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Sissy Scruggs named Senior Director of Business Development for Product Protection Solutions

Sissy has a wealth of experience as a solution provider professional, which will help shape her new role at PPS. Before joining PPS, Sissy spent 9 years as the Director of Business Development for ISS and before that was with WG and Sensormatic. She has been in the industry for almost 30 years providing retailers with Product protection. She has held many titles including RFID Specialist, National Account manager, and Customer Service Specialist. She also has worked with her local chapters with ORC as well.

Sissy has helped many retailers in creating uniquely successful programs, most notably one of the first EAS hard tag recycle programs. She also worked with a high-profile retailer designing and implementing a RFID inventory tracking program for daily gun control consisting of the ATF regulation requirements.

Congratulations, Sissy!

See All the LP Executives 'Moving Up' Here   

Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position






What's Small And Round And Makes Lots Of Sound?
The Tick-R-Tape Tag and Super Mini Tape Tag!

The Tick-R-Tape Tag can be used alone with just the base or secured to the package with conductive tape or a conductive label, creating additional alarm capabilities. It can replace wire package wraps and "keepers". When the merchandise goes through the POS, the associate keeps the tag and leaves the base and tape on the package to go home with the customer for removal later, with no damaged packaging. Through testing and research with the LPRC, it has been established that the customers are not bothered by that and actually feel better knowing the package had not been opened by others. See the report on our website, or in the LPRC knowledge Center.

This tag has 6-alarm capability when using 2-pieces of conductive tape and can self-alarm out the door while activating the EAS pedestals. Its 98 dBl alarm can be heard throughout the store. The Tick-R-Tape Tag uses our handheld decoder to deactivate the alarm before removing it from the package. This will prevent unauthorized detachers from being used. The Tick-R-Tape Tag has unlimited life due to having a replaceable battery. It is water resistant and cannot be "jumped". With our new modifications, the Tick-R-Tape Tag can be used with the new Gen6 SP on large, boxed goods like vacuums.

Click here to learn more


The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

Property Crime Down 9% Nationwide in 2024

Real-Time Crime Index Shows Nationwide Trends

The Real-Time Crime Index launched yesterday with data from more than 300 agencies nationwide. It's designed to show national crime trends as they develop from as many agencies as possible with as little lag as possible.

The RTCI is a sample of reported crime data from hundreds of law enforcement agencies nationwide which mimics national crime trends with as little lag and the most accuracy possible. Crime statistics are inexact, but sampling agencies in this way is a proven method for accurately measuring trends while waiting for national crime estimates published each year. Standardizing the offenses collected and time periods measured from hundreds of agencies makes it possible to evaluate trends up or down as they develop.

Not all crimes are reported to police, and the RTCI can only measure those offenses that are reported to police. Crime data is inherently imprecise with frequent (usually small) variations between different data sources. This methodology is designed to ensure that crime trends are being captured accurately even if the exact figures reported either publicly by an agency or by the FBI may differ depending on the available data source.

These figures represent reported crimes published by agencies, which may not represent the entirety of crimes in a city, if served by multiple agencies or when accounting for offenses that do not get reported to police. Agencies also can report crimes months after they occur, so figures for each agency are subject to change. The data collection methodology differs between cities, not every city is included in the RTCI sample, not every agency reports every offense type, and not every agency has complete data through the most recent reporting period. As such, ranking between cities is imprecise and inadvisable, and users should be cautious when comparing crime counts for one city against another city’s counts.

Store ATM Thieves Find 'Glaring Security Gap'
Why federal authorities don't respond to ATM thefts from corner stores

If thieves steal an ATM out of a bank, it would be an FBI matter with federal charges

There has been a rash of automatic teller machine (ATM) thefts and attempted heists across Chicago and the nation, and the ABC 7 I-Team found a startling reason behind it: There are no federal laws against stealing independently-owned ATMs.

More than half, 60% of all of ATMs nationwide are independently-owned, and those are the ones being targeted by crafty thieves who have struck at least 20 times in the past two weeks, according to Chicago police.

If the two suspects had been carrying the ATM out of a bank, it would be an FBI matter and they could face federal bank robbery charges, including lengthy prison terms. But lately, Chicago burglary crews seem to have learned when they steal an independently-owned ATM, there is no federal jurisdiction.

