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The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

Theft Arrests Triple in Philly

Retail theft arrests have nearly tripled this year as Philly police, DA Krasner overhaul approach to tackling the crime

District Attorney Larry Krasner quietly shelved a controversial policy in how his office handled some retail theft cases.

Philadelphia law enforcement has overhauled its approach to enforcing retail theft in recent months, shifting prosecutorial policies and eligibility for a diversion program amid a significant uptick in arrests for the crime.

More people have been arrested and charged with retail theft so far this year than at any other point since 2017, data show. Arrests in the first six months of this year are nearly triple the number reported during the same period in 2023 — and exceed the total in 2022 and 2021 combined, data show.

The more stringent enforcement approach comes as Mayor Cherelle L. Parker has tasked Philadelphia police with cracking down on quality-of-life crimes, including theft, the reports of which have risen starkly since 2021.

The shift began earlier this year, when District Attorney Larry Krasner quietly shelved the controversial policy on how his office handles many retail theft cases. The policy, instituted in 2018, mandated that, in cases where the stolen goods were valued at less than $500, the offender be issued a summary offense, akin to a traffic ticket.

On reflection, Krasner said, “I don’t think it’s the best approach.” He added that each case is complex and should be reviewed individually.

Then, last month, the Philadelphia Police Department also quietly changed the policies around its signature diversion initiative, so that people arrested for retail theft are no longer eligible to go through the program.

In a statement, the police department said “there are far too many individuals who believe that they can walk into a store and take whatever they want without consequence,” leading to financial losses and concerns over safety for business owners.

It’s time for a reset, and we need to move into an enforcement posture,” the department said.

Theft-Prevention Market is Surging Amid Crime Spike
Retail theft prevention is a booming business
Retail theft crimes in Kings County remain well below peak highs recorded a decade ago, but the threat of destruction to property, loss of revenue and increasing insurance rates is leading to a booming business in theft-prevention devices.

According to data compiled by the Public Policy Institute of California, retail theft, which includes shoplifting and smash-and-grab robberies, has declined by an average of 47% since 2014 in California counties with a population between 100,000 and 200,000 residents.

While these types of property crimes have made headlines, the majority of increases in retail theft in the state are in highly-populated areas including the Bay Area, Los Angeles and Sacramento, all three of which rank in the top-10 nationally and have seen rising numbers of crimes reported.

A report by Yahoo Finance shows that the smart personal safety and security market is anticipated to grow by more than 8% over the next four years. The industry currently has a nationwide value of $41 billion. The segment includes everything from wearable technology to security cameras and similar smart technology. The reports states that the western U.S. is the dominant player in sales of smart security technology.

Locally, petty theft is surging according to Hanford Chief of Police Stephanie Huddleston. She said that a recent state law change that increased the dollar amount of stolen goods to warrant felony charges has led to an increase in petty theft.

Heightened attention to theft has led some business owners to invest in better security. This can include things like better cameras, alarm systems, and reinforced glass windows. In some cases it can lead to drastic measures, including products that produce smoke, fog, or even emit tear gas.

Huddleston recommended that businesses installing security cameras should find a high-quality system that produces clear images. Higher-resolution systems make it easier for law enforcement to identify suspects. Inexpensive, low-resolution cameras often result in images that are unusable for identifying suspects because key details such as facial features are unreadable.

Egel said he is seeing businesses layering security to include external cameras, internal cameras, reinforced access points, and also using the fogging system.

Security Guards Are Still Key to Fighting Retail Crime
Retailers Implementing New Security Measures Because of Rising Theft

Retailers are implementing new security measures to combat rising theft that including retaining private security guards.

Retailers are implementing new security measures to combat rising theft that include retaining private security guards, says Access Patrol Services (APS), a security guard company serving California and Arizona.

While retailers including Target, Walmart, Burger King, In-N-Out, Nordstrom and Macy’s have announced store closures due to increases in crime, others are hiring guards, locking up more of their merchandise and having employees take a more active role in theft prevention.

