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The Monitoring Association Appoints New Co-Chair for its NextGen Committee

May 14, 2024, McLean, VAThe Monitoring Association (TMA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Amy Becht to the co-chairmanship of its NextGen Committee. In this important role, Becht joins seated Committee Co-Chair Jessica Lambert, AvantGuard Monitoring Centers, in leading the Committee. Becht is currently the director of Monitoring for Vivint Smart Home.

“Through programs like NextGen, newer professionals can gain valuable insights, industry-specific knowledge, and leadership skills that can accelerate their career growth. Personally, I have benefited greatly from the mentorship and best practices shared by experienced leaders during my 16 years in the industry and involvement with TMA,” stated Becht. In her new role, Becht aims to grow the offerings that are available for TMA’s up-and-coming leaders. “By providing a broader range of resources, TMA’s NextGen community can become a more valuable resource for all our members.”

Learn more about TMA’s NextGen Committee online at

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The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

Retail Reaches a 'Crisis Point' as Violence Soars
88 Percent of Retail Workers Want a Panic Button Installed in Their Workplace
The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) claims industry workers are becoming increasingly fearful about doing their jobs in a climate of heightened violence and harassment.

The group, which surveyed its members this spring on workplace safety this spring, said more than half (57 percent) of respondents have experienced verbal harassment or intimidating behavior from customers, co-workers or managers over the course of the past year.

In fact, as more organized retail theft rings, flash mobs and smash-and-grabs are reported from coast to coast, more than 80 percent of retail workers reported feeling worried about an active shooter coming into their workplace. Employers aren’t taking the issue seriously enough, they say—only 7 percent reported that their place of business made changes to the workplace after a violent incident, and over half said they’ve received no training at all on how to deal with shoplifters.

The vast majority of retail employees (72 percent) said they would feel safer if they were to receive such training, including “understanding the risks they face, how to reduce those risks and what to do in the event violence occurs,” RWDSU’s data indicated. Even more (88 percent) said they would feel safer if a silent panic button was installed in their workplace.

“Based on these findings, as well as the reality of mass shootings in retail settings and the increase in daily violence, it is clear that we have reached a crisis point in this industry and it’s the time to act,” RWDSU said.

The union has thrown its support behind the Retail Worker Safety Act, a New York bill introduced by State Senator Jessica Ramos this spring that would compel employers to evaluate their workplaces for risks, develop a violence prevention plan, provide ongoing safety training for workers—and revisit these efforts annually.

Across the country, politicians have introduced legislation that aims to tackle the issue of retail crime and retail workplace safety. In Virginia, an appeal on a July 2023 law that makes organized retail crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison was blocked in February.

In California, a number of measures have been introduced to combat the crime wave.

Auror & ORCAs Help Retailers Fight Crime
Retail crime fighting goes high tech
Building a case against a man recently charged as an alleged “fence,” who resold stolen high-dollar perfumes, purses and clothes, can largely be attributed to data collected by the New Mexico Organized Retail Crime Association and its use of Auror, a retail crime intelligence and loss prevention platform that shares information between law enforcement and retailers.

“When we first joined the NMORCA last year, it took us a little while to learn how to use the platform and actually realize the capabilities,” BCSO Sgt. Donnie Hix said. “But since last February, we’ve been able to not only establish partnerships with retailers countywide, but even departments and retailers statewide, in order to combat the shoplifters that travel from city to city to avoid detection. So the platform is the best fusion platform on the market, in my opinion.”

Auror allows retailers and law enforcement to upload photos, videos, incident information, suspect and vehicle descriptions, what was stolen, the estimated amount of the theft as well as other useful analytics. NMORCA uses the information to track suspects and build a case against perpetrators. It also can share information with other ORCAs.

“It actually enhanced our communication availability, because a lot of us work different shifts, different departments and maybe even different levels of law enforcement, like patrol and investigation,” Hix said. “It gave us a place where we could receive alerts or we could receive feeds and constantly monitor the Albuquerque area. And eventually, somebody would know this suspect from either a past arrest or a current investigation due to the recidivism.”

Auror makes it easy for law enforcement to download information and not have to visit a store to find it.

New shoplifting laws that went into effect in June have led to stiffer sentences for perpetrators. As of April 17, there have been 75 people charged with aggregated shoplifting, 49 charged with aggravated shoplifting, and 11 charged with organized retail crime. Since Sept. 1, the DA’s office has entered its appearance on 474 shoplifting misdemeanor cases, according to data from the office.

