Q2 &
Mid-Year 2019 Senior
LP/AP Jobs Report
Job Market
Analysis by Gus Downing,
Publisher & Editor of the D&D Daily
Based on
Industry Movement Reported by the Daily
Mid-Year 2019 Senior Jobs
146 LP/AP Executives Filled Mid-Year 2019's Senior
Positions - Up 46% Over 2017
56 LP/AP New Pyramid Leaders
86 New Senior Support Leaders Named Mid-Year 2019
Top Jobs - 16 New VPs - 56 New Pyramid Leaders
Top Jobs Mid-Year
Obviously Mark Stinde's Senior Vice President of Asset Protection position at JC
Penney is the biggest job so far for 2019.
With Walmart naming Brian Murphy the new Vice President of Global Security and
Aviation being the second biggest in Q1.

16 New Vice President Level Positions
With the new externally hired Vice President of Asset Analytics & Insights at
CVS Health, John Liesching being the biggest job in Q2 and the third biggest
mid-year and Family Dollar's re-staffing the Vice President of Loss Prevention
with Tina Sellers being the second biggest job filled in Q2 along with Q1 most notable VP's being Art Lazo
at 7-Eleven, Cathy Langley at Rite Aid (both in their first VP roles),
Garrett Petraia at Levi Strauss, Ken Peschier at Dollar General, Isaac Whitaker
at BJ's, Larry Carroll at 99 Cents Stores, Randy Guaneri at Fresh Value, and
Michael Pacewicz at OTG.

Walmart was the busiest retailer in AP job growth with 2 new vice
presidents, 5 promotions to Director level, and the creation of 1,000 more AP
Host ('More at the Door') positions.
Lowe's was the second busiest with quietly naming and shuffling 9 new
Senior Asset Protection executives roles at the corporate and divisional
levels shortly after eliminating thirteen hundred store level AP jobs.
Lowe's AP developments is the biggest reorganization of 2019 to date. Similar to
Macy's reorg. and
cuts in 2018. And it will probably end up being the biggest of the
Sources: Lowe's Restructures Asset Protection - Job Cuts and Title Changes -
Dated 1-7-19
This past week, all in-store Loss Prevention Specialists, and all LP Managers in
store's risk levels 1-4 were eliminated. Risk Levels 5-6 (urban metro high
crime) LPMs remain in place. Also a new Senior Asset Protection Manager position
was created to cover 3-6 stores within a district. Many of the former Market
Loss Prevention & Ops managers have been re-titled to District AP & Ops
Lowe's changes impacted roughly 1,300 AP jobs/individuals. |
Senior LP/AP Positions Continues to Spike 46%
Store Safeness Driving LP/AP Job Market?
Q1's growth and coupled with a 40% increase in internet posted LP jobs in the first half of
2019, the LP/AP job market is strong and maybe out performing mainstream
While we continue to see store closings dominate the news, the first six months
of 2019 was very good for the LP/AP jobs market.
Certainly the Lowe's reorganization eliminated a significant number of positions
and the sheer number of store closures is having a negative impact. However,
considering that the store closures are dominated by mall based stores the
negative impact is minimized due to the specialty store LP structures being so
high in store count responsibility.
The Department of Labor probably wouldn't even count those job loses from an
academic standpoint.
Obviously with the mass shootings, active shooters, and the continued
decriminalization trends making the news weekly, never before has senior
management teams been more aware of the issues and concerned with store safeness
and it's reflected in this job market. Which also increases the responsibility
and expectations on every executive in LP/AP.
Certainly the emphasis remains on shrinkage reduction. However, the priorities
have shifted more to store safeness then ever before and not that it wasn't in
the past. But in today's retail world store safeness has to be the #1 subject on
each and every store visit and interaction.
Q2 Senior Jobs
76 Senior Positions Filled in Q2 -
Up 100% Over Q2 2017
4 VP Officer Level Positions Filled
25 Director Level Pyramid Head Positions
47 Senior Support Leaders Named
Q2 was a very strong quarter for LP jobs in the U.S.
4 New Vice Presidents Named - 25 New Directors
At the Vice President level the new Vice President of Asset Analytics &
Insights at CVS Health, John Liesching was the biggest new hire. With
Family Dollar, bringing back the VP of LP position with Tina Sellers being
the second biggest job in Q2.
Walt Disney Co. named a new VP, Security, Parks & Resorts International
with Andrea Cunningham, who returned to Walt Disney after a brief run at
Comcast NBC Universal.
Med Men (cannabis grower/distributor/retailer) promoting their first
VP, Global Security Operations Chris Rodriguez, Pier 1 promoting James Stark
to the VP level, and also of special note is that Walmart named a new VP Global
Food Safety Compliance officer Sara Mortimore, an external hire.

