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Vector Security® Provides Smart Home Solutions
to San Sofia Multifamily Housing Community in Cleveland

Apartment homes feature keyless living, smart lights and thermostats
controlled using a single mobile app.
Residents of the San Sofia multifamily housing community in the Tremont
neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio will experience the comfort and convenience of
smart home living thanks to home automation technology provided by Vector
Security®, Inc. As a leading provider of intelligent mobile security and home
automation solutions to homes and businesses, Vector Security was selected by
Integrity Realty Group to install smart locks, lights and thermostats in the
community’s luxury apartment units, as well as access control for common areas.
In Case You Missed It: Vector Security® Networks
Hires David Fisher as Division President
Looting, Protests & Violence
1,000 Federal Agents in 9 Cities & 1,500
Arrests - We're Just Getting Started
U.S. AG Barr Delivers Remarks at Press Conference Announcing Updates to
Operation Legend
We launched Operation Legend six weeks ago here in Kansas City. Three
weeks ago we rolled it out in several additional cities, so now Operation
Legend in underway in nine cities.
Dispatched to nine cities more than 1,000 additional agents. Here in
Kansas City, for example, we have deployed more than 185 additional agents
from the FBI, DEA, ATF, and U.S. Marshals.
During the last two years of the Obama Administration, however, violent crime
started increasing again. But this Administration has reversed that trend.
Once again, working with our state and local partners, we pushed crime rates
down in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
Unfortunately, we have recently seen violent crime spike in many major
cities, especially homicides and non-fatal shootings.
So far, the federal-state task forces involved in Operation Legend have made
almost 1500 arrests and charged with more than 200 federal crimes. In many
cities the operation is just getting started.
There is no more important mission for the Department of Justice than keeping
our communities safe and enforcing the rule of law. Through Operation Legend, we
will continue working with our state and local partners to do just that.
Chicago looters were college students, convicted felons, unemployed parents
A group of looters busted for ransacking high-end stores in Chicago on Aug. 10
were mostly college students, unemployed parents and convicted felons, according
to a
Chicago Tribune report.
More than a hundred people were arrested in connection to the looting and
destruction, which injured more than a dozen officers and targeted high-end
stores such Gucci, Dior and Apple.
Some learned about the looting through social media. A man who was caught on
video handing out display cases of jewelry at the Lester Lambert store told cops
that he found out about the looting on Facebook, according to the report.
A number of those who appeared before the judge were facing felony charges
for the first time or had minor criminal backgrounds, the newspaper
Among those charged was a convicted felon and registered gun holder, who
allegedly fled in a getaway car outside the Louis Vuitton store, leaving behind
his loaded handgun with an extended magazine.
There was also a 20-year-old college student who told cops her pals pressured
her into going but she ditched when officers caught her walking outside Gucci
with $10,000 in goods.
There were also a number of parents, many of whom were out of work during the
pandemic, their lawyers told the newspaper.
Threat Of More Looting Leads To Concerns Of Downtown Chicago Exodus
With the last effects of Chicago’s looting sprees, it’s a tense time near the
Loop and the Magnificent Mile, not only for the businesses that were hit but
also for everyone who lives and works in the city. Now more problems could leave
people to leave these neighborhoods.
The city’s second ward alderman said he knows many people are on the edge and
poised to leave, but it wouldn’t mean just empty units or storefronts. A mass
exodus could gut Chicago’s tax base, causing a citywide ripple effect.
Cook County State's Attorney Under Fire
Review Cites ‘Operational Failures’ in Kim Foxx’s Prosecution of TV Actor
A special prosecutor in Chicago said Monday that Cook County State’s Attorney
Kim Foxx and her office abused their discretion in the case against actor
Jussie Smollett but the abuse fell short of standards for criminal charges.
In a summary of the conclusions of his investigation, special prosecutor Dan
Webb sharply criticized the handling of the Smollett case by Foxx and her
assistant prosecutors, saying their work was marked by disarray and misleading
In March last year, Foxx’s office surprised and angered many in Chicago by
dropping charges that accused the "Empire" actor of staging a racist, homophobic
attack against himself. Smollett is still adamant that the attack was real and
wasn’t a publicity hoax.