Federal regulations against bank robbery charges carry up to a 20-year sentence, while state theft laws carry a five-year maximum sentence. It's a glaring security gap that lawmakers in Washington have recognized.

"The bad guys have become aware that if you rob an independently-owned ATM, one of these that's in a convenient store, or maybe a sporting event or some other venue, that's not going to bring the wrath of the FBI and federal authorities down on top of you," said U.S. Representative John Rose, a Republican from Tennessee.

Rose has introduced legislation that would change that. If passed, the "Safe Access to Cash Act of 2023" would fold all ATMs, both independently and bank-owned, into the federal Bank Robbery Act that was passed in 1934, long before ATMs were ever created.

Tough-on-Crime Ballot Measure Leading in California
OPINION: Progressives’ Public Safety Flip-Flop
Despite the outcry from Californians who are fed up with smash-and-grabs, brazen drug use on the streets, and the overall decline in public safety, the state’s leadership continues to push an agenda that has enabled all of those things.

There’s a strong argument that 2014’s Proposition 47 played a major role in the rise of crime and homelessness. By reclassifying certain theft and drug offenses from felonies to misdemeanors, the measure led to consequences that are now impossible to ignore.

Unfortunately, the governor and progressives have no desire to touch the policy. From their perspective, Prop. 47 has been a success, but everyday Californians know there are real problems that need to be addressed. Crime rates have surged, and many communities are suffering from the consequences of prioritizing ideology over reality.

This year, in a rare show of bipartisanship, both sides of the aisle came together to pass public safety bills aimed at addressing organized retail theft. But just when it seemed that progress was being made, chaos ensued. Progressive leadership in Sacramento attempted to force amendments that would have effectively nullified the measures if voters approve Proposition 36 this November, which aims to make significant reforms to Prop. 47.

The truth is, there is a demand for action. A recent Berkeley IGS Poll shows Prop. 36 is leading among Californians, 56% to 23%. Even many Democratic members and mayors in major liberal cities like San Francisco are openly endorsing the measure. Their endorsements speak volumes.

Retailers Continue to Partner with Police to Fight ORC
Lake Worth, TX: Police helping businesses combat organized retail theft rings
Burglaries and robberies of businesses have changed. Instead of just one person, police are now seeing groups of people committing organized retail theft. Now, the Lake Worth police chief is organizing the city's retailers against organized crime rings.

Chief Manoushagian holds a retail roundtable twice a year, meeting with businesses to talk about ways to cut organized crime rings of burglars and robbers.

"No longer do we see shoplifting. That's very rare," he said. "What we're starting to see now are groups of criminals acting in an organized fashion to strategically target certain retailers or areas, and then those products are sold on the black market. And those funds go into criminal organizations. So we see the bigger picture, and we're trying to work with our private sector partners to put a stop to that."

"They have stash houses, and they just take all of it," said Lake Worth Police Commander Joe Connolly. "They don’t have to sell it on the corner. They take it to a stash house, and they sell all of it in one block for hundreds of dollars."

Organized rings are rolling across the country, says one retail loss prevention agent. Chief Manoushagian wants retailers to call when they know or suspect that a theft is taking place — not after it's over and the thieves are gone — to give police a chance to catch them.

Jury selection continues in King Soopers grocery store shooting trial

How to stop mass shootings before they start

Walmart Fueling Dollar Store Downturn?
Dollar stores are struggling. Blame Walmart

After years of prolific growth, US dollar stores have hit a downturn.

Dollar Tree shares plunged 20% Wednesday after the company cut its outlook for the rest of the year, citing “immense pressures” on its low- and middle-income customer base. Dollar Tree also owns the long-struggling Family Dollar chain.

Dollar General and Dollar Tree have been the fastest-growing retailers by new store openings in recent years, capitalizing on factors such as entrenched poverty in many areas of the country, a shrinking middle class and rival retailers’ store closures. Investors drove the companies’ stock up, assuming that dollar stores were protected from broader economic challenges because customers flock there to save money when times are tough.

But that theory is buckling. While dollar stores once expanded to reach a growing number of financially strapped Americans, they underestimated just how financially strapped many Americans would become.