Organized Crime & Theft Continue to Plague Bay Area
Slivers Of Bay Area Retail Sector Thrive As Downtown Struggles
With Crime, Safety Issues
Despite the lengthy pandemic recovery time in many aspects of Bay Area business, the region’s retail market has joined others across the U.S. in achieving a level of health unseen for years. Relative to its office and industrial counterparts, demand runs high for retail assets in the suburbs and even select San Francisco neighborhoods.

It is true that the city’s highest-profile areas — namely downtown — continue to struggle with record-high vacancies driven by store closures, theft and even organized crime as a recovery slowly tries to take shape in that submarket.

Inflation is slowly declining and people are feeling better about the economy. We think we're through the worst of the layoffs in the Bay Area. We have felt a lot more optimism in retail real estate in the past six months,” said Colliers Senior Vice President Ann Natunewicz.

Although luxury retailers will always be a staple in prime Union Square locations, vacancies won’t stabilize downtown until the city deals with ongoing theft and organized crime, Grundman said.

Multiple sources told Bisnow that groups of criminals enter stores, steal merchandise and resell it online. This activity contributes to growing levels of theft that Bay Area retailers report are eating into their profits and driving them to close stores.

Theft is still a major concern,” Grundman said. “San Francisco and the entire Bay Area has to get their head around the problem that we have. We will continue to have vacancy issues until the police start arresting people and the city starts prosecuting people and holding them accountable.

To that end, retailers like Target, Walgreens and CVS, which closed three downtown locations in 2022 and is closing another in October at Second and Mission streets, will continue to close their doors until these issues are resolved, he said.

Cargo Theft Up 46% in Q1 2024
2024 First Quarter Supply Chain Risk Trends Analysis
In the first quarter of 2024, criminal activities impacting the logistics and transportation industry reached new highs, even amidst the sustained crime wave that began in late 2022. CargoNet documented a staggering 925 incidents, marking a substantial 46% increase compared to the first quarter of 2023 and a concerning 10% rise from the fourth quarter of 2023.

The average stolen shipment value in the first quarter of 2024 was $281,757, while the declared total value was $76 million. By extrapolating the average shipment value across events without a declared value, CargoNet estimates that a total of $154.6 million worth of goods were stolen during this period.

While reported events increased in most states, the most significant spikes were observed in California (with a +72% year-over-year increase), Illinois (with a +126% year-over-year increase), and Texas (with a +22% year-over-year increase).

Much of the threat came in the form of complex fraud schemes, where entire truckloads were picked up and never delivered or delivered with digitally altered paperwork to hide the theft from the customer.

Oklahoma Rolls Out Tougher Shoplifting Penalties
Criminal justice reform: Where key bills stand as legislative session winds down
Bills to charge more shoplifting offenses as felonies and mandate lenient prison sentences for domestic violence survivors are in limbo with three weeks to go in the legislative session, but several other criminal justice measures have been signed into law.

Claiming a spike in theft, lawmakers in both chambers approved versions of Senate Bill 1450, which would lower the felony theft threshold from $1,000 to $500. The bill would also increase the theft aggregation period from 90 days to one year and deputize several retail theft officers under the Attorney General’s office.

The measure is pending in a Senate conference committee, where lawmakers look to iron out differences and arrive at a single version of a bill.

Proponents argue the measure is necessary to protect business owners and deter repeat shoplifting offenders. Critics point to state crime data that shows a slight decrease in larceny rates over the past three years and analysis that shows changing the felony theft threshold could cause the state’s prison population to increase.

If enacted, SB 1450 would be a partial rollback of State Question 780, the 2016 voter-approved criminal justice reform measure that reclassified several drug and property offenses from felonies to misdemeanors. Oklahoma’s prison population dropped by nearly 20% within five years of the measure taking effect.

California Mayor Urges Voters to Undo Prop 47
Opinion: Reforming Proposition 47 Is a Critical Step to Protecting California
I had the privilege of serving as mayor, and I witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of Proposition 47 on our communities.

Under my tenure as mayor, San Diego consistently ranked among the top safest cities in the country. This was no coincidence. It was done by design. We gave our officers in the San Diego Police Department the tools and resources necessary to fight crime and keep all neighborhoods safe regardless of zip code.

But Prop. 47 threatens the critical safety that we’ve worked hard to establish in San Diego. This measure has failed to address the root causes of crime and has instead exacerbated the issues it supposedly sought to solve. It’s time to confront the failures and devastating impacts of Prop. 47 by enacting meaningful reforms that prioritize the safety and well-being of all Californians — at the ballot box.

