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Q&A with Chris Fowler, Director of Emerging Technologies at ADT Commercial, Part One

We’re seeing a rise in violent incidents at businesses and storefronts across the country. What types of industries/workplaces are most impacted?

Workplace crime and violent incidents can happen anywhere within any organization. We are particularly concerned about the safety of front-line workers – from retail to public transportation to financial services. Employers must step in with better policies and tools to protect their greatest asset: their workforce.

What mistakes are employers making when it comes to creating policies and investing in tools to protect their workforce?

Businesses must pay attention to the issue and take critical steps to implement and enforce better policies and solutions to protect their workforce. The adage, “If you see something, say something,” is no longer enough to manage and prevent violent incidents in public spaces and storefronts. To solve this, employers must continue to assess their existing policies and security programs to see where they can improve, then commit to doing what it takes to make those improvements.

What new technologies are poised to change/improve how we protect public spaces and businesses? How soon until these technologies will be widely available / adopted by businesses?

Technology innovation in this space is happening quickly, focusing on tools to help de-escalate and prevent violent situations.

Part Two Tomorrow: At ADT Commercial, we’re focused on researching and developing three key technologies to support this.

Summer 2023 Weekend Shooting Analysis
America's Crime & Violence Surge Continues

4th of July Weekend: The Most Violent of 2023 So Far
There were 199 shootings, resulting in 54 deaths & 227 injuries from June 30-July 4

The D&D Daily's Big City Weekend Violence Study - Memorial Day to Labor Day

The Daily's annual study analyzes weekend shooting data in 15 major U.S. cities from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend 2023

Starting Memorial Day Weekend, the D&D Daily compiled and analyzed data from 15 major U.S. cities to get a snapshot of summer gun violence.

Over this past extended holiday weekend, from June 30th through July 4th, there were 199 shootings recorded in these 15 big cities, resulting in 54 deaths and 227 injuries.

In total, over the past six weekends, these cities have recorded 774 shootings, resulting in 203 deaths and 820 injuries.

Compared to last summer at this time in the study, total shootings in these cities are up 1%, deaths are down 19%, and injuries are up 2%.

The D&D Daily will continue to track this data throughout the summer to capture the weekend violence trend in our nation's big cities as warm weather typically brings about more crime and violence.

Click here to see the list of incidents per city and follow along each week as this spreadsheet will be updated every Monday.

Read more coverage about America's crime and violence surge in the section directly below

The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact


Was this the most Violent 4th of July Weekend Ever?

Fourth of July holiday weekend marked by at least 17 mass shootings, data shows

At least 17 mass shootings were recorded across the country over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, including a string of deadly incidents that left as many as 18 people dead, data published by the Gun Violence Archive showed.

The shootings were recorded between Friday evening and into the early hours of Wednesday morning, according to the archive, a nonprofit that tracks gun violence in the U.S. and which defines a mass shooting as a single incident in which at least four people, other than the shooter, are shot.

At least 18 people were killed in the string of shootings, with at least 102 others injured, the archive said in a tweet.

In Fort Worth, Texas, three people were killed and eight injured

A  mass shooting in Philadelphia on Monday night left five people dead  and two others wounded

Two Fatally shot 28 others injured after gunfire broke out at a neighborhood block party in Baltimore on Sunday.

Three people were killed and seven others injured following a shooting just before midnight Tuesday in Shreveport, Louisiana

Multiple mass shootings also unfolded in the early hours of Wednesday morning, including a shooting during a block party on Maryland's Eastern Shore that left a 14-year-old boy dead and at least six others injured.

At least nine people, including a child and a teenager, were also injured in a separate shooting in the nation's capital early Wednesday during Fourth of July celebrations,

Mass shootings were also recorded in a number of other states, including Illinois, Indiana, New York, North Carolina, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Oklahoma.


Nationwide Police Shortages - Decreased Response Times & Increased Oversight

The wave of mass shootings over the Fourth of July highlights the challenges police face

A rash of shootings as the U.S. celebrated the Fourth of July is spiking fears in communities across the country and highlighting the challenges police face in preventing such violence as temperatures warm and festivities move outside. Policing such events is a delicate balance for law enforcement, who must weigh the right of revelers to gather with the threat of violence that looms in public and private spaces in a nation awash with guns.

Violence often surges in the summer months, when teens are out of school and there are more social events that can quickly turn deadly when tempers flare. Curfews for young people and increased police presence on the streets are among the strategies cities have historically used to try to combat summer violence.

The gun violence that flared this week in Washington, D.C, Louisiana, Florida, Philadelphia, Texas and Baltimore left more than a dozen dead and almost 60 wounded — including children as young as 2 years old.

The wave of killings came as the Chicago suburb of Highland Park was marking the anniversary of last year’s mass shooting at a Fourth of July parade that left seven people dead. Security was tight at events aimed at honoring those killed, and the day was capped by a drone show instead of fireworks to avoid the noise that could sound like gunfire.


New ORC Law

Wyoming: Five strikes and you’re in: New law makes repeated thefts a felony

A fifth or consecutive theft conviction can now land Wyomingites in prison for up to 10 years, regardless of the stolen goods’ value.

