The D&D Daily Mobile Edition
LP, AP & IT Security's #1 News Source |
The D&D Daily's
Publicly Reported
Robbery Report
Mid-Year & Q2 2018
Robberies Up 9.5% Since 2016
Most Mid-Year Robberies Ever Reported by the Daily
Mid-Year & Quarterly Comparison
First Half of 2018
2,776 total robberies
Up 9.5% since 2016
Q1 & Q2 - 2017 vs. 2018
Q1 robberies (1,431) down
Q2 robberies (1,345) up 3.9%
Robberies & Burglaries by Store Type
C-Stores remain top store type
Restaurants/Fast Food Stores jump from fourth to second
Pharmacies - Dollar Stores - Cell Phone Stores round out Top 5
Robberies by State
Combined Top States
1. California (651)
2. Texas (589)
3. Florida (438)
4. Pennsylvania*
5. Ohio*
Mid-Year 2018
1. California (258)
2. Texas (203)
3. Florida (134)
4. New York (125)
5. PA & NC (121)
Mid-Year 2017
1. California (231)
2. Texas (187)
3. Ohio (161)
4. Florida (160)
5. Pennsylvania (146)
Mid-Year 2016
1. Texas (199)
2. California (162)
3. Florida (144)
4. Ohio*
5. Pennsylvania*
*Began logging complete
Top 5 data in 2017 |
Click here to read the full report
Scarsdale Security
Sponsor of the D&D
Daily’s Robbery Column
Thanks, Scarsdale, for making this
and this report possible.
Hey LP and AP Execs - Thank Scarsdale
Group Vendor Selfies
Team CONTROLTEK on a boat ride
around New York, celebrating the success of their First Time Right quality
assurance program for EAS and RFID system installations |
Back, Left to Right:
Tom Meehan, Tani Vatoci, Jerry Walker, Dave McGoldrick, Steve Sell, Stefanie
Hoover, Dave Hardeman, Rod Diplock, David Brothers, Shane Diplock, Brian Diplock
Front, Left to Right: Carolina Rojas, Erica Longo, Jeff Lyons, Joe
Hunter, Jason Emtage, John Diplock, Bané Obrenovich
Submit Your Group LP Selfie and Group Vendor
Selfies Today!
Moving Up
Sponsored by
Kris Vece promoted to Vice President of Client Relations for Protos Security
Kris was the Director of Client Relations for
Protos Security for
over three years before this promotion. With nearly 20 years in the industry
Kris has been known for her industry leadership and contributions. Kris has
been named one of IAI Remarkable Women in 2017 and received the Loss
Prevention Magazine Magpie Award in 2018. Congratulations Kris on this and
all of your achievements!
Bedi named Divisional Loss Prevention Director for Dollar General
Steven was previously the Regional Asset Protection Director for Walmart for
over four years before taking this new role. Steven has held a number of
Loss Prevention positions throughout his career, including Regional LP
Manager and District LP Manager for Sears Holdings Corp, and Regional
Investigator for Target. He holds a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice &
Sociology from California State University - Los Angeles. Congratulations
Steve! |
Submit Your New Corporate
or New Position |
Top Industry News
California needs criminal justice reforms to
fight crime
ADDA - Association of Deputy District Attorneys - Today's Post
The "Reducing Crime and
Keeping California Safe Act of 2018" will appear on the 2020 ballot, as
failure of some Registrars to timely validate signatures prevented it
from qualifying from the 2018 ballot. The initiative will make commonsense
changes to fix problems caused by AB 109, Prop 47 and Prop 57.
While some supporters of changes to the California criminal justice system
acknowledge that those changes have been "plagued
by a lack of vetting and thorough debate" a very vocal minority, including
Governor Jerry Brown, adamantly refuse to acknowledge any faults. Brown
vetoes such changes. In other instances, the Legislature simply refuses
to consider
any changes.
The initiative has and will continue to come under attack by those adamantly
opposed to any fixes to Prop 47, 57 and AB 109. An old legal adage is: "When the
facts are on your side, pound the facts. When the law is on your side, pound the
law. When neither is on your side, pound the table." The campaign to oppose the
initiative will be a "pound the table" approach, mixed in with some deliberate
half-truths designed to mislead the public.
One most recent example of "half-truth" was a recent and
deliberately deceptive LA Times editorial, which as written would have
readers believe the initiative would drop the limit for felony theft charges to
$250 from the current $950. The
truth is the initiative does not broadly lower the dollar limit for
felony theft. Instead, it applies to the discrete instances where a repeat thief
has two or more prior and separate convictions and commits a new theft where the
value of the money, labor or personal property taken in the new theft exceeds
$250. The change in short, imposes the potential of a felony consequences only
for repeat offenders who already have two or more prior convictions.
full article here.