One of the most pressing issues facing our state is the epidemic of organized and serial retail theft, otherwise known as “smash and grab.” Businesses and residents are suffering because criminals know they can brazenly steal with immunity under Prop 47. This measure fails to hold repeat offenders accountable, allowing them to continue terrorizing our communities. It’s time for a change that ensures those who repeatedly engage in retail theft face real consequences for their actions rather than being cycled back onto our streets to commit more crimes.

UK: 'The police don't care about thefts from my shop'
Mayank Parikh said News Box, in Wickford, Essex, had been targeted four times in the past ten days. He told the BBC shoplifting was happening so frequently that people "would not believe it".

Business crime officer Sgt Christian Denning said it was a "myth" that officers only cared about high value thefts. Essex Police said it has made more than 100 arrests for shoplifting in the past month.

Sgt Denning said more than 500 shoplifting arrests had been made since the start of the year. He added that 75 "prolific" offenders were being monitored by officers. The officer stressed better communication between both shopkeepers and the police would help to tackle the problem.

Migrant crime is politically charged, but the reality is more complicated
National statistics show no sign of a migrant-driven crime wave. Violent crime is trending down, after the spikes of 2020-2021, even as migration has surged. Past studies have found immigrants to be less likely to commit crimes. While it's possible the newer arrivals are contributing to crime rates, it's nearly impossible to tell how much, as the FBI's statistics aren't parsed by immigration status. Still, at the local neighborhood level, some see a problem.

In Case You Missed It: California Considers Limits on Self-Service Checkout

Plymouth County, Mass. DA Discusses Rise In Retail Thefts

Foot Traffic Ticks Up at Major Retailers
Major retailers see store visits rise in Q1
Store visits rose year-over-year at most of the nation's big retailers during the first quarter — with two notable exceptions.

With the nation's big retailers are on track to report their earnings this week and next, foot traffic analytics firm has shared new insights into how the companies performed in terms of visits in the first quarter.

According to the National Retail Federation, consumer spending increased 2.5% in the first quarter compared to last year. While gross domestic product did not increase as much as previous quarters, consumers continued to spend to start the year.

According to data, the following retailers saw visits increase in the first quarter:

Q1 visits at Walmart were up 3.9% year-over-year (YoY), and at Sam’s Club, they were up 6.1%.
Q1 visits at Target were up 3.5% YoY.
Q1 visits at Costco were up 8.9% YoY.
Q1 visits at BJ’s Wholesale Club were up 5.6% YoY.
Q1 visits at Ross Dress for Less visits were up 1.1% YoY.
Q1 visits at TJX stores were largely positive compared to the previous year.

According to the data, the nation's two home improvement giants saw visits decrease in the first quarter:

The Home Depot’s visits were down 1.1% YoY during Q1.
Lowe’s visits during Q1 were down 4% YoY.

Apple Workers at First Unionized Store Move Closer to Strike
Apple Store Workers in Maryland Vote to Authorize Strike
In a decisive move reflecting mounting frustrations among workers, members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers’ (IAM) Coalition of Organized Retail Employees (IAM CORE) have overwhelmingly approved a strike at the Apple retail store in Towson, Maryland. This pivotal vote underscores unresolved workplace issues and signifies a collective demand for change among employees.

This vote today is the first step in demonstrating our solidarity and sends a clear message to Apple. The passage of the strike sanction vote highlights IAM CORE’s unwavering commitment to advocating for the rights and well-being of workers in the face of challenges. As discussions with Apple management continue, we remain committed to securing tangible improvements that benefit all employees.”

Since last year, negotiations between employees and Apple management have revolved around concerns such as erratic scheduling practices and wages that don’t match the area’s cost of living. The authorization of a strike underscores the frustration of workers and their determination to address these issues.

While the union has not disclosed a specific strike date, Apple has pledged to engage respectfully and in good faith with the union representing its Towson team. The company emphasizes its commitment to providing industry-leading compensation and benefits to its employees.

'Busier Than Average' Hurricane Season Coming?
It's not a matter of if a hurricane will hit Florida, but when, forecasters say
With the start of hurricane season less than a month away, U.S. officials who predict, prepare for and respond to natural disasters had a message for Floridians on Friday: It's not a matter of if a hurricane will hit, but when.

