
The D&D Daily Mobile Edition
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In Case You Missed It

November's Moving Ups

13 New Senior LPs - 10 Appointments - 3 Promotions

ADT Commercial named Philippe Sawaya Director of Artificial Intelligence
Albertsons Companies named Roy Hickcox Safety Superintendent
Amazon promoted Casey Blythe, M.S. to Sr. Program Manager-Threat Intelligence
Arc'teryx Equipment named Brittney Kotteles Sr. Manager of Brand & Asset Protection
Casey's General Stores named Mark Stinde Vice President, Asset Protection
HelloFresh named Jose Montoya, CFI, CBCI Senior Manager, Asset Protection
Louis Vuitton promoted Christopher Sanjurjo CLSS, M.A. to Acting Internal Control, AP & Fraud Manager
MTI named Ben Duster Chief Financial Officer,
MTI named Allen Auchenpaugh Senior Vice President, Global Services
MTI named SK Panda Senior Vice President, Global Sales
NRF named David Johnston Vice President for Asset Protection & Retail Operations
NRF named Paige Hahn Senior Vice President of Membership and Development
Walmart promoted Andrea Sanchez to Senior Environmental Health Safety Leader - Automated Grocery

See All the Executives 'Moving Up' Here   

Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position







Genetec's Security Center 5.11

Beyond simplifying the path to unification, Security Center 5.11 includes a wide spectrum of powerful features as standard, including KiwiVision™ analytics (Privacy Protector, People Counting, Security Video Analytics, and Camera Integrity), Visitor Management, advanced mapping functions, threat level management, and more.

Learn more here

The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

Crime - Public Safety Fears - Decreasing Tax Base
Urban America's Hurdles - Defying Easy Solutions

More Crime & Public Safety Concerns Driving Store Closings in San Francisco's Union Square, South Market & "Around the Country"
Two San Francisco businesses closed this month for two different reasons, highlighting two persistent challenges facing the city.

Leica Store San Francisco, which showcases the German camera company's equipment and hosts exhibits and talks, is closed until Dec. 5 after thieves broke in and took $178,000 in equipment. The robbery near Union Square happened less than two weeks after city leaders touted safety improvements in the area, a year after Louis Vuitton and other shops were ransaked around Thanksgiving.

A mile south, Zero Zero, a pizza shop in South of Market near Moscone Center, shuttered permanently earlier this month. A sustainable future wasn't possible as office workers haven't returned in sufficient numbers.

Retail crime and a drop in people in San Francisco's urban core, and in cities around the country, are enduring hurdles that seem to defy easy solutions. The pandemic has receded (though a winter surge remains possible), but uncertainties around work policies remain. And fewer people on the streets can fuel public safety concerns and sap the vitality that's needed to sustain local businesses.

City leaders and stakeholders have called for more police and more public aid, but those measures also depend on a tax base that's threatened by emptier buildings. Nearly three years since the pandemic started, a real recovery still remains elusive.

Manhattan's Progressive DA Continues to Drive Crime Surge
Op-Ed: Numbers show the grim consequences of Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s pro-crime principles
As Melissa Klein reported in Sunday’s Post, “Bragg’s office wins a conviction just 51% of the time” when it prosecutes serious felony charges — “down from 68% in 2019 [under DA Cy Vance], the last year before the pandemic disrupted the court system.” The office’s conviction rate for misdemeanors is down as well, from 53% to 28%.

To be fair, a lot has changed in those three years, as not just the no-bail law took effect but also the state’s deranged new rules for pre-trial discovery, which force prosecutors to do insanely more paperwork and empower the defense to get cases tossed on technicalities in all of it.

Plus, the court system is still recovering from the lockdowns. And juries may be less willing to convict in the wake of the George Floyd murder and rise in anti-police sentiment.

But Bragg’s own decisions clearly drive much of the troubling data: His office has downgraded 52% of felony cases to misdemeanors, vs. 39% in 2019. The office under Vance from 2013 onward never downgraded more than 40% of felony cases.

The new DA’s infamous “Day One” memo plainly explains much of this, as it ordered prosecutors to downgrade felony charges in cases including armed robberies and drug dealing, as well as to stop seeking prison sentences in many crimes. And while Bragg later backed off on a couple of fronts, most of the memo still stands.

Manhattan crime rates are up through Nov. 20 over the same period last year by 38% in Manhattan South and 17% in Manhattan North. We can’t say how much of that is on Bragg, but a DA who’s eager to get tough on the victims and show mercy to the real bad guys is plainly a huge part of the problem.

Another Example of Manhattan DA's 'Soft on Retail Crime' Policies
Prosecuting serial NYC shoplifter with 23 Thefts/16 Arrests, "Would've Been a Waste of Resources": Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg
The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office admitted Tuesday that it pursued just two of nearly two dozen separate cases against a serial shoplifter, because it would have been “a waste of resources” to hit him with all the charges.

Ex-con Wilfredo Ocasio, who remains free despite his Nov. 16 arrest on 23 separate thefts, would only have to serve a maximum of two years behind bars under state law, even if he was charged with and convicted of all the raps, a spokesman for DA Alvin Bragg noted.

But while Bragg’s office contended that limiting the charges spared staff what they deemed to be unnecessary legal grunt work, legal experts told The Post that charging Ocasio, 44, with all 23 of the alleged thefts could have had ramifications beyond jail time for the repeat offender.

Ocasio’s name surfaced this week when NYPD Chief of Department Kenneth Corey cited his case as an example of the state’s failed criminal justice and bail reforms on NY1.

But Coe, as well as a spokesman for the state Office of Court Administration, said that prosecutors could have asked a judge to hold Ocasio on bail — even though the petit larceny charges against him don’t qualify for bail individually under the state’s controversial 2019 criminal justice reforms.

Mayor Eric Adams said Tuesday that he wants to continue to push state lawmakers to increase funding for prosecutors and tweak the controversial criminal justice reforms to hold recidivists more accountable.

Drones & Facial Recognition Can Help Curb Violent Crime
New Las Vegas Sheriff Plans to Use 400 Drones for First Response
When a gunshot rings out in parts of the Las Vegas Valley next year, a drone will fly overhead and begin recording the scene within a minute, Sheriff-elect Kevin McMahill said.

