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Summer 2023 Weekend Shooting Analysis
Crime & Violence in America's Big Cities

Big City Violence Continues to Drop Compared to Last Summer

1,405 Shootings - 382 Killed - 1,481 Injured in 15 Cities Over Last 13 Weekends
Shootings (down 10%), deaths (down 18%) and injuries (down 9%) have all declined from 2022

The D&D Daily's Big City Weekend Violence Study - Memorial Day to Labor Day

The Daily's annual study analyzes weekend s hooting data in 15 major U.S. cities from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend 2023

Starting Memorial Day Weekend, the D&D Daily compiled and analyzed data from 15 major U.S. cities to get a snapshot of summer gun violence.

Over this past weekend, from August 18th through August 20th, there were 90 shootings recorded in these 15 big cities, resulting in 27 deaths and 104 injuries.

In total, over the past 13 weekends, these cities have recorded 1,405 shootings, resulting in 382 deaths and 1,481 injuries.

Compared to last summer at this time in the study, total shootings in these cities are down 10%, deaths are down 18%, and injuries are down 9%.

The D&D Daily will continue to track this data throughout the summer to capture the weekend violence trend in our nation's big cities as warm weather typically brings about more crime and violence.

Click here to see the list of incidents per city and follow along each week as this spreadsheet will be updated every Monday.

Read more coverage about America's crime and violence surge in the section directly below

The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

Growing Use of Facial Recognition to Fight Theft & Violence

Widespread Support for Facial Recognition Use as Theft Deterrent
Should Facial Recognition for Theft Get Another Look?
The recent introduction of facial recognition technology at four Fairway Market locations in New York City as well as two ShopRite locations in Connecticut shows retailers remain intrigued about the potential of the technology as an anti-theft tool despite privacy concerns.

At the ShopRite and Fairway Market locations adding the technology, in-store signage alerts shoppers that their biometric identifier information is being collected for security purposes.

In a statement attained by WFSB, a television station in Hartford, Connecticut, ShopRite said retailers have long used video surveillance, and advances in this technology can help identify repeat offenders. ShopRite stated, “We want our associates and customers to know that we are using this technology responsibly in an effort to ensure the safety of our working and shopping environment.”

ShopRite insisted the video footage collected is regularly erased, not sold, and only shared with law enforcement when crimes happen.

A recent New York Times article notes that in the United Kingdom, where facial recognition surveillance is more prevalent, guidelines have been put in place to ensure stores post adequate signage, only share information about serious and violent offenders, and only send alerts about repeat offenders.

Privacy concerns are often countered by the notion that many consumers regularly use facial technology to unlock their mobile phones and for other purposes, and they’re already being extensively recorded in public.

Notable Responses to RetailWire's Facial Recognition Discussion Question:

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Is the use of facial recognition technology to deter shoplifting becoming more acceptable for shoppers? What other steps may stores have to take to mitigate privacy concerns?

Mark Ryski: Shoplifting has become the new pandemic for retailers, and using facial recognition to aid in security and enforcement is reasonable. I am opposed to using facial recognition and the collection of other biometric data for marketing purposes without expressed consent. However, using facial recognition for loss prevention is completely acceptable as long as it’s only used for this intended purpose. And while facial recognition may aid in loss prevention efforts, it won’t solve the underlying societal issues that are the root cause of the theft behavior.

Zel Bianco: With the chaos retailers and their shoppers are being subjected to, what choice does the industry have? Something has to be done, and fast.

Ken Morris: We really need to double down or even triple down on theft by any means necessary before this is beyond the tipping point. Facial recognition, RFID, and the addition of ubiquitous camera technology and AI are the tools we can use to help law enforcement win this war. RFID can ensure we don’t process a return for a stolen product, alarm when product is taken but not paid for, as well as increase throughput at POS. Facial recognition can ... provide the retailer with valuable info on thieves, especially known offenders.

Read more responses here

NBC Nightly News Airs Report on the Rise of ORC
California Retailers Association President and CEO Speaks with NBC Nightly News on the Continued Rise of ORC

The mayor of LA announced a retail crimes task force is now in effect and is focusing on thieves, getaway drivers, and resellers after multiple smash-and-grab robberies.

The California Retailers Association President and CEO Rachel Michelin speaks with NBC Nightly News on the continued rise of Organized Retail Crime:

“It feels like we are under assault. Nothing will truly change until we are willing to have difficult conversations about changing policies that are on the books."

CalRetailers was instrumental in securing funding for ORC and the ORC task forces in the state budget last year. As part of Governor Newsom's "Real Public Safety Plan" CRA advocated for two additional CHP ORC task forces, permanent funding for all five task forces, dedicated prosecutors for each task force and millions of dollars for local law enforcement grants. CRA continues to work with the Governor, the State Legislature, local elected officials and DAs from across the state on resources and policy changes to keep retail employees and customers safe from criminal activity in stores.

California Boosts Resources for Statewide ORC Fight
Governor Newsom Triples CHP Support to Assist Los Angeles in Organized Retail Theft Crack Down

Governor Newsom is directing the California Highway Patrol to triple its resources in Los Angeles to help the city crack down on organized retail crime.

Building on the California Highway Patrol’s (CHP) successful statewide efforts to crack down on organized retail crime, today Governor Gavin Newsom announced he has instructed the CHP to provide further assistance to the City of Los Angeles to help local law enforcement address organized retail crime. As part of the agency’s expanded effort, the CHP will triple its resources in the Los Angeles region devoted to tackling retail crime and allocate additional investigators specifically for the new regional law enforcement task force that Mayor Karen Bass announced today.

WHAT GOVERNOR NEWSOM SAID: “The state is investing hundreds of millions of dollars to crack down on organized crime and when our local partners need further assistance, we’re ready with a helping hand. The CHP is the proven leader in tackling organized retail theft and through this expanded partnership the agency will further assist the city in doing its job to keep Angelenos and their businesses safe.”

