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Ehab Zahran, CFI promoted to Vice President Enterprise Operations & Safety for Party City
Ehab has been with Party City for seven years, starting with the company in 2017 as Director Loss Prevention and Safety. Prior to his promotion to Vice President Enterprise Operations & Safety, he served as Vice President Enterprise Asset Protection and Safety for three years and Senior Director Enterprise Asset Protection and Safety for a year. Prior to Party City, he served as Regional LP Manager (Northeast and Mid Atlantic) for Follett Higher Education. Earlier in his career, he held LP roles with OfficeMax and Kmart. Congratulations, Ehab!

See All the LP Executives 'Moving Up' Here   

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Loyalty programs are a powerful tool to build customer engagement and drive repeat business. However, they can also become a gateway for discount abuse and fraud, threatening your bottom line. How can you protect your business while maximizing the benefits of loyalty programs?

Join us for a free webinar co-hosted by the Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) and Agilence, where we'll dive deep into the challenges and solutions around loyalty program abuse and prevention.

In this session, you will learn to identify and address common issues that lead to loyalty program abuse and discount fraud. Some common loyalty abuse scenarios include:

  • Employees scanning their personal loyalty cards for customer transactions

  • Fraudsters exploiting weak passwords to take over accounts

  • Customers using single-use coupons multiple times

  • Employees adding points to their own or friends' loyalty cards

  • Customers signing up with fake names and information to earn rewards fraudulently

If your business is grappling with loyalty program fraud or discount abuse, then this webinar is for you. Agilence and LPF will present comprehensive, user-friendly strategies to protect your loyalty programs using data and analytics.

Agilence’s Senior Director of Product Management, Keneavy Krenzin, along with our esteemed customer presenter Jacob Welch, Loss Prevention Project Manager from Ulta, to share his extensive knowledge around managing loyalty programs effectively. Keneavy will also demonstrate how Agilence can streamline your processes and enhance your program's integrity.



The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

Agilence Exec Shares Strategies to Boost Security & Fight Surging Crime
The post-COVID crime surge demands a shift in loss prevention policies

The Post-COVID Surge of In-Store Violence & Evolving Loss Prevention Policies

By Brian Brinkmann, Chief Product & Marketing Officer, Agilence

The retail world has seen a major shift in crime since COVID-19 hit. Before the pandemic, retail crime mostly meant shoplifting — sneaky folks trying to swipe products without getting caught. But now, we’re seeing a worrying trend toward more violent behavior. This new wave of aggression is putting employees, customers and store property at risk.

Boosting Store Security: 6 Key Strategies

  1. Improve Access Control: Managing the number of people in a store is crucial. Touchless access systems with facial recognition can help identify authorized employees and flag potential intruders quickly.

  2. Implement Anti-Theft Devices: Modern tools like radio-frequency identification (RFID) and electronic article surveillance (EAS) systems can detect theft at exits and improve deactivation at checkout. These are especially effective against organized retail crime (ORC).

  3. Outsource Retail Security Management: Not all retailers can afford a full-time security team, so options like remote monitoring systems are cost-effective. Professional loss prevention support can keep an eye on stores and products, with expert teams monitoring video footage and reporting suspicious activity.

  4. Conduct Fraud Training: Regular fraud training shows that theft won’t be tolerated and helps employees recognize and report suspicious activities. As ORC gangs get more sophisticated, continuous training keeps staff informed and vigilant.

  5. Use Analytics to Monitor Employee Theft: Combining analytics with video monitoring lets retailers keep an eye on employees and inventory, reducing theft opportunities and minimizing losses.

  6. Train Employees to Handle Violence: Equip employees with advanced training to confidently manage violent situations, including conflict avoidance techniques.

Prioritizing Safety Without Sacrificing Customer Experience

The surge in in-store violence post-COVID has significantly impacted the retail industry, demanding a shift in loss prevention policies. Retailers now must prioritize safety while still addressing theft. By adopting comprehensive security measures — like better access control, advanced anti-theft devices, and ongoing training — retailers can navigate these new challenges and better protect their environments.

