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Tony D'Onofrio appointed President of Sensormatic Solutions

Sensormatic Solutions, the leading global retail solutions portfolio of Johnson Controls, today announced that retail technology veteran Tony D'Onofrio will be stepping into the role of president. D’Onofrio brings more than 30 years of experience to the role, over two decades of which he spent at Sensormatic Solutions in positions ranging from product manager to chief customer officer.

“I am honored to rejoin the Sensormatic Solutions team,” said D’Onofrio of his new role. “The industry has reached a critical inflection point, with innovation becoming the key to addressing retail’s challenges. I am thrilled by the possibilities that lay ahead for the industry, the Sensormatic Solutions brand, and our customers as we embark on this important journey.”

D'Onofrio's career has included executive roles in both security and information technologies including NCR, Sensormatic, Midsouth (IBM Integrator), and more recently Prosegur Global Retail. In 2018, he launched his advisory group TD Insights where he is recognized as a global social media influencer in retail, security, and emerging technologies. He is listed as a top 100 2023 global retail and technology influencer, publishes regularly on multiple platforms, has a long running weekly podcast with the Loss Prevention Research Council, recently launched a new retail technology webinar series on disruptive retail technologies, and presents regularly on futurist retail trends in global keynotes. His wide range of experience has given D’Onofrio the deep industry insight and technological know-how to lead Sensormatic Solutions as it pursues innovations and partnerships that will define retail’s next era.


Stephen Collins named Vice President of Business Development for Telaid
Stephen P. Collins joins Telaid to lead the growth of Telaid’s business in the retail, convenience store, grocery, food service, financial services, distribution, and healthcare verticals. Steve has held leadership roles in sales, marketing, product development, project management, and contract administration for some of the leading solution providers in North America. He holds an MBA from Loyola University and a BA Salisbury university. Congratulations, Stephen!

Dominique De Santis named Senior Director Loss Prevention (CAN-USA) for Psycho Bunny
Before joining Psycho Bunny as Senior Director Loss Prevention (CAN-USA), Dominique served as Director Asset Protection for SSENSE. Prior to that, he spent more than nine years as Director Loss Prevention (USA & Canada) for Groupe Dynamite. Earlier in his career, he held loss prevention director roles with Laura Canada and Les Ailes de la Mode Groupe San Francisco. He also served as Senior Regional LP Manager for Hudson's Bay Company for a decade. Congratulations, Dominique!

See All the Executives 'Moving Up' Here   

Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position






How Is The Role Of The Security Installer/Integrator Changing?

The role of the integrator/installer in the physical security marketplace is shifting as technologies evolve and applications expand. Integrators are being faced with a need to augment their expertise both in a wider range of systems and deeper into the specifics of each increasingly complex technology. At the end of the day, it falls to the integrator/installer to ensure a system performs as promised, however much a consultant or even a manufacturer might be involved in the process. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: How is the role of the security installer/integrator changing?

Sean Foley - SVP, Customer Success, Interface Systems LLC

With the advent of network cameras and IoT, security integrators can no longer simply mount cameras and sensors, run wires, and connect to an alarm panel and a video recorder. Today’s security needs are multi-faceted and require a great deal of knowledge about network infrastructure and the applications that rely on it. From POS systems and VoIP to WiFi, security systems, and more, ample network connectivity and reliability are paramount for the success of every business. The requirements of multi-location enterprises add further demands to any solution and directly impact an organization's ability to scale. The risk for customers is having too many disparate providers involved, directing to vendor sprawl and operational complexity. Today’s top-tier integrators are able to deliver turnkey solutions that unify an entire range of network services while providing business intelligence to optimize operations and increase revenue.

Jennifer Elliott - Sr. Director of Channel and Sales Enablement, Global, Genetec, Inc.

The role of systems integrators in the physical security industry is undergoing significant changes due to rapid advancements in technology, and evolving customer needs. As software applications become increasingly easy to configure and use, customers are looking for a different kind of expertise from their integrators. End users are increasingly administering their own systems, whether they are in the cloud or on-premises, to ensure data sovereignty, privacy, and cyber resiliency. Systems integrators are also facing increased competition from IT consultants moving into physical security deployments. Hence the role of systems integrators is evolving from installers to trusted advisors and technology partners. This requires an intimate knowledge of their customers’ operations, workflows, and long-term growth plans as well as a deep understanding of the technology solutions they are selling. By reviewing opportunities to bridge the consumption gap for their customers, integrators become trusted partners and increase the likelihood of growing and renewing their system and service contracts.

Summer 2023 Weekend Shooting Analysis
Crime & Violence in America's Big Cities

Big City Violence Continues to Drop Compared to Last Summer

1,315 Shootings - 355 Killed - 1,377 Injured in 15 Cities Over Last 12 Weekends
Shootings (down 9%), deaths (down 19%) and injuries (down 10%) have all declined from 2022

The D&D Daily's Big City Weekend Violence Study - Memorial Day to Labor Day

The Daily's annual study analyzes weekend shooting data in 15 major U.S. cities from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend 2023

Starting Memorial Day Weekend, the D&D Daily compiled and analyzed data from 15 major U.S. cities to get a snapshot of summer gun violence.

Over this past weekend, from August 11th through August 13th, there were 93 shootings recorded in these 15 big cities, resulting in 28 deaths and 96 injuries.

