
The D&D Daily Mobile Edition
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2023 MNORCA Annual Conference sponsored by Axis Communications

Wednesday, September 27

The annual MNORCA conference is back with a content filled 2 day Conference sponsored by Axis Communications. The conference will be kicked off with Keynote Speaker George Piro, former FBI Agent, most notable for his interrogation of Saddam Hussein. We will also have speakers from the FBI, HSI, Local Law Enforcement and Retail. We look forward to bringing the private and public sectors together to discuss major issues impacting our businesses and communities. Full Agenda will be posted closer to event.

Click here to get tickets and learn more

GSX 2023

GSX 2023 Wraps Up Today in Dallas

Your Wednesday GSX 2023 Guide
It’s our last go round in Dallas, but there’s still plenty on the schedule to keep you busy throughout Military and Law Enforcement Appreciation Day at GSX 2023.

Here are some of the highlights that you won’t want to miss, as well as some upcoming events you should put on your calendar after we hang our hats up in Texas. All times are in Central Time (CT).

Check it out here


The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

'Largest-Ever' Investment to Fight ORC in California History
Calif. Gov. Newsom Announces $267M Investment to Fight Organized Retail Crime

'When shameless criminals walk out of stores with stolen goods, they'll walk straight into jail cells,' Newsom said

California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday announced the largest ever single-investment to target retail-related crime in the state, putting more than $267 million into the cause.

"Enough with these brazen smash-and-grabs. With an unprecedented $267 million investment,
Californians will soon see more takedowns, more police, more arrests, and more felony prosecutions," Newsom said in a statement from the governor's office. "When shameless criminals walk out of stores with stolen goods, they'll walk straight into jail cells."

The funding is a
part of Newsom's Real Public Safety Plan to combat crime across the state of California.

The announcement says that the initiative will include
more police, arrests takedowns, prosecutors, felony changes, and accountability.

Individual sheriffs offices and police department will be awarded over $23 million each in funding to be used for creating
"fully staffed retail theft investigative units, increase arrests, install advanced surveillance technology, train loss prevention officers, create new task forces, increase cooperation with businesses and the community, target criminals in blitz operations, as well as crack down on vehicle and catalytic converter theft."

The Organized Retail Theft Prevention Grant Program
will partner with law enforcement agencies in seven counties and 34 cities across the Golden State.

The Board of State and Community Corrections is
poised to vote on the proposed funding on Sept. 14 and if it is approved, law enforcements will be dispersed their payments on Oct. 1.

RELATED: SF could be getting $15M from California to combat retail theft

An All-of-the-Above Approach to Stop Theft Mobs
Task forces, facial recognition & other tech, as well as tougher legislation are all on the table

Flash mob summer: How can retail theft stampedes be stopped?
With flash mobs of thieves committing dozens of heists in high-end and other stores around Southern California since early July,
the problem became so dire that officials announced a task force focusing on cell tower dumps, surveillance video and other high-tech tools. Arrests are starting to happen. But halting the trend may take more time.

Los Angeles police, working with other local, state and federal agencies, are investigating 21 flash mob thefts in Los Angeles County, Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher said. Other flash mobs, or “flash robs,” as police call them, have occurred in neighboring counties.

Shoppers on edge: ‘It’s nerve-wracking’

The recent flash mob thefts have left some shoppers on edge. “
I am aware of everything around me when I’m shopping,” said Rose Smith, 66, a Topanga Mall shopper. “It’s nerve-wracking. It’s very scary.

But the possibility that a flash mob might suddenly appear won’t necessarily change shopping habits. “It’s really rare,” said Joseph Saad, 42, who shops at the Topanga Mall. “
You have to keep your head on a swivel these days, anyway."

Who’s reselling the goods?

Organized retail crime rings target items that are
difficult to track and are easily resold. Stolen items that once were hawked at flea markets or street corners are now fenced online by gangs to raise money for their activities, said Rachel Michelin president and CEO of the California Retailers Association.

“What we are seeing is more sophistication,” Michelin said. “
We see a lot more recruiting; they recruit street gangs, the homeless. They will pay them 100 bucks to go in and steal.”

High and low-tech tactics

Retailers are increasingly employing high-tech, low-tech and no tech methods to combat the thieves, including
next-generation video surveillance systems, facial-recognition cameras, license-plate readers, radio-frequency identification tags, case locks, more training and increased security.

They have also advocated for
legislation that would increase penalties for theft and would make it easier for law enforcement agencies to share information.

States from Coast to Coast Wage War on Retail Theft
Ohio Chamber of Commerce working to prevent future thefts in retail stores

The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office has seen an uptick in retail crimes

When former Congressman Steve Stivers left Washington D.C. to head the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, he didn’t realize crime would be at the top of his agenda. That’s what the majority of the 8,000 members that make up the chamber are telling him.

“We're hearing about inflation and supply chain, but
the other thing that I didn't expect to hear from and about is crime,” said Stivers. “We're hearing about both retail theft and violent crime as issues of concern. We did a poll [late] last year, 62% of businesses said they may not expand in Ohio as a result of crime in Ohio. That's a staggering figure and it's impacting our economic climate. And that's when we decided to create a Crime Task Force.”

Crime Task Force is set to meet by the end of this month. Stivers tells 10TV they are trying to get ahead of retail theft and violent crime to prevent corporations from moving out of the state. The committee’s recommendations will be forwarded to the Ohio Legislature.

Stivers says
they are targeting organized crime rings by aggregating misdemeanors, and pooling together criminal history if the suspect may have hit several stores within the same day or week and prosecuting it as a felony case. The Crime Task Force is also looking into charges for juveniles involved in organized crime to be charged as adults.

Local law enforcement believes
prosecution is a part of the puzzle, but more needs to happen to prevent retail theft.

20% Rise in Workplace Killings Spurs Bill
California Legislative Update: SB-553 Passed Assembly 55/17 & Ordered to the Senate

SB-553 'Occupational safety: workplace violence: restraining orders and workplace violence prevention plan'

It requires employers to create a log of violent incidents, implement active shooter training, provide shoplifter training for retail workers, stop untrained employees from confronting shoplifters and help with the filing of restraining orders against attackers.