WHAT CHP COMMISSIONER SEAN DURYEE SAID: “Law enforcement is all about partnership – and the CHP is proud to be a good partner to Los Angeles. Working together, and by utilizing the CHP’s wide breadth of expertise and resources, we will crack down on this uptick in dangerous and unacceptable criminal activity.”

Similar to the CHP’s statewide Organized Retail Crime Task Force (ORCTF), the new regional task force in Los Angeles will consist of multiple Southern California law enforcement agencies –– and state partners including the CHP –– and will focus on combatting organized retail theft in the greater Los Angeles area.

Established by Governor Newsom in 2019, the ORCTF has recovered $30.7 million in stolen merchandise, returning the goods to impacted retailers throughout California. Since ORCTF’s inception, CHP has conducted more than 1,850 investigations into retail crimes and arrested over 1,250 individuals. One key to the ORCTF’s success is its partnership with retailers, local law enforcement, and district attorneys, to effectively disrupt organized retail theft rings and prosecute organized retail crimes.

RELATED: Retail specialists query effectiveness of CHP retail theft crackdown

'Welcome to ‘CRIMEafornia'
CA Senate Republicans Push For Strengthened Law Enforcement Presence
While Los Angeles has stepped up police presence at retail areas and set up a task force on the problem, Governor Newsom announced that he would be tripling its California Highway Patrol (CHP) resources in Los Angeles to help crack down on the issue.

However, Newsom’s huge increase of CHP resources was widely criticized on Thursday including some pointing out that because of many current vacancies in the CHP, the increased presence would put a strain on the Highway Patrol as a consequence of the state not giving any additional resources to them. Others said that the state’s lax laws on reducing penalties to retail criminals, few to no prison terms for retail robberies, and early releases for those with sentences severely undercut what the Governor was attempting to do. In addition, it was also mentioned that the lack of arrests from similar flash mob robberies in the Bay Area two years ago showed how the Governor’s response would likely not accomplish much.

The criticism was led by Senate Republicans and Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones (R-San Diego), who have been rallying against weak criminal penalties in the state for year.


“Welcome to ‘CRIMEafornia,'” said Senator Jones. “The crisis we are experiencing is unfortunately a result of decades-long policies implemented by Democrat lawmakers that prioritize coddling criminals over protecting communities. While it’s welcome news that the state is investing more resources to combat skyrocketing thefts, it shouldn’t be happening in the first place. The governor is treating the symptoms, not the causes, including little-to-no penalties, early release, lenient or non-existent prison terms, and weak leadership from most of California’s Democrat politicians over the last two decades.”

Senator Niello added, “Until we strengthen laws that will result in lawbreakers facing real consequences, Californians are going to continue to see horrible scenes of store lootings occur. My bill would address this growing crisis and I was very disappointed when it was killed in the Senate Public Safety Committee.”

Locally, many store owners in LA are welcoming the increased presence by the CHP. However, many echoed what was pointed out by Jones about the lack of prosecution encouraging criminals to pull off such robberies.

Even the Stars are Giving Up on LA Amid Crime Surge
50 Cent on Canoga Park Nordstrom 'flash mob' robbery: 'Told you LA was finished'
The rapper's comments come after a video went viral over the weekend showing a "flash mob" of up to 50 people ransacking a Nordstrom in Canoga Park of up to $100,000 worth of merchandise.

"I told you LA was finished," 50 captioned a screenshot of the news story. "They are gonna have to lock the doors, appointment only. SMH."

Video captured from inside Nordstrom shows a group of 30 to 50 people wearing sweatshirts with hoods over their heads, rushing to the front entrance with bags in hand, scooping up whatever merchandise they can while tripping on racks to which some items were still attached.

This isn't the first time 50 has spoken out about crime in Los Angeles.

The rapper first made his controversial "LA is finished" comment back in July in response to Los Angeles County's controversial zero-bail policy being reinstated. The policy, which was reinstated in May, states that police won’t detain people who are accused of misdemeanor crimes. The law will also release those who are currently incarcerated with these charges and others.

"LA is finished watch how bad it gets out there," 50 Cent wrote on Instagram while sharing a clip from one of FOX 11's evening newscasts. "SMH."

New Los Angeles Theft Task Force Applauded by Business Community
L.A. Area Chamber Releases Statement Regarding Creation of Task Force Focused on Retail Theft
The Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce issued the following statement regarding the creation of the regional task force focused on retail theft:

“Retail crime is not only a threat to businesses, but a grave concern for public safety. Recent smash-and-grab incidents demoralize communities, business owners and shoppers alike. We must do better to address this criminal activity. We applaud the creation of the new regional task force focused on organized retail theft. This broad collaboration between Mayor Karen Bass, the Los Angeles Police Department and regional law enforcement leaders across agencies will bring the heavy hand needed to ensure communities are safe,” stated Maria S. Salinas, President and CEO, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce.

Petaluma, CA Sees Uptick in Felony Retail Thefts Amid Changing Legislation
The Petaluma Police Department has seen an apparent spike in organized retail theft over several years. Although the exact causes of this trend remain a subject of debate, some community members and authorities have raised the possibility that recent legislative changes and voter-approved initiatives have reduced the consequences for offenders engaging in retail theft.

CBS Video: Retail theft on the rise nationwide
A string of "flash mob" robberies have Los Angeles retailers on edge -- and the increase in retail theft is hitting cities around the nation.

How Organized Shoplifting Became a Billion-Dollar Industry

Marin County, CA: Retailers frustrated by brazen thefts, weak defenses

3 Retailers Weigh in on How They Handle Shoplifting at Their Stores



Retail Biometrics Continues to Expand Worldwide
AI use grows among retail stores, New York considers biometrics for liquor sales
Move over passwords and PINs, retail stores are introducing new tech to help shoppers check out their goods, including biometrics and artificial intelligence.

