2012 Archives
6th Annual New England Organized Retail Crime
Symposium and Trade Show
DCU Center Worcester, MA, September 20, 2012
Recap by Kevin M. Plante
US Retail Loss Prevention Operations – Staples /
Chairman, Retailers Association of MA Loss
Prevention Committee
Approximately 300 Loss Prevention, Law Enforcement
and political figures came to the DCU Center in
Worcester, MA, for the 6th Annual New England
Organized Retail Crime Symposium and Trade Show.
Twenty-three vendors filled the trade show area
showing everything from surveillance equipment to
background screening programs - merchandise
protection items to radios – access control items to
point of sale safeguarding systems.
Hosted by the Retail Associations of the six New
England states, the event was planned and
coordinated by the Loss Prevention Committee board
of the Retailers Association of MA. The board
consists of Kevin Plante of Staples (Chair), Brendan
Fitzgerald of BJ’s Wholesale Club, RJ Gaites of
Target, Shannon Lenahan of Wegman’s, Jason Adams of
Gap, Inc., and Andrea Shea and Ryan Kearney, both of
The Retailers Association of MA. Plante also served
as Master of Ceremonies for the event.
Joe LaRocca, Founder of RetaiLPartners and loss
prevention industry icon opened the session for the
6th time with a review of the present and the future
of our industry. Joe touched upon some of the
technological advances that will change how LP
conducts business in the future. It should be noted
that Joe was later presented the very first
"Distinguished Service Award" to acknowledge the RAM
LP committee’s gratitude for Joe’s commitment to our
profession, his commitment to our conference and his
overall partnership with so many over his career.
Next, Lisa LaBruno from Retail Industry Leaders
Association presented. Lisa talked about RILA and
what it can do for retailers and what RILA needs
from retailers by way of "thought leaders" to help
work on very important programs that will assist all
retailers. Lisa talked about emerging technologies
and how things like digital receipts will completely
change how Loss Prevention operates in the future.
Her example of how a seemingly appropriate stop at a
retailer could turn into a liability with the
introduction of "self pay" checkout options from
your Smartphone was very thought provoking and makes
you ask yourself "how can I really prove intent"
when it comes to a customer’s use of technology?
Dell’Anno and Shaun Frank from Wegmans Food Market,
along with Retired Monroe County Sherriff’s
Department Detective Tyler Barrus discussed two
cases from the upstate NY area that not only
highlighted some great LP and police work, but also
discussed the partnerships created that helped all
agencies talk amongst themselves to solve these
crimes. This was a great highlight of what
conferences like the NE ORC Trade Show and Symposium
try to accomplish – bringing law enforcement and
retail loss prevention together to meet and talk
about how best to work together to solve these
property crimes.
Downing, President of Downing and Downing, the D&D
Daily and LPNN talked about the industry and how ORC
has added 20 new enforcement groups – 3 of which
just in 2012 – to combat the issue. Gus mentioned
that these public and private arenas are bringing
together over 6000 people annually to combat
ORC. He also mentioned that the Daily alone has reported on over 300 ORC cases
totaling 1200 suspects in 2012 –
equating to a reported $200M in losses to companies.
The highlight is that ORC is not only real, but it
is real BIG! Gus then introduced our keynote
speakers, Albuquerque Police Department Chief of
Police Ray Schultz and Albuquerque Police Department
Strategic Support Division Manager Karen Fischer.
Fischer and Schultz did an amazing job outlining
their philosophy on property crimes, how they are
typically gateway crimes to other things and what
led them to being the law enforcement leaders in the
fight against organized retail crime. APD has
mastered the art of communicating and connecting
with other private and public entities and using
smart policing to understand when and where
resources will be needed. They have helped many
other communities start up partnership websites and
we hope more cities and states on the East Coast
follow their lead!
Next up was Gene Smith, President of Loss Prevention
Foundation, with a message about bettering oneself
through constant self improvement. Whether it is
working on a career plan, mentoring or taking
additional classes, the debate on whether loss
prevention is an "industry" or a "profession"
minimizes as people in loss prevention become more
educated. Smith talked about the LPQ and LPC
certifications as examples of acknowledging your
commitment to the business and differentiating
yourself from others applying for a particular
wrap up the day, Jim Carroll and Elie Chemaly from
Staples talked about a case involving coupon usage
at Staples. Between counterfeiting coupons and using
coupons for fraudulent use, Carroll and Chemaly
walked though the investigation from store level to
corporate level and eventually found the "head of
the snake" to be in China. Working with Federal
Authorities, websites have been shut down and assets
are being seized. This case was estimated to be in
the millions of dollars, but was not readily visible
because the costs hit a margin line as opposed to a
more visible line on the P/L like shrink.
The day was wrapped up with "thank you’s" to all the
New England state retail associations and our
premier sponsor, Target, as well as our other
generous sponsors RILA, BJ’s Wholesale Club,
Staples, Macy’s, CVS and Wegmans and Rite Aid. |
Pair hitting Walmart for video games in Ohio and Indiana have the key.
Police believe the two men accused of stealing $12,000 worth of
video games from possibly 20 Walmarts, have the key to unlock the
store’s security device. The two men started hitting Walmart’s back
in July and have not yet been identified. (Source
Three arrested in Rochelle Walmart for thousands in theft, connection to
other thefts in Wisconsin and Illinois.
Multiple thefts throughout northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin
are allegedly solved with the arrest of three individuals in
Rochelle. Jesus O. Garcia, Diana P. Garcia, and Melisa Lazcano were
all arrested Wednesday for allegedly stealing several thousand
dollars of merchandise from the Walmart in Rochelle. The three
suspects also allegedly committed the same crime at the same
location on September 12. According to the Rochelle Police
Department, the ensuing investigation revealed that the three were
also involved in several other similar unsolved thefts in northern
Illinois and southern Wisconsin. (Source
Wisconsin Beauty Product thieves behind bars. Anthony
Williams is now faced felony theft charges in Racine County for
the theft of nearly $1000 in health and beauty products from
Pick n Save. The items included Crest White Strips, Nicoderm
patches, Prilosec pills, and razor blades.
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