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International Association of Interviewers (IAI) names Tony Paixão, CFI, CFE Director of Operations

Tony has been a speaker and consultant with Wicklander-Zulawski since 2019 and teaches many different seminars on Interviewing and plays an integral role in the development and creation of curriculum for WZ.

Wayne Hoover, CFI, Executive Director of IAI says: "Emily (Kuhn) and I are excited to add Tony to the IAI team. His experience in the realm of interviewing and project management will be a huge asset to IAI!"

Prior to WZ, Tony held a leadership role in the private sector with Harbor Freight Tools as a Regional LP Manager, has served in both Federal and Local law enforcement both as a Special Agent with NCIS and as a Police Officer with the University of Virginia Police Department. Tony received
his B.S. degree in Justice Studies from James Madison University in 2009 and is currently pursuing his Master’s Degree in Forensic Psychology from Arizona State University.

"IAI is an incredible organization with a mission rooted in
educating and advancing the interviewing community," Tony said. "I am excited to join this team and have a role in continuing the pursuit of making IAI a best in class association for both current and future members."

See All the Executives 'Moving Up' Here   

Submit Your New Corporate Hires/Promotions or New Position 




3SI's Solutions Help Recover $5.9M and Arrest 439 Criminals YTD
The nation gripped with crisis, financial catastrophe, and massive social justice protests is now also faced with a spike in crime. How can you protect employees and businesses during these challenging times?

We've got the solution! 3SI protects locations 24/7/365. In fact, from January through July 2020, our solutions helped our customers recover over $5.9M in stolen cash and inventory, and helped police arrest over 439 criminals!

Click here to see some of 3SI's success stories from July.

Patent Troll Pays Up

Genetec Announces Conclusion of Patent Infringement Case
"We don't negotiate payment with patent trolls," said Pierre Racz, president of Genetec, a technology provider of unified security, public safety, operations and business intelligence solutions, as the company announced that a patent infringement lawsuit initiated by a non-practicing entity (NPE) was withdrawn by the NPE at an early stage of the proceedings. In a rare result, the NPE paid an undisclosed sum to Genetec. In patent litigation in the United States, it is highly unusual for a plaintiff to pay a defendant to resolve a case.


BLM Protest Backs Retail Crime
Chicago, IL: Black Lives Matter Holds Rally Supporting Arrested Looters
Members of Black Lives Matter held a solidarity rally on Monday night with the more than 100 individuals who were arrested after a night of looting and unrest in Chicago. The rally was held at the South Loop police station where organizers say those individuals are currently being held in custody.

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, said. “That makes sure that person has clothes.”

Black Lives Matter Chicago organized the rally after unrest throughout the city early Monday, with police saying that more than 100 individuals were taken into custody for a variety of offenses, including looting.

“That is reparations,” Atkins said. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”

Chicago's Catch & Release Philosophy
ILL. States Atty Who Abandoned Retail Prosecutions Blamed by Chicago Mayor

Chicago Mayor Blames Kim Foxx, ILL. States Attorney - Handling of Cases Emboldened Looters
After looters caused mayhem on the Magnificent Mile early Monday, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and police Superintendent David Brown pointed fingers at a now-familiar target: Cook County prosecutors and judges.

Without naming State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, Lightfoot called on prosecutors not to let suspects cycle through the system without consequences. And Brown went so far as to imply that looters reoffended this weekend after getting away with the same crimes during the widespread unrest earlier this year, eliminating any deterrent.

“(Suspects) get released, many charges get dropped, and so they feel emboldened to do it more,” he said. “Once prosecution and sentencing comes up, there’s no consequences.”

But Foxx, who is no stranger to accusations that she is soft on crime, flatly rejected that narrative at a news conference Monday. Her office has not dropped any looting cases related to recent unrest, she said, calling for a response “beyond a sound bite and a finger point.”

Critics said looters were additionally emboldened by a Foxx policy that raised the bar for prosecuting shoplifting as a felony — a theory Foxx also rejected Monday.

After Chicago Looting and Coronavirus, Businesses Consider Closing Shop

On Jeweler’s Row, businesses saw their inventory wiped out

The looting that began late Sunday and continued into Monday morning marks the second time the city has been hit in recent months. After George Floyd was killed in May while in Minneapolis police custody, widespread unrest left Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, a strip of high-end stores north of downtown that has long been a showpiece of the city, and other neighborhoods boarded up.

