
The D&D Daily Mobile Edition
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Paul Finkelstein named Director of Security Operations
for LeachGarner

Before being named Director of Security Operations for LeachGarner, Paul spent nearly 13 years with SWAROVSKI, most recently as Manager - Loss Prevention and Corporate Security / Regional LP Manager of the Americas. Earlier in his career, he spent more than four years with Target as Executive Team Leader - Assets Protection. LeachGarner offers the most comprehensive range of melt-to-market products and technical expertise in the precious metals industry. Congratulations, Paul!

James Ferrens, CPP, PSP named Team Leader - Physical Security for Domino's
Domino’s Pizza is pleased to announce the newest addition to their Safety, Security & Loss Prevention Team, James Ferrens. James will be filling a newly created role of Team Leader – Physical Security, where he will provide physical security support for projects and initiatives at Domino’s’ headquarters in Ann Arbor, as well as corporate stores and Supply Chain Centers across the country. James joins Domino’s following his tenure in the banking industry, where he has spent the last 9 years in various physical security positions for Flagstar Bank and TCF Bank.

See All the Executives 'Moving Up' Here   

Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position







Prosegur Security Launches New DoubleLock EAS Tag, Shown to Reduce Tag Defeats by up to 60%

Prosegur Security, a global leader in security technology, has launched DoubleLock, an innovative new EAS tag, which in two separate use cases reduced the number of tag defeats by 40% and 60% respectively.

To store associates, DoubleLock tags and detachers look and operate the same way as the ones they are used to, meaning that no additional training is necessary. Additionally, DoubleLock detachers are backward-compatible – they work with all the popular EAS tags that use hook-only detaching mechanism. This enables retailers to gradually introduce them in higher-shrink store without having to replace all the tags and equipment already deployed. Additionally, the DoubleLock product suite is available in AM, RF, or RFID and in any color.

Read more in the Vendor Spotlight column below

The Hayes Report on Loss Prevention
Quarterly - Spring 2021 - Vol. 36 No. 2

Topics: An Age-Old Problem, Audit Program Pitfalls, Blinded by Love, Testing For Success, The Bulletin Board

Mark Doyle Talks --- Theft Survey & Shrink Results

Annual Retail Theft Survey: We were thinking of possibly not doing our annual survey this year due to many business disruptions in 2020. However, we have been receiving requests as retailers want to see how their numbers compare with the industry overall. Therefore, we are in the process of gathering statistics for our 33rd Annual Retail Theft Survey. Participants are never identified, information provided is strictly confidential, and always grouped for reporting purposes. Participants also receive additional statistics/results that are not published. If your company would like to participate in our short 1-page survey form see contact info below:

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Send me a note via our website here

Click here
to read the full newsletter

Biggest Senior LP & AP Executive Movement & Posted Senior Jobs in Over a Year and a Half in March - FYI
Analysis coming next week

Protests & Violence

Convenience Store Camera Footage Becomes Center of the Case
Graphic footage puts emotional charge into Day 3 of Chauvin trial
The third day in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who’s charged with the murder of George Floyd, featured new footage from inside the convenience store that’s at the center of the case as well as emotional testimony later in the day.

Gripping testimony has been a mainstay during the trial’s first three days, mostly centering around recollections given by eyewitnesses who watched Chauvin kneel on Floyd’s neck for roughly nine minutes before Floyd’s death.

Graphic cellphone footage of the fatal arrest, which was recorded by multiple bystanders who have testified, has also been a constant.

Cup Foods

The morning revolved around footage from Cup Foods, the Minneapolis convenience store on the corner of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue where Floyd was put into custody by police.

It was the jury’s first glimpse at the events that led to the police being called to the intersection and ultimately to Floyd’s death.

Right away, Martin, the cashier taking Floyd's money, said he could tell that there was something off about the $20 bill that Floyd used to pay.

On two different occasions, Martin and his co-workers approached Floyd’s vehicle across the street in an attempt to get Floyd or one of the two other passengers in the car to come back into the store and use real money but to no avail.

Martin said that he told his manager he was willing to pay for the fake $20 bill from his own paycheck after he approached Floyd’s vehicle the first time, noting that the store makes employees pay for counterfeit bills that they accept from customers. However, his manager insisted that Martin return to Floyd’s vehicle a second time.

After Martin’s unsuccessful second attempt, Cup Foods called the police.

Body cam footage of Floyd’s arrest from Chauvin and the three other former officers who were on the scene was played during Minneapolis police officer Lt. James Rugel’s testimony, who manages the department’s software systems and technology, including body cameras.

However, Chauvin’s cam ended up under the squad car before he started kneeling on Floyd, something that Schleicher pointed out and Rugel confirmed.

Third Mass Shooting in U.S. in Two Weeks
4 killed, including child, in mass shooting at Orange office complex
Four people, including a child, were killed Wednesday evening and a fifth person was injured in a mass shooting at an Orange office complex.

It marks the third mass shooting in the United States in two weeks, coming after incidents at three Atlanta spas that killed eight people, including six Asian women, and at a Boulder, Colo., supermarket that killed 10.

Officers received a call about 5:30 p.m. of shots fired and responded to a business at 202 W. Lincoln Ave. in Orange. The beige, two-story office complex at the address contains a number of small businesses.
The officers encountered gunfire when they arrived and opened fire, Amat said. The shooter was taken to a hospital with a gunshot wound and was listed in critical condition Wednesday night. It was unclear if the wound was self-inflicted or if he was struck by police gunfire, Amat said.

