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Tim Doty promoted to Manager of Field Investigations for TJX Companies
Tim has been with TJX Companies for over a decade, starting with the company in 2014 as Marshall's Distribution Center Operations Supervisor. Before his promotion, he served as Investigations Manager | Centralized Internal Investigations for over a year and LP Area Manager for over five years, among other roles. Earlier in his career, he held roles with Stein Mart, Ricoh Americas Corp. & West Point Products. Congratulations, Tim!

See All the LP Executives 'Moving Up' Here   

Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position






Loyalty programs are a powerful tool to build customer engagement and drive repeat business. However, they can also become a gateway for discount abuse and fraud, threatening your bottom line. How can you protect your business while maximizing the benefits of loyalty programs?

Join us for a free webinar co-hosted by the Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) and Agilence, where we'll dive deep into the challenges and solutions around loyalty program abuse and prevention.

In this session, you will learn to identify and address common issues that lead to loyalty program abuse and discount fraud. Some common loyalty abuse scenarios include:

  • Employees scanning their personal loyalty cards for customer transactions

  • Fraudsters exploiting weak passwords to take over accounts

  • Customers using single-use coupons multiple times

  • Employees adding points to their own or friends' loyalty cards

  • Customers signing up with fake names and information to earn rewards fraudulently

If your business is grappling with loyalty program fraud or discount abuse, then this webinar is for you. Agilence and LPF will present comprehensive, user-friendly strategies to protect your loyalty programs using data and analytics.

Agilence’s Senior Director of Product Management, Keneavy Krenzin, along with our esteemed customer presenter Jacob Welch, Loss Prevention Project Manager from Ulta, to share his extensive knowledge around managing loyalty programs effectively. Keneavy will also demonstrate how Agilence can streamline your processes and enhance your program's integrity.


Summer 2024 Weekend Shooting Analysis
Crime & Violence in America's Big Cities

Big City Shootings, Killings & Injuries Dropped Throughout Summer 2024

1,273 Shootings - 348 Killed - 1,328 Injured in 15 Cities Over Last 15 Weekends
Shootings (down 21%), deaths (down 22%) & injuries (down 21%) in 2023

The D&D Daily's Big City Weekend Violence Study - Memorial Day to Labor Day

The Daily's annual study analyzed weekend shooting data in 15 major U.S. cities from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend 2024

Starting Memorial Day Weekend, the D&D Daily began compiling and analyzing data from 15 major U.S. cities to get a snapshot of summer gun violence.

Over the past weekend, from August 30th through September 2nd, there were 101 shootings recorded in these 15 big cities, resulting in 21 deaths and 98 injuries.

In total, over the past 15 weekends combined, these cities have recorded 1,273 shootings, resulting in 348 deaths and 1,328 injuries.

Compared to last summer's study, total shootings in these cities are down 21%, deaths are down 22%, and injuries are down 21%.

The D&D Daily tracked this data throughout the summer to capture the weekend violence trend in our nation's big cities as warm weather typically brings about more crime and violence. Stay tuned next summer as we continue to track big city violence throughout summer 2025.

Click here to see the list of incidents per city throughout the summer.

Read more coverage about America's crime and violence surge in the section directly below


The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

The Battle Against Retail Crime is 'Becoming Harder to Fight'

How to Manage the Retail Crime Crisis
No person should fear for their physical or psychological wellbeing at work. In the retail industry, however, this has become commonplace. Recent data shows that 88 percent of retailers have identified more aggressive and violent shoplifters compared to one year ago. In addition, in 2023, as many as 13 percent of small business owners in the U.S. said they experienced retail theft every single day, with around a quarter of these retailers losing between $1,500 and $2,000 a month as a result.

The long battle against retail crime is becoming harder to fight. Those working in retail are having to remain extra vigilant against the threat, with constant surveillance of the aisles required. When suspicious activity is spotted, knowing the correct action to take isn’t always clearly defined. Criminals are also adopting sophisticated techniques when attempting to steal products, such as distracting employees before making a move. For retail employees, crime prevention has had to become a part of their daily work.

Protecting Associates With Smart Technology

Smart technology is essential to building effective security measures on retail sales floors. With a number of devices connected in one ecosystem, teams have more confidence in approaching difficult situations. Crucially, they know they can contact another team member to assist them, as smart devices feature seamless, discreet communication across not just associates, but security personnel and emergency services as well. With this setup, a smart camera can send an alert straight to the security team when it spots suspicious activity.