In total, over the past 12 weekends, these cities have recorded 1,315 shootings, resulting in 355 deaths and 1,377 injuries.

Compared to last summer at this time in the study, total shootings in these cities are down 9%, deaths are down 19%, and injuries are down 10%.

The D&D Daily will continue to track this data throughout the summer to capture the weekend violence trend in our nation's big cities as warm weather typically brings about more crime and violence.

Click here to see the list of incidents per city and follow along each week as this spreadsheet will be updated every Monday.

Read more coverage about America's crime and violence surge in the section directly below

The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

CNBC's Three-Part ORC Series Continues

New ORC Laws Rolled Out in Nine States Since 2022
Retailers are shaping a wave of laws to crack down on organized theft — here’s how they do it

Nine states have passed new laws cracking down on organized retail theft and Congress is considering federal action.

Since 2022, at least nine states – six so far this year – have passed laws to impose harsher penalties for organized retail crime offenses. Similar bills are pending before legislatures across the country and in the U.S. Senate.

Behind the sweep of legislation are retailers and trade associations, which are using their collective power to get the bills written and past the finish line. They have also seized on a moment when lawmakers in many parts of the country, and from both sides of the aisle, see a political benefit from appearing tough on crime.

The new and proposed laws aim to deter brazen retail crime and go after the so-called kingpins who lead organized theft groups. But critics say the measures may not actually reduce organized retail crime, and could disproportionately harm marginalized groups.
The legislative efforts come as more retailers blame rising crime for higher inventory losses, also known as shrink. But they have not shared data that proves how much it is costing them, nor are they required to do so. Experts told CNBC some companies could be overstating theft’s impact on their profits to deflect from internal flaws. More references to retail crime could soon come as a string of major retailers gear up to report second-quarter results starting next week.

Now that the Inform Act has become law, retail has set its sights on a new target: the Combating Organized Retail Crime Act (CORCA), introduced in January by Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nev.
CORCA proposes stiffer penalties for theft offenses and calls for a change in the threshold prosecutors must meet before bringing federal theft cases.

RELATED: Merchants Push for New Laws to Combat Organized Retail Theft

Are Employee Theft & Self-Checkout the Real Culprits?
Retailers say organized theft is biting into profits, but internal issues may really be to blame

Companies are quick to blame organized theft for shrink losses, but behind closed doors the parallel issues of employee theft and self checkout are their primary focus areas, experts say.

Retailers who blame organized theft for lower profits could be overstating crime’s impact to cover up internal flaws or self-inflicted problems, CNBC has learned.

During recent earnings calls, major companies have blamed disappointing bottom lines or shrinking margins in part on roving bands of organized gangs that ransack their shelves. The issue could come up again as a string of major retailers start to report second-quarter results next week.

But behind closed doors, retailers are facing other issues they can better control, including theft by their own employees, that are contributing to losses, according to two sources who advise major retailers. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because they’re not authorized to speak publicly about clients.

Many retailers have invested in technology to better understand what leads to shrink, or the gap between the inventory a company has and what it sells. Some companies have since identified theft from employees as a major contributor to losses, even as they blame external theft in public, said one of the sources.

Losses from self-checkout theft have also become a major issue, the people said. While some retailers may be seeing higher rates of shrink because of poor hiring practices and self-checkout machines, others such as Target and Foot Locker could be using retail crime as a crutch to obscure internal challenges, experts told CNBC.

“Shrink has been going up but sometimes it’s very difficult to unpack how much is down to theft and how much is down to internal retailer issues and stumbles,” Neil Saunders, a retail analyst and the managing director of GlobalData, told CNBC.

“It is a problem, we know that, it does take money off margins, we know that, but there’s too much opacity in the way in which it’s reported and it is being partly used as an excuse for generally bad performance,” Saunders said.

RELATED: Retail crime could be exacerbated by internal errors & employee theft

Read Part 1 of the CNBC series here

'Stores Simply Feel Less Safe'
New York Times Opinion: What We Lose to Shoplifting
I thought about this sad atmosphere of surveillance during one of my recent visits to San Francisco, where the broader downtown retail environment has been left tattered by store closures. Walking from aisle to aisle pushing a series of buttons, I felt like an imposition on a pharmacy’s meager staff. After a string of these requests, I left before securing everything I’d planned to buy. The whole experience felt bad: I was sorry for the shopkeeper, sorry for the employees, sorry for being there, sorry for not buying enough.

The social and economic causes of shoplifting have become a source of debate, as has the extent of the problem. There are complicated questions around criminal enforcement, policing and punishment.

But leaving those issues aside, there is also an undeniable quality-of-life impact from the real or perceived increase in shoplifting. It is felt by shoppers, store employees, security personnel, store owners and our communities — and in ways more serious than awkward encounters over tampon purchases.

The most obvious effect is a sense of increased danger. Stores simply feel less safe. Of the nearly 9,000 reported retail thefts in Chicago in 2022, only about 17 percent resulted in arrests, Wirepoints said. This apparent shift in policing priorities can put increased pressure on store security personnel and frontline workers to police their own stores, even when they are inadequately prepared to do so.