Angry consumers are protesting against Amazon
Selling products with white-supremacist and anti-Semitic messages
Some consumers and advocates are protesting against Amazon for selling products
that convey messages of anti-Semitism, white supremacy, and other hate. Many are
urging others not to shop the Prime Day sales.
Amazon is being accused of profiting from the sales of products with racist and
anti-Semitic messages.
On Tuesday, in the midst of Prime Day sales, angry consumers and advocates
camped outside an Amazon summit at the Javits Center in New York to protest
against the retailer for allowing the sale of products that convey hateful
messages on its website.
The protest is being run by Make The Road NY, a local organization advocating
for the rights of immigrants.
Threats across the counter
Convenience store owners say safety is challenging
Convenience store clerks are the keepers of many American treasures — beef jerky
sticks, scratch-its and Slurpees, to name a few. But they also face a more
dangerous occupational hazard than most — the possibility of being robbed at
gunpoint while working.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2015, first-line supervisors
of retail sales workers suffered the most workplace fatalities nationwide, at
40. There were 35 fatalities for cashiers, 34 for police and sheriff’s
patrol officers and 27 for taxi drivers. Robbers were the most common
perpetrators, followed by coworkers, and then by spouses or domestic partners.
Store owners and managers said while such incidents are scary, they’re hard to
predict and prevent.
CVS Fires 2 for Calling Police on Black Woman
Over Coupon
CVS Health fired two employees at a Chicago-area store on Monday, just days
after a black woman posted a video that she said showed one of them — a white
man — calling the police after she tried to use a coupon they believed to be
fraudulent. The drugstore company also said it had apologized to the woman,
Camilla Hudson.
In a statement, the Chicago Police said officers responded late Friday to a call
of an “assault in progress” at the CVS.
"Police were informed that a female was inside the store threatening the staff
and refusing to leave,” the statement said, adding that the “victim did not
press charges and no police report was filed.”
The episode is among the latest in a string of well-documented encounters
captured on video in which
a white person calls the police on a black person for what are, at the
most, ordinary misunderstandings of daily life. They have drawn anger and public
shaming on social media and multiple articles in national news reports.
Outrage online and news reports followed. And by Monday, CVS said in a statement
that it had “sincerely apologized to Ms. Hudson for her experience” and that
after an investigation, “the two colleagues who were involved are no longer
employed by CVS Health.”
Mastercard: Helping Law Enforcement Fight Back
Against Fake Cards
Law enforcement has two major challenges in fighting credit card fraud. The
first is discovery, and knowing for certain that cards in the possession of
suspected criminals have been faked. The second is recovery, and setting the
process into motion that protects the consumer against any and all losses.
Solving these two critical issues for law enforcement is why the payments
company is rolling out its own
Mastercard Forensic Reader (MFR), the world’s first device to help law
enforcement agencies detect fraudulent payment cards with greater speed,
accuracy and efficiency.
Pak told Webster that Mastercard has been cooperating with and supporting law
enforcement for many years. Over that period of time, a consistent compliance
system was created through the time spent verifying that counterfeit cards are,
in fact, counterfeit. Previously, Pak said, the technology hasn’t been in place
to help at the moment suspected criminals are detained, but the rapid
developments in technology could make verification almost instant for law
Gap Sues Westfield Over Mall Expenses as Tensions
Rise in Retail World
Westfield Using Fraudulent Accounting
Other well-known retailers, such as Starbucks and Saks Fifth Avenue, have duked
it out with landlords in court recently.
Gap Inc. is suing high-end-mall operator Westfield for allegedly overcharging
the fashion retailer in an action that underscores the sometimes-tense
relationship between landlords and tenants as e-commerce transforms the retail
Gap’s lawsuit, filed in May in a state court in Los Angeles, charges
Westfield with using fraudulent accounting that resulted in Gap paying more
than its fair share of mall expenses at more than two dozen shopping
centers. Gap also sued Westfield’s contractors that provided trash collection,
including Waste Management Inc., for charging non-competitive rates that were
too high.
“Generation Z is America’s most diverse
generation yet"
Gen Z Moves into the Spotlight
Millennials have had their time in the spotlight; now, companies are looking to
the next generation to see how they will impact the future of retail.
Generation Z (aged 11-23 in 2018), also known as the iGeneration, has the
potential to change retail even more.
Today’s younger generations are the most diverse in U.S. history.
Raised in an era where consumers have access to information at their fingertips
24/7, younger generations have grown up with the ability to thoroughly research
their hobbies and interests, resulting in 80% of Gen Z consumers under age 18
saying their hobbies/interests are just as important as their school work.
What’s more, 36% of consumers aged 10-17 and 31% of those aged 18-22 believe
that being creative is an important factor to being successful as an adult.
Keeping Physical Retail In-Stock
The State of Retail RFID
Fast checkouts and products being in-stock are the two most relevant components
of positive instore experiences.