The companies have hit trouble as low-income customers struggle to afford basic necessities and dial back their spending, strategic mistakes haunt their business and competition from Walmart and other chains increases.

“The dollar store sector seems to be facing existential uncertainties,” UBS analyst Michael Lasser said in a note to clients last week.

Are You Keeping Up with EHS Requirements?
Understanding How Changes to Your Business Impact Environmental, Health, and Safety Obligations

Do you know which EHS requirements apply to your industry and operations? Do you have a plan to meet them and avoid the risks of non-compliance?

An EHS applicability assessment is the first step in building a solid foundation for EHS compliance. It can help you identify the gaps and opportunities in your current EHS practices and provide you with a roadmap for improvement. It can also help you avoid the costly and damaging consequences of non-compliance and enhance your business performance and reputation.

EHS compliance is not a one-time event, but a continuous process that requires ongoing care, review, refinement, and improvement. You may need to use different methods and tools, such as recurring inspections, internal or external audits, legal registers, management systems, or software programs, to maintain and monitor your EHS performance. However, it all starts with knowing which EHS regulations apply to your business, which is what an EHS applicability assessment can help you achieve.

The Remote Work Impact?
Should Workers Have the ‘Right to Disconnect’?
Australia became the latest country to give employees the “right to disconnect” outside their standard working hours to support work-life balance in an “always on” digital world.

The law doesn’t strictly prohibit employers from calling or messaging their workers after hours. But it does protect employees who “refuse to monitor, read or respond to contact or attempted contact outside their working hours, unless their refusal is unreasonable,” according to the Fair Work Commission, Australia’s workplace relations tribunal.

Exceptions could be made depending on the seniority of the employee, their personal circumstances (including caregiving responsibilities), the reason for the contact, and how much disruption it causes them.

The law, which passed in February, took effect on Aug. 26 for most workers and will apply to small businesses of fewer than 15 people starting in August 2025. Such laws attempt to restore boundaries between personal and professional lives, which many professionals have found to be increasingly blurred amid the rise of the smartphone and remote work.

Should More Retailers Be Opening Pop-Up Shops?
Pop-up shops are temporary retail spaces that have been invaluable to e-commerce and mobile brands that do not have permanent physical store locations. However, more established brands are also using pop-up shops to their advantage.

Pop-ups allow brands without a permanent retail residence to bring their products to the public in person, while established retailers can use them to create experimental store designs, special events, and experiential models, as well as to test new markets. These temporary retail locations can also create brand awareness and push sales backed by fear of missing out (FOMO).

Rite Aid exits bankruptcy, sheds $2B in debt

Bath & Body Works to launch generative AI fragrance finder

All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time

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Zebra Workcloud Actionable Intelligence 7.0

Workcloud Actionable Intelligence 7.0 is the AI-based analytics platform built for the modern store - optimized for big data and modern usability with a cloud-native backend, 100% powered by Google Cloud Platform.

Do more directly within the UI without having to click through different pages. Utilize robust, state of the art AI and Machine Learning models. Connect data and build models from any of the products in Zebra's solution portfolio. Here are some of the powerful new feature highlights of Actionable Intelligence 7.0:

Automate data ingestion with a flexible data model

Bring together multiple key datasets from across your organization and establish a single source of truth for generating both insights and actions. Build models from any data source or size and go from insight to actionable intelligence faster.

Advanced analytics and automated tasking

Leverage state of the art AI and ML to efficiently sift through the noise and complexity of data to identify anomalies. Once opportunities are found, the simple remedy action is sent directly to the associate via an easy-to-use workflow complete with directions on what actions need to be taken.

Closed loop intelligent workflow

Capture outcomes and feed them back into the application to ensure accountability, track root causes of issues, monitor financial impact, and continuously improve analytics.

Designed for scale

With a cloud-native backend, 100% powered by Google Cloud Platform and HTML5, Actionable Intelligence 7.0 is built for big data and modern usability.

Click here to learn more about Zebra Workcloud Actionable Intelligence 7.0






Microsoft's 'Security-First Approach'
Microsoft is training developers on the intricacies of threat intelligence

Cybercrime wonk Sherrod DeGrippo is taking Microsoft’s software developers and engineers on a journey into her world, the depths of threat intelligence.