The complex is home to about a dozen businesses, including an insurance office, a marriage therapist, a speech and language pathologist, a phone repair shop and several property management companies.

Police plan a press conference for 10 a.m. Thursday.

Hate Crime Attack in NYC
Man accused of Midtown hate attack ordered held without bail
The assailant accused of beating an Asian woman to the ground and kicking her in the head while onlookers did nothing was remanded Wednesday night at his arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Court.

“The victim was on her way to church when the defendant approached her on the street, cursed at her, told her she didn’t belong here, called her an Asian something … and kicked her in the chest, knocking her to the ground and proceeded to stomp on her head. ... The victim was taken to the hospital for a fracture to the pelvis and contusions to the head and body. She was hospitalized for over a day."

Elliot allegedly sneered, “f—k you, you don’t belong here, you Asian,” as he mercilessly beat her on the Midtown sidewalk, prosecutors said.

COVID Update

150M Vaccinations Given

US: 31.1M Cases - 565.2K Dead - 23.6M Recovered
Worldwide: 129.6M Cases - 2.8M Dead - 104.5M Recovered

Former Senior Loss Prevention Executive
Know of any fallen LP exec? Let's remember & recognize.

Private Industry Security Guard Deaths: 279  
Law Enforcement Officer Deaths: 275

*Red indicates change in total deaths

Vaccines Are Indeed Working
First time anyone mentioned length of time

Pfizer, Biontech say trials suggest Covid vaccine works against South African variant, is effective after 6 months
"It is an important step to further confirm the strong efficacy and good safety data we have seen so far," BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin said.

The drugmakers also said in a statement that 12,000 people involved in their Phase 3 trial experienced high levels of protection against Covid-19 six months after their second dose, with no serious safety concerns.

"These data also provide the first clinical results that a vaccine can effectively protect against currently circulating variants, a critical factor to reach herd immunity and end this pandemic for the global population."

Thursday's trial results will allow the drugmakers to submit a full Biologics License Application to the FDA, Pfizer Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla said in the statement.

New FMI Report Finds Grocers Invested $24 Billion To Meet Increased Consumer Demands And Operate Safely Amid Covid-19
“Receipts from the Pandemic” Offers First Comprehensive Analysis of Food Retail Industry’s Response to Pandemic and the Industry’s Essential Role in Keeping Americans Fed During the Crisis

FMI-The Food Industry Association today released a new report, Receipts from the Pandemic: Grocery Store Investments Amid COVID-19 and the Resulting Economics of an Essential Industry, sharing that the food retail industry invested $24 billion in response to the dramatic changes in Americans’ shopping and food consumption habits amid the pandemic. Grocers’ actions included significant safety, workforce and technology investments that have enabled food retailers to safely keep their stores operating, thereby serving communities during the public health crisis.

“We all remember the uncertainty and anxiety that defined the initial weeks of the pandemic, as virtually every aspect of our daily lives changed seemingly overnight,” said Leslie G. Sarasin, president and CEO of FMI.

Overall Costs

As food retailers responded to the dramatic changes in consumer behavior brought on by the pandemic and economic restrictions aimed at curbing the spread of the COVID-19 virus, retailers made significant operational changes to maintain safe environments for employees and customers and to comply with relevant state and local pandemic-related regulations.

This report, based on a survey of 52 FMI member companies representing almost 40% of the food retailing industry, offers the first comprehensive overview of those changes and a cost analysis of the actions taken by food retailers to safely keep stores open throughout the pandemic. Overall, the report found that food retailers have spent approximately $24 billion on additional pandemic-related expenses since March 2020. These investments include:

Increases in payroll and incentive pay: $12 billion.
Increases in benefits: $5 billion.
Non-monetary benefits and vaccine incentives: $1 billion.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other safety expenses: $1 billion.
Cleaning and sanitation supplies, labor, and other related expenses: $3 billion.
Technology and online delivery expenses: $1.5 billion.

Safety Investments

According to the data, food retailers spent more than $1 billion on PPE and other safety expenses, such as store signage, COVID-19 tests, and thermometers, and an additional $2 billion on increased cleaning and sanitation hires or use of external partners for this purpose, and more than $400 million on cleaning and sanitization products. Food retailers also invested in new technologies and infrastructure, such as online ordering and curbside pickup services, to meet new consumer demands and the needs of those unable to safely shop in stores.

$1 Trillion Stolen in 2020 Due to Cybercrime
Fraud picks up as the economy goes digital during the pandemic, studies find

As internet traffic surged about 60%, money spent by online shoppers nearly doubled. The average value of attempted fraudulent purchases increased 69% year-over-year, according to a recent report from the digital fraud prevention company, Sift.

Mobile shopping reached $284 billion in spending, equal to nearly 45% of all U.S. e-commerce sales. Nearly, 62% of attempted payment fraud attacks came from mobile devices in 2020 compared to 51% in 2019, the Sift report stated.

Consumers and businesses alike faced the deceit of fraudsters. Nearly 70% of executives surveyed said that increased fraud attempts had a major impact on their operations while 68% of executives said that remote working limited their ability to prevent fraud within their organization, according to separate research from the credit analytics firm FICO.

More than $1 trillion was stolen in 2020 due to cybercrime, according to the Sift report. As online and digital transactions increased due to stay-at-home orders, fraudsters had a new avenue to exploit consumers.