Bill opponents, including Republican state senators and the California Retailers Assn., claim the legislation risks the livelihood of small-business owners who will have to hire security personnel and is too sweeping to work for all industries.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in December that
homicides in the workplace increased more than 20% in 2021 to 481 deaths. This is the latest year for which there are data. That number is the highest over a five-year span, topping 458 in 2017. Of the 2021 deaths, 387 were carried out by a shooting. Cal/OSHA placed the number of workplace homicides in California in 2021at 57, with 42 killed by guns.

Figures on nonfatal workplace violence vary. The U.S. Department of Justice released a report last year stating that on average between 2015 and 2019, “
1.3 million nonfatal violent crimes in the workplace occurred annually.” The Bureau of Labor Statistics noted there were 37,060 nonfatal workplace injuries in 2020 “resulting from an intentional injury by another person.”

Cortese aims to combat violence with a plan that would have employers large and small crafting workplace violence prevention strategies. He envisions the
plans including security personnel — be they guards or workers whose job it is to scout for, and stop, thieves. This portion of the bill in particular has sparked controversy.

Is D.C. Becoming America's 'Murder Capital' Again?
A shaken Washington copes with surging violence: ‘This is not normal’
Violent crime has long been a part of Washington life, the worst of it during the early 1990s when drug trafficking propelled the annual homicide toll to nearly 500 and D.C.
earned an inglorious reputation as America’s “Murder Capital.”

The volume of carnage these days is not nearly as high, and most D.C. residents are unlikely to ever be a victim of violence.
Yet a sharp rise in crime over the past year — punctuated by reports of homicides, brazen shootings, and carjackings by armed teenagers — is rattling a city already struggling to recover from a pandemic that upended its rhythms and ravaged its once-thriving downtown.

As the nation’s capital, D.C.’s stature as the focus of global attention and tourism remains secure. Yet, months of
persistent gun violence is causing many Washingtonians to question their safety and commitment to the city with an intensity perhaps unseen since the drug wars.

The randomness is reflected in statistics showing
sharp increases in crime in areas where it is less expected, as well as the jarring details of individual incidents.

Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) and police have pushed a variety of initiatives to respond to the violence, including a curfew for teenagers in select neighborhoods, prosecuting juveniles as adults, and permitting judges to detain more defendants before trials. Yet, the bloodshed persists: In the first six days of September alone, eight people were shot and killed, including four teenagers.

California Legislature approves concealed-carry limits, teeing up possible Supreme Court fight
A year after Democratic infighting tanked a high-profile gun-control bill in Sacramento, California lawmakers successfully approved legislation on Tuesday to limit who can carry firearms in public, setting up a likely legal challenge that could reach the Supreme Court.

Two high-profile mass shootings in Half Moon Bay and Monterey Park this year have only increased pressure on Democrats to crack down on gun violence in California. That’s despite the state having some of the most prohibitive gun laws in the country, so restrictive that some have been struck down by the federal courts.

Another Retailer Reports Theft Hit on Profit Margin
Primark owner sees stronger profits ahead despite store thefts
Theft from Primark stores over the summer was worse than bosses had budgeted for, but the retailer’s owner still expects profits this year to be slightly better than it had expected due to growing demand in the US for its classic British grocery brands.

profit margins over the past six months have not been as strong as analysts had estimated, however, largely because of “higher-than-expected stock loss from stores” as well as a “modest amount of restructuring costs” in Germany.

ORC Senate Bill S.140 - Combating Organized Retail Crime Act of 2023 - Update
Three new co-sponsors signed up yesterday. It's picking up activity. 5 Republicans - 4 Democrats.

Chicago - Car Thefts Up 94%, Burglaries Up 29%, Robberies Up 24% YTD & Theft is Up 98% Over 3 Years

Is retail theft really rising?



Security's Most Influential People in Security 2023

The Most Influential People in Security 2023 have driven progress in the security & risk management field throughout their varied careers.

For the past 14 years, Security magazine has been recognizing the Most Influential People in Security. Our goal with this editorial awards project is to recognize some of the security executives, industry experts and professionals effecting change, influencing their organizations, and making a difference each and every day in the complex, ever-changing world of security and risk management.

These professionals, executives and leaders have been nominated by their colleagues or peers and were chosen based upon the unique stamp that each individual has had within the security landscape.

Our editorial staff is humbled by the number of nominations we received and the number of people in the security industry doing great things. We are pleased to offer you a glimpse into 12 of those influencers’ backgrounds, careers and accomplishments with the Most Influential People in Security 2023. Read on to learn more about each of these impactful security leaders.

Click here to learn more about each security leader

Retailer Sues Mall Operators For Neglecting "Significant Security Incidents"
American Eagle sues Westfield for letting iconic San Francisco Centre mall ‘deteriorate into disarray,’ allowing crime to run rampant
One of the largest remaining tenants at San Francisco Centre on Market Street has sued the former owners,
charging that they let the massive mall “deteriorate into disarray” and allow crime to flourish.

It alleges that after the pandemic began in 2020, co-owner and operator Westfield neglected security efforts and basic mall management required by American Eagle’s lease, leaving employees “to suffer and respond to gun violence, physical assaults, burglaries, and robberies.”

The lawsuit claims the American Eagle shop,
between May 2020 and May 2023, was the scene of more than 100 “significant security incidents. … On multiple occasions, patrons have brandished firearms while verbally assaulting the store’s employees.”

Westfield and co-owner
Brookfield Properties said in June they would default on their $558 million loan for the large property, blaming San Francisco city government for allowing “rampant criminal activity that drove down sales and foot traffic in the mall. But this suit alleges that the mall operators were equally to blame.

“Westfield cannot walk away from the harm that it has caused without consequence,” said the lawsuit filed Monday in San Francisco Superior Court. “
It must be held accountable for the damages caused by its failures and broken promises.” Westfield also closed its management office in the mall during all this, the lawsuit claimed.