Circle K Cited by Labor Department for Not Following Safety Procedures
The chain could have prevented a store cashier in Orlando from suffering a serious gunshot injury by following the company’s own established safety procedures

US Department of Labor cites leading convenience store chain for serious violation after gunmen shoot cashier in Orlando robbery

Circle K Stores Inc. failed to protect employee from workplace violence

ORLANDO, FL – A subsidiary of one of the world’s best-known operators of convenience stores and fueling stations could have prevented a store cashier in Orlando from suffering a serious gunshot injury by following the company’s own established safety procedures, a U.S. Department of Labor investigation has found.

“People employed by late or all-night businesses, such as gas stations, convenience stores and drive-through fast food restaurants face a high probability of violent incidents as few witnesses, accessible cash, poorly lit stores and darkened parking areas often attract dangerous thieves,” explained OSHA Area Director Erin Sanchez in Orlando, Florida. “Gratefully, the cashier in this case survived the attack, but not all workers at Circle K and other similar businesses have been as fortunate.”

OSHA cited Circle K Stores Inc. with one serious violation for failing to provide a place of employment free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm. The agency has proposed $16,131 in penalties, the maximum amount allowed by federal statute. The company has contested the findings before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.

A review of OSHA investigations of Circle K locations since 2014 finds five workers suffered fatal gunshot injuries at two locations in Texas in August 2021 and December 2018, Georgia in September 2019, Florida in June 2016 and Alabama in December 2015. The majority of these incidents took place in the evening or overnight hours.

Deterrents to help late-night retailers protect employees from workplace violence include interior and exterior security cameras, cash register barriers or enclosures, a drop safe or cash management device, proper lighting inside and outside the store and signage explaining the register holds $50 or less.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health cites robbery-related homicides and assaults as the leading cause of death for retail workers. In 2019, the rate of deadly workplace violence among convenience store workers was 14 times higher than the overall rate for private industry workers.

Key Takeaways of California's Newly Passed Retail Theft Package
California Takes Action: New Legislation Targets Retail Crime Surge

California Government Tackles Retail Crime with New Bill Package

Key Takeaways

Legislative Action on Retail Crime: The California Legislature has passed ten bipartisan bills addressing retail theft and property crime, now awaiting Governor Gavin Newsom’s approval.

California Retail Theft Reduction Act (AB 2943): A key component of the legislative package introduces a new crime classification for possessing stolen goods over $950 with intent to resell, punishable by up to three years in prison.

Online Marketplace Regulations: New laws require online sellers to prove the legality of their products and larger retailers to share data with law enforcement to combat the sale of stolen goods.

Expanded Legal Provisions: Additional bills include extending jurisdiction for prosecuting theft, making the California Highway Patrol’s organized retail crime task force permanent, and increasing penalties for related crimes.

Prop. 36 on November Ballot: This proposition seeks to revise the felony threshold for theft, potentially leading to stricter penalties for repeat offenders.

Balanced Approach to Reform: Lawmakers aim to tackle retail crime effectively without undoing criminal justice reforms like Prop. 47, which has contributed significantly to reducing prison overcrowding.

Governor’s Decision Pending: Governor Newsom is expected to sign the bills soon, although no definitive timeline has been provided.

Tracking Violent Crime in California
New survey tracks changes in violent crime in large California cities

Oakland’s midyear homicide total falls from 2023, though rate of killings still far higher than national number

A new national survey shows some major California cities experiencing a drop in violent crime this year, though the change also shows in higher numbers in other locales.

The national survey found decreases across all four categories -- homicide, rape, robbery and aggravated assault -- tracked in several major California cities: Oakland, Sacramento and San Francisco. In other cities, such as San Jose, violent crime rose year-over-year in some categories but fell in others. Officials in San Jose attributed the changes to a new reporting system in use by the city’s police.

In Oakland, the number of reported homicides went from 52 in 2023 to 47 this year, the lowest level since 2020. That marks a decrease of nearly 10 percent.