Read More about Kim Foxx's Anti-Prosecution Track Record -
From March 18th D&D Daily:
Chicago's Felony Shoplifting Charges Drop 74% in 3 Years Under the One of the Country's First "Progressive Prosecutors"
Portland Police Declare Third Riot in a Week
Sheriff's Office Building Damaged, Fire Set Inside on 83rd Night of Protests
The riot was declared Tuesday night outside the Multnomah County Sheriff’s
Office building, where police ordered people to leave the area. People were
smashing windows on the first floor, and threw “burning material” inside.
The Multnomah County Building was set on fire and vandalized, said county
commission chair Deborah Kafoury, the Oregonian / OregonLive reported. There was
damage to a lobby where protective equipment against the spread of the
coronavirus is distributed, she said. The building is used for marriages, among
other services. Kafoury asked that residents support efforts to address the
pandemic and provide programs.
Portland business owners feel negative impacts of continued nightly protests
Downtown business owners said they continue to lose massive amounts of money due
to the ongoing demonstrations in Portland, and some accuse city and state
leaders of not doing enough to stop it.
It follows the economic devastation of COVID-19 shutdowns, and the combination
of the two have caused millions of dollars in either damage or lost revenue,
according to a survey administered by the Portland Business Alliance. Over
$20 million of that came from one respondent, though the businesses are not
named in that survey.
“Safety-wise, we’re just concerned. Our employees are a little bit nervous being
here, especially later in the evenings. We try to have extra people just to make
sure that everybody is safe and feels comfortable,” Stacey Gibson, a Subway
franchisee owner, said.
Portland Mayor denounces 'all violence' after brutal attack on pickup driver
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said he denounces "all violence" in response to
Sunday’s brutal beatdown of a man who crashed a pickup near Black Lives Matter
protesters in an
ugly scene caught on video. Police responded to the scene after
being told protesters chased a white Ford 4x4, which had crashed, and dragged
the driver out of the vehicle. When they arrived they found the driver, an adult
male, bloody and unconscious on the ground.
Manhunt Underway: Portland Police identify suspect in driver assault video
Portland: A Weed Robbery Spree Strikes Cannabis Shops, Even as Police Are
Stretched Thin
Louisville, KY: As Breonna Taylor protests stretch into 12th week, calls for
officers’ arrests intensify
Boston Gun Violence: Shootings Jump 29% in 2020
COVID Update
US: Over 5.6M Cases - 175K Dead - 3M Recovered
Over 22.4M Cases - 787K Dead - 15.1M Recovered
Private Industry Security Guard Deaths:
Enforcement Officer Deaths: 82
*Red indicates change in total

1,000 People a Day Are
Dying From COVID-19
Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi, Nevada, and Texas
Dr. Fauci Says These States are in Danger From COVID-19
Fauci has made it clear that eradicating the virus isn't a likely reality.
However, he explained to the panel when the percent positivity rate goes "way,
way down," that will signify a win. How far down is enough to start celebrating?
"I mean, you look at New York City right now. It's less
than 1%. That's what you want the whole country to be," he stated.
Unfortunately, many states are far away from that target number. "There are
parts of the country where it's 15, 18, 20%"—in Florida, Georgia, Idaho,
Mississippi, Nevada, and Texas—"that's really high," he pointed out. "You
gotta get that percent positivity so the percent of your tests that you do that
are actually positive, it's gotta be a very low number."
Pandemic Elevates Security Chiefs to Corporate Leadership Roles
A side effect of the coronavirus pandemic
has been the rising prominence of cybersecurity specialists.
Corporate cybersecurity leaders are gaining prominence within companies as they
grapple with rising security threats during the coronavirus pandemic.
To make it through the turbulence, companies around the world and in every
sector are relying on security experts who were sometimes sidelined by
management in the past, but are now rising in the executive ranks. The role for
corporate security chiefs now goes well beyond tech bugs and hacker tracking to
encompass broader business risks.
Many corporate security chiefs have historically reported to technology
managers. But that relationship was already
starting to change, and the pandemic is accelerating the shift.
“Executives and boards are bringing them into the fold a lot more often,” he
said. “The executives and the board recognize that they’re a trusted advisor on
what’s going on right now.”
CISOs are in the spotlight as companies deal with the effects of the
virus, but they are more likely to retain their newly elevated status if they
have experience in related areas such as risk management, said Ms. Bonime-Blanc
of GEC Risk Advisory.