Telephony integration means that everyone in the team can call the emergency services from anywhere in the store to alert them directly. They don’t have to face the difficulty in such scenarios of using a physical phone. The visibility of direct in-store communication channels can serve as a deterrent to criminals.

Making Connected Stores Safer

While it’s the role of the police to tackle organized retail crime, measures that ensure the safety of sales floor teams are paramount. A number of retailers have brought in technological solutions in their stores to protect their staff and prevent stock depletion, but now it’s a case of ensuring that they're integrated with each other to ensure they feel safe, supported and empowered

Prop 47 Becomes Top Issue in Presidential Campaign
The California Shoplifting Law That Trump Says Is Too Lenient

Donald J. Trump has said that California allows thieves to steal goods in the state’s stores and falsely blamed Vice President Kamala Harris for it.

As Donald J. Trump tests lines of attack against Vice President Kamala Harris, he has claimed that shoplifters in California are allowed to steal up to $950 from stores with no consequence — and that Ms. Harris is to blame.

Mr. Trump, the Republican former president, has increasingly focused on policies in California, Ms. Harris’s home state, as a way to portray her as too liberal for the national electorate and try to blunt her efforts to appeal to moderate voters. Ms. Harris, a Democrat, served as the San Francisco district attorney and the attorney general of California before she became a senator in 2017.

You’re allowed to rob a store as long as it’s not more than $950,” Mr. Trump said at a news conference in New Jersey this month. “Has everyone heard of that? You can rob a store, and you have these thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is. Because if it’s less than $950 they can rob it and not get charged. That was her that did that.”

Mr. Trump, who repeated the claim at a rally in North Carolina, was referring to Proposition 47, a landmark criminal justice measure that California voters passed overwhelmingly in 2014 to reduce penalties for some theft and drug possession crimes. The changes came as crime rates were falling in California compared with those of previous decades and as the state was being ordered by federal courts to reduce its prison population.

The measure established that shoplifters who steal $950 or less in goods can only be charged with a misdemeanor. Previously, prosecutors had the discretion to charge suspects with either a misdemeanor or a felony.

NYC's Crime Closures & Anti-Theft Measures
Locked Cabinets, Reduced Hours And Store Closures: Retail Theft In NYC

What do retailers have to say about the big changes at the brick-and-mortar stores in your neighborhood?

In September 2023, Target closed its East Harlem store, the result of ongoing theft and organized retail crime putting the safety of employees and customers at risk, the company said. Nearly a year later, the company posted earnings that beat Wall Street’s expectations, in part because Target has apparently “solved” retail theft, according to Yahoo Finance.

If more retailers follow Target’s lead, New Yorkers could have even fewer brick-and-mortar options to count on for essentials, in an environment already characterized by so-called zombie pharmacies, or empty drugstores that stay vacant for years.

To get a sense of how retailers are responding to theft, Patch caught up with David Johnson, Vice President of Asset Protection & Retail Operations at the National Retail Federation (NRF).

First of all, making the decision to close a store is never easy, according to Johnson. In considering how to handle a problem store, retailers weigh the security options they have, as well as the effectiveness of this security and the safety of the store’s environment.

But theft creates other problems that extend far beyond inventory protection. It disrupts the overall shopping experience, diminishes customer trust, and erodes the store's reputation. It also puts employees at risk, making them less likely to stay on the job.
RELATED: Target CFO Says It's Made a Dent in Retail Crime

Small Retailers 'Turning Blind Eye' To Stolen Goods?
UK: Shops buying stolen goods from professional shoplifters, retail groups say
Shops across the UK are buying stolen goods from professional shoplifters who thieve to order for criminal gangs to feed their addiction problems, retail groups have said.

The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) said its members were reporting “high volume” and “very brazen and direct” incidents of shoplifting, with meat, cheese and alcohol items typically being targeted.

Businesses report seeing their items being sold locally or on Facebook or WhatsApp groups after they are stolen. James Lowman, ACS chief executive, told the PA news agency that he is aware that other businesses, usually smaller shops, are also purchasing stolen goods.

Mr Lowman said that thieves are stealing to order, speculating that buyers may be turning a “blind eye” because they cannot be sure if items are stolen.

Andrew Goodacre, chief executive of the British Independent Retailers Association (Bira) said he is aware of criminal gangs getting involved in organising shoplifters, improving their ability to steal and dispose of the goods.