In a speech at The Orleans, McMahill told a crowd of about 200 that the Metropolitan Police Department plans to deploy hundreds of drones to shootings, but he did not provide a date for the program to begin.

The new police tactic would be implemented after he takes office in January, he said, in an effort to address a rise in violent crime.

“For the first time in our agency history, we’re going to be able to keep more officers safe, reduce officer-involved shootings and find more suspects than we ever have, quite frankly,” he said at a breakfast hosted by the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, also known as the National Association for Industrial and Office Parks of Southern Nevada.

McMahill said the department has identified 11 “chronic hotspots” that account for about three-fourths of the crimes reported in the Las Vegas valley. He offered drones as a quicker way to respond to calls from ShotSpotter, a gunshot detection technology that relies on audio sensors and computer-analyzed data to send reports to Metro.

“We’re taking 400 drones that are pre-positioned out in these neighborhoods, on top of businesses,” McMahill said. “When the gunshot detection technology goes off, it’ll triangulate, it’ll give the GPS coordinates to the local drone. The drone will be overhead within 30 seconds.”

McMahill also hopes to use other technologies, including license plate readers and facial recognition software to cover a shortage of patrol officers.

Using AI to Battle Retail Theft
Three Ways AI-Powered Video Reduces Retail Theft

Inventory loss can cost stores as much as 3 percent of revenue, but new technology can help solve it.

Retailers report inventory shrinkage as high as 3 percent of revenue. Technology that meaningfully reduces fraud and theft can quickly pay for itself.

1. Checkout Errors

Advancements in artificial intelligence and video allow loss prevention teams to compare the number of items visible in a video to the number of items in the point-of-sale transaction and automatically flag transactions that raise concerns.

2. Scan Avoidance at Self-Checkout

I recently saw an eye-popping statistic: 20 percent of shoppers admit they have not paid for all their items at self-checkout at least once. The ability to instantly identify transactions of concern can help stores make informed decisions that reduce shrinkage.

3. Transactions Without Customers

When a transaction occurs and a customer is not present, that’s a red flag. Transaction voids followed by the cashier taking money out of the till, product returns with no customer present and fraudulent gift card activations are all examples of potential areas of shrinkage. These issues are difficult to catch, but now that cameras can understand the world they see and tie video to a transaction to be easily reviewed, the game is changing.

SF's Crime Crackdown Continues with Deadly Police Robots
San Francisco officials vote on police bid to use deadly robots

Tuesday’s closely watched decision comes as oversight groups warn of further militarization of officers

Police in San Francisco could get the ability to deploy potentially lethal, remote-controlled robots in emergency situations if supervisors of the politically Democratic city grant permission on Tuesday in a highly watched board vote.

The San Francisco police department said it did not have pre-armed robots and had no plans to arm robots with guns. But the department could deploy robots equipped with explosive charges “to contact, incapacitate, or disorient violent, armed, or dangerous suspect” when lives are at stake, the SFPD spokesperson Allison Maxie said in a prepared statement.

“Robots equipped in this manner would only be used in extreme circumstances to save or prevent further loss of innocent lives,” she said.

The proposed policy does not lay out specifics for how the weapons can and cannot be equipped, leaving open the option to arm them. “Robots will only be used as a deadly force option when risk of loss of life to members of the public or officers is imminent and outweighs any other force option available to SFPD,” it says.

Duty-of-Care: Documented Complaint Filed Against Walmart Shooter Months Ago

Associate sues Walmart for "ignoring gunman’s ‘threatening’ behavior"
Walmart Sued for $50M by Employee Survivor Who Says She Complained About Gunman
A lawsuit claims the retailer was warned months ago about “threatening” behavior by the worker who the police say opened fire in the store last week.

A woman who survived the shooting that killed six employees at a Walmart store in Chesapeake, Va., last week has sued the retailer, saying she warned it months ago of “bullying, threatening and harassing” behavior by the person identified by police as the gunman.

Donya Prioleau, an employee in the Chesapeake Walmart, said in her lawsuit filed on Tuesday that she had lodged a formal complaint against the man, who was a supervisor in the store, after he repeatedly made bizarre and inappropriate comments to her.

Ms. Prioleau’s mother even visited the store in September to warn managers about the employee’s behavior because she was “very concerned for her daughter’s safety,” according to the lawsuit. But she was told that nothing could be done because he was “liked by management,” the lawsuit said.

“We are reviewing the complaint and will be responding as appropriate with the court,” a Walmart spokesman, Randy Hargrove, said in a statement.

Ms. Prioleau witnessed the killing of her colleagues and was injured trying to escape.

The lawsuit accuses Walmart of negligent “hiring and retention” practices because of its employee’s “known propensities for violence” and “strange behavior” before the shooting. Ms. Prioleau is seeking $50 million in compensatory damages.

The lawsuit stated that Mr. Bing had made troubling statements, including asking colleagues repeatedly whether they had received active-shooter training. When they told him that they had, he “just smiled and walked away without saying anything,” the lawsuit said.

The lawsuit alleges the shooter had a "personal vendetta" against Walmart employees

The lawsuit alleges that Bing "had a personal vendetta against several Walmart employees and kept a 'kill list' of potential targets prior to the shooting." The lawsuit also states that Prioleau had submitted a formal complaint on a Walmart Global Ethics Statement Form indicating that Bing had "bizarrely and inappropriately commented on Ms. Prioleau's age."

Walmart, according to the lawsuit, had demoted Mr. Bing for “improper and disturbing interactions with others,” but then reinstated him as a “team leader.” At the time of the shooting, he was supervising a group of employees who stocked shelves overnight.

Mr. Furner, head of Walmart U.S. operations, added that the Chesapeake store would stay closed for the foreseeable future and that all employees would continue to be paid.