House Bill 112 – Theft-penalty for fifth or subsequent offense went into effect July 1. It was already a felony to steal something worth over $1,000 in Wyoming — or a “firearm, horse, mule, sheep, cattle, buffalo or swine” of any value — but this new law enables a fifth theft conviction to become a felony, regardless of the stolen good’s price. Misdemeanor thefts in Wyoming come with penalties of up to six months in county jail and a $750 fine. In contrast, felony thefts carry prison terms and fines of up to $10,000.

Supporters see it as a way to stop serial offenders, but others view it as harmful to communities and fear an increase in prison crowding.


'Raise the Age' in NY Contributes to the Shoplifting & ORC Epidemic

Ever more teen shooters and victims: Blame Heastie’s Raise the Age

New York’s grimmest July 4th tradition — increased gun violence — continued unabated this year, with a troubling twist: younger victims and equally young shooters.

Over the holiday weekend, gunfire continued to erupt in Big Apple neighborhoods:

In January, The Post’s review of NYPD gun data revealed a spike in gun violence involving under-18 victims — with other youngsters pulling the trigger in most cases

Now that summer has arrived, this troubling trend continues.

NYPD stats show most major crimes are down, including gun violence, but crimes involving teens, such as car thefts and shootings, are rising.

Youth crime spiked while accountability disappeared,” says Staten Island District Attorney Michael McMahon of the Raise the Age law. Albany DA David Soares warns such reforms’ “most devastating impact on black and brown communities.”

Prior to RTA, it seems guns didn’t get into the hands of 15- and 16-year-olds because they faced real prison time if they shot people.

Since RTA passed, New York’s gone from young teens holding guns for older gangbangers to kids blasting away on their own.

“We need our legislators and policymakers to deal with reality and get tough on these young people by restoring consequences for their actions to show them that a crime-free life is not only possible but desirable,” wrote McMahon in The Post last month.

You don’t have to repeal Raise the Age, Mr. Speaker, but you’ve got to face the results and fix it somehow.

The fate of the next generation is at stake.



Fox News Report on June 30, 2023

Residents Say Progressive Policy's Have Led to This

San Francisco crime wave intensifies

Property crimes, on the other hand, have risen sharply since 2019.

"It began after COVID and the just gotten a lot worst in last three or four months."

"Crime is worse than the data shows," Charles "Cully" Stimson, Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow and former prosecutor in San Francisco, told Fox News Digital earlier this year.

Baseball bat-wielding gangs of children are mugging mothers and nannies on the school run in the latest crime wave to hit San Francisco.

Thursday, last week, the police had arrested one minor in connection with the 11 robberies and were searching for the others.

Rafael Mandelman, San Francisco Board of Supervisors, said there are a growing number of children “doing these really awful things”.

“I think, what happened with kids not being in school, I think there may be something going on with that, that we’re going to be experiencing for a while”, he said.

He added: “Those couple of years where school was erratic or non-existent, where everyone was under stress, parents and caregivers were under stress. That was probably impacting vulnerable communities more anyway. Sociologically. who knows what was going on, but I would not be surprised if we are going to be experiencing the lingering impacts of that for a generation.”

Chesa Boudin, a former district attorney, who was ousted last year, introduced policies in office including refusing to prosecute children as adults, aggressively going after police officers who commit crime, and reducing the prison population.

There has been a 11 per cent increase in robberies for the first six months of the year when compared to the same period in 2022.

Violent robberies are being carried out in broad daylight in wealthy enclaves such as Noe Valley, a tight-knit community.

The city’s soft approach on crime has been good at “dismantling the systems” without fixing the underlying problems.

"I don’t think that our interventions for people who are committing petty crimes are particularly effective. I mean, fine, you don’t put people in jail, but what are you doing? Well, if you’re doing nothing, then what’s the outcome going to be? Not great.”


Shoplifting Up 66.6% From 2019 Pre-Pandemic - 2019 2205 cases YTD - 2023 3674 cases YTD

Fairfax Co., VA., Police report shoplifting has increased 41.7% compared to last year

According to data from Fairfax County Police Department, there have been more than 1,000 cases of shoplifting so far this year compared to this time last year in Fairfax County. That is a 41.7 percent increase.

Everything from shopping malls to grocery stores are feeling the impact.

As shared on Facebook, a video posted by a Fairfax County resident shows at least four people storming down an escalator at Tysons Galleria allegedly stealing purses. The Fairfax County Police Department says the suspects allegedly stole items worth $150,000 and fled the store at 11:00 am on May 22nd. The case is still under investigation.


Stockton, CA., Retailer Closing Due to Shoplifting and Crime


‘Evil parasite’: Victims’ loved ones confront El Paso Walmart gunman who killed 23 people

Patrick Crusius, of Allen, faces survivors and victims’ relatives in this border community still shattered by the Aug. 3, 2019, mass shooting, the deadliest attack targeting Hispanic people in the nation’s history.

EL PASO — One by one, in chilling, emotional testimony, the loved ones of the murder victims stared at the killer.