The 2024 hurricane season is expected to be busier than average. To ensure that people everywhere are prepared, officials visited residents in Sanford, a landlocked city in the middle of the Sunshine State.

Even if they don't live on the coast, the officials told residents, they need to know the potential danger hurricanes pose to their property, such as flooding; and put together an emergency plan that includes a supply kit.

Former Bed Bath & Beyond sues Hudson Bay investors for $300M
The retailer formerly known as Bed Bath & Beyond is suing Hudson Bay Capital Management and HBC Investments to recover over $300 million in “short-swing” profits generated weeks before the now-defunct retailer filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Bed Bath & Beyond claims in a lawsuit filed earlier this month in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York that Hudson Bay — which it had struck a deal with to raise cash to avoid bankruptcy — set its own terms to maximize profits in a series of trades last year that it made with insider knowledge.

A Hudson Bay spokesperson disputed the lawsuit’s allegations in a statement to Retail Dive.

J.C. Penney remains profitable, could open new stores
Holiday and full-year sales fell, and net income plunged. But the CEO of one of the retailer’s owners says its ongoing profitability could merit an expansion.

KidKraft files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
The toy company plans to sell all of its U.S. and Canadian assets to Backyard Products.

How Target will celebrate Pride this year
How Can Retailers Capitalize on Consumer Shopping Demographics?

Last week's #1 article --

Kroger to renovate stores in Greater Cincinnati area - here are the locations

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The Best Ways to Optimize Retail Businesses with AI Video Analytics

OpenEye Web Services (OWS) brings a new dimension of analytical information to retail businesses everywhere.

AI-powered video analytics utilize video security to present you with actionable insights so you can better manage your business. Powered by, Operational Analytics in OWS provides more ways to take advantage of your video data and get the most out of your security system.

Streamline operations, improve customer service, and increase safety with powerful video analytics that easily detect the complex behaviors of customers, staff, vehicles and objects to give you access to a wealth of advanced operational intelligence.

The AI-powered technology delivers important information at a glance while keeping you up to date when critical operational events take place, such as those tied to customer experience or functional processes.

Keep an eye on customer counts, reveal new insights around journey time, and maximize customer engagement with Operational Analytics in OWS.

Keep an Eye on Customer Counts with Employee Exclusion

With video analytics, accurate people counting, aided by the ability to remove employees from the main entrance count, becomes a lot easier.

Tracking the flow of customers entering and exiting your business can help you fine-tune your operations to handle that traffic more easily.

Not only that but seeing whether marketing initiatives are successful at getting people in the door can be more accurately tracked by looking at the numbers.

By knowing how many customers are coming to your store, what times they’re visiting, and how that data stacks up week to week or month to month, you’ll gain a new advantage when unveiling actionable intelligence for your business.

Reveal New Insights from Customer Journey

The ability to track customer journey time and path throughout your store can offer unique insights into how visitors are engaging with your merchandise and sales fixtures.

Taking advantage of this data means a whole new level of awareness around what’s working for your business and what isn’t. Promotional campaigns can be leveraged to fit your customers’ habits more accurately, leading to better customer experience and higher sales.

Heat mapping is one tool offered through Operational Analytics that can help eliminate some of the guesswork associated with planning promotional campaigns for your retail business.

By tracking your customers’ journeys via heat mapping, your business’ operations can be better optimized to support those parts of your store.

It’ll also unveil dwell times around sales fixtures you want to emphasize. If you notice people tend to avoid congregating around a display, you can begin to test new placements to continue driving sales.

Maximize Customer Engagement at Point-of-Sale Systems

Making sure your customers are helped in a timely manner is a key part of promoting store-wide engagement.
Especially at point-of-sale systems, where your employees are going to have the majority of their customer interaction, it’s crucial to monitor whether or not potential buyers are able to check out quickly or get the assistance they need as soon as they need it.

With OpenEye Web Services’ powerful set of AI-based analytics, you’ll be able to keep an eye on how your employees are engaging with your customers.

This includes situations where customers are left unattended, but it also keeps track of times when employees are unavailable to help.

See How OpenEye can Benefit Your Retail Business

Operational Analytics is a powerful tool that can dramatically benefit your retail store by providing a more complete video security platform.

Book an OpenEye demo now to see Operational Analytics in action and how it can give you the insights you need to bring your business to the next level.

Learn more






Microsoft Summoned to D.C. Over 'Security Failures'
Congress wants to question Microsoft exec over security defects

The committee wants to question Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president and vice chair, over the company’s security shortcomings and how it plans to strengthen security measures.