In the suit, American Eagle is seeking “all actual and compensatory monetary damages” due to the alleged
breach of contract in terms of mall security and maintenance promised in the lease with the chain, which runs through 2028.

COO of Optical Chain & Dir of Operations of Appliance Chain Embezzled $1.8M
Eastern Shore Man Sentenced to Over Five Years in Federal Prison for Conspiring to Steal More Than $1.8 Million from a Salisbury Business
Baltimore, Maryland – U.S. District Judge sentenced Stephen Franklin, age 54, of Salisbury, Maryland, yesterday to 66 months in federal prison, followed by three years of supervised release, for a wire fraud conspiracy and aggravated identity theft in connection with the theft of more than $1.8 million from Shore Appliance Connection and pay restitution which the parties stipulate is $1,850,488.94.

Franklin was the
chief operating officer of Accurate Optical, a chain of optometric shops on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and with the owners of Accurate Optical he also purchased East Coast Optometric, a chain of South Carolina optical shops. Franklin and co-defendant Duane G. Larmore met through the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce and became friendly.

Larmore was the Director of Operations at Shore Appliance Connection (“Shore Appliance”), located in Salisbury, Maryland, whose duties included maintaining the books and records for the company. The company was owned and operated by Owner #1 and Owner #2. From mid-September 2016 through about March 2020, Franklin conspired with others, including Larmore, to steal more than $1.8 million from Shore Appliance.

Duane G. Larmore, age 48, of Salisbury, previously pleaded guilty to his role in the conspiracy and is awaiting sentencing.

Mass. Governor to issue emergency declaration after rains batter homes, businesses
The governor will declare a statewide emergency in order to free up cash for communities slammed by relentless rain that has left the likes of Leominster devastated.

Dollar General automates South Carolina distribution center

Casey's General Stores to Add at Least 150 Stores in 2024

Here’s Why Many Decongestants May Soon Disappear From Store Shelves

Senior LP & AP Jobs Market

Director of Security job posted for Trulieve in Tallahassee, FL
The National Security Operations Center (NSOC) Director will provide best-in-class security service and support to each of the national region hubs. The NSOC Director provides leadership, administrative direction, strategic support, and security solutions to the National Security Operations Center staff. Must be Tallahassee based or open to relocation.

All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time

Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please. If it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.








Retailer foils skimmer scam using AI

Retail deters skimmer crew, builds strong case in less than six hours

Here's how it started: A store manager saw through a skimmer crew's distractions at the checkout stand. As the manager approached, the three individuals abandoned the installation of the skimmer hardware and bolted.

With the immediate threat deterred, the client's AP team used FaceFirst's powerful visitor search feature. With this "look back," they quickly identified the subjects' criminal pattern by date, time, and store locations. In just hours, they built a strong case against a ring of 10 well-organized thieves.

You've seen some variation of this before. In this case, three individuals entered the grocery checkout together. They blocked view of the card swipe terminal with a bulk package of paper towels. One person distracted the cashier by asking for cigarettes from a locked case. Another said, "Oh, I'll bag" and stepped into position. The goal, of course, is to overlay an illegal skimmer device on the card swipe, intercept credit/debit card data, and steal money from the card accounts.

The sharp-eyed manager addressed the trio. They fled, leaving the partially installed skimmer behind. The manager called in his AP team right away. Their FaceFirst search of the three individuals' images revealed similar incidents in the client's other stores and more accomplices. Less than six hours after the manager's report, the AP team had identified 10 individuals casing 28 stores and installing six skimmers successfully. Overnight, the chain audited all checkout devices and added security measures.

Consider the benefit of taking an individual's image, running a search, and identifying that individual's past visits to any of your stores-all within minutes. FaceFirst's investigative features turn a nearly impossible manual task for humans into instant, actionable intelligence. FaceFirst helps AP investigators build strong, detailed cases faster for coordination with law enforcement agencies and prosecutors.

FaceFirst's face matching technology alerts retailers instantly when known threats enter their stores, providing both life safety and loss prevention advantages. Calculate the risks of being caught unaware when a known offender enters your store. If you knew there was a proven solution to keep your valued customers and associates safer from violent offenders and prevent loss, would you implement it? The real risk is answering no. FaceFirst's solution is fast, accurate, and scalable-take action today at







In Case You Missed It

RH-ISAC Cyber Intelligence Summit
Retail & Hospitality ISAC Announces Agenda for Cyber Intelligence Summit

The 2023 agenda is packed with insights, innovation, and collaboration.

Vienna, VA - The Retail & Hospitality Information Sharing and Analysis Center (RH-ISAC) has announced the agenda for the upcoming RH-ISAC Cyber Intelligence Summit. The conference, scheduled to take place on October 2-4 in Dallas, Texas, brings together industry leaders, cybersecurity practitioners, and thought influencers for a three-day event that explores the latest trends, challenges, and solutions in the ever-evolving landscape of cyber intelligence.

The member-driven agenda features a diverse array of sessions, workshops, and presentations designed to empower participants with actionable insights to safeguard their organizations against modern cyber threats.

Registration for the RH-ISAC Cyber Intelligence Summit is now open. For more information about the summit, including registration details and the full agenda, please visit

Discounted registration rates are available for attendees from retail and hospitality companies. Contact for further information.

Open Invitation to Loss Prevention & Asset Protection

Seniors, Corporate Teams and those interested in learning more about retail's cybersecurity efforts.

If your retailer is a member or not, this is a great educational and networking event for those executives involved in cybersecurity investigations and mitigation.

Understanding that the summit is being held at the same time as LPRC's IMPACT conference, seniors may wish to send their teams representative who they feel would benefit.

100K Facebook Business Accounts Targeted Weekly
Millions of Facebook Business Accounts Bitten by Python Malware

The "MrTonyScam" has a surprisingly high success rate, spreading a Python-based stealer to some 100,000 business accounts per week.

AdvertisementAttackers are targeting millions of Facebook business accounts with malicious messages, sent via Facebook Messenger from a botnet of fake and hijacked personal Facebook accounts. The goal is to spread an info-stealing malware that can intercept browsing sessions and account cookies, and it's hitting 100,000 Facebook business accounts per week, according to researchers.