This weekend, caravans of looters responded to calls on social media, hitting stores in a wide swath of the city, following the shooting by police of a 20-year-old man who officers say fired on them first.

Police Superintendent David Brown on Monday said commanders deployed 400 officers to combat the looting, but said that prosecutors and the courts had failed to make their first rounds of arrests in June stick, making looters feel there were no consequences for their actions.

Kim Foxx, the Cook County State’s Attorney, said in a separate briefing that her office had gone ahead with prosecutions on 90% of those charged with looting. A slowdown in the courts because of the pandemic meant many of those cases were just now coming to trial, she said.

Large chains such as Macy’s and Saks Fifth Avenue say they have no plans to pull out of Chicago, despite damage to local stores. Macy’s is repairing damage and expects its stores to reopen this week, a spokeswoman said.

Kimberly Bares, president and chief executive of the Magnificent Mile Association, said her 650 members, including large retailers and hotels, are looking for a stronger full-time police presence in the area as well as investments in underserved neighborhoods to address longstanding issues of inequality. “We need to act now,” she said.

No prosecution for many arrested at Portland’s protests
People arrested in Portland since late May on non-violent misdemeanor charges during the protests won’t be prosecuted.

The new policy announced Tuesday recognizes the outrage and frustration over a history of racial injustice that has led to the city’s often violent protests and the practical realities of the court system, Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt said. It is running more than two months behind in processing cases because of COVID-19.

Overnight Restrictions to Continue Downtown ‘for Foreseeable Future,' Chicago Mayor Says

Chief Judge Orders Cook County Courtrooms Closed After Looting

Downtown Chicago Shop Owners Clean Up After Looting: ‘This Is My Whole Life Savings’

Chicago boutique owners looted twice in three months call for help:
'We are not equipped to defend our store'

Ronald McDonald House Near Lurie Children’s Hospital Was Among Looters’ Targets

York County, PA: People stand with man holding 'I AM A SERIAL RETAIL THIEF' sign as part of sentence
Last week, Common Pleas Judge Harry M. Ness offered Durell Scales a sentence of two years' probation, with the first six months on house arrest, if he held the sign outside the York County Judicial Center that read, "I AM A SERIAL RETAIL THIEF. 7 PRIORS !!”

Ness had stated that he tried to come up with a resolution that would make a change in Scales' life. Scales wasn’t alone for long on Tuesday. The York NAACP organized an effort to bring out people to stand in solidarity with him and call attention to what they see as an injustice. So several others soon joined him with signs of their own.

“He is a human being,” said Sandra Thompson, an attorney who’s president of the York NAACP, “and he is worthy of support.” Thompson said it’s critical to address the underlying issues that drive retail theft such as addiction. Treatment doesn’t always work the first time, she said, but dehumanizing someone is not going to help. She said it’s important to have restorative justice that makes a difference in peoples’ lives.

Richmond, VA: Self-identified KKK leader who drove through protesters in June gets 6 years prison


COVID Update

US: Over 5.3M Cases - 168K Dead - 2.7M Recovered
Worldwide: Over 20.6M Cases - 747K Dead - 13.5M Recovered

Private Industry Security Guard Deaths: 183   Law Enforcement Officer Deaths: 80
*Red indicates change in total deaths

Video Solutions
The Role of Analytics in COVID-19
How security integrators can help them establish safety through technology.

One way is by measuring elevated skin temperatures of people entering a facility using thermal cameras. (See “Taking the Temperature of Thermal Cameras”) Another is by implementing video analytics to detect non-adherence to health safety practices and trigger audio reminders about distancing and other guidelines.

One useful security technology that integrators can recommend is video analytics. When applied and used correctly with directives based on real-time surveillance of people’s behavior, they can create a positive encounter for people reentering social settings amidst the ongoing pandemic.

OHSA reports 30,000 COVID Safety Complaints
Employers: Duty to Provide Safe Workplace Extends Beyond Four Walls
Dozens of whistleblower actions have been filed by employees complaining workplace safety procedures are inadequate. These whistleblower actions cover more than just the employer’s premises; they also cover the premises of clients and vendors when an employee is sent there to perform work.