A decrease in violent crime was also seen in San Francisco, where 17 homicides were reported, cutting the number of killings in the first half of 2023 by more than 30 percent in the city of more than 800,000 residents. The city also reported about 200 fewer robberies between this year and last year.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed’s office pointed to grant funding from the state and the use of new technology such as drones and cameras as factors that have benefitted crime in the city. Her office added that she is making efforts to fully staff the police department and work with the district attorney to hold people accountable for crime.

Popular way for stores to deter crime, is deterring customers as well
Video: Stores could be seeing a drop in sales from locking up merchandise

Using AI for Workplace Safety
Counter Biases with Artificial Intelligence

Learn how millions of data points can help you better calculate risk and take action before workers get hurt.

The human brain does plenty of amazing things, including helping humans stay alive. The brain assesses threats, avoids dangers and maintains all the daily functions. But it does have weaknesses, including accurately predicting risk. That’s where artificial intelligence (AI) comes into play—and why it is uniquely able to make substantial improvements in workplace safety.

Too often, we simply use AI, computer vision and other advanced tools on the floor to do smaller things. Owens Corning and a few others are using AI and advanced analytics to help determine strategy and focus where they need to work and assess how good their existing systems are.

The problem is how poor humans are at estimating risk, particularly of infrequent events like serious injuries and fatalities. We get the lessons from thinking fast and slow, from common and temporary security, but we have huge cognitive biases and deficits when it comes to estimating the risk or estimating infrequent events.

So, if we use AI tools and advanced analytics, we can overcome that hurdle and invest our limited resources, our limited money and our limited people on the proper risks.

How do you predict an event, a very infrequent event, that’s never happened at your site before? I think the answer lies in advanced AI, natural language processing tools and other, external data to supplement company data

In Case You Missed It

Safety is Top Issue in Keeping Employees Happy
Good Safety Cultures Can Attract and Retain Talent

Workers need to know that their companies value their safety above all else.

By now most hiring managers are used to hearing job candidates ask about their companies' environmental record or even their DE&I policies. Fielding questions about a company's safety record isn't quite as common, and yet job candidates and current employees are very focused on safety.

While this interest in workplace safety might have intensified with the pandemic, it has since expanded to a variety of forms of safety, both physical and psychological.

"Employees everywhere have experienced multiple crises over the past few years that have altered their view of the world and their perceptions of safety outside of the comfort of their homes," said Christopher Kenessey, CEO at AlertMedia, when announcing his company's report, The State of Employee Safety, in 2023. "These events impact how employees show up to work daily, and we're seeing a growing desire among workers for employers to implement a more integrated and hands-on approach to ensuring their safety, regardless of whether they're working in the office, from home, in the field or while traveling for business."

According to the report, 75% of employees say their employer's safety efforts have not been very effective. And the reason for that is that 71% of employees feel their employers are not following through on safety promises. They are also concerned about emergency situations, since 83% have experienced an emergency at work at some point in their careers. A similar number of employees (84%) believe that their employers can do more to make them feel prepared to face emergencies at work.

In addition to physical safety, employees and potential hires are concerned about psychological safety. The survey found that 66% of employees say their employer is not making an active effort to support their mental health. In fact, 62% note that their organization does not provide resources for mental health, and 67% say their workplace culture does not allow for open dialogue about mental health.

Experience is Key to Winning Retail's Future
Should Department Stores Offer a VIP Experience?
When it comes to department stores, just 1% of the highest spenders contribute to around 25% of sales, while the top 20% of spenders are responsible for 80% of the stores’ revenue, according to Inside Retail.

As a result, South Korean department stores have been enhancing the VIP shopping experience in recent years by renovating their stores and expanding their concierge services for top-tier customers. One such retailer, the Galleria Department Store, opened up a VIP clubhouse location in late 2019 to tailor to its biggest spenders. Only shoppers who spend at least 40 million won a year have access to the special location and what’s inside.

The benefits of having regular VIP shoppers at a department store can be formidable. If VIP consumers enjoy repeat shopping, they will contribute regular revenue and can also bring awareness to other VIPs and consumers in general.

Retail Pro International, a software company, explained that having VIP experiences can build loyalty for luxury retailers. “Customers spending thousands of dollars expect to feel valued,” the company stated. “These programs go the extra mile for clients who are not only big spenders but often also influencers.”