Troels Oerting, chairman of the advisory board at the World Economic Forum’s
Center for Cybersecurity, predicts the CISO role will be permanently changed.
“You’ll see the birth of a whole new type of [senior security executive]
after this. They’ve proven that this is somebody who needs to be at the
table when you discuss marketing, sales, finances. You can’t just bury them four
levels down in the organization,” he said.
City's of Concern: Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Washington, Baltimore, Atlanta,
Kansas City, Portland, Omaha, Central Valley in Calif - per Fauci and Birx.
Remote Workforce: The 'most significant
development in HR'
Paid leave laws are "probably the most significant development in HR in the last
12 months"
From a Security Standpoint - Information
Security & Harassment Has to be Top Priority
Sarchet said, but the temporary nature of the laws means most employers won't
directly change their handbooks to reflect the provisions. "A lot of businesses
are going to put in some temporary policies and try to muddle through this
compliance challenge," he added.
Mandatory remote work adds 'different dynamic," Remote work has
transitioned from a choice to something mandatory, meaning that the onus has
shifted to the employer to set standards, he added.
While existing policies may have provided a framework in the early months of
2020, employers will still need to pay attention to items like working off the
clock, working overtime without authorization and getting home office expenses
reimbursed, Sarchet said. Information confidentiality is also important to
stress to employees whose jobs have never been remote before now, Sholinsky
Two other areas weigh heavy on remote work policies: harassment and
accommodations. Sholinsky emphasized the former in the context of video
conferencing tools like Zoom, and she suggested modifying harassment
training to reflect the reality of working from home: "Are people dressed?
Are they saying appropriate things in the background?"
UK Retailers & Union Call For Gov. Help
UK: Calls For Action Mount - As Retailers Cut Over 41,000 Jobs
There are fears more job cuts will come as the
furlough ends in October
Labour Party has called for targeted support while Usdaw union urged the
government to intervene to save the high street
The coronavirus crisis has sparked a swathe of shop closures, having rapidly
sped up the shift to online shopping and as consumer uncertainty has taken its
It has led to calls for a targeted support scheme for the sector amid concerns
the UK Government’s plans will not be enough to save jobs or specifically help
or retrain those in retail who have lost their roles. retailgazette.co.uk
California Governor Gavin Newsom Declares Statewide
Mobilizes National Guard Amid Fires, Record Heat, “Imminent” Rolling Power
Outages That Could Hit Millions
Negligence & Failure to Prevent Violent Assault
San Antonio, TX: Dollar General employee who was stabbed, shot, sues retailer
for $1 Million
Over the course of 12 months,
Timothy Ray Ramos had
the misfortune of working at a Dollar General store that was robbed three times.
The gunman shot Ramos
in his left leg, upper torso and right arm.
Bleeding profusely, Ramos stumbled to the door, locked it and dialed
911.Emergency medical services took Ramos to San Antonio Military Medical Center
where he underwent 11 hours of surgery. He remained in intensive care for two
Now, Ramos is suing Dollar General and the three robbers for more than $1
million in damages.
Dollar General’s
negligence and failure to take precautions to prevent a violent assault led to
his injuries,
Ramos alleges in the
The action was filed
Thursday in state District Court in San Antonio.
Security Industry Ass. Supports FR Benefits
SIA Releases Policy Principles for Facial Recognition
The Security Industry Association (SIA) has released its new
policy principles
guiding the development and deployment of facial recognition technology. SIA
states that it believes all technology products, including facial recognition,
must only be used for purposes that are lawful, ethical and nondiscriminatory.
“SIA recognizes that some community leaders have expressed deeply held views
calling for the end of facial recognition technology use by law enforcement and
the private sector,” said SIA CEO Don Erickson. “We
respectfully but firmly disagree. Facial recognition technology offers
tremendous benefits to society when used effectively and responsibly and with
appropriate safeguards.
We invite all stakeholders to review these well thought out principles and
engage with us in meaningful discussions leading to common sense approaches to
how this technology is used.”
