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The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

New Jersey Wants to Enact New Retail Theft Law
Neighboring states of New York & Pennsylvania have already done so

Retail theft getting out of hand in NJ: Would this law help?
Retail theft has become an extremely profitable criminal enterprise in New Jersey and some lawmakers have had enough. A bipartisan measure introduced in the New Jersey Legislature aims to disrupt a pattern of coordinated cash-and-grabs by increasing penalties for those responsible.

Theft cost retailers more than $112 billion nationwide in 2023, according to the National Retail Federation. New Jersey lost an estimated $200 million in sales taxes.

"Our neighbors in New York and Pennsylvania have recently implemented new initiatives to crack down on organized retail theft resulting in these bad actors to target New Jersey instead," said Sen. Holly Schepisi, R-Bergen. "It is incumbent that the New Jersey Legislature move swiftly to fight this scourge."

Under the proposed law, being the leader of an organized retail theft would be upgraded to a crime of the first degree. That's punishable by 10 to 20 years in prison, a fine of up to $200,000, or both. The bill also upgrades penalties for a ringleader's failure to pay taxes on the items that were stolen.

Extended prison sentences, meanwhile, would be allowed for repeat offenders. Prosecutors can go back one year to aggregate shoplifting violations when determining the degree of the offense.

The legislation also upgrades penalties for thefts that turn violent. Anyone who assaults or injures a retail employee faces jail time and/or a fine.

The bill also establishes a special unit within the Division of Criminal Justice related to retail theft, imposes packaging requirements to combat gift card fraud, and establishes a disorderly person's offense for individuals who help with the online sale of stolen goods.

CA's Effort to Fight 'Violent Sledgehammer Crimes' & Flash Mob Attacks
Stiffer penalties for smash-and-grab retail thefts signed into law in California
Smash-and-grab retail thefts that result in major damage to businesses will bring longer sentences in California after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law Thursday.

Assembly Bill 1960, authored by Speaker Robert Rivas (D-Salinas), mandates enhanced sentences for people convicted of taking, damaging, or destroying property valued at over $50,000 during the commission of any felony, including retail theft.

The bill also targets large-scale fencing operations, and the enhanced sentences will also apply to those who receive or resell stolen property. In a press statement Thursday morning, Newsom said the new law joins other recent legislation giving California some of the strictest retail and property crime laws in the nation.

Last month, Newsom signed a package of bills Friday targeting organized retail theft and property crimes that included stricter punishments for repeat offenders. Rivas' bill was characterized as the final piece of the legislative package.

"Violent 'sledgehammer crimes' and flash-mob attacks by organized gangs must stop now. I authored this new law to hold appropriately responsible those who damage stores and property, because our business owners and workers should not have to live in fear that these crimes will come to their doorstep," said Rivas in a prepared statement.

According to the Governor's Office, California has the 10th toughest threshold nationally for prosecutors to charge suspects with a felony, $950. Forty other states require higher dollar amounts for suspects to be charged with a felony, including Texas ($2,500), Alabama ($1,500), and Mississippi ($1,000), the office said.

Robberies Down 6% Nationwide in 2024
Real-Time Crime Index Shows Nationwide Trends

The Real-Time Crime Index launched recently with data from more than 300 agencies nationwide. It's designed to show national crime trends as they develop from as many agencies as possible with as little lag as possible.

This category includes "the taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear." Robbery is considered a violent crime under UCR Part I categorization but a property crime under NIBRS. It is considered a violent crime in RTCI.

The RTCI is a sample of reported crime data from hundreds of law enforcement agencies nationwide which mimics national crime trends with as little lag and the most accuracy possible. Crime statistics are inexact, but sampling agencies in this way is a proven method for accurately measuring trends while waiting for national crime estimates published each year. Standardizing the offenses collected and time periods measured from hundreds of agencies makes it possible to evaluate trends up or down as they develop.

Not all crimes are reported to police, and the RTCI can only measure those offenses that are reported to police. Crime data is inherently imprecise with frequent (usually small) variations between different data sources. This methodology is designed to ensure that crime trends are being captured accurately even if the exact figures reported either publicly by an agency or by the FBI may differ depending on the available data source.