RELATED: Walmart to pay funeral expenses for 6 workers killed by store employee

Police Flood Shopping Centers to Fight Holiday Theft
Liberty, MO: Police increasing patrols to combat ‘organized retail theft’
The Liberty Police Department says they will be increasing patrols in an attempt to combat “shoplifting and organized retail theft.” The police department said they have seen an increase in both at stores along the Kansas Street corridor, as well as other stores in town.

Due to it being the season for holiday shopping, the department will be increasing patrol staffing every day and targeting the areas where these thefts are happening. The police department said that shoppers might notice more officers around, as they’ve been assigned to “proactively patrol large shopping districts.”

If you plan to shoplift in Liberty, then you should plan on going to jail,” Police Chief Martin said.

Cobb police unveiling new technology that helps them track crime in real time

Canton, MI considers license plate reader to curb retail fraud

Ride-share crimes in Baltimore have sparked new concerns



COVID Update

653.5M Vaccinations Given

US: 100.5M Cases - 1.1M Dead - 98M Recovered
Worldwide: 647.5M Cases - 6.6M Dead - 625.7M Recovered

Private Industry Security Guard Deaths: 362  
Law Enforcement Officer Deaths: 815

China Cracks Down on Lockdown Protesters with Surveillance
With Intimidation and Surveillance, China Tries to Snuff Out Protests

Communist Party officials are using decades-old tactics, along with some new ones, to quash the most widespread protests in decades. But Xi Jinping is silent.

Reacting to China’s boldest and most widespread protests in decades, the security apparatus built by Communist Party leader Xi Jinping is mobilizing on multiple fronts to quash dissent, drawing on its decades-old tool kit of repression and surveillance.

In a meeting of the party’s top security leaders, reported in state media on Tuesday, officials were ordered to “resolutely crack down on illegal and criminal acts that disrupt social order.” And by evening, the demonstrations already appeared to be smaller and more scattered, with new videos emerging on social media — the main channel for news of the protests to reach a wider audience — showing only groups of residents in several different locked-down developments demanding to be freed.

Public security personnel and vehicles have blanketed potential protest sites. Police officers are searching some residents’ phones for prohibited apps. Officials are going to the homes of would-be protesters to warn them against illegal activities and are taking some away for questioning. Censors are scrubbing protest symbols and slogans from social media.

Lockdowns in China are Weakening Global Economy
China should end its anti-COVID lockdowns, the head of the IMF says
It is time for China to move away from massive lockdowns and toward a more targeted approach to COVID-19, the head of the International Monetary Fund said days after widespread protests broke out, a change that would ease the impact to a world economy already struggling with high inflation, an energy crisis and disrupted food supply.

IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva urged a "recalibration" of China's tough "zero-COVID" approach aimed at isolating every case "exactly because of the impact it has on both people and on the economy."

"We see the importance of moving away from massive lockdowns, being very targeted in restrictions," Georgieva said Tuesday in Berlin. "So that targeting allows to contain the spread of COVID without significant economic costs."

COVID Era Remote Work Has Transformed Cities
Remote work is changing the way you spend money and it could reshape your city to look more like a doughnut
The advent of remote work marked the beginning of a profound transformation in cities’ economies—changes that are likely to continue to play out long after the worst of the pandemic that sparked the work-from-home revolution is over.

Nearly 9 out of 10 covid deaths are people over 65

Is Working From Home Here To Stay?

Twitter stops enforcing Covid-19 misinformation policy



$15M+ in Dollar General OSHA Fines Since 2017
Dollar General Fined Nearly $342,000 Over More Safety Violations

OSHA issues $341K in penalties after latest inspections, more than $15M since 2017

COLUMBUS, OH – When federal workplace safety inspectors opened an investigation at a Dollar General store in Columbus, they discovered violations that were all-too-familiar and the kind that has led to more than $15 million in proposed penalties since 2017 for one of the nation’s largest discount retailers.

On May 24, 2022, inspectors with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration found merchandise stacked unsafely, excessive clutter and unsanitary conditions, and unmarked emergency exits in the storeroom of a Dollar General store at 3636 Lockbourne Road. OSHA cited the store – operated by DolGen Midwest LLC – for four repeated safety violations and proposed penalties of $341,842. A 2021 inspection at a South Euclid, Ohio, store – also operated by DolGen Midwest LLC – found merchandise blocking storeroom exits.

Since 2017, OSHA has cited parent companies, Dollar General Corp. and Dolgencorp LLC for willful, repeat and serious workplace safety violations identified in more than 180 inspections nationwide. OSHA has included Dollar General Corp. in the agency’s Severe Violator Enforcement Program.

“Dollar General Corp.’s willingness to avoid its legal responsibility for the safety of its employees is difficult to understand,” said OSHA Area Director Larry Johnson in Columbus, Ohio. “Time and time again, we find the company overfilling its storerooms and allowing merchandise to block aisles and emergency exits, and be stacked high over the heads of many workers. These are conditions that endanger workers during the normal course of business and create the potential for disaster in an emergency.”

In its inspections of Dollar General stores, OSHA typically finds workers exposed to the risks of being struck by boxes of unsafely stacked or stored merchandise, unable to safely use storeroom aisles and emergency exits, and in danger of hazards caused by merchandise blocking electrical panels.

Congressional Hearing for Kroger-Albertsons Merger
Kroger, Albertsons CEOs defend grocery tie-up, say deal won’t hurt competition

Kroger announced plans in October to acquire Albertsons in a deal valued at $24.6B

The battle over whether grocery giants Kroger and Albertsons should be allowed to combine is heating up.

On Tuesday, leaders of the two companies defended their proposed merger at a congressional hearing in Washington, where they faced a series of questions about how the deal could shake up the competitive landscape — and potentially the prices that consumers pay at the store.

“I just don’t see less competition going forward,” Kroger CEO Rodney McMullen said at the hearing by the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Competition Policy, Antitrust, and Consumer Rights. “It’s easy for customers to make a right turn or a left turn.”

At the hearing Tuesday, McMullen said that the combined company could help lower food prices and improve the customer experience, especially at a time when grocers are racing to adapt to changes like online shopping. He said retailers have to keep reinventing themselves to stay relevant and convince customers to drive to their stores.