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), employers have a legal obligation to ensure that their employees work under safe conditions free from hazards. The obligation to provide a safe workplace extends beyond the four walls of the employer; it extends to when an employee is meeting off-site with a client or vendor, or working off-site at a client’s or vendor’s facilities

These complaints include allegations that employers are not adequately protecting their employees from the virus when the employees perform work at a client’s or vendor’s premises. The increased reporting has been so drastic that OSHA issued a press release “reminding employers that it is illegal to retaliate against workers because they report unsafe and unhealthy working conditions during the coronavirus.”

COVID Impact: Changing Vacation Policies
Vacation Travel Policies May Need to Be Altered Due to Pandemic
Employer attempts to restrict where employees go on vacation to prevent their exposure to COVID-19 are limited by laws and employee-relations considerations. However, pre-travel inquiries and advisories are allowed, so long as they are applied neutrally and uniformly.

"Employers across the country are grappling with the question of whether to change their vacation policies in light of the coronavirus pandemic and, if so, how to do it," said Anthony Mingione, an attorney with Blank Rome in New York City.

New Illinois law makes it a felony to assault a retail worker who's enforcing face mask rules
Assaulting a worker who is enforcing face mask policies can now be prosecuted as aggravated battery in Illinois – a felony charge. Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a law Friday that expands the definition of aggravated battery to include attacks against a retail worker who is conveying public health guidance, such as requiring patrons to wear face coverings or promoting social distancing.

"It's clear there is still an even greater need to get people to wear masks – especially to protect front line workers, whether they’re at the front of a store asking you to put on your mask or whether they’re responding to 911 calls to save those in distress," Pritzker said in a statement.

A simple battery charge is considered a misdemeanor and can result in up to a year in prison and fines up to $2,500. An aggravated battery charge, on the other hand, is a felony that can result in a sentence of up to five years in prison – or up to 10 years depending on factors such as the individual's criminal history – and fines up to $25,000. The new law is effective immediately.

Bars & Restaurants Drove COVID Spikes
The Nation Wanted to Eat Out Again. Everyone Has Paid the Price
Data from states and cities show that many community outbreaks of the coronavirus this summer have centered on restaurants and bars, often the largest settings to infect Americans.



World Mask Week Aims to Inspire Global Movement to Wear Face Coverings in Public

Many employers skipping COVID-19 liability waivers, survey shows

Out-of-Stocks Costing Supermarket Industry $10B in Lost Revenue

COVID-19 - Defunding Police - The Decriminalization Trend
How It'll Impact ORCA's Across America

All of the progress made over the last fifteen to twenty years is in jeopardy.

With over 32 ORC Associations across the Nation, thousands of law enforcement officers involved, and over 30 state ORC laws, all the work that's been done is taking a huge step back. With funding decimated and courts over flowing with thousands of cases the outlook is grim for virtually all of the ORCA's.

As the third quarter begins the Holiday push in just a few weeks how will the dozens of conferences be impacted?

The retailers strapped for payroll, limiting travel to necessity only, and the COVID social distancing mandate the conferences are obviously on the chopping block. As everyone immediately starts talking about next year and hoping to find the police support still there. The reality is it will diminish considerably and we'll probably take two or three steps back. If not entire efforts will disappear unless driven by absolute necessity and increased activity, we will see a number disappear regretfully. Just some thoughts. -Gus Downing


Employee Tip Lines
The Text Book Example

Anonymous Tip Sets Off $57.3M Investigation
Corporate-Governance Failure Questioned

McDonald’s Board Faces New Scrutiny of Investigation Into Former CEO

Some shareholders question handling of Steve Easterbrook’s departure, supervision of company

McDonald’s board is coming under scrutiny from some investors and corporate-governance groups for failing to fully uncover the extent of former Chief Executive Officer Steve Easterbrook’s inappropriate relationships with employees when concerns first emerged last year.

The fast-food giant Monday sued Mr. Easterbrook, accusing him of
lying to investigators to cover up relationships with employees to protect his multimillion-dollar severance package. The suit, a rare airing of corporate dirty laundry, follows the board’s decision to fire Mr. Easterbrook without cause last November after he acknowledged a consensual sexting relationship with an employee.