He also described hearing more cases in the past year of other stores buying the goods once they are stolen.

The ACS said 5.6 million incidents of shop theft were reported by its members over the past year, with half of the shoplifters being repeat offenders. In the last year, convenience stores spent £339 million on crime prevention, such as CCTV, alarms and tagging, the ACS told PA.

C-Store Chain Cited by OSHA for Failing to Enact Workplace Violence Program
OSHA Cites Convenience Store Following Robbery and Shooting
The vast majority of citations issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration involve accidents or negligent behavior that result in injury or illness resulting from inanimate objects, hazardous materials, or acts of God. In some circumstances however, OSHA cites employers after a criminal act by a third party. Earlier this week, the agency cited a Florida convenience store chain for the maximum $16,131 amount following a shooting during a robbery, which seriously injured the clerk.

While OSHA regulations do not address workplace violence, over the years the agency has issued a number of guidelines and best practices for employers with high risks of exposure to workplace violence such as convenience store and health care workers. In this case, OSHA used these guidelines, among others, to cite the employer under the General Duty Clause, a catch-all provision that allows OSHA to issue penalties in the event of exposure to serious injury or death in the absence of a specific workplace safety standard.

OSHA said that the employer failed to implement a comprehensive workplace violence prevention program, including elements such as training, and assessment of engineering and other controls to reduce the likelihood of employee injury in the event of a robbery. If this approach is considered an industry consensus, many affected employers lack the type of comprehensive workplace violence prevention programs noted by OSHA. Given recent Supreme Court decisions limiting the regulatory authority of federal agencies, employers may be more inclined to challenge citations based on non-regulatory safety guidance.

'Get-Out-of-Jail-Free' Cards for ORC Rings
Editorial: Why the low bail on major retail-theft incident?

If we’re going to be serious about stemming well-organized retail-theft rings, we’ve got to stop with get-out-of-jail-free cards

Here’s one from the police blotter of last week’s GazetteLeader: Fairfax County police recently arrested two members of an out-of-state retail-theft crew targeting high-end boutiques in Tysons and across multiple other states.

In the same report: The suspects in the incidents were held on $2,500 bonds. Just $2,500? That’s a typo, right? No? That was it?

Each suspect must have thought it was his lucky day and gone out to buy lottery tickets after release.

If we’re going to be serious about stemming well-organized retail-theft rings, we’ve got to stop with get-out-of-jail-free cards. If there is probable cause, set a high bond to send a message.

Governor signs DA-sponsored bill to combat organized retail theft

Washington Again Ranks No. 1 For Retail Theft

Most Commonly Stolen Items From Texas Wal-Mart Stores

S.F. to beef up Union Square patrols after shooting

What Is Fueling Workplace Accidents?
"Factors such as inexperience, workforce shortages and maintenance issues are all contributing to these unfortunate and often avoidable accidents"

Common Workplace Accidents Result in Costliest Claims

Travelers study finds slips, trips and falls at top of claims.

After examining 1.2 million workers compensation claims from 2017 to 2021, a new survey from Travelers found the most frequent causes of injury as follows:

Overexertion (29% )
Slips, trips and falls (23%)
Being struck by an object (12%)
Motor vehicle accidents (5%)
Caught-in or caught-between hazards (5%)

Looking at severe claims ($250,000 or more), the top drivers were:

Slips, trips and falls
Being struck by an object
Motor vehicle accidents
Caught-in or caught-between hazards

As has been the case in the past few years, 35% of workplace injuries occurred during an employee’s first year on the job. For 2023, this resulted in six million missed days.

“Factors such as inexperience, workforce shortages and maintenance issues are all contributing to these unfortunate and often avoidable accidents,” said Rich Ives, senior vice president of Business Insurance Claim at Travelers. in a statement. “While the number of injuries overall has been trending downward in recent years, our analysis shows that there’s never been a better time for businesses to invest in workplace safety and injury prevention.

20% of Workers Considered Leaving Job Over Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Affects Workers' Abilities

87% of workers had a mental health experience that interfered with their ability to work.

One in five workers considered leaving their job in 2023 due to their mental health and its impact on their ability to work. This finding is from the State of Workforce Mental Health Report, from LyraHealth.

“In 2023, the vast majority of workers across industries (87%) experienced at least one mental health issue, and most employees in the United States (65%) tell us their mental health interfered with their ability to work,” said Alethea Varra, senior vice president of clinical care at Lyra Health, in the report.