Yet the proposed merger has faced intense pushback from elected officials of both political parties and opposition from the United Food and Commercial Workers, a major grocery union that represents thousands of the grocers’ employees.

The 'Covered List' Bans the Importation & Sale of Security Equipment
(Update) FCC Bans New Equipment Sales of Hikvision, Dahua
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announces it has adopted new rules prohibiting communications equipment deemed to pose an unacceptable risk to national security from being authorized for importation or sale in the U.S. Hikvision and Dahua are among the China-based companies cited in the ban.

The ban applies to future authorizations of equipment identified on the Covered List published by the FCC’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau pursuant to the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019.

The Covered List (which lists both equipment and services) currently includes communications equipment produced by Huawei Technologies, ZTE Corp., Hytera Communications, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology and Dahua Technology (and their subsidiaries and affiliates).

The new rules implement the directive in the Secure Equipment Act of 2021, signed into law by President Biden last November, that requires the FCC to adopt such rules.

H&M slashes 1,500 jobs in cost-cutting effort

DoorDash cuts more than 1,000 employees

Patagonia is suing Gap, claiming the retailer copied its fleece pullover

NYC's Fifth Ave. will open to pedestrians during holidays under Mayor Adams' plan

Quarterly Results

Nordstrom Q3 Digital sales down 16.4% & represents 34% of Q3 total sales, Nordstrom banner net sales down 3.4%, Nordstrom Rack net sales down 1.9%, total net sales down 2.9%

All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time

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Company highlights prevention strategies for protecting employees and premises while reducing retail shrink

As retailers get ready for a busy holiday shopping season, they also have to prepare for an increased risk of theft and violence against employees. Interface Systems, a leading managed service provider delivering business security, managed network, UCaaS, and business intelligence solutions to distributed enterprises, shares insights and best practices to mitigate holiday season retail crime and aggression.

According to the National Retail Federation's 2022 retail security survey, 52.9% of retailers reported that external theft, and Organized Retail Crime (ORC) in particular, increased by 26.5% since 2021.

"ORC increases during the holidays because there is more opportunity. The stores are open longer hours, they are more crowded, employees are extremely busy, and there is more inventory in the store. What should be "the most wonderful time of the year" for both shoppers and retailers, is becoming increasingly stressful due to an increased risk of theft and violence against employees. Technology solutions can offer effective deterrents for retailers who face security risks every day," said Sean Foley, SVP of Customer Success at Interface Systems.

Leverage Virtual Security Guards to protect premises without affecting shopper experience

Retailers can rely on remote security professionals who can use security cameras, speakers, and microphones installed at the stores to offer discreet, always-on surveillance without degrading the shopper experience. These services allow trained security professionals to identify threats such as argumentative customers, loiterers in the perimeter of the store, or those about to commit theft, and issue an immediate audio warning or call law enforcement.

Utilize AI-enabled cameras to proactively identify threats

Motion-triggered cameras with AI capabilities can become the first line of defense to proactively identify threats. When deployed in conjunction with a speaker and lighting system, the solution can automatically warn loiterers during non-business hours. They can be programmed to play different audio messages based on the context or even alert a remote security professional who can access the scene via live video camera feeds. This is especially useful in parking lots and loading areas.

Integrate video, alarms, and POS systems

One of the easiest ways for retailers to get a return on their security investment is to integrate video surveillance with a point-of-sale (POS) solution. Running exception reports on transactions mapped to video recordings allows retailers to easily find instances of theft such as coupon fraud, refunds made in the absence of customers, sweethearting, and unauthorized price overrides.

Click here for more best practices from Interface Systems






Genetec alerts organizations to risks of legacy access control systems in light of rising cyberattacks

Company shares best practices for protecting access control systems from cyberattacks.

With the ever-increasing rise in cybercrime, Genetec Inc. ("Genetec"), a leading technology provider of unified security, public safety, operations, and business intelligence solutions, is cautioning organizations of all sizes to be vigilant about the cybersecurity risk posed by legacy access control systems.

"Many organizations are operating with access control systems that date back 10 years or more. While these older systems still allow employees to badge in and out, there's a very high likelihood that these systems employ technologies that are extremely vulnerable to modern cyber threats," says Christian Morin, Vice President of Product Engineering and Chief Security Officer at Genetec Inc.

Cybersecurity best practices for access control systems

To improve the cybersecurity of access control systems, Genetec recommends the following steps:

• Upgrade the system. Older systems were not built to address today's threats. When evaluating a new access control system or upgrading an existing system, make sure that cybersecurity is a key component of the vendor selection criteria

• Use advanced secure credentials and the latest communications protocols to secure data transmission since older credentials are easy to clone using readily available tools

• Educate employees and partners about cybersecurity best practices and ensure they are prompted to change passwords often

• Regularly check for firmware and software updates and install once available

• Use a centralized identity access management system to ensure virtual and physical authentication and authorization of employees for better control and more effective maintenance of your systems

A unified access control system that uses the latest cybersecurity standards to secure communication, servers, and data such as Genetec Security Center Synergis™ can not only protect an organization's assets and people but help them improve their business operations and decision-making. By choosing an open architecture IP-based access control system, organizations have the flexibility to upgrade to the latest supported technology at any time, move at their own pace, and work within their available budget.
For more information, please download the Genetec white paper: "Cybersecurity risks of legacy access control systems"

Click here to read the full press release

Are Your Ready for Holiday Hackers?
How to make sure your incident response strategy is ready for holiday hackers

The best line of defense against holiday hacking schemes is a comprehensive incident response strategy that focuses on end-user vulnerabilities.

Building an incident response strategy for the holidays

A thorough incident response plan – which is essentially the cybersecurity policies and procedures used to identify, contain and eliminate attacks – is critical to business operations throughout the year. But because the holidays come with a unique set of cybersecurity threats, it is worth revisiting your plan to make sure it is “prepped” for the holiday season.

The 6 phases of a complete incident response strategy

Advertisement1. Preparation: During the holidays, the preparation stage of your IR plan is crucial as it gives you the opportunity to communicate holiday-specific threats and put the wheels in motion to address such threats as they are identified.