Outside counsel conducted an investigation into Mr. Easterbrook last fall and shared results with the board, which accepted Mr. Easterbrook’s word that it was his only relationship with a McDonald’s employee, according to the complaint. Because the board fired the CEO without cause, he was able to walk away from the company with a severance package valued at tens of millions of dollars.

McDonald’s now says that Mr. Easterbrook allegedly engaged in sexual relationships
with three additional employees in the year before his firing, relationships that it says came to light in a wider review of Mr. Easterbrook’s texts and emails after McDonald’s received an anonymous tip in July. The company now says he should have been fired for cause, and it is suing to reclaim his severance, now estimated to be worth $57.3 million.

Some investors and corporate-governance groups say the board must now defend its initial investigation and stewardship of the company to shareholders.

After learning of the
July complaint from an employee, the board immediately called for a new investigation, according to a person familiar with the matter. The board also advised management to further highlight ways for employees to report company concerns.

The allegation of further relationships “
calls into question the vibrancy of the first investigation,” said Charles Elson, a corporate-governance professor at the University of Delaware.

Outside counsel working for McDonald’s last fall reviewed backup data for Mr. Easterbrook’s company-issued phone and iPad but found no evidence of improper relationships with other employees, according to the complaint and a person familiar with the investigation. Investigators looked thoroughly through those devices, but
records of dozens of nude photos discovered later had been destroyed on that equipment, the person said.

McDonald’s has long maintained hot lines for employees to report complaints. The employee who made the complaint in July
did so after a town hall meeting in which executives encouraged workers to come forward with concerns, the person familiar with the matter said. McDonald’s sent out a company message Monday telling employees that they wouldn’t face retaliation for reporting any perceived misdeeds.

Editor's Note: This is the biggest example of the need and use of 'employee tip lines,' that this writer has ever seen. The text book definition.


End of an Era?
Retail Chains Abandon Manhattan: ‘It’s Unsustainable’
Some national chains, both retail and restaurants, are closing outlets in New York City, which are struggling more than their branches elsewhere.

The economic damage in New York has in many cases been far worse than elsewhere in the country.

In the heart of Manhattan, national chains including J.C. Penney, Kate Spade, Subway and Le Pain Quotidien have shuttered branches for good. Many other large brands, like Victoria’s Secret and the Gap, have kept their high-profile locations closed in Manhattan, while reopening in other states.

Even as the city has contained the virus and slowly reopens, there are ominous signs that some national brands are starting to abandon New York. The city is home to many flagship stores, chains and high-profile restaurants that tolerated astronomical rents and other costs because of New York’s global cachet and the reliable onslaught of tourists and commuters.

But New York today looks nothing like it did just a few months ago.

In Manhattan’s major retail corridors, from SoHo to Fifth Avenue to Madison Avenue, once packed sidewalks are now nearly empty. A fraction of the usual army of office workers goes into work every day, and many wealthy residents have left the city for second homes.

Landlords have started filing lawsuits against commercial tenants for not paying rent, accusing some national brands of trying to take advantage of the crisis.

“In New York City, there is next to no lunch business,” he said. “No one’s coming in from Connecticut. No one’s coming in from New Jersey.” And, there are no tourists wandering the streets.

Update: Charging Alarm Companies for False Alarms
Alarm industry seeks another hearing before appeals court in Sandy Springs, Ga., case

Amazon Planning Multiple D.C.-Area Grocery Stores

Stein Mart files for bankruptcy with plans to liquidate its stores

All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time

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Join the LPF and Sensormatic Solutions for a New Safety Webinar

August 19, 2020 | 1:00pm EST

Safety Culture isn't a new term or even a catchy phrase, but it is something that most businesses have been pursuing and evolving into a corporate value. With the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, many have needed to pivot and make drastic changes to the way they do business safely. Join us as we partner with Sensormatic Solutions and hear from one of our LPF Board of Directors and industry leaders, Sue Read, LPC to talk about her safety journey at FleetPride.

The Journey's Beginning
A Leadership Perspective
COVID-19 and the Impact
Tips to Successfully Implement a Safety Culture

At the end of the session, Sensormatic Solutions will also give away 5 free LPC Course Scholarship to random webinar attendees! Winners will be notified the day following the Webinar via email.

