
The D&D Daily Mobile Edition
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David Brightly named Vice President & Chief Safety Officer for Everon
Before being named Vice President & Chief Safety Office for Everon, David spent more than six years as Senior Director - Environmental, Health, Safety, Compliance & Business Continuity for ADT. Prior to that, he served as Vice President - EHS / Risk Management / Loss Prevention for three years with FleetPride. Earlier in his career, he spent two years as Director of Loss Prevention & Risk Management for Gordmans, seven years as Associate Vice President, Operations / EHS / Risk Management / Loss Prevention for Orchard Supply Hardware, and 15 years as Region Manager AP for Sears. Congratulations, David!

Read more about ADT Commercial establishing a standalone organization and rebranding the company to Everon™ in the Vendor Spotlight column below and the D&D Daily's 'Breaking News Alert' published yesterday.

Ajla Gabela LPC promoted to Director of Asset Protection for Raley's
In Ajla’s role as Director of Asset Protection, she will oversee all aspects of Raley’s Asset Protection Programs in California and Nevada. This will include Field and Support Center investigations, Pharmacy Diversion monitoring, District Asset Protection support teams, along with Shrink Analytics and Distribution Center security. Prior to being promoted, Ajla held various roles in retail leadership for Raley’s. Ajla is a graduate of California State University, Sacramento and holds the LPC Certification from The Loss Prevention Foundation

When announcing Ajla’s promotion, VP of Enterprise Risk for the Raley’s Companies Matt Hilbrink wrote, “I’ve had the opportunity to work with Ajla since shortly after joining this organization, and have experience first-hand what happens when someone pursues opportunities with determination and purpose. Ajla never shy’s away from a challenge. Her passion exemplifies the positive outcomes resulting from continuous learning and a growth mindset. Please join me in congratulating Ajla on her promotion to Director of Asset Protection for Raley’s Operating Company.”

See All the Executives 'Moving Up' Here   

Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position






Part 1 of Indyme's Q&A with the D&D Daily
Indyme: More than "that call button company!"

The D&D Daily's Gus Downing's Q&A with Hedgie Bartol, Vice President of Business Development for Indyme Solutions

Gus: Hedgie, you have been serving the Asset Protection space for a long time, so I have to say, I think we were all a little surprised when you announced that you were joining Indyme Solutions. I mean, aren’t they just the call button company?

Hedgie: You know what, Gus? I think you just called me old! In all seriousness, you are correct that Indyme has made their mark in retail with their innovative Customer Engagement buttons. However, Indyme does so much more than that! Indyme is a technology company that specializes in In Store Communications. We fully understand all the complexities that come with communicating within a store environment and what it takes to successfully implement a solution where an associate (or associates) receives a notification for some sort of action. How to send the message so that it is actionable. What to do if no one responds in the correct amount of time, etc. As well as, provide those metrics and data back to the retailer to be able to understand compliance and what is happening in their stores with customer and potential bad actor engagement. Essentially, we give your store a voice.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of Hedgie's Q&A coming tomorrow!

The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

Target Teaming Up with DHS to Fight Theft
Target announces major policy change with Homeland Security to combat theft as shoplifting scourge shutters stores

Target have announced it will team up with Homeland Security to tackle soaring theft after it was forced to shut several stores.

On Tuesday, the beloved chain issued a statement to customers listing the ways it will strive to combat criminality in its stores.

"At Target, we take the decision to close stores very seriously, and only do so after taking meaningful steps to invest in the guest experience and improve business performance," the statement began. "With that said, we have made the difficult decision to close nine Target stores across four states, effective Oct. 21.

"In this case,
we cannot continue operating these stores because theft and organized retail crime are threatening the safety of our team and guests, and contributing to unsustainable business performance."

The company then lists its store policy changes, namely
its decision to team up with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland Security Investigations. It comes after Target made the shocking announcement that it will pull the plug on nine stores in major cities due to the spiralling crime.

Closures in New York City, Seattle, and Portland, are coming after Target CEO Brian Cornell warned that historically high crime rates could force other execs to make tough decisions.

"We cannot continue operating these stores because theft and organized retail crime are
threatening the safety of our team and guests, and contributing to unsustainable business performance," Target said in a news release. the-sun

Big Cities Suffering as Crime Closures Continue to Pile Up
Target's closings because of crime protect its profit, but at expense of communities and customers

Retailers cutting their losses in big cities already facing post-pandemic challenges is yet another hurdle for major downtowns hoping to re-establish their vitality.

Closing stores is an extreme measure to combat crime and safety concerns, and while Target's move was one of the strongest recent examples of that, it isn't alone.
In San Francisco, several stores have closed, including Nordstrom and a new Whole Foods.

Retailers cutting their losses in big cities already facing post-pandemic challenges is yet another hurdle for major downtowns hoping to re-establish their vitality.

"At the end of the day, I think those were struggling locations, and I think
the theft and security was a real issue, but it was really a combination of factors," said Tom Gillpatrick, a business professor at Portland State University and founder of the school's Center for Retail Leadership. "It's a changing of the urban environment."

Before Target's closures,
Nordstrom shuttered both its stores in downtown San Francisco this summer because of what it called the city's changing dynamics. Whole Foods also closed its downtown store this year because of worker safety, while San Francisco-based Old Navy shuttered its flagship store on Market Street as well.