“Requiring employees to help in the fight against shoplifting is not the answer. Instead, strategically adding security guards deters thieves from stealing and eliminates the need to put store employees in harm’s way,” says Fahim Abid, security director for APS. “Security guards are specifically trained to address store theft—from individual shoplifters to retail crime rings. Store employees aren’t.”

Guards patrol store entrances, registers/checkout areas and around merchandise most targeted by thieves (jewelry, cosmetics, electronics and clothing). They monitor merchandise deliveries and storage areas.

According to the National Retail Federation, U.S. retailers are on track to lose $132 billion from theft in 2024. “Security guards should be part of most retailers’ budget, especially retailers that have been repeatedly targeted,” says Abid.

Backlash After City Attorney Tries to Punish Target for Reporting Theft
California Capital Targets Target – OpEd
California’s 2014 “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act  (Prop 47),” so named by then-Attorney General Kamala Harris, transformed a number of felonies into misdemeanors, including thefts of property valued at under $950. Sacramento’s city attorney has warned Target that the retail chain could face public nuisance charges due to phone calls to police to report theft from one of its stores in the California capital.

A measure to reform Proposition 47, the Homeless, Drug Addiction and Theft Reduction Act, has qualified for the November ballot. Now-Gov. Newsom scrapped plans for a competing ballot measure and instead supports a raft of bills he thinks will do the job. Newsom, who is not a lawyer, has yet to speak out on Sacramento’s threat to fine Target for reporting theft.

According to the California Globe, in organized retail theft Los Angeles ranks first, Oakland second and Sacramento seventh. The Sacramento city attorney’s effort to criminalize Target for reporting theft could be a first, and for the Globe’s Katy Grimes, “We have officially entered George Orwell’s 1984.”

So-called “property crime” affects the people who own the stolen property, and drives up prices for consumers, so “people crime” might be more accurate. There’s no question that it’s totally out of control in the Golden State.

California Proposition 36, the measure to fix Prop. 47, will be on the November ballot.

Retail & Law Enforcement Partnerships Continue to Bust Thieves
Sacramento: Sheriff’s Office and Target Collaborate in Retail Theft Operation
The County Sheriff’s Office, in collaboration with Target Asset Protection Specialists, recently conducted an operation to enforce laws against theft and other retail crimes at a local Target store.

Plain-clothed Sheriff’s Detectives and Target Asset Protection Agents monitored suspects inside and outside the store. The operation resulted in the arrest and citation of 50 individuals, nine of whom were minors.

Four individuals with outstanding warrants were booked into the Sacramento Main Jail. During the operation, Sheriff’s Detectives engaged in two foot pursuits while apprehending suspects. This initiative highlights the ongoing efforts to combat retail theft and ensure public safety.

Deschutes Co., Oregon Asks For State Grant To Combat Organized Retail Theft

CVS shoppers frustrated over policy forcing shoppers to push multiple buttons


Safety Culture Starts at the Top
Building a Safety-First Culture

Building a safety-first culture in the workplace is crucial for reducing incidents, improving productivity, and ensuring long-term business success.

In 2022, there were over 5,000 deaths in the workplace, and private industry employers reported 2.8 million non-fatal workplace injuries and illnesses. On a financial level, employers in the United States are paying over $1 billion a week in direct worker’s compensation.

When a safety incident happens in the workplace, it’s almost always due to human behavior, and it’s almost always preventable. Safety needs to be culture-driven. Everything that happens or doesn’t happen on a job site is driven by culture, whether leaders think they have one or not.

Safety Culture Starts from the Top

Creating a safety-first culture can have massive benefits, including fewer at-risk behaviors, lower incident rates, lower employee turnover, lower absenteeism and higher employee productivity. Managers should understand that implementing, communicating, and understanding a deep safety culture is essential for future success.

The most important building block for a safety-first culture is the understanding that it must start at the top. This requires a mindset shift among leaders. Safety should be thought of as a revenue driver, not a cost-center.

Common Challenges:

Retail Vacancy 'Crisis' Started Well Before COVID
COVID Isn’t to Blame for the Retail Vacancy Crisis

A drop in demand for retail space began well before the seismic shifts of the pandemic.