Quarterly Results
Target Q2 comp's up 10.9%, digital sales up 195%, sales up 24.3% -
Strongest ever
Lowe's Q2 U.S. comp's up 35.1%, digital sales up 135%, sales up 34.2%
TJX Companies Q2 open-only (days open compared to same day open LY) comp's down
3%, sales down 31.8%
Capri Q1 total revenue down 66.5%
Michael Kors down 68.7%
Jimmy Choo down 67.7%
Versace down 51.1%
All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time
Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please. If
it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.
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SHIFT: an Axis retail event.
Usually, our annual forum takes place in person but this year we are SHIFTing to
a digital experience. Axis Communication's goal is to provide a platform for
retailers to learn, network, and have fun. We cannot do this without the help of
the retail advisory board. Made up of a variety of retailers from the US and
Canada, the advisory board helps develop the annual retail forum. They have
selected the following list of topics for you to enjoy and learn from at SHIFT:
We'll cover sessions such as:
• What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how can it help retail?
• CPTED - How small details make a big difference
• Technology Beyond Security
• Technology Roadmap: What's new, what's next?
• A SHIFT happened: A panel discussion with industry leaders
• BONUS: A guest speaker appearance from Hall of Fame speaker and former
national headline comedian, Steve Rizzo
Conference attendees will be eligible to earn up to 4 Continuing Education Units
(CEUs) towards their Loss Prevention Foundation LPC Recertification. Attendees
who hold the Certified Forensic Interviewer (CFI) designation will earn 2
continuing education hours for this conference.
Click here for more info. |
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State AG's Staffing Up
Data Police Teams
Calif. AG Staffs Up to Police CCPA
Mass. AG Creates Unit to Police Data Privacy & Security Abuses
Growing number of states are building specialized law-enforcement teams
Attorney General Maura Healey said Friday that Assistant Attorney General Sara
Cable, who spearhead the first state-level lawsuit against Equifax, would lead
the new department. The move puts the commonwealth among a small group of states
that have dedicated teams to probe information privacy and security issues
in recent years as consumer data has become a form of currency in the digital
The new data privacy and security division will begin with two
full-time attorneys and draw extra support from the consumer protection
division as needed, state officials said. Ms. Cable added that she hopes to add
more lawyers but hiring plans are up in the air during the coronavirus pandemic.
A handful of other attorneys general have similarly beefed up their data
privacy and security head count in recent years. California, the largest
state by population and capital of the U.S. technology industry, has led the
pack for much of the past decade.
California State officials said the attorney general’s office this year
has hired 23 new employees to help enforce the California Consumer Privacy
Act, considered by many experts to be the strongest such standard in the
new privacy proposal on the California ballot this November would go a step
further, creating a stand-alone agency to enforce state privacy laws.
Florida building a dedicated privacy and security enforcement team that
now has three dedicated attorneys.
The Privacy and Data Security Department in the Connecticut Attorney
General’s Office, launched in 2015 has doubled to four full-time and two
part-time attorneys.
Three New & Very Successful
Hacking Scams
Must Read & Distribute
Bounty Hunters Targeting Work-at-Home Employees
Voice Phishers Targeting Corporate VPNs
COVID-19 epidemic has brought a wave of email phishing attacks that
try to trick work-at-home
employees into giving
away credentials needed to remotely access their employers’ networks. But one
increasingly brazen group of crooks is taking your standard phishing attack to
the next level,
marketing a voice phishing service
that uses a combination of
one-on-one phone calls and
custom phishing sites
to steal VPN credentials from employees.
According to interviews with several sources, this hybrid phishing gang has a
remarkably high success rate, and
operates primarily through
paid requests or “bounties,”
where customers seeking
access to specific companies or accounts
can hire them to target
employees working remotely at home.
And over the past six months, the criminals responsible
have created dozens if not
hundreds of phishing pages targeting some of the world’s biggest corporations.
For now at least, they appear to be focusing primarily on companies in the
financial, telecommunications and social media industries.
A typical engagement begins with a series of phone calls to employees working
remotely at a targeted organization. The phishers will explain that they’re
calling from the employer’s IT department to help troubleshoot issues with the
company’s virtual private networking (VPN) technology.
The goal is to convince the target either to divulge their credentials over the
phone or to input them manually at a website set up by the attackers that mimics
the organization’s corporate email or VPN portal.