Walmart closed its two Portland stores and four of its eight Chicago stores earlier this year, explaining the Chicago ones had not been profitable since the company opened the first one nearly 17 years ago. Outdoor retailer REI also said it will close its Portland store after numerous break-ins.

California's Workplace Violence Prevention Bill Becomes Law
'Establishing new workplace violence prevention standards in California'

Governor Newsom Signs Into Law Comprehensive Workplace Violence Prevention Legislation

The law requires employers to develop workplace violence prevention plans as part of their injury and illness prevention programs.

On September 30, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law
Senate Bill (SB) No. 553, which requires virtually every California employer to take certain steps to prevent or respond to workplace violence. The new law adds Section 6401.9 to the Labor Code and goes into effect on July 1, 2024.

• On September 30, 2023, Governor Newsom signed into law SB 553, establishing new workplace violence prevention standards in California.

• The law requires employers to develop workplace violence prevention plans as part of their injury and illness prevention programs.

The law requires employers to implement a comprehensive workplace violence prevention plan with very specific components and procedures. The law also requires employers to:

• record violent workplace incidents or threats in a violent incident log;
• provide effective training to all employees; and
• maintain records related to the workplace violence prevention plan.

Oakland's Doom Loop: Crime Rising, Stores Closing & Public Losing Trust
Oakland Fails to Combat Retail Theft: Consequences & Solutions

The Devastating Impact of Oakland's Failure to Apply for Government Grants to Combat ORC

Oakland has failed to apply for these crucial grants,
devastatingly impacting the city's ability to tackle organized retail theft effectively.

The consequences of Oakland's failure to apply for government grants to combat ORC

Target's decision to close stores in Oakland, San Francisco, and Pittsburg due to high levels of organized retail theft highlights the consequences of Oakland's failure to apply for government grants to combat this issue. This decision was made due to the threat posed by organized retail theft, which has caused significant property loss and made for an unsustainable business performance. The closure of these stores not only affects Target's business operations but also has a significant impact on the local communities and economies.

Understanding the consequences of Oakland's negligence in applying for government grants

Without financial support,
Oakland can't implement effective strategies, resulting in a rise in crime rates. This lack of funding erodes trust and confidence in Oakland's ability to safeguard businesses and communities. Neglecting the opportunity to secure funds for innovative technologies and programs worsens the situation. The consequences are extensive, impacting the economy and residents' sense of security.


grants provide resources for increased law enforcement, improved security measures, and community outreach programs. It's imperative that Oakland rectifies this failure to prevent further economic decline and encourage potential investment in the city.

Sheriff Blasts Zero-Bail Policy That Took Effect Oct. 1
LA County Sheriff Robert Luna talks zero-bail policy, retail thefts and more
When it comes to fighting organized retail thefts, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department received a boost thanks to more than $15 million in funds from the state.

Sheriff Luna plans to use the added money to enhance response capabilities and investigative responsibilities. Luna
called the crimes "unacceptable" and said he's committed to working with the business community. His department would also like to prosecute not only those who steal from retail stores, but also people who drive the suspects to the scene of the crimes and people who knowingly buy stolen goods.

a controversial new zero-cash bail will take effect Oct 1. During Eyewitness Newsmakers, Sheriff Luna discussed the options available to deputies when it comes to criminals and addressed potential actions for suspects who are repeatedly arrested.

"It's frustrating, but
what we're trying to do is give this new process a chance. I'm very concerned about it," he said. Sheriff Luna did not discuss deputy gangs in depth, but called them "unacceptable." He's pushing for more training, and formed an office to work on policies moving forward.

The sheriff said
he's not a big advocate for the death penalty, but believes suspects who ambush law enforcement should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, which includes the death penalty.

Using California's New ORC Funding to Fight Theft
New tech & more: Modesto police plan to strike back on retail theft with $6M grant

The new funds will enhance the operations by allowing the department to fund overtime for officers to focus on theft cases and much more.

Modesto Police Department was awarded
$6,003,419 by the California Board of State and Community Corrections.

Captain Adams says they are already working with businesses to tackle the issue. However, the new funds will enhance the operations by
allowing the department to fund overtime for officers to focus on theft cases. They also plan to hire a third civilian investigator and buy new technologies and even more license plate readers to get ahead of the problem.

Modesto police hopes all these efforts will reduce crime, support and attract businesses and increase the quality of life.

Body-Worn Cameras to Fight Store Theft
UK: Aldi offers staff body-worn cameras amid shoplifting surge
Aldi has become the latest supermarket to
offer staff body-worn cameras in a bid to deter shoplifters. Chief executive Giles Hurley said the move was being trialled in a handful of the supermarket’s stores as crime rates across its portfolio surged.

“With body cams, we currently have
a trial which is underway in part of our business, exploring what benefits we can derive from that for our colleagues.

Hurley said
the cameras were among “a range of security measures in place”, which also include checking customers’ shopping bags at the checkouts, to respond to the rise in crime.

Tesco revealed at the start of the month that
shop workers had been offered body cameras following an increase in violent attacks.

Fellow grocer
Morrisons has also launched a body-worn camera trial in 25 of its locations, with the possibility of rolling it out further, in response to the recent wave of crime.