In an article for Slate, Leah Brooks and Rachel Meltzer describe how the retail vacancy crisis began well before the COVID pandemic that accelerated it.

According to the authors, “Since 2012, almost a decade before we can attribute any decline to COVID, the amount of newly leased retail square feet flatlined and even declined in some cities. Also since 2012, retail rents have flattened or declined, and retail spaces sit empty longer between tenants.”

The article asserts that most cities’ zoning codes call for too much retail, leading to inevitable vacancies. This is in part “Perhaps because zoning for ground-floor retail is practically an act of faith among urban planners,” who operate on the belief that mixed-use zoning with ground-floor retail leads to vibrant, walkable neighborhoods. “However, the benefits from this type of planning are nullified when those storefronts sit vacant. Streetscapes pockmarked with dark windows and sidewalks with less foot traffic and fewer eyes can invite illicit and unsafe activity and may even suppress demand for living near those corridors.”

As online shopping and remote work continue to grow, there is no foreseeable resurgence in brick-and-mortar retail, the authors argue. Planners should focus on concentrating retail near transit hubs and mixed-use developments while allowing for residential conversions of spaces where it makes sense.

S&P downgrades Walgreens, citing struggles in both pharmacy and retail
S&P Global Ratings analysts have downgraded Walgreens Boot Alliance by two notches, to ‘BB’ from ‘BBB-’, which puts the drugstore company into speculative-grade territory.

The company is struggling in its retail business as well as its pharmacy operations, they said in a Friday client note. In the U.S., margins are taking a hit on the pharmacy side from reimbursement pressure and on the retail side from declining sales volume and higher shrink. They expect Walgreens’ S&P Global Ratings-adjusted EBITDA margin to decline more than 100 basis points this fiscal year, dipping below 5%, from 6% last year, though the company’s cost cuts will counter that somewhat.

Ross Stores adds 24 new locations in 2 months

Cooler UK weather chills retail sales in June


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Stream the Season 1 Finale Now!

'Retail Crime Uncovered' Podcast Presented by Sekura Global

It's incredible to think that we are 20 episodes into the Retail Crime Uncovered podcast, and wow, what a journey! In this special season finale, Emmeline revisits the best of the interviews and maps out the key learnings from industry experts, police and, of course, offenders themselves. From ORC to tagging, self-service to guarding, this episode is jam packed with the latest thought leadership and innovative practice. If there is one place to go for a roundup of LP / AP news and developments over the last 12 months, you've got it right here!

The fascinating podcast hosted by
Emmeline Taylor, Professor of Criminology supported by Sekura Global. Retail theft insights from leading crime and loss experts, shop staff and policing bodies. Hard-hitting interviews with ex-offenders and retail criminals.

Stream All Episodes Here






Impact of Global IT Outage Will Be Felt 'For Years'
The reliance on too few vendors has created "fragile systems," where a "... single glitch results in a system-wide outage."

Fallout From Faulty Friday CrowdStrike Update Persists

Historic IT outage expected to spur regulatory scrutiny, soul-searching over "monoculture" of IT infrastructure — and cyberattack threats.

Echoes of the July 19 CrowdStrike glitch are likely to reverberate across the industry for years to come. For now, IT teams remain focused on slogging through a labor-intensive recovery.

But recovery is just the beginning. What's sure to follow is a barrage of regulatory oversight, hard feelings among the IT community, and a tough reminder that even a small slip-up in a software update can have catastrophic global consequences.

Cyber adversaries have also started to circle, eyeing an opportunity.

The faulty sensory configuration update to the Falcon Platform was released on July 19 at 4:09 UTC, according to CrowdStrike. Once the CrowdStrike update was pushed out, it triggered widespread Microsoft outages across CrowdStrike's 29,000 customers who rely on the company's software for cybersecurity endpoint detection and response (EDR). CrowdStrike's customers include retailers Target and Amazon, tech giants Alphabet and Intel, as well as many other household company names. When they tried to log on Friday morning, employees at some of the world's largest organizations were left staring at the dreaded blue screen of death. Airports, banks, hospitals, governments — there were few sectors spared the fallout — paralyzing the world's economy and causing panic.