Of special note is that three of the five new VP appointments were women.
Of the 25 Director level pyramid heads named, 6 were new positions, 16
were new external hires, 9 promotions, with only one women being promoted or
named at the director level at Wireless Vision.
Busiest Retailers
Of the 47 senior support leaders named Home Depot was the busiest
retailer in the U.S. with promoting 7 AP executives. Obviously showing the new
VP of AP, Scott Glenn, focusing on building his new AP team.
Amazon was the second busiest with 6 senior promotions and continuing to
show growth and Walmart was third busiest with 5 promotions to director
The top three busiest retailers were certainly not surprising given the
new VP at Home Depot and growth at Amazon and virtual size of Walmart.
Comments: After two years of decreasing senior positions we may be seeing
Retail America start to stabilize and even grow the LP/AP efforts. Once
again, this growth isn't surprising given the market conditions, mass shootings,
active shooters, increased violence, and possibly the beginnings of the negative
impact of the decriminalization trends on retailers and the increased awareness
and concern at corporate offices across America. One thing is definitive and
that is Retail America is in fact staffing LP/AP senior jobs more so then in the
past five years.

The POWER of Integrating Item-level
and Loss Prevention
Learn How You Can Take Shrink
Management to the Next Level
Shrink visibility creates a real-time understanding of what, when
and how specific items go missing by integrating item-level
inventory and loss prevention data. This new insight leverages EAS
and RFID inventory-visibility technologies to provide a complete
pictures of loss events to help take loss prevention efforts to the
next level.
● Track and manage retail shrinkage from all sources, in real time
● Differentiate between actual store shrink and other forms of
inventory distortion
● Pinpoint shrink sources, in the store and all along the retail
supply chain
● Experience real-time response and predictive analytics
Grapevine, TX: Loss Prevention Officer accused of Sexually
Assaulting Shoplifter
Evidence of possible multiple victims
man who worked as a loss prevention officers for Burlington Coat Factory in
Grapevine Mills Mall is facing charges for sexually assaulting a woman he caught
shoplifting. Grapevine police arrested 29-year-old Alex Landry at his apartment
in Arlington on Thursday. Last month, a woman told police Landry caught her
stealing items from Forever 21 in the mall. She said he took to his office
inside Burlington Coat Factory, took pictures of her with his phone and coerced
her into sex to avoid arrest. According to an arrest warrant affidavit,
detectives searched Landry’s phone and found pornographic images, as well as
websites referring to women offering sexual favors to avoid prosecution. They
also found photographs of multiple women in Landry's office. They believe these
women could be additional victims, police said.
Across the Pond OOC - Organized Online Crime
UK Cops Take Down 13 Organized Crime Gangs
UK police have warned that organized crime gangs (OCGs) are increasingly
turning their attention to online fraud, even as they registered success in
taking many of them down this year.
Some 13 OCGs were dismantled in the first half of 2019, double the number of
a year ago, according to the latest figures from banking group UK Finance.
This is the work of the Dedicated Card and Payment Crime Unit (DCPCU), a
specialized police force funded by the UK finance industry.
In so doing, the unit has apparently helped prevent or disrupt £6.8m - $8.2M
U.S. - in fraud in the first six months of 2019, out of an estimated total of
£600m - $800M U.S. - since the DCPCU was set up in 2002.
Some 39 fraudsters were convicted following investigations and £330,000 -
$397,873 U.S. - in assets seized – also double the amount from the first half of
Although the DCPCU said it is stepping up its efforts to combat cyber-fraud, by
reaching out to other organizations and government, it warned of an influx of
organized crime into the space.
Lowe's spent billions on share buybacks, zero on
severance for laid-off workers
Lowe's is laying off thousands of workers after hiking quarterly
dividends and spending billions to repurchase company shares. The home
improvement chain isn't offering severance to laid-off workers, some of whom
have been at Lowe's for a decade or more. Lowe's last December announced plans
to buy back $10 billion worth of stock, according to TrimTabs Investment
Yet when thousands of those workers recently got the boot, they received no
notice and no severance. Instead, Lowe's -- a profitable company that spends
billions buying back its own stock -- offered the equivalent of two weeks
"transition" pay to full-time workers, some with the company more than a decade.
Laid-off workers were also invited to re-apply for jobs at Lowe's, though not
necessarily for the the same pay.
Mass Shootings Have Latinos Worried About Being
From Houston to Los Angeles, Latinos have taken to social media to describe