2. Identification: The identification stage is when an incident has been identified – either one that has occurred or is currently in progress. Because so many holiday cybersecurity hacks involve end-user credentials, it is worth dialing up safety mechanisms that monitor how your networks are being accessed.

3. Containment: Because containment actions often have severe business implications, it is imperative that both short-term and long-term decisions are determined ahead of time so there is no last minute scrambling to address the security issue.

4. Eradication: Once you’ve contained the security incident, the next step is to make sure the threat has been completely removed. This may also involve investigative measures to find out who, what, when, where and why the incident occurred.

5. Recovery: The recovery stage is the light at the end of the tunnel, allowing your organization to return to business as usual. Same as containment, recovery protocols are best established beforehand so appropriate measures are taken to ensure systems are safe.

6. Lessons learned: Were there any signs of lingering malware or compromised systems post-eradication? Was it a scam connected to a holiday hacker scheme? And if so, what can you do to prevent it next year?

Meta Fined $275M and Forced to Make Cybersecurity Changes
$275M Fine for Meta After Facebook Data Scrape

Meta has been found in violation of Europe's GDPR rules requiring the social media giant to protect user data by "design and default."

Following the discovery of a data set of Facebook user personal data available on the Internet, the European Union's Data Protection Commission (DPC) has found Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd. (MPIL) in violation of General Data Protection Regulation rules, fining the platform $275 million (€265 million), and requiring the company to make cybersecurity changes.

The breached personal data was first discovered in April 2021, and followed by the launch of a DPC investigation, the regulator explained in an announcement of its findings. DPC reported that Facebook was out of compliance with the GDPR regulation to provide "data protection by design and default." As a result a threat actor was able to use "data scraping" to exfiltrate massive amounts of collated personal user data, the DPC said.

"The decision imposed a reprimand and an order requiring MPIL to bring its processing into compliance by taking a range of specified remedial actions within a particular timeframe," the DPC ruled. "In addition, the decision has imposed administrative fines totaling €265 million on MPIL."

Using Social Media to Build Your Cybersecurity Profile
How to build a public profile as a cybersecurity pro

High-profile cybersecurity professionals share their paths, tips, and learnings for those interested in creating a personal brand.

Cybersecurity professionals interested in raising their profiles as subject matter experts can count on social media to become more visible. With everyone being online this may not be enough though. CSO spoke to Forrester analyst Jinan Budge and cybersecurity professionals Katie Moussouris, Troy Hunt, Rachel Tobac, and Christina Morillo about their journeys and their tips for those who want to build their public profile.

Some of these professionals have been known for their work for more than two decades while others may have become more prominent in the last decade. But they have all seen and experienced the good and the bad.

Step 1: Define your cybersecurity area of expertise and what success mean to you
Step 2: Start creating content
Step 3: Buckle up against criticism
'Revenge Tech' & The X-Insider Threat?
Tech Workers Hold the Keys to the Castle - Who's or Where's the Risks?
Tens of Thousands of U.S. Tech Workers Cut in November
This month alone, tens of thousands of tech workers have lost their jobs, following a slew of recent layoff announcements from Bay Area tech companies. Tech industry layoffs are being felt nationwide, and Bay Area-based tech companies have cut over 24,000 jobs since November 1.

The Do's and Dont's of Cybersecurity Forensic Investigations
According to the Verizon Wireless 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report, there are four prominent paths that threat actors use to gain unauthorized access into an organization's network:

1. Stolen or compromised credentials;
2. Phishing;
3. Exploiting vulnerabilities; and
4. Botnets.

7 free cybersecurity resources you need to bookmark

Cyber Insurers Turn Attention to Catastrophic Hacks








Online Sales Fueling Counterfeit Surge
Jewelry Counterfeits: The Age-Old Problem Just Keeps Growing

Experts say online sales have fueled an increase in fakes, confusing buyers and stymieing makers from Cartier to independent artisans.

Counterfeiting across the jewelry industry comes in different forms and inflicts a host of harms — on individual creators, certainly, but also on consumers, companies, even cultures or countries. It is an age-old problem that has intensified in recent years given the ease of online commerce and can involve violations of both trademark, which protects brand identity, and copyright, which covers creative work.

When someone misuses a trademark — a name or logo or some other feature that identifies a brand in a consumer’s mind — the harm can be irreparable, according to Ben Allison, a lawyer in Santa Fe, N.M., who specializes in commercial and intellectual property litigation.

It’s a theft of someone’s identity, but it strikes much closer to the heart of identity than somebody just using my Social Security number to get money,” he explained. “It’s very personal. A trademark is how the world knows me.”

A C.B.P. report said watches and jewelry were the fourth-leading category of counterfeit products seized in its 2021 fiscal year, totaling 12 percent of all seizures — but the leading category in purported dollar value. Had the seized goods been genuine, the report said, their total manufacturer’s suggested retail price would have been almost $1.2 billion.

The C.B.P. said its enforcement efforts were focused on federally registered trademarks and copyrights in its Intellectual Property Rights e-Recordation System. The fake jewelry that has been seized usually was ordered online and arrived in small parcels, not bulk shipments, and China was the leading source, Ms. van Horn said.

Watch Out for Fake Reviews
Tips for spotting fake online reviews during the holiday shopping season
With Black Friday fast approaching, the Federal Trade Commission is reminding shoppers to be wary of fake product reviews when buying stuff online.

But spotting phony ratings isn’t always easy. And they’re everywhere, skewing rankings on some of the biggest retailers, including Amazon and Walmart.