As CrowdStrike claws out of this incident, the company is likely to face a whirlwind of scrutiny. The wisdom of rampant consolidation of software vendors is also likely to be examined, Andy Ellis, operating partner at YL Ventures, tells Dark Reading.

By Friday afternoon, Federal Trade Commission chair Linda Khan seemed to make reference to the CrowdStrike outage on social media and noted the reliance on too few vendors has created "fragile systems," where a "... single glitch results in a system-wide outage."

Beyond lost profits and hours of work needed in the aftermath of the CrowdStrike outage, adversaries are already trying to capitalize. Both CrowdStrike's CEO George Kurtz and CISA warned that scammers are looking to take advantage of the chaos.

Scrambling to Recover
Microsoft releases tool to speed up recovery of systems borked by CrowdStrike update
Microsoft is, understandably, doing everything it can to speed up worldwide recovery from the issue, has deployed hundreds of Microsoft engineers and experts to work with customers to restore services, and is collaborating with CrowdStrike.

CrowdStrike has helped us develop a scalable solution that will help Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure accelerate a fix for CrowdStrike’s faulty update. We have also worked with both AWS and GCP to collaborate on the most effective approaches,” Weston explained.

Microsoft has also released a recovery tool that can be downloaded and used by IT admins to make the repair process less time-consuming.

The tool provides two repair options.

The first one – Recover from WinPE (Preinstallation Environment) – does not require local admin privileges, but requires the person to manually enter the BitLocker recovery key (if BitLocker is used on the device).

The second one – Recover from safe mode – may allow recovery without entering the BitLocker recovery keys.

Developers Lack 'Essential Knowledge' for Secure Software
One-third of dev professionals unfamiliar with secure coding practices
Attackers consistently discover and exploit software vulnerabilities, highlighting the increasing importance of robust software security, according to OpenSSF and the Linux Foundation. Despite this, many developers lack the essential knowledge and skills to effectively implement secure software development.

Survey findings outlined in the report show nearly one-third of all professionals directly involved in development and deployment — system operations, software developers, committers, and maintainers — self-report feeling unfamiliar with secure software development practices. This is of particular concern as they are the ones at the forefront of creating and maintaining the code that runs a company’s applications and systems.

“Time and again we’ve seen the exploitation of software vulnerabilities lead to catastrophic consequences, highlighting the critical need for developers at all levels to be armed with adequate knowledge and skills to write secure code,” said David A. Wheeler, director of open source supply chain security for the Linux Foundation.

“Our research found that a key challenge is the lack of education in secure software development. Practitioners are unsure where to start and instead are learning as they go. It is clear that an industry-wide effort to bring secure development education to the forefront must be a priority,” added Wheeler.

What is CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity company behind the global Microsoft outages?

Cyber insurance 2.0: The systemic changes required for future security



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AI-Enhanced Checklists

Effectively onboarding employees is crucial for their success on your team. Enhance your process by creating a comprehensive checklist of essential topics with the help of AI. Use the prompt: "Create an onboarding checklist for new hires in our Loss Prevention department."

Watch this space on Tuesdays for more of
'Tom's Tek Tips - AI & ChatGPT Prompts'








Amazon's First-Ever Joint Lawsuit Against Fake Review Brokers
Amazon and the Better Business Bureau file a joint lawsuit to fight fake reviews

The action marks Amazon’s first-ever joint lawsuit against fake review brokers.

Consumer reviews have become an essential part of the shopping experience, providing valuable insights that help customers make informed purchase decisions. For this reason, Amazon is committed to ensuring the trustworthiness of consumer reviews worldwide.

However, an illicit “fake review broker” industry has emerged, where fraudulent businesses facilitate fake reviews in an attempt to mislead consumers. These fake reviews undermine trust in the reviews experience, which harms customers and sellers alike. Amazon invests significant resources to proactively stop fake reviews. This includes using machine-learning models and expert investigators to ensure that every review in its store is authentic, and taking legal action against fake review brokers worldwide to stop fake reviews at the source.