Several studies earlier this year led to concerns on the adoption rates of RFID.
Below from
RIS / Gartner points to 74% of retailers having no plans to deploy in-store
item level RFID.
From the Apparel
Magazine 2018 Technology Report, puzzling to me is the continuous industry
fascination with RFID in loss prevention. As the out-of-stock data points out,
the greatest ROI in RFID is in inventory visibility.
These discouraging RFID trends are counter to the adoption rates that I am
seeing worldwide, especially in the apparel sector.
talk about retail reinventing itself, but if we’re honest with ourselves, the
key elements are the same today as they have always been. Call the state of
retail today “omnichannel” or call it “unified commerce,” but it’s still
“retail.” At the end of the day, the fundamentals of retail have always been
about getting the right product to the right place at the right time."
Fully agree with above statement. Being out-of-stock means handing over your
business, perhaps on a permanent basis, to your online competitor.
California bill would deem youth 12 and younger
too young for court
A bill winding its way through the California legislature would bar the juvenile
justice system from hearing most cases of children younger than 12, an idea that
has sparked a fierce backlash from district attorneys. California, like most
states, has no minimum age that would prevent courts from hearing cases of
children who are charged with criminal offenses.
The World Has Never Seen a Category 6 Hurricane,
but the Day May Be Coming
Petco is opening a cashierless pet store
5 Ways to Comply with New OSHA Digitized
Reporting Regulations
Maxton, NC: Dumpster falls killing one employee,
injures another at Campbell Soup Distribution Center
Louisville, KY: Residents protest Family Dollar's
plans to sell alcohol
Quarterly Results
Albertson's Q1 comp's up 0.2%, sales up 1%
All the News - One Place - One Source - One
Time The D&D Daily respects your time
and doesn't filter retail's reality
DHS Releases this year's theme
National Cyber Security Awareness Month - This coming October
Cybersecurity is Our Shared Responsibility
Department of Homeland Security and the STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ Campaign are
excited to announce the overarching theme and key messages for the 2018 National
Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) below!
Overarching Theme:
Cybersecurity is Our Shared Responsibility and We all Must Work Together to
Improve our Nation’s Cybersecurity
What the CFOs Are Reading
Warning: Don't Mention Trade Secrets in 10-K's
Increases Cyber Breaches By 30%
While companies may have good reasons for suggesting in annual reports that
they have trade secrets, saying so increases the risk that they'll be stolen.
The tentacles of
cyber crime seem to be reaching everywhere. For one, have you considered
your company’s exposure to the potential threat of trade secrets being stolen?
Trade secrets are among the primary means by which companies create and
maintain value. The ability to prevent them from being stolen, copied, or eroded
is one of the key factors ensuring a company’s longevity.
Even so, trade-secret theft has become a serious threat to the U.S. economy,
causing damage in the range of 1% to 3% of gross domestic product, according to
a new academic study.
With the principal means of trade-secret thievery shifting from betrayals by
former employees to
cyber attacks, companies have a surprisingly simple option for reducing
the risk of such theft: Desist from disclosing the existence of trade secrets in
10-K reports.
That’s according to the new research, scheduled to be presented at the annual
meeting of the American Accounting
Association (August 3-8).
Drawing on data from about 7,500 companies over a span of nine years, the study
finds that about one third of their 10-Ks mentioned that the firms possessed
trade secrets.
Even though essential information about the secrets is customarily withheld, simply
revealing their existence increases the chances of a cyber breach by an average
of about 30%, according to the paper by Michael Ettredge and Yijun Li of the
University of Kansas and Feng Guo of Iowa State University.
Those findings are consistent with the notion that firms’ trade secrets are
more likely to be hacked when the trade secrets are more valuable or when
alternative ways to obtain them, such as hiring away firms’ employees, are
relatively unavailable.
The authors concede that a decision not to mention trade secrets may be
difficult for many companies. Mere acknowledgement of trade secrets “does not
impose any direct proprietary costs on the firm,” they write.
Further, companies could boost the value of their shares by discussing the
existence of trade secrets, as well as how they take appropriate steps to
protect them from misappropriation.
A further rationale for including allusions to trade secrets in 10-Ks is that it
can provide evidence in case of subsequent litigation alleging misappropriation.
Time to Yank Cybercrime into the Light
Threat Management - A Core Business Issue
Expanding Whistleblower Programs & Keeping Leadership Informed
At a time when the public and governments are watching their every move, today's
organizations are up against an unprecedented wave of crime and fraud-related
risks that affect their internal and external relationships, regulatory status,
and reputation. Unfortunately, not enough companies are truly aware of the fraud
threats they face.
According to Pricewaterhouse Cooper's
2018 Global Economic Crime and Fraud (GECF) Survey, a poll of some 7,200
respondents across 123 different countries, 49% say their companies had been
victimized by fraud or economic crime, up from 36% in 2016. This uptick can be
attributed to a greater global awareness of fraud, more survey responses, and
better understanding of what constitutes "fraud." But every company — no matter
how vigilant — can have blind spots.
