researchers polled 413 IT and security pros
with knowledge of, or responsibility for, the planning, implementation, and/or
operations of security policies and processes.
"There's a transition from a technology focus to a business focus," says Jon
Oltsik, ESG senior principal analyst. "And that doesn't preclude the oversight
of technology, but the technology is sort of guided by business initiatives,
business applications, business goals, things like that."
About 80% of experts say security knowledge, skills, operations, and management
are more difficult now compared with two years ago. They attribute the
complexity to growth in the number and sophistication of malware, IT projects,
targeted attacks, and connected devices.
How studying the black hat community can help
Hiring a White Hat UC Who Wears a Black Hat Too!
White hat hackers often assimilate themselves into the black hat community to
track the latest threats. Discover how this behavior actually benefits the
enterprise with David Geer.
white hats can tell you what tools and threats
black hat hackers are currently developing and the vulnerabilities they are
chasing. This allows them to then purchase and use these tools to penetration
test your network for vulnerabilities, enabling flaws to be fixed before new
attacks go public.
hat hackers often pose as black hats to participate and engage in the black hat
community and earn the confidence of members within closed hacker forums. Black
hat members must recommend users before they can become members themselves.
White hats who undertake these endeavors face risks, as they must walk a fine
line when engaging in the forums so people trust them -- meaning they may have
to buy some tools and give feedback, which some would consider a questionable
activity, according to Olson. Infosec professionals and their organizations
should use white hats that know and stay on the right side of that line so the
company doesn't find itself on the wrong side.
The solution is to contract or hire a white hat who maintains these kinds of
relationships and access within the black hat community so that you can stay
a step ahead of criminal hackers rather than play catch up after disaster
Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering
Challenges Facing Insider Threat Programs and Hub Analysts: Part 1 of 2
The purpose of this two-part blog series is to discuss five challenges that
often plague insider threat programs and more specifically the analysts that are
working in insider threat hubs.
As you read this blog, think about these questions (1) How many of these
challenges are you facing today? (2) Are there any challenges on this list that
lead to an "aha" moment? (3) Are there challenges that you are facing that did
not make it onto this list? (4) Do you need assistance (from inside and outside
your organization) with combating any of these challenges? Let us know your
answers and thoughts via email at
Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering
Challenges Facing Insider Threat Programs and Hub Analysts: Part 2 of 2
advanced persistent threat (APT)
An advanced persistent threat (APT) is a prolonged and targeted cyberattack in
which an intruder gains access to a network and remains undetected for an
extended period of time. The intention of an APT attack is usually to monitor
network activity and steal data rather than to cause damage to the network or
Equifax Hit With $660k Maximum UK Privacy Fine
After Mega-Breach
Study Shows Half of Retail Leaders Are Embracing
AI to Transform the Supply Chain

How Cheap Are Fraudulent Ad Impressions?
Between April-June 2018, cybersecurity company
Confiant analyzed more
than 50 billion ad impressions across thousands of websites and found that, on
average, the CPMs that publishers received for impressions that intermediaries
later misrepresented were 54% lower than the CPMs they received for impressions
that were correctly represented in programmatic auctions. These discrepancies
are driven by outlier impressions with extremely low or high values, according
to Confiant CPO Jack Cohen Martin. Because the price distributions for ad
sellers hoping to avoid fraud follow similar patterns, raising price floors
isn't a panacea for ad buyers hoping to avoid fraud.
To make their impressions attractive to ad buyers, ad fraudsters often sell
their impressions at a discount. Ad buyers looking for cheap inventory purchase
these impressions thinking they got a good deal, only to find out that what they
bought is mislabeled inventory of poor quality.
Cotton On Group Partners With Adyen to Advance
Global eCommerce Rollout
Adyen, the payments platform of choice for the world's leading companies, today
announced a partnership with the Cotton On Group, Australia's largest global
retailer. With this partnership in place, Adyen is helping to power eCommerce
payments for the Cotton On Group brands including Cotton On, Cotton On KIDS,
Cotton On BODY, Rubi, Supré, Factorie and Typo on a global scale. The Group
selected Adyen in late 2017 and rolled out the payment platform to all markets
in April 2018.
Nike's sold out 61% more online merchandise since
Colin Kaepernick ad
Aldi expands e-commerce delivery service in a big
Amazon incentivizes brands to create
Frustration-Free Packaging |