Policies that require employees to remain passive in the face of shoplifting can be frustrating. As one employee quoted in the study put it: “You want me to prevent loss, but at the end of the day, if I can’t physically stop someone that I know is stealing, essentially, I’m not loss prevention. I’m just, I’m here to just watch it.” Another employee said policies preventing action make shoplifting too easy: “It is not fair. They have restrained our powers. They have tied our hands. The criminals have all the rights, and we don’t.”

Shoplifting adds pressure to retailers still reeling from Covid-19 and the ongoing pressures of online alternatives. For small shopkeepers, bodegas and mom-and-pops, losses from theft can be devastating to the bottom line. Even large chains like Walmart, Whole Foods, REI and Walgreens have closed or are planning to close major retail locations in cities like Portland, Ore., and San Francisco. While multiple factors are behind the closures, shoplifting is frequently cited as one of them.

Store owners are not the only ones who bear the cost of retail theft. Shoplifting isn’t just their problem. We are all paying a price.

D.C. Stores Facing Pressure to Close Over Theft Surge
Shoplifting pressure threatens to shutter Washington, D.C. grocery store, turn area into food desert
Concerns are growing in Washington, D.C. about some major grocery stores being able to keep their doors open due to shoplifting. During a news conference Friday, Washington Councilman Trayon White, D-Ward 8, said he spoke to the regional management of a popular Giant Food store in his district.

“We had the opportunity to meet with some of the leadership of this Giant,” White said. “Some of the regional leadership at this Giant, what we heard was disheartening." He spoke out forcefully about the high rate of shoplifting plaguing the store.

"We learned that this Giant has lost over $500,000 in product loss, which is about 20% of the sales. We know it's tough times and we know the price of food has skyrocketed in the last three years. But we cannot afford to hurt ourselves by constantly taking it from the store. It means that everybody is going to be without a place to eat. And enough is enough."

“To date, this Giant has had at least 135 stops from people stealing from the store,” he added. “And they almost double that amount that didn't get stopped.”

It’s one of only four major grocery store locations east of the Anacostia River. And if this store closes its doors, White warned the impacts would be devastating and create a food desert for some Washington residents.

Last month, ANC commissioners and community members gathered at the Giant to speak out about their concerns, pleading that they do not want the store to leave their community.

Youth crime is on the rise in Chicago – and CTU’s school closures may be to blame for the trend
The University of Chicago Crime Lab recently reported a 50% increase in shooting victimizations of school-aged youth 17 years and younger since 2019. Over 90% of victims were not enrolled in school. Earlier analysis by the Crime Lab documented 8% of those arrested were for homicides, 9% for shootings, 32% for robberies and 49% for carjackings were youth 17 years and younger.

What’s driving young Chicagoans to commit more crimes? While the causes of crime are complex, there is widespread agreement – from the FBI Director to former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot – that young people being out of school plays an important role. No single act was more responsible for keeping students out of school than the closing of Chicago Public Schools campuses for 17 months beginning in 2020. CPS has lost 87,000 students since 2010, when a radical wing of the Chicago Teachers Union took power.

As if that were not enough damage, the CTU and their supporters’ all-out assault on the police undermine their ability to contain crime as the CTU are major public supporters of the anti-police, defund the police movement.

Brown County, WI: Rising drug use contributes to increased shoplifting in our area
Ashwaubenon Public Safety says the increase in thefts is heavily tied to an increase in drug use in our area. Capt. Brian Amenson says a large number of thefts are committed by those struggling with drug addiction looking for quick, instant financial gain to support their habit.

Haverford Twp. police report 161% rise in retail thefts

Organised crime fears as shoplifting leaves Scots retailers £90M out of pocket



Security Professional Lost in Historic Maui Wildfires
Allied Universal Mourns Loss of Security Professional in Maui Wildfires, Several Others Unaccounted For
“Like people around the world, I watched in shock as the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history devasted Maui last week. I worried about the safety of our valued team members, our customers and the community.

My worries were realized. The Allied Universal team lost a security professional in the fire. Several others remain unaccounted for.

We extend our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of the Allied Universal security professional whose life was lost in the fire near Lahaina. And, we remain hopeful that those who are unaccounted for are safe and will be located soon.

We’ve opened our Maui office as shelter to employees who lost their homes or are unable to access them. We are working to get much-needed supplies, grief counseling and additional support to our team members and others.

We continue serving our clients on Maui where it is safe to do so, including Kahului Airport. I commend our team members who lost loved ones and their homes but continue working to ensure the safety of people and property.

Allied Universal’s top priority is safety – the safety of our team members and the communities we serve. Our thoughts go out to the victims, the survivors, their loved ones, the 29 customers we serve on Maui, the island’s community and the entire state of Hawaii.

Can Technology Stop Workplace Fatalities Surge?
Using Technology to Improve Workplace Safety Training

Companies often turn to technology to ensure they’re providing accessible and continuous safety training.

Any accidental or preventable loss of life, whether it’s on the job or at home, is nothing short of a tragedy. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were over 5,000 fatal work injuries in the United States in 2021, an 8.9 percent increase from the year before. This increase in workplace fatalities illustrates a growing need for robust safety training in professional and commercial settings.

Here are six important trends regarding the use of technology to improve workplace safety training:

Leveraging Learning Management Systems

Online safety training and the learning management systems designed to deliver digital safety content are essential across multiple verticals and within different types of organizations. Customers continue to purchase a wide variety of online safety training courses focusing on OSHA compliance topics.