Falling Retail Vacancy Rates
New Jersey retail vacancy rates continue to drop
Available retail space in New Jersey is on pace to hit a record low of 3% by the end of the year.

The Garden State is on track to set a new record-low vacancy rate for the third consecutive year, according to according to brokerage firm Marcus & Millichap’s 2Q 2024 Northern New Jersey Retail market report. The data comes as New York City’s vacancy rates continue to drop as well, especially in select submarkets.

Facing hundreds of talc-related lawsuits, Avon Products files for bankruptcy

UK: John Lewis to cut 150 roles as part of realignment plan

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Choosing a People Counting System
– How to Pick the Best Solution

Person count is an important metric to track for stores and properties that receive a large amount of foot traffic throughout the day or week.

Having the ability to monitor the number of people entering your business can uncover new operational insights for you to utilize. By analyzing the data from a people counting system, you’ll be able to identify areas of your business that could be streamlined for optimal customer engagement and experience as well as how the physical space of your business is being traveled.

In this article, we’ll cover why people counting is vital to track for your business, as well as how to find the best people counting solution.

Why People Counting is an Important Metric for Businesses to Track

As mentioned earlier, people counting can be one of the best ways to measure the success of your sales initiatives and identify areas of operational inefficiency within your business.

People counting can be an effective measurement for judging the effectiveness of marketing initiatives and campaigns. By analyzing the number of people entering your store alongside the number of purchases you have during a given time, you can come up with a reliable conversion rate. Seeing how many customers are converting (or purchasing) during a sales push can shed light on whether your strategy is working or if a better plan is needed to increase revenue.

People counting is also useful for identifying footfall trends. Surfacing the trends can give you insight into what tend to be the busiest times of the day or week. This data can be instrumental in capitalizing on opportunity lost sales when the location isn’t staffed sufficiently, and by saving labor when times are slower.
These uses can be applied to multiple businesses, whether that’s retail, quick-service restaurants, car dealerships, property management, and more.

Finding the Best Video Security Solution for People Counting

Because people counting is such a beneficial metric to track for businesses, finding the best people counting solution becomes crucial.

Video security systems tend to offer the best features and accuracy when it comes to people counting systems, which is why it’s important to prioritize finding a security system equipped with analytics to identify and track persons.

Below, we’ll cover employee exclusion and heat mapping, two features offered by AI-powered video security that can dramatically boost the accuracy of your people counting system and uncover more useful business intelligence.

Employee Exclusion

Employee exclusion is the ability to remove employees from customer counts, an important factor to consider when tracking conversion rates or fine-tuning your operations.

The data offered by your chosen people counting solution needs to be accurate. If it’s skewed due to incorrect counts, then it can affect the strategies you base on it. Many people counting systems utilize IR sensors to count how many people enter or exit a store. Unfortunately, these sensors tend to give inaccurate results because they don’t account for employees who may need to enter or exit the store during their shift.

People counting analytics combined with video security can give a much more accurate picture of how many people are entering your store by excluding employees from the total count, with advanced AI being required to accomplish this task…

Read more






In Case You Missed It

National Task Force for Fraud & Scam Prevention
RH-ISAC Joins National Task Force for Fraud & Scam Prevention

Led by the Aspen Institute Financial Security Program, this trailblazing multi-sector initiative will launch in the fall to combat fraud and build trust in our financial system.

Washington, D.C. – The Aspen Institute Financial Security Program (Aspen FSP) is announcing the formation of a National Task Force for Fraud & Scam Prevention, an initiative that will bring together leading stakeholders from government, law enforcement, private industry, and civil society to develop a nation-wide strategy aimed at helping prevent fraud and scams.

Financial frauds and scams are an increasing threat against Americans’ public safety and financial health, with implications for our economy, the U.S. financial system, and national security. Criminals carry out their crimes in multiple venues–over social media, dating sites, job boards, marketplaces, and telephone calls–breaking down trust in our institutions and putting Americans’ personal savings at risk. The task force formalizes a network of stakeholders who have a vested interest in making sure that consumers are protected and can restore trust in our financial system.

