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Vector Security President and CEO Pamela J. Petrow Appointed to The Philadelphia Contributionship Board of Directors

Vector Security has been associated with The Philadelphia Contributionship since 1982.

PITTSBURGH, May 26, 2021 Vector Security®, the fourth largest security company in the United States and the leading provider of intelligent mobile security and automation solutions to homes and businesses, announced that its President and CEO Pamela J. Petrow has been appointed to the Board of Directors of The Philadelphia Contributionship (TPC) Mutual Holding Company and its subsidiaries effective immediately. Vector Security is a sister company of TPC.

Petrow joined Vector Security in 1982 and after a series of promotions, was appointed President and CEO in 2010. Since then, she has led the company through major acquisitions that created the Vector Security Networks and ADS Security divisions within the company.

Petrow was named Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year™ in the Western Pennsylvania region in 2014, and in 2015 she became the first woman to serve as President of the Central Station Alarm Association (now The Monitoring Association).

Read more here

See All the Executives 'Moving Up' Here   

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The Impact of COVID Lockdowns on Retail Crime

Checkpoint Systems Analysis Shows Correlation Between Lockdown And A Reduction In Shoplifting Incidents

Shoplifting in the United Kingdom was slashed during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an analysis of 2020 police data, with lockdowns and the closure of non-essential retail leading to the first reduction in theft since 2018.

However, retailers are being warned that shoplifters will hit the profits of stores across the country, as the big reopening continues through May and into the summer and thieves continue to be let off.

Analysis of the data by Checkpoint Systems, a pioneer in the Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) market with more than 50 years of experience, has revealed a clear correlation between store closures and a reduction in shoplifting incidents, which declined by 30% compared to the same period in 2019. However, while these declines can be seen during the periods of mass closure across the UK, the reprieve was short-lived.

Shoplifters Return To The High Street

As stores reopened in June 2020, shoplifting incidents began to rise, culminating in the highest growth in July 2020, where a 27% increase was noted. Stores in the Square Mile, South Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, and Staffordshire were among those targeted more frequently by thieves in June/July, with shoplifting up 167%, 55%, 53%, and 51% respectively. This trend continued through to November when the closure of non-essential retail saw a UK-wide decline of 12%.

Shoplifting Continues To Go Unpunished

Alarmingly, of the 243,993 reported incidents in 2020, the number of those prosecuted remained low. In fact, in more than half of all cases (54%), no suspect could be identified or prosecuted.

Protecting Profits In The New Normal

As retailers welcome the general public back, store owners must protect their merchandise from theft and loss, be it online, in-store or along the supply chain so they can sell more. It is therefore imperative that retailers choose effective loss prevention systems and ensure that these are kept up to date not only to detect theft but to prevent it from occurring in the first place.

Take the NRF's Annual National Retail Security Survey

Retail Leaders: NRF wants your feedback for the annual National Retail Security Survey report, along with additional content surrounding organized retail crime and cyber issues. This data has proven to be an invaluable benchmarking tool to the retail community and law enforcement partners for many years.

Your answers will be completely anonymous and analyzed in combination with other responses. Take the survey today and earn a $10 Starbucks gift card.  

(Click here to see last year's survey results)

NRF Retail Converge Preview:
Top sessions and highlights for the June event

The theme coming out of the pandemic for retailers is resiliency, and as retailers forge new partnerships, stay close to their customers and continue to innovate, NRF Retail Converge is the place where these cutting-edge strategies come together.

NRF Retail Converge, to be held virtually June 21-25, is a new event that features a deep exploration of multiple specialties within the retail industry. The event offers focused tracks for supply chain, loss prevention, customer experience, retail technology, cybersecurity, marketing, ecommerce, store operations, and corporate strategy and leadership, and also brings all these disciplines together for visionary, high-level keynotes on the future of retail.

Top keynotes

● Valerie Jarrett, former senior advisor in the Obama Administration, will speak about policy affecting the industry

● John Furner, president and CEO of Walmart U.S., will discuss how Walmart is leading in consumer-centered retail

● Michelle Gass, CEO of Kohl's, will share what new things the retailer is testing to stay ahead
NRF Retail Converge

Listen to this full 'Retail Gets Real' episode to learn more about NRF Retail Converge, why it’s an event you won’t want to miss.

