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January 13, 2011

Vector Security Plans to Increase Number of LPC -- LPQ Scholarships Available in 2011 Program

Applications accepted through February 25, 2011

Vector Security has planned to increase the number of LPCertified (LPC) and LPQualfied (LPQ) scholarships it provides for this year's program. 2011 will mark the third consecutive year that Vector has sponsored its scholarship program, which is designed to assist worthy retail loss prevention professionals in achieving both of these certifications.

Vector first began this program in 2009, when the company offered a total of 10 LPQ scholarships. Vector then increased the number of scholarships in 2010 to a total of 20, split between the LPQ and LPC programs. In 2011, Vector plans to further increase the scholarship program to offer 15 LPQ scholarships and 15 LPC. According to Vector Security's Executive Vice President, Michael T. Grady, the increase is warranted to match the heightened interest in the Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) programs. "When we began our scholarship program three years ago, we did so with two clear intentions in mind. First, we wanted to support an educational process that would create additional value to the LP profession. Second, we wanted to offer LP professionals a resource for achieving these certifications, without the need for the financial contribution to come from them personally or from their employer. Launching any professional certification program requires a lot of funding, time and effort. Many fail due to lack of sincere, continuous support and interest. Knowing the long-term value of this endeavor, we wanted to continue to support the program to help guarantee its viability and prove its worth in the eyes of the retail industry."

The Loss Prevention Foundation President, Gene Smith, appreciates the continued level of commitment Vector has made to this program. "Mike and his team have worked hard to promote and help validate our programs. They have been there from the start and are a remarkable example of how a solution provider that serves the retail LP industry can make a difference to the people who work within it. Vector gets it! They have led by example by having many of their own staff obtain certification. Vector realizes that today's LP professionals are expected to be sharp, technically savvy business managers, leaders, educators, social scientists, accountants, statisticians, high level executives, and of course-- investigators. Certification is a means to enhance career performance. It expands a person's knowledge and expertise, confirms core competencies, challenges perspectives and reinforces loss prevention industry goals and objectives."

Grady adds that the 2010 scholarship program was changed to meet the expanding value of the LPF. "In 2010, we augmented the program in several ways. It was the first time we began offering LPC scholarships to the more seasoned LP professionals who are looking for higher degrees of learning. We also opened up the program to people who were seeking LPQ scholarships from outside the industry -- people such as college students, police officers and military personnel -- who wish to develop careers in retail LP."

Grady comments further that, "Everyone whose career is tied into retail loss prevention has a stake in increasing the level of professionalism within the industry. Better educated people can bring about greater results, create better LP programs and even better deploy new LP technologies within their organizations. Curbing losses due to shrinkage is the only free money left on retailers' tables. They don't need to discount it, promote it, advertise it, or stay open late to create it-- and better educated and trained LP departments are the reason why that money can fall right to the bottom line."

Vector's 2011 scholarship program will be released in January, offering a combined total of thirty LPQ and LPC scholarships, including covering all course and exam certification fees. Applications will be made available online at Vector's website,, and through the Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF). Applications will be accepted through February 25, 2011, and the winners will be announced in March. Inquiries can also be made directly to Vector Security. Please contact Debbie Fisher at 724-779-8810, ext. 1206, or by email at

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