They unleashed their fury.  They called him a coward. A monster. The devil. “You’re an evil parasite,” said Thomas Hoffman, who grieved the loss of his father, Alexander Hoffman. “You are nothing without your weapon.”

Hoffman and others finally had their chance to confront Patrick Crusius, a self-described white nationalist who killed 23 people at an El Paso Walmart in 2019.

Crusius’ sentencing began Wednesday and was expected to last several days. He faced survivors and relatives of victims in this border community still shattered by the Aug. 3, 2019, mass shooting, the deadliest attack targeting Hispanic people in the nation’s history.

Crusius, 24, of Allen, pleaded guilty to federal hate crimes after the Justice Department announced it would not seek the death penalty. On Wednesday, through his attorney, Crusius reserved his right not to address the courtroom until victims’ impact statements are read.

“The federal sentencing stage is the first part of what will likely be a long healing process for this community,” said Pineda, chair of the Department of Communication at The University of Texas at El Paso. “Not only does the public nature of the sentencing allow the community to see Crusius for who he is, the penalty phase will allow many to reach some level of catharsis.” 

Crusius pleaded guilty to 90 federal charges, including hate crimes. He will likely be sentenced to 90 consecutive life sentences, effectively keeping him in prison for the rest of his days.

A total of 12 statements, 10 in person and two in writing, were completed Wednesday. The sentencing hearing will continue Thursday morning.


Retailer's Chairman, CEO, CMO, an Assistant & Chairman's Wife Orchestrated $8M Pump & Dump Scheme

SEC Charges Former Public Company Chairman and Officers in Fraudulent SEC Filings and $8 Million Pump-And-Dump Scheme

SEC imposed $3M in sanctions against Andrew DeFrancesco, the former chairman of Cool Holdings.

DeFrancesco, a Miami Beach, was charged with violating federal anti-fraud provisions in January. The SEC claimed he was the "chief architect" in a scheme to deceive investors about the success of publicly traded electronics retailer Cool Holdings. That included misrepresenting the Miami business' relationship with consumer technology giant Apple.

According to court documents, DeFrancesco allegedly used false information to inflate the value of Cool Holdings' stock. He allegedly sold more than 1.6 million shares of company stock through accounts nominally controlled by his former wife, Catherine DeFrancesco, and other family members, which resulted in proceeds exceeding $8 million, the complaint said.

The pair filed false beneficial ownership reports with the SEC to hide Andrew DeFrancesco's ownership stake in Cool Holdings, prosecutors said. At one point, he reportedly owned 32% of the company's outstanding shares.

Cool Holdings was created in 2018 through the reverse merger of Cooltech Inc. and public company InfoSonics Inc. The business, later renamed Simply Inc., filed for bankruptcy last year and closed its retail locations.

Dec. 2, 2019 Press Release (Fraudulent): Cool Holdings Provides Corporate Update


TSA to expand its facial recognition program to over 400 airports

The Transportation Security Administration is preparing to expand its controversial facial recognition program to around 430 airports over the next “several years” after finding “extremely promising” results from its pilot program.

According to a TSA assessment of a pilot program that’s now under way at 25 airports, the agency has determined that its facial matching algorithms are 97% effective “across demographics, including dark skin tones,” says TSA press secretary Robert Langston, adding that the agency would not be publicly releasing the final results of the tests, which span two years of data.

The pilot program is officially voluntary and uses what’s known as 1:1 facial matching technology to verify that a traveler standing at a checkpoint matches the photo on their physical ID. “The comparison is extremely accurate,” Langston says.

TSA is also running a smaller pilot at two airports of what’s called 1:n facial recognition, which matches a face from a government database of images. That pilot is currently limited to “trusted travelers” like those enrolled in TSA PreCheck, and allows participants to verify their identities without taking out a physical ID at all.

TSA doesn’t retain the details of people’s faces—what’s called biometric data—after the comparison is made. The agency declined to elaborate on what vendors are providing its facial recognition technology.

'Week of Action' Declared by UFCW Union for 100,000 Kroger & Albertsons Employees in 11 States

Grocery Store Workers Protest Merger to "Stop the Merger"

Burbank shoppers saw the latest in the fracas between Kroger and Albertsons Companies’ grocery store employees and consumer groups as Burbank grocery workers rallied outside of Ralphs Thursday in protest of Kroger’s yet-unresolved acquisition of Albertsons.

Warning that a merger of the grocery giants could devastate Burbank families, protesters — who were joined by local elected officials and union officials — hoped to educate shoppers and encourage them to contact the Federal Trade Commission to oppose the merger.

The sentiment is echoed by the American Antitrust Institute, which wrote a letter to the FTC asking the regulator to challenge the merger on the grounds that it is illegal. The letter posited that the merger would lessen competition and tighten the supermarket oligopoly, which would incentivize illegal collusion.

To add to Kroger’s list of woes impending on the merger, a group of 26 customers of Albertsons and/or Kroger have filed suit to block the merger, making similar claims to those written in the AAI letter.