“The most common mental health conditions—depression and anxiety—continue to affect huge swaths of the workforce. And while fewer employees this year cited issues like stress and burnout among their top mental health challenges, more workers are experiencing severe, complex issues such as eating-related problems, substance use disorders, and suicidal ideation.”

While the survey found that the percentage of U.S. workers cite stress as top mental health challenge was 40% in 2023, compared to 51% in 2022, serious mental health issues on the rise. “Employers have made great progress in curbing stigma around depression, anxiety, and stress. Severe conditions, however, are still heavily stigmatized and can be hiding in plain sight.” Dr. Joe Grasso, vice president, Workforce Transformation Lyra Health, in a statement.

Dollar General sees ‘cash-strapped consumer,’ cuts guidance
Dollar General’s core customers — lower income consumers — continue to struggle in the current economic climate, Vasos said during a Thursday earnings call. Despite that, the retailer is still seeing growing market share in dollars and unit sales in its consumables segment.

Tesco faces strike ballot as warehouse workers reject pay offer
The eight sites affected are Hinckley, Magor, Southampton, Daventry Clothing, Goole, Lichfield, Livingston and Peterborough

Is Victoria’s Secret finally on the upswing? 

Sainsbury’s acquires 10 Homebase stores

Last week's #1 article --

Inside Look at Undercover Anti-Theft Ops in California
Ride-along: Watch Sacramento County sheriff's deputies conduct Operation Hot August Nights
The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office is doubling down on retail theft. The organized retail theft unit conducted a second undercover operation over the weekend, made possible by a $9 million state grant.

The five-day operation called Hot August Nights resulted in 360 citations, 216 trespass notices, 240 misdemeanors, 20 felonies, 9 towed vehicles and deputies recovering $22,000 in stolen merchandise. KCRA 3 News rode along for one night of the operation.

The deputies were broken up into four teams of about 40 deputies. They all met at the department first to gear up for another shift of shaking down shoplifters. Deputies are trying to put a dent in the nearly $8 billion California businesses lose every year to thieves.

"We are out here enforcing theft crimes, and that the days of being able to just run rampant and do whatever you want are coming to an end," said Detective Andy Cater. Cater led one of four teams watching four different retail stores.

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Making It Easier to Report Cyber Incidents
CISA launches cyber incident reporting portal to streamline breach disclosure

The secure portal is designed to encourage faster and more robust information sharing about malicious attacks and critical vulnerabilities.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency introduced an online portal Thursday for organizations to voluntarily report malicious cyberattacks, vulnerabilities and data breaches.

The CISA services portal is a secure platform that provides enhanced functionality and collaboration features, including the ability to save and update incident reports, share submitted reports with colleagues or clients and search for reports. Users can also have informal discussions with CISA through the portal.

An organization experiencing a cyberattack or incident should report it — for its own benefit, and to help the broader community,” Jeff Greene, executive assistant director for cybersecurity at CISA, said in a statement. “CISA and our government partners have unique resources and tools to aid with response and recovery, but we can’t help if we don’t know about an incident.”

The portal is part of an ongoing effort by CISA to streamline the process of sharing threat intelligence and make it faster and less burdensome.

Since the Sunburst attacks against SolarWinds in 2020 and the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack in 2021, federal authorities have pushed to encourage private sector collaboration, because if companies are reluctant to share threat information it becomes more difficult to prepare other organizations who will remain vulnerable.

Voluntary reporting of cyber incidents not only helps the government get a better understanding of threats, but it can directly benefit targets of malicious activity, according to Kirsten Mickelson, cyber claims practice leader at Gallagher Bassett.

'Most Comprehensive Artificial Intelligence Regulation Bill To Date'
Landmark California AI bill heads to governor’s desk

The bill has polarized Silicon Valley and California political leaders

AdvertisementLawmakers in Sacramento this week passed what may be the most comprehensive artificial intelligence regulation bill to date, sending the controversial proposal to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk.

Senate Bill 1047, authored by state Sen. Scott Wiener, a San Francisco Democrat, would compel AI companies to take various safety measures to protect the public from cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, prevent AI from being used to develop chemical, nuclear or biological weapons, or enable automated crime.

Despite pushback from tech giants Meta, Google and OpenAI and Democratic heavyweights such as Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who worries the proposal will hurt innovation, the bill garnered widespread bipartisan support at the state level.