Some 44% of poll respondents indicate that they intend to increase spending in
the next two years. Great — but where? These days, organizations are harnessing
some seriously powerful technology and data analytics tools to battle the
fraudsters. On top of these tech-based controls, many firms are also
expanding whistleblower programs and taking care to keep leadership informed
about real and potential breaches.
Despite the increased spending, many organizations are still trying to prevent
fraud through a reactive, defensive approach. Only 54% of global organizations
indicate that they have completed a general fraud or economic crime risk
assessment in the past two years. Less than half had conducted a risk assessment
to assess their vulnerability to cybercrime. Even worse, one in 10 performed
zero risk assessments in the past two years.
According to PwC's
CEO Survey 2018, a majority (59%) of CEOs agree or strongly agree that
organizations are feeling more pressure to hold leaders accountable for any
misconduct perpetrated on their watch. That may be why some 71% of CEOs
measure the levels of trust between their workers and their organization's
senior leadership.
As highlighted in PwC's GECF report, some 68% of external fraudsters are
agents, vendors, shared service providers, and customers. Troublingly, 52% of
all frauds are committed by people inside the organization, and, astonishingly,
in almost a quarter (24%) of reported internal frauds, senior management are
the bad guys.
Cybercrime has grown up. Cybercriminals are estimated to rake in $1.5 trillion
in annual
cybercrime-related revenues, which means that detecting and warding
off threats has necessarily become a core business issue.
Analyzing user behavior to stop fake accounts
Last week, I talked about the
future of user authentication, in particular continuous and seamless user
authentication as the way to fight logon and transaction fraud. I mentioned that
many companies, including credit card processors, had been doing something
similar for decades. One of those processors, Mastercard, offers some of its
fraud-detection expertise through NuData Security, which it acquired in 2017.
NuData focuses on stopping malicious automation, account take-over (ATO), new
account fraud, interaction fraud, and known-user detection. It accomplishes
higher accuracy rates (less user friction and higher fraud detection) using
hundreds of individual user attributes and actions. NuData analyzes over 200
billion events annually claims that 40 percent of account events are ranked as
high-risk. Not all of those are malicious, but a big percentage of them are.
GameStop Reaches Deal In Class Action Over Data
Breach - $235 per class member
Government’s Kaspersky Ban Takes Effect
Tom's Tek Tip
by Tom Meehan, CFI
Sponsored by Controltek
Is Your
Wireless Router Secure?
All wireless routers come with a default name which is assigned
by the manufacturer or internet service provider. To reduce the chances of
hacking, change it to a name that is unique to you and won’t be easily guessed
by others. The default ID is called a service set identifier” (SSID) or
“extended service set identifier” (ESSID ). You can also make the SSID and ESSID
hidden. This another simple step that can help prevent attacks on your router. |
True Stories of Face Recognition
and Retail Crime
Case 3: The Philly Fanatic
The third episode of
FaceFirst's true retail crime series tells the true story of a
notorious organized retail criminal with a clever scheme. He fills
an inexpensive cabinet with high-priced items and then uses
double-sided tape to ensure that the cabinet stays closed during
checkout. Retail shrink is a $46 billion problem each year, but face
recognition can reduce retail shrink by up to 34%.
By using face recognition, loss prevention pros were able to see
that this criminal had been stealing from the store every 1-2 days.
How did face recognition save the day? Watch this episode of
FaceFirst's True Stories of Face Recognition and Retail Crime to see
how this felon was brought to justice.
Episode Presented By
The Leader in Crime Prevention Systems
Captis Intelligence
is a global industry leader and pioneer in i4 technology – Combining a powerful
yet scalable platform that provides industry-first solutions to the asset
protection, financial, security, law enforcement, and KYC (Know Your Customer)
markets. Kirk Brown, Vice President of Business Development for Captis
Intelligence, explains how their I-4 platform (Information, Intelligence,
Investigation, and Identification) helps solve some of Loss Prevention’s most
challenging problems.
Bob Moraca Discusses the NRF’s
Latest LP Efforts and Focus
From expanding the NRF LP Council and the National Retail Security Survey to
previewing what’s to come at this year NRF Protect conference, Bob Moraca,
Vice President of Loss Prevention for the NRF, shares some of the
organization’s top priorities and biggest industry challenges.
Sponsored by The Zellman Group
Amazon Chokes in Opening Moments of Prime Day Inc.’s Prime Day 2018 debuted with error messages and broken landing
pages. More than an hour into Prime Day, many of the category landing pages for
the deals are still displaying error pages or no items at all. Amazon’s issues
today show that not even the largest web giant is immune to having its
infrastructure overwhelmed by high demand, says Sumit Dhawan, CEO at cloud
computing vendor Instart Logic Inc.