The House Committee on Homeland Security on Thursday formally requested Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president and vice chair, to testify in a hearing scheduled for May 22.

“We’re always committed to providing Congress with information that is important to the nation’s security, and we look forward to discussing the specifics of the best time and way to do this,” a Microsoft spokesperson said Monday via email. The company hasn’t yet obligated itself or Smith to the hearing date set by the committee.

The public hearing aims to examine Microsoft’s “security shortcomings, challenges encountered in preventing significant cyber intrusions by suspected nation-state threat actors, and plans to strengthen security measures moving forward,” Reps. Mark Green, R-Tenn., chair of the committee, and Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., wrote in the letter requesting Smith’s testimony.

The fallout from last month’s searing Cyber Safety Review Board report about Microsoft’s security failures is encircling the enterprise giant’s top leadership, placing a top executive in the crosshairs of a Congressional inquiry request on Capitol Hill.

Microsoft is confronting a wave of criticism from across the cybersecurity industry and throughout multiple levels of the federal government for a pair of major nation-state intrusions of its core platforms that underscore cultural and technical defects. The argument is Microsoft allowed basic security measures to go unmet for years.

Microsoft Restructures 'Cybersecurity Governance Model'
Officials see a real change in Microsoft’s security plans: financial accountability

CISA Director Jen Easterly pointed to Microsoft’s decision to link security to executive compensation as a meaningful signal of its priorities.

Microsoft is no stranger to cybersecurity overhauls and the outside pressures that push the enterprise giant to improve security throughout its internal operations and systems it sells to customers.

The company kicked off its secure future initiative in November and last week expanded the effort with plans to restructure its cybersecurity governance model.

The plan echoes Microsoft’s previous — and similarly described — security efforts from 22 years ago. Bill Gates, Microsoft’s co-founder and former CEO, mandated employees prioritize security over new features in a 2002 memo establishing a trustworthy computing initiative.

Microsoft executives insist this companywide security revamp is different from previous efforts. Federal cyber officials and cybersecurity experts are hopeful and point to key measures of the overhaul, including a direct link between security and executive compensation, as a potential difference maker this time around.

“One of the most important levers that I’ve seen recently, not coming from government but coming from the corporate sector … is the letter from [Microsoft CEO] Satya Nadella that linked security to compensation at the senior executive level,” Jen Easterly, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, said during a Tuesday keynote at the RSA Conference.

Cybersecurity Leaders Admit Not Having AI Safeguards
Only one-third of firms deploy safeguards against generative AI threats

Generative AI gives attackers an edge over cyber defenders, according to a Splunk survey of security experts.

Most cybersecurity leaders, 93%, say their companies have deployed generative AI, yet 34% of those using the technology have not erected safeguards against security threats, Splunk found in a survey.

Roughly two out of three respondents (65%) say they do not fully understand the hazards of generative AI, while 44% rank it as a higher priority than cloud computing security, Splunk said after surveying 1,650 executives.

Companies adopting generative AI across as many as 16 industries “want to ensure they’re utilizing best practices, but the speed at which they need to move means some have overlooked possible ramifications,” Splunk SURGe security strategist Audra Streetman said.

Cyberattacks annually soared 26% on average from 2017 until 2023, Moody’s Investors Service said last month, citing University of Maryland data. “This number is likely to be understated since organizations are often not required to report cyberattacks.”

Black Basta ransomware is toying with critical infrastructure providers, authorities say

How AI affects vulnerability management in open-source software






Tip #8:

Crafting Your Next Business Proposal with Precision

Use AI to draft your next business proposal by inputting the key components of your proposal such as objectives, target audience, value proposition, and implementation plan. ChatGPT can then generate coherent and well-structured content for your proposal based on the input provided, offering insights, suggestions, and refinement throughout the drafting process. Here is a prompt to use with ChatGPT for your next business proposal, “Draft a business proposal for a potential partnership with [Insert Company] in the [insert industry] sector."

Watch this space on Tuesdays for more of
'Tom's Tek Tips - AI & ChatGPT Prompts'





75,000 Fraudulent Webshops
Fraudulent webshops reportedly process $50 million in fake orders
A major criminal e-commerce network has reportedly scammed more than 850,000 American and European consumers.

According to cybersecurity research and consulting firm Security Research Labs, the criminal group, which it has named "BogusBazaar," operates a global network of more than 75,000 domains hosting fraudulent webshops, frequently targeting previously expired domains that have a good Google reputation.