The Python-based stealer
successfully infects about 1.4% of targets — or about one out of 70 of those reached, Guardio Labs revealed in a blog post on Sept. 11. Guardio has dubbed the effort the "MrTonyScam," based on the name of the administrator of a Telegram channel with which the stealer interacts.

Facebook’s Messenger platform has been heavily abused in the past month to spread endless messages with malicious attachments from a swarm of fake and hijacked personal accounts," Oleg Zaytsev, a Guardio Labs security researcher, wrote in the post.

From a technical standpoint,
the attack's messages contain a compressed stealer payload that targets the victims’ installed browsers to lift session cookies; these are then sent to threat actors' IM channels in a "swift and effective operation," Zaytsev wrote.

The messages also contain a link that appears to be relevant to the content sent in the message, such as a link to product to check its availability.
If clicked, the link downloads a "classic stealer" payload archived with RAR or zip formats, which then uses a multistep process and five layers of obfuscation to hide its content, Zaytsev wrote. The payload also is generated on the fly to avoid static detection.

Taking on the Growing Deepfake Threat
NSA, FBI, and CISA Release Cybersecurity Information Sheet on Deepfake Threats
the National Security Agency (NSA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released a Cybersecurity Information Sheet (CSI), Contextualizing Deepfake Threats to Organizations, which provides an overview of synthetic media threats, techniques, and trends. Threats from synthetic media, such as deepfakes, have exponentially increased—presenting a growing challenge for users of modern technology and communications, including the National Security Systems (NSS), the Department of Defense (DoD), the Defense Industrial Base (DIB), and national critical infrastructure owners and operators. Between 2021 and 2022, U.S. Government agencies collaborated to establish a set of employable best practices to take in preparation and response to the growing threat. Public concern around synthetic media includes disinformation operations, designed to influence the public and spread false information about political, social, military, or economic issues to cause confusion, unrest, and uncertainty.

The authoring agencies urge organizations review the CSI for recommended steps and best practices to prepare, identify, defend against, and respond to deepfake threats.

To report suspicious activity or possible incidents involving deepfakes, contact one of the following agencies:

• Cybersecurity Report Feedback:
• Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at or contact a local FBI field office
• CISA’s Incident Reporting System or through the agency’s 24/7 Operations Center at or (888) 282-0870

'Open Source Software Security Roadmap'
CISA Releases its Open Source Software Security Roadmap

Today, CISA released an Open Source Software Security Roadmap to lay out—in alignment with the National Cybersecurity Strategy and the CISA Cybersecurity Strategic Plan—how we will partner with federal agencies, open source software (OSS) consumers, and the OSS community, to secure OSS infrastructure. To that end, the roadmap details four key goals:

1. Establish CISA’s role in supporting the security of OSS,
2. Understand the prevalence of key open source dependencies,
3. Reduce risks to the federal government, and
4. Harden the broader OSS ecosystem.

See CISA’s Open Source Software Security Roadmap to learn more.

ChatGPT Jailbreaking Forums Proliferate in Dark Web Communities

Chrome zero-day exploited in the wild, patch now!



RCC's Cybercrime Prevention Campaign

Retail Council of Canada embarks on new cybercrime awareness venture

The Retail Council of Canada (RCC) recently launched a new cybercrime prevention campaign to provide educational resources for retailers and their employees, from frontline workers to IT security professionals.

The Retail CyberSecure initiative, which kicked off at the beginning of this year, was made possible through the support of the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General and includes partnerships with the RCMP and the Ontario Provincial Police, among other organizations.

The program, which will continue to roll out throughout the year, comprises a series of six webinars along with downloadable guides and e-learning training modules. The resources are offered for free to achieve maximum impact, said Rui Rodrigues, the RCC's executive advisor for loss prevention and risk management.

The issue of cybercrime has become more acute for retailers, he said, as threats continue to ramp up. The pandemic also saw retailers become more reliant on online storefronts when in-store shopping was curtailed or temporarily restricted.

"Over the last few years, we've heard more and more from retail organizations about cyber," said Rodrigues. "You can't escape it."

The CyberSecure initiative is "really focused on ways we could educate, provide awareness and share best practices," added Rodrigues, "and doing it through various mediums."

Three of the six planned webinars are currently available on the RCC Retail CyberSecure resource website, focused on awareness training and current cyberthreats. Webinars on threat action plans, defensive procedures, ransomware training and brute force attacks will follow in the coming months.

Battle on two fronts

In some ways, loss prevention specialists are waging a battle on two fronts: the threat of shoplifting in brick-and-mortar retail locations and the ever-present spectre of cybercrime in the digital realm.

In both cases, education and awareness are key, said Rodrigues, along with collaboration with government and likeminded organizations to get the word out.

Click here to learn more about the
RCC Retail CyberSecure program

Canada Fighting Same Retail Crime Surge as U.S.
Vancouver shop owner frustrated by repeat violent thefts, including 'full-on fist fight'
The owner of a downtown Vancouver IGA branch is speaking up about the number of violent crimes his shop has seen in recent weeks,
worried about the physical safety of his staff.

In less than a month, Anthony Sullivan said his team on Robson Street has
endured "dramatic" thefts and theft attempts, "brawls with groups of youth," and threats with weapons.

"Every day we stop people and we never know how it's going to go," he told Global News on Tuesday. "
It's getting worse, not easier."

On Aug. 17, Sullivan's manager was hit multiple times in the head by a group of youth, some of whom had tried to make off with ice cream - an incident caught on the grocery store's cameras.

Sullivan, who does not speak on behalf of the IGA chain - just his Robson Street shop - said
something needs to change. The crime is "systemic" in downtown Vancouver, he added, and there doesn't appear to be much accountability for it.

Sgt. Steve Addison said
the force has worked with the Sullivan family to crack down on shoplifting for years. Police have even put a public safety trailer with a surveillance camera outside the shop to try and deter would-be thieves.