Fraudsters targeted e-commerce, digital wallet transactions, and digital currency transactions the most in 2020. Professional marketplace transactions saw a 66% increase in fraud attempts with a 20% rise in average order value whereas digital wallet transactions experienced a 33% increase with a 9% jump in average order value, according to the March Sift report.

In 2020, loyalty merchant programs saw a 275% increase in fraud attempts while neobanks saw a 60% increase. Sift recently partnered with McDonald’s to provide digital protection to McDonald’s app when customers are paying for their orders.

Digital Trust & Safety Index: Exposing the Multi-billion Dollar Fraud Economy

Workplace Safety: Best Practice, Compliance, and Trust in the New Normal
How can employers reopen safely amidst increasing OSHA regulation and employee mistrust in workplace safety? Emerging technology can help.

Amidst renewed urgency for reopening, employers confront two major issues – the proverbial regulatory hammer dropping and an alarming crisis of confidence in workplace safety. Emerging safety technologies can provide a major boost on both fronts.

As employers prepare for return to work in a pandemic and post-pandemic world, how should they navigate this complex regulatory environment and overcome the trust deficit from employees? At risk of sounding overly simplistic, the answer is clear: they need to create a safe workplace based on best practice and regulation, and they need to communicate to employees with consistent, high quality, and reliable information.

Mexico ranks No. 2 in COVID fatalities with over 320,000
Vaccine Tourism is Legal in U.S. - No Proof of Citizenship Needed

With Mexico’s vaccination program lagging, wealthy Mexicans are flocking
to the U.S.
Mexico’s vaccine rollout has been painfully slow, with just 4% of the nation’s 128 million citizens having received at least one dose. Healthcare analysts say that the original target of vaccinating at least two-thirds of the population by August is a fantasy, and that inoculation efforts will stretch well into next year.

Now many of those with means are flocking to the United States for shots.

Last week, the government here publicly confirmed what many had long suspected: The number of people lost to the pandemic is more than 320,000, much higher than totals previously reported. The “excess death” data suggest that Mexico ranks No. 2 in COVID fatalities, behind the U.S., which has recorded more than 550,900 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Health officials say vaccine tourism is legal. Only about half of U.S. states require proof of residency for vaccinations, and none insist patients show proof of citizenship. Still, the issue has sparked controversy in some American communities where Mexicans have been turning up in large numbers.

Pandemic Impact on U.S. Consumers May Be Permanent
Intense and ongoing anxiety in the U.S. - With Mental Health the Top Concern

U.S. has the highest percentages of the most anxious consumers worldwide
Even as an end to the pandemic seems possible, it's leaving its mark on consumers worldwide, with nearly half saying they've changed their buying habits due to ongoing financial and health-related anxiety, according to a survey of 7,000 consumers conducted by consulting firm AlixPartners. In the U.S., 43% say so.

The U.S. has the highest percentages of what AlixPartners found to be the most anxious consumers, with 44% "highly concerned about both health and finances." This group is "experiencing both the most significant and the most permanent changes in purchasing behavior,"

The worry extends to other issues, as 80% of consumers globally say they're more concerned about the environment, and 38% say that now affects their buying decisions.

AlixPartners researchers said they were surprised at the extreme levels of anxiety still endured by some, prompted by economic struggles and worries about both physical and mental well-being.

Across the globe, AlixPartners found young people to be especially vulnerable, with 34% of those ages 18 to 24 reporting that they are "extremely" or "very" concerned about mental health, 35% that are concerned about their finances and 26% that are concerned about their physical health. Among those 25 to 34 years old, 30% are "extremely" or "very" concerned about mental health, 32% about their finances and 24% about their physical health.

Even if some consumers do revert back to their previous habits to some extent, it's meaningful that these intentions and attitudes are being expressed so strongly by so many, he said.

Editor's Note: Is this a warning of things to come possibly. About how the 18 to 34 year old consumer is going to react to stress or volatile situations in stores? It certainly matches the increased aggressive behavior we've seen in stores. To have such a large group expressing their concerns about mental health is surprising and something we've never seen in the news or reported on. Just a thought - Gus Downing

Best Buy sets up its associates to test themselves for COVID-19
Best Buy is now offering at-home COVID-19 tests for those workers who may have been exposed to the virus in the chain’s stores and warehouses.

The offer of home COVID-19 tests is an addition to a screening smartphone app for the disease that Best Buy put in place early in the pandemic, reports the Star Tribune. When an employee’s answers to the app’s questions indicate a high risk of exposure, they will now be furnished with a home COVID-19 test and will receive their usual pay while awaiting the results.

Best Buy’s performance throughout the novel coronavirus pandemic has been notably strong. Early on, the retailer was able to capitalize on an influx of customers suddenly needing technology and gadgets to facilitate working from home and teaching from home. It also established itself as a leader with its operations, drawing accolades for its curbside and appointment-only shopping experiences.

Best Buy was early to offer hazard pay as the dangers of the novel coronavirus became known, and it raised its minimum pay rate to $15. The retailer has also promised to give out quarterly bonuses and paid time off for employees to get COVID-19 vaccinations.

Best Buy is not the only business to start facilitating home COVID-19 testing. DoorDash recently announced that it would begin delivering two different types of home COVID-19 tests in some markets, according to BBC News.