“Today’s meltdown at Amazon shows that online retailers need to be ready for
literally 100 times their normal volume during major promotional events such
as flash sale.”
eCommerce Outperforms Total Retail With 10% Gain
Despite persistent gloom and doom - There is a Bright Spot?
According to the newly released monthly retail sales report from the
US Census Bureau, for H1
2018, retail sales (excluding auto parts and gasoline) totaled $2.06 billion,
up 4.9% year-over-year.
With the exception of sporting goods which shrunk 1.7% and department stores
that stayed flat, all other segments experienced growth in H1 2018. Furniture
and home goods (5.3%) and apparel (5.1%) saw the biggest gains.
Now par for the course, ecommerce outperformed total retail with 10.0% gains
during the first six months of 2018 compared to the same time last year.
Grocery Ecommerce Sales Soar in Albertsons Q1
The Albertsons Cos. saw ecommerce sales more than double during the first
quarter of its fiscal 2018, a period that also realized a small lift in
identical sales and strong growth in private-label penetration.
During the period, which ended June 16, ecommerce sales, including those
of meal kits under the Plated brand the company purchased last fall, grew 108
Amazon hopes to become top apparel retailer in US
US online sales grow 18.8% in June
Amazon Prime membership growth slows in the US
"Fraud is not a person - it is a dynamic grouping of statistics that deviate
from the norm."
Stuart B. Levine, CFI, CFCI
CEO, The Zellman Group & Zelligent
ORC News
Sponsored by
Sacramento Man Sentenced To 41 Months Prison For
Nationwide $353K Debit Card Fraud Scheme Targeting Apple Stores
According to court documents, Butler traveled from Sacramento to cities
throughout California and the rest of the United States, including the East
Coast, Midwest, and Alaska, using a revoked debit card to purchase products from
Apple stores. Butler told store associates that there was a problem with his
debit card and invited the associates to call his bank. In fact, it was Butler’s
conspirator with whom the associates spoke. The conspirator gave the sales
associates a false code that allowed the transactions to be completed on
Butler’s revoked debit card. Butler was arrested in Colorado after attempting
further fraudulent purchases at Apple stores.
Butler also used the revoked debit card to purchase other goods and services.
All totaled, the loss caused by Butler’s fraud scheme was approximately
Santa Clarita, CA: 4 Teens Steal Computer Equipment From
Apple Store At Valencia Town Center
The robbery occurred at around 3:10 p.m. when three teenage boys entered the
store wearing hoodies, according to Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station
officials. The young men ran out with the computer equipment and drove away from
the mall before law enforcement officials could respond. All four suspects are
described as young, black males in their mid to late teenage years. All have a
slim build. The three suspects jumped into a white four-door Nissan Altima,
where the fourth suspect was waiting.
Dayton, OH: Theft suspects steal $56,000 worth of
law textbooks from Univ. of Dayton
The University of Dayton is looking for suspects who stole hundreds of law
textbooks from the University valued at more than $50,000. Police identify one
of the suspects as Christopher Begley from Columbus. They say Begley and another
man stole 99 books from the university on June 30th, valued at nearly $21,000.
Police say they're working to identify the other suspect. The university is also
hoping to locate the stolen books. Some of the thefts date back to March.
According to police, some of the books stolen in Mach were found at Half Price
Books in Fairborn. Police say Begley sold those books to the store in Fairborn.
Another 106 books were stolen on June 12th. During that theft, surveillance
pictures show an unidentified man and woman stealing books. The unidentified man
from the theft on June 30th was also present during the June 12th theft. In
total, 277 books have been stolen, with a value of nearly $56,500.
Moreno Valley, CA: Pair suspected of using
children in retail robberies in Moreno Valley
Darrell Campbell and Jeammie Preston both of Moreno Valley, are facing charges
of conspiracy, second-degree robbery, child endangerment and grand theft. In
June, sheriff’s deputies in Moreno Valley began investigating multiple
commercial robberies in the city, Deputies learned a man and woman, conspired to
commit robberies and used children to carry stolen merchandise out of major
retail businesses. In some cases, the man directed the children to grab specific
merchandise and then walk out of the business. While exiting the business, loss
prevention officers were threatened with a knife, according to the news release.
Waukegan, IL: Man faces felony theft charges in Antioch;
over $5,000 of stolen merchandise from stores in Vernon Hills, Waukegan, Gurnee
and Round Lake Beach
Menomonee Fall, WI: Police seeking woman in $600 theft
from Ulta Beauty |
Submit your ORC
Association News
Visit the ORC Resource Center
Retail Crime News
Texas Retail Killing Spree
Mattress Store Employees Shot to Death in Houston in Separate Incidents
Suspect of Violent Crime Spree in Police Custody
TX: Employee shot to death at Mattress One store
On Monday, the shooting was reported about 3:30 p.m. at the Mattress One store
in the Northline Commons shopping center at Interstate 45 North Freeway and East
Crosstimbers Street. Edward Magana was pronounced dead at the scene.
