When Auror launched its
Auror for ORCAs platform, it wanted to build a national movement against
Organized Retail Crime. In just 10 months, that national movement has
skyrocketed, with 15 ORCAs and thousands of retail and law enforcement users
collaborating in the platform to reduce the impacts of crime in our communities.
At the ORCAs in Action Fall Summit, Auror VP of Retail Partnerships Bobby
Haskins shared an eye-opening update into the progress so far, particularly
around the impact of repeat offenders. Since deploying Auror's
reporting and
ORC investigation software for ORCAs, there have been almost 150 people
identified who offend repeatedly, with more than 50% of them reported in
multiple cities. Of these 150 people, 10% travel across state lines to commit
retail crimes.
One case that several ORCAs and law enforcement agencies are collaborating on
involves a national larceny group that's using magnetic keys to open widely-used
retail merchandise protection. They have traveled over 3000 miles, across three
states and have been responsible for over $100,000 in loss so far. All groups
involved are currently working together to apprehend this group in California.
Bobby shared this quote from an ORC investigator, Cary Young:
"Auror has already benefited our National Task Force here in Houston! We have
connected one of our most active ORC groups by other retailers' posts of the
same individuals impacting their locations. Awesome platform!"
Auror for ORCAs is free, and always will be. If you or your ORCA is
interested in the national ORCA movement, why not
join the community.