“Over 650 stores across the country are expected to be divested to meet the Federal Trade Commission’s requirements for the merger, and many of those stores will be in Southern California,” Rodriguez said.

The protests in Burbank were part of a “week of action” where grocery workers from UFCW local unions — representing more than 100,000 Kroger and Albertsons employees in 11 states and the District of Columbia — held actions in front of grocery stores to connect with customers about the impacts of the proposed mega-merger and to urge them to contact the FTC to “Stop the Merger.”

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What Should a Chatbot Policy Look Like?

CISO Ian Thornton-Trump on Chatbots and the Need for Human Oversight

Chatbots are widely popular these days, but how secure are they? CISO Ian Thornton-Trump said he is opportunistic about using chatbots but warns that the technology needs oversight and testing to ensure "the responses that it's giving are accurate and the information it's able to access is also pertinent to the questions that are commonly asked."

"A lot of corporate websites are complex beasts with functions and capabilities that reach deep into the businesses and deep into databases," said Thornton-Trump, who advised companies to make sure the technology "is pen-tested, that you're dealing with a reputable company, and that you also have an errors and omissions policy that will cover errors and omissions made by a chatbot or an AI thing."

In this video interview with Information Security Media Group at Infosecurity Europe 2023, Thornton-Trump discussed:

  • The risks and opportunities posed by using chatbots inside organizations;
  • The recent decision by Ireland's Data Protection Commissioner to pause the EU launch of Bard, Alphabet's chatbot, over privacy concerns;
  • What businesses need to think about when using generative AI.



At Cyjax, Thornton-Trump performs real-time analysis of immediate threats and keeps abreast of developing security threats. He previously worked as CTO at Octopi Managed Services. Prior to that, he served with the Military Intelligence Branch of the Canadian Forces, later joining the CF Military Police Reserves and retiring as a public affairs officer. After a year with the RCMP as a criminal intelligence analyst, he began working as a cybersecurity analyst/consultant for multinational insurance, banking and regional healthcare firms. Thornton-Trump teaches cybersecurity and IT business courses for CompTIA as part of its global faculty.


The role for AI in cybersecurity

Where AI can harm security

One of the dangers of generative AI is knowing the origin of information. There are few safeguards in place right now; AI hallucinations, when the technology provides incorrect information, can create real security risks. 

Sometimes generative AI is careful about what it will not share or it doesn’t have enough information to produce a complete answer, and this often results in bias in its answers, according to Chowdhury. 

Security teams need to consider how large language models are trained to not only provide correct information, but also to not disclose sensitive or regulated data. 

Of course, there are no perfect security models, so AI security should be built with the future in mind. Inevitably what AI is taught today will be wrong in the future. That could end up creating security risks if organizations aren’t prepared for the shifts in language and technology.

Merging of ethics and security

There is a misconception that when AI is sharing incorrect information, whether purposefully or by accident, it is automatically a security problem. But that’s not the case.

Ethics and security aren’t the same, Rumman Chowdhury, co-founder of Bias Buccaneers, told an audience at RSA. 

“There’s one very specific distinction: Most of cybersecurity thinks about malicious actors, but a lot of irresponsible AI is built around unintended consequences and unintentionally implementing bad things,” said Chowdhury.

Disinformation is a good example of this. Bad actors will create a malicious deepfake — and a security problem — but if people are sharing them because they believe the information, now you’ve moved into an ethics problem. 

“You have to address both problems,” said Chowdhury. An ethics approach will focus on the context on how something is used, but the security approach is meant to flag any potential problem.


Hackers Steal and Sell Victims' Bandwidth Using Proxyjacking - Resurgence

Attackers List Compromised Servers on Bandwidth-Sharing Platforms for Profit

Cyber crooks are performing server hijacking, or proxyjacking, to make money from the sale of their victims' compromised bandwidth on proxy networks, a new report by security firm Akamai finds.

Proxyjacking involves attackers replacing an authentic webpage to drive traffic to an imitation site. While the tactic has been active for a while, Akamai researchers say that in recent months a growing number of crooks are switching from crimes such as cryptomining and cryptojacking to proxyjacking.

"With proxyjacking, the attacker doesn't just steal resources but also leverages the victim's unused bandwidth," the report's author, researcher Allen West, said. "This allows for the attacker to monetize an unsuspecting victim's extra bandwidth, with only a fraction of the resource load that would be required for cryptomining, with less chance of discovery," says West.

Among hacking groups deploying this technique are Meris and Anonymous Sudan, who are targeting vulnerable secure shell protocols or SSH servers to gain remote access. The hackers then stealthily assign the compromised networks to proxy network services on bandwidth-sharing platforms such as Peer2Proxy or Honeygain, which pays its users for sharing their unused internet bandwidth.








Don't Forget to Vote!