PWC's Check-In EBOOK
How-to guide for returning workers onsite
What does it take to bring your employees back to the workplace safely while reducing risk? Keep your workforce informed, confident, and productive as they navigate new safety guidelines. Three key considerations for returning to the workplace in complex times.

How to help bring workers onsite safely, reduce risk and build their confidence.

Download this eBook to learn how leading organizations are mitigating the risk of returning to the workplace. Registration required.

Feds OK remote I-9 document review through May 31st

In Case You Missed it Yesterday - Because of the Topic & Direct Retail Connection

Canada's Epstein Denied Bail - Again
Canadian judge denies bail for fashion/retail mogul Peter Nygard
A judge on Friday again denied bail to Canadian fashion and retail mogul Peter Nygard, who was arrested in December on U.S. charges that alleging he sexually abused women and girls he lured with promises of opportunities in fashion and modeling over the last 25 years.

Peter Nygard unsuccessfully attempted to appeal an earlier ruling that denied him bail. That means Nygard will await his extradition hearings in jail. Nygard was arrested in December in Winnipeg and faces nine counts in the Southern District of New York.

Authorities there accuse the 79-year-old of using his influence in the fashion industry to lure women and girls with the promise of modelling and other financial opportunities.

The judge who originally denied Nygard bail had cited concerns that he would contact witnesses if released. Federal prosecutors argued that Nygard has the finances and personnel available to assist him in obstructing justice.

Reported on 12/15/20: Nygard Arrested amid sexual assault allegations

Reported on 2/5/21: Fashion Mogul Peter Nygard Denied Bail by Canadian Judge

Reported on 3/10/21: Accused Nygard 'co-conspirators' deny enabling their ex-boss

Starbucks strikes deal with EEOC over alleged racial bias in promoting employees
The company said that it made a deal with the EEOC earlier this year after the agency alleged racial discrimination in its store-level promotions, based on data from 2007 through 2011.

As part of the agreement, Starbucks is making a number of changes to make its promotion process more transparent and formal.

In a letter to employees, CEO Kevin Johnson said that Starbucks does not know what prompted the EEOC allegations and that the company’s analysis of its own data did not show systemic discrimination in store-level promotions.

“The agreement is not only the right thing for partners, it has also led us to focus more resources on structural changes necessary to support partners’ career progressions and ensure that every partner has the opportunity to learn about promotion opportunities,” Johnson wrote.

Quarterly Results
Canada's Lululemon Q4 comp's up 21%, DTC sales up 94%, net sales up 23.8%

Canada's Dollarama Q4 comp's up 0.2%, sales up 3.6%
Canada's Dollarama FY 2020 comp's up 3.2%, sales up 6.3%

Publishing Note: The Daily will not be publishing on Friday or Monday. We will resume publication on Tuesday, April 6. Thanks for reading and stay safe out there!

We're giving our team off Monday as well due to their great work throughout the pandemic. We want them to be with their families over this first holiday when we can, in fact, get together with minimal concern.

All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time

Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please. If it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.








HERNDON, Va.Prosegur Security, a global leader in security technology, has launched DoubleLock, an innovative new EAS tag, which in two separate use cases reduced the number of tag defeats by 40% and 60% respectively.

“The proliferation of cheap hook-style detachers easily found online means that shoplifters can easily remove some of the most popular EAS tags on the market that have this type of a detaching mechanism,” said Robert Simoneau, CTO of Prosegur’s global retail business unit. “With the DoubleLock system we are introducing a legacy-tag compatible detaching mechanism that is both intuitive to use while providing a very robust level of protection against rogue detachers, thus making illegal hook detachers useless. The first two retailers that deployed DoubleLock saw an immediate reduction in the number of tag defeats, providing for a relatively quick ROI. If a retailer is experiencing the angst associated with defeated EAS hard tags then they will find no better solution than our DoubleLock tag.”

To store associates, DoubleLock tags and detachers look and operate the same way as the ones they are used to, meaning that no additional training is necessary. Additionally, DoubleLock detachers are backward-compatible – they work with all the popular EAS tags that use hook-only detaching mechanism. This enables retailers to gradually introduce them in higher-shrink store without having to replace all the tags and equipment already deployed. Additionally, the DoubleLock product suite is available in AM, RF, or RFID and in any color.

“Shoplifters continue to be aggressive in finding ways to defeat tagging solutions,” said Tony D’Onofrio, CEO of Prosegur’s global retail business unit. “We are committed to work closely with retailers to continuously innovate to attack the problem of shrink, leverage your current EAS infrastructure where possible to minimize new capital outlays, and design new solutions that have future-proof multi-technology capabilities. The new DoubleLock tag is yet another example of an innovative design, solving a specific problem that stays ahead of shoplifters and providing quick measurable results.”

Specification for the DoubleLock tag, along with additional product photos, can be downloaded here.





ACH Fraud on the Rise & Vendor Email Compromise (VEC) Attacks
After digital payments rush, time to tighten security
Don't be surprised if a vendor you're about to pay turns out to be fraudulent. ACH and other types of cyber fraud surged during the pandemic.

The pandemic-driven rush in the use of automated clearing house (ACH) systems to pay suppliers helped drive an expansive leap in the digitization of business payments but it came at a cost: in many cases, accounts payable departments didn't have time to secure remote networks adequately or create protocols to ensure the secure handling of supplier bank account information.

Now that the dust has settled, it's up to CFOs and their AP teams to ensure these safety measures are implemented, starting with the secure handling of data.