being on edge, worrying that even standing in line for a Taco Tuesday special
outside a food truck or wearing a Mexican national soccer team jersey might make
them a target. The violence has some Hispanics looking over their shoulders,
avoiding speaking Spanish in public and seeking out escape routes amid fears
they could be next.
"Some people, especially our elders, don't even want to leave the house or speak
Although the motive in the Gilroy shooting is unknown, authorities say the El
Paso shooting suspect, who is white, confessed to targeting people of Mexican
descent. The suspect also is believed to have written an anti-Hispanic rant
before gunning down mostly Latino Walmart shoppers with an AK-47-style rifle.
Fresh Evidence of Auditor Bias Emerges
“Don’t Make Me Look Bad: How the Audit Market
Penalizes Auditors for Doing Their Job”
That’s the title of a study being presented at this week’s annual meeting of the
American Accounting Association. While it may not portray companies in the most
favorable light, at the same time it’s merely the latest suggestion that
auditors might not necessarily lean toward rendering
unbiased opinions on paying clients.
Presumably, audits that provide useful information to users of financial
statements should serve to increase the credibility of financial statements and,
in turn, increase auditor reputation,” the study’s authors write.
But the research found exactly the opposite, at least with respect to one
essential service auditors are required to perform: flagging material weaknesses
in companies’ internal controls over financial reporting, a responsibility
mandated by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX).
“Auditors who issue an ICMW are perceived as less attractive in the audit
market,” say co-authors Stephen Rowe and Elizabeth Cowle of the University
of Arkansas. The perception “disincentivizes auditors from disclosing
internal-control information that could make their clients look bad.”
Indeed, the disincentive is considerable, judging by the study’s
comparison of companies that issue ICMWs in a given year with those that don’t.
Retail store numbers continue to grow
For every retailer closing stores, five
retailers are opening stores
With the bankruptcy of Barney’s in the news, we’re bound to see another round of
handwringing in the media over the “retail apocalypse.” The actual data paints a
very different picture, though. As the just-released “Retail
Renaissance – A Growth Story” report from IHL Group points out, retail
stores are definitely not going away. According to the report, for each company
closing stores, 5.2 are opening stores. For every segment of retail, there are
more companies opening stores than closing stores. Even the much-maligned
department store category has more brands opening stores than closing them.
The reality is that the wave of store closures seen in recent times is being
driven by a handful of companies. Just 16 retailers are responsible for 73
percent of retail store closings so far this year, according to IHL. Retail is a
dynamic, fast-changing, highly competitive industry and there are no guarantees
of success. Consumer expectations are growing and evolving, and retailers must
invest heavily to improve the in-store experience.

Retailers respond to tariff delay ahead of
holiday season
Trump Moves Sept Deadline to Dec 15th
"While we are still reviewing the details, we are pleased the administration is
delaying some tariffs ahead of the holiday season and acknowledging the impact
on American consumers. Still, uncertainty for U.S. businesses continues, and
tariffs taking effect September 1 will result in higher costs for American
families and slow the U.S. economy. During this delay period, we urge the
administration to develop an effective strategy to address China’s unfair trade
practices by working with our allies instead of using unilateral tariffs that
cost American jobs and hurt consumers.”
The running list of 2019 bankruptcy victims
Click on a retailer to learn more about their bankruptcy.
Senior LP & AP Jobs
Director of Loss Prevention posted for Bi-Mart in
Eugene, OR
The Director of Loss Prevention will lead the Loss Prevention (LP) team in
providing comprehensive support to the Company's retail stores, distribution
center, and business office in the areas of: internal and external theft
control, OSHA compliance, and liability claim management.
The company was founded in 1955 and is headquartered in Eugene, Oregon. As of
mid-2018, there are 79 store locations with median size 31,000 sq. ft. Like
Costco and Sam's Club, Bi-Mart stores are membership stores. The membership for
an entire family costs $5 and never expires.
Senior LP Job Postings Removed from Website
Cresco Labs to open 50 cannabis stores in 11 states "in
1st wave"
Nine Walmarts across the country had bomb and shooting
threats over weekend
All the News - One Place - One Source - One
Thanks to our sponsors/partners - Take the time to thank them as well please
If it wasn't for them The Daily wouldn't be here every day for you.