“The National Task Force for Fraud & Scam Prevention developed out of Aspen FSP’s work convening and supporting leaders and institutions committed to building a safe, fair, and inclusive financial system,” said Ida Rademacher, vice president at the Aspen Institute and co-executive director of Aspen FSP. “We are excited to work with our partners to increase trust in our financial systems, equip individuals and families with better information and tools, and continue to safely expand services to underserved communities. Together, our work can help keep money in the pockets of hardworking Americans and strengthen households’ financial security.”

The Task Force will address different aspects of the fraud and scam lifecycle, with a primary focus on prevention.

Ransomware Remains Top Threat in Merger-and-Acquisition Space
M&A activity can amplify ransomware insurance losses, research finds

The financial severity of claims related to ransomware attacks increased more than 400% from 2022 to 2023, the study found.

Cyber risk company Resilience said in a report unveiled Tuesday that ransomware has remained a top threat since January 2023, with 64% of related claims in its portfolio resulting in a loss during that period.

AdvertisementIncreased merger-and-acquisition activity and reliance on ubiquitous software vendors created new opportunities for threat actors to unleash widespread ransomware campaigns by exploiting a single point of failure, the report said.

“Now more than ever, we need to rethink how the C-suite approaches cyber risk,” Resilience CEO Vishaal Hariprasad said in a press release. “Businesses are interconnected like never before, and their resilience now depends on that of their partners and others in the industry.”

Global M&A deal volume increased 36% in the first quarter of the year, according to an Ernst & Young analysis. While such growth can be seen as a sign of positive economic development, it can also create new entry points for cyber threat actors, Resilience said in its report.

“Some of the past year’s most devastating cyber incidents involved heavily interconnected systems or recently acquired companies,” the report said. “Vendor-driven claims are the fastest-growing area of claims in our portfolio, and are now the fastest growing cause of loss for claims overall.”

White House details $11M plan to help secure open source

National Cyber Director Harry Coker Jr., speaking at Def Con in Las Vegas, says federal assistance must be bolstered by more ownership among the community.

The Department of Homeland Security plans to invest $11 million toward improving security in open source software, a key area of focus under the Biden administration’s national cybersecurity strategy, National Cyber Director Harry Coker Jr. said.

Coker, speaking Saturday at the Def Con conference in Las Vegas, said the investment will back a program called the Open Source Software Prevalence Initiative, which will assess the prevalence of open source software used in operational technology settings by critical infrastructure providers.

Current attacks, targets, and other threat landscape trends

Cybersecurity jobs available right now: August 14, 2024




Sapphire Celebrates 10 Years of Success

Sapphire is thrilled to celebrate our 11th anniversary with you!

Over the past decade and more, Sapphire has proudly served the security needs of countless businesses across the cannabis, pawn, and jewelry industries -- and beyond.

As they reflect on this milestone, Sapphire extends their deepest gratitude to their clients, partners, and team members who have been instrumental in this journey.

Here's to continued growth and success together!


The Importance of Cannabis Security Guards
Security Guard Roles in the Cannabis Industry
Cannabis and medical marijuana businesses can be at higher risk of crime than "regular retail stores" since they carry copious amounts of cash along with products that are valuable and "readily resold." Hiring trained and licensed security professionals is the answer many businesses have accepted to prevent crime and protect their goods, employees, and customers.

Roles for All Cannabis Business Security Guards

The presence of security guards ensures the customers' faith in the reputation of the brand and improves their overall sense of safety in the store. The role of security guards changes depending on which part of the seed-to-sale process - and what type of business license - they handle protecting. Each stage of production has its own demands and unique risks, and guards must adapt to individual situations and be up to speed on all the relevant certifications, training, licensing, or installed security fixes.

Staples of the role include keeping an inquisitive eye by walking and monitoring the premises, communicating, and aiding customers/visitors, and acting as a physical deterrent to intruders. The ultimate goal of security guards in a cannabis business is to reduce the risk of potential theft or diversion. Whether the business is in the first stages of cultivation, up through manufacturing and processing, to full-on retail, which includes delivery and distribution, security guards can serve to increase security at a cannabis business.