This Webinar Is Presented By The Loss Prevention Foundation In Partnership With Sensormatic Solutions And Qualifies For 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Towards Your LPC Recertification





Internal investigations are changing in the age of COVID-19
Before COVID-19, an employee under investigation could be surprised with an on-the-spot collection at the office under the guise of an in-person meeting or “routine” request to bring in a device for an IT upgrade or a mandatory security update. Such strategies are much less likely to be practical or successful in a remote work environment. “At home” collection may also become impossible if the employee has opted to work from a second home or another location in a different region.

Employees using their own devices for remote work present a further complication. Devices like personal phones or tablets usually lack many of the security protections embedded in a company-provided mobile device and are therefore more vulnerable to malware, spyware, and co-mingled (personal and work-related) data. The data is also much more likely to be accessible by family and friends, increasing the potential for vulnerability as well as foul play. Upon collection, such data will often need to go through more extensive screening, and custodians may be more reluctant to cooperate when personal information is stored on a device targeted for collection. It is also possible they may use the virus as a pretext and refuse to allow a forensic professional into their home.

Increasing numbers of companies are turning to remote assisted collection kits (RACKs), which allow a forensic investigator to gain access to a device online and gather data directly from it. While RACK collections are forensically sound and legally defensible, some RACKs are designed to create a forensic image of a device and can consume large amounts of Internet bandwidth in the process. With less robust home connections, this can result in the disruption of ordinary work, or perhaps open the door to delaying tactics or data erasure on the part of custodians who have something to hide.

Once the data collection phase is complete, COVID-19-related constraints on the investigation recede from the picture. Processing, reviewing and analyzing files can proceed as normal - although review teams will be dispersed and have to be managed via a virtual collaborative workspace.

Remember Zoom Bombing?
Videoconferencing Security Is Getting Better
Thanks to COVID-19, videoconferencing transformed from a minor piece in the productivity toolkit to an essential one almost overnight.

That transformation came with problems—security being the biggest. Zoom, even as it evolved into a widely used mainstream tool,
was heavily scrutinized by the tech press for its vulnerabilities. Organizations had to make big decisions fast about which among the array of new remote-work tools to use. And that means corners were often cut.

But now that we’re five months into our mass experiment in remote work, how is videoconferencing security holding up? A quick check-in:

Convenience outweighed security—at first. When the COVID-19 outbreak emerged, many companies went for the easy solution, mainly because they had to implement something in a limited amount of time. But now organizations have a better understanding of the issues.

Software makers are getting better at working on fixes. Google and other companies have taken steps to prevent such attacks on their platforms. It took a little time, but we may soon find security catching up with user needs.

Compliance has gained importance. Recently, the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency released a document detailing steps for properly securing a videoconferencing network. The document recommends barring employees from public Wi-Fi networks, thoroughly testing videoconferencing platforms, and allowing calls only through vetted tools. “For optimum risk mitigation, organizations should implement measures at both the organizational and user levels,” the document states [PDF].

A once-slow market is expected to keep growing. Videoconferencing is likely to keep improving, driven by a sudden wave of new startups, according to TechCrunch.

$207,783: Average Cost of Liability to Fuel Retailers
that Don’t Make EMV Compatibility Upgrades

New analysis from Mercator Advisory Group and Transaction Network Services (TNS) found that fuel and convenience retailers who fail to upgrade payment equipment at the pumps could face potential costs of, on average, $17,315 per site, or $207,780 over 12 months post liability shift.

Because full liability shifts to the party in the payment chain with the least secure payment technology once the April 2021 deadline passes, any fuel retailer who has not updated their AFDs to support EMV-certified chip readers will automatically lose a chargeback inquiry and be subject to additional compliance fees.

The estimate is based on a 12-location fuel enterprise with sites that are distributed across low, medium and high risk zones for card payment fraud and considers the cumulative impact of losses as the locations become targets for counterfeit card usage. Compounding the losses are the additional network penalties for excessive disputed transactions. The model takes a decidedly conservative approach to calculating the cost of the liability shift.

TikTok Tracked User Data Using Tactic Banned by Google






Walmart Canada stores, other businesses, impose mask requirements as COVID-19 numbers increase

Some gyms, galleries and stores set their own policies requiring staff and customers to wear masks

Some Manitoba businesses aren't waiting for a directive from provincial health experts about mandatory masks in their establishments — they are implementing their own policies to make sure staff and customers are safe.