Here are six tips to help you spot fake reviews and protect your purchases:

1. Don’t rely on star ratings alone
2. Watch out for red flags
3. See if the reviewer is legit
4. Check for a burst of reviews during a short time span
5. Look out for fake negative reviews, too
6. Read independent product reviews from established sources

Metro Detroit Amazon facility processes over 100,000 packages daily

Elon Musk claims Apple has ‘threatened to withhold’ Twitter from its app store









Ashtabula County, OH: East Coast UPS burglary suspects arrested in Ohio
An alarm activation at a UPS facility in Ashtabula County ended in the arrest of five people suspected of hitting UPS facilities along the East Coast. According to the Ashtabula County Sheriff’s Office, deputies were called about 2:18 a.m. Sunday to the Austinburg UPS facility after the burglary alarm went off. On the way there, deputies and troopers with the Ohio State Highway Patrol saw a vehicle speeding north on State Route 45 and then got on I-90 heading west. Once at the UPS facility, police found a broken window on an overhead bay door. It was the second break-in there in the past two weeks and the UPS facility in Highland Heights was also broken into on the same day, according to the sheriff’s office. A Be on the Lookout was issued for the vehicle seen speeding onto I-90 and it was stopped by Willoughby Police. Police said the vehicle was going 120 miles per hour. Four adult men and one juvenile were arrested. Investigators found out that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was tracking a group from Philadelphia in connection with the break-ins on the East Coast that have amounted to about $3.5 million in property theft. The adult suspects were booked into the Lake County Jail on charges of receiving stolen property. The juvenile was taken to the Lake County Juvenile Detention Center.

Jersey City, NJ: Thieves steal $500K of jewelry, cash in violent smash-and-grab robbery in Jersey City
Police are searching for the thieves who stole nearly half a million dollars' worth of jewelry and a bag with $20,000 cash during a violent smash-and-grab robbery in Jersey City. One worker was hit in the head with a gun and even though surveillance video wasn't working, customers in the store recorded the robbery. The incident was reported Sunday just after 4:30 p.m. at Sara Jewelry at 787 Newark Avenue. Authorities say five men wearing masks entered the store and proceeded to break display cases to grab the jewelry. Even as people walked by, the brazen robbers didn't show any concern and calmly left the store and got into two vehicles waiting for them outside. The women behind the counter were forced to get on the ground and one was assaulted. Zaniv Riaz said a suspect ordered her to push a button and hit and pushed her. There were two customers in the store at the time, including a 3-year-old. The first suspect gained access inside by pushing a customer in when the door was buzzed open. The store owner's wife, Naila Akbary, said she was ordered to lay down. A gun was pulled out during the crime and that added to the workers' fear.

Tacoma, WA: Police searching for suspect in string of thefts at jewelry retailers. The Tacoma Police Department is asking the public for help to identify a suspect responsible for several jewelry thefts across western Washington. The suspect is connected to several grab-and-run thefts from jewelry retailers where he asks to view pieces of jewelry, then runs off with them. Detectives believe he has stolen from retailers at malls in Tacoma, South Hill, Southcenter and Auburn. The suspect drives a black mid-2000s Nissan Murano with a temporary tag and spare tire on the front passenger wheel, according to police.

Paramus, NJ: Trio Steals $12K In Coats From Paramus Ski Shop
A trio of ski shop thieves who hit the same store twice were arrested last week after a mad chase that saw two suspects running along the state highway, police said. The Ski Barn heists came to an abrupt end just after noon Wednesday with the arrest of T'Kai Smokes-Davis, 19, Nephihah Hamilton, 20, and Andrew Estrada, 18, the Paramus Police Department confirmed Tuesday. That's when a Ski Barn employee called cops to report shop lifters he connected to a "hit and run" theft on Nov. 16 that saw the trio make off with $12,000 worth of Moose Knuckles and Canada Goose coats, police said.

Pittsfield, IL: Theft of $3,000 from Pittsfield store ends in arrest of three
Three Adams County men remained jailed Tuesday after police accused them of working together to steal thousands of dollars in merchandise from a Pittsfield store. According to a Pittsfield Police report, officers were called to Farm & Home Supply at 1343 W. Washington St. about a theft in progress. Pittsfield Police and officers from Illinois State Police and Pike County Sheriff's Department were able to identify those involved and found one man hiding in the bathroom of a nearby business. The others were stopped several blocks away on West Washington Street, police said. One of the men tried to run to avoid being arrested but was stopped when an officer used a Taser. Police said they were able to recover more than $3,000 in tools, clothes and other items that had been taken.

Portland, OR: Smash-and-grab strikes REI in Portland’s Pearl District as retailers’ worries worsen
A car crashed through the glass front doors of REI in Portland’s Pearl District on Black Friday, the store’s third break-in in a single week and the latest in a string of smash-and-grabs at local stores this month. The episode is another example of challenges retailers say they face in Portland during what is typically the most lucrative time of year. The number of burglaries, robberies, vehicle thefts and vandalism are at their highest in Portland since 2019 according to Portland Police Bureau data from the first 10 months of the year.

Nashville, TN: 2 sought for stealing nearly $30k worth of luxury merchandise from consignment shop

Stevenson Ranch, CA: Woman arrested on suspicion of $1,400 grand theft at Walmart

Silver Spring, MD: Four vehicles, keys stolen from inside luxury car dealership

Champaign, IL: Man attempted to steal $1,400 worth of items from Home Depot

Tulsa, OK: Man and woman arrested for armed robbery at busy Home Depot

Chattanooga, TN: Police seeking suspect in theft of chainsaw and lawn mower from The Home Depot






Shootings & Deaths

Brevard County, FL: 1 dead after car crashes into fireworks store, starting blaze
One person is dead after a two-car crash resulted in one of the vehicles hitting a fireworks shop, setting it on fire and causing fireworks to shoot into the air. It happened around 4:20 p.m. on West New Haven Avenue in West Melbourne. Officials responded to the building which was fully involved in flames. The person who crashed into the building died, officials said. West Melbourne police, Melbourne Fire Department, Brevard County Sheriff’s Office and Brevard County Fire Rescue responded to the scene. About 30 firefighters overall were on scene, officials said. The crash involved two vehicles after one hit the other, causing both to travel through the intersection and enter the parking lot of the fireworks shop. One of the vehicles continued through the parking lot and collided with the shop.