We'd greatly appreciate if you would nominate Sapphire Risk Advisory Group in the categories of "Cannabis Consulting Firm of the Year" and "Cannabis Training & Education Services of the Year"

The top-5 nominees in each category will move on to the finals where the winners will be chosen based on a public voting round along with judging by industry-leaders

The winners will be announced on stage at The Pearl Theater at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas on November 30, 2023

Nominations close July 30, 2023


The Evolving Cannabis Security Landscape
Commercial Security Meets the Needs of Evolving Cannabis Industry
The shifting legal landscape aside, the dynamic increase in legal cannabis businesses represents a new growth market for commercial security providers, along with responsibilities for integrators to apply their professional expertise in risk assessment, project management, and innovative technologies to implement code-compliant systems that best protect these emerging, high-risk enterprises.

AdvertisementCash Businesses

Until federal legislation is passed to ease banking restrictions, most cannabis dispensaries are forced to remain cash-heavy operations. Dealing in a high-demand, highly regulated product like cannabis increases the potential for armed robbery and burglary, as well as internal theft, tampering, counterfeiting, organized retail crime, and even espionage. Therefore, the need is urgent for these cannabis businesses to seek experienced security, fire, and life safety professionals to evaluate risks with a critical eye on the specific type of operation - whether that be a dispensary, manufacturing site, or cultivation facility.

Licensing - Don't Go There Alone

Before the conversation about security, fire, and life safety solutions can begin, cannabis businesses must first become licensed to operate in their city and state by meeting compliance standards and navigating the extremely complicated and competitive licensing process. As independent-spirited entrepreneurs, new cannabis business owners may be accustomed to making decisions and doing things on their own. So, it may be unusual for them to seek professional guidance for the rigorous, detailed security requirements mandated by licensing authorities. This is where identifying a trusted security partner is absolutely critical.

Safety Training, Compliance, & Security Interwoven | Innovation Systems to Improve Business Operations | Preparing for the Future Today:

The Politics of the Legal Cannabis Effort
The push for legal weed faces hostile ground in red states

Legalization efforts are increasingly focused on staunchly conservative states more resistant to loosening marijuana rules.

Weed legalization advocates are running out of friendly territory. The movement has swept the country over the last decade: Nearly half of Americans now live in a state where anyone at least 21 years old can legally possess and purchase marijuana.

Legal weed sales are slated to top $35 billion this year — and are expected to surpass $70 billion by 2030, according to New Frontier Data.

Since December, five new recreational markets have launched, including New York, Missouri and Maryland, where sales began on Saturday. Those states alone added 37 million people to the legal weed column.

But that’s left plenty of holdouts — overwhelmingly in more conservative territory, particularly in the deep South. And there are increasing signs of a legalization backlash in deep red America: Voters in four states — Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Dakota and South Dakota — have rejected adult-use referendums in the last nine months. Every county in Oklahoma voted against a March referendum that would have legalized possession and sales for adults.

Skittles maker Wrigley settles with cannabis company over trademark

Purple weed could save California’s pot farms from ‘severe’ pathogen














Memphis: Dozens arrested for alleged roles in retail theft ring

The Memphis Police Department has identified an additional 17 suspects in an organized retail theft ring that targeted more than 20 businesses, primarily liquor stores, over the last seven months.

MPD and the Shelby County District Attorney General’s Office announced its Operation Broken Bottles on June 26. During the announcement, officials said 23 people had been arrested for their part in the ring, and an additional 25 people had been identified. Of those, 15 had been indicted.

MPD Chief Cerelyn “C.J.” Davis told The Daily Memphian in a recent interview that the span of the Operation Broken Bottles investigation is “much broader.”

“And the city can expect us to have more indictments,” she said. “We plan to continue to take a deep dive into some of these more organized-crime-type rings that are attacking our business owners or retail establishments, and sometimes even breaking into vehicles that are organized crime as well.”

Toronto: Man arrested following $150K+ organized retail thefts across GTA

Vasile-Ilie Costache, 36, of Scarborough, was arrested on June 25. He was charged with five counts of theft under $5,000, possession of property obtained by crime worth over $5,000, and trafficking stolen property.

Halton police have arrested a Scarborough man following a string of organized retail thefts throughout Halton, Peel and Toronto.

Police say these thefts occurred at retail stores between January and June, and included the theft of items such as perfumes, designer clothing and personal hygiene products.

Police searched an undisclosed storage facility and say they seized a “significant” amount of suspected stolen property, estimated to be worth approximately $150,000. Police also seized the Chevrolet Traverse allegedly used to commit the thefts in question.

Ex-con & Two Co-conspirators Arrested after 13 Burglaries of Cell Phone Stores

Las Vegas police: California man allegedly stole $47K worth of cellphones from display stands

Keyshan Rivers, 27, is charged with one count of being part of an organized retail theft ring exceeding $10,000 and 13 counts of burglary to a business. He is currently being held on $10,000 bond.

According to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, between May 24 to June 29, several Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Cricket stores were the target of burglaries carried out by Rivers and another suspect, Bruce Hillary, and a third man only known as “Lawrence.”

Hillary, 64, is charged with burglary of a business and conspiracy to commit burglary. He is being held on a $5,000 bond ahead of his preliminary hearing on July 18.

The police report details that over the course of the 13 burglaries, Rivers, sometimes accompanied by Hillary, would enter the store and rip out the display of cellphones and use wirecutters if necessary before fleeing the scene.