Register for the 2018 CLEAR Conference
October 8-11 in Myrtle
Beach, SC
year's CLEAR Conference promises to be the best ever! We have an outstanding
line-up of speakers and topics, including a presentation by the
Orlando Police Department
on the lessons learned from the Pulse Nightclub Active Shooter Incident.
Other sessions to be presented at this year's conference include
ORC Case Building/Trends/Resources/Tools
with Patrick Fairley, Home Depot;
Advancements in Credit Card Fraud/Identity Theft - D&D Daily ORC
with Gus Downing, D&D Daily;
Product Diversion - The Cycle and Flow of Large Scale Product Theft
with Tony Sheppard, CVS.
The Crown Reef Beach Resort has also extended the conference room
rate! Take a look at the
The CLEAR Team hopes you can join us! Register now at:
Two Men Plead Guilty to Stealing More than 70
Firearms from Gun Stores
in Ohio & Kentucky
Ronquieze Head, 36, and Seronte Newby, 30, both of Cincinnati, pleaded guilty in
U.S. District Court to crimes related to theft from gun stores in Ohio and
Head and Newby stole approximately 20 firearms from a gun store in
Sharonville, Ohio on July 2, 2017. On July 8, 2017, the defendants stole
approximately 22 firearms from a gun store in Florence, KY. Finally, the
pair stole approximately 32 weapons from a third gun store in Springboro,
Ohio on July 16, 2017.
Conspiracy to commit theft is punishable by up to five years in prison. Theft
from a federal firearms licensee, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon
and possession of a stolen firearm are each crimes punishable by up to 10 years
in prison. Each suspect is facing 35 years in prison.
North Haven, CT: Police search for $20,000 serial
'Paper Store' thief
in CT, MA and NH
are searching for a serial thief accused of stealing from The Paper Store in
three states. The Paper Store says a very ambitious woman with very similar
taste swiped about $20,000 of Vera Bradley merchandise from the seven stores
from New Hampshire to Connecticut, including Milford, Glastonbury and most
recently North Haven. Surveillance video shows the woman entering the store,
putting merchandise in a cart, then stuffing a Vera Bradley duffel bag full of
wallets and smaller purses. A getaway car with New York plates was waiting out
front. About $2,000 worth of Vera Bradley was snatched in seconds. The Paper
Store says the thief has stolen about $20,000 in merchandise and that number
could be even higher.
Santa Rosa, CA: Thieves steal up to $19K in
merchandise from Lululemon
The robbery happened at around 11:07 a.m. on Thursday on Magowan Drive. Police
say they believe $17,000 to $19,000 worth of merchandise was taken during the
theft. Eyewitnesses say as the suspects ran out of the store, they dropped
clothes out of the large bags they were carrying.
The suspects ran across the street to a parked vehicle and the driver then drove
backwards down the street as the suspects made their getaway. Santa Rosa police
say there have been other thefts at Lululemon stores from San Francisco to the
North Bay.
Shoplifter's Instagram Photos led to
investigation and $3,200 of stolen merchandise
An Eau Claire woman is accused of stealing thousands of dollars worth of
merchandise from 11 Eau Claire stores - most of them at Oakwood Mall. Adriana M.
Vasquez, 23, is charged with a felony count of retail theft, three misdemeanor
counts of retail theft and a misdemeanor count of bail jumping.
A store employee discovered Vasquez had posted photos on Instagram showing what
appeared to be stolen items with sales tags still on them. Vasquez told police
none of the items was stolen. An investigation led an Eau Claire police officer
to a residence on Otis Street. Vasquez was staying there, and inside her room
were dozens of pieces of clothing that were brand new with tags still on them.
The stores listed on the tags included Ragstock, Zumiez, Express Store, Old
Navy, Victoria's Secret, Apricot Lane, Cherry Pickers, Charlotte Russe, J.C.
Penney, American Eagle Outfitters and Boot Barn.
The items were believed to have been taken in August and September. The value of
the stolen merchandise totaled $3,259.