Editor's Note:
We don't normally post Krebs
info due to his wide distribution. However, given this subject and the apparent
success of the gang we feel it's necessary along with the recommendation that
this specific email be required reading as soon as
possible for every remote worker in your organization.
Just our thoughts -Gus Downing
Pay Up Or Get Hit With a DDoS
New Campaign Combines Extortion, DDoS
Latest attacks bank on
the reputation of two prominent APT groups to increase the threat credibility.
In the continuing evolution of cyberthreats, a new wave of attacks on businesses
is combining
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and extortion.
According to researchers at Akamai, the latest attacks attempt to leverage the
reputations of two famous advanced persistent threat (APT) groups -- Fancy Bear
and Armada Collective -- to
encourage victims to pay
rather than risk real DDoS attacks.
The attack claiming to be from Armada Collective begins with a demand for five
Bitcoins ($60,600), with an increase to 10 Bitcoins ($120,120) if the deadline
is missed and then five Bitcoins added each day until the extortion is paid. The
group using Fancy Bear demands 20 Bitcoins ($240,240) to begin, increasing to 30
Bitcoins for a missed deadline and 10 Bitcoins each day that follows.
Hackers sent this
message - "Any attempt to publicize the threat or contact authorities will be
met with "permanent" DDoS attacks."
Read more here
New RaaS Hackers Surface Hacking for Bitcoins
Ransomware Payday: Average Payments Jump to $178,000
Coveware: Average Ransom Paid Jumps 60%;
Sodinokibi, Maze, Phobos Dominate
the first and second quarters of this year, the average ransom paid by a victim
- when they paid - increased by 60%,
rising from $111,605 to $178,254. So says ransomware incident response firm
Coveware, in a new report that charts trends among its clients.
Coveware says the increase in the average ransom payoffs has been driven by
several trends: "Big-game
hunting," increased
data exfiltration and
smaller players seeking bigger returns.
The ransomware operator landscape also continues to diversify. "In Q1, nearly
60% of ransomware attacks were carried out by the three most common variants -
Sodinokibi, Maze and Phobos," Coveware says. "However, in Q2 only 30% of attacks
were attributed to the top three families. The rest were distributed among
smaller and/or newer variants, such as Mamba, Snatch and DeathHiddenTear."
From April to July, a number of
new ransomware-as-a-service
offerings also debuted,
including LockBit, Lock2bits, MedusaLocker and Payment45. "These new entrants
entice cybercrime beginners with low upfront costs and little required technical
expertise," Coveware says.
In addition, free,
ransomware kits have further lowered the barrier to entry - even for individuals
who don't have deep technical skills, Coveware says. While
such kits used to be common,
they became much more scarce after many criminals moved away from crypto-locking
ransomware beginning at the end of 2017, to focus instead on
hacking for bitcoins
as well as cryptocurrency mining.
govinfosecurity.com |
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Axis Communications recognized as a Best Workplace in Canada
A commitment to positive culture and employee development makes Axis a Best
Workplace in Canada once again.
Communications, the market leader in network video, today announced
that it
is being recognized as one of this year’s Best Workplaces in Canada by Great
Place to Work. Axis ranked #42 on the list of top companies. The companies on
the list have built a strong culture that engages employees and drives better
business. Great Place to Work is the global authority on workplace culture.
Employee experience and strong, collaborative leadership have proven to deliver
innovation and market-leading revenue.
This award is the latest in a series of similar honours for Axis Canada.
Recently, Axis Communications Canada was named on the
2020 list of Best Workplaces for Mental Wellness, the
2020 list of Best Workplaces for Inclusion and the
2019 list of Best Workplaces in technology in Canada.
The Rise & Fall of Peter Nygard
Read the Full Story - Nygard Was in Fact Canada's
Jeffrey Epstein
Fall From Grace is Quick
'SEX TRAFFICKING: Is Peter Nygard the Canadian Jeffrey Epstein?'
Design & Retail Mogul Peter Nygard Sued by Son For Having Him Raped on Nygard's
Island Retreat
Peter Nygard, meet Jeffrey Epstein.
The Canadian fashion
kingpin has fallen into
sordid company amid explosive allegations he sexually assaulted a slew of
underage women — including three 14-year-olds.
Ten unidentified women have filed a class-action lawsuit accusing Nygard, 77,
of rape and sex trafficking.