ACH fraud, on the rise even before the pandemic, shot up more last summer; 90% of internal and external fraud examiners reporting an increase in all types of cyber fraud, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners found.

Bank account update requests are the most common way to perpetrate ACH fraud. According to data by Nvoicepay, for which I oversee operations and customer success, these requests are common. Suppliers tend to change bank accounts every four years. Most are legitimate, but your AP team should stand guard against what fraud examiners call vendor email compromise (VEC) attacks.

In this type of attack, bad actors hack into supplier systems, monitor invoice flow, identify a potential weak spot among the supplier's customers, then reach out to someone in accounts payable to request a bank account update. They often time their request just ahead of a large payment. If successful, they route the payment to an account they've set up, only to close it once they receive the funds.

Unfortunately, this is more common than you might think. In our own recent experience, a client requested an urgent bank account update for a vendor they were about to pay. When we ran the new information through our validation process, we discovered the new bank account was fraudulent.

IT departments need to secure company networks and environments, and finance departments need to implement stringent, repeatable processes for collecting, validating, and storing the information.

Cyber Espionage & Crime Trends

Digital dependence and innovation: 2 critical trends in cyber espionage & crime

Most of the world and in most industries we’ve reached the tipping point in our digital dependence on our IT infrastructure and it has drawn attackers in

The first change is around the larger scope of attack. In the past you could draw a heat-map around the most technological countries: The US, South Korea, Japan, UK and Germany. Today we’ve reached the tipping point where most countries are now dependent on IT technology to the point that heat-map is hot white over most of the world. Same is true for industries, in the past only certain industries were dependent on It where today most industries are reliant on IT and their digital capabilities like never before.

There is a positive side to this digital dependence. From the first world to the third world, while this pandemic has caused much sorrow and an economic slump – it hasn’t buried us the way it would have if this had occurred even ten years earlier – our ability to effectively work remotely is why. With such a digital dependence it only makes sense that nation-state and criminal hackers would grow and escalate in such an environment.

Digital innovation has given attackers a vicious edge that has expanded their speed, depth and breadth like never before

The second, a far more impactful change is how digital innovation has changed the trend dramatically. For the good guys, digital innovation has become a critical competitive differentiator and it has led to our attack surface to include whether by application, by network, supply-chain or through countless as-a-service offerings a large array of interconnected entities.

Turning digital dependence and innovation back on the attackers

If digital dependence means the current trend in attacks affects us all globally, the most powerful takeaway is how we can better defend ourselves in an easier and better fashion by incorporating that digital innovation that we use in other portions of the enterprise within cybersecurity.

'Huge Uptick Trend Poised To Increase'

83% of Businesses Hit With a Firmware Attack in Past Two Years
A new Microsoft-commissioned report finds less than 30% of organizations allocate security budget toward preventing firmware attacks.

Firmware attacks targeting enterprises are up over the past two years. However, most victims are too preoccupied with patches and upgrades to invest resources into preventing them.

The numbers come from Microsoft's new "Security Signals" report, conducted by Hypothesis Group, which polled 1,000 decision-makers involved with security and threat protection at enterprise companies. Of these, 83% had been hit with a firmware attack in the past two years.

Firmware has become a hot target for cybercrime in recent years as software security has improved. The TrickBot malware last year added a module to inspect devices for firmware vulnerabilities that could enable attackers to read, write, or erase the UEFI/BIOS firmware. Last October, a rare firmware rootkit was detected targeting diplomats and nongovernmental organizations. Russian advanced persistent threat group Sednit deployed the first firmware-level rootkit seen in the wild back in September 2018.

Interesting Global Attacks - You Almost Had to Expect It
North Korea Targeting Security Researchers on Social Media
Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) today shared an update on a campaign that has been targeting security researchers on social media and is attributed to the North Korean government.

The campaign, disclosed in January, targeted security researchers working on vulnerability research and development across different organizations. Attackers created several types of social media profiles to chat with researchers and share videos and blogs of claimed exploits. They ultimately tried to share infected files or trick the victims into clicking a malicious link.

In an update published yesterday, TAG reports the same attackers behind this campaign created a new website with their associated social media profiles for a fake company called "SecuriElite." Trying to get researchers to visit a malicious website.

Read the full post for more details.

NIST Webinar, Thursday, Apr. 29, 2021, at 3 p.m. EDT, 30 minutes

What’s Ahead from NIST in Cybersecurity and Privacy?
What do government agencies, private-sector organizations, and others need to know about the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST's) approach to cybersecurity and privacy-related matters in 2021 and beyond?

Hear from Kevin Stine, chief of the Applied Cybersecurity Division in the NIST Information Technology Laboratory, as he discusses NIST’s cybersecurity and privacy priorities for the coming years. Learn how NIST’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) is working to address those priorities and how you can contribute to these efforts.

Reserve your spot today!
Questions? Email

Microsoft Teams: Here are all the new features added in the past two months




60K New Jobs & $350M in Annual Revenue Coming to NY
New York legalizes adult use marijuana, expunges former pot convictions
New York officially legalized weed Wednesday as Gov. Cuomo signed legislation that will regulate the sale of recreational marijuana for adults and expunge the records of people previously convicted of possession.

Legislators approved the long-stalled measure late Tuesday, sending the bill allowing adults over 21 to use weed legally to the governor’s desk.