"It's heartbreaking ... people who are just going to work to earn a living are
consistently dealing with people who are committing crimes and using violence to commit their crimes," Addison said.

Canada's Post-COVID Retail Comeback Continues
Montréal's Retail Sector Thrives with Decreased Vacancies, Increased Foot Traffic and Exciting Developments
Overall, there have been many improvements in
Montréal's retail sector as vacancies have decreased with foot traffic and sales continuing to climb, says a new retail report by commercial real estate firm JLL.

It said consumers are starting to feel the effects of the Bank of Canada's interest rate hike campaign. However, notable
retail-friendly developments are currently underway, which will serve to facilitate and encourage commercial activity on the island and beyond.

Jesse Provost, Associate Vice President of the Retail Advisory Group for JLL, said
the retail scene is exciting in Montreal these days with new projects such as Royalmount with new to market retailers coming to the city. There's also quite a bit of activity on the iconic Sainte-Catherine Street with many retailers looking to locate on that busy retail area.

"By and large, I would say it's
pretty exciting and a good time for retailers generally in Montreal. That being said, obviously the economy is what it is. We're seeing interest rates continuing to increase. So people are being more cautious with their spending. Retailers are very well aware of this," said Provost. "They're trying to navigate those choppy waters for the next couple of quarters until we really see results of all of this at the end of it all."

Canadian Retailers Remain Relevant Despite Digital Shift
Remote work and hybrid learning should have killed the office supply store. Why didn't it?
Even a global pandemic and remote learning hasn't changed the fact that, for hundreds of thousands of students, pencil crayons and binders are still an essential part of the back-to-school routine.
Staples Canada president Rachel Huckle explains why:

We are seeing a real shift in education towards digital tools, rather than just pencils and paper. How does Staples plan to ensure it remains relevant during that shift?

I think the strength of Staples is that
we have such a great mix of the essentials and technology - and then we bolster that with services. We support customers, consumers, educator, parents and students. What we're hearing from parents is that there is still this connection between being creative and using pencils and markers to express yourself in a meaningful way. And so, I think, in the younger grades, you're still going to see the need and demand for that. I think you're going to see it being bolstered by technology.

So I think there's a place for pens and markers to remain because there are skills it'll improve, whether it is cognitive development or sensory activities. I think our strength is that we have a great assortment of pens and markers with all of the best tech brands - HP, Apple, Samsung, Google.
We're there to meet customers across that journey.

How Dollarama is Becoming a Player in the Canadian Grocery Landscape
With projections hinting at the possibility of surpassing 2,000 stores by 2030, Dollarama's influence in the market is poised for substantial growth, selling more food. For consumers, Dollarama's approach of offering only a single option for each product may initially seem restrictive. In a world that often celebrates choice, the idea of having just one brand of ketchup or peanut butter may raise eyebrows. However, this simplicity lies at the heart of Dollarama's cost-saving strategy, which directly translates into competitive pricing.

Canadian Consumers Changing Priorities Amid Shift with Retail Impacted: BDC Report
Geopolitical tensions, environmental concerns, rising prices and reduced spending power are motivating Canadians to cut back and entrepreneurs can respond, according to the latest edition of BDC's 2023 Consumer Trends report.

Toys "R" Us and Babies "R" Us Relaunch Stores in Canada

Mark's Launches 2 New Retail Chains in Canada

Store LP Officer Disarms Knife-Wielding Robber
Store security thwarts robbery, has knife pulled on him: Guelph police
Investigators say just before 4 p.m., a man was seen by a loss prevention officer leaving the store with clothing that he had tried on earlier and had not paid for. The staff member followed the man outside and tried to stop him. That was when investigators say the man pulled out a 15-centimetre knife. They say there was a struggle between the two before the employee gained control of the weapon. The suspect fled but was later apprehended by police a short time later. A search of the individual turned up a credit card in a woman's name. The 28-year-old from Guelph faces a number of charges, including robbery, possession of a concealed weapon and violating a release order. He was held for a bail hearing.

Teen Robbery Spree Hits C-Store & Pharmacies
Teen charged with 5 armed robberies in Milton involving knives and guns
A local teen has been charged in connection with
a rash of Milton robberies at pharmacies and a convenience store over a three-month period. Halton police say weapons were used in each of the five robberies and various items were stolen. Following a Criminal Code search warrant, a 19-year-old Milton man was arrested outside a Milton residence Sept. 1. He faces three counts of robbery, two counts of robbery with a firearm, possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000 and possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000.

Edmonton police believe same suspect robbed pair of stores Saturday

Teen boy arrested after robbing convenience store at knifepoint

Police searching for man who held up Kanata store

Selkirk RCMP looking for armed, masked robbery suspect

View Canadian Connections Archives







Amazon files fresh lawsuit against influencers

E-commerce giant Amazon has filed another legal attack against social media influencers it accuses of using their online platforms to encourage the sale of counterfeit luxury goods.

The lawsuit against Kamryn Russell, Ashley Hawat and various associates claims that they used a 'hidden links' scheme, in which they posted links on their social media pages that directed their followers to seemingly generic product listing pages on Amazon,
that were in fact fronts for counterfeit handbags, jewellery and accessories.

According to the complaint, the defendants masked the fact that the products infringed trademarks to avoid detection by Amazon and the rights holder, in many cases by blurring the brand's logo, and received a commission on each completed sale.

"These bad actors also urged their followers to buy these products before Amazon could take down the listings."

Earlier this year, Amazon launched a
new initiative called the Anti-Counterfeiting Exchange (ACX) that it said would allow participating retail stores to record and track serial counterfeiters in order to create a communal database of bad actors.

It also said it had
removed more than six million counterfeit products from its supply chain in its annual update on brand protection activities and blocked 800,000 attempts to create new selling accounts, while its Counterfeit Crimes Unit (CCU) sued or referred for investigation over 1,300 criminals in the US, UK, EU, and China.

Chinese Amazon Killer?

Is Chinese Upstart Temu an Amazon Killer?

Temu is a Chinese e-commerce app that is the top downloaded mobile application in the U.S. so far this year.