It passed in the state Senate 29-9 on Thursday and in the Assembly on Wednesday by a 41-9 vote. Newsom has yet to say whether he plans to sign it into law. His office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

"Substantial Changes" in Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
Complying with PCI DSS requirements by 2025
Version 4.0.1 of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which came into effect back in April, incorporates a few important changes to make it fit for the modern digital world, addressing how technologies, the threat landscape and payment processes have changed.

For example, it includes a new customized approach for a more flexible and tailored implementation of security controls, through to a new focus on vulnerability management and authentication.

However, some of the requirements will force entities to make substantial changes. Due to their complexity, cost, and potential impact, these requirements have been given an extended implementation timeline. Many require specialized expertise and potentially significant technological investments.

There are 64 requirements in all: 13 are now in effect and mandatory, but the remaining (51) won’t come into effect until 1 April 2025. Until then, they are classified as best practice requirements.

Why Identity Teams Need to Start Reporting to the CISO
Identity management sits with IT for good reason, but now that identity is the common denominator in every attack, it's time identity security was owned by a leader with a security background, like the CISO.
CrowdStrike takes a revenue hit as global IT outage reckoning lingers



Stay Informed: Weather Updates & Insights on Social Media

Follow local meteorologists, weather stations, and national weather services on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for real-time updates and expert insights. These channels provide live coverage of severe weather events and allow you to engage with the community by asking questions and sharing information.

Watch this space on Tuesdays for more of
'Tom's Tek Tips - Weather Wise Edition'





Amazon Website Glitch Over Labor Day Weekend
Amazon Hits Reported Checkout Snag Amid Labor Day Sale
Amazon’s checkout reportedly suffered a technical issue as its Labor Day sale began. The glitch in the eCommerce site happened Friday (Aug. 30), preventing customers from completing their purchases, CNBC reported, citing reports from customers on social media.

The news network said Amazon’s Web Services division did not report any technical problems when the checkout feature was down.

Amazon had been promoting discounts for a Labor Day weekend sale, though some members of the X social network said they weren’t able to buy products at a discount due to the glitch. Amazon’s Help account on X replied by suggesting users get in touch with the company.

According to the report, Amazon has cautioned investors that technical troubles could drive down sales and harm perceptions of the company’s products and services. The company’s second quarter sales came to nearly $148 billion, a figure the report described as “healthy.”

In other Amazon news, PYMNTS wrote last week about reports that the company was planning an artificial intelligence (AI) overhaul for its Alexa voice assistant. The company plans to transform the free offering into a paid subscription service, according to a Washington Post report, citing internal company documents.

“The bigger picture here is the evolution of Amazon’s strategy for monetizing its AI services,” Ghazenfer Mansoor, founder and CEO of the AI company Technology Rivers, told PYMNTS. “For a long time, the company’s approach was simple: offer cheap or free services to attract people, then rely on selling products and advertising. But as the cost of developing and maintaining advanced AI capabilities rises, it makes sense for companies to start exploring other revenue streams.”

"Just Keep It" Returns
Amazon allowing sellers to ditch physical returns

The offering for Fulfillment by Amazon users helps them avoid fees by simply having customers keep items, the company said.

Amazon has launched a program allowing sellers using its fulfillment services to issue product refunds without customers returning the item, according to an Aug. 13 announcement.

Fulfillment by Amazon Returnless Resolutions will help sellers avoid returns-related fees by cutting out the physical reverse logistics process and letting customers keep the items instead, the company said. Some products are ineligible for the program, including dangerous goods, heavy and bulky items, and those with an average sales price above $75.

Sellers and customers tapping into Returnless Resolutions have to be in good standing with Amazon, as defined by the company. Only customers without “a history of abuse” can be offered a returnless resolution, the company said. If the shopper making a return is deemed ineligible, the item may still be sent to an Amazon fulfillment center as normal.