This is a historic day in New York - one that rights the wrongs of the past by putting an end to harsh prison sentences, embraces an industry that will grow the Empire State’s economy, and prioritizes marginalized communities so those that have suffered the most will be the first to reap the benefits,” Cuomo said in a statement. “I’m proud these comprehensive reforms address and balance the social equity, safety and economic impacts of legal adult-use cannabis.”

Officials say the marijuana market will eventually lead to as many as 60,000 new jobs and generate $350 million in revenue annually.

What Will Legal Cannabis Look Like in New York?

The SAFE Banking & CLAIM Acts Will Transform Cannabis Insurance Industry
Here’s What to Expect
Like the opening bell on the trading floor of the Stock Exchange, the reintroduction in Congress last week of the long-awaited Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act and related Clarifying Law Around Insurance of Marijuana (CLAIM) Act was a call to action for carriers and insurance brokers across the country.

Together, the bills provide a legal safe harbor for providing financial and insurance services to cannabis-related businesses. If passed, these bills will be a game-changer for banks and insurance companies that wish to engage with plant-touching cannabis businesses and the multitudes of ancillary service providers that support the cannabis industry.

The SAFE Banking Act, reintroduced in 2021, was first introduced in March 2019 and has been passed by the U.S. House three times, most recently in September 2019. No Senate floor vote was allowed, however, prior to the recent change in control of the Senate. With bipartisan support and recent endorsements by the American Bankers Association, the Credit Union National Association and others, prospects for passage in the Senate appear good.


Pot dispensaries are getting retail makeovers

As more states legalize recreational use, cannabis companies are taking cues from mainstream retailers and trying to differentiate their brands with a sharper focus on the customer experience.

Cannabis companies are joining their mainstream consumer-product peers in trying to reinvent the shopping experience.

For Jushi Holdings Inc., that means art exhibits at its Beyond/Hello stores, sage-and-citrus-scented candles and a desert theme to help customers feel like they’re not just in a staid dispensary. Under the direction of Andreas Neumann, a former rock photographer who is now the company’s chief creative officer, Jushi has also relaunched its website to give shoppers a more “frictionless experience.

We want to create a retail scene,” Neumann said in a phone conversation last week. He compared the idea to a Starbucks Reserve or a Fred Segal, where you can find products that other establishments don’t have yet. He wants to make the stores “a place you want to hang out and talk and meet like-minded people.”

Northam proposes legalizing marijuana in Virginia on July 1

Democratic Senators Elevate Federal Cannabis Reform To High Priority

Cannabis board appointments launch Vermont's bureaucracy for retail marijuana

Carson City, NV: Employee at marijuana cultivation company accused of stealing 4 pounds of marijuana












Amazon Returning to Office-Centric Culture
Amazon expects a return to offices by fall; some workers are miffed while nearby businesses are ecstatic

Unlike many of its tech-sector peers, Amazon is eschewing a hybrid workplace.

The Seattle-based commerce giant told employees in a companywide announcement that it is planning a “return to an office-centric culture as our baseline.” The transition away from remote work is expected to wrap up by autumn, according to the announcement Tuesday. Working in offices, the note said, “enables us to invent, collaborate, and learn together most effectively.”

Incoming Amazon CEO Andy Jassy knocked remote work in an interview with CNBC last year, saying staying home during the pandemic made it hard to “riff the same way” with co-workers to develop new ideas.

Among Amazon employees, reaction was mixed and at times indignant, with some saying they would start looking for jobs elsewhere if Amazon forces them back to the office full time. Several downtown Seattle business owners, though, greeted the news with joy.

"Saying we absolutely cannot work remotely is Day 2 thinking,” she said, referring to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ belief that employees should behave as if it is always Amazon’s first day in business because “Day 2 is stasis … Followed by death.”

“We have proved for the past year that we can work remotely and kick ass doing it,” she said. If Amazon doesn’t reverse course on its office-centric policy, she predicted “a mass exodus of employees”

Amazon will not require office workers to receive a COVID-19 vaccine before they head back to their desks, but the company is encouraging employees and contractors to get vaccinated as soon as they are eligible, Amazon spokesperson Jose Negrete said.

Amazon New CEO Won't Ever Buy Off on Remote Work
And you've got to believe that's coming straight from the top

Incoming Amazon CEO Andy Jassy on why remote work hurts innovation: ‘You don’t riff the same way’
As GeekWire reported earlier Wednesday, Amazon is headed back to the office after letting people work from home for the past year.

“Our plan is to return to an office-centric culture as our baseline. We believe it enables us to invent, collaborate, and learn together most effectively,” Amazon told employees in a memo.

Jassey said in an interview with CNBC “invention” is hard to do virtually compared to people brainstorming together in person. “You just don’t riff the same way,” he said, “so it’s really changed the way that we’ve had to think about how we drive innovation, and how we solicit information from our builders and the types of meetings that we run.” Jassy said invention “tends to be sloppy.

“It’s not like you can organize 45 minutes and say, ‘we’re going to invent this product right now,'” he said.

"Instead, that process happens with an initial idea that evolves into something else, with people “riffing on top of what one another says.”

“They interrupt people, and they get animated, and then you finish the meeting and you don’t really quite get there, but three people leave the meeting and start working on a whiteboard outside that conference room,” Jassy said.

That process is much harder to replicate in a virtual work environment, despite the rise and improvement of collaboration software over the past few years, Jassy added.