Policing & Protests

The Future of Policing: No More Traffic Stops?
Reimagine police task force recommends eliminating most traffic stops as part of policing reform
A task force to reimagine police has come up with 112 recommendations for ways Denver can improve its public safety. A major theme throughout the recommendations is finding ways to limit police interactions with the public.

The most common police interaction with people comes in the form of traffic stops, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, which is run by the U.S. Department of Justice. Most of these interactions end with either a warning, ticket or even an arrest.

Sometimes, however, those interactions can be deadly for the police officer or the driver.

“Traffic stops present dangers in multiple ways. Traffic stops are really an unknown for police officers so when they stop somebody, they don’t know where they’re stopping,” said Paul Taylor, an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Denver School of Public Affairs. “There is a lot of dynamics at play, and there’s a lot of potential for both misunderstanding and misinterpretation by both parties.”

Five of the recommendations put forward by the task force call for a fundamental shift in the way traffic stops are handled:

Decriminalize traffic offenses often used for pretextual stops.

Prohibit Denver Police from conducting searches in relation to petty offenses or traffic violations.

Remove police officers from routine traffic stops and crash reporting and explore non-police alternatives that incentivize behavior change to eliminate traffic fatalities.

Eliminate the need for traffic enforcement by auditing and investing in the built environment to promote safe travel behavior.

Invest in a community-based, community-led violence prevention strategic plan that includes, but is not limited to, traffic stop violence and government sanctioned violence

States like Virginia and cities like Berkley have recently enacted a law to limit the use of some of the most common pretextual traffic stops, like defective taillights, loud exhaust pipes, objects hanging on the rearview mirror, etc. Meanwhile, states like Texas and Oregon and cities like Seattle, and Pittsburg are considering limiting traffic stops as well.

Anti-Riot Bills Proposed as Business Owners Call for Help
On The Anniversary of George Floyd’s Death, North Carolina Lawmakers Consider Anti-Riot Legislation
Two bills — one in the state House, the other in the Senate — would stiffen penalties for damaging property or injuring others during a riot. The bills come as North Carolinians continue to protest police violence toward Black individuals.

‘Just Mayhem’: Property Damage In Raleigh Sparked Concerns From Business Owners

In Raleigh, Darren Bridger co-owns The London Bridge Pub, one of the many downtown businesses whose property was damaged by rioters that first night of protests last year.

"All of our liquor bottles, they were all laying on the floor smashed, all out here smashed, the electronics were all smashed and taken, both the big picture windows were broken and the door and then...just mayhem in here,” described Bridger.

"I saw the CVS being lit on fire, I got several good breaths of tear gas unfortunately as that stuff traveled around because my condo is right downtown,” said Moore.

Call For Anti-Riot Legislation

Moore said that unrest — as well as the Washington, D.C., riot by pro-Trump insurrectionists this past January — prompted him to try to revise North Carolina's anti-riot statute. Earlier this year, Moore, who serves as speaker of the North Carolina House — co-sponsored legislation that would stiffen the penalty for participating in a riot.

If the property damage amounts to $1,500 or more, the speaker's bill would raise the penalty from a Class H to a Class F felony.

Protest Surveillance Around the Globe
CIA-Backed Software Used Against U.S. Protesters, Then Sold to China

To sell the CIA-backed Endeca software for use by Chinese authorities, Oracle touted its use in Chicago for predictive policing.

According to the documents and to video presentations, the Chicago Police Department used a tool called Endeca Information Discovery, a product from tech giant Oracle, to merge crime records, 911 calls, and other routine police information with protesters’ tweets.

Oracle claims that Endeca helps police and other agencies make sense of mounds of big data. Like the more well-known government analytics software Palantir Gotham, the software owes its rise to “war on terror” surveillance and to backing from the CIA venture capital firm In-Q-Tel. Oracle acquired Endeca in 2011.

Oracle is far from the only company in the market. During last summer’s George Floyd protests, police turned to Dataminr, another In-Q-Tel investment, to analyze demonstrators’ tweets. CPD, which works with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on a special task force charged with monitoring social media, has also used social media mining software made by Geofeedia, LexisNexis, and Pathar. Police across the United States have plugged images culled from social media into Clearview AI’s facial recognition engine.