Amazon is expanding its “pay-by-palm” technology Amazon One and its rapid rollout to numerous stores at once may give it a strong head start in biometric payments, according to trade publication Pymnts.

In July, Whole Foods said it will equip every one of its more than 500 stores with palm biometrics payment by the end of 2023. Back in May, Amazon One also introduced a new age-verification function but it’s also rolling out other tech to prevent minors from buying liquor.

Last week, a liquor store in Seattle called Downtown Spirits became the first in the world to use Amazon’s Just Walk Out technology. An Amazon spokesperson clarified for Eater that the technology does not use biometric information but relies on a combination of computer vision, sensor fusion, and deep learning to allow stores to charge shoppers for what they pick off of shelves without having to go to a cashier.

New York senator James Skoufis has proposed a new bill that could introduce biometric scanners in his state’s liquor and tobacco shops, StateScoop reports. Skoufis cites examples such as Seattle’s CenturyLink and Safeco Fields, which use fingerprint scans for age verification during alcohol purchases

Meanwhile, companies are also deploying computer vision without biometrics in shops for unstaffed retail and self-checkouts.

7-Eleven is jumping on the bandwagon. Its Australian stores plan to offer the My 7-Eleven App Pay and Go 2.0 which is expected to launch in 10 stores by the end of 2024. The app will be developed with Grabango and will leverage AI to enable customers the choice to skip the register, without the need to scan goods with their device, the companies said in an announcement.

Nearly $70,000 Raised So Far by Allied Universal for Wildfire Victims
Allied Universal Launches GoFundMe Page for Families of Maui Wildfire Victims

GoFundMe page has raised over $68,000 for the families of Allied Universal employee who died and others who need post-wildfire assistance.

Allied Universal employees have created a GoFundMe page to “provide immediate short-term financial assistance” to the families of an employee who was one of the victims of the Maui wildfires and other Maui-based employees who need help with housing, transportation and other unanticipated costs.

So far, the GoFundMe effort has raised almost $68,000. The fundraiser has a goal of $150,000. In addition to the Allied Universal employee who is confirmed to have died, others remain unaccounted for, according to a company announcement.

“We are hopeful they are safe and every effort is being made to contact them,” the announcement says.

Allied Universal is “working to get much-needed supplies, grief counseling and additional support to team members – some who lost loved ones, their homes and their modes of transportation yet have continued reporting to work each day to safeguard their island community,” according to the company announcement.

“Our thoughts go out to the victims, survivors, their loved ones, the 29 customers we serve on Maui, the island’s community and the entire state of Hawaii,” the announcement says.

Refund Crew Set Up Stolen POS Terminals & Rang Up Refunds Masquerading as Retail Merchant
DOJ: Tehama County Woman Gets 7 Yrs. Prison for $3.8M Refund Fraud Scheme
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Sabrina Raylene Toilolo, 26, of Corning, was sentenced today to seven years and two months in prison for a conspiracy to commit wire fraud for her participation in a merchant refund‑fraud scheme.

Between July 2017 and September 2019, Sabrina Toilolo, Johnathon Ward, Monica Nunes, and Talalima Toilolo conspired to defraud financial institutions by exploiting the merchant refund process used by businesses and retail establishments to refund customers for returns, reimbursements, and erroneous charges. In total, the conspirators attempted $3.8 million in fraudulent transactions.

The defendants committed this scheme by stealing or purchasing point-of-sale (POS) terminals used by businesses to process bankcard transactions. The defendants programmed each terminal to make it appear as if it was authorized by a particular retail merchant, connected the terminals to payment processing intermediaries, and executed refund transactions even though no purchases had been made. The payment processors, falsely believing the terminals were authorized, approved the refunds and caused the merchants’ payment processors to transfer funds to the defendants’ fraudulent accounts. The defendants then drained the stolen funds from the accounts and distributed them among members of the conspiracy.

On April 2, 2021, Nunes was sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison. On Feb. 11, 2021, Talalima Toilolo was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Ward has pleaded guilty and is scheduled to be sentenced Nov. 9, 2023.

Police Officers are Seeing the Impact of Low Staffing
On-duty safety risks - mandatory overtime - denied time-off requests

Lexipol survey uncovers alarming staffing shortages and stress levels reported by first responders
DALLAS - First responders are facing significant staffing and mental health challenges that pose a serious threat to their wellbeing and the communities they serve, according to Lexipol’s new Stressed & Short-Staffed: Challenges Facing First Responders and the Impact on Community Safety report. The findings, which come from Lexipol Media Group’s annual “What Cops/Firefighters/Paramedics Want” surveys of 9,400 first responders, expose the degree to which a large number of first responders today are under heightened stress.

Not only are staffing shortages and stress levels having a personal impact on first responders, but they pose a serious threat to the communities that they serve. The report found that 96% of police officers have seen the direct impact of low staffing. See more in the chart below.

Click here to read the report

Defending Workplace Policies
Companies Should Nail Down Precise Business Reasons for Workplace Policies
Employers will need to think carefully about how to defend some of their corporate policies, such as ones about cameras at a worksite, social media use and appropriate workplace conduct, in light of a recent decision by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

Legitimate business interests will need to justify any such policies under the new standard outlined in the NLRB's Stericycle decision, Cary Reid Burke, an attorney with Seyfarth in Atlanta, said during a SHRM Government Affairs webcast on Aug. 10.

It will depend on the type of worksite, but "just saying '[the rule is needed for] safety' on its own is not going to be a panacea. There's going to have to be more specificity undergirding that," Burke said.

‘It ain’t over yet’: Hilary brings heavy rain, threat of overnight flooding
Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency Saturday as Hurricane Hilary -- now Tropical Storm Hilary -- neared California, while officials provided updates on storm preparedness and a climate scientist warned of the potential for catastrophic flash flooding.

Hilary, after barreling through Baja California, struck Southern California on Sunday, causing widespread, often heavy rain, flooding, downed trees, road closures and power outages.