The allegations are eerily similar to the twisted web woven by hedge fund
pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
“Nygard lured and enticed young, impressionable, and often
impoverished children and
women with cash
payments and false promises of lucrative modelling opportunities in order to
assault, rape, and sodomize them. When the victims were not swayed by promises,
many were drugged to force compliance with Nygard’s sexual desires,” the
plaintiffs said in a press release.
Nygard allegedly has a
database of more than 7,500 underage girls and women.
Wanted to make a man of
his 14 yr old son who was still a virgin.
the full story of Canada's Jeffrey Epstein
COVID Impact
Front-Line Workers Fear Aggressive Shoppers
Spitting, pushing, customers without masks: the fear of working in a pandemic
Workers in the
retail and food-service industries are now a front line of defence against
COVID-19. But as some
customers flout the rules around face coverings, workers are questioning whether
the job is worth their health and safety.
While 99 per cent of customers behave appropriately, the one per cent that lash
out at staff can cause issues for everyone, said Diane Brisebois, president and
CEO of the Retail Council of Canada (RCC). “Not only do employees have to deal
with that behaviour, but … the customers who are there supporting those
businesses often are also getting involved.”
At retail stores associated with the RCC, there have been incidents of
employees being pushed or spat at by customers.
“Those incidents have been reported,” Brisebois said. “They have occurred in
Ontario, as they have right across the country.”
Unfair Pandemic Practices?
A Walmart front line worker speaks out on pandemic pay - and Walmart responds
A West Kelowna Walmart employee is speaking out about what he feels are
unfair practices at the retailer.
The employee, who has asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation, says he
started working at the West Kelowna Walmart in March when the pandemic was just
the stores were super busy, I know Walmart and Real Canadian Superstore
started paying their employees $2 extra,
for three months which I believe was an incentive so that people would continue
working because I know lots of other people were living off of CERB (The Canada
Emergency Response Benefit)."
Stores like Walmart and the Real Canadian Superstore
discontinued the pandemic pay in mid-June.
The employee says he and other employees at his store feel they should still be
receiving the extra $2 an hour because
the pandemic is still a threat.
Walmart just instituted a mask policy for all of its customers and employees on
Walmart's Response
Felicia Fefer Manager, Walmart Corporate Affairs, says, "we are so proud of
everything our associates are continuing to do every day to support our
customers and each other. They are truly showing the Walmart spirit by rising to
the challenge in these unprecedented times."
Masks now required at Winners, HomeSense, Marshalls stores across Canada
Canada's Competition Bureau investigates Amazon.ca
Watchdog wants to hear from any Canadian
businesses that have
sold products via Amazon.ca
Competition Bureau has launched an investigation into online selling powerhouse
Amazon.ca to examine whether the website's U.S. owners are "impacting
competition to the detriment of consumers and companies that do business in
The competition watchdog said in a release Friday that while its probe is
ongoing and stressed that "there is no conclusion of wrongdoing at this time,"
the bureau is looking into
whether or not the site may be engaging in anti-competitive practices.
Edmonton business owner voices concerns about ongoing vandalism
Amazon set to open massive delivery station in Cambridge, Ont.
Supply chains anticipate delays as indefinite strike begins at Port of Montreal

13 Arrested, $250K in Goods Recovered in ORC Operation
National theft ring uncovered after shoplifting arrests
Three people arrested in Ontario are suspects in a nationwide theft operation,
ties to organized crime,
that was uncovered after shoplifting incidents in Saanich and Sidney, and on the
West Shore.
started off as relatively simple theft ended up uncovering a
massive property-trafficking ring operation,”
she said. “So this is organized crime that’s actually been taking place
nationally, across Canada.
“York Regional Police was to uncover boxes and boxes of stolen items that were
being shipped from all
over Canada, including
the West Shore, to a residence and several locations in Markham, Ont.”
$250,000 worth of goods, destined for sale on the black market,
was found.