Unless you've been living under a rock, it's hard not to have noticed the growth of the Chinese e-commerce platform Temu over the last year. After flooding the internet with advertisements and spending a boatload of money on two Super Bowl commercials,
the PinDuoDuo-owned app has skyrocketed to the top of the downloads list for mobile app stores in the United States.

Offering free shipping and huge discounts for first-time customers,
Temu has drawn interest from tens of millions of shoppers in the United States, replicating a model that worked in the Chinese market. Have we finally found the killer competitor to Amazon? Or is Temu just a flash in the pan?

If you look under the hood, this growth looks unsustainable. According to an investigation by WIRED magazine,
Temu loses about $30 for every order made on its platform as it subsidizes free shipping while also spending a boatload on marketing expenses. And it looks like this spending isn't slowing down soon, with Temu planning to up its advertising spend from $1.4 billion in 2023 to $4.3 billion in 2024.

In the short run, Temu could keep growing at an impressive pace by losing money on every order. But eventually, it will have to generate positive unit economics, which will be tough to do when competing with Amazon's vertically integrated e-commerce infrastructure. Amazon has spent hundreds of billions on capital expenditures over the last decade, a lot of which has gone to delivery vehicles, warehouses, and airplanes to help quickly deliver products to customers. Temu has none of this infrastructure.
Unless it can somehow get hundreds of billions of dollars to build out these capabilities (which is essentially impossible), it never will.

TikTok Shop launches in US

Amazon is launching new supply chain services that will expand its logistics and fulfillment business beyond its marketplace






Fort Myers, FL: DOJ: Cape Coral Men Sentenced For Their Roles In A Multi-Million Dollar Credit Card Fraud Scheme
U.S. District Judge Sheri Polster Chappell has
sentenced Carlos Tejeda (62, Cape Coral) to 16 years in federal prison, Juan Tejeda (35, Cape Coral) to 15 years in federal prison, and Pedro Pelaez (59, Cape Coral) to 6 years in federal prison for their roles in a large-scale credit card fraud scheme which operated in Cape Coral between late-2015 and mid-2018. On April 27, 2023, a federal jury had found father-and-son ringleaders Carlos and Juan Tejeda guilty of 44 federal offenses, including conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, aggravated identity theft, conspiracy to commit money laundering, production of counterfeit access devices, and possession of device-making equipment. For his role in the fraud, the jury found Pelaez guilty of 11 federal offenses, including conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, aggravated identity theft, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. According to evidence presented during the seven-day trial, Carlos Tejeda recruited several friends and associates, including Pedro Pelaez, to create shell companies, obtain credit card processing terminals for their shell companies, and then permit Carlos Tejeda to swipe counterfeit credit cards fraudulently encoded with stolen credit and debit card numbers using the shell company credit card terminals. Evidence showed that Juan Tejeda’s primary role was to encode the counterfeit cards for his father Carlos Tejeda, but that he personally swiped counterfeit cards on the shell company terminals as well. Each fraudulent transaction was typically between $1,000 and $3,000, but the same stolen card number was often used several times across multiple shell companies before victim cardholders from across the United States realized that their card numbers had been compromised.

Ledgewood, NJ: 9 arrested after police thwart attempted theft totaling nearly $500k at Ledgewood dealership
Police in New Jersey stopped a large-scale burglary at a popular motorsports dealer in its tracks. At around 4:12 a.m. on September 8, Roxbury Township Police Department responded to a call for unwanted persons on the property of Ledgewood Powersports. Little did the intruders know, they were being watched. "We see them even before they breached," said Noelle Schmidt, owner of Ledgewood Powersports, to Eyewitness News. Schmidt was alerted of the break-in thanks to a highly sensitive vast security system at the property that alerted her at home. Before a single move was made, Schmidt was watching, recording and calling police. 10 thieves were shown on the system, driving the high-end ATVs and UTVs, lighting them up, hoisting the smaller ones onto the larger ones to try to get them off the lot. But they didn't realize one thing. "There's no way out," said Schmidt. Once you're on the parameter, you can't leave except in handcuffs." Not only does the dealership have tons of cameras, but they also reinforced the exits and perimeter fence. 10 minutes into the incident, police already surrounded the store.

Memphis, TN: Man shoots at Store Manager after fleeing with $3K worth of stolen clothes
An alleged robber fired shots in a getaway car at a shopping mall's store manager. Lashawn Hunger, 23, was charged with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment with a deadly weapon, vandalism $1,000 to $2,500, and theft of merchandise. Two men shoplifted clothing merchandise valued at $3,000 from Southland Mall's Icon Store on store July 4th, according to a court report. Hunter, later identified on the store's video surveillance, and another man took clothes out of the store without paying, police said. The manager followed the two out of the business and said he saw Hunter get into the passenger side of a sedan, police said. That's when the manager said shots were fired at him from within the car as it sped away. Bullets smashed the store's window, estimated to cause about $2,000 worth of damage. The store manager identified Hunter in a police photo lineup.

Downey, CA: Suspects allegedly stole $25,000 worth of sunglasses from Sunglass Hut
Two suspects were arrested after allegedly stealing around $25,000 worth of designer sunglasses from a shopping mall in Downey. The theft took place at the Sunglass Hut store in the Stonewood Center on Sept. 8, according to the Downey Police Department. Store officials said the suspects entered the shop and ransacked the display cases and shelves, taking a large quantity of sunglasses before fleeing the store.

Houston, TX: Shoplifters wanted, caught on video pepper-spraying Academy employee
Police are searching for two women caught on camera attacking an employee with pepper spray while shoplifting at an Academy. The Houston Police Department's Robbery Division said the aggravated robbery happened on Aug. 19 in the 9700 block of Katy Freeway. At about 9:25 a.m., two women walked into the sporting goods store and placed several pairs of Nike pants into their shopping cart. The women then attempted to walk out of the store without paying for the merchandise when an employee tried to stop them. Video shows one of the suspects spraying the employee in the face with pepper spray while the second suspect pulled out a pink Taser and flashed it at the employee. The suspects then removed the clothes from the basket and walked into the parking lot, leaving in a light-colored, four-door sedan.