Houston, TX: Mattress Firm manager finds employee
shot to death inside
store's office
Employee Murdered in Store Saturday Morning
Authorities are investigating the killing of a Mattress Firm employee who was
found shot to death inside the store, Houston police say.
The shooting happened on Saturday at the location on 7592 FM 1960, across
from Willowbrook Mall. Officials say the store manager found Allie Barrow's
body between two mattresses in the back office. There's no word yet on the
circumstances surrounding her death.
"It's unsettling. You are not even safe just to run your daily errands or just
even to go to work. And that poor lady was at work, she was... she was at work,"
said Crystal Hawkins.
Mattress Firm's CEO Steve Stagner released the following statement regarding the
fatal shooting:
We're deeply saddened to learn that one of our team members was found
deceased at a store in Houston. We send our sincere condolences to this team
member's family, friends and loved ones. We are cooperating fully with law
enforcement. Out of respect for the person involved, her family and the ongoing
investigation, we will offer no further comment at this time.
TX: Suspect of violent crime spree resulting in two mattress store employee's
deaths is arrested
Authorities in northwest Harris County have captured Jose Gilberto Rodriguez,
the suspect wanted in connection to three murders in the Houston area, according
to deputies on the scene. A search has been underway for Rodriguez since Monday
afternoon after police identified him as the suspect in a violent crime spree
around the Houston area that left two women and a man dead. Rodriguez is a
parolee who was released from prison last year. He was paroled to a half-way
Shootings & Deaths
Raleigh, NC: Man found shot to death suspected in
convenience store robbery
Investigators said Derrick Wiley, 21 was a suspect in a Saturday night robbery
of a Mini Mart on Old Wake Forest Road. During that incident, a store employee
exchanged gunfire with the robber. Wiley was found with a gunshot wound to his
leg, police said.
Robberies & Thefts
University Place, WA: Attempted burglary of
optometrist office reveals growing crime trend
great deal on high end-designer eyeglass frames online may mean you’re buying
stolen goods. KIRO 7 obtained surveillance video from Suburban Opticians in
University Place that shows a man using a punch to break the window before
trying, and failing, to get inside. Co-owner Melissa Rodriguez said it’s not the
first time thieves have targeted the store. Rodriguez says the thieves are after
expensive frames and sunglasses with a retail price of $300 to $600. The thieves
then sell them for much less online. Most of the thefts are committed by
shoplifters working in groups that come in and distract employees while
accomplices quickly grab frames then head out the door.
Beach, FL: Mower Depot fighting back against theft, kickstarts outdoor power
community watch
Following a recent larceny, the staff at Mower Depot are working to
raise awareness of power tool thieves with the launch of a closed Facebook
outdoor power community watch group, where dealers, store owners and employees
can post information regarding burglaries, larcenies and suspicious persons to
help minimize shoplifting.
Coconut Creek, FL: Walmart Shoplifter Arrested for Hitting
Police Officer with a car; now facing Aggravated Battery on an Officer and Grand
3 arrested for stealing alcohol from Albertsons; customer
who tried to stop the trio hit with a baseball bat
St. Peters, MO: Man arrested for Burglary crime spree less
than 24 hours after release from jail
Jackson, TN: 3 charged in Dollar General Robbery
Flat Rock, MI: Husband calls 911 after wife is locked
inside Walgreens at closing
Kay Jewelers in the La Cantera, San Antonio, TX
reported a Burglary on 7/16, items valued at $44,000
Kay Jewelers in the Green Acres Mall, Valley Stream, NY reported a Grab & Run on
7/13, items valued at $3,548
Kay Jewelers in the Valley Hills Mall, Hickory, NC reported a Theft on 7/13,
item valued at $800
Kay Jewelers in the Tri-County Mall, Springdale, OH reported a Grab & Run on
7/13, item valued at $13,899
Kay Outlet in the Pleasant Prairie Premium Outlets, Pleasant Prairie, WI
reported a Grab & Run on 7/15, item valued at $6,699
Kay Jewelers in the Gurnee Mills, Gurnee, IL reported a Grab & Run on 7/15, item
valued at $24,999
Piercing Pagoda in the Mayfair Mall, Wauwatosa, WI reported a Diamond Switch om
7/14, item valued at $599
Arson & Fire
Passaic, NJ: Inferno Destroys Strip of Businesses
in NJ, Injures 6 Firefighters
Two local restaurants, two salons and a travel agency among some of the damaged
Credit Card Fraud
Claremont, CA: Police raid Motel Room; seize
Credit Card info from over 100 victims
Officers searched Heather Lockwood’s motel room and found personal identifying
information for upwards of 100 victims, including mail, checks, credit
applications, tax forms, vehicle registrations and photocopies of drivers’
Sentencings & Charges
Huntsville, TX: San Antonio C-store Owner's
Killer set for Execution
Christopher Young, 34, has never denied the slaying, which was recorded on a
store surveillance camera, but insisted he was drunk and didn't intend to kill
53-year-old Hasmukh "Hash" Patel after drinking nearly two dozen beers and then
doing cocaine that Sunday morning in November 2004.