Spotlight on


What the CFOs are reading
Are CFOs Naive on Cyber Insurance Value?
The insurance doesn't cover many of the losses finance chiefs think it does,
research suggests.
In a study of 105 CFOs and other senior financial executives at companies with
revenue of at least $1 billion, commissioned by FM Global and performed by
Research, 45% said they expected their insurer will cover “most” related
losses from a cybersecurity event, and 26% said they expected the carrier to
cover “all” related losses.
But most of the effects these financial executives expect to experience in a
substantial cybersecurity event aren’t typically covered by insurance
policies, says FM Global, which sells cyber insurance. These effects
● Degradation of the company’s brand/reputation (46% said that was a likely
effect of a cybersecurity event)
● Increased scrutiny from the investment community (40%)
● Decline in revenue/earnings (38%)*
● Introduction of regulatory compliance problems (35 %)
● Decline in market share (24%)
● Decline in share price (24%)
The survey participants were given one other choice: “New costs to mitigate the
loss,” cited by 53% of them. Indeed, many new costs — including expenses related
to restoring data or equipment — are covered by first-party cyber insurance or
property insurance, according to FM Global.
Litigation and customer notification costs would be covered by third-party
insurance. But the rest of the listed costs in the study would likely have to be
absorbed by the victimized company, FM Global says. Moreover, more than half of
the survey participants said financial recovery from a substantial cybersecurity
event would take months or years.
More Focus on Security as Payment Technologies
Banks and merchants are expanding their payment offerings but continue to be
wary of the potential fraud risk.
More than three-quarters of companies are investing in new payment technologies,
despite concerns about the security of specific implementations and the
potential for transaction fraud, according to a Forrester Research report
released on August 12.
The report, "Understanding the Evolving Payments Landscape," says that retail
merchants and online businesses expect the way that consumers pay for goods to
change relatively quickly, with about half expecting to face increasing choices
in payment offerings. At the same time, 61% of financial institutions and
merchants believe that fraud will also increase.
As merchants and credit-card issuers continue to suffer significant breaches,
Visa and other payment technology companies are looking to improving analytics
and deploy machine learning that can detect and prevent fraud. The Forrester
report says that while digital payments have lower fraud rates, the impact of
fraud in card-not-present transactions — the most common type of digital
transaction —is much worse. Card-not-present fraud affected 28% of companies
surveyed but accounted for 40% of fraud volume.
Most companies are hiring staff specifically tasked with security and anti-fraud
roles, while more than three-quarters are spending on new tools to help secure
transactions. darkreading.com
SOC-as-a-Service promises threat protection in a
world of scarce resources
There are nearly 1,000 cybersecurity technologies on the market today. That
should be great news, right? It would be, except for two significant problems:
The hardware and software necessary to create a security operations center (SOC)
can be costly; and there’s a severe shortage of skilled security analysts to
drive those technologies.
In fact, roughly 80 percent of organizations say they don’t have
enough analysts to run their SOC. And 48 percent of organizations say they
don’t even have a SOC.
And that’s why an alternative approach is gaining traction right now—because it
can be both practical and affordable: the SOC-as-a-Service. This approach
augments your internal staff, and your organization-specific goals and
tolerances, with an outsourced SOC team that brings together most—if not all—the
essential security monitoring technologies, including SIEM, on a single
platform. helpnetsecurity.com
Apple Expands Bug Bounty Reward to Max $1 Million
How to How to Check Your
Internet Speed
Speedtest is a quick and easy way to check your internet speed.
Just visit speedtest.net
and hit go and you will see your upload and download speed. Speedtest is also
available as a mobile app on iOS and Android. |


3SI Security Systems
Disrupting the Status Quo:
A Layered Approach to Loss Prevention

