Depot's Asset Protection Team leading the way during
With Chris Canoles, Sr. Director of
Asset Protection as
Team Lead of Operations Command Center
By Gus Downing
Publisher & Editor
Home Depot's
Emergency Response Program & Sandy.
Kicking into operation over a
week ago, Home Depot activated their response teams to
Sandy. With five operations rooms at their corporate
office housing 200 corporate executives from various
departments, the teams went to work on preparing for the
storm. One room, pictured below, houses 75 merchants,
one with 30 operations executives, two rooms with 40
each from the supply chain group, and the last room for
12 human resources executives. With key decision makers
in each room and executives from Asset Protection,
Legal, Safety, Store Operations, Procurement, Risk
Management, Human Resources and Government Relations,
the teams are structured to make quick decisions and
ensure that Home Depot is responding effectively for the
communities they serve and for their associates, their
customers, and their stores.
Marvin Ellison, EVP of Home Depot and a former asset
protection executive himself, stated at an NRF LP
conference a few years ago, asset protection continues
to lead the way in Home Depot's response. With 45 asset
protection volunteer teams of four executives each
located throughout the U.S., Home Depot activated eight
volunteer teams of four AP executives each. Traveling
into the storm areas, the teams are first housed in
pre-determined hotels that provide the maximum
protection. Operating within a very structured program,
these 32 asset protection managers are focused on
helping to close down and re-open the affected stores.
With safety as the absolute priority, these APM's have a
role in the structural inspection review of their
respective store prior to allowing anyone to re-enter
the unit after the storm. They were also accompanied by
over 100 off-duty police officers, provided by third
party guard firms, and coming from
locals in Florida to Texas, Arkansas, and even Missouri.
These armed off-duty police officers, strictly there for
precautionary measures, provide added security and are
stationed in a predetermined yet flexible manner.
Focused on overnight security and working mostly in
pairs, these officers play a vital role in securing the
locations and in helping to maintain a safe site
throughout the event.
On one week tours, so to speak, this first wave of eight
teams of 32 volunteer asset protection managers will
most likely be followed by seven teams of four volunteer
asset protection managers that will be focused on
helping the stores manage the re-opening process and on
helping to manage the increased customer needs that
comes after such an event.
These 60 asset protection executives, all of whom
volunteered for this assignment, are truly unsung heroes
who you don't often read about or hear about. It's their
dedication and commitment to help that defines them as
being true leaders and people who want to make a
difference. We salute them and we're honored to be able
to share their story.
Home Depot Command Center, running Security,
Operations and Logistic in the height of the
storm. Home Depot Hurricane
Command Center Emergency Response Captain Doug
Spiron on the key products people need to be
prepared for a hurricane. Although this video
was from before the storm, it does a good job of
showing the Command Center in action.