Oconee County, SC: Nearly $3,000 worth of cosmetics stolen from SC Ulta Beauty store

Harrison County, WV: Man leads police on 100 mph chase after Walmart $1200 shoplifting spree

Lexington Park, MD: Shoplifting Suspect Sought At Big Lots





Shootings & Deaths

Las Vegas, NV: 2 men killed in Circle K shootings identified
The Clark County coroner’s office identified two men fatally shot last week. Antonio Lucas Jr., 24, died at Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center from multiple gunshot wounds, according to the coroner’s office.
Lucas was shot Sunday afternoon outside a Circle K store at St. Louis Avenue and Fremont Street. Emanuel Hodges, 42, was arrested in connection with the killing. It was unclear how Hodges was identified as a suspect, but the Metropolitan Police Department said Lucas and Hodges were both shot during a fight outside the store. A day earlier, Andre Bryant, 33, died at University Medical Center from multiple gunshot wounds, the coroner’s office said.

El Monte, CA: Robber gets life sentence for killing Jack in the Box employee in El Monte
A judge on Tuesday sentenced a San Gabriel man to life in prison without parole for the 2016 fatal shooting of an El Monte Jack in the Box employee during a botched robbery. On June 30, a jury found Louie Herrera guilty of the murder of 25-year-old Juan Vidal of El Monte with the special circumstance allegation that the killing was committed during an attempted robbery. They also found true the special allegation that he personally used a handgun in the crime. Jurors also convicted the 27-year-old Herrera of four robberies and two attempted robberies in 2015. The businesses he hit were Takashima at 220 W. Valley Blvd #108 in San Gabriel, Subway at 1020 E. Valley Blvd in Alhambra and the CVS at 1485 E. Valley Blvd. in Alhambra. He robbed customers and employees, too. In addition to the life sentence, Herrera received 25 years to life for using a gun to commit the murder. He was also sentenced to 24 years for the robberies, attempted robberies and the gun use allegation related to those charges, according to Venusse Navid, a spokewoman for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

Milwaukee, WI: Update: Deadly Gas Station shooting, Security Guard pleads not guilty
A Milwaukee man pleaded not guilty Tuesday, Sept. 12 to first-degree intentional homicide for a gas station shooting on the city's north side. William Pinkin, 56, was supposed to appear for his preliminary hearing in August – the first step toward a trial. But because Pinkin did not have an attorney, the hearing was put on hold at that time. He was bound over for trial after Tuesday's hearing. Investigators said Pinkin turned himself in two days after the Aug. 16 shooting. The complaint states 29-year-old Isaiah Allen grabbed a box of Little Debbie snack cakes and left without paying, and a security guard – later identified as Pinkin – got up from the back of the store, walked toward Allen and pulled out a gun. Pinkin then rushed toward Allen, per the complaint, and got a little more than an arm's length from him before shooting Allen in the back of the head. Allen dropped to the ground, and surveillance showed Pinkin go back inside the store. According to the complaint, Pinkin was at the scene when police arrived and told responding officers – who were unaware of the surveillance video at the time – that he did not see the shooting. That surveillance video showed Pinkin was "milling around calmly" and at one point smoking a cigarette after the shooting.

Akron, OH: Update: Man charged in July 3 shooting death of Ernestine Stallings at Dollar Tree
A 24-year-old Akron man will be arraigned in connection to the July 3 shooting death of Ernestine Stallings at a Dollar Tree, according to a case filed in Akron Municipal Court on Tuesday. Akron police arrested Jontae Watkins and charged him with murder about two months after the fatal shooting, a Summit County Jail daily head count report shows. The arraignment is scheduled for 9 a.m. Wednesday. Watkins was arrested on other violations including a probation violation, two counts of trafficking in drugs, two counts of possession of drugs and having weapons under disability. Stallings and her girlfriend, Tasha Love, were at Dollar Tree preparing for a birthday party for one of Love's children on July 3. As the two left the West Market Street store at about 1:30 p.m. and began loading balloons in the car, gunshots rang out, Love told the Akron Beacon Journal in July.

Grand Rapids, MI: Teenager shot during possible robbery at laundromat
A 911 call was made around 6:55 p.m. on Tuesday about an individual shot during a possible robbery at the Oakdale Laundromat. The laundromat is located in the 1200 block of Kalamazoo Avenue in Grand Rapids. FOX 17 News spoke with GRPD Chief Eric Winstrom Tuesday night. He shared that police officers arrived at the scene to find a young man, a 16-year-old boy, who was shot in the back of a store. He is now receiving treatment at Helen DeVos Hospital, and is in serious condition.

Conway, AR: Police identify suspect in Sunday shooting at grocery store
The Conway Police Department is seeking help in locating a suspect connected to a Sunday evening shooting that put one person in the hospital. Police identified Camryn Smith, 17, as a suspect wanted in connection to the shooting that occurred at the Kroger located at 855 Salem Rd. Smith is believed to be traveling in a 2012 silver Chevy Malibu with Arkansas license plate number AJE97I. Conway police said the shooting to be an isolated incident. According to the social media post, a 23-year-old male victim involved remains in the hospital in critical condition.

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Clovis, CA: Walmart fire suspect seen in Lubbock; new arson details revealed
Officials with the Clovis Police Department confirmed a man believed to be the Walmart arson suspect, Jimmy Guillen, 59, was seen in Lubbock over the weekend. Captain Robert Telles told officials believed Guillen was seeking medical treatment in Lubbock. He was last seen on Saturday around midnight. Telles said it was not immediately clear if Guillen was still in the area, but federal agencies in Lubbock were notified. According to police, Guillen is known to move frequently and only stays at one place for a short time. Clovis PD asked for the public’s help finding Guillen on Saturday. The store was closed when Guillen entered at 3:24 a.m. on September 3, court records stated. A report from the Eastern New Mexico News said court records showed Guillen entered the store “though a roll up door used for shopping carts.” Court records said he went in with a propane torch and a canister with a package taped to it. According to court documents, investigators discovered the package contained “shrapnel objects” such as beads, glass and rocks. Court records said security cameras showed Guillen grab multiple bottles of propane and place the torch with an open flame next to canisters of fuel. Some evidence had blood on it, court documents stated.
Court records stated Walmart estimated damages at $42 million. As of Tuesday afternoon, Guillen had not been located. Anyone with information about Guillen’s location was asked to call police.