London: UK: New national police intelligence unit to crackdown on shoplifters
Squad will finally treat crime on par with robbery, burglary and fraud as organised gangs plunder Britain's high streets, garden centres and even charity shops Shoplifting will be treated as a 'high-harm' cross-border crime on par with robbery, burglary and fraud by a new specialist national police team. The squad of intelligence analysts will be tasked with identifying the organised criminal gangs blamed for fuelling a 37 per cent increase in shoplifting in a year - with high street stores, garden centres and even charity shops targeted.
High street giants including John Lewis, Co-op, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Waitrose and Next are each pumping £60,000 into the operation, dubbed Project Pegasus. The unit will see police and retailers across the UK pool their intelligence to target repeat offenders. It is part of a wider crackdown on shoplifting to be announced by ministers and police chiefs over the next fortnight. Katy Bourne, the police and crime commissioner for Sussex and the national lead for business and retail crime, said gangs had been evading justice due to the lack of a coordinated national approach.

More businesses reporting organized retail theft to police in Charlotte

The Los Angeles wave of retail theft spreads to The Grove

Opinion: The fall of Lululemon — how stores surrendered to looters

Walmart Hit with $20 Million Lawsuit from Store Shooting Survivor



The Hayes Report on Loss Prevention
Quarterly - Fall 2023 - Vol. 38 No. 43

Topics: Cargo Theft-Holiday Alert - Holiday Challenges - Apprehensions & Dollar Recoveries Soar in 2022 - Testing For Success - Believe It or Not - The Bulletin Board

Mark Doyle Talks --- 2023 Holiday Season is Fast Approaching

Are you ready for the upcoming holiday season and the influx of both customers and thieves? I say, bring on the customers and all the sales increases, but let’s do our best to limit the thieves and shoplifters. I think the use of quality greeters and great customer service will be key this holiday season to limiting our losses, as well as properly utilized anti-theft equipment. In addition, with the increase of seasonal/temp associates, be sure to maintain your audit program to ensure all company P&P and Shrink Program requirements continue to be adhered to during this busy season. Until next year...

Click here to read the full newsletter

Security Gaps At Airports Give Criminals an Edge
Criminal Gangs Exploit Security Gaps to Infiltrate Airports
While there has always been some degree of threat posed by insiders, experts say the mass hiring after the dropping of pandemic-era travel restrictions has
given criminal entities the chance to plant or recruit new accomplices as they work to re-establish their own operations.

Blackwell said
the number of serious security incidents recorded by ISARR involving airport insiders worldwide so far this year is 48, up from 35 for all of 2022. Those include a cargo handler in Miami being arrested after allegedly stealing $1.2 million worth of Samsung cellphones from a DHL freight container, and two United Airlines bag handlers in San Francisco being charged with removing marijuana from checked luggage and sneaking it out disguised as trash in 20-gallon bin bags.

Security training was difficult to conduct during the pandemic and there has been a lot of pressure on resources to provide that training to new staff since then, which the U.N.’s ICAO said has added to the vulnerabilities. Workers who left their jobs while on furlough but who still have access codes to secure areas of airports and insider knowledge of operations also pose a risk, the agency said.

If you ask an airport security manager what keeps them awake at night most would say the insider threat,” said Philip Baum, managing director of aviation-security consulting firm Green Light.

Retail Bankruptcies Coming Soon?
11 retailers at risk of bankruptcy in 2023

From Joann and Rite Aid to Petco and The Container Store, here’s who’s most at risk in the next 12 months.

The first nine months of 2023 have seen big-name retailers including
David’s Bridal, Bed Bath & Beyond and Party City file for bankruptcy. And more could be on the way.

Fitch’s own list of vulnerable retailers includes players like 99 Cents, At Home, Belk, Rugs USA and Joann. CreditRiskMonitor, which labels companies with a FRISK score to measure the probability of them filing for bankruptcy within 12 months,
listed 11 noteworthy retailers and brands with either a 4% to 10% chance of filing for bankruptcy or a 10% to 50% chance.

The story of who files and who doesn’t often comes down to debt, according to David Silverman, senior director of Fitch Ratings’ U.S. retail team.

Religious Discrimination Suit Against Chipotle
Chipotle Sued After Manager Grabbed Muslim Employee’s Hijab & ‘Yanked’ It Off

The federal agency is requesting a jury trial and for Chipotle to adopt policies that provide equal employment for employees of all religions

A federal agency has sued the restaurant chain Chipotle for religious harassment and retaliation after an assistant store manager allegedly
removed an employee’s hijab after she repeatedly refused his requests to remove her headscarf.

The manager’s “offensive and incessant requests” for Saifan to remove her hijab, and his attempt to physically take it off, were “unwelcome, intentional, severe, based on religion, and
created a hostile working environment based on religion,” the lawsuit alleged, according to the Associated Press.

Return-to-Office Rates Hit Highest Level Since Pandemic
Tougher Return-to-Office Policies Are No Remedy for Half-Empty Buildings

Office owners are struggling with near record-high vacancy rates

First, the good news for office landlords:
A post-Labor Day bump nudged return-to-office rates in mid-September to their highest level since the onset of the pandemic.