As the storm stalled off Los Angeles and Ventura counties, and its southern edge moved north, new flash flood advisories popped up throughout southern and southeastern California, while the National Hurricane Center reported maximum sustained winds of 45 mph near the coast of Southern California.

RELATED: Californians climb trees to escape Tropical Storm Hilary

New owners of Buy Buy Baby, Harmon to reopen more than a dozen stores

Ross Stores plans to add nearly 100 new stores this year

Christmas Tree Shops to liquidate under Chapter 7

Express plans 150 layoffs, reverse stock split

Domino’s Pizza will close all 142 stores in Russia

Quarterly Results

Ross Stores Q2 comp's up 5%, sales up 6.5%

Tapestry FY23 sales up 3%

Senior LP & AP Jobs Market

Director, Asset Protection - AP Fraud & Loss Strategy job posted for Walmart in Bentonville, AR
You’ll be responsible for controlling loss, and the development and execution of our fraud mitigation strategy across the E2E organization. Leads asset protection strategies, processes, and best practices by conducting modeling and statistical analyses; partnering with cross-functional teams across the business; developing assessments of key opportunities; supporting the development of long-range plans and project timelines; communicating with and influencing decision-makers and executives within the organization; and more.

Director of Security job posted for Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits in Township of Blue, MO
The Dir I, Security will provide a secure environment by developing physical and technical security programs. The Dir I, Security will implement security programs and procedures to protect company personnel, property and reputation. The Dir I, Security will ensure that security procedures are properly executed by employees. The Dir I, Security will conduct internal and external investigations to resolve theft, workplace violence and misconduct at company facilities.

Global Director of Security job posted for Motorola Solutions in Chicago, IL
As a global leader in public safety and enterprise security, we create and connect the technologies that help to keep people safe where they live, learn, work and play. Our integrated technology ecosystem unifies critical communications, video security and access control, and command center software, enabling collaboration in more powerful ways. At Motorola Solutions, we’re ushering in a new era in public safety and security. Bring your passion, potential and talents to a career that matters.

Principal, Asset Protection job posted for Macy's in New York, NY
As Director, Asset Protection Stores and Supply Chain, you will support all Asset protection strategies for Stores and Supply Chain including but not limited to: Shortage strategies, Fraud, Omni, Investigations, Legal compliance, Safety and Training and ORC. Create and implement AP strategies in partnership with Stores and Supply Chain leadership. Directly manage enterprise responsibility for AP disciplines, such as Shortage Reduction Strategies (SRS), MMPS, Case Standards and Operational Effectiveness, workplace violence/incident management, merchant strategy.

Last week's #1 article --

Retail CEOs Sound the Alarm Over Theft
Video: Retail executives address string of retail thefts in earnings calls
Retail crime is on the rise. Target and Home Depot are among the names struggling with a big jump that we've seen in organized theft. And just a few days ago, a Nordstrom store in Los Angeles was the target of a smash-and-grab robbery. And according to the LAPD, more than $300,000 worth of merchandise was stolen within minutes.

Retail theft, shrinkage, smash and grab robberies — the different names of the phenomenon overtaking big-box retail stores. Retailers like Home Depot and Nordstrom are falling victim to a wave of retail thefts that are making off with hundreds of thousands of dollars in a single day. Target previously forecasted expected losses of $500 million of merchandise through cases of retail shrinkage. Yahoo Finance Reporter Brooke DiPalma details how retail executives and experts are addressing the economic and community impacts of these crimes as part of the weekly series "Retail Evolution: The New Era."

All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time

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Sharing Community Outcomes

Law enforcement officers in North America recently made a positive identification of a repeat person who had used 15 different aliases. Through collaboration with an ORC investigator from one of Auror's retail partners, they were able to uncover a total of 76 events across North America, totaling nearly $70,000.

The repeat person was arrested, charged, and associated with additional events at another Auror retail partner.

This is a great example of collaboration between retail and law enforcement leaders working to reduce crime.

Read more about how strengthening collaboration between retailers and law enforcement leads to positive community outcomes:








Cyber Investments Can Drive Down Costs
How Public Storage uses cybersecurity investments to fuel growth

Technology enables the self-storage company to lower labor costs

When people think of traditional self-storage facilities, they might think of driving up to a gate and being let in by an on-site manager, then using a key to open a lock on the storage unit door.

That’s a far cry from the innovation and technology that powers the industry today, according to Paul Miller, vice president of IT operations and engineering at Public Storage.

“We are enabled by a lot of the same technology that you’re going to see in other retail,” Miller said at NRF Nexus. “We have a mobile app. We have keyless entry for all of our properties. We have a highly rated customer experience. We have remote customer care. We have about 400 properties that aren’t staffed. We do that all remotely with technology.”

With 3,000 properties in 40 states, Public Storage is the largest company in the self-storage industry. It operates as a fully integrated, self-administered and self-managed real estate investment trust and has over 5,000 team members. However, when it came to technology and cybersecurity, Public Storage and Miller’s team worked with Palo Alto Networks to create and implement digital property management, including remote management and the contactless eRental system.

“We want to be able to drive the labor costs down for our properties in a safe way and to do that we have to enable it with technology,” Miller said. “We’ve been in business 50 years — before cyber was even a topic — and now we’re in the throes of growing, expanding and acquiring in a very different landscape.”

But while Public Storage is at the forefront of introducing new technologies in the self-storage industry, it’s done so with an eye on cybersecurity, Miller said. Many members of its board of directors and executive team have technology backgrounds and inherently recognize the value of strong cybersecurity solutions and protocols.

'Red-Teaming' is Essential in Probing the Limits of AI Chatbots
Fifty minutes to hack ChatGPT: Inside the DEF CON competition to break AI

More than 2,000 hackers attacked cutting-edge chatbots to discover vulnerabilities — and demonstrated the challenges for red-teaming AI.