With Microsoft embracing a security-first approach throughout the company, it’s also getting serious about cybersecurity at the programming level. The company is trying to fix how software developers approach security, in part, by familiarizing them with threat intelligence, including the objectives and motivations of attackers who are targeting Microsoft’s systems.

The responsibility for security isn’t exclusive to Microsoft’s security team. “We need to develop software differently,” Bret Arsenault, corporate VP and chief cybersecurity advisor at Microsoft, told Cybersecurity Dive in May during an interview at the RSA Conference.

Last month, DeGrippo led the first of a series of four-hour workshops at Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond, Washington with 100 software developers and engineering leaders across the company. As DeGrippo took them on a journey into her world, she got a firsthand look into how developers overlook threat intelligence on a daily basis.

“I’m finding that these super smart software engineers are incredible at developing mass-scaled code and mass applications, operating systems, but these are concepts that they really don’t have in their day-to-day that are my entire life,” DeGrippo said.

Businesses Grapple with Surging Deepfake Scams
Deepfake scams escalate, hitting more than half of businesses

The vast majority of corporate finance professionals, 85%, now view such scams as an “existential” threat, a Medius study found.

AdvertisementJust over half of businesses in the U.S. and U.K. have been targets of a financial scam powered by “deepfake” technology, with 43% falling victim to such attacks, according to a survey by finance software provider Medius.

Of the 1,533 U.S. and U.K. finance professionals polled by Medius, 85% viewed such scams as an “existential” threat to their organization’s financial security, according to a report on the findings published last month. Deepfakes are artificial intelligence-manipulated images, videos, or audio recordings that are bogus yet convincing.

More and more criminals are seeing deepfake scams as an effective way to get money from businesses,” Ahmed Fessi, chief transformation and information officer at Medius, said in an interview. These scams “combine phishing techniques with social engineering, plus the power of AI.”

New ransomware variant has BlackCat-like similarities, report says
A new ransomware variant that emerged two months ago names itself after a decade-old internet mystery known as Cicada 3301, according to new research from the cybersecurity firm Morphisec.

The Rust-based ransomware variant also bears significant resemblance to the BlackCat malware, also known as ALPHV, that has wreaked havoc due to the operators’ aggressive tactics.

Though the Cicada3301 variant was first spotted two months ago, Michael Gorelik, chief technology officer for Morphisec, said the cybersecurity firm stopped an attack from a customer last week and reversed the malware. It’s not yet clear who is behind the new variant.

Why ransomware attackers target Active Directory

The attack with many names: SMS Toll Fraud




In Case You Missed It

Sapphire Celebrates 10 Years of Success

Sapphire is thrilled to celebrate our 11th anniversary with you!

Over the past decade and more, Sapphire has proudly served the security needs of countless businesses across the cannabis, pawn, and jewelry industries -- and beyond.

As they reflect on this milestone, Sapphire extends their deepest gratitude to their clients, partners, and team members who have been instrumental in this journey.

Here's to continued growth and success together!


Cannabis Retail Shoplifting
How to Prevent Shoplifting in Cannabis Retail
While all businesses face the risks of theft or diversion of product, retailers face the added risks associated with shoplifting. Additionally,
cannabis retailers could be targeted for their valuable cannabis products and cash on-site if not properly secured. Despite this, there are many ways that cannabis business owners can prevent shoplifting in cannabis retail by utilizing effective security policies and procedures, as well as adhering to state and local regulations.

Shoplifting Risks in Cannabis Retail v. Standard Retail

Although security systems and procedures will likely vary, there are typically stricter state or local regulations to which cannabis businesses must adhere than retailers in other industries.
Cannabis retailers utilize advanced video surveillance, alarms, and access control systems, as well as security personnel, to ensure that cannabis products and currency are not subject to shoplifting tactics. These advanced security measures make it much more difficult to shoplift at a cannabis retailer than a standard retail store.