So far,
13 people have been arrested,
all of them from Markham or the town of Milton, about 60 kilometres away. The
two women and the man seen in local surveillance images were all arrested in
AB: Man sentenced to 6 years in flower store owner's robbery death
Edmonton, AB: Man, woman shot at in McDonald's parking lot sought by police
Winnipeg, MB: Officer justified in shooting teen who robbed 7-Eleven with
Esterhazy, SK: Gas station owner says he disarmed, restrained one robber before
was rammed by another
Robberies & Burglaries
• C-Store
- Sarnia, ON - Armed Robbery
• C-Store
- Winnipeg, MB - Robbery (3x)
• Cell
Store - Calgary, AB - Armed Robbery
• Food
Store - Winnipeg, MB - Robbery
• Gas
Station - Esterhazy, SK - Armed Robbery
• Unnamed
Business - Simcoe, ON - Burglary
• Walmart
- Halifax, NS - Robbery |
How are we doing? We need your input & suggestions. Send to
Canadian Connections Archives
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Warning for Brick-and-Mortar
Walmart and Target huge e-commerce gains are a blaring siren
to brick-and-mortar retail
It’s no shock that
amid the ongoing pandemic, retailers are seeing e-commerce sales surge. But even
so, the numbers are eye-popping.
Walmart reported blowout Q2 earnings on Tuesday, led by a 97% surge in online
sales. That comes after Walmart’s online sales rose 74% in Q1. In the first
quarter Target saw its online sales spike 141%, and said that in April alone,
online sales were up an astonishing 282%
That e-commerce surge stands in brutally sharp contrast to the headlines in
brick-and-mortar: bankruptcy filings galore, including Lord & Taylor, Men’s
Wearhouse parent Tailored Brands, Ann Taylor and Lane Bryant parent Ascena
Retail, Lucky Brand Jeans, and The Paper Store, all in the past two months.
E-commerce sales jumped 44.5% in Q2 over Q2 '19
Consumers spent $211.5 billion online during the second quarter of 2020, with
e-commerce sales up 31.8% from the previous quarter, according to figures
released by the
Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce. E-commerce sales in the quarter
accounted for 16.1% of total retail sales.
Compared to the year-ago period,
second quarter 2020 e-commerce
sales increased increased 44.5%
while total retail sales decreased 3.6%.
Billionaire Sir Richard Branson’s Three-Year Fight Against ‘Fake Sites And
Fraudsters’ Online
Stop & Shop owner doubles down on e-commerce amid pandemic
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Wichita Falls, TX: Manager wheels and deals shop's tires, keeps nearly $400,000
cash for himself
allegations arose after another employee realized 50 tires classified as
inventory were nowhere to be found, according to court filings. Skyler Paul
Hilbers, 37, of Wichita Falls has pleaded not guilty to theft of property worth
$300,000 or more, according to court records. The accounts executive audited
sales tickets from 2018 through July 17, 2019, when the theft was discovered. He
eyeballed voided tickets, cash sales that weren't deposited, invalid credited
invoices, consignment fraud and inventory shortages to track down losses.
Hilbers has pleaded not guilty, court fillings show.
A Wichita County grand jury
indicted him July 15 on the first-degree charge, court records show. If
convicted, he faces up to life in prison.
Madison, WI: Woman arrested for $4k worth of stolen JC Penney merchandise;
felony retail theft and bail jumping
Madison Police arrested a 27-year-old woman pushing a shopping cart full of
stolen merchandise near the East Towne Mall Aug. 12. It was determined the
merchandise, mostly women’s clothing, was taken from a JC Penney. A store
manager said the stolen items amounted to nearly $4,000. Kishuna L. McBlackwell
was arrested for felony retail theft and bail jumping.
Clarksburg WV: Man who allegedly pushed 3 females in shoplifting caper pleads
guilty in different felony shoplifting
A 39-year-old Clarksburg man who allegedly pushed three females during a
purported shoplifting at Walmart on Tuesday entered a felony plea in a separate
shoplifting case.
Jeremy Allen Pennington could face 1 to 10 years when he’s sentenced
Oct. 1 by Harrison Chief Judge
Thomas A. Bedell for felony third-offense shoplifting. Pennington admitted
stealing a phone worth about $600 on Oct. 23, 2019, from a Boost Mobile store in
Clarksburg. As part of the plea deal, the state dismissed two other
third-offense shoplifting charges — one involving the Walmart allegation, the
other involving an alleged shoplifting at Kohl’s — but Pennington agreed to pay
the restitution/civil penalty in all three cases, which totals about $2,210.