AdvertisementMoreno was one of some 2,200 people to enter a windowless room of a Las Vegas convention center last weekend to probe the limits of AI chatbots, get them to produce misinformation and biased content and give up sensitive information. Policymakers and the AI industry have seized on adversarial testing of AI models — or “red teaming” — as a key tool to discover their weaknesses. But even with the billions of dollars flowing into AI companies, there exists no industry to carry out such tests at scale. At the same time, the discipline of AI red teaming is essentially undefined and with few standards.

If red-teaming is going to be useful in figuring out the flaws of general-purpose AI models of mind boggling scale, last weekend’s exercise at DEF CON’s AI Village — believed to be the largest-ever public red-teaming exercise — was one of its first major test cases. The hackathon showcased the wide gaps in the safety systems of models currently on the market and indicated that building a vibrant red-teaming industry for AI won’t be easy.

If generative AI models are ever going to be deployed safely, the organizers of the event argue that red teaming will be essential to better understand a technology whose inner workings and consequences we are only beginning to grasp. “We’re trying to tackle the complexity of the interaction of this technology with human beings and humanity,” said Rumman Chowdhury, an AI researcher who helped organize the challenge and leads the nonprofit Humane Intelligence.

TikTok Bans Continue
New York City Bans TikTok on Government-Owned Devices

The ban extends to some of the popular accounts run by the city.

New York City on Wednesday joined a wave of states and federal agencies in banning TikTok from government-owned devices based on security concerns, snuffing out some popular city-run TikTok accounts in the process.

Jonah Allon, a spokesman for Mayor Eric Adams, said in a statement that the city’s Cyber Command determined that the app “posed a security threat to the city’s technical networks.” City agencies must remove the app within 30 days and employees will lose access to TikTok and its website from city-owned devices and networks.

The TikTok accounts of Mr. Adams, the city’s Department of Sanitation and the Department of Parks and Recreation all updated their bios with this message: “This account was operated by NYC until August 2023. It’s no longer monitored.

Numerous government officials have been restricting access to TikTok in reaction to concerns that the app, which is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance, could give Beijing access to sensitive user data. New York State has banned TikTok on state-issued mobile devices for more than three years, with some exceptions.

Phishing Attack Targets Hundreds of Zimbra Customers in 4 Continents

4 ways simulation training alleviates team burnout








How Online Retailers Will Be Impacted by the INFORM Consumers Act
Online sellers: How the INFORM Consumers Act could impact your business
The INFORM Consumers Act took effect on June 27, 2023. The FTC has issued staff guidance for online marketplaces and now we have advice for online sellers whose businesses may be affected by the new law.

Congress passed the Integrity, Notification, and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces for Consumers Act – or the INFORM Consumers Act – to make online transactions more transparent. The law requires “online marketplaces” to collect, verify, and disclose certain information about “high-volume third party sellers.” Informing Businesses about the INFORM Consumers Act explains more about how the law defines those terms, discusses what’s required of online marketplaces, and outlines the substantial penalties the FTC and state law enforcers may seek if online marketplaces violate the law.

A new FTC publication, What Third Party Sellers Need to Know About the INFORM Consumers Act, looks at the statute from the perspective of businesses that sell via online platforms – for example, what sellers are impacted, what you can expect online platforms to require of you, and what information platforms must disclose about you to consumers. It also answers some questions you may have about the law.

Have you spotted a violation of the INFORM Consumers Act? Report it to the FTC. We have a dedicated link where you can let us know about possible INFORM Consumers Act violations.

Fighting E-Commerce Fraud
Mastercard Teams With Riskified to Reduce eCommerce Fraud
Riskified and Mastercard have teamed to help businesses increase eCommerce revenues while reducing fraud. The partnership, announced Thursday (Aug. 17), marries insights from Mastercard’s cybersecurity products and solutions with Riskified’s transaction and identity network.

In addition, it offers access to Mastercard’s suite of tools that allow for real-time alerts on chargeback events and automated dispute resolution.

“This global partnership with Mastercard highlights the measurable impact Riskified makes on merchant revenues and profitability,” said Kevin Sprake, vice president, global channel partnerships at Riskified.

Per the news release, Riskified’s machine learning platform offers merchant fraud teams “highly accurate,” automated risk-decisioning for eCommerce sales.

The partnership is happening at a time when the rise of omnichannel commerce has presented new opportunities to merchants and fraudsters alike, Adam Gunther, senior vice president and chief product officer at Kount, an Equifax Company, told PYMNTS earlier this month.

'Money Mule' Virtual CFO For Internet Fraudsters Facing Over 40 Yrs. Federal Prison
DOJ: Rhode Island Business Owner Pleads Guilty to $35M Money Laundering & Obstruction of Justice

Defendant used “virtual CFO” business to create shell companies and launder over $35 million

BOSTON – A Rhode Island man and the owner of a “virtual CFO” business has been charged and has agreed to plead guilty to laundering tens of millions of dollars in proceeds from internet fraud schemes by creating shell companies and opening fraudulent business bank accounts.

Craig Clayton, 73, of Cranston, R.I, from 2019 to 2021, Clayton and others used his accounting and “virtual CFO” business, Rochart Consulting, as a front to launder the proceeds of internet fraud schemes. As part of the conspiracy, Clayton allegedly founded shell companies to open business bank accounts in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, through which he laundered the proceeds of internet fraud schemes on behalf of his clients. In total, Clayton allegedly laundered more than $35 million. Faces over 40 years at sentencing.