Nashville, TN: Two Kentucky teens charged with murder of Kwik Sak employee in Hermitage
A store employee is dead after a shooting at a Kwik Sak store on Lebanon Pike Monday evening. Metro Nashville Police Department officers began investigating the shooting late Monday afternoon. Police said two 15-year-olds, Shawn Davis and Demarcus Boyd entered the gas station just after 4 p.m. and shot 35-year-old Vishal Patel. Patel, an employee of the Kwik Sak was taken to Skyline Medical Center where he later died. The two Kentucky teens reportedly fled in a stolen Kia Sorrento which was found at a nearby Arby's on Lebanon Pike. They were taken into custody before 8 p.m.

Charlotte, NC: Person killed in shooting at south Charlotte McDonald’s identified
A 30-year-old was killed in a shooting Monday night at a south Charlotte McDonald’s. According to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police, the shooting took place in the parking lot of McDonald’s on South Boulevard around 7:45 p.m. on Monday. A man, later identified by authorities as 30-year-old Antonio Devin Brimmer, was pronounced dead at the scene. CMPD says there was some sort of fight at the restaurant. Both Brimmer and the shooter had guns, and at some point the other person shot and killed the victim.


Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

New York, NY: Man beaten, robbed of $95K worth of iPhones outside Apple Store
A man carrying his purchase of 300 iPhones was robbed and assaulted near the Apple Store on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue, losing $95,000 worth of merchandise. According to the New York Police Department, the attack occurred early Monday morning. The 27-year-old victim was targeted shortly after leaving the Apple Store with his goods. Around 1:45 AM, a store employee put the 300 iPhone 13 boxes into three large bags, that were handed over to the man. Shortly after returning to his car, another vehicle pulled up and two men demanded the bags. The victim fought back, but was punched in the face. The attackers managed to steal one of the iPhone-filled bags before driving away. The bag contained 125 iPhones worth approximately $95,000, according to police. As to why he had so many iPhones in his possession, the victim regularly makes large purchases from Apple to resell through his small business, and that was part of his order. The man wasn't gravely injured and refused medical attention at the scene. Apple's store on Fifth Avenue is open 24 hours a day and can facilitate purchases at odd hours. It is likely that the early-morning activity was to avoid shifting such a high value of order in view of the general public, which would make the man more of a target for theft.

Public Schools Assistant In VA, Target Worker Accused Of Embezzling $10K
Authorities in Virginia say that a Chantilly woman working as a Fairfax County Public Schools instructional assistant and part-time Target employee has been arrested and charged with felony embezzlement for allegedly stealing from her second job. Denise Pitkin-Tilson, 55, has been charged with stealing more than $10,000 in cash, gift cards, and merchandise from the Target store in Chantilly while working as a temporary employee there, according to a spokesperson from the Fairfax County Police Department. Pitkin-Tilson also works as an instructional assistant at Eagle View Elementary School in Fairfax, investigators noted.

The Rock Pays Back 7-Eleven Store From Childhood Theft
Honolulu, HI: The Rock rights his wrong at Hawaii 7-Eleven store
The Rock is paying it back in more than one way. Recently, Dwayne Johnson visited his childhood 7-Eleven store to pay back what he took years ago. Johnson posted on his Instagram account saying “We were evicted from Hawaii in ‘87 and after all these years – I finally got back home to right this wrong.” He is referring to stealing a king-size Snickers bar from his neighborhood 7-Eleven. He didn’t steal a Snickers bar once – he stole one bar every day for almost an entire year. Just like the popular chocolate bar’s slogan, “You’re not you when you’re hungry,” Johnson admits these actions had been eating at his conscience for more than 30 years. Johnson walked into the 7-Eleven he used to steal from and bought every Snickers bar on the shelf, costing him close to $300.

Syracuse, NY: Shoppers concerned after Gun was pointed at Finish Line employee inside Destiny USA
Syracuse Police are on the lookout after a gun was pointed at a Destiny USA store manager and employees while trying to stop a robbery. Police were called to Destiny USA around 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon to a report of a theft at Finish Line. Three young men reportedly ran out of the store and workers chased them to the parking garage. Police say one of the men pulled out a handgun before getting into a car and driving away.

San Jose, CA: Smash-and-grab 'Odyssey burglary crew' suspects arrested
Police arrested three men in a series of burglaries targeting San Jose businesses with the suspects dubbed the "Odyssey burglary crew" for their use of Honda Odyssey minivans during the smash-and-grab break-ins. San Jose police said the crew was responsible for several commercial burglaries from March through October, breaking into closed businesses during late night or early morning hours and stealing merchandise, cash registers, and/or ATM machines. The burglars would enter the business by busting through doors or windows using blunt objects, crowbars, or by crashing through the entrance with a stolen Odyssey minivan, police said.

St Louis, MO: Business owners react as smash-and-grabs continue across St. Louis

Wyoming: No “Smash And Grabs” But Shoplifting In Wyoming Is Increasing And Driving Prices Up

Matthews, NC: 'Overt and covert operations' | Operation Santa Knows cracks down on retail theft in Matthews

Lady Lake, FL: Shoplifter with $471 in merchandise ordered to ground at taser point at Home Depot



Auto Dealership – Silver Spring, MD – Burglary
C-Store – North Mankato, MN – Burglary
C-Store – Grand Junction, CO – Armed Robbery
Clothing – Paramus, NJ – Robbery
Clothing – Portland, OR – Burglary
CVS – Staten Island, NY – Armed Robbery
Dollar – Thomasville, NC – Robbery
Dollar – Waterloo, IA – Robbery
Gas Station – Kearny, NJ – Burglary
Gas Station – Whitefield, NH – Armed Robbery
Grocery – Whitefield, NH – Burglary
Grocery - Palm Beach County, FL – Burglary
Guns – Manassas, VA – Burglary
Hardware – Tulsa, OK – Armed Robbery
Hardware – Lady Lake, FL – Robbery
Hardware – Chattanooga, TN – Robbery
Jewelry – Jersey City, NJ – Armed Robbery
Jewelry – Tacoma, WA – Robbery
Jewelry - Lexington, KY - Robbery
Jewelry - Ashland, KY - Robbery
Jewelry - Union Gap, WA - Robbery
Jewelry - Santa Rosa, CA - Robbery
Jewelry - Pleasanton, CA - Robbery
Jewelry - Lufkin, TX - Robbery
Jewelry - Lone Tree CO - Robbery
Jewelry - Lincoln, NE – Burglary
Jewelry - Wayne, NJ – Burglary
Jewelry – Wyckoff, NJ – Robbery
Jewelry - San Bernardino, CA – Robbery
Laundry – St Louis, MO – Burglary
Restaurant – Memphis, TN – Burglary
Restaurant – Birmingham, AL – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Oswego, IL – Armed Robbery (subway)
Restaurant – Takoma Park, MD – Armed Robbery (KFC)
Shoes- Syracuse, NY – Armed Robbery                                                                                                    