More Store Lockups
Tired of retail theft, more Rite Aid stores in SoCal are locking up products
As the smash-and-grab trend plagued business across Los Angeles, more big retailers are stepping up security to keep their merchandise safe.

The Rite Aid store on Long Beach Boulevard in Compton is one of the stores that began to lock up almost every single item under lock and key.

From paper plates, to candy, Ziploc bags and soda, products that are under $10 were all locked in the store shelves.

"It's better that way, I guess," Gary Hildreth, a Compton resident, said, while acknowledging shopping takes longer because of the locked shelves. "It takes a little bit over 10 minutes for them to help me. They have to let you in to get it."

Opinion | Trump says crime is up. The FBI says it's down. Who's right?

Cleveland city leaders claim crime is down, but look what else the I-Team found

2024 Holiday Shopping Days Ranked
The 10 busiest shopping days of the 2024 holiday season will be...
With a shorter holiday shopping season this year due to a late Thanksgiving, retailers need to be ready for eight key dates in December - and two in November.

Black Friday, Nov. 29, once again tops Sensormatic Solutions' forecast of the top busiest shopping days of the 2024 holiday season which, due to the late Thanksgiving, has only 26 days between the holiday and Christmas Day compared to 31 last year. The second busiest day of the season is expected to be "Super Saturday," Dec. 21, followed by Monday, Dec. 23.

In the U.S, the top 10 busiest shopping days account for approximately 30% to 40% of all holiday retail traffic. Sensormatic predicts U.S. in-store traffic will be relatively flat, down no more than 3% year-over-year. To date, traffic has been down 2.6% on average compared to 2023.

Based on Sensormatic Solutions traffic data, the firm predicts that the 10 busiest shopping days in the U.S. will be:

1. Friday, Nov. 29 - Black Friday;
2. Saturday, Dec. 21 - Super Saturday;
3. Monday, Dec. 23 - Monday Before Christmas;
4. Sunday, Dec. 22 - Sunday before Christmas;
5. Saturday, Dec. 14 - Second Saturday before Christmas;
6. Saturday, Nov. 30 - Saturday after Black Friday;
7. Thursday, Dec. 26 - Boxing Day;
8. Saturday, Dec. 7 - Third Saturday before Christmas;
9. Saturday, Dec. 28 - Saturday after Christmas; and
10. Friday, Dec. 20 - Friday before Christmas.

Holiday Shopping Will Start Early This Year
Gartner: 32% of holiday shoppers will start before November

But 21% of those surveyed said they plan to reduce their holiday spending this year as high inflation continues to squeeze consumers.

Thirty-two percent of U.S. consumers plan to start their holiday shopping "between July and October," according to a recent survey by Gartner. Nearly as many - 29% - plan to start in November, the research and consulting firm said in a Monday announcement.

However, just 14% of those surveyed said they plan to spend more on holiday shopping this year compared to last year. Most of those polled - 64% - said they plan to maintain their prior spending level, while 21% said they're reducing their spending.

Tupperware files for bankruptcy amid lender opposition

UK: Inflation holds steady at 2.2% in August

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Check Out the 'Tally ORC Early Warning System' on Tally Retail Solutions Newly Redesigned Web Site

Product Information, Testimonials, Product Videos and more!

Longmont, CO -- Tally Retail Solutions recently launched a redesigned web site featuring the patented "Tally ORC Early Warning System."

With one click you can discover how the "Tally ORC Early Warning System" helps our customers deter theft
while maintaining a safe environment for employees and customers.

Future enhancements will include online ordering, best practice information sharing and the latest offender videos.

"We are pleased to launch our redesigned web site. Our site along with the Tally LinkedIn page provide
prospects and customer with all the information they need to know about Tally and its solutions," said Trey Ryan, Tally's CTO.

Visit the site often to see our latest innovations and offender videos.