Yorktown Heights Truck Driver Gets 48 Months Prison -
Heist Of $1M+ Of Computers Bound For Public High School
Topeka, KS: Theft of nearly a dozen handguns from pawn
shop gets man 2 years in federal prison |
Robberies and Burglaries
Sponsored by
Scarsdale Security Systems
Apple – Santa Clarita, CA – Robbery
C-Store - Calcasieu Parish, LA – Armed Robbery
C- Store – Erie, PA – Burglary (West 26th)
C-Store – Tulsa, OK – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Erie, PA – Burglary (E 26th)
C- Store – Raleigh, NC – Robbery /suspect shot & killed
Circle K – Phoenix, AZ – Armed Robbery
Dollar General – Sikeston, MO – Armed Robbery
Eyewear – University Place, WA – Burglary
Flower Shop – Philadelphia, PA – Armed Robbery
Goodwill - San Francisco, CA – Robbery /Assault on
Security Guard
Grocery – Calhoun County, AL – Robbery
Gun Store – Mentor, OH – Burglary
Mattress Firm – Houston, TX – Armed Robbery / Employee
Mattress One – Houston, TX – Armed Robbery / Employee
Ice Cream Store – Austin, TX – Burglary
Starbucks – Hercules, CA – Robbery
Walgreens – Champaign, IL – Armed Robbery
7-Eleven – White City, OR – Robbery/ Assault
7-Eleven – Ashburn, VA – Armed Robbery
7-Eleven – Costa Mesa, CA – Robbery
Daily Totals:
• 16
5 burglaries
3 shootings
3 killings |
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Vice President, Asset Protection
Columbus, OH
Oversees and directs all Asset Protection related functions for a Corporate
Office, multi-state distribution centers and large retail store network.
Responsible for enterprise direction and strategy as it pertains to Asset
Protection with a goal of minimizing shrink, reducing loss and maximizing
security and associate safety... |
Sr. Director Loss Prevention
Goodlettsville, TN
The Sr. Director of Loss Prevention will have full responsibility for
implementation of loss prevention and shrink reduction initiatives for all
stores. This position will require leadership integration with store operations,
shrink improvement, merchandising, supply chain, information technology, finance
and other groups... |
Manager | Corporate Investigations - Retail Business
Salisbury, NC
Responsible for supervising duties of RBS Asset Protection Analysts, negotiating
contracts, maintaining Asset Protection software, high level statistical
analysis for Brand Vice Presidents and Directors, producing reporting and
analytics for use in all five Brands... |
Financial Analyst (Internal Fraud)
Anaheim, CA
This role is responsible for investigating internal fraud and Cast Privilege
abuse at the Disneyland Resort, across all lines of business including but not
limited to: merchandise, food & beverage, rooms, ticketing, and employee
privileges. Specific investigative tasks will vary but may include: reviewing
exception reporting to identify potential fraud trends, conducting in-depth
point-of-sale research, reviewing camera surveillance, performing integrity
shops and observations, interviewing employees, representing the Company at
grievances and unemployment hearings, and partnering with law enforcement as
Regional Loss Prevention Manager
Englewood, CO
The Regional Loss Prevention Manager is responsible for protecting the assets of
the company utilizing existing LP and Store Operations processes. This position
is part of the Loss Prevention Department and reports to the Director of Loss
Prevention... |
Regional Safety & Loss Prevention Specialist
Baltimore, MD
The Safety and Loss Prevention Specialist is a
subject matter expert responsible for partnering with both our corporate TUSA
stores and franchise store operations to improve the safety and training
processes... |
Area Loss Prevention Specialist
We are currently looking for an Area Loss
Prevention Specialist to join our team in the Boston / Springfield area. This
position is responsible for conducting employee investigations, responding to
and providing guidance during critical incidents, and assessing new/current
retail store locations... |
Area Loss Prevention Specialist
Jacksonville, FL
We are currently looking for an
Area Loss Prevention Specialist to join our team in Jacksonville, FL. This
position is responsible for conducting employee investigations, responding to
and providing guidance during critical incidents, and assessing new retail store
locations... |
Area Loss Prevention Specialist
San Francisco Bay Area
We are currently looking for an
Area Loss Prevention Specialist to join our team in San Francisco Bay Area. This
position is responsible for conducting employee investigations, responding to
and providing guidance during critical incidents, and assessing new/current
retail store locations... |
District LP Manager Stores
Orlando, FL
As a District LP Manager, you’ll lead several of our multi-million dollar stores to