AdvertisementThough some had feared that the spread of cannabis legalization across the United States would increase crime rates, recent research suggests that this is not the case. Current data indicates that cannabis legalization does not appear to significantly impact crime rates. Additionally, the Denver Police Department found that cannabis stores were 3% less likely to be robbed or burglarized than liquor stores and 17% less likely than banks. The Denver Police Department concluded that the statistics of cannabis robberies were most similar to rates associated with pharmacies than any other business type.

Secure Displays and Product Security

In addition to advanced security systems and devices,
cannabis businesses also utilize vaults, safes, and secure storage areas to store cannabis products, currency, and other high-value items. When cannabis product is outside of secure storage areas, like when it is out for display on the sales floor, it should always be inside of a locked and secure display cases or tethered sample pods. At the close of business hours, cannabis products should be returned to secure storage areas for overnight storage.

Instead of using authentic cannabis products for retail displays,
some cannabis business owners opt to use sample "dummy" products. These dummy products appear to be real product to give the customer an idea of what they would be purchasing, but the packaging contains rice, cotton, or some other filler instead of cannabis.

Additional Tips for Preventing Shoplifting:

779+ Illegal Pot Stores Closed in NYC
NYC closes illegal weed shops | STAFF COMMENTARY
In a fight between local residents and unlicensed cannabis stores, the locals are winning.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Gov. Kathy Hochul have shut down more than 1,000 illegal cannabis shops. City and state officials have seized over $63 million worth of illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia.

This is a side effect of legalized cannabis.

In New York City, more than 779 illegal stores have been padlocked, according to Hochul’s office. The New York State Illicit Cannabis Enforcement Task Force has closed an additional 230 across the state.

The State of Rescheduling: Where Does It Stand?
The public commentary period on cannabis rescheduling has ended, marking a key turning point in the ongoing debate over cannabis regulation. On July 22, the commentary period officially closed, with more than 43,000 comments submitted. The overwhelming majority of comments favored complete cannabis descheduling rather than rescheduling to Schedule III.

While cannabis rescheduling to Schedule III would provide significant tax relief, especially in terms of the 280E provision, it would not resolve many of the legal conflicts between federal and state cannabis laws. A report from the Congressional Research Service emphasized that cannabis sales without a valid prescription would still be subject to federal criminal law, and recreational sales would remain illegal at the federal level. This underscores the limitations of rescheduling as opposed to full descheduling, which many stakeholders view as a more comprehensive solution.

Why Cannabis Testing and Labeling Standardization Is Long Overdue

List of New York cannabis retailers delinquent on bills has just 2 names





Amazon's Response to Worker Strikes in UK?
Amazon announces pay rise for tens of thousands of UK workers

Increase will lift minimum rates by 9.8% and comes after online retailer defeated GMB union bid for bargaining rights on pay

Amazon has announced a pay rise worth nearly 10% for tens of thousands of UK employees, after defeating an attempt by the GMB trade union for bargaining rights over pay and conditions.

The online retailer said the increase would lift minimum pay rates by 9.8% to between £13.50 and £14.50 an hour, depending on location. Staff with at least three years’ service will receive a minimum of between £13.75 and £14.75 an hour.

The pay rise will apply to thousands of Amazon staff from 29 September, including delivery drivers and those employed in the retailer’s UK fulfilment centres.

UK workers at Amazon have staged a series of recent strikes. The companysaid it had invested £550m in boosting employee pay since 2022, adding that staff received benefits such as subsidised meals and discounts.

A spokesperson said: “That’s why we are proud to announce that we are increasing our minimum starting pay for all frontline employees to the equivalent of more than £28,000 a year and we continue to offer industry-leading benefits from day one.”

Amazon Faces Political Backlash
Amazon denies device bias after Alexa ‘gives users reasons to vote for Harris and not Trump’

Users on social media accuse company of election interference as its virtual assistant appears to favour Democratic candidate

Amazon has insisted its electronic devices are not programmed to have political bias after its virtual assistant, Alexa, gave users reasons to vote for Kamala Harris and not Donald Trump.

Videos shared on social media showed people asking gadgets with Amazon’s Alexa technology installed “Why should I vote for Donald Trump?” and “Why should I vote for Kamala Harris?

In response to the questions about the Republican presidential candidate, Alexa said: “I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or a specific candidate.”