Chief Provincial Public Health Officer Dr. Brent Roussin has
not issued a directive on masks, only advising people to wear one when they can't physically distance from others. However, he's said masks could play a larger role in the fall, when flu season begins.

As of Tuesday, the
Winnipeg Art Gallery is implementing a mandatory mask policy. A few blocks away at Mountain Equipment Co-op on Portage Avenue, a mandatory mask policy has been in place since July 22. As of Aug. 12, all Walmart stores in Canada require customers and staff to wear a mask.

Are Your Customers Feeling Safe?
Help Canadians feel safe in your store – Take the POST Promise

Take POST Promise to prevent spread of COVID-19

Retailers of all sizes, business owners and managers across in the country are being asked to take part in a collective solution – the POST Promise – to help Canadians confidently and safely take the first steps back into public spaces and the workplace.

The POST Promise
consists of five questions that are related to key steps which help to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Businesses who make the promise will be able to use the POST Promise logo, a nationally recognized symbol of a business’ commitment to doing their part to protect their customers’ and employees’ health and safety as COVID-19 restrictions ease.

Participating organizations are provided with the necessary communication and implementation tools to
educate employees on the five key steps to workplace safety, created to be consistent with what has been recommended by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Learn more:

Invisible Face Masks Coming to a Store Near You?
'Mingle Mask' Targets Canadian Retailers and Businesses

Air travellers who refuse to wear a mask now ordered to provide medical proof


Canada's Next Retail Victims?
HBC, Canadian Tire could be in trouble next during pandemic: retail expert
The Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) and Canadian Tire could be the next retailers to run into trouble during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to one expert who says the companies have failed to adapt to consumers’ evolving shopping habits even before the crisis began.

Pandemic's Retail Impact
Canadian Fashion Industry Hit Hard by COVID-19

Canadian Retail & Food Services Sales in May Show Some Recovery

Landlords Need to Rethink Retail Properties and Tenant Relationships


Lawsuit Accuses Canadian Tire of Negligence
Gunshot victim files suit against Canadian Tire over rifle sale
A B.C. hiker who was shot several times along a trail three years ago is suing Canadian Tire, alleging the
retailer sold the semi-automatic rifle used in the shooting to a man with an expired firearms licence.

A report in Saturday’s Globe and Mail gave Cameron Rose’s account of being shot by a gunman shortly after pulling over on a remote mountain road for a nap on March 25, 2017. Peter Kampos is facing a charge of attempted murder. He is also named as a defendant in the lawsuit.

The claim alleges Canadian Tire was negligent in failing to ensure that Mr. Kampos was legally permitted to buy a TNW Aero Survival Rifle from a store in Terrace, B.C., on March 23, 2017. “This wouldn’t have happened if they had checked his licence properly,” said Naz Kohan, lawyer for Mr. Rose. “When you’re going hiking you don’t expect to be shot.”


Red Deer, AB: Doctor dies after attack at Village Mall walk-in medical clinic
A Red Deer, Alta., physician died Monday after he was attacked in an examination room at the
Village Mall walk-in clinic. RCMP said one man is in custody and the major crimes unit has taken over what police called "an active homicide investigation." Grobmeier said that during the police response one officer was hit by a blunt weapon by the suspect and suffered minor injuries. The officer then disarmed and arrested the suspect without further incident. Grobmeier said Red Deer RCMP responded in two to three minutes and had a suspect in custody within five minutes. The response time likely prevented further tragedy, Grobmeier said. He said the attack was an isolated incident that doesn't present further danger to the community. But the event was traumatic for everyone involved, including officers, physicians and witnesses, Grobmeier said.

Mount Pearl, NL: Man: sentenced to 7½ years for robbery, arson

Robberies & Burglaries

C-Store - Thunder Bay, ON - Armed Robbery

How are we doing? We need your input & suggestions. Send to

View Canadian Connections Archives










Amazon expands ‘Project Zero’ anti-counterfeit program that Bezos cited in antitrust hearing

Program now available in 17 countries

Amazon is taking its “Project Zero” anti-counterfeit program to seven additional countries, expanding a program designed to help brands fight fake products, amid heightened scrutiny of knock-offs on its e-commerce platform.