Now the bad:
Office attendance in big cities is still barely half of what it was in 2019, and company get-tough measures are proving largely ineffective at boosting that rate much higher.

Lululemon enacts layoffs amid Peloton partnership
Approximately 120 Lululemon Studio employees are impacted following the brand’s announcement that it will stop selling its Mirror device.

Owners of 14 Subway restaurants made teenagers use dangerous equipment, suffer burns, and work unlawful hours, says DOL


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ADT Commercial establishes standalone organization, rebrands company to Everon™ as GTCR completes acquisition

 Everon draws on legacy of excellence in commercial security, fire and life safety, emerges as standalone full-line U.S. integrator and service provider

BOCA RATON FL, Oct. 2, 2023 - ADT Commercial ("ADT Commercial" or the "Company"), a leading security integrator and premier provider of commercial security, fire and life safety in the U.S., announced today that it will move forward as a standalone organization and rebrand as Everon, with the acquisition completion of ADT Inc.'s ("ADT", NYSE: ADT) commercial security and fire segment to GTCR, a leading private equity firm.

"Introducing Everon to the industry as a standalone company is a huge milestone in our commercial organization's journey," said Dan Bresingham, Chief Executive Officer. "The Everon brand communicates everything we've been focused on building for the last decade. We are excited to embark on this next chapter with our partners, GTCR."

The Everon brand will be connected to the company's go-forward strategy, rooted in a deep dedication to customer service, the technological expertise, and willingness to innovate. Everon will evolve to better respond to the security, fire and life safety needs of commercial environments.

"The Everon brand will intersect our core values of experience, excellence and innovation," said Beth Tarnoff, Chief Marketing Officer. "The brand inspires confidence in our consistency as a full service security partner. We're always 'on', and ever innovating to meet our customers' needs now and in the future."

The new logo will convey a sense of drive, purpose, and momentum. The modernized brand presence is in sync with the company's vision to become a transformative, technology-driven commercial integrator. Everon will be focused on investing in growth through strategic M&A, expanding its portfolio of best-in-class solutions, solidifying its reputation for service excellence, and reaffirming the company's dedication to exploring innovative technologies primed to revolutionize the industry.

"As we look toward the future, we want customers to know we're in this with them, and can adapt to meet their needs and respond to new challenges," said Bresingham.

"We're excited for this reintroduction to the industry," he continued. "This is Everon. We're performance and relationship-driven. We're ever leading the way, fully committed to serving our customers to the highest standard of quality, and we're ready to break new ground in the commercial security industry."

For more information, visit







Cybersecurity Awareness Month Starts Now!

Join ASIS International throughout October (and all year long) as we host topical webinars and share a variety of cybersecurity resources to help you, your organization, and your community stay safe online. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the E.U. Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) recognize October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month–how will you participate?

Upcoming Webinars (free for ASIS members!):

3 October 2023: Information Security in Comprehensive but Simple Terms

17 October 2023: Building a Cyber Security Strategy That Works

24 October 2023: Protecting and Defending Sensitive Data in the Cloud for the Information Security Professional

Looking for more cybersecurity-related content? Explore ASIS's full collection of on-demand webinars.

Kicking off NIST's Cybersecurity Awareness Month Celebration & Our Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023 Blog Series
To kick-off our 2023 blog series, we sat down to interview NIST’s David Temoshok—and he walked us through his insights and ideas relative to
enabling multi-factor authentication, along with sharing a bit about what he’s up to these days at NIST.

Multi-factor authentication uses a combination of something you know, such as a password, in combination with something you have, such as an authentication application on your phone, or something you are, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, to prove you are who you say you are online. So even if your password is stolen and compromised, attackers will not be able to gain access to your accounts because they cannot provide the second authentication factor to login.

This week’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month theme is ‘enabling multi-factor authentication.’ How does your work/specialty area at NIST tie into this behavior?

All accounts that are established to access government online services
require multi-factor authentication as a critical security control and privacy protection. We work closely with federal agencies and industry to explain why multi-factor authentication is critical for protection against cyber-attacks and account takeover (and how it can be used most effectively to meet the very broad and diverse needs of the government and the public that we serve).

How does enabling multi-factor authentication help people and/or businesses when it comes to cybersecurity? Why is it so important?

The new Volume provides technical guidance for
phishing-resistant multifactor authentication using cryptographic authentication processes, such as Fast Identity Online (FIDO) commercially available authenticators and the government’s Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cryptographic authentication processes.

FBI Ransomware Warning
FBI: Crippling 'Dual Ransomware Attacks' on the Rise

Once they compromise an victim with an initial ransomware attack, threat actors are ready to deploy a secondary attack with a different strain

AdvertisementThe FBI has issued a warning about a rising ransomware trend in which separate attacks are conducted just hours or days apart — otherwise known as "dual ransomware attacks."

Ransomware attacks against the same victim occurring within 10 days, or less, of each other were considered dual ransomware attacks," the bureau explained in a Private Industry Notification released last week. "The majority of dual ransomware attacks occurred within 48 hours of each other."

These ransomware attacks
happen to the same victim within a short time span and, in the wild, have occurred with threat actors deploying different ransomware variants for each leg of the attacks, such as AvosLocker, Diamond, Hive Karakurt, LockBit, Quantum, and Royal. These variants are released in different dual combinations, ultimately resulting in a mix of data encryption, exfiltration, and extortion.

