J.C. Penney's ORC Team releases ORC
Training Video
Specifically for Law
Enforcement Officers
Increasing Awareness and
Building Relationships -
Making a National Impact
produced by J.C. Penney's Loss
Prevention team in
conjunction with Cicero Police
Department, and hosted by
Stan Welch, VP of Loss Prevention for
J.C. Penney, this
video is the first true professional
video produced
exclusively for training the law
enforcement community.
Currently being distributed to police
departments around the
country for training purposes, J.C.
Penney is taking a
leadership role in helping to increase
the awareness of this
national problem and in building the
relationships with the
law enforcement community, that's
necessary in order to help
identify and resolve these criminal
cases. A number of LE
academies across the nation are now
considering including
this video in their training programs.
Penney's contributions to this
national epidemic, this year
alone, has established their team and
their leader, Stan
Welch, as being true "Industry
Leaders." With providing the
5,500 square-foot facility for
Chicago's "CCROC Strategic
Operations Training Center"
that opened on July 30th this
year, and investing the time and money
on this video as
well, the J.C. Penney Loss Prevention
team has gone above
and beyond. We here at the Daily and
every LP executive in
the country we're certain,
appreciates their efforts and
thank them for leading the way.
those of you that want to find out more about Chicago's
CCROC Strategic Operations Center
we've re-published the
press release below. And we'd like
to thank both Mark VanBeest and Rob Gibson, for all of
their efforts on this video and for
submitting it to the Daily.
Rob and the CCROC team would like to
encourage the use of
this video for training law-enforcement
partners throughout
the country and are distributing copies
upon request. To
request your copy, contact Rob at 312-
267-9474 or at
rjgibson@jcp.com. | ##L#