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Vendor Spotlight 2-4-14
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Vendor Spotlight

Toys"R"Us takes a Unique Approach to Associate Training, Getting Impressive Results

We came across an interesting blog post this week by Christine McLeod about how Toys "R" Us is revolutionizing its associate training with Axonify's eLearning Platform.

In the article, Dorothy Tenute, National Training Manager for Toys "R" Us Canada, talks about her company's need to overcome learning barriers with a multi-generational workforce, while driving measurable results and increasing employee engagement. They turned to Axonify because of their scientific, gamified approach to training that is engaging, personalized and woven into the workday.

With Axonify's approach, Toys "R" Us employees were assigned daily, “bite sized” training on specific topics. Each training interaction averages between two to three minutes a day, which doesn’t keep them off the sales floor and doesn’t have to be scheduled. They get immediate feedback on what they got right and what they didn’t. To generate a library of content for the platform, Toys “R” Us identified priority topics by position and worked with Axonify to convert existing courses to the platform.

While still in its initial stages, Dorothy says initial feedback after rolling out Axonify's solution includes the following:

1. Employees have a clearer vision of their performance and training requirements.
2. Employee feedback has been fantastic. They enjoy doing it!
3. Operations people love it even more. Because it only takes 2 to 3 minutes per day, It has actually brought training to life while reducing payroll hours for training “courses”.
4. It has created a dialogue among employees about training topics and a friendly competition environment.
5. Knowledge and retention levels are increasing.

Read the rest of the blog post here.



Vendor Spotlight 2-4-14
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