The phenomenon makes sense: After an initial ransomware attack, an organization or company is still reeling from the breach and is at its weakest point,
making a second attack to its already compromised system all the more harmful.

In addition to dual ransomware attacks, the FBI noted a rising trend of threat actors
increasingly using malware, data theft, and wiper tools to manipulate and pressure ransomware victims into negotiating. To combat both of these trends, the FBI encourages anyone to report suspicious activity with details of the time and place as well as affected equipment and the type of activity that occurred.

To help safeguard against these kinds of threats, the FBI has provided recommendations for mitigations, which include
maintaining offline backups of data, ensuring all the backed-up data is encrypted, reviewing the security safeguard of third parties and vendors, and implementing policies "that only allow systems to execute known and permitted programs." In addition, the FBI recommends implementing a secure recovery plan and retaining multiple copies of sensitive information.

Unraveling the Johnson Controls Ransomware attack: Dark Angels wants $51M

Johnson Controls cyber attack by Dark Angels: $51M ransom, DHS data fears, and a stark cybersecurity reminder

Johnson Controls, a global industrial control systems leader, is
battling the notorious Dark Angels hackers. The digital intruders have locked up the company’s data and are demanding an astonishing $51 million for its release.

This high-stakes cyber showdown has left Johnson Controls reeling,
disrupting its daily operations. Worse, sensitive Department of Homeland Security (DHS) information may be on the line, raising national security concerns. Johnson Controls has almost one hundred thousand employees amongst its several divisions and affiliates (such as ADT, Tyco, York, SimplexGrinnell, and Ruskin).

Norway Urges Europe-Wide Ban on Meta's Targeted Ad Data Collection

10 things you should know about navigating the dark web






In this special Travel edition of Tom's Tek Tips, Tom Meehan, CFI will cover essential cybersecurity and tech tips to get the most out of your tech while staying secure amidst traveling and the upcoming fall trade show season.

Tip #5 - Invest in Noise-Canceling Headphones: Noise-canceling headphones can significantly enhance your travel experience on flights or long train rides. They reduce ambient noise, allowing you to enjoy your entertainment without interruption. Consider this investment if you frequently travel to make your journeys more comfortable.

Watch this space every Tuesday for more of
'Tom's Tek Tips - Travel Edition'





NY Times Op-Ed Blasts FTC Case Against Amazon
The Flaw in the Case Against Amazon
The Federal Trade Commission and 17 states sued Amazon last week over a range of practices they say are anticompetitive. The lawsuit asserts that Amazon strongly disincentivizes sellers on its platform from offering lower prices elsewhere online. It also says that some sellers are essentially forced to buy ads and pay for Amazon’s shipping services to get prominent placement among Amazon’s listings. Different elements of Amazon’s broader strategy aim at the same goal, the complaint says — “
to keep rivals from gaining the scale needed to compete effectively against Amazon” — ultimately harming “tens of millions of American households” who shop on Amazon and “hundreds of thousands of businesses” that sell through Amazon.

But which rivals are we talking about? This is where the lawsuit runs into trouble. In order to characterize Amazon’s share of American retail as a monopoly,
the plaintiffs define its market in a way that excludes just about every other retailer, online or offline.

Pinning down the sectors in which a company operates — its “relevant market,” in the jargon —
is a pivotal part of the complaint. The size of the tank determines the danger of the fish: If courts take an expansive view of the market in which Amazon competes — if they say Amazon swims in a huge tank — the company’s share of that market will appear relatively small and unthreatening; if courts put Amazon in a small tank, determining that there are relatively few substitutes for its services, it’ll look like a shark.

The plaintiffs in this case
depict Amazon as Jaws in a fishbowl. They say Amazon monopolizes the markets for “online superstores” and “online marketplace services,” and under those terms some of the biggest names in retail wouldn’t seem to qualify as relevant competitors to Amazon — not Home Depot, Kroger, Costco, Best Buy, T.J. Maxx, Wayfair, Dollar General or most other places from which Americans buy a great deal of stuff. Amazon’s critics have long argued that its growth has come at the expense of local small businesses, but these, too, seem to be excluded as competitors to Amazon.

“I think most competition scholars would say that
the F.T.C. needs to go to the competition optometrist to get a new prescription,” David Balto, a former policy official in the F.T.C.’s bureau of competition, told me of the way the agency is defining Amazon’s market. “They’re suffering from significant myopia.”

According to the complaint, “online superstores offer
a single destination for shoppers to browse a large and diverse selection of goods from multiple brands across a wide range of categories.” They’ve also got to have “sophisticated filtering and discovery tools,” “recommendations for future purchases” based on customer data and “a large volume of authentic, customer-generated ratings and reviews.”

Wait a second — isn’t all this just a description of Amazon?

Amazon Customers Concerned After Receiving Faulty Emails
Amazon customers report false email confirmations for gift cards they did not buy

One representative said that the company is looking into the cause of the faulty emails, but that accounts are safe and customers can ignore the messages.

Amazon customer service representatives this weekend have been handling
a wave of inquiries from customers who received suspicious and confusing email confirmations about gift card purchases they had not made.