drive sales and deliver operational excellence. You’ll control expenses and
payroll budgets, handle personnel issues, merchandising, loss prevention and
overall supervision of Store Managers in your District... |
Featured Jobs
• Sephora -
VP, Internal Controls, San Francisco, CA
T-Mobile Express
Stores -
LP Operations Manager,
East Brunswick, NJ
• TGS Management -
Director of Asset Protection, Denver, CO
• 10 Spot/MadRag -
Director of Loss Prevention - Retail, North
Bergen, NJ
• Sears Holdings Management Corporation -
Director, Safety Operations, Hoffman
Estates, IL
• Nordstrom -
National Director, Investigations (Loss Prevention),
Seattle, WA
• Walmart -
Director of Safety & Compliance - Sam's,
Bentonville, AR
Gulfstream Goodwill -
Director of Safety, Risk Management & LP,
Palm Beach FL
Director of Loss Prevention & Security,
Los Angeles, CA
• Goodwill of the Olympics & Rainier Region -
Vice President of Human Resources, Safety, Loss Prevention
& Security, Tacoma, WA
• Ross Stores -
Director of Organizational Safety and Security,
Dublin, CA
• Walt Disney Company -
Vice President, Information Security, New
York, NY
• Gymboree -
Director, Inventory Control, Dixon, CA
Living Spaces -
Director of Safety, California
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LP Manager - Amazon - Lexington, KY
Regional LP Manager - Amazon - Rialto,
DC LP Manager - HomeGoods - Brownsburg
AP Manager - Kmart - Rock Hill, SC
Multi-Unit AP Manager - Kmart -
Raleigh, NC
AP Manager - Kmart - Oxon Hill, MD
AP Manager - Kmart - Sumter, SC
LP & Safety Manager - Lowe's -
Hartsville, SC
AP/LP Manager - Macy's - Torrance, CA
AP/LP Manager - Macy's - San Francisco,
LP Manager - NAPA Auto Parts - Waipahu,
Area LP Manager - Ross Stores -
Casselberry, FL
AP Manager - Sears - Buffalo, NY
AP Manager - Sears - Fairfax, VA
AP Manager - Sears - Houston, TX
District LP Specialist - Superior
Grocers - Santa Fe Springs, CA
ETL Assets Protection - Target -
Fitchburg, WI
Market AP Manager - Walmart -
Tomball, TX
Market AP Manager - Walmart -
Midland, TX
AP ASM - Walmart - Reno, NV
AP ASM - Walmart - Sealy, TX
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Your Career
Great Leadership: Learn from
Horses, Noble Traits
You Need, Amazon's "Day 1" Philosophy
New Perspectives on Leadership Learned from a
1,200 Pound Animal
We can learn a lot from animals, especially horses. This beautiful creature can
also provide some wonderful insights from their own behaviors and mannerisms as
to how we all can become better leaders. Here's what this equine coach learned
from horses that can also apply to leadership.
People will follow when they trust you
4 Traits of Leaders that Employees Will Happily
Bend Over Backwards For
When you really look at the best servant leaders and the traits they embody and
display, you'll find that employees thrive and are happy under this type of
leadership. Here's the noble traits of great leaders everyone should have.
Love in action
If You
Want to Be a Great Leader, You'll Need 1 Simple Attribute
If you're already a leader, or aspire to become one, you might look to former
leaders to find out what qualities lend a hand to successful and great
leadership. However, in order to have these qualities of a great leader, you'll
need this simple attribute first. Once attained, you can practice these six
leadership skills.
Leadership Lessons from Amazon: Jeff Bezos' "Day
1" Philosophy
Great leaders stay true to a 'first-day' mindset, which is what Amazon's CEO,
Jeff Bezos, does. Here's how you can apply Amazon's "Day 1" philosophy to boost
your own leadership skills and be a great leader.
Move fast |
Tip of the Day
by Vector Security Networks
Your self-evaluation is probably the most important document you'll write all
year and it requires a degree of self-reflection and openness that, if done
correctly, thoroughly, realistically and written well, will in actuality garner
more respect than virtually anything else you can do. However, it's also a
double-edged sword that mandates your adherence and constant effort to reach
your written objectives and goals. The problem is that while most are rather
open about their areas of improvement, very few actually quantify what they are
going to do to improve and set specific goals that are realistically obtainable.
The first step may be in just approaching and completing the reviews of your
direct reports first and doing them with the same intensity and focus as you do
yours. This step gets you in the game so to speak and allows you to tie yours
into your teams and also may just give you some feedback you need to hear.
Just a Thought,
Post Your Tip or Advice!
(content subject to approval) |
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