Security Guard Responsibilities

Security Presence and Crime Deterrent - A security guard's primary role is securing the premises and protecting all employees and customers/visitors during hours of operation. If they have a certificate in firearm training along with - in some states - the approval of the chief of police, they can be allowed to carry a weapon. They should establish a security presence that is peaceful and reassuring, allowing for normal operation. Guards take the responsibility of security off the shoulders of employees who then can be more comfortable and productive in their required job functions. Increasingly, individuals with military and law enforcement backgrounds are flocking to cannabis security guard positions and their experience and ability only bolster the facility they are protecting.

Manage the Flow of Customers - Beyond protection, security guards are important to a retail operation. If stationed in the dispensary's reception area, they can allow verify the identification of customers, visitors, patients, and caregivers and provide access to the retail area or direct them as necessary.

Monitor the Facility - By using video surveillance, security guards can conduct virtual external and internal patrols, monitor points of ingress and egress, and ensure individuals restricted to their authorized areas. Despite visual access to cannabis storage areas, security guards are typically not allowed access to cannabis unless escorted by management. Thus, security guards must keep a "watchful and vigilant eye" within their domain but acknowledge their own access limitations within the facility.

The Downside of Cash-Only Cannabis Businesses
Ohio recreational marijuana buyers turned away for not having cash
As Ohioans purchased recreational marijuana legally in the state for the first time last week, some customers were turned away because they presented credit cards and didn’t have cash.

AdvertisementThe dispensaries each had ATMs inside for people who didn’t bring enough cash. However, some customers chose to leave the retailers empty-handed – either because they didn’t have the cash in their accounts, or because they didn’t want to pay the ATM fees.

This is one learning curve Ohioans are experiencing – that they need green to buy a little green – in the early days since recreational marijuana sales began.

Cash – and at some dispensaries, some debit cards – are the only accepted forms of payment at dispensaries. Visa, Mastercard and other forms of plastic are not accepted. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law, so out-of-state banks cannot back a dispensary transaction.

Many buyers – recreational marijuana is only available for people aged 21 and older – also are adjusting to sticker shock in these first days of sales.

Maine regulators reject utility proposal to report suspected marijuana grow operations to police





FTC's Fake Online Review Ban
US FTC finalizes ban on companies buying and selling fake online reviews
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission on Wednesday finalized a ban on companies knowingly buying or selling fake online reviews, giving the agency the power to levy fines against the shadowy practice.

The ban covers trafficking in fake reviews, whether by non-existent customers, company insiders or artificial intelligence. It also prohibits buying and selling fabricated views or followers on social media, and using intimidation tactics to remove negative reviews.

The FTC can seek a maximum penalty of up to around $51,744 per violation.

"Fake reviews not only waste people's time and money, but also pollute the marketplace and divert business away from honest competitors," FTC Chair Lina Khan said in a statement. The rule does not require platforms that simply publish consumer reviews to verify their veracity.

The rule garnered some support and input from trade groups and businesses, including Alphabet's Google, Inc and review site Yelp. Yelp General Counsel Aaron Schur welcomed the rule in a statement on Wednesday, saying the company had long prohibited the practices the rule bans.

"We believe the enforcement of this new rule will improve the review landscape for consumers and help level the playing field for businesses," he said.

Teresa Murray, a consumer advocate at U.S. Public Interest Research Group, said the rule was an important protection for online shoppers, 90% of whom base purchase decisions in part on reviews. "We hope this puts fear in companies so they do the right thing, even if it's just because they're afraid of the consequences," Murray said.

Consumers are turning to online grocery shopping to save money
If you’re not buying your groceries online, you may be missing out – not only on a growing trend, but more importantly, time and money savings. The shift toward online grocery shopping is driven by multiple factors – with convenience undoubtedly the primary factor. People – particularly millennials – are busy growing their careers and taking care of families that require rides to school, soccer practice, play time, etc. and can’t waste time.