Bed Bath & Beyond taps Walmart, Wayfair execs to drive digital sales

Survey: Online sales keep booming as store shopping picks up







Toledo, OH: Man allegedly stole $143,185 from Lowes in Michigan and Ohio
A Toledo man is accused of stealing $143,185 in merchandise from Lowes stores in Ohio and Michigan. Marvis Keaton Jones Sr., 37, Toledo, but currently in jail, was indicted by a Wood County grand jury on March 18. He was indicted for robbery, a third-degree felony; burglary, a third-degree felony; three counts theft, all fifth-degree felonies; and failure to comply with an order or signal of a police officer, a third-degree felony. Police began investigating Jones in 2020 by working with loss prevention from Lowes and Home Depot. On Feb. 25, a vehicle he reportedly used to commit theft in Michigan was seen fleeing the Perrysburg Lowes. After allegedly striking a Perrysburg Township police vehicle, he was arrested. Jones had allegedly loaded $831 worth of merchandise into a cart and approached the front of the store where the doors had been secured because it was closing. He is accused of forcefully pushing past an employee who was blocking the doors and forcing open the doors. Police report that he had entered the store Jan. 24 and took $1,598 worth of merchandise, on Sept. 21 $1,413 worth of merchandise and on Aug. 28 $903 worth of merchandise. The total amount of thefts allegedly committed by Jones from Lowes stores in Ohio and Michigan is $143,185.

Seattle, WA: Utla Beauty Shoplifters / Burglars threaten victims with COVID-19
Three burglary suspects walked out of ULTA Beauty Store in White Center with $5,000 in merchandise, with one of the burglars declaring he had COVID-19 and suggesting he would spit on the victims. According to a Seattle police report, just before noon on Monday, staff at the store say they witnessed three people, two women and one man, grabbing and concealing items inside bags. The staff approached them about the stolen merchandise, which prompted the man to say they were being targeted because of a racial bias. The man then threatened to shoot the female employees. Then the man said he had COVID-19 and started to pull down his mask and the victims feared he was about to spit on them. The burglars left the store without paying for the items, which the store valued at over $5,000. Officers arrived and conducted a search of the area, but the suspects were not located.

Tuolumne County, CA: Felony Arrests for Modesto Couple in Organized Retail Theft Scheme
Monday evening the Sonora Police Department arrested 26-year-old Charles P. Bryant of Modesto and 24-year-old Zalena R. Herrera of Modesto for multiple charges, including possession of stolen property, conspiracy to commit a felony, and organized retail theft with intent to sell. Just after 8:30 pm on March 29, 2021, officers were called to Lowe’s regarding a female in the store who had been previously trespassed from that location. Upon officers’ arrival, the female, later identified as Zalena Herrera, fled through the rear of the business setting off the alarm. Herrera did not turn up during a search of the area, but officers remained close by to monitor for related activity.

Approximately one hour after the initial call, a silver Honda Civic was seen circling the Lowe’s parking lot. Officers knew Herrera was associated with a silver Civic and initiated a traffic stop on it as it left the parking lot. The male driver, later identified as Charles Bryant, leg bailed from the vehicle leaving Herrera in the passenger seat.

Several hundred dollars worth of stolen merchandise from various retailers was located in the vehicle, along with drug paraphernalia. Herrera was arrested, and a search continued for Bryant, who was later spotted on foot in the area of Mono Way near Greenley Road. Bryant ran when the officer attempted contact but was taken into custody after a short chase.

Canada: Prince George, British Columbia: Mounties and Loss Prevention team-up to Arrest 20 Shoplifters
A Prince George RCMP project earlier this month, which included the help of out-of-town officers, resulted in 20 people arrested in a span of five days. According to Mounties, several charges related to theft were approved between March 22 and 26 during a ‘Boost and Bust’ initiative that targeted thieves and shoplifters at local businesses in the Pine Centre Mall. In a statement, RCMP spokesperson Cst. Jennifer Cooper says, each month, prolific offenders cost retail outlets thousands of dollars in lost revenue. “Loss Prevention Officers who specialize in this type of targeted approach came from the Lower Mainland to assist police in their efforts,” she said.

“The project utilized four police officers and ran for five full days. Two members patrolled in the mall in covert uniforms while two members remained outside of the mall in more subtle uniforms or plainclothes.” The result of the project led to the 20 arrests, as well as 19 files created, some of whom were breaching court-ordered conditions that included not attending the Pine Centre Mall.

Middlesex County, NJ: 2 charged in identity theft scheme that netted $250K from 50 victims

Santa Barbara, CA: Four Suspect charged in Organized Theft Ring

Menomonee Falls, WI: Suspects attempted to leave Woodman's with 2 full shopping carts ($550), did not pay

Bibb County, GA: Man caught with 29 packs of Newports stolen from Dollar General







Shootings & Deaths

Manhattan, KS: Man wounded in shooting outside the Manhattan Town Center
Law enforcement authorities are investigating a shooting in Manhattan. Just before 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, the Riley County Communications Center received a report of shots fired outside of Dillard’s in the 100 block of Manhattan Town Center in Manhattan, according to police spokesperson Aaron Wintermote. When officers arrived on scene, they identified a 20-year-old female and a 21-year-old male that were involved in an isolated altercation with a 33-year-old male, who was later located at a secondary scene near the intersection of 3rd St. and Kearney St. in Manhattan. The 33-year-old male was found to be suffering from apparent gunshot wounds and was transported to Via Christi for treatment of his injuries, then later transported to Stormont Vail in Topeka.