The Power of Microlearning

It has become clear that lengthy, monotonous training sessions are not as resonant or effective with employees long term. As such, microlearning—or the method of providing employees with short, 2- to 3-minute bursts of refresher training—is growing in popularity.

Bespoke Learning Paths

Due to this pace of change and need for individualization, employers are deploying technology solutions for safety training that allow them to map and store individual learning paths and courses for each of their employees. When the time comes for upskilling and re-training, these learning paths make sure employees receive the vital training they need to not only protect themselves and others, but also to advance their careers.

The Multi-channel Approach - Closing the Skills Gap with 3-D Technology - The Role of Artificial Intelligence - Conclusion:

Consumers Still Spending - But Growth is Slowing Slightly
NRF Economist Says Growth in Consumer Spending is Slowing
U.S. consumers are still buying more than last year, but spending growth is slowing as the economy settles down amid higher interest rates intended to reduce inflation, National Retail Federation Chief Economist Jack Kleinhenz said today.

The economy was clearly more resilient in the first half of this year than many expected, and the consumer environment has been positive as inflation has slowed,” Kleinhenz said. “Nonetheless, there are ongoing economic challenges and questions, and the pace of consumer spending growth is becoming incrementally slower.”

Consumers are still spending but are under financial pressure and have been adjusting how much they buy while also shifting from goods to services,” Kleinhenz said. “While job and wage gains have counterbalanced inflation, the stockpile of savings accumulated during the pandemic is dwindling and is no longer providing as much spending power as previously available.”

Inflation is Improving for Retailers - But Still a Long Way to Go
Walmart shares a warning for customers about inflation
"In Walmart U.S., general merchandise costs are now lower than a year ago, which is great, but they're still higher than two years ago on like items," he shared. The CEO shared that some categories have remained stubbornly high even as other areas have shown more improvement.

"In the dry grocery and consumables categories like paper goods, we continue to see high single-digit to low double-digit cost inflation. We all need those prices to come down," he shared. "The persistently high rates of inflation in these categories lasting for such a long period of time are weighing on some of the families we serve."

The CEO believes that higher prices in the grocery space also impact customers' budgeting. Basically, if people don't know what their grocery bill will be, not to mention fluctuating gas prices, they may be more conservative in other areas.

Gap closes another mall store amid plans to shutter 350 locations

Major retailers bring $14 billion in revenue to Black-owned brands

Senior LP & AP Jobs Market

Director, Safety job posted for Meijer in Grand Rapids, MI
This position leads and is responsible for ensuring store and supply chain/manufacturing safety programming and performance. This position will also analyze internal and external safety trends and develop strategies to drive improvement and maintain compliance with regulatory standards including but not limited to OSHA, DOT and fire code compliance. This position reports to the Vice President of Asset Protection and Safety.

Director, AP & Investigations job posted for Meijer in Grand Rapids, MI
Creates an environment to maximize sales and profit while protecting company assets. Oversees asset protection strategies and objectives related to mitigating shrink and loss, both for malicious and non malicious losses. Protects the company’s assets by leveraging data analytics and insights to improve profit results. Directs the shrink analytics program and ensures processes are balanced for both predictive as well as recuperative efforts.


Last week's #1 article --

Spirit Halloween To Haunt More Retail Spaces Than Ever, Open 1,500 Stores
Spirit Halloween Store is creeping into vacant big-box space left behind by retailers Bed Bath & Beyond, Kmart, Sears, Tuesday Morning and more. The New Jersey-based company said it plans to pop up in 1,500 locations in advance of Halloween this year, up from the 1,450 stores it debuted in 2022, according to CoStar.

All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time

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Fighting ORC with Gen6 SP


2021-2022, ORC was rising in alarming numbers. The US Government finally took notice. Retailers were searching to increase security for their high-end products, keep the brazen ORC mobs from stripping their stores and asked the Solution Providers to help them. Some called CIS Security Solutions. We acted immediately and started modifying the Gen6 alarming tethers. We needed solutions that would give a good Customer Experience, yet still stop the gangs from sweeping departments of expensive handbags and other merchandise.

We created two new Gen6 versions at the request of our clients, modifying those in 2023 to integrate with our other alarming products. This larger alarming recoiler has 98 dBl alarm, IR protection, 49-strand flexible steel cable with 120 lb. pull strength, and a thick poly sleeve making it harder to cut, and it is visually deterring. It has ALL the benefits of sustainability with replaceable parts, batteries, ease of use, and it WORKS!

In 2022 Gen6 had two Smart versions - Smart Padlock (SP) and Smart Release (SR). These allowed you to deactivate and release the merchandise with one push of a button on the decoder. Innovative, time saving, labor saving and now in 2023 we are finding ways to integrate the Gen6 with the CIS Tick-R-Tape Tag and a brand new Smart Padlock.

Our latest Gen6 SP will enable you to secure and tether outer wear and boxed goods, etc. Attaching the Gen6 SP to the Tick-R-Tape Tag will allow you to tether larger items in boxes like vacuums and tools, still protecting from theft even when the box is detached from the tether. The Tick-R-Tape Tag can be used by itself, with one or two pieces of tape to secure it to the packaging and will activate if the tape is cut, tampered with, or lifted from the box, and it will also activate the EAS pedestals. The Gen6 will alert if the tether is cut or the recoiler is lifted from the fixture. Both the Gen6 and Tick-R-Tape Tag will alert if an unauthorized detacher is used.