Lexington, SC: Man Spent $6,000 at Target Using Stolen
Credit Card
A man is accused of stealing a woman's credit cards earlier this month, now
Lexington police are looking for his information. Police say the man stole the
victim's wallet from her purse as she shopped at Lidl Foods in Lexington on
September 1. Once he left the scene, the suspect reportedly headed to Target to
buy $6,000 worth of merchandise using the stolen credit cards.
Lake Grove, NY: Woman Stole 12 Pairs Of Shoes
From DSW In 2 Days


Shootings & Deaths
Aberdeen, MD: 3 killed in Shooting at Rite Aid
Distribution Center in Maryland
people were killed Thursday morning in a shooting at a Rite Aid distribution
center in northeast Maryland, officials said. A law enforcement official with
knowledge of the shooting stressed that the number of dead is based on
preliminary information. The official wasn't authorized to discuss details by
name and spoke on condition of anonymity to The Associated Press.
The FBI described the Aberdeen incident as an "active shooter situation" and
said its Baltimore field office was assisting. The Harford County Sheriff's
Office tweeted that the shooting involved "multiple victims" and warned that the
situation was still fluid and asked people to avoid the area. In a tweet,
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said his office is monitoring the situation in
Aberdeen and that the state stands ready to offer any support. Susan Henderson,
spokesman for the drugstore chain Rite Aid, said the shooting happened on the
campus of a company distribution center in Aberdeen.

Dallas, TX: 2 dead, 1 wounded in shooting at gas
station in Pleasant Grove
Two people were killed and one was wounded in a shooting at a Pleasant Grove gas
station Monday evening. Police were called to the Sunoco at C.F. Hawn Freeway
and St. Augustine Drive just after 6 p.m. and found three shooting victims in
the parking lot. One victim, a woman was dead when officers arrived. The second,
was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. A third victim, a
32-year-old man, was hospitalized with injuries that weren't life-threatening.
The shooter fled the gas station in a Honda CR-V.
Greendale, WI: Nearly a year after Southridge
Mall shooting, forensic tests lead
to arrest warrant
Robberies & Thefts
Waukesha, WI: 97-pound woman slips out of
handcuff before escaping
from police station
woman under arrest in Wisconsin made a break for it when she slipped out of her
handcuff and the Waukesha police station. Officers arrested 30-year-old Amber
Gonzales for theft at the Beaumont Hotel Friday afternoon and transported her to
the police department's holding cell.
Surveillance video captured the 97-pound woman wriggling her hand out of the
cuff, which was reportedly on the tightest setting, before quickly leaving the
holding area and escaping outside. Without any officer noticing, she walked
through yards to a gas station where she met up with a truck driver, according
to a complaint.
Piggly Wiggly liquor thief surrenders to Police
after Mosquitoes attack
Sometimes in life, you're forced to make a choice: get arrested, or get eaten
alive by mosquitoes. One Fond du Lac man chose handcuffs and the back of a squad
car Tuesday after leading officers on a high-speed chase through Campbellsport
before abandoning the car and running into a cornfield. A police dog, a drone
and multiple officers couldn't find the man in the field, but the thick clouds
of mosquitoes therein ultimately drove him out, onto the road. According to
Police Chief Dornbrook, the mosquito-bitten man drove a getaway car for another
Fond du Lac man, who stole hundreds of dollars of alcohol from a Campbellsport
Piggly Wiggly.
Brooklyn, NY: Thousands of dollars in Jewelry stolen in
early morning Burglary