Amazon expanding own shipping service that competes with FedEx & UPS

Millennials and Gen Z shaping future of e-commerce









Online Operator 'Sneak Foot' Pocketed Sales & Didn't Deliver the Goods
DOJ: Glen Allen Man Pleads Guilty to $870,000 Sneaker Fraud
Richmond, VA., From approximately August 2020 through July 2021, Justin Lee Godsey, 26, ran "Sneak Foot," an online retailer that primarily sold athletic shoes through a website. When customers purchased shoes from Sneak Foot, the sales were managed by two credit card processing companies who had entered into agreements with Sneak Foot. The processors were obligated to refund the money sent to Sneak Foot through them if Godsey failed to deliver shoes ordered. Godsey consistently pocketed funds paid to him by customers without sending them the shoes, and used the funds for various personal expenditures, including the purchase of a Lamborghini. The losses incurred by the two credit card processors exceed $870,000. Facing 20 yrs. at sentencing.

Gone in 60 seconds: luxury watch robberies soar in the UK
Luxury watches worth more than £1 billion have been logged as stolen or missing after a “concerning surge” in thefts, analysis has shown. More than 78,000 luxury watches are recorded on the Watch Register, a global crime prevention database, of which 6,815 have been added in the past year, representing a 60 per cent increase of the new watches to the platform. It follows a spate number of robberies and smash-and-grab raids in London and the home counties over the past year in which armed so-called Rolex ripper gangs ambush their victims. The Watch Register said Rolexes, including models such as the Daytona, GMT and Oyster Perpetual, are the most common recorded on its system at 44 per cent. The Swiss brands Omega and Breitling complete the top three, accounting for 7 per cent and 6 per cent respectively. The estimated £1 billion value includes several that each retail for £100,000 or more. Investigators said 90 per cent of the luxury watches on the system were men’s models, because their higher retail value is attractive to gangs. While 35 per cent of stolen watches are found within six months and 50 per cent within a year, the team said successful recovery relied on a record of the serial number. Katya Hills, managing director of the Watch Register, said: “The considerable value and prestige of these high-end timepieces continues to attract the attention of sophisticated and international criminal networks, making them a prime target for theft.”

Lincoln, NE: Burglars steal $20K worth of merchandise
Burglars who broke into a vintage clothing shop in downtown Lincoln some-time early Friday morning stole $20,000 worth of merchandise from the store, police said. A neighbor called police at around 6:30 a.m. Friday when they noticed one of Exclusive Hype's front glass windows had been shattered, Lincoln Police Sgt. Chris Vollmer said. The owners of the business, at 1624 O St., reported numerous clothing items worth an estimated $20,000 were missing, Vollmer said. Police did not have an itemized list of stolen items as of Friday morning, Vollmer said, but according to the shop's website, Exclusive Hype sells sought-after sneakers, designer clothing and vintage T-shirts and jackets — often for prices that range from $150 to more than $500.

Fort Myers, FL: Masked thieves smash and grab over $1K worth of power tools from Fort Myers hardware store
Broken glass covered the floor outside of the Fort Myers Family Hardware store Friday morning after two masked thieves broke in and stole power tools before driving off. It was not a welcome sight for owner Jeremy Peterson, he was awoken at 4:30 a.m. “People steal stuff when we’re open in broad daylight, but never like this,” Peterson said. All 45 seconds were caught on a security camera. It shows these masked bandits smashing the door and climbing through. “Usually you get false alarms so you just brush it off, but this time it said there was a glass break,” he said. You see two burglars going back and forth, bringing items to their dark-colored car. “A bunch of Milwaukee,” Peterson said. “It was all power tools.” It all cost over $1,000.

Nashville, TN: Store employee arrested for knowingly purchasing stolen items
A store employee was arrested Thursday for knowingly purchasing stolen merchandise. According to Metro police, a five-month long investigation resulted in the arrest of 39-year-old Reyes Bibiano-Sarabia, an employee of El Rodeo Mercado Latino located in the 1400 block of Gallatin Pike North as investigators determined he was purchasing stolen merchandise. After further investigation, in cooperation with retail stores Kroger, Home Depot, Lowes, TJ Maxx, JCPenney, Walmart, and Walgreens, officers learned that Bibiano-Sarabia wrote out “shopping lists” of items he was looking to get for his store. He would then purchase the items for a fraction of their value, according to investigators. Police said undercover detectives “sold” lots of new-in-box merchandise to Bibiano-Sarabia, with some items in tamper proof anti-theft devices, for less than 10 cents on the dollar after clearly marking the items as stolen. In addition to Bibiano-Sarabia, 5 other shoplifters, reportedly all from Nashville, were charged with theft of merchandise: Bibiano-Sarabia is free after posting a $15,000 bond, according to police.

Lehi, UT: Officers searching for thief they say stole nine designer purses from Lehi outlet store

Lombard, IL: Wisconsin women steal $2800 of high-end designer fragrances from Von Maur store in Chicago suburb

Comanche County, OK: 10 thefts totaling $2750 in 2 months get man arrested at Lowe’s

Ocala, FL: Man hides over $300 worth of stolen Walmart merchandise in his pants, arrested on August 15





Shootings & Deaths

Lake Arrowhead, CA: Store owner shot to death over Pride flag hanging outside shop
A beloved store owner in Lake Arrowhead, California was shot and killed during a dispute over a Pride flag, officials said. The shooting happened around 5 p.m. Friday at the Mag Pi clothing store in Cedar Glen. When deputies arrived, they found 66-year-old Laura Ann Carleton with a gunshot wound. She was pronounced dead on the scene. According to the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department, the suspect, who has not been identified, "made several disparaging remarks about a rainbow flag that stood outside the store before shooting Carleton." Deputies found the suspect near Torrey and Rause Rancho Roads, armed with a handgun. "When deputies attempted to contact the suspect, a lethal force encounter occurred and the suspect was pronounced deceased," read an update from the sheriff's department. No deputies were injured.