Customers on social media said they were
sent three consecutive emails, some Saturday night and others Sunday morning, thanking them for their purchases of Google Play, Mastercard and gift cards, despite never having bought them.

An error in our system resulted in an order confirmation email being sent to customers who did not purchase a gift card. We are emailing these customers to inform them of the error and apologize for the inconvenience,” an Amazon spokesperson wrote in an email to CNBC.

Customers who received the false emails
do not have to take any further action.

7 key stats that help explain Amazon’s economic impact in the U.S.

Alcohol E-Commerce Compliance 101: What to Know to Sell Wine Online


REVEALED: The 30 hottest innovations for reducing e-Commerce retail losses

Introducing the industry experts’ choices in the 2023 e-Commerce Innovation Challenge










Davenport, IA: Break-in at luxury handbag store, $200k in stolen merchandise
After a break-in, a Davenport business is asking for help in solving the case. The Bag Broker, a luxury retail store, located on Utica Ridge Road had their store broken into early Monday morning and according to the owner of the store, approximately $200,000 worth of merchandise was stolen. TV6 spoke to the store owner who says the community support she’s gotten has helped her see the positives in the situation. “It makes you feel good about the community support and bringing together the awareness about these types of situations,” said Skylar Yutsler, owner of The Bag Broker/Avail. “Because, you know, these pieces, every day people wear them out in the streets and they don’t think anything of it. But, I think to take something good out of it would definitely be to bring everyone together.” The store is closed until further notice, Yutsler said. Police are also encouraging the public to contact Davenport Police Department if you have any information on that break-in or if you see any of those luxury handbags and accessories being sold online.

Las Vegas Strip Luxury Store Theft Ring Leads to Two Arrests
Two suspects are facing court proceedings after allegedly stealing numerous items from upscale stores on the Las Vegas Strip. The duo swiped designer merchandise from Saks Fifth Avenue and Sephora stores in an elaborate scheme between June and September, police said. The missing items, including items from Drio, Versace and Ferragamo, were valued at thousands of dollars. On September 22, authorities apprehended Naisha Adams, 36, and Taurean Henderson, 38, both of Las Vegas, at Saks Fifth Avenue. The two allegedly attempted to steal almost $2,300 worth of merchandise from the store’s men’s department. Adams swiped a Versace hoodie, a Ferragamo belt, a Versace belt, and a Versace bodysuit, police said. Henderson allegedly shoved the items into Adams’ Saks shopping bag. The two then were approached by Saks security guards, which led the suspects to attempt to flee to an awaiting car parked outside of the store. The duo were apprehended shortly after, but the driver and a passenger in the getaway car were able to flee. The suspects were booked at Clark County Detention Center.

Manitowoc, WI: Three Neenah residents arrested by US Marshals Service in statewide retail theft spree
Three people accused of stealing from retail businesses across Wisconsin were arrested in Neenah. On Sept. 24, the Manitowoc Police Department was called to Walmart, at 4115 Calumet Ave., for the report of a large retail theft in progress. While responding, the suspects left the store with about $2,000 worth of stolen merchandise. The investigation led to the identity of three Neenah residents. It was also discovered the trio was being investigated by the Walmart’s Asset Protection Team for retail thefts across the state. Working with the Neenah police department, Manitowoc police tried to take the suspects into custody but were unsuccessful. So, the Manitowoc Police Department requested assistance from the United States Marshals Service- Great Lakes Fugitive Task Force. On Sept. 28, the United States Marshals Service was able to locate the suspects in Neenah and take them into custody without incident. All three suspects are in the Manitowoc County Jail. Police are still working to identify other victims of this organized retail theft group, throughout the state

Ontario, Canada: North Bay storage locker found with $18K in stolen goods, 3 charged
More than $18,000 in merchandise stolen from hardware stores from several communities, including Barrie and Sudbury, was found in a storage locker in North Bay. As a result, three North Bay residents in their 30s are charged with possession of property obtained by crime, trafficking property obtained by crime and unauthorized possession of a firearm," police said in a news release Monday. On Sept. 25, the street crime unit arrested a 31-year-old man and a 30-year-old woman during a traffic stop and arrested a 36-year-old man at a home on Carruthers Street as part of the investigation. The next day, officers raided a storage locker on Lakeshore Drive. Searches of the vehicle, home and storage unit revealed one lever-action rifle, a firearm barrel and "stolen property worth an estimated $18,770 belonging to hardware stores and other victims from North Bay, Sudbury, Huntsville, Burks Falls and Barrie." The two men were held in custody pending a bail hearing while the female accused was released from custody and is scheduled to appear in court on Nov. 7.

Houston, TX: Masked suspect steals $3,000 worth of cigarettes at northwest Houston convenience store

Stockton, CA: Men arrested for allegedly stealing over $2,000 of merchandise from Target store in Central Valle

NRF has declared Oct. 26 as Fight Retail Crime Day

 A day of action to unite the retail community to advocate for solutions in combating organized retail crime.






Shootings & Deaths

Harris County, TX: 1 dead in apparent drive-by outside convenience store
Sheriff Ed Gonzalez says deputies responded to a shooting outside a convenience store in the 15300 block of Ella Boulevard. According to preliminary information, a white pickup truck was traveling eastbound on Barren Springs and someone inside shot at a man standing outside the store on Ella Boulevard. The truck then sped off, going southbound on Ella Boulevard, Gonzalez says. Officials say the man was pronounced dead at the scene. He appeared to be in his early 20s.