Sacramento, CA: Convicted East Bay Armed Robber Escapes
From Prison
Orland Park, IL: Police searching for Pet store thief;
stole a bulldog pup valued at $2,500
Merrimack, NH: Rite Aid employee charged with stealing
Jared in the University Park Mall, Mishawaka, IN
reported a Distraction Theft on 9/13, item valued at $2,399
Kay Jewelers in the Parmatown Mall, Parma, OH reported a Grab & Run on 9/17,
items valued at $8,447
Sentencings & Charges
Jamaica: Retailer charged in $10M counterfeit
goods bust
The police are reporting that a 67-year-old businessman was charged in
connection with the seizure of $10 million worth of counterfeit goods at a store
located at the Boulevard Shopping Centre in St Andrew last Tuesday. The Jamaica
Constabulary Force (JCF) said his arrest is part of continued efforts to rid the
streets of fake goods.
Texarkana, AR: Man with at least 15 prior felony
convictions gets prison time for ramming Sav-A-Lot with pickup, stealing ATM
A man who stole an ATM from an Arkansas grocery market after ramming a stolen
truck through the storefront last year was sentenced to 10 years in prison
Monday as part of a plea bargain. Joshua Lamar Rigsby, 35, was arrested in
connection with the theft of an ATM on April 28, 2017, from Sav-A-Lot grocery on
College Hill Drive in Texarkana.
4 Pa. Residents Charged With Looting During Hurricane Florence
Traveled Down to Help Clean Up but Started Looting Gas Station with
Four people from Pennsylvania are accused of looting a gas station in
North Carolina during Hurricane Florence. Police say they broke into a
Speedway gas station and stole cigarettes. They told police they were
in North Carolina to help clean up after the storm. The suspects are
charged with a half dozen felonies, including possession of stolen goods
and drugs.
Springfield, IL: Walgreens Pharmacy Tech gets
1-day sentence for pain pill thefts
Tampa, FL: Man Sentenced To More Than Ten Years For Credit Card Fraud
And ID Offenses Involving Gas Pump Skimmers
Honolulu, HI: Jury delivers guilty verdict in deadly 2016 mall shooting
Clifton Heights, PA: Upper Darby man charged with passing counterfeit
San Diego, CA: Felony charges dismissed against alleged
'Dine and Dash Dater,' will stand trial on misdemeanors |

Adult Store - Little Rock, AR - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Council Bluffs, IA - Robbery
C- Store - Bryan, TX - Armed Robbery
C-Store - Okaloosa County, FL - Burglary
C-Store - Orange, TX - Armed Robbery
Cash Advance - Taylorville, IL - Armed Robbery
Cracker Barrel - Temple, TX - Armed Robbery
CVS - Easton, PA - Robbery
CVS - Greenville, SC - Armed Robbery
Dollar Store - Little Rock, AR - Burglary
Gas Station - Alpharetta, GA - Burglary
Gas Station - Shreveport, LA - Armed Robbery
Grocery - Campbellsport, WI - Robbery
Jewelry store - Brooklyn, NY - Burglary
Jewelry store - Conyers, GA - Armed Robbery
Marshall's - Bakersfield, CA - Burglary
Sonic - Temple, TX - Armed Robbery
Target - Orange, CT - Burglary
Verizon - Butler, MS - Robbery
Verizon - Wood River, IL - Robbery
7-Eleven - East Moline, IL - Armed Robbery
7-Eleven - Visalia, CA - Armed Robbery
Daily Totals:
16 robberies
6 burglaries
0 shootings
0 killings