Martinez, CA: Police Officers shoot, kill unarmed person while responding to cannabis shop burglary
Four Martinez police officers shot and killed an unarmed person after responding to a report of a burglary at a cannabis dispensary early Friday morning, police and the state attorney general's office said. The shooting occurred shortly after 3:30 a.m. when officers responded to an alarm set off at the Velvet dispensary at 4808 Sunrise Drive. Police were told multiple people and two vehicles were at the business, Martinez Police Chief Andrew White said in a news release. White said in the news release that after officers arrived, "one of the vehicles, described as a white SUV, fled the scene. Officers broadcast that shots were fired and there was an assault on an officer. The second vehicle attempted to flee and then crashed into a fire hydrant. The two occupants of the vehicle were transported to the hospital." The initial news release did not specify who fired shots, but White later clarified that four officers opened fire and that one of the people taken to the hospital died. The names of the person who died and the four officers were not immediately available, and police did not provide the condition of the other person hospitalized. The police chief said the California Department of Justice was notified of the shooting and is leading the investigation in accordance with Assembly Bill 1506, a law that requires the state to investigate all police shootings that result in the death of an unarmed civilian.

San Antonio, TX: Investigation underway after woman found dead in vehicle at Walmart
Authorities are trying to determine what led to a 30-year-old woman’s death after she was found in her vehicle at a Walmart store. The woman was found Sunday afternoon at a Walmart in the 4000 block of N Foster Road, on the Northeast Side. Her identity hasn’t yet been released. Deputies said there doesn’t appear to be any signs of trauma and it’s unclear what led to her death.

Roseville, CA: Man suspected of killing woman he was dating at Westfield Galleria in Roseville
A 34-year-old woman was shot and killed in a parking garage at the Westfield Galleria in Roseville on Saturday by a man she was dating according to police. Roseville police said the woman and the suspect arrived at the mall together Saturday morning. They said the gunman, 29-year-old Simranjit Singh, shot the woman on the third floor of the parking garage and ran away from the scene. He left the gun in the garage. Right after the shooting, the suspect went shopping at Old Navy, according to a witness inside the store. The witness said a man bought a shirt with cash, changed into it, put the old shirt in a shopping bag and asked to leave the store. It was in lockdown due to the active shooter situation. Officers quickly found the suspect outside the Best Buy.

San Bernardino County, CA: Murder suspect shot, killed by deputies in Cedar Glen
Officials in the Cedar Glen area of San Bernardino County are investigating after deputies shot and killed a man accused of shooting and killing a woman outside a local clothing store earlier in the day. It all happened Friday, around 5 p.m., after deputies were called out to magpi in the Glen for reports that a person had been shot. When they got to the store, they found a woman, identified as 66-year-old Laura Ann Carleton, dead at the scene. While at the store, the deputies got reports that the alleged shooter had run away, and was seen nearby on Torrey Road. Deputies then found him near Torrey Road and Rause Rancho Road, armed with a handgun. It wasn't immediately clear what happened next, just that deputies shot the man. He was also pronounced dead at the scene. He has not yet been identified.

Los Angeles, CA: Update: C-Store Shooting Spree Defendant Ordered to Stand Trial
A 21-year-old man charged in a crime spree that left three people dead in a string of convenience store and fast food robberies across the Southland was ordered Thursday to stand trial on murder and other charges. The ruling followed a preliminary hearing that included a videotaped questioning by police in which Malik Donyae Patt referred to some of the victims as “white devils” and claimed responsibility for three additional shootings that apparently never happened. Patt is charged with three counts of murder, two counts of attempted murder, three counts of robbery and a count of carjacking while armed stemming from the violent crime spree that primarily targeted 7-Eleven stores on July 11 — or 7/11 — of last year. The charges against Patt include special circumstance allegations of multiple murders and murder in the commission of a robbery. The case also includes various sentencing enhancements for personal use or discharge of a handgun.

New York, NY: 1 shot, 1 assaulted in attempted robbery at East Harlem smoke shop
Police are looking for two suspects who shot a store clerk during an attempted robbery at a smoke shop in East Harlem.

Rocky Mount, NC: Police arrest 2 men in connection to fatal shooting outside Liquor Store

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Los Angeles, CA: California Flash Mob robbery suspect released same day of arrest
Jail officials in Southern California released Thursday a suspect connected to a flash mob robbery at a high-end retailer just hours after police arrested the accused thief. Los Angeles County jail records show robbery suspect Ivan Isaac Ramirez, 23, of Los Angeles, was released on a citation by 3 p.m. Thursday. He was originally booked around 8 a.m. that same day after Glendale police said they arrested Mr. Ramirez for his role in the rapid looting of a Yves Saint Laurent store Aug. 8. Authorities said around 30 robbers flooded the YSL store and made off with an estimated $400,000 in merchandise in minutes before they sprinted to getaway vehicles waiting outside. Mr. Ramirez is facing burglary and theft charges, police said.

Chicago, IL: Thieves rob Prada store near Magnificent Mile
Police are investigating a robbery at a Prada store near the Magnificent Mile on Sunday. Chicago police say it happened just before 1 p.m. at the store located near North Rush Street and East Oak Street. According to police, at least six people, who were all wearing masks and gloves, entered the store and stole property. Police say no employees or shoppers were injured during the robbery. An investigation is underway, but police say nobody is currently in custody.

Philadelphia, PA: Suspects pepper spray employees during robbery at Philadelphia Mills Mall jewelry store
Philadelphia Mills Mall was evacuated Saturday night after four men pepper sprayed employees at a jewelry shop during a robbery. Philadelphia police responded to a call for a robbery at a jewelry store inside the mall Saturday night, about 7:15, according to officials. An employee told officers four men entered the store and proceeded to spray him and his employees with OC spray, or pepper spray. The employee went on to say the suspects then used a sledgehammer to break open the jewelry cases, taking pieces of jewelry out before fleeing the store. Medics arrived to treat the employees for their injuries due to the pepper spray. Philadelphia police and mall security evacuated the mall out of caution, because of the incident. An unknown amount of jewelry was taken. An investigation is being conducted by Northeast Detectives.