Todd Leggett, CEO
Dan Reynolds, VP of Retail Sales
3SI is on a
mission to create a safer world with innovative technologies that redefine asset
recovery and criminal apprehension. Todd Leggett and Dan Reynolds tell us how
3SI has significantly increased its footprint in the retail space by developing
new retail applications for their patented GPS technology to address loss
impacting multiple verticals within the retail segment. Today, they protect more
than 250,000 locations worldwide and are one of the leading providers of Retail
GPS Tracking and Tracing solutions.
Quick Take 8 with Bob Moraca, VP of LP, NRF

Bob Moraca, Vice President,
Loss Prevention, NRF
with MCs Joe LaRocca
Amber Bradley
Bob Moraca, VP of LP for the National Retail Federation,
chats with Joe and Amber about the NRF’s support for non-violent criminal
justice reform, the latest findings of the
NRF’s ORC report, and why Cyber Risk is a major new area of focus at this
NRF Protect conference.
Residential Alarm Industry Disruptor
Buying Ring surveillance cameras saves Amazon money on stolen packages
Its social app Neighbors makes Ring more effective on criminals — and
Amazon found the one part of your online shopping journey it doesn’t control —
what happens between placing a package on your doorstep and you taking the
package inside — and decided to buy the
video doorbell security company Ring to help regulate that unknown.
Ring saves Amazon money by deterring package theft. It also advertises itself —
and by extension becomes more effective — through its use of
fear-based social media.
The smart doorbell lets people remotely see, hear, and talk to whoever is at
their door. It also records porch thefts that users can post footage of on
Ring’s social media app, Neighbors, or share with
increasingly involved police departments.
an incredible cost of replacing [a stolen] item: Somebody has to understand it’s
missing; it has to be processed, picked, staged, packed, mailed, and delivered,”
Read Hayes, a University of Florida research scientist and the director
of the retail industry group Loss Prevention Research Council, told Recode.
Security devices like Amazon’s Ring help negate that loss and are “upping the
game with each level: having social media, law enforcement [connections],
immediate neighbor notification, branding, and marketing.”
Ring, back in 2017 before it was acquired by Amazon,
conducted a survey that found that a fifth of US households had a package
stolen that year, with an average value per package of $140. Comcast’s home
security arm says
about a third of Americans have experienced package theft.
Amazon also didn’t share with Recode a specific stolen-package policy, but it
does encourage people who’ve had packages stolen to reach out so it can fix the
Amazon also didn’t share with Recode a specific stolen-package policy, but it
does encourage people who’ve had packages stolen to reach out so it can fix the
situation. (Funnily enough, Ring includes its own theft protection: “If your
Door View Cam gets stolen, we’ll replace it for free,”
reads the Amazon copy.) Generally
Amazon reimburses or replaces stolen products, assuming this isn’t something
that happens all the time.

Amazon, Facebook, Google defend practices amid
lawmaker's probe
Amazon.com Inc., Facebook Inc. and Alphabet Inc.’s Google defended their
business practices to U.S. lawmakers conducting a broad antitrust inquiry,
seeking to underscore their companies face stiff competition in their respective
Amazon, for example, argued that much of the data it keeps regarding
third-party merchants who use its online marketplace is public and that
analyzing aggregate sales data to bolster its private-label strategy is a common
practice in the retail industry. Amazon said that while it uses aggregate data
from merchants, it prohibits the use of individual vendor data in its
private-label strategy.
Facebook made the case that it isn’t as dominant as it seems, providing
Cicilline with a long list of competitors in different areas. In messaging, for
example, the company said it competes with SMS texting, which is used by 4.2
billion people worldwide.
Google maintained that it strives to give users the most relevant information as
quickly as possible, which often directs them to other sites. The company also
highlighted steps it takes to fight copyright infringement on its video-sharing
platform, YouTube.
Amazon is under fire for factory hiring practices
and treatment of workers
The China Labor Watch report painted a grim picture of the factory’s working
Foxconn Technology Group fired two executives at a Chinese plant that assembles
devices for Amazon.com Inc., responding to a labor group’s allegations it
slashed wages and flouted laws to help deal with
rising U.S. tariffs.
It’s the second time Amazon and the Taiwanese company, which makes many
of the world’s most popular gadgets, have come under scrutiny for the
treatment of workers at the plant in the central city of Hengyang. China
Labor Watch last year criticized the facility, which produces Echo speakers and
Kindle e-readers for Amazon, for relying on temporary workers—including high
school interns—and overtime beyond limits set by law. Foxconn said in a
statement on Friday it had dismissed the plant’s chief and head of human
resources, and punished managers responsible for overseeing use of interns.
“Amazon and Foxconn responded that they would make improvements to the factory’s
working conditions,” China Labor Watch said. “However, CLW’s 2019 investigation
found that Foxconn’s working conditions did not improve, and instead
deteriorated.” Read more:
Amazon entices some sellers with new price
America’s newest ‘mall’ is located in cyberspace
Nike Jumps Into The Subscription Game |