Gainesville, FL: Florida man hotwires excavator, crashes it into Walmart
A Florida man is accused of stealing an excavator and crashing it into a Gainesville, Florida Walmart. Jesse Smith, 47, is charged with grand theft, property damage, resisting an office and trespassing. The incident happened Monday night. The Gainesville Police Department said Smith entered a worksite, hotwired the excavator and then took it on a joyride. He took out power poles before crashing it through the Walmart. He also crashed it into multiple buildings at a nearby store center. Smith reportedly caused about $2 million in damages in total

Baltimore, MD: Smash and grab burglaries leave several Baltimore businesses damaged



C-Store – Rancho Cordova, CA – Burglary
C-Store – Oakland, CA – Burglary
C-Store – Staten Island, NY – Robbery
C-Store – Beaver County, PA - Armed Robbery
C-Store – Boston, MA – Armed Robbery
C-Store -Springfield, MO – Burglary
C-Store – Hampstead, NH – Burglary
C-Store – Jefferson City, MO – Burglary
C-Store – Gardner, KS – Armed Robbery
Clothing – Memphis, TN – Armed Robbery
Dollar - Rankin County, MS - Armed Robbery
Eyewear - Downey, CA – Robbery
Gas Station – Loudoun County, VA – Armed Robbery
Guns – Somerset, PA- Armed Robbery
Guns – New Hartford, NY - Burglary
Hardware – Denton, TX – Burglary
Jewelry – Downey, CA – Robbery
Jewelry – Arlington, TX - Robbery
Jewelry – Oklahoma City, OK – Robbery
Jewelry – Puyallup, WA – Robbery
Laundry - Grand Rapids, MI – Armed Robbery
Liquor – Waterbury, CT – Armed Robbery
Marijuana – Chicago, IL – Burglary
Motorcycles – Ledgewood, NJ – Burglary
Restaurant – Ellicott City, MD – Burglary
Restaurant – Ellicott City, MD – Burglary
Restaurant – Atlanta, GA – Armed Robbery
Sports – Houston, TX – Armed Robbery
Tobacco – Chicago, IL – Burglary
Ulta - Oconee County, SC - Robbery
Vape – Baltimore, MD – Burglary
Walmart – Caldwell County, KY - Burglary
Walmart - Harrison County, WV - Robbery
Walmart – Gainesville, FL – Burglary                                                                     

Daily Totals:
• 19 robberies
• 15 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed

Click to enlarge map




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Security Director
Chicago, IL - posted September 7

Reporting to the VP of Corporate Security, the Director of Corporate Security is a professional security practitioner that acts as an advisor/consultant to the assigned Property Management Group. Responsibilities include monitoring security vendors' performance, evaluating for contract compliance, and serving as a program quality control manager...

District Asset Protection Manager
Washington, DC - posted August 31

The MidAtlantic Division has an opening for a District Asset Protection Manager in Northern Virginia. This person will support Fairfax, Arlington, and Loudoun counties. This is a salary role with up to 70% travel within the assigned district. District Asset Protection Manager will provide positive/proactive leadership, and instruction in the area of Security/Asset Protection...

Regional Manager, Asset Protection - Southeast
Georgia or Louisiana - posted August 7

In this role, you will embody Do The Right Thing by protecting People, Assets, and Brands. You will work in an energized, fast paced environment focused on creating a safe environment for our employees, teams, and customers; this is critical to driving our Brand Power, Enduring Customer Relationships, and exuding our commitment to Team and Values...

Corporate & Supply Chain Asset Protection Leader
Quincy, MA - posted August 3

The primary purpose of this position is to manage the Corporate Asset Protection function for all US Support Offices and Supply Chain. Direct team in the design, implementation and management of physical security processes and equipment to ensure facilities are considered a safe and secure environment for all associates and external parties...

Occupational Health & Safety Manager
Mount Horeb, WI - posted July 27

This role is responsible for examining the workplace for environmental or physical factors that could affect employee or guest health, safety, comfort, and performance. This role is also responsible for reducing the frequency and severity of accidents. To be successful in the role, you will need to work closely with management, employees, and relevant regulatory bodies...

Loss Prevention Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst
Boston, MA - posted July 7

As a LP Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst for Staples, you will conduct LP operational field audits remote, virtual and in person, within a base of 60 retail stores to ensure compliance to operational standards to drive operational excellence and preserve profitability. You will also train store managers on Key-Holder responsibilities, Inventory Control standards, Cash Office procedures, Protection Standards, Safety and Fraud trends...

Manager, Physical Security
Jacksonville, FL - posted July 7

Responsible for overseeing all aspects of the company's physical security strategy for retail stores, warehouses, and store support center and field offices. This includes responsibility for the capital expense and repair budgets, developing written specifications, layout and design for all systems and to ensure all installations and repairs are made to SEG standards...

Regional AP Mgr - South FL Market - Bilingual required
Miami, FL - posted August 8

Responsible for managing asset protection programs designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region. This position will develop the framework for the groups' response to critical incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...

Regional Director, LP & Safety (Midwest)
MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA - posted June 27

We are looking for a Regional Director of Loss Prevention to join us in MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA. You will develop, execute, and maintain shrink and shrink compliance initiatives. You will also conduct internal and external field investigations, loss control auditing, store safety programs, and compliance programs and audits...

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Sometimes you have to lose in order to win long term. Picking your battles is an art that many never acquire, but those that do are usually two steps ahead of you. So while the loss may seem to set you back, regroup and focus two steps ahead because that's where the winner of the last battle is. And remember always lose with dignity and win with humility.

Just a Thought,


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