How Will Real-Time Tracking Affect Retail Delivery?
Report: Walmart sells stake in Chinese e-commerce giant for $3.6 billion










Update: Allegheny County, PA: California man charged locally in nationwide retail theft ring
A California man is to be extradited to Lawrence County by state and federal officials for his participation in a reported interstate shoplifting ring that involves merchandise stolen from Walmarts in Union Township and other nearby counties. An agent of the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General has charged Zhixiang Chen, 19, of San Gabriel as an accused member of the ring. Chen currently is in custody in Allegheny County where he is facing related charges. According to a criminal complaint filed in Lawrence County District Court of Jennifer L. Nicholson, the state attorney general’s agent received information from the Michigan Office of the Attorney General about an organized retail crime ring possibly heading toward Pennsylvania. Chen is accused of stealing seven retail gift cards, each with a total value range of $10 to $500, from the Walmart on State Street in Union Township, as well as up to 36 cards from stores at six other stores in Beaver Falls, Monaca, Baden and Chippewa in Beaver County, Kittanning in Armstrong County and Natrona Heights and Tarentum in Allegheny County. He was charged Wednesday in Lawrence County with 11 felonies that include corrupt organizations, conspiracy, organized retail theft, receiving stolen property, retail theft, theft, criminal attempt at theft, conspiracy to commit theft, conspiracy to commit retail theft, alteration of access devices and criminal use of a communication facility, and one misdemeanor charge of possessing instruments of crime, all in connection with the reported thefts at the Union Township store. In Allegheny County, where he was arrested May 15 by Frazer Township police and is in custody, Chen is facing 21 felonies, including one each of organized retail theft and retail theft, and 18 counts access device altering. He has waived all of those charges to the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas and is awaiting trial. The judge denied his bail in that case, because in addition to charges in western Pennsylvania, Chen has cases pending in six states and has no local address, according to the court dockets.

San Diego, CA: Police arrest four people for allegedly shoplifting at Oceanside Target
Four people have been arrested and/or cited for allegedly shoplifting at a Target store in Oceanside, police said Monday. The Oceanside Police Department said detectives observed the four suspects shoplifting Friday during a sting operation at the store, located at 2255 El Camino Real. Corona resident Michelae Hoff, 33, was arrested and booked into the Vista Detention Facility on suspicion of commercial burglary. Police said Hoff "was associated with over $90,000 in known thefts from various Target stores." Officers cited and then released three Oceanside residents on suspicion of shoplifting, and identified them as 30-year-old Zachary Felton, 25- year-old Olivia Trillizio and 34-year-old Jerimiah Harper. Police said they're planning similar loss-prevention operations in the future.

Minneapolis, MN: 2 women charged in Lululemon shoplifting scheme in Minneapolis
Two Minnesota women are charged with organizing thefts of several thousand dollars' worth of merchandise from a Lululemon store in Minneapolis, and then funneling the stolen goods through a nail salon My Hoang Thi Van, 56, and Kathy Nguyen, 24, are each charged with one felony count of organized retail theft. Minneapolis police tracked down the roommates from suburban Crystal after getting tipped by corporate investigators for the high-end athletic retailer, the Star Tribune reported. The criminal complaints filed Thursday say Lululemon investigators found high shoplifting losses at their store in downtown Minneapolis, then identified a suspect through surveillance videos and interviews with store employees. That suspect, who has not been charged, would steal bags off a merchandise rack, fill them with goods and leave without paying. When police arrested the shoplifter, she told them she had been directed to steal the clothes by a woman who worked at the salon, who she identified as Van. She said Van would pay her $400 for the clothes and remove the theft sensors, then place the stolen merchandise in a plastic bag and resell it. She estimated she had made at least 100 transactions with Van. Police later found “numerous white plastic bags of stolen Lululemon merchandise” throughout the defendants' home, along with anti-theft tags that had been removed, the complaint alleged. The total value of merchandise stolen from the store was still being tallied, but the complaint said it was “well in excess of $5,000.”

Great Barrington, MA: 2 men arrested for tractor supply store thefts
Two men have been arrested after an attempted robbery at a supply store in Great Barrington. On August 28, police responded to tractor supply on Stockbridge Road, for a report of two men stealing power tools. During the incident, an alarm was set off and the suspects fled from the rear of the store. Tractor supply staff saw those two get away in a white Nissan Sedan with temporary Florida plates. Officers observed the vehicle leave the parking lot and pull into another business and conducted a traffic stop. They also did a warrant check on the suspects Keiver Garcia and Nixon Mendez, Mendez had an active arrest warrant from Hanover for a similar theft. The two suspects are being investigated for their possible connection with a larger scale retail theft ring in the northeast involving several tractor supply stores. They now face multiple charges.

Portland, OR: 17 Arrested for Retail Theft in downtown Portland
Seventeen people were arrested for retail theft in downtown Portland over the weekend, resulting in the recovery of about $2,773 worth of stolen goods. According to a police statement, this retail theft operation was a collaboration between police, the DAs office, and several downtown business owners on Friday and Saturday.