About Tally Retail Solutions

Tally Retail Solutions provides solutions for retailers' most pressing issues specializing in innovative sensing and communications technologies that reduce shrink, improve stock availability and seamlessly engage store personnel in crucial operational activities. Tally's founders have more than 50 years of technology development, sales, and marketing experience in the loss prevention and security industries.

For more information please contact Sean Ryan.






Customer Data Continues to Be Exposed in Breaches
AT&T settles a 2023 data breach for $13M. Recent incidents are much worse.

Telecom cybersecurity remains a challenge with widespread impacts. AT&T is not alone in experiencing a pattern of extensive breaches exposing customer data.

AT&T reached a $13 million settlement with the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday to resolve the agency’s investigation into a January 2023 third-party breach that exposed data of 8.9 million customers.

The telecom operator committed to strengthening its data governance practices and supply chain security as part of the settlement, the FCC said. AT&T is required to protect, properly dispose and limit access to customer proprietary network information, the type of customer account data wireless operators collect for internal use and sell to third parties for marketing purposes.

AT&T failed to ensure its vendor adequately protected that customer information,” Loyaan Egal, chief of the FCC’s enforcement bureau, said Tuesday in the consent decree. “Instead, it remained in the vendor’s cloud environment for many years after it should have been deleted or returned to AT&T and was ultimately exposed in the 2023 breach.”

AT&T’s settlement with the FCC involves a serious breach, but repeated security lapses, including a third-party breach that exposed data on nearly all of its customers, show a pattern.

AT&T said it’s no longer working with the third-party vendor involved in the January 2023 data breach, and noted the exposed data did not include credit card information, Social Security numbers or account passwords.

Criminal Communication Platform Dismantled
Ghost: Criminal communication platform compromised, dismantled by international law enforcement
AdvertisementAnother encrypted communication platform used by criminals has been dismantled and its alleged mastermind arrested, the Australian Federal Police has announced on Tuesday.

“AFP Operation Kraken charged a NSW man, aged 32, for creating and administering Ghost, a dedicated encrypted communication platform, which the AFP alleges was built solely for the criminal underworld,” the law enforcement agency says.

As the man was being arrested, other arrests (51 suspects in all) happened across Australia, Ireland, Italy, Sweden and Canada, targeting criminals that used the platform to organize money laundering, violent crimes, the traffic and manufacture of illicit drugs, and threats to life.

“EncroChat, Sky Global, Phantom Secure, AN0M and now Ghost – all platforms used by transnational serious organised crime – have been dismantled over the past decade,” the AFP noted.

“However, it is the first time an Australian-based person is accused of being an alleged mastermind and administrator of a global criminal platform, of which the AFP was able to decrypt and read messages.”

Massive Chinese Botnet Takedown
FBI joint operation takes down massive Chinese botnet, Wray says

Flax Typhoon targeted critical infrastructure in the U.S. and abroad, and Black Lotus Labs researchers observed a “large scanning effort” targeting U.S. military and government.

The FBI conducted a joint operation last week to take down a massive Chinese state-sponsored botnet that the attackers used to compromise hundreds of thousands of devices, target U.S. and overseas critical infrastructure and steal data, Director Chris Wray said Wednesday.

The group behind the botnet, Flax Typhoon, hijacked routers and Internet of Things devices like cameras, video recorders and storage devices, Wray said at the Aspen Cyber Summit — a step beyond the much-hyped operations of fellow Chinese hackers Volt Typhoon that had focused on routers. The targets included corporations, media organizations, universities and government agencies.

Flax Typhoon’s actions caused real harm to its victims,” he said. “Working in collaboration with our partners, we executed court-authorized operations to take control of the botnet’s infrastructure.

Hackers breaching construction firms via specialized accounting software

Suffolk County ransomware attack linked to lack of planning, ignored warnings




In Case You Missed It

Sapphire Celebrates 10 Years of Success

Sapphire is thrilled to celebrate our 11th anniversary with you!

Over the past decade and more, Sapphire has proudly served the security needs of countless businesses across the cannabis, pawn, and jewelry industries -- and beyond.

As they reflect on this milestone, Sapphire extends their deepest gratitude to their clients, partners, and team members who have been instrumental in this journey.