Amazon is continuing its fight against fake reviews by filing a joint lawsuit with the Better Business Bureau (BBB)—and its mission is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust—against an illegitimate business called The owners and operators of the website attempted to sell fake positive reviews to bad actors for publication on Amazon product listing pages or BBB business profile pages. They used fake customer accounts to post inauthentic positive reviews to misleadingly inflate a product or business’s rating and ranking. The lawsuit was filed in the federal U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington under case number: 24-2-16106-6 SEA.

“Amazon is committed to ensuring reviews remain a trustworthy, insightful resource for consumers worldwide and we have zero tolerance for any attempts to mislead our customers through fake reviews,” said Claire O’Donnell, Amazon’s director of Selling Partner Trust & Store Integrity. “We’re grateful for the collaboration with the Better Business Bureau to hold these fake review brokers accountable for their deceitful actions. This lawsuit sends a clear message to bad actors that Amazon will use all available means to preserve the authenticity of product reviews.”

Both Amazon and the BBB have clear policies prohibiting fake reviews. Amazon invests significant resources to stop fake reviews, and proactively blocked more than 250 million suspected fake reviews from its store in 2023. This joint legal action seeks to shut down ReviewServiceUSA's deceptive operations, preventing them from facilitating fake reviews targeting Amazon’s store, the BBB, and other legitimate companies and organizations.

62 Minutes Of Online Shopping Per Week
Americans spend 54 hours per year online shopping
Americans are so focused on saving money that four in 10 are more likely to bring up a recent spend in conversation if they scored a good deal on it — so they can brag about their find. That’s according to a new survey of 2,000 general population Americans, which revealed 42% want to chat about their great finds.

Nationwide, the average respondent spends 62 minutes shopping online each week — adding up to about 54 hours per year. Within this, the survey revealed that for 52% of respondents, their online shopping habit has increased in the past year. While online shopping, 71% said the most important thing is the item’s price, even more so than the product’s quality (46%).

And with price as the most important factor, six in 10 Americans surveyed “always” or “often” look for a promotion code or other offer before checking out with an online purchase.

Wayfair’s First Name-Branded Physical Store Embraces Online Shopping

Amazon CEO: Here’s the No. 1 thing most bosses get ‘wrong’ at work










Newcastle, CA: Thief cuts hole into Placer County gun store and steals more than 50 handguns
A thief stole dozens of handguns after cutting a hole into a Newcastle gun shop early Monday morning, the Placer County Sheriff’s Office said. One person was captured on camera during the burglary at Foothill Firearms on Taylor Road. The suspect took more than 50 handguns, put them in two duffel bags and then left in a car, the she riff’s office said. No ammunition was taken. The sheriff’s office said the thief started making a hole in the outside of the building around 1:20 a.m. and got into the building sometime before 4 a.m. The thief set off the alarm system as they were leaving, and that's when deputies were called in, the sheriff's office said. There is no suspect description or vehicle information at this time. An owner of the gun shop told KCRA 3 they have a seventeen-camera surveillance system that they hope will help investigators find the thief.

Jasper, TX: Alleged thieves rob Jasper convenience store, drag Good Samaritan from car as they escape
The Jasper Police Department is asking for help identifying a group of young people who brazenly stole beer from a convenience store on July 11. To compound an already bad situation, as the alleged thieves made their escape, a good Samaritan attempted to stop them. The good Samaritan tried to hold onto the car as the group clambered in and sped away, causing the person to be drug through the parking lot.

Washington DC: Man arrested with nearly $4K of stolen Lululemon merch in car
A D.C. man is behind bars after police found nearly $4,000 worth of stolen Lululemon merchandise in his car during a traffic stop. According to police, the suspect was pulled over in the 3400 block of 12th Street, Northeast, on July 20 after an officer saw him commit a traffic violation. When officers stopped the driver, later identified as 30-year-old Charles Mitchell-Baynes, they noticed his car was packed with women’s workout gear. Further investigation revealed that Mitchell-Baynes had at least $3,800 worth of Lululemon products in his car, as well as illegal substances and paraphernalia. He was arrested and charged with felony receiving stolen property and possession with intent to distribute marijuana.