Let's fight ORC together! CIS's line of Gen6 alarming tethers can accommodate your needs: Make it harder to steal items protected by Gen6, a tether strong enough to pull a Jeep, a detachable EAS Padlock Tag, and disarm and release from the Smart Release lock.

Call 772-287-7999 for more information or visit







C-level Executives & Managers Targeted
Microsoft 365 accounts of execs, managers hijacked through EvilProxy
A phishing campaign leveraging the EvilProxy phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) tool has been spotted targeting Microsoft 365 user accounts of C-level executives and managers at over 100 organizations around the world.

As organizations increasingly employ multi-factor authentication (MFA), threat actors have switched to using phishing services such as EvilProxy, which uses reverse proxy and cookie injection methods to steal authentication credentials and session cookies (and thus bypass the extra protection offered by MFA).

Between March and June 2023, Proofpoint researchers detected an new phishing campaign targeting Microsoft 365 user accounts. About 120,000 phishing emails were sent to targeted organizations impersonating legitimate services such as DocuSign, Adobe, and SAP Concur.

When the victim clicks on the email link, they are first directed to a legitimate website (YouTube, SlickDeals, etc.) and then redirected through a series of other websites, to finally land on the phishing page created by EvilProxy, which mimicks recipient branding and attempts to handle third-party identity providers.

The attackers employed special encoding for the sent emails to hide them from automatic scanning tools, then they used legitimate, hacked websites to upload PHP code to decode the email address of each user.

“After decoding the email address, the user was forwarded to the final website – the actual phishing page, tailor-made just for that target’s organization,” the researchers noted. Once the attackers gained access to the victim’s account, they added their own multi-factor authentication method using “My Sign-Ins” to establish persistent access.

Feds Investigating Chinese Cyberespionage Campaign That Breached Microsoft
Cyber Safety Review Board to analyze cloud security in wake of Microsoft hack

The decision comes in the wake of a high-profile Chinese breach of U.S. officials' Microsoft email accounts.

AdvertisementA U.S. government review board will examine the suspected-Chinese cyberespionage operation that breached Microsoft’s email authentication system and nabbed American officials’ emails, the Department of Homeland Security announced Friday.

The Cyber Safety Review Board — a public/private entity established via presidential executive order in 2021 in the wake of the SolarWinds breach and launched in early 2022 — will review the incident as part of a broader look at the “malicious targeting of cloud computing environments” and “focus on approaches government, industry, and Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) should employ to strengthen identity management and authentication in the cloud,” the agency said in a statement.

The operation targeting top U.S. officials’ emails, announced in July but detected in June by security staff at the U.S. State Department, spurred heavy criticism of Microsoft, particularly because evidence of the breach was only apparent if customers paid for a premium logging tier. Microsoft has since announced that customers will have access to expanded logging and storage capability at no additional cost.

“We must as a country acknowledge the increasing criticality of cloud infrastructure in our daily lives and identify the best ways to secure that infrastructure and the many businesses and consumers that rely on it,” CSRB Chair and DHS Under Secretary for Policy Rob Silvers said in the agency’s statement.

Jen Easterly, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, said in the statement that an “effective shared responsibility model requires a persistent focus on potential systemic risks in cloud environments,” and that the board’s findings will “advance cybersecurity practices across cloud environments and ensure that we can collectively maintain trust in these critical systems.”

Threat Intel Efforts Need Stepping Up
Threat Intelligence Efforts, Investment Lagging, Says Opswat

In a survey, 62% of respondents admited their threat intel efforts need stepping up.

Almost two-thirds of organizations said their threat intelligence programs need improvement and only 22% of surveyed respondents said they have fully mature threat intel programs, according to a report issued at Black Hat USA this week by security vendor Opswat.

And while few (11%) are currently using artificial intelligence (AI) for threat detection, 56% are optimistic about its uses going forward, while 7% remain skeptical of AI's value. Organizations face common challenges, according to the vendor: detecting known and unknown malware, dealing with inadequate solutions, and making do with compromised tools.

Opswat surveyed 300 IT professionals who work in malware detection, analysis, and response. The survey reveals what organizations are doing to manage the threat landscape, the challenges they face, as well as their relative maturity levels and how they're preparing for obstacles that will ultimately arise.

"Threat intelligence plays a crucial role in safeguarding critical assets," Jan Miller, CTO of threat analysis at Opswat, said in a statement. "Understanding the evolving threat landscape empowers organizations to stay one step ahead of malicious actors, and in this rapidly changing cybersecurity landscape, it becomes the critical strategic advantage."

Europe: Credit Fraud: Interpol Busts Phishing-as-a-Service Platform '16Shop,' Leading to 3 Arrests
Interpol has announced the takedown of a phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) platform called 16Shop, in addition to the arrests of three individuals in Indonesia and Japan. 16Shop specialized in the sales of phishing kits that other cybercriminals can purchase to mount phishing attacks on a large scale, ultimately facilitating the theft of credentials and payment details from users of popular services such as Apple, PayPal, American Express, Amazon, and Cash App, among others. "Victims typically receive an email with a pdf file or link that redirects to a site requesting the victims' credit card or other personally identifiable information," Interpol said. "This information is then stolen and used to extract money from the victims." No less than 70,000 users across 43 countries are estimated to have been compromised via services offered on 16Shop

Getting the best possible outcome in ransomware negotiation

Downfall attacks can gather passwords, encryption keys from Intel processors








Amazon Drone Delivery Fails to Take Off - Literally
Amazon Prime Air loses two key operations leaders, as drone delivery struggles continue

Amazon has lost two executives key to the company’s drone delivery operations, CNBC has learned.