Since 2021, Security Research Labs says BogusBazaar has processed more than 1 million orders whose estimated aggregate order volume is more than $50 million. However, not every one of these orders resulted in payment, meaning the actual financial loss to scammed consumers is somewhat lower.

As of April 2024, Security Research Labs says approximately 22,500 fake BogusBazaar-operated domains were active. The group primarily operates from China and targets consumers in the U.S. and Western Europe.

How it works

According to Security Research Labs, this is how the BogusBazaar scam operates:

BogusBazaar mainly attracts consumers to its phony e-commerce sites with fraudulent low-cost offers of brand-name footwear and apparel products.

Consumers enter their personal and credit card information onto fake payment pages, where the data is collected by the criminal group.

Payments are facilitated through PayPal, Stripe and credit card processors. However, consumers either never receive their orders or only get low-quality counterfeit versions of the items they thought they were purchasing.

Sophisticated infrastructure strategy

Part of why BogusBazaar has been so successful is a complex back- and front-end infrastructure model. On the back end, Security Research Labs says the group uses an “infrastructure-as-a-service” model with decentralized criminal franchisees running fraudulent e-commerce sites on a hosted platform that provides custom-developed software and WordPress plug-ins. Most servers are U.S.-based, with many hosting more than 100 IP addresses of fraudulent sites.

'Paradigm-Shifting' Activity in Online Delivery
How online delivery is undergoing seismic shifts
The online delivery space is undergoing tremendous changes in a number of areas.

Efficient, timely delivery is the cornerstone of e-commerce. No matter how well a retailer’s digital commerce model is designed, if goods cannot reach customers in a cost-effective manner when they want them, the whole process collapses.

Retailers, and a variety of service providers, have been working on ways to streamline and refine the online delivery process for decades. But just in the past month or two, the space has seen a large amount of paradigm-shifting activity.

More Online Sales Are Touching Physical Stores

Chinese e-commerce giants face delicate balance between discounts, profit










Ontario, CA: 5 arrested for ransacking San Bernardino County mall
Five suspects were arrested after escaping with thousands of dollars worth of items from the Ontario Mills shopping mall. On May 8, Ontario police responded to reports of a group of masked robbers running into the Polo Ralph Lauren store near the mall’s south entrance. Security video captured the armed suspects, wearing white masks and dark clothing, ransacking the store and grabbing as much merchandise as they could hold. The suspects then fled the store in a getaway car before police could arrive. They escaped with around $5,000 worth of merchandise, police said. Authorities gathered information on the getaway car and discovered the vehicle was related to a theft that Montclair police was also investigating. A search warrant was served at a suspect’s home where all the stolen merchandise was located. Police also found three firearms in the house, one of which was stolen. In total, five suspects were arrested and booked on numerous felony charges. Their identities were not released.

Wareham, MA: Two held on bail in Massachusetts organized retail theft worth thousands, runs over woman’s foot in getaway
Two people have been charged with executing an organized retail theft from a local beauty store, Plymouth County District Attorney Timothy Cruz has announced. Friday in Wareham District Court, Bianca L. Cruz, 35, of Lowell, and Jeremy Menendez, 34, of Nashua, N.H. pleaded not guilty at their arraignment on one count each of Organized Retail Crime and Larceny Over $1,200. Cruz was held on $50,000, and Menendez was held on $500 cash bail. The charges follow an investigation by the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office and Wareham Police. At approximately 7:26 p.m. Friday evening, Wareham Police received a call from an employee at the Ulta Beauty Supply store located at 2421 Cranberry Highway. The employee reported that a male and female entered the store, began filling up several bags with perfume and beauty products, and left the store without paying. The caller told police the pair left in a green Kia Soul. The clerk estimated the stolen items were worth more than $1,200. Wareham Police responded to the Ulta Store to investigate and a BOLO was put out for the motor vehicle. Massachusetts State Police located the car traveling along Route 495, and conducted a motor vehicle stop. Cruz was operating the motor vehicle, Menendez was a passenger, and another female, who was identified as the owner of the car. Police were interviewing the female motor vehicle owner, and Menendez, when Cruz accelerated away from the scene, running over the female’s foot and causing injury. She was transported to a hospital for treatment. She is not being identified or charged at this time. The car and Cruz were later located in Bridgewater, and she was placed under arrest.