Charlotte, NC: Reports of people replacing baby
formula with flour, returning it for cash
Police are looking into several cases of people reportedly buying baby formula,
which can be expensive, replacing it with flour, and returning the product for
cash. In a few cases the NBC Charlotte Defenders team uncovered, those tampered
formulas reportedly made it back on store shelves. Some parents say they didn't
realize what was off until their kids got sick. Walmart’s store policy is to not
put any returned products back on the shelves, but they confirmed they're
investigating this incident. In 2017, a woman pleaded guilty to tampering with
baby formula and replacing it with a flour and sugar mixture before returning it
for cash. And last year, another mom reported falling victim to tampered
formula. Walmart and CVS are launching numerous investigations into these claims
over the past few years.
Tulsa, OK: Police seek man accused of shoplifting
from same Home Depot store 4 times in 3 months
allege in a probable cause affidavit filed along with shoplifting charges Monday
that Marcus Curtis Jefferson made off with more than $2,000 worth of items
from the Home Depot on S. Elgin Ave. in four larcenies between Jan. 11 and
March 12. In each theft, Jefferson, 35, grabbed items such as tool kits and saws
and ran out of the store, the affidavit alleges. Only in the fourth larceny did
an unknown customer intervene, knocking a circular saw kit and grinder from
Jefferson's hands before he made it out the doors with one other item, according
to the affidavit.
Vacaville, CA: Four arrested upon returning to
Costco after previous theft
A return visit to the Vacaville Costco by a crew accused of stealing from the
store weeks earlier led to the being arrested Friday. An employee of the Costco
on Hume Way called the Vacaville Police Department just after 6 p.m. to report
that a crew believed to have stolen more than $1,000 in merchandise from the
store was back. Officers were able to place three individuals inside the store
under arrest on charges of burglary and conspiracy, as all three were identified
by employees of the store as having been involved in the previous theft. One
suspect was charged with violating her probation and having 4 outstanding felony
warrants for her arrest.
Highland, IN: Three female shoplifters smash into
Police cars fleeing after Grocery store theft
Three female suspects are in custody after fleeing police and hitting two squad
cars after allegedly stealing merchandise from Strack & Van Til, police said. On
Monday afternoon, Schererville cops were looking for a vehicle suspected to be
involved in a theft from the grocery store on U.S. 41. Schererville Police
then apprehended three female suspects and discovered a large quantity of items
suspected to be stolen from Strack & Van Til in the vehicle. No Officers were

Shootings & Deaths
Jacksonville, FL: Security guard shot, killed in
adult arcade robbery
A security guard was shot and killed early Monday morning during an arcade room
robbery in Jacksonville's Paxon neighborhood. The robbery took place at High
Score Arcade on North Edgewood Avenue just after 2 a.m. When officers arrived,
they found the security guard was shot during the robbery. Investigators said
the two robbers -- a man and a woman -- then ran off. News4Jax learned this
was the fourth robbery of High Score already this year and a person was killed
just outside the arcade last September.
San Antonio, TX: One person shot, killed behind
Northeast Side strip mall
Police said none of the businesses in the strip mall were involved, and there
was no robbery. Witnesses told police three people were involved in a
situation behind the strip mall building, which backs up to a wooded area. A
male was shot and killed. His name and age have not been released. An employee
at one of the businesses called police when they heard the gunshots.
Memphis, TN: C-Store shooting in North Memphis
leaves 1 man dead, shooter escapes
A man is dead after a shooting in North Memphis Monday afternoon, and witnesses
say the shooting led to a shootout that had innocent bystanders ducking for
cover. Police say the chaos started around 2:30 p.m. when a man was gunned down
near a convenience store on Springdale near Hubert.
A witness said he saw the suspected shooter run into the store as several of the
victim's friends returned fire. No one else was hit, and says the chaos stopped
when the victim's friends put him in a car and drove off. Police say they took
him to the hospital, but he didn't survive his injuries. Police haven't said who
the initial shooter was, or why he opened fire.