But when asked about the Democratic candidate, in some instances it responded: “While there are many reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, the most significant may be that she is a strong candidate with a proven track record of accomplishment.”

Cybersecurity is top of mind for consumers when shopping online, according to Experian
The credit reporting agency surveyed consumers in March and roughly 80 percent said they were somewhat or very concerned about conducting activities online.

Alibaba to allow payment through Tencent's WeChat Pay for the first time on e-commerce apps









Birmingham, AL: DOJ: Update: Hoover brothers plead guilty in massive $1 Million Retail Theft scheme
Two Hoover brothers have pleaded guilty to running an online fencing scheme that resulted in the sale of over $1 million worth of stolen goods. Abdurrahman Amar, 32, and Yahya Amar, 33, each pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to engage in the interstate transportation of stolen goods, Northern District of Alabama U.S. Attorney Prim Escalona and U.S. Secret Service Special Agent in Charge Patrick Davis announced Wednesday. According to the plea agreements, from January 2022 through December 2023, Abdurrahman Amar organized and led a network of “boosters” — professional thieves. The boosters regularly offered the Amars various new and unopened goods for purchase, especially personal electronic devices and tools. The Amars knew that the boosters obtained the items by stealing them from retailers, including Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, and Lowe’s. After buying goods from the boosters at a steep discount, the Amars listed them for re-sale on online platforms—primarily eBay and Facebook. The prices included a markup from the boosters’ prices but were still well below the stolen goods’ retail value. Over the course of the conspiracy, authorities said, the Amars completed about 7,283 separate sales of stolen goods on eBay, netting approximately $1,014,191.44. A sentencing date has not yet been announced. The maximum penalty for conspiracy to engage in interstate transportation of stolen goods is five years in prison.

Riverside County, CA: Southern California burglary crew arrested in theft of $500K worth of jewelry
Two men from Los Angeles, believed to be a part of an organized robbery crew that stole high-valued jewelry and designer products with an estimated value of $500,000, are in custody, officials announced Tuesday. In a news release by the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, authorities say 39-year-old Anthony Pena-Gomez and 40-year-old Carlos Riquelme-Montecinos targeted neighborhoods in Indian Wells and Rancho Mirage in July 2024, gaining access to the residential properties by breaking glass doors and windows. “The suspects are believed to be associated with an organized burglary group out of the Los Angeles area that commits burglaries nationwide,” the release stated. On Aug. 27, members of the Riverside Sheriff’s Special Enforcement Bureau, along with members of the Indian Wells and Rancho Mirage special enforcement teams and the Palm Desert Burglary Suppression Team, served a search warrant in the 400 block of Cottage Home Street in L.A.’s Elysian Park neighborhood. Both suspects were arrested, and a search of the residence recovered a handgun stolen out of Burbank, jewelry from residential burglaries in Rancho Mirage and Fullerton, burglary tools, fake identification and multiple cell phones.

San Rafael, CA: San Rafael Police report smash-and-grab Jewelry store robbery
A group of suspects smashed open display cases and stole jewelry from a San Rafael store. The incident was reported at about 5 p.m. Tuesday at the Home Consignment Center on Bellam Boulevard.. San Rafael police Sgt. Justin Graham said that four suspects were seen breaking the cases with small sledgehammers and stealing an undisclosed amount of merchandise. One suspect served as a lookout at the store’s main entrance. Graham said the robbery lasted about one minute before the suspects fled in a white Toyota Highlander SUV. No injuries were reported.

El Cajon, CA: Five people arrested in Home Depot retail theft operation
El Cajon police arrested five people and recovered stolen merchandise during a retail theft operation last Friday. The operation was conducted around 5 p.m. at the Home Depot located at 298 Fletcher Pkwy. in El Cajon. Investigators with the police department worked with store employees to surveil and arrest five people who were accused of stealing merchandise. Two transients — 44-year-old Darrius Moore and 20-year-old Adrian Varona — had theft-related warrants and were booked into jail, according to police. Three others were released with citations.