Each time they would make off with several thousand dollars in phones, tablets, smartwatches, and computers. A total of 50 cellphones, most of them iPhones, were stolen.

On June 29 the men were arrested after ripping out a display stand and being seen outside stomping on it in an attempt to remove the phones.

In an interview with police, Rivers told investigators he had recently been released from prison in California and moved to Las Vegas after losing his job.

Rivers said he would give the phones to his ‘cousin’ who in turn sells them at a hardware store parking lot. Rivers would receive $300 each time his ‘cousin’ would sell a stolen device, police stated.

Law enforcement makes key arrest in Central Florida retail fuel thefts investigation

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (FLV) – The Florida Office of Agricultural Law Enforcement arrested a suspect in Kissimmee who officials believe is connected to eight ongoing investigations of fuel theft in Central Florida.

Harold Blanco was seen on surveillance stealing fuel from the fuel pulser dispenser at a RaceTrac station, according to authorities. After law enforcement confronted Blanco, he allegedly fled the scene only to be later on arrested and put in custody.

The recent fuel theft cases arose after the same RaceTrac location began to report fuel shortages due to theft.

Blanco now faces 30 criminal charges from both the Office of Agricultural Law Enforcement and the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office.

He is linked to a spree of retail fuel thefts across central Florida,” Simpson said.

Man Gets 3 Yrs Prison for $35K Vernon aquarium store theft

Wet Pets, located on Hartford Turnpike. 

Two men had broken into the store around 12:30 a.m. and had used the electrical access to turn off the surveillance cameras. However, cutting the power also stopped the aquarium pumps, causing water to spill on the floor, Preville said.

The store's owner reported that over $35,000 worth of merchandise was taken from the store and about $2,000 worth of damage was done as well, according to Preville.

Preville said that police used cellphone location data and DNA evidence to connect Serrano to the theft.

Elburn, IL., Two men charged with felony retail theft of 22 bottles of vodka from Elburn Jewel

Macon, GA: Bibb Sheriff's looking for suspect in Home Depot Armed Robbery.

The Bibb Sheriff's Office is looking for a suspect involved in a robbery at the Home Depot according to a press release. They say it happened around 8 p.m. on Wednesday at the Home Depot on 4635 Presidential Parkway. A man entered the store and put several items into his shopping cart before beginning to walk out of the store, the release says. When an employee spoke to the man he pulled out a gun. The man then fled from the store in a 4 door car. No one was injured.

(video) Honolulu, HI: Brazen thieves caught on camera shoplifting from Home Depot in Honolulu.

Two men are caught on tape loading thousands of dollars in Power tools into 2 shopping carts and rolling out the front doors of a Home Depot in Honolulu

New York, NY: Versace store $3,200 Handbag Robbery on the Upper East Side.

A suspect is in custody, and two are wanted, following a high-end retail robbery in the Versace Store on Madison Avenue on the Upper East Side, the NYPD said.

Tallahassee, FL: Man arrested with 32 criminal charges for alleged retail fuel theft.

A man, who was arrested by Florida's Office of Agricultural Law Enforcement (OALE), is allegedly involved in eight different fuel theft cases across central Florida and faces more than 30 criminal charges. The suspect, 28-year-old Harold Blanco, was taken into custody after a joint operation by the OALE and Osceola County Sheriff's Office (OCSO), a Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services news release said.

The investigation began at a RaceTrac gas station in Kissimmee which reported significant fuel losses from theft.

Halton, Ontario, Canada: Halton theft investigation recovers $150K in stolen merchandise.

One person is facing charges following a six-month Halton Regional Police investigation into the alleged theft of perfumes, designer clothing and personal hygiene products.

The 1 District Criminal Investigations Bureau and Retail Theft Unit initiated an investigation earlier this year into a number of organized retail thefts that occurred throughout Halton, Peel and Toronto.

(video) Arapahoe County, CO: Supermarket employee fired for recording 3 men stealing $500 in laundry detergent.

A Colorado supermarket employee was fired after he recorded three men stealing approximately $500 worth of laundry detergent from the store on Father’s Day. Santino Burrola, the King Soopers employee, was alerted to a theft in progress at the store and the first thing he thought to do was pull out his phone and record it. “When I looked there was already a guy halfway headed out with a food cart full of laundry detergents and scent boosters and what have you,” Burrola told CBS Colorado. “My first instinct, record.”

As Burrola, a former military police officer, walked out of the store, the three thieves hurry to load up a black Chevy Trax, one opening the doors, another throwing a basket full of items into the back seat, and another struggling to unload the full shopping cart.

“Really bro you got to resort to this? The economy isn’t that bad,” Burrola could be heard in the now-viral video shared by the Arapahoe Sheriff’s Office.

Wilkes-Barre Township, PA: Police on the hunt for woman accused of Lego theft spree at local Target store









Shootings & Deaths

Brooklyn Center , MN: Police investigating double fatal shooting outside of TJ Maxx.