Here's to continued growth and success together!


Storing Your Cannabis Security Footage
Video Storage Options for Cannabis Businesses
Video storage can take place either on-site or remotely, with potential benefits and drawbacks to each option. Depending on the operations of the business, as well as regulatory requirements, one option or a combination of both options may be best suited for the cannabis business.

AdvertisementMost often, cannabis businesses choose to store their video on-site via large servers. These on-premises solutions are controlled by the cannabis business directly or their IT department. But depending on the data retention requirements and quality of the video being stored, on-site storage solutions can be expensive. On the other hand, remote cannabis video storage has grown in popularity due to enhancements in cloud technology and cybersecurity. Cloud-based video storage solutions offer more flexibility and scalability, but also come with their own set of concerns.

On-Site Storage

For some cannabis businesses, on-site video storage and management can be more of a headache than a benefit. When choosing to store video footage on-site, consider the cost of both the NVR or server as well as the added cost of protecting the physical storage devices. Most on-site storage solutions require their own security measures to prevent physical damage, theft, and tampering. Depending on the size of the recorded video files, number of deployed cameras, regulatory storage requirements, and other factors, the sheer quantity and cost of on-site storage devices adds up quick.

Remote Storage

When it comes to security, some cannabis business owners may have issue with putting a third-party in charge of their recordings. Cloud storage comes with its own security risks not typically associated with on-site solutions, such as hacking, though modern cloud-storage providers have gone through extreme lengths to mitigate cyber-attacks. Remote storage solutions also require a reliable internet connection, which may be a problem for some cannabis businesses with a slow or unreliable network connection.

Schedule III: Cannabis Regulatory Disruptions Ahead

California legal weed industry in tumult after Times pesticide investigation





Backlash Over Amazon's Latest Return to Work Push
Amazon employees blast Andy Jassy’s RTO mandate: ‘I’d rather go back to school than work in an office again’

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy positioned the 5 day in-office policy as a better way to work

Amazon employees are slamming the company’s return-to-office policy and plotting their exit less than 24 hours after CEO Andy Jassy announced that they must return to the office five days a week from January. While some Amazon workers are ripping into the company’s toughened RTO policy on social media, others are even blasting their employer in the company’s internal Slack channel.

“Please do note that this is (in a lot of cases) significantly more strict and out of its mind than many teams operated under pre-COVID,” one staffer wrote on Slack, according to Business Insider. “This is not ‘going back’ to how it was before. It’s just going backwards.”

Employees aren’t just talking about quitting, a small few have already changed their status on LinkedIn to #opentowork as they openly search for more flexible jobs.

“Amazon has announced 5 day RTO, which is unfortunate because I’m interested in working for a living, not live-action role playing and virtue signaling,” an Amazon Web Services engineer posted on the networking platform.

If you have remote opportunities available, please message me. Nothing is off the table. I’d rather go back to school than work in an office again.”

Online shopping will drive holiday sales growth
The holiday retail sales season will see an increase between 2.3% and 3.3% but online holiday sales will be more robust, growing between 7% and 9%, compared to the 2023 season.

The projections are from Deloitte research which projects holiday sales will total $1.58 trillion to $1.59 trillion during the November to January time frame, according to a press release on the holiday retail forecast data.

In 2023, holiday sales grew by 4.3% in the same period.

Pitney Bowes Global Ecommerce laying off more than 1,200

YouTube Advances Into Asia Online Shopping With Sea’s Shopee









Staten Island, NY: Man wanted for questioning in connection to theft of $27K ring from Macy’s
The NYPD is looking for an individual sought for questioning in connection with the theft of ring from a New Springville department store. It was reported to police that on Sunday, Sept. 15, at around 2:25 p.m., an unidentified individual entered the Macy’s, located at 2655 Richmond Ave. The individual then allegedly asked to see a ring valued at approximately $27,500. When a store employee placed the ring on the counter, the individual allegedly took the ring and fled the location on foot, traveling southbound on Platinum Avenue, according to a statement from the NYPD’s Deputy Commissioner of Public Information.