Montgomery County, MD: Update: Police search for trio allegedly connected to Nike store theft
Police are searching for three people who allegedly stole items from a Nike store in Montgomery County in August. On Aug. 26, officers said they responded to the Nike store in the 22700 block of Clarksburg Road for the report of a theft that had taken place. According to officials' investigation, three people went into the store and stole an unknown amount of merchandise then left the store. A surveillance camera captured the people allegedly connected to the incident.

Philadelphia, PA: 6 men stole $42,000 of crab from truck in South Philly

Medford, NY: Man wanted for stealing $1,300 worth of allergy medication from Target






Shootings & Deaths

Boulder, CO: Opening statements to begin in trial of Colorado man accused of killing 10 people at a King Soopers grocery store in 2021
A jury will hear opening statements Thursday in the long-delayed trial of a Colorado man accused of killing 10 people in a Boulder grocery store over three years ago. Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa is facing 10 counts of murder, 38 counts of attempted murder and numerous other charges after a judge ruled last year that he was fit to stand trial for the mass shooting at King Soopers on March 22, 2021. He pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity last November, CNN affiliate KMGH reported. Days before the massacre Alissa was able to purchase a Ruger AR-556, which he used in the killings, after passing a background check, according to court records and the owner of a gun shop in Arvada, Colorado. A district court judge in 2021 initially ruled Alissa incompetent to stand trial after he was evaluated by a defense expert, two doctors from a state hospital and a doctor selected by the prosecutors, according to court documents filed by the Boulder County District Attorney’s Office. Doctors determined Alissa’s condition got worse while at the Boulder County Jail. He was later sent to the state hospital for treatment. Last October, however, the judge found him competent, noting that although Alissa was diagnosed with schizophrenia, evaluations did not show he suffered delusions that would interfere with his ability to stand trial.

Lehi, UT: 8-year-old Utah boy dies after shooting himself in car while mother was inside C-store
An 8-year-old boy has died after accidentally shooting himself with a loaded gun left in a car while his mother was inside a Utah convenience store, police said. The boy was alone in the car about 7:40 p.m. Monday in Lehi — a city about 30 miles south of Salt Lake City — when he shot himself in the head, Jeanteil Livingston with the Lehi City Police Department confirmed to CBS News. The incident occurred in a vehicle located in the parking lot of a Maverick gas station, police said. The boy was taken to a local hospital in extremely critical condition. He was later airlifted to a hospital up north and died Tuesday morning, police said.

San Antonio, TX: Gunfire reported at Leon Valley H-E-B
A man is in custody after shots were fired at a west-side H-E-B on Tuesday afternoon, local authorities say. Bexar County sheriff's deputies and Leon Valley police responded to the store in the 5600 block of Bandera Road, near Loop 410, at around 1 p.m. Officials with the Leon Valley Police Department said no one was found hurt at the store, and an H-E-B spokesperson also said there was an "incident" before adding no one was injured.

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Washington DC: Man arrested for assaulting Northwest DC C-store employees with knife
A man is facing charges after D.C. police said he assaulted employees with a knife during an attempted theft on Tuesday, September 3 in Northwest. Officers said the man went into a convenience store in the 1200 block of 11th Street, Northwest around 5 p.m. The man was later identified as James Elijah Lane, 32, of Northwest, according to officials. Lane attempted to take items from the store without paying but was confronted by employees, officials said. A struggle ensued, and Lane pulled out a knife and assaulted the employees, according to officials. Responding officers took Lane into custody and a knife was recovered, officials said. One of the employees was treated for minor injuries on the scene.

Nashville, TN: String of robberies targeting Locksmiths in Davidson County leads to arrest
The victim told police that when he arrived to the location, he was approached by two men who both had a gun. The victim told police the two men held him at gunpoint and forced him out of his minivan, then took his wallet, phone and $700 in cash. According to an arrest report, Yanathan Furline is accused of carjacking and robbing a locksmith at an apartment complex off East Thompson Lane. Police say Yanathan Furline is a suspect in three previous incidents of carjacking and aggravated robbery of locksmiths that happened in Davidson County last year. According to the police report, Furline bonded out of the Davidson County jail just 12 days before this most recent incident.