Bangkok, Thailand: Four killed by boy gunman, 14, in Bangkok Siam Paragon Shopping Mall
A boy shooter, 14, opened fire at terrified shoppers in a luxury shopping mall in Thailand's capital Bangkok, Thai police say. At least three people were killed and two injured in the attack, and photos have since emerged on social media showing police arresting the alleged gunman. Siam Paragon Mall is now closed after reports of "loud sounds" with video clips shared on social media showing people running out of the building. Thai police were on the scene at the mall in central Bangkok. Initial reports said the gunshots came from a toilet on the ground floor. Other shoppers were said to have taken shelter inside stores at the mall.

Mesquite, NV: Man accused of Armed Robbery in Las Vegas dead after police pursuit
A man is dead after a police pursuit that crossed state lines. According to the Mesquite Police Department, the incident started on Saturday afternoon. Investigators said the man was a convicted ex-felon who had committed several violent crimes in Las Vegas, Mesquite, and St. George over the past week including armed robbery, vehicle theft, firing a gun into a vehicle, and stealing purses. Mesquite police said they were contacted by the St. George Police Department and told a man who had committed an armed robbery was being pursued by officers on Interstate 15 in a black sedan and would be crossing into Nevada. Investigators said as the man crossed into Nevada, he "swerved his vehicle at officers who were prepared to deploy spike strips", which police did at mile marker 121. Police said the suspect drove off the side of Interstate 15 and into a casino parking lot where investigators said the man then carjacked a white SUV at gunpoint from an elderly couple. Officers said they quickly found the man and pursued him to a nearby golf course where the SUV became stuck. Mesquite police said the man got out of the vehicle with the gun and started running away on foot. Officers in a helicopter then spotted the man who was attempting to hide in thick brush. As officers got closer to the man's location, police said they heard a gunshot and then found the man dead from a self-inflicted wound.

Indianapolis, IN: Man shoots co-worker during argument in Family Dollar/ Dollar Tree store
One person was injured after a man shot a co-worker inside a Beech Grove dollar store, according to investigators. Shortly before 11:30 a.m., police were called to the Family Dollar/Dollar Tree store at 3535 S. Emerson Ave. after an argument and physical fight ended in gunfire, said Beech Grove Police Chief Michael Maurice. The employees were working in the stockroom along with others when a fight started, according to a news release issued Monday afternoon. One employee brandished a firearm and shot his co-worker once in the legs. The injured co-worker was listed in stable condition after being taken to a hospital, police said. Dakota Miller, 21, was initially charged with aggravated battery, a Level 5 felony, and criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon, a Level 6 felony, according to a news release.

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Country Club Hills, IL: Robbery involving armored truck reported at Walmart in Chicago suburb
Police are responding to a robbery involving an armored truck in Country Club Hills Monday morning. The FBI confirmed shots were fired, but no injuries were reported. Police tape is blocking off the scene in front of a Walmart. A bank robbery was also reported in Matteson, at 4350 Lincoln Highway, Monday. Shots were fired during the robbery and no injuries have been reported. The FBI has not confirmed if the incidents are connected.

Houston, TX: Suspect nabs business owner’s bank bag, causing him to fall during jugging incident in SW Houston
The Houston Police Department’s Robbery Division is asking for the public to help them identify a suspect responsible for stealing a business owner’s bank bag in southwest Houston. On Monday, July 3 around 5 p.m., the victim parked at his business parking lot at the 6700 block of Harwin when he was suddenly approached from behind by an unknown man who forcibly grabbed his bank bag, causing him to fall to the ground. The suspect then ran back to a silver-colored four-door Cadillac with paper plates and fled the location, HPD said. Prior to the incident, investigators said the victim had withdrawn cash from the Chase Bank located at 6015 Hillcroft and was likely followed by the suspect. Shortly after the incident, investigators said an unknown woman used the victim’s credit card at a convenience store at the 5400 block of I-10 East. The woman then left the location in a gray Infiniti SUV, police said.

Sacramento, CA: Burglar steals pricey antiquities from Sacramento store
Surveillance video showed the moments a Sacramento business had thousands of dollars worth of merchandise ransacked. Some of the merchandise stolen from Zanzibar Fair Trade Imports included rare antiquities, the store owners said, explaining that a person appeared to have used rocks to break in. Video showed the person slamming an object repeatedly before breaking through and going straight to glass display cases, scooping items into a container before running off. According to the video, the entire burglary only took about 20 seconds. Owner Scott Farrell said the burglar seemed to know exactly what he was going for, stealing merchandise amounting to about $120,000 altogether.