Albuquerque, NM: APD issues arrest warrant for repeat retail thief accused of $21K theft spree
Albuquerque police are looking for a man with a history of committing retail theft. Now, they have a new warrant for his arrest for a series of thefts at the store Lululemon. “Because at the end of the day, if we can get them to stay behind bars then we’re hoping that these types of incidents happen less and less,” says APD Deputy Commander Joshua Hawkes. He’s talking about one of their top offenders who now has a warrant for organized retail crime. He has been identified as Ferron Mendez. “He has the seven incidents for organized crime with the Lululemon store and it totaled over $21,000 worth of merchandise,” Hawkes says. Police say Mendez had stolen products from the Lululemon Store in the Uptown shopping center multiple times. Hawkes says Mendez would sometimes steal with a man and, in other cases, with a woman who police are still trying to identify.

Irvine, CA: Southern California suspects burglarize Target, hide $1700 of stolen goods in baby stroller

San Bernardino County, CA: Suspects flee on bus after stealing $2,800 of items from Southern California store

Baraboo, WI: Lake Delton Police searching for men involved in $2K theft from Michael Kors






Shootings & Deaths

Laurinburg, NC: Customer fatally shoots teenage Waffle House employee inside North Carolina store
Police on Monday continued to search for a suspect who they said fatally shot a teenage Waffle House employee in North Carolina. Family said the teen, identified by police as Burlie Dawson Locklear, had recently graduated from high school. The shooting took place Friday at one of the restaurant chain's locations in Laurinburg, a city in Scotland County near the South Carolina state line. Just before 12:45 a.m., Laurinburg Police Department officers responded to a shots fired call at the store specializing in waffles and other breakfast foods. The shooting suspect, police said in a news release, had fled the scene by the time officers arrived. Inside the restaurant, officers found an 18-year-old Waffle House employee, later identified as Locklear, suffering from a gunshot wound. Locklear was taken to a hospital where he later died, police said.

Memphis, TN: Two men shot outside of Orange Mound gas station, police say
Two men were shot outside of an Orange Mound gas station Tuesday night, according to the Memphis Police Department (MPD). MPD said the shooting happened outside of a Save & Go gas station on Park Avenue around 11 p.m. When officers arrived, one man was immediately spotted laying on the ground with a gunshot wound to his right arm and right rib cage, police said. That man told police that he was walking from the side of the store when someone he didn't know began shooting. He was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Another man with a gunshot wound to his right hand and right arm was found shortly after. He told police that he was on the side of the store with the other victim when someone began shooting. He said he didn't see the shooter, only a red vehicle as it sped away from the scene.

Trappe, MD: Suspect in Custody After Shooting at Talbot County Gas Station, Manhunt Ends in Dorchester County
A suspect is in custody following a shooting at a gas station in Talbot County on Tuesday morning, which led to a manhunt that ended in Dorchester County, authorities said. The shooting occurred at Freedom Fuel gas station in Trappe, where security camera footage showed a white van pulling into the station just after 9 a.m. From the video it looked like a man exited the van and fired shots at the driver, pulling them out and leaving them on the ground in front of the store before driving away. Police located the suspect at an Exxon station off Meteor Avenue and Sunburst Highway in Cambridge. "We believe the suspect from the Trappe incident attempted to hijack another vehicle here. Another victim was involved, and as the suspect tried to steal the vehicle, police were right on his heels and were able to apprehend him," Howard said.

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Spalding County, GA: Man gets life in prison for ‘stupid’ Dollar General robbery after jury takes just 15 minutes to convict
A jury took less than 15 minutes to convict a man who will now spend the rest of his life in prison for robbing a Dollar General store in Georgia. Jerico Bernard Williams, 24, was convicted on one count of armed robbery, two counts of aggravated assault, one count of false imprisonment, and two counts of possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony in relation to the robbery. A Spalding County jury sentenced him to life in prison, without possibility of parole, plus 20 years, according to WSBTV 2. After the robbery , Williams and two others — Tierra Davis, 28, and Demarcus Timmons, 22, all of Atlanta – were arrested. A fourth individual, who was never captured, was with the trio on June 4, 2023 — the date of the Dollar General robbing. According to Spalding County law enforcement, Davis served as the crew's getaway driver, Timmons was assigned to serve as a lookout, and the unknown fourth thief was tasked with forcing the cashier to open the register. During the trial, the Spalding County District Attorney's Office accused Williams of pointing a gun at a mother and her child in a checkout line and of holding the cashier at gunpoint until the register was empty. No shots were fired during the failed heist. A witness saw the suspects enter and flee the store, and called 911 to report the car's make and model to police. Law enforcement said her testimony was key to catching the robbers.