None to report. |
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Featured Job Spotlights
Director Loss Prevention
Irvine, CA
The Director of Loss Prevention at Tillys builds and implements policies,
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Vice President, Asset Protection Columbus,
Oversees and directs all Asset Protection related functions for a
Corporate Office, multi-state distribution centers and large retail store
network. Responsible for enterprise direction and strategy as it pertains to
Asset Protection with a goal of minimizing shrink, reducing loss and maximizing
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Vice President, Loss Prevention
Houston, TX
This pyramid head position is responsible for developing and leading this
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Asset Protection & Fraud Manager
Westchester, IL
We offer you the challenging opportunity of Asset Protection and
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Project Coordinator (LP Technology)
Dublin, CA
Provides support for all types of LP technology installation
projects, (e.g. new stores, upgrades, remodels, maintenance/repair, etc.).
Serves as the point of contact on all projects as assigned, interfacing with
vendors, field management, and various corporate teams...
Project Lead (LP Technology)
Dublin, CA
The Lead, Project Coordinator facilitates the development,
implementation, and ongoing execution of multiple Loss Prevention technology
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concept to completion, acting as a subject matter expert, and working
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Regional Asset Protection Manager
Harrisburg/State College, PA
The Regional Asset Protection Manager will lead their region in Shrink
Reduction, Asset Protection and Safety efforts through an in-depth understanding
of the overall business, effective partnerships and by directing the region with
integrity and professionalism...
Loss Prevention Market Specialist
Jacksonville, FL
To monitor store locations to detect, investigate and resolve internal and
external situations and circumstances that could lead to or result in losses to
the company. All actions and conduct within the scope of the position must be
performed according to performance standards set by Burke's policies, procedures
and Code of Ethics...
Loss Prevention/Asset Protection Investigator
Boston, MA
Responsibilities will include but are not limited to:
● Protect the assets of the store as well as the associates and visitors.
● Maintain surveillance of the store via CCTV and conduct physical inspections
including perimeter checks...
Asset Protection Analyst
Norcross, GA
AP Analyst based in Norcross, GA reporting to the Director of
Asset Protection. This high-visibility role will be responsible for
business-wide security administration, multiple fraud detection programs and
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Regional Loss Prevention Manager
Sacramento, CA
● Develops and implements shrink reduction strategies and action plans for their
coverage region and for individual stores as needed
● Creates and conducts training sessions at the regional, district, and store
level to educate and bring awareness to loss prevention and shrink related
Regional Loss Prevention Manager
Atlanta, GA
● Develops and implements shrink reduction strategies and action plans for their
coverage region and for individual stores as needed
● Creates and conducts training sessions at the regional, district, and store
level to educate and bring awareness to loss prevention and shrink related
Asset Protection District Manager
Chicago, IL
The Asset Protection District Manager will lead the District in
shrink reduction and profit maximization efforts. The position will proactively
seek to bring economic value to the company, promoting profitable sales and
world class customer service while ensuring a safe place to work and shop...
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"Focus Fridays",
Encourage Unity and Setting Aside Time Can
Motivate and Help You Bond with Your Team
How 'Focus Fridays' Can Supercharge Your Team's
While to-do lists are never ending, and emails are constantly appearing, you can
design your week around a special day to help give your team, and yourself,
something to look forward to. Not only is it fun, but it also helps with
Block off a focus day
7 Ways to Make Time for Your Team as a Busy
As a manager, you're accountable to a lot of different people, and it's easy to
get caught up in the fast-paced day. However, making yourself available to your
team when they need it can reap benefits in the long term. Here's how to make
time for your team, even in the busiest schedule.
Office hours |
10 Easy Ways to Strengthen Your Bond with Your
Team Members
As a leader, your primary job is to motivate your team and help guide them to
reach their goals. However, you won't be able to do much if your team doesn't
feel a strong sense of trust and loyalty to you. Here's how you can bond with
them to build a strong personal relationship.
Small talk
4 Tips to Help Unify Your Team of Employees
Disagreements will happen. It's part of putting a team of individual
personalities and skills and demeanors together. However, nothing kills progress
like contention, so here's how any leader can encourage and maintain productive
harmony with their team.
Have a happy hour |


Being too close to the trees to see the forest is an expression
that also fits not appreciating the role you play on your own team. With the
needs of the day seemingly always taking priority, it's difficult for some to
step back and truly see the value you can add to your own team. Realizing it and
accepting the responsibility as a team member is half the battle. But doing
something with it and truly adding value is what helps the team win the game.
Every group, every department is in fact a team and every member plays a vital
role towards the success and the survival of that team. That's why that old
expression - One for all and all for one - took such a hold in literature.
Because it is that simple. The hard part is taking responsibility for it.
Just a Thought, Gus

We want to post your tips or advice... Click here |


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