Project Zero will now be available to sellers on the Amazon online stores in
Australia, Brazil, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates, bringing the total to 17 countries, the company announced Monday night. Launched last year, the program is already available in the U.S., UK, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Japan, India, Mexico, and Canada.

Amazon says more than 10,000 brands, ranging from small companies to large global retailers, have enrolled in the program, which gets its name from Amazon’s stated goal of zero counterfeit products on its platform. The company cited the examples of Arduino, BMW, ChessCentral, LifeProof, OtterBox, Salvatore Ferragamo, and Veet as participants.

Justice Department Acts To Shut Down Over 300 Fraudulent Websites Exploiting The Covid-19 Pandemic

Walmart and Instacart partner for same-day U.S. delivery in fight against Amazon’s Whole Foods

Lowe's Expands Supply Chain Network, Announces Opening of Second Direct Fulfillment Center







Carson, CA: CHP makes arrest to break up ring it says stole $710,000 in merchandise
California Highway Patrol officers on Tuesday, Aug. 11, took one man into custody tied to a retail theft ring while still searching for two other suspects believed to have been involved in more than 90 smash-and-grab robberies this year in Southern California and elsewhere, authorities said. The three suspects netted about $710,000 in stolen property from stores in Orange, Riverside, Los Angeles, San Bernardino and San Diego counties as well as in Arizona and Nevada, CHP Sgt. Jim Kelley said. Donning helmets and tactical gear, CHP officers raided a home in the 15900 block of Orchard Avenue in the Harbor Gateway area of Los Angeles, where they found some stolen property inside, Kelley said.

Portland, OR: Woman arrested in connection with jewelry store looting
Police arrested one of the suspects accused of looting a jewelry store during a demonstration that turned into a riot in downtown Portland on May 29. Shalynn King was arrested on a warrant on Monday. King participated in a demonstration on May 29 that continued into May 30. During the demonstration, a group of people had broken into businesses, including Kassab Jewelers. Their font glass door was broken, and looters entered he store and stole jewelry, police said.
The company owners said several hundred thousand dollars’ worth of inventory was taken. According to court documents, King is also accused of breaking into a Rite Aid on Southwest Alder Street and stealing cigarettes. King gave police the only stolen ring she had, worth $2,990, and said she sold the other rings, according to court documents.

Virginia Beach, VA: 4 wanted after over $18,000 worth of merchandise, laptops stolen
Virginia Beach Police are seeking the public's help in locating four people who allegedly stole approximately $18,000 worth of merchandise between two stores. According to police, Office Supply Store on First Colonial was performing their inventory check and discovered six laptops, still in the box, were missing. The laptops were valued over $3,000. Hours before at Sporting Goods Store on Independence Blvd. The suspects took approximately $15,000 in store merchandise.

Laredo, TX: Man accused of repeatedly stealing from hardware store; over $3,000 worth of merchandise
Laredo Police arrested Raul Nieto Jr. in the case and charged him with theft of property. The case unfolded on July 21st when authorities were called out to a store located at the 5700 block of San Bernardo. Police met with an employee who stated that a man had walked into the store on multiple occasions and made off with over $3,000 worth of items. Five days later, the culprit allegedly returned to the same store and selected a Bosch Hammer Drill and attempted to walk out of the store without paying for it. A loss prevention specialist called the police and stated that this man was the same person who stole from the store earlier that week.






Shootings & Deaths

Eastpointe, MI: One dead following Speedway shooting, possibly over face mask dispute; 2 arrested
Eastpointe Police have two people in custody in connection with the fatal shooting of a young man that may have been the result of an argument over wearing a face mask. The incident happened about 9 p.m. Tuesday at the Speedway gas station on the 15100 block of 10 Mile Road, east of Hayes Road.

Miramar, FL: Man Killed in Shooting Inside C- Store; was a mistake between friends, store owner says
Detectives are investigating after a man was fatally shot early Tuesday morning at the Countyline Shop & Save in Miramar. According to store owner Eddie Mustafa, two friends were at the store when one pulled out a gun from his waistband very casually and held it while chatting with his friend and leaning on a game machine. Mustafa said the gun went off and the shooter initially tried to help the victim, but ultimately panicked and fled the scene. “There was no arguments. They were friends. They were standing side by side and it seems like it was just an accidental thing,” Mustafa said.