Daily Totals:
• 24 robberies
• 11 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed

Click to enlarge map




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District Asset Protection Manager
Los Angeles, CA - posted November 17

As the District Asset Protection Manager you will lead administration of Asset Protection programs and training for an assigned district in order to drive sales, profits, and a customer service culture. Oversees Asset Protection Programs by providing leadership and guidance to Asset Protection teams and General Managers on methods to successfully execute programs in stores...

District Asset Protection Manager
Phoenix, AZ - posted November 17

As the District Asset Protection Manager you will lead administration of Asset Protection programs and training for an assigned district in order to drive sales, profits, and a customer service culture. Oversees Asset Protection Programs by providing leadership and guidance to Asset Protection teams and General Managers on methods to successfully execute programs in stores...

Asset Protection Associate
D.C. Area - posted November 4

The Asset Protection Associate (APA) is responsible for the detection, apprehension, or deterrence of customer and associate activity that could result in a loss to Ralph Lauren. APAs are also responsible for ensuring a safe environment for all customers, associates, and vendors. APAs promote and monitor compliance to Polo Ralph Lauren policies and procedures related to theft prevention, safety, and inventory control...

Asset Protection Associate
Riverhead, NY - posted November 4

The Asset Protection Associate (APA) is responsible for the detection, apprehension, or deterrence of customer and associate activity that could result in a loss to Ralph Lauren. APAs are also responsible for ensuring a safe environment for all customers, associates, and vendors. APAs promote and monitor compliance to Polo Ralph Lauren policies and procedures related to theft prevention, safety, and inventory control...

District Loss Prevention Manager - Seattle District
Seattle, WA - posted October 31

DICK'S Sporting Goods is seeking a Big Box Retail District Loss Prevention Manager to oversee LP functions in the Seattle district. You will be responsible for driving company objectives in profit and loss control, sales performance, customer satisfaction, and shrink results. District LP Managers are responsible for leading LP functions within a specific operations district and for collaborating with Store Operations and HR in an effort to prevent company loss...

Store Loss Prevention Manager
Sunnyvale, CA - posted October 31

Store Loss Prevention Managers are responsible for leading Loss Prevention functions within a specific location and for partnering with Store Operations in an effort to prevent company loss. You will be responsible for driving company objectives in profit and loss control, sales performance, customer satisfaction, and shrink results...

Area Asset Protection Manager - South New Jersey
South New Jersey - posted October 11

In this role, you will embody Do The Right Thing by protecting People, Assets, and Brands. You will work in an energized, fast paced environment focused on creating a safe environment for our employees, teams, and customers; this is critical to driving our Brand Power, Enduring Customer Relationships, and exuding our commitment to Team and Values...

Field Loss Prevention Manager
Seattle, WA - posted September 27

The Field Loss Prevention Manager (FLPM) coordinates Loss Prevention and Safety Programs intended to protect Staples assets and ensure a safe work environment within Staples Retail locations. FLPM's are depended on to be an expert in auditing, investigating, and training...


Sr. Manager, Brand & Asset Protection - West
Pacific Northwest or California - posted August 29

As the Senior Manager of Brand and Asset Protection for North America, you will part of an innovative Asset Protection team, whose mission is to prevent, identify and mitigate risks to our business. You will support with the creation of foundational asset protection programming and will lead its delivery to our North American store base...

Region AP Manager (Florida - Treasure Coast Market)
Jacksonville, FL - posted June 17

Responsible for managing asset protection programs designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region. This position will develop the framework for the groups' response to critical incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...

Corporate Risk Manager
Seattle, WA / Tacoma, WA / Portland, OR - posted June 14

Summary of Role and Responsibilities: A proactive approach to preventing losses/injuries, whether to our employees, third parties, or customer's valuables. They include but are not limited to cash in transit, auto losses, or injuries....

Loss Prevention Specialists (Store Detective)
Albany, NY; Hyannis, MA; Burlington, VT; Hartford, CT
- posted May 6

Detect and respond to external theft and fraud by working undercover within the store(s) you are assigned to. Working as a team with store management and associates in combating loss in the store(s). Developing and analyzing external theft trends, utilizing information in company reports and information gathered from store management and associates...

Retail Asset Protection Associate
Medford, MA; Brockton, MA; East Springfield, MA
- posted May 6

The Asset Protection Greeter role is responsible for greeting all customers as they enter the store, ensuring that customers see the Company's commitment to provide a safe and secure shopping environment, as well as deterring theft, shoplifting, or other dishonest activities...

Regional Loss Prevention Auditor
Multiple Locations - posted April 20

The Regional Loss Prevention Auditor (RLPA) is responsible for conducting operational audits and facilitating training meetings in our clients' locations. The audit examines operational controls, loss prevention best practices, and customer service-related opportunities...

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Being engaged in the business of your retailer is a critical element for every Loss Prevention executive. For decades, our industry has often been accused of being silo'ed and separate from the operators and the merchants. This separateness in many cases ultimately leads to a disconnect, a sense that we aren't part of the team. Which in actuality, regardless of your performance, it can lead to your job being eliminated or just you being replaced with someone new. So the real question is: How do you become engaged in the business and truly add value to the company's success beyond reducing shrink? And then having the courage to go make it happen. We all tend to stay in our comfort zones and remain safe. At least that's what we think. But at the end of the day, it's that comfort zone that can actually increase your risk. So the next time you're in a corporate meeting or traveling stores with your operators or merchants, go beyond with your comments and opinions - take a risk - add some value - help them run the business - you might be surprised.

Just a Thought,


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