Cobb County, MD: Restaurant shooting outside Akers Mill Square makes third shooting in Cumberland this month
Police in Cobb County are investigating a double shooting in the parking lot of a busy shopping center on Tuesday evening. Police said it happened at the Akers Mill Square shopping mall on the corner of Akers Mill Road SW and U.S. 41. Cobb County police officers could be seen blocking the entrances to the shopping center just after 10 p.m. Police said there was a fight that escalated into a shooting that injured two people. Both are reportedly in stable conditions. Details surrounding the incident were still under investigation.

Boston, MA: Shots fired near Target in South Bay Center in Dorchester
Police say they are investigating a shooting that happened near a popular shopping center in Boston's Dorchester neighborhood. According to Boston police, officers responded at about 9:15 p.m. Wednesday to reports of shots fired at 7 Allstate Road, which is the address for the Target near South Bay Center. Police say ballistic damage was found at the scene. No injuries have been reported.

Colorado Springs, CO: Man, 22 shot and wounded outside strip mall
An assailant shot a man in southeast Colorado Springs Wednesday night, law enforcement said. Colorado Springs police responded to the shooting on South Academy Boulevard around 6:49 p.m. Emergency responders took the 22-year-old man to the hospital with a non-life-threatening injury, police said. Police did not provide any information about the shooter or whether there was a possible suspect. Officer said there was no threat to the public but they did not specify why.


Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Charlotte, NC: Break-in suspect uses blowtorch to steal cash from Chick-fil-A safe
Detectives from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department are hoping members of the public can help identify the person responsible for breaking into a Charlotte Chick-Fil-A restaurant and using a blowtorch to steal from the restaurant’s safe. The incident happened around 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 3 at the Chick-fil-A restaurant located at 10001 Rea Road near the Blakeney Shopping Center in the Ballantyne area.

Surveillance footage from the restaurant’s security cameras shows a man trying to break into the building through the drive-thru window. Detective Adrian Johnson with the CMPD Crime Stoppers said the suspect was unsuccessful in his attempt to open the drive-thru window.

“When he realized that he couldn’t get through the window, he then went to the front door. He had a tool that he used to pry the front door open and that’s how he entered the business,” said Johnson. Surveillance footage shows the suspect walking through the empty business. The video shows the man locating the store safe and then using a blowtorch to open the safe.

Police said the store alarm never sounded because a restocking company that had been working in the building the same night had disabled the alarm. “This is my first incident where I’ve seen a blowtorch used for burglary. You don’t see too many suspects with blowtorches,” said Johnson.

Wichita Falls, TX: Police capture escaped Oklahoma inmate shoplifting at Walmart in Wichita Falls
Wichita Falls police have taken Preston Whittington into custody. Whittington was arrested in Wichita Falls around 2 p.m. at the Walmart on Lawrence Road for theft. Police were reportedly searching for him after he escaped a correctional facility in Oklahoma. An Oklahoma law enforcement official said they used OnStar to track the stolen vehicle to Wichita Falls. OnStar officials reportedly led officers to the Walmart on Lawrence Road. Walmart employees provided surveillance footage of the suspect going inside, stealing something and changing clothes inside of the bathroom. Officers then arrested Whittington as he exited the store.

Cincinnati, OH: ‘A very similar pattern’: Multiple women report being secretly filmed in public restrooms at Target and Kroger

Miami, FL: Former Patriots wide receiver Kenbrell Thompkins charged with $300,000 of identity theft, unemployment fraud




Beauty – Seattle, WA – Robbery
C-Store – Torrance, CA – Robbery
Dollar General – Caledonia County, VT– Armed Robbery
Dollar - Akron, OH – Burglary
Gas Station – Pittsfield, MA – Armed Robbery
Jewelry – Lyndhurst, NJ – Robbery
Jewelry - Raymore, MO - Armed Robbery
Jewelry – Liberty, MO – Armed Robbery
Jewelry – Garland, TX – Robbery
Restaurant - Charlotte, NC - Robbery
Restaurant – Charlotte, NC – Burglary
Restaurant – San Francisco, CA – Robbery
Restaurant – Martinsburg, WV – Robbery
Restaurant – Robbery - Denver, CO
Restaurant – Lubbock, TX – Armed Robbery
T-Mobile – Boston, MA – Armed Robbery
Walmart – Wichita Falls, TX - Robbery
7-Eleven – Charles County, MD – Armed Robbery                     

Daily Totals:
• 16 robberies
• 2 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed


Weekly Totals:
• 56 robberies
• 20 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed

Click to enlarge map



Tiffany Wagner promoted to Loss Prevention Site Lead, Manager II for Amazon

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The Executive Director, AP is responsible for the company’s AP function, protecting the company’s integrity, people, processes, and assets from harm and loss. This position serves as the subject matter expert on a broad range of security standards and disciplines.

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Parker's C-Stores

Savannah, GA

June 3

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Perception becomes reality slowly on a macro level and it's difficult to change it if it's incorrect or doesn't portray the truth. It's the same reason law enforcement separates witnesses to ensure clarity and truth. The group mind becomes influenced by opinion and agendas and distorts the true reality. One can only rely on daily vigilance based on doing what's right to hopefully impact the individuals one works with on a daily basis to carry the experience forward and be witness to what is right. 

Just a Thought,




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