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts
Houston, TX: Police release image of person of
interest related to Memorial City Mall panic
Police late Monday released a surveillance image of a person of interest related
to the panic at Memorial City Mall. The man in the photo appears to match the
description released by authorities: A white male in his late teens or early
20s. Police said he is wanted for questioning.
Phoenix, AZ: Police surround Carl's Jr.
restaurant after reports of gunman; suspect escaped
Phoenix police surrounded a Carl's Jr. restaurant in east Phoenix around 4:30
p.m. after receiving reports of a man threatening someone with a gun. After
about an hour, police cleared the scene and workers returned inside just after 6
p.m. after it was determined the gunman had fled on foot, Phoenix police said.
According to Phoenix police Lt. Keith Doherty, a man crossed the street at 24th
Street and Thomas Road. While he was crossing, a vehicle drove by him and the
man pointed what the driver believed to be a handgun at the car. This prompted
the 28-year-old driver to slow down and watch the man walk into the Carl's Jr.
Witnesses inside the restaurant said he sat at a table and went into the
restroom. Moments later, police arrived. Video from surveillance cameras later
showed the suspect leaving the restaurant just prior to police arrival.

Update: Fayetteville, AR: Police Baffled After
Roof Top Heist At Best Buy
Fayetteville police are still baffled after what seems like a heist straight out
of a movie took place at a local Best Buy store. The burglary suspects cut a
hole in the roof of the Best Buy on Joyce Blvd., rappelled down from the ceiling
and escaped with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise.
"It was a lot of computer products some expensive equipment and a lot of it.
There was a hole cut in the ceiling and they came down on ropes and stole a
bunch of stuff," said Sgt. Anthony Murphy with the Fayetteville Police
Department. The hole in the roof of the Fayetteville store has since been
patched up, but the thieves are still on the loose.

UK: Australia: Former Coles employee charged with
theft of $1.9 Million
A former Coles employee accused of stealing more than $1.9 million from the
supermarket giant has been charged with “multiple thefts and deceptions”.
Victoria police arrested 36-year-old Aaron Baslangic, former head of strategic
initiatives and B2B for Coles Online, on Friday in Sandringham in Melbourne’s
Coles alleges that the ex-staffer submitted phony invoices requesting payment to
third parties, and in some cases faked the approval of his supervisor for
payments that were above his authority limit. Coles filed documents with the
Supreme Court of Victoria over the last two weeks detailing 13 questionable
payments made to BMW Australia, the Australian Taxation Office and other
businesses. The amounts ranged from $48,000 to $413,139.
A statement from Victoria Police on the arrest said the alleged offending took
place over a five month period between February and July 2019 against “a
business in Hawthorn East”, the location of Coles head office. Coles said it
first discovered the questionable transactions during a review of payments prior
to its migration to a new platform. “Irregularities were detected by our
internal finance checks and we promptly obtained a freezing order from the
Victorian Supreme Court,” a spokesperson for Coles stated.
The transactions in question raised concerns as some were unsupported by
invoices, while some were supported by invoices sent from a personal email
address for Baslangic. Five of the 13 payments in questions were for amounts
above Baslangic’s personal authority limit of $75,000 and required approval of
his line manager Karen Donaldson, general manager of Coles Online. While
Baslangic indicated to the accounts team via emails that he had received her
approval, Donaldson said in an affidavit that she had no prior knowledge of
those emails and did not approve the payments. The accused will appear at
Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on August 13.
Suffolk, VA: McDonald’s Manager stages Robbery with female
friend, both arrested
Houston, TX: Full Armor Gun burglarized for the 30th time
in past 8 years; no weapons were ever stolen
Rapid City, SD: Two burglary suspects wanted for the theft
of at least 2 handguns from a Pawn Shop
Grand Rapids, MI: Multiple cell phone stores targeted in
string of break-ins in Kent, Ottawa counties
Hutchinson, KS: Lowes employee arrested Sunday
for starting fire inside store
Tony Montre, 18 was arrested late Sunday night on multiple counts of aggravated
arson for setting a fire in a bathroom at Lowes on E. 17th Ave. A store manager
observed Monte going into the bathroom before the fire, but he was no longer in
the store. Investigators were subsequently called to the hospital emergency room
after Montre’s grandmother called the store to report her son was there,
receiving treatment for burns. Montre told Arpin he had taken the glue into the
restroom, but the fire was inadvertent. He attempted to put it out and got
burned in the process. Arpin estimated damages to the restroom were about
$2,500. The fire was contained to the bathroom and Montre put it out before
anyone arrived.
Credit Card Fraud
Chicago, IL: Police Urge Credit Card Safety After
ATM Skimmer Found in Target
Officers responded to the store at about 9:09 p.m. in the first block of South
State Street after a technician discovered the skimmer on an ATM machine,
Chicago police said.
Baton Rouge, LA: Card-skimming device found
during gas station sweep in Louisiana
The U.S. Secret Service, Jefferson and St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Offices also
participated in a sweep of 4,830 retail motor fuel dispensers at 535 gas
stations in East Baton Rouge, Jefferson and St. Tammany parishes from Aug. 6 to
9 to search for skimming devices. The skimmer was found in an outlying area of
St. Tammany Parish.
Tampa, FL: Woman used Counterfeit Credit Card at Seminole
Hard Rock Casino, which is located on an Indian Reservation, making it a Federal
Crime; sentenced to 3 years
Pittsburgh, PA: Colombian man gets 33 months in
prison in 2013 robbery of jewelry salesman
Oscar Javier Rodriguez Roa, 36, of Bogota, Colombia, will be removed from the
United States following his prison term. Roa and three accomplices traveled from
Georgia to Western Pennsylvania in May 2013 and targeted the salesman from New
York City as he got out of his car in a Wexford, PA jewelry store parking lot.
prosecutors said. Roa was part of a theft ring that targeted such sales
employees in the United States and abroad. The group stole a bag with about
$500,000 worth of gemstones and jewelry from the man and fled in a getaway car
before ditching it and running away.
Cobb County, GA: Man convicted in 2015 Armed Robbery of
CVS, sentenced to 40 years;
FBI investigation tied suspect to at least 5 Walgreens Armed Robberies in