Fort Worth, TX: Fort Worth Police ask help identifying masked thieves who took $10K in prescription meds
The Fort Worth Police Department is asking for the public’s help locating four suspects wanted in connection with the theft of thousands of dollars in prescription medications. Shortly after 1 a.m. Tuesday, an individual wearing a black ski mask and armed with a sledgehammer broke the glass door of the pharmacy located in the 2400 block of Forest Park Boulevard, Fort Worth police said on social media on Friday. The suspect and three others, also clad in black ski masks to hide their identity, entered the building. Security camera footage that police posted on social media shows them gathering products from inside the pharmacy. The suspects left with over $10,000 worth of prescription medication, according to police. They drove away in a dark, possibly black, four-door Chevrolet.

Oxnard, CA: Police officers arrest two people for organized retail thefts
Two Oxnard residents were arrested Friday after a months-long investigation by the Oxnard Police Department over retail thefts that happened in the city, according to the OPD. A 35-year-old and a 27-year-old were deemed responsible for multiple thefts over a month as detectives gathered evidence to connect the crimes back to the two individuals, explained the OPD. The OPD then recovered stolen property and money from said thefts after searching the residence of the two people responsible for the events, detailed the OPD. Both people were arrested and booked at the Ventura County Sheriff's Office Pre-Trial Detention Facility on charges associated with Organized Retail Theft, according to the OPD.






Shootings & Deaths

Tallahassee, FL: Multiple people shot, two killed at Apalachee Parkway shopping center
Gunfire in the parking lot of an Apalachee Parkway shopping center left two men dead and unknown others with gunshot injuries early Sunday morning. The Tallahassee Police Department responded shortly after 2:30 a.m. to Parkway Center after getting a call about gun shots. They found "multiple" gunshot victims, including two men who died at the scene. The mass shooting happened as residents, officials and first responders are still grappling with the impacts of the twin tornadoes that lashed wide swaths of Tallahassee with winds as high as 100 mph. A TPD watch commander told the Democrat that none of the businesses were open at the time and that the shooting occurred outside. Businesses in the shopping center reported as late as Saturday night that they still didn't have power following Friday's tornadoes that left much of the city in the dark.

Massillon, OH: Man shot, killed at northeast Ohio movie theater; suspect in custody
A man was found dead after a shooting in a movie theater in northeastern Ohio and another person considered a suspect was arrested shortly afterward, authorities said. Police in Massillon said officers responded just before 11 p.m. Friday to the report of a shooting at Regal Cinemas and found a male deceased near the front lobby. The victim was identified as 27-year-old Daron Davis of nearby Canton, police said. Shortly after 11:30 p.m., an individual “considered a suspect at this time” was taken into custody outside the police department in the Stark County city about 20 miles (32 kilometers) south of Akron, police said. The body was taken early Saturday to the Cuyahoga County medical examiner’s office for an autopsy, according to the Stark County coroner’s office. Authorities were reviewing surveillance video from the movie theater and said the investigation was ongoing.

Wilmington, DE: 1 teen dead, another critical after carnival fight erupts into shooting at Concord Mall
A fight took a deadly turn, claiming the life of a teen, when police say a suspect opened fire during a carnival in Wilmington Saturday night. Two teens were found shot when officers arrived at Concord Mall in Wilmington around 10:45 p.m. They were transported to a local hospital, where th 16-year-old died and a 17-year-old is in critical condition. State police say the deadly shooting stemmed from a fight between several people near the entrance of a carnival being held in the mall's parking lot. During the fight, police say a suspect fired several shots, hitting the teens, then fleeing the scene. The suspect's description has not been released, but police are asking anyone with information to contact them.

Houston, TX: Pizza delivery driver shoots, kills customer at Park Yellowstone Apartment Homes
According to Houston police, a male customer and a pizza delivery driver got into a confrontation, resulting in the driver shooting the customer multiple times. The customer was pronounced dead at the scene. The delivery driver stayed at the scene and is cooperating with the police investigation. The reason that led to the shooting resulting in death is unknown at this time.

Denver, CO: Update: Two Arrested over Fatal Shooting of Jeweler
Police have arrested a second man suspected of the murder of a jeweler at his store in Denver, Colorado. Peter Damian Arguello, 64 was found dead at his store, Peter Damian Fine Jewelry & Antiques, in Wheat Ridge, last November, after what police described at the time as a "possible armed robbery". According to court documents, surveillance video from the store shows a suspect pulling a gun on Arguello trying to handcuff him, then shooting him three times when he put up a fight. Charles Robinson Shay, 41, Shay was arrested last December after police found his DNA on a pair of flex cuffs left at the scene. Michael McCormack, 50, his alleged accomplice, was arrested last week. Shay has been charged with one count of first-degree murder and two counts of second-degree murder. McCormack is charged with second-degree murder, second-degree kidnapping, aggravated robbery, and second-degree motor vehicle theft.