Dublin, Ireland: Two men arrested in relation to theft spree across 5 counties
Gardaí have arrested two men in relation to a number of thefts from retail
premises by an organized crime gang. The thefts occurred in Dublin, Wicklow,
Galway, Meath and Kilkenny in July and August of this year. As part of an
investigation into a number of thefts, Gardaí carried out a search of a property
on August 17. A number of items believed to be stolen were recovered from this
property. Two males were arrested at the scene.
Laredo, TX: Walmart Shoplifter arrested for stealing thousand in merchandise
back in June; LP teamed with Laredo Police, Crimes Against Property Unit
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Shootings & Deaths
North Houston, TX: Robber shoots pregnant woman working the night shift at Jack
in the Box
The shooting was reported shortly before 9:30 p.m. Tuesday in the 2200 block of
Little York, said Lt. R. Willkens with the Houston Police Department. A man
entered the restaurant and placed an order with an employee. When the worker,
who police said is about six months pregnant, went to get the food the man
allegedly pulled out a gun and pointed it the employees, demanding cash. The
woman panicked when she saw the weapon and tried to run, so the would-be robber
opened fire, shooting the pregnant woman in her buttocks. The suspect then fled
the restaurant empty handed. Police said the woman was taken to a hospital and
is expected to survive.
Indianapolis, IN: Good Samaritan shot in convenience store on southwest side, in
serious condition
One person is in serious condition after being shot at a convenience store early
Wednesday morning. Just after 2:30 a.m., officers were called to a report of a
person shot. IMPD says three people entered the store and began opening, eating
and drinking items before paying for them. The manager tried to get the three
suspects to pay for those items and at some point,
another person entered and
attempted to help the store employee.
One of the three suspects then pulled out a gun and shot the man who intervened
on behalf of the manager. The suspects initially fled the scene but IMPD says
all three are now in custody.
Robberies, Incidents & Thefts
Lapeer County, MI: Suspect arrested, 23 stolen guns recovered after break-in at
outdoor sports store
A suspect has been arrested and 23 stolen firearms were recovered after a
break-in at Bowman's Outdoors store in Brown City earlier this month. .Security
footage revealed three males were responsible for the break-in. Several pieces
of evidence were recovered at the scene including footwear impressions, tire
tread impressions, DNA evidence, and other types of evidence. Deputies were able
to use the evidence to identify the vehicle used in the crime. It was later
located in Saginaw.
Lake Geneva, WI: Prison ordered in Walmart Shoplifting and Arson case
A shoplifter in Lake Geneva is
headed to prison for 2 years after admitting that he set fire to the vehicle of
a Walmart employee who turned him in to police.
Prosecutors alleged that
Saavedra stole a shopping cart full of merchandise March 21 from the Lake Geneva
Walmart. After a store employee called police and helped to identify Saavedra as
the suspect, the employee’s car was found on fire two days later in the store
parking lot.
Westfield, NJ: Walgreens Shoplifting Case Leads To Police Chase, Injured Officer
Kansas City, MO: ATF and 4 local Police Departments team-up on multiple Gun Shop
C-Store – Orem, UT –
C-Store –
Indianapolis, IN – Armed Robbery
Family Dollar –
Brunswick, GA – Burglary
Guns – Woodland Park,
CO – Burglary
Hardware – Wichita
Falls, TX - Armed Robbery
Liquor – French Lick,
IN - Burglary
Jewelry – Kansas City, KS –
Jewelry – Lexington, KY –
Jewelry – Columbus, OH –
Jewelry – Charlotte, NC –
Jewelry - Crestview Hills, KY
– Armed Robbery
Marijuana – Portland,
OR – Burglary
Restaurant – Bay City,
MI – Burglary (McDonalds)
Restaurant – Houston,
TX – Armed Robbery (Jack in the Box)
Target – Madison, WI –
Walgreens – Eastlake,
OH – Robbery
Daily Totals:
• 9 robberies
• 7 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed |

Click to enlarge map
None to report. |
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Networking has always been a key to career development and finding that next
job. However, if you're not careful it can also limit you, eliminate you and
even work against you. If your network is comprised of executives doing exactly
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as in any mutually beneficial relationship, what you bring to the table for them
is as important as what they bring to the table for you.
Just a Thought, Gus

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