Brooklyn Center police are investigating what may be a murder-suicide near a shopping center Monday. At the scene, witnesses told WCCO that a couple inside a store off Shingle Creek Drive got into an argument and walked outside. Witnesses say the man then shot the woman and then shot himself. The police department has confirmed that two adults with gunshot wounds were found dead, one inside a vehicle and the other outside a vehicle. A handgun was recovered at the scene. Police say the incident does not appear random and no arrests have been made.

Houston, TX: Pregnant woman shot when gunfire erupts at liquor store in northwest Houston.

A pregnant woman was shot when gunfire was exchanged at a liquor store in northwest Houston Wednesday night, police said. The case at the 5700 block of Bingle remains under investigation as Houston police work on gathering more information. According to investigators, two masked men, with firearms in hand, got out of a vehicle and approached the liquor store on Bingle. Police said the store clerk saw the suspects on the store's live feed and took out his own gun in self-defense. At some point, gunfire was exchanged, and the woman, who is two months pregnant, was shot three times. The woman was taken to the hospital, where she is stable.

Update: Stamford, CT: New York man sentenced to 30 years for murder of Stamford jeweler.

A New York man was sentenced to federal prison on Wednesday in connection with the robbery and death of a Stamford jeweler in March 2020. Paul Prosano, 63, was sentenced to 30 years in prison followed by three years of supervised release for the death of Mark Vuono. According to documents and statements made in court, on March 28, 2020, at around 2:28 p.m., Stamford police officers responded to Marco Jewelers, which was located at Sixth Street in Stamford. When police arrived at the scene, they found evidence of a robbery and found the storeowner, Vuono, lying on the ground in front of an open safe.

Las Vegas, NV: 1 Dead, 2 Injured In Las Vegas Convenience Store Shooting.

A fatal shooting occurred Saturday night in east Las Vegas, leading to one death and leaving two injured, according to local police. The deceased, Phillip Lewis, 44, was shot outside a 7-Eleven convenience store on Boulder Highway near South Lamb Boulevard. Police arrived on scene shortly before midnight in response to reported gunshots and discovered Lewis with a gunshot wound, along with two other victims. The injured parties were transported to a nearby hospital, though their conditions and the extent of their injuries have yet to be revealed. Eyewitness accounts suggest Lewis was targeted by a black sedan which left the scene immediately after firing. The identity of the other victims, along with the motives behind the shooting, remain undisclosed.

San Antonio, TX: H-E-B Security Guard charged after shooting disruptive customer.

A security guard is facing aggravated assault charges after shooting a man in the leg. Police were called to the South Side H-E-B along Zarzamora just after 7 p.m. on Monday night.

Authorities say Carlos Molina shot the man in the leg as he approached Molina and a fellow security guard outside of the H-E-B. The man had allegedly been bothering customers and causing a disturbance.

New London, CT: A 19-year-old victim was shot inside a convenience store in New London early Wednesday morning.

According to police, they were called to the area of 1 Ocean Ave. around 3 a.m. for the reported shooting. When they arrived, they said they found evidence of a shooting, but no victim. They said they learned that the victim was driven to Lawrence & Memorial Hospital, then transferred to Yale New Haven Hospital, for potential life-threatening injuries.

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

More Than $1.7 Million Stolen From ATMs at Alabama Credit Unions

Alabama federal prosecutors alleged six persons conspired to use ATM skimming devices and covert video cameras to steal funds from members.

In less than a month, the suspects stole more than $1.7 million from Listerhill member accounts. 

A 10-count indictment filed in federal court last week charged Ionut Iamandita, 28, Milena Iamandita, 25, Elena Matei, 18, Florin Matei, 27, Larisa Iordache, 28 and Marius Iordache, 29, with conspiracy to commit bank fraud. Five suspects, except for Marius Iordache, were charged with aggravated identity theft, according the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Northern District of Alabama.

Washington, DC: Police looking for woman who ran over Police Officer after theft in northwest DC.

Police say they are searching for a woman who ran over a Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officer after theft offenses in northwest D.C. on Tuesday.

Police said at around 10:10 a.m., the woman took merchandise from a store in the 2000 block of 8th Street, Northwest. An employee from the store told a uniformed reserved MPD officer in the area but when the officer tried to stop the woman, he was struck by the woman’s vehicle. Police said the woman then left the scene after striking the officer. The officer did not sustain life-threatening injuries, police said

According to police, the woman was driving a black Nissan Versa that displayed a Texas license plate.

Santee, CA: Man surrenders after 7-hour standoff at Walmart.

A man was taken into custody Sunday after a seven-hour standoff at an East County department store, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department said. Shortly after noon, deputies responded to the Walmart located in the 100 block of Town Center Parkway in Santee. According to officials, a 22-year-old man entered the store and climbed on top of the shelving in the sporting goods department. The man armed himself with a workout dumbbell and threatened to use them as a weapon, prompting store employees to contact the sheriff’s department, Lt. Christopher Galve said in a news release.

Independence, LA: TPSO looking for man accused of armed robbery, beating security guard.