Amazon has lost two executives key to the company’s drone delivery operations, the latest setback for an aspirational program that’s required hefty investment but has experienced scant success.

Jim Mullin, Prime Air’s chief pilot, left Amazon last month, according to his LinkedIn profile. Robert Dreer, who reported to Mullin and was responsible for all of Prime Air’s test operations, departed last week for a role at electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft startup Opener, he wrote in a LinkedIn post.

Both employees were based at Prime Air’s main site in Pendleton, Oregon. Their exits have not been reported on publicly beyond their individual posts, and neither responded to requests for comment over LinkedIn.

The departures come at a critical juncture for Prime Air, which has struggled to transition into a fully operational service since Amazon founder Jeff Bezos predicted in 2013 that within five years Amazon would deliver by drone packages weighing 5 pounds or less to customers’ doorsteps.

Amazon Crushing the Competition in Many Categories
How Amazon Came To Dominate The U.S. Beauty E-Commerce Market
Despite economic headwinds, Ulta Beauty and Sephora’s owner LVMH reported record revenues in 2022. This strong performance has not been enough to slow the continued ascension of Amazon online, though.

Amazon is the clear online leader across all 11 beauty and personal care categories in the U.S. and continues to win share. In fact, Amazon gained market across all categories except depilatories in the second quarter of 2023 compared with the previous year, according to new e-commerce research from Euromonitor International.

Amazon wins in the beauty space - and many others - by offering everyday low prices, a wide product range and unrivaled logistics. This strategy is enabling the e-commerce giant to undercut generalists and specialists alike. While Amazon touts its affordability, some beauty specialists, like Sephora, position themselves as more premium and price accordingly.

Seasonality also plays a factor in Amazon’s strategy. In 2022, the e-commerce giant posted its strongest performance in the fourth quarter across all beauty and personal categories. In fact, Amazon generated a third of its 2022 sales during this period. In contrast, only 27% of Ulta’s online sales were made in the fourth quarter.

Top Subscription Merchants Know That Flexibility Is Key









Sacramento, CA: Thieves steal around $80K worth of dirt bikes from North Highlands dealership
Less than a minute. Capitol Yamaha said that is how long it took for a group to ransack its North Highlands dealership and steal eight dirt bikes before placing them into a U-Haul early Sunday morning. The store said the bikes cost about $10,000 each. Seven people waltzed inside after maneuvering the front doors. Capitol Yamaha declined to do an interview but did allow CBS13 to share their video in hopes of catching the people behind this act. It is currently offering a $2,500 reward to anyone with information that can help lead to an arrest. "It's a big hit and it's not just about the monetary losses," said Rachel Michelin, president and CEO of the California Retailers Association.

Bakersfield, CA: Police recover $24,000 worth of stolen merchandise; two men arrested
The Bakersfield Police Department was able to recover $24,000 worth of stolen merchandise inside a home in southeast Bakersfield Friday. Detectives assigned to the Organized Retail Theft unit conducted a search of a residence in the 300 block of Waycross Street pursuant to a search warrant, related to a retail theft investigation. During the search, detectives recovered $24,000 worth of stolen merchandise from Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Walmart. Miguel Nava, 37, and Tomas Martinez, 62 were arrested for charges associated with possession of stolen property, conspiracy, and grand theft.

Lincoln, NE: Thieves steal more than $11,000 worth of purses from Dillard’s at Gateway Mall

Detroit, MI: Suspect arrested after $2,000 worth of items stolen from Nike store in Downtown Detroit

Los Angeles, CA: Woman with pet allegedly steals $400 worth of merch from Goodies LA store





Shootings & Deaths

Columbus, OH: Update: Suspect killed, officer injured during exchange of gunfire at south Columbus shopping plaza
An officer with the Columbus Division of Police was injured during an exchange of gunfire at a south Columbus shopping center on Wednesday. The suspect was killed in the shooting. Columbus Police Sgt. Joseph Albert said officers were called to a report of an armed robbery in the shopping plaza on Great Southern Boulevard, off of South High Street. Dispatchers received calls stating that a man with a firearm was robbing a person in the parking lot. Officers arrived at the scene two minutes after receiving the report. Albert said gunfire was immediately exchanged between multiple officers and the suspect, later identified as 29-year-old Austin Huntzinger. One of the officers, a 15-year veteran, and Huntzinger were struck at least once. Officers rendered aid to the officer and Huntzinger until medics arrived. The two were taken to Grant Medical Hospital.