C-Store – Omaha, NE Armed Robbery
C-Store – Levy County, FL – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Vancouver, WA – Robbery
C-Store – Idaho Falls, ID - Armed Robbery
C-Store – Las Vegas, NV – Armed Robbery
C-Store – San Antonio, TX – Armed Robbery
Cricket Wireless – Grand Rapids, MI – Burglary
CVS - Edinburgh, IN – Robbery
Gas Station – York County, PA – Armed Robbery
Gas Station – Suffolk County, NY – Robbery
Grocery Store – Highland, IN – Robbery
Gun Store – Houston, TX – Burglary
Pawn Shop – Rapid City, SD – Burglary
Pharmacy – Jacksonville, FL – Burglary
Restaurant – Suffolk, VA – Armed Robbery/ Inside Job
Restaurant – Nashville, TN – Burglary
T-Mobile – Victorville, CA – Robbery
7-Eleven – Charlotte, NC – Robbery
7- Eleven – Suffolk County, NY – Robbery
14 robberies
5 burglaries
0 shootings
killed |

Joseph Lyons promoted to
District LP Manager for TJX Companies |
Xavier Ruiz named AP
District Leader for Rite Aid |
Steven Terrell
promoted to Market AP Manager for Walmart |
Andrew Cahill
named Regional LP Manager for Dollar General |
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Levi Strauss & Co. |
San Francisco, CA |
Aug. 7 |
Sr. Manager, Global Store Operations |
Under Armour |
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Healthy debate in any industry spurs growth, understanding and challenges the
status quo. Without it, the normal evolutionary processes which are slow to
begin will slow even further. It is those who have the courage to debate that
make a difference and create change. However, as in the case of any debate,
interpreting and understanding the messages is critical in order for it to have
a positive impact and facilitate change.
Usually driven by opposing sides, debates are driven by individual experience
and environmental influences that are oftentimes invisible and, therefore,
unrealized. But at the end of the day, regardless of opinion, all debates spur
discussion, thought and emotion and that is what causes change and
While interpretation is an individual experience, the experience itself has the
ability to impact and educate.
Just a Thought, Gus

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