Monmouth County, NJ: Manasquan Man Charged in $200K Credit Card Fraud Scheme
Authorities uncover elaborate scheme involving fraudulent purchases and reselling of goods, totaling over $200,000. A Manasquan man has been criminally charged with using a former business client’s credit card to purchase items he then resold to another client, a plot that netted more than $200,000, Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago announced Wednesday. Adam C. Kleinwaks, 55, of Manasquan is charged with second-degree Money Laundering and second-degree Theft by Unlawful Taking. This matter was referred to the Monmouth County Prosecutors Office (MCPO) Financial Crimes and Special Prosecutions Unit back in February 2024, by security personnel of a credit-card company. A six month independent investigation was conducted by members of the Unit and they revealed that Kleinwaks had been fraudulently using a former client’s credit card to make unauthorized purchases of items costing more than $130,000. In speaking with Mark Spivey, MCPO Public Information Officer, when asked if this investigation led to investigating any other possible similar crimes, quote “we can't confirm or deny that point." Furthermore, the investigation revealed that Kleinwaks, a salesman for a printing company, took the labels for recreational commercial products he purchased and then resold them to another company, receiving more than $200,000 in checks as payment. He allegedly then cashed those checks and made multiple cash deposits into a bank account he controlled.

Plainview, NY: Hicksville Woman Arrested for $340K Fraud Scheme Against Former Employer



Beauty – Williamston, SC – Burglary
C-Store – Washington DC – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Jefferson County, TX – Armed Robbery
C-Store- Irwindale, CA – Robbery
Hardware – Bath, NY – Burglary
Jewelry – Virginia Beach, VA – Burglary
Jewelry – San Rafael, CA – Armed Robbery
Liquor – Antioch, CA - Burglary
Locksmith – Nashville, TN – Armed Robbery
Marijuana – Seattle, WA – Burglary
Pharmacy – Staten Island, NY – Armed Robbery
Pharmacy – Williamston, SC – Burglary
Pawn – Colorado Springs, CO – Burglary
Pharmacy – Los Angeles, CA – Burglary
Restaurant – Miam, FL – Burglary
Target – Novato, CA - Robbery
Tobacco – Los Angeles, CA – Burglary
Tobacco – Los Angeles, CA – Burglary
Tobacco – Los Angeles, CA – Burglary
Vape – Colorado Springs, CO – Burglary                                                                                                                  

Daily Totals:
• 7 robberies
• 13 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed

Click map to enlarge




None to report.

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Corporate Risk Manager
Memphis, TN or New Orleans, LA - Posted June 27

Summary of Role and Responsibilities: Proactive approach to preventing losses/injuries, whether they are to our employees, third parties, or customers' valuables. They include cash in transit, auto losses, or injuries; Report all incidents, claims, and losses that may expose the company to financial losses, whether they are covered by insurance or not...

Loss Prevention Specialist
Temple, TX - Posted June 18

The Loss Prevention Specialist identifies various types of losses and thefts, works cross-functionally in a fast-paced environment providing critical guidance to Operations on asset protection and profit improvement initiatives. At The Fikes Companies, our Mission is to build a highly successful company which our employees are proud of, our customers value, and the communities we serve can count on...

Multi-Store Detective (Pittsburgh Operating Market)
Pittsburgh, PA - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

Multi-Store Detective (Cleveland Operating Market)
Cleveland, OH - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

Multi-Store Detective (Akron/Canton Operating Market)
Akron/Canton, OH - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

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At first your career is comprised of daily achievements and struggles all pointing towards an annual review and hopefully an increase or a promotion that can be celebrated at home and shared with family and friends. Mid way thru, your career takes on a life in and of itself and the world becomes smaller with everything shared good, bad, and even non-truths with everyone. It's at this point that lights go on in your mind and the world appears right outside your door waiting and watching. What use to be instant responses now become hesitations. Decisions and actions, while influenced with experience, now become thought out critical moves open to instant interpretations and criticisms. At this point one must rely on your instinct and what you know to be true and right because indecision and hesitation is what gives birth to mistakes and failure. Every seasoned executive knows the path of failure and losing battles and they know as well that instinct, knowledge, effort, and doing what's right will ultimately rule the day.

"I merely won more than I lost" -- Mr. Goldwyn of MGM's, response to a writer's question on his death bed about what made him so successful.   

Just a Thought,


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