Columbia, MO: Police investigate after man shot at Columbia Mall
KOMU 8 confirmed on the scene of the incident a man was shot on Tuesday at the Columbia Mall. The shooting occurred in the parking lot of the mall in front of Level Up Entertainment, according to CPD public information officer Brittany Hilderbrand. Officials found several shell casings. More than 100 people were on the premises, according to the release.

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Chicago, IL: Police Nab Suspected Looting Crew In Box Truck
Chicago police say they might have caught a looting crew Monday night as suspects were preparing for more thefts — one night after looters ransacked downtown and River North stores. Chicago Police Cmdr. Matthew Cline said some of his officers spotted a rented box truck at Grand and Clark matching the description of the trucks that some looters used to haul away stolen goods early Monday. The officers heard movement in the back of the truck, opened it, and found two people inside, he said. One suspect had a handgun with several rounds of ammunition, and when the driver of the truck got out police found another handgun, Cline said. There were no stolen goods in the truck, but there were burglary tools including a grinder, screwdrivers, pry bars and sledgehammers, he said. Investigators are checking video of the looting to see if they can spot the truck and link it to any of the thefts. Cline says the arrests also show that Chicago police continue looking for those responsible for the looting and will bring any they find to justice.

St. Petersburg, FL: Police arrests man for living at inside downtown soccer stadium; theft of $1250 in food and merchandise
Officers arrested Daniel Albert Neja for burglary on Monday. According to an arrest affidavit, Neja was staying in a suite at Al Lang Stadium. "A cleaning crew went into one of the suites that had not been used in a while and they noticed it looked like somebody living there," said Yolanda Fernandez with the St. Pete PD. The soccer stadium is home to the Tampa Bay Rowdies. Neja was inside the stadium and had access to merchandise storage areas and stole multiple different types of clothing worth $1,043. He also made entry into the food storage areas and consumed about $250 in drinks.

Honolulu, HI: Burglars target multiple shoe and streetwear stores within a span of a week

Newark, DE: Troopers Investigating Robbery At Apple store in The Christiana Mall

Seymour, IN: Four Suspects Arrested In Armed Robbery Of AT&T Store

Albany, NY: Five Arrested in Connection with Nationwide Gas Station Skimming Scheme



AT&T – Seymour, IN – Armed Robbery
Apple – Newark, DE – Robbery
C-Store- Columbia, SC – Robbery
C-Store – Sandy Township, PA – Robbery
Clothing – Honolulu, HI – Burglary
Dollar General – Bakersfield, CA – Burglary
Family Dollar – Richmond, VA – Burglary
Guns – El Paso, TX – Burglary
Jewelry – Fort Myers, FL – Robbery
Jewelry – Memphis, TN – Robbery
Jewelry – Yorktown Heights, NY – Robbery
Liquor – Santa Clarita Valley, CA – Robbery
Liquor – Santa Clarita Valley, CA – Robbery (2 of 2)
Marijuana – Chicago, IL – Burglary
Pawn – Albany, GA – Burglary
Restaurant – Las Cruces, NM – Burglary
Restaurant – Tucson, AZ – Robbery (McDonalds)
Shoes – Honolulu, HI - Burglary
Sprint – Wilmington, DE – Burglary
Walgreens – San Bernardino County, CA – Armed Robbery
7-Eleven – Woodbridge, VA – Armed Robbery
7-Eleven – Woodbridge, VA – Armed Robbery (2 of 2)

Daily Totals:
• 13 robberies
• 9 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed

Click to enlarge map



Carl Wehrspaun named Territory Loss Prevention & Safety Manager for Goodwill Industries of Central Florida


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It only takes 7 seconds to make a first impression. With a job on the line, the pressure to immediately impress is even more intense. No wonder everyone can get frustrated.

The good news is that no matter what goes wrong -- you go to the wrong building, you spill water, you mispronounce the company name -- it's all about how you recover. The first rule is -- relax, take a deep breath and make a joke about it. Humility, honesty and calming down is the key to showing the employer that even when you're under pressure, you'll react the right way. Think about this before your interview because if something does happen you won't have time to think.

Just a Thought,




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