FBI looking for ‘armed and dangerous’ man in connection to metro Atlanta robberies

Indianapolis, IN: Woman sentenced to 6 years for string of bank robberies while on supervised release



C-Store – Columbus, OH – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Hampton, VA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Wareham, MA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Houston, TX – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Port St Lucie, FL – Robbery
C-Store – Stripes – Lubbock, TX – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Greenville, TN – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Sharpsburg, PA – Armed Robbery
Check Cashing – New Haven, CT – Armed Robbery
Collectables – Sacramento, CA – Burglary
Gas Station – Merriam, KS – Armed Robbery
Gas Station – Marshfield, VT – Robbery
Gas Station – Chicago, IL – Armed Robbery / shots fired
Grocery – Auburn, ME - Burglary
Handbags – Davenport, IA – Burglary
Hotel – Houston, TX – Armed Robbery / Clerk wounded
Liquor – Springfield, MO – Armed Robbery
Jewelry - Fort Worth, TX - Robbery
Jewelry - Katy, TX - Robbery
Restaurant – San Francisco, TX – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Wareham, MA - Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Memphis, TN – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Bloomington, IL – Armed Robbery
Tobacco – Wilton Manors, FL – Armed Robbery                                                                                        

Daily Totals:
• 21 robberies
• 3 burglaries
• 2 shootings
• 0 killed

Click to enlarge map




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District Asset Protection Partner
Tucson and Chandler/Phoenix Area - posted September 27

The Asset Protection (AP) Partner is a strong communicator, advisor, investigator, and compliance partner. This role is responsible for asset protection program execution at all levels and implementing methods to prevent, and control losses, in support of protecting company assets. This role collaborates with store teams, Human Resources, Supply Chain, and District Management...

District Asset Protection Partner
West Sacramento, CA - posted September 26

The District Asset Protection (AP) Partner is a strong communicator, advisor, investigator, and compliance partner to our Stores. This role is responsible for driving shrink improvement and leadership of asset protection program execution at the District level. The District AP Partner is responsible for assessing store-based shrink initiatives, promoting shrink awareness, and implementing methods to prevent, and control losses...

Asset Protection Specialist
Newburgh, NY - posted September 25

The Asset Protection Specialist role at Ocean State Job Lot is responsible for protecting company assets and monitoring store activities to reduce property or financial losses. This role partners closely with store leadership and the Human Resources team, when applicable, to investigate known or suspected internal theft, external theft, and vendor fraud...

Security Director
Chicago, IL - posted September 7

Reporting to the VP of Corporate Security, the Director of Corporate Security is a professional security practitioner that acts as an advisor/consultant to the assigned Property Management Group. Responsibilities include monitoring security vendors' performance, evaluating for contract compliance, and serving as a program quality control manager...

District Asset Protection Manager
Washington, DC - posted August 31

The MidAtlantic Division has an opening for a District Asset Protection Manager in Northern Virginia. This person will support Fairfax, Arlington, and Loudoun counties. This is a salary role with up to 70% travel within the assigned district. District Asset Protection Manager will provide positive/proactive leadership, and instruction in the area of Security/Asset Protection...

Regional Manager, Asset Protection - Southeast
Georgia or Louisiana - posted August 7

In this role, you will embody Do The Right Thing by protecting People, Assets, and Brands. You will work in an energized, fast paced environment focused on creating a safe environment for our employees, teams, and customers; this is critical to driving our Brand Power, Enduring Customer Relationships, and exuding our commitment to Team and Values...

Corporate & Supply Chain Asset Protection Leader
Quincy, MA - posted August 3

The primary purpose of this position is to manage the Corporate Asset Protection function for all US Support Offices and Supply Chain. Direct team in the design, implementation and management of physical security processes and equipment to ensure facilities are considered a safe and secure environment for all associates and external parties...

Occupational Health & Safety Manager
Mount Horeb, WI - posted July 27

This role is responsible for examining the workplace for environmental or physical factors that could affect employee or guest health, safety, comfort, and performance. This role is also responsible for reducing the frequency and severity of accidents. To be successful in the role, you will need to work closely with management, employees, and relevant regulatory bodies...

Loss Prevention Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst
Boston, MA - posted July 7

As a LP Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst for Staples, you will conduct LP operational field audits remote, virtual and in person, within a base of 60 retail stores to ensure compliance to operational standards to drive operational excellence and preserve profitability. You will also train store managers on Key-Holder responsibilities, Inventory Control standards, Cash Office procedures, Protection Standards, Safety and Fraud trends...

Manager, Physical Security
Jacksonville, FL - posted July 7

Responsible for overseeing all aspects of the company's physical security strategy for retail stores, warehouses, and store support center and field offices. This includes responsibility for the capital expense and repair budgets, developing written specifications, layout and design for all systems and to ensure all installations and repairs are made to SEG standards...

Regional AP Mgr - South FL Market - Bilingual required
Miami, FL - posted August 8

Responsible for managing asset protection programs designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region. This position will develop the framework for the groups' response to critical incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...

Regional Director, LP & Safety (Midwest)
MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA - posted June 27

We are looking for a Regional Director of Loss Prevention to join us in MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA. You will develop, execute, and maintain shrink and shrink compliance initiatives. You will also conduct internal and external field investigations, loss control auditing, store safety programs, and compliance programs and audits...

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Your success is directly tied to the relationships you have with your stores, with your colleagues, and with your vendors. The ability to develop, nurture, and grow those relationships is critical if you expect to deliver the results you need. And as in the case of all relationships, it's also about what you bring to the table and the value you add. Oftentimes, one's biggest challenge is usually driven by your weakest or worst relationship and over time those are the ones that'll have the biggest impact. So take the time to access them and remember it's never too late to try to change one.

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