Glendale, AZ: Valley man accused of stealing ammunition from Bass Pro Shops in covered baby carrier
An 18-year-old Buckeye man is accused of stealing ammunition from a West Valley sporting goods by hiding it inside a covered baby car seat and posting it online for sale. According to court documents, surveillance video captured footage of the 18-year-old and another man inside the Bass Pro Shops store in Glendale in October 2023. The 18-year-old was reportedly seen concealing more than $1,000 worth of ammunition in a baby car seat and walking out of the store without paying.

Lexington, KY: Trio accused of stealing nearly $4k in merchandise from Best Buy

New Britian Township, PA: Woman 'manipulated' supermarket staff, walks out with $1,000 of activated gift cards






Shootings & Deaths

Birmingham, AL: Store clerk charged with murder in deadly shooting of customer at Birmingham gas station
A Birmingham store clerk has been charged with murder in the weekend shooting death of a customer after a dispute inside the store. Quajae Dasion Ellis Ware, 22, is charged with murder in the Saturday slaying of 54-year-old Richard Allen Judkins. About 4:45 p.m., Ware walked up to a sergeant at the East Precinct and said he had just shot someone nearby, at the Murphy USA outside Walmart on Roebuck Plaza Drive. Police rushed to the gas station and found Judkins unresponsive on the floor. Fire medics pronounced him dead on the scene. Sgt. LaQuitta Wade said police had received calls at 4:44 p.m. of an irate customer inside the store. Officers were about to be dispatched when Ware showed up at the precinct. Multiple calls then started coming in reporting a physical altercation followed by shots fired in the gas station. The gunfire shattered the glass on the store’s door. There were other customers in the store at the time, but nobody else was injured. Authorities said the argument between the two men was not store-related. Ware, of Birmingham, was booked into the Jefferson County Jail 5:51 p.m. Sunday. He is being held without bond.

Louisville, KY: Man dead, 2 women injured after shooting outside strip mall
Police are investigating after a man was killed and two women were hurt in a shooting in Old Louisville. LMPD said the shooting happened around 9:30 a.m. Monday in the area of 4th and Oak streets. Police had the parking lot taped off for a strip mall that houses a Dollar General, a laundry mat and a cellphone store. The shooting happened outside, and police said there were people inside at least one of the businesses at the time. LMPD first said a man had critical injuries and two women had serious injuries but non-life-threatening injuries.

Baltimore County, MD: Man shot at Towson shopping center Sunday afternoon
A man was shot Sunday afternoon at a Baltimore County shopping center. County police said officers were called to Loch Raven Boulevard and Taylor Avenue, where a man was shot multiple times. The man was taken to a hospital. An 11 News crew at the scene said the man was shot in front of the T Mobile store. No further information was immediately released as of Monday afternoon.

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Grand Rapids, MI: Man sentenced 15 years for role in kidnapping, theft of 123 guns from Benton Twp. Dunham’s store
A Benton Harbor man is set to spend the next 15 years in prison for his role in a kidnapping and robbery that resulted in the theft of more than 100 guns from a sporting goods store in Benton Township. 25-year-old Dontrell Nance learned his fate in federal court on Monday after pleading guilty to the crime, which made national headlines, back in April. Nance and his brother, 33-year-old Darnell Bishop, were both charged in the theft of 123 guns from the Dunham’s Sports on Napier Avenue last November. As part of his plea agreement, Nance admitted that he and Bishop kidnapped the Dunham’s manager at gunpoint from outside the manager’s home, took him to a second location, and convinced the manager to provide keys and the alarm code for Dunham’s. Nance said he stayed with the manager while Bishop went to the store, returning with the guns packed in two large Yeti coolers. Law enforcement says it has since recovered all the firearms.