Wauwatosa, WI: Two people in Wisconsin arrested following armed robbery of a grocery store

Las Vegas, NV: Summerlin C-store armed robbery leads to hunt for suspects

Philadelphia, PA: Masked suspects break into Philadelphia pharmacy, steal prescription medication, money

Toronto, Canada: C-Store robbery suspect allegedly assaults officer before arrest



C-Store – Bowie, TX – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Las Vegas, NV – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Brooklyn, NY – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Houston, TX – Robbery
Check Cashing – Muncie, IN – Armed Robbery
Clothing – San Bernardino County, CA – Robbery
Dollar – Pueblo, CO – Armed Robbery
Grocery – Wauwatosa, WI – Armed Robbery
Jewelry – West Jordan, UT – Robbery
Jewelry – Fairview Heights, IL – Robbery
Jewelry – Galesburg, IL – Robbery
Liquor – Chambersburg, PA – Robbery
Macy – Staten Island, NY – Robbery
Pawn – Missoula, MT – Robbery
Restaurant – Santa Clara County, CA – Burglary
Restaurant – Syracuse, NY – Burglary
Restaurant – Sherwood, OR – Armed Robbery
Thrift – Castle Rock, CO – Burglary
Thrift – Alliance, NE – Burglary                                                                                                                     

Daily Totals:
• 15 robberies
• 4 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed

Click map to enlarge




None to report.

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Corporate Risk Manager
Houston, TX - Posted September 18

Summary of Role and Responsibilities: Proactive approach to preventing losses/injuries, whether they are to our employees, third parties, or customers' valuables. They include cash in transit, auto losses, or injuries; Report all incidents, claims, and losses that may expose the company to financial losses, whether they are covered by insurance or not...

District Asset Protection Manager
North Kingstown, RI - Posted September 16

The District Asset Protection Manager at OSJL plays a key role in safeguarding the organization's stores. Through training and program implementation, this role champions a safe working environment and minimizes loss from shrink, theft, and fraud. This role conducts regular store visits, leads investigations, and collaborates with store leadership on best practices for asset protection...

Corporate Risk Manager
Memphis, TN or New Orleans, LA - Posted June 27

Summary of Role and Responsibilities: Proactive approach to preventing losses/injuries, whether they are to our employees, third parties, or customers' valuables. They include cash in transit, auto losses, or injuries; Report all incidents, claims, and losses that may expose the company to financial losses, whether they are covered by insurance or not...

Loss Prevention Specialist
Temple, TX - Posted June 18

The Loss Prevention Specialist identifies various types of losses and thefts, works cross-functionally in a fast-paced environment providing critical guidance to Operations on asset protection and profit improvement initiatives. At The Fikes Companies, our Mission is to build a highly successful company which our employees are proud of, our customers value, and the communities we serve can count on...

Multi-Store Detective (Pittsburgh Operating Market)
Pittsburgh, PA - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

Multi-Store Detective (Cleveland Operating Market)
Cleveland, OH - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

Multi-Store Detective (Akron/Canton Operating Market)
Akron/Canton, OH - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

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Social networking sites have in essence dissolved any distance between the professional and the personal life of an executive. They enable employers to see every aspect of one's life at any given moment and can show historical patterns that resumes may not overcome in the future. What a person does on the net stays on the net, what is written will be read and, as time goes on, background checks will include social networks that go well beyond Linkedin. On the flip side, one could do well to maintain a sense of professionalism in every thing they do on the net and their profiles.   

Just a Thought,


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