Shootings & Deaths

Aurora, CO: Security guard shoots, kills armed man amid struggle at 7-Eleven
Police in Aurora are investigating a shooting Saturday night at an E. Colfax Avenue 7-Eleven that left one man dead after police said he pulled a gun on a security guard. Police said the security guard acted in self-defense when he shot and killed the 36-year-old shooting victim inside the convenience store located in the 12000 block of E. Colfax Avenue. Officers were called to the store around 9 p.m. and located the man suffering from a gunshot wound. Paramedics transported the 36-year-old man to the hospital, where he was later pronounced deceased. His identity has not been released. Police said, based on preliminary evidence, the gunshot victim approached the security guard from behind and pointed a gun at his head. The security guard and the 36-year-old man struggled over the firearm before the security guard drew his weapon and fired one round, according to police. The 38-year-old man working as a security guard at the store was taken in for questioning and released. No charges were filed.

Glenwood Springs, CO: Man dies after police shooting at Glenwood Springs shopping center
A man died after he was shot by a police officer in the parking lot of a Glenwood Springs shopping center Monday afternoon, the Glenwood Springs Police Department said. Police Chief Joseph Deras said the shooting happened in the parking lot of the Glenwood Meadows shopping center in the area of Meadows Drive and Wulfsohn Road, west of downtown Glenwood Springs. Deras said two Glenwood Springs officers were on routine patrol when they recognized a man who had a warrant for his arrest on gun-related charges. When police tried to contact the man, he pulled out a gun, Deras said. The officers retreated, and one of them fired their gun, injuring the man. As the man moved toward his vehicle, Deras said, the officer "again engaged the suspect with gunfire." The man went behind a vehicle, and the officers held their position until more first responders arrived, Deras said. They were then able to make contact with the man, who was declared deceased at the scene. Officers recovered a "high-capacity firearm" and, Deras said, they believe the man may have had access to additional ammunition.

Bertie County, NC: Victim shot and killed outside of Dollar General store identified as Plymouth man
The Bertie County Sheriff’s office is investigating a shooting that happened Saturday night at a Dollar General that left a 60-year-old man dead. Deputies found 60-year-old William Thomas Johnson of Plymouth suffering from multiple gunshot wounds when they got to the Merry Hill store around 9:30 p.m. Saturday. He was pronounced dead shortly after authorities got there. Investigators said the suspect fled on foot and got into a car near the scene. North Carolina Highway Patrol, the Down East Drug and Violent Crime Task Force and the Ahoskie Police Department were called in Saturday night to help find the suspect. K-9 units and a drone were also used to assist with search efforts.

Capital Heights, MD: Employee Fatally Shoots Robbery Suspect Inside Prince George’s County Restaurant
The Prince George’s County Police Department’s Homicide Unit is investigating a fatal shooting that occurred inside of a restaurant Thursday afternoon. The decedent is 27-year-old Victor Rios Rubio of Capitol Heights. On August 29, 2024, at approximately 4:40 pm, officers responded to a shooting at a carryout restaurant in the 5200 block of Marlboro Pike, Capitol Heights. Officers located the decedent inside of the business with gunshot wounds. He was pronounced dead on the scene. The preliminary investigation revealed an employee shot the decedent as the decedent was robbing the restaurant and assaulting employees. The weapon used was recovered on the scene.

Bessemer, AL: Update: Alabama man charged with murder in gas station shooting deaths of 3 near Birmingham
Police have charged a 20-year-old Alabama man with capital murder in the shooting deaths of three men at a gas station near Birmingham. Police in Bessemer said Monday that they have arrested Raukeem Cunningham in the fatal shootings on Friday. Cunningham is being held without bail, local news outlets reported. He is not yet listed in Jefferson County jail records, so it is unclear whether he has a lawyer or has seen a judge. Police have said they believe there was at least one additional shooter and say they are still looking for possible suspects.

San Francisco, CA: San Francisco 49ers rookie Ricky Pearsall released from hospital after armed robbery shooting at Union Square Mall
Pearsall was reportedly shot in the chest just hours after receiving a warm welcome from "niner nation" at a fan event on Saturday. Police believe the suspect was after Pearsall’s watch.