Chicago, IL: String of 7-11 robberies within 30 minutes on North Side
A string of robberies took place at multiple 7-11 stores on the North Side Sunday morning. Police reported that individuals grabbed the register and left from the 7-11 location located in the 1404 West Pratt Avenue. Another robbery was reported at the store located in the 6800 block of North Sheridan Road and at a gas station in the 5700 block of North Broadway Avenue.

Toledo, OH: Police arrest man for string of summer robberies in Toledo; second man arrested for complicity

San Antonio, TX: Man attacked with machete during robbery at South Side at 7-Eleven store

3 Detroit residents charged in $4M food stamp fraud scheme

Philadelphia, PA: Caught on video: ATM with $6,000 inside stolen from Northeast Philadelphia nail salon



C-Store -Toledo, OH – Armed Robbery
C-Store – San Antonio, TX – Armed Robbery
C-Store – New York, NY – Armed Robbery
C-Store – New York, NY – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Huntington Beach, CA – Robbery
C-Store – Colorado Springs, CO – Armed Robbery
C-Store - Chicago, IL – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Rockford, IL – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Rockford, IL – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Sparks, NV – Robbery
C-Store – Deltona, FL – Robbery
C-Store – Las Vegas, NV – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Newton, NC – Armed Robbery
Clothing – Lincoln, NE - Burglary
Gas Station – Chicago, IL – Armed Robbery
Handbags - Lehi, UT - Robbery
Hardware - Fort Myers, FL – Burglary
JC Penney – Dearborn, MI – Robbery
Jewelry – Philadelphia, PA – Robbery
Jewelry - Auburn, WA – Robbery
Liquor – Memphis, TN – Burglary
Marijuana – St Francis County, MO - Burglary
Marijuana – Tulsa, OK – Burglary
Motel – Joplin, MO – Armed Robbery
Nail Salon – Philadelphia, PA – Burglary
Prada – Chicago, IL – Robbery
Restaurant – New York, NY – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Stockton, CA – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – San Antonio, TX – Robbery
Restaurant – Los Angeles, CA – Burglary
Restaurant – Turlock, CA – Robbery
Restaurant – Tulsa, OK – Burglary
Target - Lathrop, CA - Robbery
Tobacco – New York, NY – Armed Robbery
Vape – Tulsa, OH – Burglary
Von Maur – Lombard, IL – Robbery                                                         

Daily Totals:
• 27 robberies
• 9 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed

Click to enlarge map




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Director of Retail Solutions - North America
Denver, CO - posted April 5

This role will be focused on selling our SaaS retail crime intelligence platform by developing new prospects, and progressing Enterprise level prospects through our sales process. You will report directly to the VP of Retail Solutions - North America, and work alongside our Marketing, Partnerships and Customer Success team to grow our customer base...

Regional Manager, Asset Protection - Southeast
Georgia or Louisiana - posted August 7

In this role, you will embody Do The Right Thing by protecting People, Assets, and Brands. You will work in an energized, fast paced environment focused on creating a safe environment for our employees, teams, and customers; this is critical to driving our Brand Power, Enduring Customer Relationships, and exuding our commitment to Team and Values...

Corporate & Supply Chain Asset Protection Leader
Quincy, MA - posted August 3

The primary purpose of this position is to manage the Corporate Asset Protection function for all US Support Offices and Supply Chain. Direct team in the design, implementation and management of physical security processes and equipment to ensure facilities are considered a safe and secure environment for all associates and external parties...

Occupational Health & Safety Manager
Mount Horeb, WI - posted July 27

This role is responsible for examining the workplace for environmental or physical factors that could affect employee or guest health, safety, comfort, and performance. This role is also responsible for reducing the frequency and severity of accidents. To be successful in the role, you will need to work closely with management, employees, and relevant regulatory bodies...

Field Loss Prevention Manager
Nashville, TN - posted July 26

As a Field Loss Prevention Manager (FLPM) you will coordinates Loss Prevention and Safety Programs intended to protect Staples assets and ensure a safe work environment within Staples Retail locations. FLPM’s are depended on to be an expert in auditing, investigating, and training...

Loss Prevention Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst
Boston, MA - posted July 7

As a LP Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst for Staples, you will conduct LP operational field audits remote, virtual and in person, within a base of 60 retail stores to ensure compliance to operational standards to drive operational excellence and preserve profitability. You will also train store managers on Key-Holder responsibilities, Inventory Control standards, Cash Office procedures, Protection Standards, Safety and Fraud trends...

Manager, Physical Security
Jacksonville, FL - posted July 7

Responsible for overseeing all aspects of the company’s physical security strategy for retail stores, warehouses, and store support center and field offices. This includes responsibility for the capital expense and repair budgets, developing written specifications, layout and design for all systems and to ensure all installations and repairs are made to SEG standards...

Regional AP Mgr – South FL Market – Bilingual required
Miami, FL - posted August 8

Responsible for managing asset protection programs designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region. This position will develop the framework for the groups’ response to critical incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...

Regional Manager, Loss Prevention (Western Territory)
Remote - posted June 28

The Regional Loss Prevention Manager is responsible for the control and reduction of shrinkage at the stores in their Territory. Investigate and resolves all matters that jeopardize or cause a loss to the company’s assets. Has ownership for all company related shrinkage programs in their assigned stores.

Regional Manager, Loss Prevention (Central Territory)
Remote - posted June 28

The Regional Loss Prevention Manager is responsible for the control and reduction of shrinkage at the stores in their Territory. Investigate and resolves all matters that jeopardize or cause a loss to the company’s assets. Has ownership for all company related shrinkage programs in their assigned stores...

Regional Director, LP & Safety (Midwest)
MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA - posted June 27

We are looking for a Regional Director of Loss Prevention to join us in MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA. You will develop, execute, and maintain shrink and shrink compliance initiatives. You will also conduct internal and external field investigations, loss control auditing, store safety programs, and compliance programs and audits...

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