The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office is trying to locate and identify a man accused of beating a security guard at the parish landfill before taking her gun and other personal belongings. The suspect also allegedly burglarized the landfill building and several cars. TPSO Chief Jimmy Travis said the crimes occurred at 6:00 a.m. at the Tangipahoa Parish Landfill on Hano Road, where the suspect allegedly beat the female security guard with a pistol.

Vernon, CT: Man sentenced to 3 years in prison for Aquarium store $35,000 theft.

Prosecutor Jaclyn Preville pointed out that Wet Pets, located on Hartford Turnpike, is a family owned business. Serrano's break in and theft greatly impacted the store, including causing it to be shut down for a period, Preville said. According to police, they responded to Wet Pets on the morning of Nov. 29, 2021, after the owner reported that the business's front door and an electrical access door in the back had been pried open.

Police determined that two men had broken into the store around 12:30 a.m. and had used the electrical access to turn off the surveillance cameras. However, cutting the power also stopped the aquarium pumps, causing water to spill on the floor, Preville said.

The store's owner reported that over $35,000 worth of merchandise was taken from the store and about $2,000 worth of damage was done as well, according to Preville. Preville said that police used cellphone location data and DNA evidence to connect Serrano to the theft.

Memphis, TN: More identified in police sting aimed at smash-and-grab burglaries.

Memphis Police said Wednesday that 19 more people have been identified in a sting aimed at capturing burglars who target Memphis liquor stores and other businesses.

On June 26, MPD announced that Operation Broken Bottles, a seven-month investigation aimed at what authorities described as a “mob-like” smash-and-grab business burglaries, resulted in 15 indictments.

Mesa, AZ: Man accused of setting fires at Target, causing more than $5 million in damages

Halton, Canada: Violent Pharmacy Robbery sees 2 employees assaulted.

Halton police say two people were assaulted during the robbery of a Milton pharmacy on Sunday, July 2. At around 6:30 p.m., four suspects wearing face coverings entered Bonafide Compounding Pharmacy went behind the counter and began filling bags with medications and narcotics, police said. It’s alleged that during this robbery one employee was punched in the face multiple times while a second was pushed up against a wall. One of the suspects reportedly referenced having a gun, however, no weapon was actually seen. The four individuals were last seen getting into a waiting vehicle that was driven from the scene by a fifth suspect.

Saskatoon, Canada: Woman violently detained by Saskatoon grocery store guard convicted of theft, assault.

A woman whose violent confrontation with a security guard drew widespread reaction in Saskatoon has been convicted of theft under $5,000 and assault. Annette Custer was charged in April 2021. Court heard during her trial that she put a beef roast in her bag while in the FreshCo grocery store at 33rd Street and Avenue C North, then purchased some other items and exited the store without paying for the roast. Bystander Jade Acikahte recorded a nine-minute video showing the altercation that ensued between Custer and Cameron McMillan, a loss prevention officer working for a company contracted by the store.

Toronto, Canada: Man accused of stealing clothing, threatening loss prevention officer with knife




Daily Totals:
• 17 robberies
• 4 burglaries
• 2 shootings
• 2 killed

Click to enlarge map




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Director of Retail Solutions - North America
Denver, CO - posted April 5

This role will be focused on selling our SaaS retail crime intelligence platform by developing new prospects, and progressing Enterprise level prospects through our sales process. You will report directly to the VP of Retail Solutions - North America, and work alongside our Marketing, Partnerships and Customer Success team to grow our customer base...

Region Asset Protection Manager
Montgomery & Birmingham, Alabama - posted July 5

Responsible for managing asset protection programs designed to minimize shrink, associate and customer liability accidents, bad check and cash loss, and safety incidents for stores within assigned region. This position will develop the framework for the groups’ response to critical incidents, investigative needs, safety concerns and regulatory agency visits...

Regional Manager, Loss Prevention (Western Territory)
Remote - posted June 28

The Regional Loss Prevention Manager is responsible for the control and reduction of shrinkage at the stores in their Territory. Investigate and resolves all matters that jeopardize or cause a loss to the company’s assets. Has ownership for all company related shrinkage programs in their assigned stores.

Regional Manager, Loss Prevention (Central Territory)
Remote - posted June 28

The Regional Loss Prevention Manager is responsible for the control and reduction of shrinkage at the stores in their Territory. Investigate and resolves all matters that jeopardize or cause a loss to the company’s assets. Has ownership for all company related shrinkage programs in their assigned stores...

Regional Director, LP & Safety (Midwest)
MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA - posted June 27

We are looking for a Regional Director of Loss Prevention to join us in MN, MO, IL, KS, WI, MI, IN, or WA. You will develop, execute, and maintain shrink and shrink compliance initiatives. You will also conduct internal and external field investigations, loss control auditing, store safety programs, and compliance programs and audits...

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Holding people accountable can be a difficult task made even more difficult if those people don't even hold themselves accountable for their own performance or actions. Rationalizing, minimizing, deflecting - some people are just incredibly difficult to develop and lead. But then again, isn't that the key to being good leaders. Learning how to manage and lead is a life-long process that's tested every day you go to work. With human nature being to take the path of least resistance, the manager has to be there making sure no one does.

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