Detroit, MI: Update: Man sentenced to life without parole in fatal shooting of liquor store clerk
A 24-year-old Detroit man has been sentenced to life without parole after being found guilty of felony murder, armed robbery and felony firearm in connection with a fatal shooting of a store clerk on the city's northwest side in January 2022. Dvante Antioni Howard was sentenced on one count of felony murder to life without parole, two counts of armed robbery to 25 to 50 years and three counts of felony firearm in Detroit's Third Circuit Court, just two weeks after he was found guilty by a jury, said Prosecutor Kym Worthy in a statement Tuesday. Howard, who was 23 at the time, is accused of fatally shooting Behnam Rasho, 64, of Detroit, a store clerk at Andy's Market near Eight Mile and Greenfield roads, before robbing the store and fleeing on Jan. 17, 2022, the prosecutor said.

Toledo, OH: Teen injured after gun goes off at Dollar General checkout counter
A 16-year-old was taken to the hospital after being accidentally shot by someone next to her at the checkout. According to the incident report, two other 16-year-olds were ‘playing around’ in the checkout area of the Dollar General on the 800 block of Phillips around 5 o’clock Tuesday. One of them had a gun on their person, which went off, with the bullet grazing the victim. The person with the gun fled the scene. The victim’s injuries are non-life threatening. Police have the identities of all three teens.

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Austin, TX: Lawsuit filed against H-E-B following Bastrop County deputy's stabbing at SE Austin store last year
A lawsuit has been filed against H-E-B, alleging negligence in providing a safe workplace, following the violent stabbing of Bastrop County Sheriff's Office Deputy Luke Werner by an accused shoplifter. The incident occurred on November 12, 2022, at a Southeast Austin H-E-B located at the intersection of East Riverside Drive and South Pleasant Valley Road. The suit alleges several failures by H-E-B, including having knowledge of the dangerous presence of Jaime Eliseo Canales, failure to remove him, failure to involve appropriate police jurisdiction, and other missteps in handling the situation. Werner is seeking over $1,000,000 in damages for medical expenses, physical impairment and disfigurement, loss of wage-earning capacity, and mental anguish, among others. Werner, who was working for H-E-B as an off-duty police officer, was alerted to Canales by the Loss Prevention Manager and immediately approached the suspect, resulting in the stabbing. Canales was arrested and charged with Attempted Capital Murder of a Peace Officer. APD said Canales had a criminal history of shoplifting and assault -- and admitted to the stabbing and expressed no remorse.

GM gets prison time for scamming his restaurants' loyalty program for $130K
A manager of two pizzerias in Michigan has been sentenced to at least 15 months in prison and fined $134,000 for using the restaurants’ loyalty program to embezzle $130,000.

James Lake, age 55, would retroactively reclassify for-cash transactions as product giveaways supposedly earned by guests as rewards for their repeat business, according to the state police. He would then remove the money that had been paid for the items from the till and pocket it.

Lake pled guilty to the charge last Tuesday, the result of a two-month investigation earlier in the year.

In January, Michigan’s state police were contacted by the owners of the Mancino’s Pizza & Grinders units because they’d noticed a puzzling pattern in product redemptions through the loyalty program.

The authorities discovered that 99% of the giveaways had been logged through one computer at the store with the high redemption rate, and that device sat atop Lake’s desk. The reclassification scam had been going on since 2019, the investigation revealed.

He’s worked for Mancino’s since the operation first fired up its pizza ovens 30 years ago.

London, England: Heavy police presence outside Oxford Street JD Sports after robbery rumors spread on TikTok
Mounted police patrolled outside JD Sports on Oxford Street in London on Wednesday, 9 August, after online speculation that a mass robbery had been planned at the store. An unverified Snapchat image, which circulated on TikTok, appeared to call for a robbery at the sportswear shop. It issued a “dress code” of “bally and gloves” and said: “Don’t come if you can’t run. Don’t come if you’re loud. Don’t come with any weapons.” On Tuesday, the Metropolitan Police said the force was aware of “online speculation about opportunities to commit crime” around the area. Eleven dispersal orders were issued on Wednesday, they said.

Asbury Park, NJ: Store Manager Charged With Stealing $269K From Employer On Jersey Shore
Mark A. Cocciardi, Jr., 46, is charged with second-degree theft by deception, according to Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago. The charge marks the result of an investigation by members of the MCPO Financial Crimes and Public Corruption Bureau. Leveraging review of a variety of business and financial records, the investigation revealed that at various times from August 2021 into October 2022, while employed as a sales manager at a construction supply company, Cocciardi used sales receipts to process fictitious returns of building materials that customers had previously purchased, Santiago said. He then issued himself credit for the materials on his personal credit cards — just short of $268,800 in all, the prosecutor said.

Ontario, Canada: ‘Nothing short of shocking’: 23 charged, $8M worth of drugs, firearms seized by OPP in Project Moffatt
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have seized $8 million worth of illegal drugs and firearms and charged 23 people, including three that were allegedly facilitating the trafficking of contraband while imprisoned, following a province-wide investigation. Dubbed Project Moffatt, the investigation began in April when the OPP say they learned of three distinct crime groups that were trafficking firearms in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and central and northeastern Ontario. OPP were assisted by officers from York Regional Police (YRP), Peel Regional Police (PRP), the Barrie Police Service and the Ottawa Police Service. As a result of the investigation, the OPP executed 14 search warrants last month at locations in Toronto, Vaughan, Barrie, Brampton, Mississauga, Oakville, North Bay, Engelhart and Pickering. Police say the items seized upon execution of these search warrants included but is not limited to 29 firearms, 12 kilograms of fentanyl, 25.25 kilograms of cocaine, five kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, over 260,000 methamphetamine tablets, Canadian and U.S. currency, and 10 vehicles