Amazon selected for UK drone flight trial

St. Joseph County, Ind. leaders approve $11 billion dollar Amazon data center










Cincinnati, OH: $30,000 in merchandise stolen from Tri-State Lululemon store
Cincinnati police are investigating after $30,000 in merchandise was stolen from the Lululemon in Hyde Park. 911 calls say the theft happened on July 27 at the popular athletic apparel store on Michigan Terrace. Three women, who police say are between 18 and 22 years old, ran into the store and grabbed $30,000 in merchandise. The dispatch calls say the suspects left the store “in a newer gray Kia small SUV with a temp tag in the window and Northbound on Michigan.” The Lululemon in Hyde Park has been targeted in a previous theft case. Police say a theft was reported on July 12, where the thieves got away with about $4,000 in merchandise.

Hollywood, FL: Police seek crooks accused of stealing thousands of dollars in perfume at Hollywood store
Police are investigating after they said three crooks were caught on camera walking through the front door of a perfume store in Hollywood, making off with tens of thousands of dollars in fragrances in early April. “They cleared out the men’s section products, about $30,000 in merchandise, plus around $10,000 in damages,” said Adi Schwartz Gomez, owner of the Perfume Outlet, located at 2111 N. State Road 7. The burglary occurred around 11 p.m. in early April. The thieves, who police said were covered in hoodies, were seen approaching the business off State Road 7 and West Park Road. “One of them parks, walks up, bashes out the two cameras outside the store, and then the car backs up,” said Schwartz Gomez. “Two other guys come out and break through the door.” The crime mirrors recent break-ins at two other fragrance boutiques in southwest Miami-Dade. Perfumes and I reported a loss of more than $20,000 in stolen merchandise, while Sadu Luxury Perfumes reported over $30,000 in stolen products

Exton, PA: West Whiteland Police Seeks Help Identifying Multiple Suspects in Kohl’s Store Theft
The West Whiteland Police Department is investigating a theft that occurred on August 2, 2024, at the Kohl’s store located at 229 W. Lincoln Highway. The incident took place at 7:25 PM in the Sephora section of the store. According to the police, a group of suspects entered the Sephora section, filled bags with merchandise, and fled the store. Authorities are now seeking the public’s assistance in identifying these suspects.

Bellingham, WA: Downtown Bellingham business falls victim to break in, $1000 of merchandise stolen (Pokemon)

Deschutes County, OR: Deschutes County DA Plans For Organized Retail Theft Training






Shootings & Deaths

Columbus, OH: Road rage driver faces murder charge after Columbus teen dies from fatal gunshot
A teenage boy died Tuesday at a United Dairy Farmers store in a road rage shooting on the city's Southwest Side, according to Columbus police. Police received a report at 8:11 p.m. of a shooting at the UDF store at 3535 Clime Road near Demorest Road, according to city police 911 dispatchers. Responding officers found the teen, identified by police as Gage Anderson, 17, suffering from a gunshot wound and unresponsive. Medics took Anderson to OhioHealth Grant Medical Center, Downtown, where he was pronounced dead at 8:40 p.m., according to police dispatchers. Police took Skyler Burley, 30, into custody following a chase that ended in the 3800 block of Lynward Road, just over a mile away from the shooting, police said. Officers said Burley and Anderson did not know each other and the shooting stemmed from a road rage dispute. Burley was charged with murder and booked into the Franklin County jail.

Ellenton, FL: Detectives investigating after shots fired during attempted armed robbery at Ellenton Outlet Mall
Manatee County Sheriff’s Office detectives are investigating an attempted armed robbery with shots fired at the Ellenton Outlet Mall. No one was injured. According to the report, at approximately 2:50 p.m. on Wednesday, two unknown Black males wearing masks entered the Gold Palace Jewelry armed with at least one handgun. Upon entering the store, one of the suspects approached an employee and shot a round toward the back of the store, not striking anyone. Another employee then pulled out a gun and shot in the direction of the suspects but missed. Again, no one was hit by the gunfire. The suspects then fled the store and ran towards the parking lot. An off-duty deputy was on the property and responded to the store within minutes of hearing shots fired. He secured the store and made sure no one was injured before chasing after the suspects.