Rockford, IL: Chicago man sentenced to 25 years after stealing phones from Rockford store
A Chicago man is sentenced to 25 years in federal prison for the role he played in a string of armed robberies of cell phone stores throughout northern Illinois. Johnathan Byars, 26, and four others robbed six cell phone stores at gunpoint, threatening employees and stealing cash and merchandise. The group robbed stores in Lansing, Bloomington, Rockford, Joliet, Coal City and Mokena. They also tried to rob stores in Aurora and Woodridge. Byars pleaded guilty in 2023 to robbery and firearm charges. The other four have already been sentenced to 7 -12 years.

Indianapolis, IN: 4 arrested after series of robberies at Dollar Tree, Dairy Queen, gas stations

Blount County, TN: Louisville man arrested after 3 armed robberies reported in Blount County within weeks of each other



C-Store – San Antonio, TX – Armed Robbery
C-Store- Youngstown, OH – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Maryville, TN – Armed Robbery
C-Store – San Rafael, CA – Burglary
C-Store- Jasper, TX - Robbery
C-Store- Halfmoon, NY – Robbery
Dollar – Fair Bluff, NC – Armed Robbery
Dollar – Newark, NJ – Armed Robbery
Dollar - Indianapolis, IN – Armed Robbery
Guns – Newcastle, CA – Burglary
Guns – Martinsburg, WV – Burglary
Jewelry – Manchester, NH – Robbery
Jewelry – Vacaville, CA – Armed Robbery
Jewelry – Fort Worth, TX – Robbery
Jewelry – Mishawaka, IN – Robbery
Jewelry – Rancho Cucamonga, CA – Robbery
Liquor – Pinole, CA – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Maryville, TN – Armed Robbery / shot fired
Restaurant – Sioux Falls, SD – Armed Robbery                                                                                              

Daily Totals:
• 16 robberies
• 3 burglaries
• 1 shooting
• 0 killed

Click map to enlarge




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Corporate Risk Manager
Memphis, TN or New Orleans, LA - Posted June 27

Summary of Role and Responsibilities: Proactive approach to preventing losses/injuries, whether they are to our employees, third parties, or customers' valuables. They include cash in transit, auto losses, or injuries; Report all incidents, claims, and losses that may expose the company to financial losses, whether they are covered by insurance or not...

Loss Prevention Specialist
Temple, TX - Posted June 18

The Loss Prevention Specialist identifies various types of losses and thefts, works cross-functionally in a fast-paced environment providing critical guidance to Operations on asset protection and profit improvement initiatives. At The Fikes Companies, our Mission is to build a highly successful company which our employees are proud of, our customers value, and the communities we serve can count on...

Regional Loss Prevention Manager
Indiana - Posted May 9

The Regional Manager of Loss Prevention, Audit & Firearms Compliance is a leadership role that will evaluate and reduce shrink for the stores and facilities assigned in their region by conducting internal and external investigations and resolving all matters that jeopardize or cause losses to the company and its assets. Regional Loss Prevention Managers are also responsible for conducting field audits for store and firearm compliance...

Multi-Store Detective (Pittsburgh Operating Market)
Pittsburgh, PA - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

Multi-Store Detective (Cleveland Operating Market)
Cleveland, OH - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

Multi-Store Detective (Akron/Canton Operating Market)
Akron/Canton, OH - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

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"Something just told me it was the wrong thing to do -- it didn't feel right -- I didn't have a good feeling about it." The subconscious is a very strong silent partner we all have and oftentimes it speaks to us in these phrases. The problem becomes when we over-think things and muffle the most powerful partner we have -- our own minds. Or we allow our closest confidant, our closest friend, or even at times our mentor to change or alter our true feelings. Coming to the right decision with any big issue is difficult and certainly we need the input of our trusted inner circle, and our spouse, but at the end of the day you're the one living with the consequence of your decision and you alone are responsible for it. When the bird on your shoulder is talking, make sure you listen because most mistakes are made when that voice has been muffled.   

Just a Thought,


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