St Petersburg, FL: Two 13-year-old boys shot outside St. Pete convenience store

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Arlington, VA: Suspects wielding hammers and fire extinguisher rob jewelry store in Pentagon City mall
Police in Arlington, Virginia, are looking for three suspects who are accused of deploying a fire extinguisher, smashing a jewelry display case with hammers and making off with jewelry in a Sunday smash-and-grab robbery inside a Pentagon City mall. Officers responded to the Fashion Centre at Pentagon City shortly after 3:30 p.m. for a report of shots fired. When they got there, police discovered no shots had been fired, but that a jewelry store had been robbed. No injuries were reported, according to Alli Shorb, spokeswoman for Arlington County police. She described the suspects as three males in their late teens wearing all black clothing. Police believe the suspects ran away after the robbery.

Charlotte, NC: 3 people pepper-sprayed during attempted robbery at Harris Teeter
Three people have been hospitalized after a chaotic robbery attempt in South Park Sunday afternoon, according to MEDIC. Officials say a group of people tried to get away with items from the Harris Teeter on Sharon Road and Carnegie Boulevard. The three suspects allegedly used a chemical spray on employees who confronted them, according to police.

Des Moines, IA: Tobacco shop said it has been robbed 3 straight days
A Des Moines tobacco shop told Local 5 a robber has stolen over $1,000 in cash and over $2,000 in inventory over the past three days. On Sunday, Des Moines police confirmed on X account that an armed robber fled on foot from Iowa Clouds Tobacco off Hubbell Avenue, adding no physical injuries were reported.

Chicago, IL: 2 hot dog stand workers stabbed in attempted robbery, attack in West Town

Fort Myers, FL: Police searching for Papa John's armed robbery suspect

Philadelphia, PA: Man wanted for stealing $82k watch from King of Prussia Mall



Adult – Jacksonville, NC – Robbery
Beauty Corpus Christi, TX – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Salt Lake City, UT – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Los Angeles, CA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Waterbury, VT – Burglary
C-Store – Los Angeles, CA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Bethesda, MD – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Florence, SC – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Cleveland, OH – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Washington County, FL – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Chicago, IL – Armed Robbery
Grocery – Utica, NY – Robbery
Grocery – Charlotte, NC – Armed Robbery
Hardware – Great Barrington, MA - Robbery
Jewelry – Arlington, VA – Armed Robbery
Jewelry – Omaha, NE – Robbery
Jewelry - Riverside, CA - Robbery
Jewelry - Leawood, KS - Robbery
Jewelry - Aurora, CO - Robbery
Jewelry - Brandon, FL – Robbery
Pharmacy – Metropolis, IL – Robbery
Restaurant – Capital Heights, MD – Armed Robbery / Susp Killed
Restaurant – Fort Meyers, FL – Armed Robbery
Tobacco – Des Moines, IA – Armed Robbery
Walmart – Erie, PA – Robbery                                                                                                                 

Daily Totals:
• 24 robberies
• 1 burglary
• 1 shooting
• 1 killed

Click map to enlarge




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Corporate Risk Manager
Memphis, TN or New Orleans, LA - Posted June 27

Summary of Role and Responsibilities: Proactive approach to preventing losses/injuries, whether they are to our employees, third parties, or customers' valuables. They include cash in transit, auto losses, or injuries; Report all incidents, claims, and losses that may expose the company to financial losses, whether they are covered by insurance or not...

Loss Prevention Specialist
Temple, TX - Posted June 18

The Loss Prevention Specialist identifies various types of losses and thefts, works cross-functionally in a fast-paced environment providing critical guidance to Operations on asset protection and profit improvement initiatives. At The Fikes Companies, our Mission is to build a highly successful company which our employees are proud of, our customers value, and the communities we serve can count on...

Multi-Store Detective (Pittsburgh Operating Market)
Pittsburgh, PA - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

Multi-Store Detective (Cleveland Operating Market)
Cleveland, OH - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

Multi-Store Detective (Akron/Canton Operating Market)
Akron/Canton, OH - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

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Every industry, every company has its core objectives of adding value and impacting the whole. In theory, all of us are are on a mission to make a difference and create change that ultimately benefits the industry, the company we're with, and ourselves. At the end of the day, it's all about the people that are feeding this evolution, and while that's our strength, it's also our weakness. Regardless of how strong our product, service or LP model is, it always comes down to the people and the relationships. And with those two variables constantly changing, sometimes for the better and at times for the worst, it's how you deal with the worst that determines how far you'll go and who you are. Facing it is the key and denial is the lock.   

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