C-Store – Dothan, AL – Robbery
C-Store – Jones County, MS – Robbery
C-Store – Bell County, TX – Burglary
Clothing – North Charleston, SC – Burglary
Clothing – New Orleans, LA – Burglary
Clothing – Kershaw County, SC -Burglary
Department - Lincoln, NE – Robbery
Dollar – Cleveland, OH – Armed Robbery
Electronics – Selinsgrove, PA – Robbery
Gas Station- Lombard, IL – Armed Robbery
• Gas Station – Taunton, MA – Robbery
Hardware – Bakersfield, CA – Robbery
Housewares – Los Angeles, CA – Robbery
Jewelry – Beverly Hills, CA – Burglary
• Jewelry – Edinburgh, IN – Robbery
• Jewelry – Tampa, FL – Robbery
Motorcycles – Sacramento, CA- Burglary
Restaurant – Chicago, IL – Armed Robbery
Walgreens – American Canyon, CA - Armed Robbery                                                   

Daily Totals:
• 13 robberies
• 6 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed

Click to enlarge map




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Director of Retail Solutions - North America
Denver, CO - posted April 5

This role will be focused on selling our SaaS retail crime intelligence platform by developing new prospects, and progressing Enterprise level prospects through our sales process. You will report directly to the VP of Retail Solutions - North America, and work alongside our Marketing, Partnerships and Customer Success team to grow our customer base...

Regional Manager, Asset Protection - Southeast
Georgia or Louisiana - posted August 7

In this role, you will embody Do The Right Thing by protecting People, Assets, and Brands. You will work in an energized, fast paced environment focused on creating a safe environment for our employees, teams, and customers; this is critical to driving our Brand Power, Enduring Customer Relationships, and exuding our commitment to Team and Values...

Corporate & Supply Chain Asset Protection Leader
Quincy, MA - posted August 3

The primary purpose of this position is to manage the Corporate Asset Protection function for all US Support Offices and Supply Chain. Direct team in the design, implementation and management of physical security processes and equipment to ensure facilities are considered a safe and secure environment for all associates and external parties...

Occupational Health & Safety Manager
Mount Horeb, WI - posted July 27

This role is responsible for examining the workplace for environmental or physical factors that could affect employee or guest health, safety, comfort, and performance. This role is also responsible for reducing the frequency and severity of accidents. To be successful in the role, you will need to work closely with management, employees, and relevant regulatory bodies...

Field Loss Prevention Manager
Nashville, TN - posted July 26

As a Field Loss Prevention Manager (FLPM) you will coordinates Loss Prevention and Safety Programs intended to protect Staples assets and ensure a safe work environment within Staples Retail locations. FLPM’s are depended on to be an expert in auditing, investigating, and training...

Loss Prevention Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst
Boston, MA - posted July 7

As a LP Auditor and Fraud Detection Analyst for Staples, you will conduct LP operational field audits remote, virtual and in person, within a base of 60 retail stores to ensure compliance to operational standards to drive operational excellence and preserve profitability. You will also train store managers on Key-Holder responsibilities, Inventory Control standards, Cash Office procedures, Protection Standards, Safety and Fraud trends...

Manager, Physical Security
Jacksonville, FL - posted July 7

Responsible for overseeing all aspects of the company’s physical security strategy for retail stores, warehouses, and store support center and field offices. This includes responsibility for the capital expense and repair budgets, developing written specifications, layout and design for all systems and to ensure all installations and repairs are made to SEG standards...

Regional AP Mgr – South FL Market – Bilingual required
Miami, FL - posted August 8

Responsible for managing asset protection programs designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region. This position will develop the framework for the groups’ response to critical incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...

Regional Manager, Loss Prevention (Western Territory)
Remote - posted June 28

The Regional Loss Prevention Manager is responsible for the control and reduction of shrinkage at the stores in their Territory. Investigate and resolves all matters that jeopardize or cause a loss to the company’s assets. Has ownership for all company related shrinkage programs in their assigned stores.

Regional Manager, Loss Prevention (Central Territory)
Remote - posted June 28

The Regional Loss Prevention Manager is responsible for the control and reduction of shrinkage at the stores in their Territory. Investigate and resolves all matters that jeopardize or cause a loss to the company’s assets. Has ownership for all company related shrinkage programs in their assigned stores...

Regional Director, LP & Safety (Midwest)
MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA - posted June 27

We are looking for a Regional Director of Loss Prevention to join us in MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA. You will develop, execute, and maintain shrink and shrink compliance initiatives. You will also conduct internal and external field investigations, loss control auditing, store safety programs, and compliance programs and audits...

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While some may believe LP may be wearing too many hats, take a look at your counterpart in operations and ask them the same question - are they? Retail has changed and everyone in it has expanded their responsibilities. But expanding one's responsibilities is in actuality a good thing, because it forces growth and gets people out of their comfort zones and sometimes it's the only way people will grow. The path of least resistance always leads to the least amount of effort and in these times there are no paths of least resistance. So next time someone asks are we wearing too many hats, the answer should be Yes and thank God we have one to wear!

Just a Thought,


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