Mishawaka, IN: Mall Shooting: Shots fired reported at University Park Mall
St. Joseph County Police Department confirmed a report of shots fired at University Park Mall. Mishawaka Police along with St. Joseph County Police, South Bend Police, and Indiana State Police responded to the call and searched the mall for potential suspects and victims. Throughout the search, no suspects or gunshot victims were located. Initial findings indicate that a fight started in the center court of the mall leading to the gunfire.

New Orleans, LA: Three men shot Saturday night outside gas station store in Lower Ninth Ward


Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Toronto, CN: Update: 2 men Arrested after $5M worth of watches stolen from downtown Toronto store
Two men are in custody after police say $5 million worth of watches were stolen in an armed robbery last fall in downtown Toronto. Police say two men in disguises went to a store in the Spadina Road and Adelaide Street area on October 30, 2023. Around 4:30 p.m., they rang the doorbell pretending to be making a delivery. When the door was opened, the two men forced their way into the store and one of them allegedly pointed a gun at the store employees, forced them to the floor and tied up their hands with duct tape. Investigators say the pair grabbed several watches worth approximately $5 million and fled the scene. Following the theft, police identified an additional man in connection with the incident and he was taken into custody on December 21, 2023. Investigators recovered a quantity of stolen watches in the process. Danial Jamil, 34, of Toronto has been charged with trafficking in property obtained by crime, possession of proceeds of crime and possession of property obtained by crime. Members of Toronto’s Hold Up Squad later identify one of the two suspects wanted in the original robbery and on May 9, 2024, 29-year-old Christian Collins of Clarington was taken into custody. Police say several stolen watches and other items related to the investigation were also seized. Collins is facing a total of six charges including robbery with a firearm, disguise with intent and breaching a conditional sentence order. The search continues for the second suspect in connection with the robbery.

Summerville, SC: Police arrests three on armed robbery charges at Zaxby’s

Victorville, CA: Authorities Search for Suspect After Robbery at JC Penney in Victorville

Kincardine, Ontario, CN: Owner injured, suspect arrested in Kincardine jewelry store robbery

Mississauga, Ontario, CN: 1 man, 2 youths charged with Jewelry robbery in Square One smash-and-grab



C-Store- Marietta, PA – Burglary
C-Store – Menomonie, WI – Armed Robbery
C-Store – San Antonio, TX – Robbery
C-Store – Akron, OH – Armed Robbery / shot fired
C- Store – Allentown, PA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Chicago, IL – Burglary
Clothing – Ontario, CA - Burglary
Dollar - Tangipahoa Parish, LA – Robbery
Electronics – Chicago, IL – Burglary
Hardware – Baker, LA – Burglary
JC Penney – Victorville, CA – Robbery
Jewelry - Fenton, MI - Robbery
Jewelry - North Charleston, SC - Robbery
Jewelry - Braintree, MA - Robbery
Jewelry - Houston, TX - Robbery
Jewelry - Manchester, CT - Robbery
Jewelry - El Paso TX - Robbery
Liquor – Thompsonville, IL – Burglary
Macy’s – Milford, CT – Robbery
Mall- Chicago, IL – Armed Robbery
Pharmacy – Fort Worth, TX – Burglary
Restaurant – Summerville, SC – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Baker, LA – Burglary
Restaurant – Baker, LA – Burglary
Restaurant – Seaford, DE – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Edgemoor, DE - Burglary                                                                                                                

Daily Totals:
• 16 robberies
• 10 burglaries
• 1 shooting
• 0 killed

Click map to enlarge






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Regional Loss Prevention Manager
Indiana - Posted May 9

The Regional Manager of Loss Prevention, Audit & Firearms Compliance is a leadership role that will evaluate and reduce shrink for the stores and facilities assigned in their region by conducting internal and external investigations and resolving all matters that jeopardize or cause losses to the company and its assets. Regional Loss Prevention Managers are also responsible for conducting field audits for store and firearm compliance...

Dir. Security & Interactive Video Support
Plano, TX - Posted April 18

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Multi-Store Detective (Pittsburgh Operating Market)
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Multi-Store Detective (Akron/Canton Operating Market)
Akron/Canton, OH - Posted April 9

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