San Antonio, TX: Man shot several times while being chased down outside Northwest Side convenience store

Manchester, NH: Suspect accused of daytime NH convenience store shooting turns self in

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Ramsey County, MN: 8-Year-Old Girl Helps Father Fend Off Attempted Robber at Minn. Liquor Store: ‘She's Strong’
Police in Ramsey County said Conchobhar Joseph Morrell, 37, was arrested and charged with first-degree attempted aggravated robbery after he allegedly attempted to rob a liquor store in Maplewood, Minnesota. Police responded to a report of an armed robbery around 9:30 p.m. local time on Saturday, Aug. 10, according to a criminal complaint obtained by the outlets. When they arrived on the scene, an employee told them that a man — identified as Morrell — laid a bottle of liquor and a firearm on the counter and told the employee to hand over "everything.” The employee alleged that he told the man that he would do it if he put the gun away since his 8-year-old daughter was present, the outlets reported. However, Morrell allegedly eventually went behind the counter, prompting the employee to punch the man and try to wrestle the gun from him, per the reports. The employee, who identified himself as Leo, told CBS News that he acted out of concern for his daughter's safety, as she was behind the counter with him. He told the outlet, "I'm a dad, I'm not going to let that happen." Video surveillance obtained from the store showed the 8-year-old grab an aluminum baseball bat and hit Morrell multiple times in the head as the two men tried to grab the weapon, per The Star Tribune. Morrell eventually fled the scene and headed north without his gun.

DeKalb County, GA: Thieves damage DeKalb County CVS during ATM theft

Memphis, TN: Police investigating break-in at Batteries Plus



Auto – Memphis, TN – Burglary
Beauty – Hollywood, FL – Burglary
C-Store – Roeland Park, KS – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Minersville, PA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Newark, NJ – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Temple, TX - Robbery
C-Store- Kinston, NC – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Portland, OR – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Auburn, WA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Philadelphia, PA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Chicago, IL – Burglary
Check Cashing - Santa Ana, CA – Armed Robbery
Collectables – Bellingham, WA – Burglary
Clothing – Cincinnati, OH – Robbery
Gun – Anderson, IN – Burglary
Liquor – Montgomery County, PA – Burglary
Liquor – Maplewood, MN – Armed Robbery
Marijuana – Seattle, WA – Robbery
Pharmacy – Lennox, CA – Burglary
Pharmacy – Los Angeles, CA – Burglary
Restaurant – Anaheim, CA – Burglary
Tobacco- Rosamond, CA – Burglary
Tobacco – Dover, DE – Burglary
Tobacco – Miami, FL – Burglary
Vape – Nashville, TN – Burglary                                                                                                           

Daily Totals:
• 12 robberies
• 13 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed

Click map to enlarge




None to report.

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Corporate Risk Manager
Memphis, TN or New Orleans, LA - Posted June 27

Summary of Role and Responsibilities: Proactive approach to preventing losses/injuries, whether they are to our employees, third parties, or customers' valuables. They include cash in transit, auto losses, or injuries; Report all incidents, claims, and losses that may expose the company to financial losses, whether they are covered by insurance or not...

Loss Prevention Specialist
Temple, TX - Posted June 18

The Loss Prevention Specialist identifies various types of losses and thefts, works cross-functionally in a fast-paced environment providing critical guidance to Operations on asset protection and profit improvement initiatives. At The Fikes Companies, our Mission is to build a highly successful company which our employees are proud of, our customers value, and the communities we serve can count on...

Multi-Store Detective (Pittsburgh Operating Market)
Pittsburgh, PA - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

Multi-Store Detective (Cleveland Operating Market)
Cleveland, OH - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

Multi-Store Detective (Akron/Canton Operating Market)
Akron/Canton, OH - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

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The thrill of the chase intoxicates us all in the beginning and keeps most of us here for a life time. But ultimately it can also hold us back because it legitimizes our separateness and virtually eliminates the need to evolve with the retail business. Recognizing it and forcing yourself to learn beyond your specialty and embracing the relationships around you will poll vault your career and help you stand out even more.   

Just a Thought,


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2024 GROC Retail Crime Conference
August 7

2024 CCROC Conference
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