But Oracle’s case has a twist: After promoting Endeca’s use on NATO protesters, Oracle went on to market the CIA-funded software for police use around the world — including in China, where its deployment would presumably be at odds with CIA interests and where social media users have few civil liberties protections to shield them from police abuses.

In a recent House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on China, Rep. Tom Malinowski, D-N.J., cited Oracle as an example of how U.S. companies enable surveillance overseas. In fact, several of the products that Oracle markets to police abroad were first tested in the United States.

Among the products that Oracle pushed in the China documents was Endeca, which allows police to both visualize data and mine social media. The documents describe the software’s use by Chicago police as a pioneering event that paved the way for police adoption elsewhere.

One Year Later - More Riot Arrests
A year after Scottsdale Fashion Square riots, 61 people arrested so far

Scottsdale police announced the arrests on Tuesday, the one-year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Just days before the anniversary of a raucous scene in downtown Scottsdale that led to stores looted and smashed windows, police have arrested two more people they said took part in the riot. Video of former officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck until he lost consciousness sparked nationwide protests, including in Arizona.

During a march in Scottsdale on May 30, a portion of the crowd separated and broke into shops at Scottsdale Fashion Square, according to police. Stores reported major damage and tens of thousands of dollars in lost merchandise. The event prompted Gov. Doug Ducey to issue a week-long curfew across the state.

Scottsdale police said 61 have been arrested in total and the investigation is still ongoing.

A Timeline of What Has Happened in the Year Since George Floyd’s Death

One year after protests, activist leaders say more work needs to be done

NYC mayoral candidate Shaun Donovan arrested in racial justice protest

Driver hits two protesters near Brooklyn Bridge, NYPD car clips cyclist

COVID Update

287.8M Vaccinations Given

US: 33.9M Cases - 605.2K Dead - 27.6M Recovered
Worldwide: 168.5M Cases - 3.5M Dead - 150.1M Recovered

Former Senior Loss Prevention Executive
Know of any fallen LP exec? Let's remember & recognize.

Private Industry Security Guard Deaths: 279  
Law Enforcement Officer Deaths: 300

*Red indicates change in total deaths

Is the U.S. Moving Too Fast with New Mask Guidance?
What the science says about lifting mask mandates

With COVID rates dropping and vaccinations on the rise, the U.S. and other places are removing some requirements for face coverings. Are they moving too fast?

Anne Hoen, an epidemiologist at Dartmouth College in nearby Hanover says that both the state and federal moves were probably a little too early. Hoen works in New Hampshire but lives just across the border in Vermont, where a state-wide indoor mask mandate remained in force until mid-May, despite Vermont having a lower rate of hospitalizations than practically anywhere else in the country. In the wake of the CDC’s announcement, Vermont Governor Phil Scott relaxed the mandate for fully vaccinated individuals.

The weakening policies are out of step with those of many other countries. Germany strengthened its mask requirements at the end of April, for example. It was facing a slowdown in vaccination rates and a surge in cases. Spain tightened its requirements at the end of March.

The evidence is clear that masks cut down on COVID-19 deaths, but nearly a year and a half into the pandemic and with vaccination coverage climbing in many places, public-health scientists and officials are still struggling to get people — particularly unvaccinated people — to wear masks at appropriate times. Average mask use across the United States has been declining since mid-February. Meanwhile, infection rates in some places have increased.

A patchwork of policies and mixed messages from both politicians and public-health officials has resulted in confusion, consternation and a mess of data to interpret. “We’re all over the map,” says Monica Gandhi, an infectious-disease physician at the University of California, San Francisco. “That’s been the problem this entire pandemic. We’ve been making it up as we go along.”

Digital Vaccine Passports
Some businesses, universities, airlines turn to digital passport apps upon vaccine requirements
Digital health apps are the latest trends among businesses, universities, and even airlines. The digital apps act as ‘vaccine passports,’ essentially validating vaccinated users. And the demand is booming for one app in particular called iOpen.

The app creator for iOpen says the boost in users has come after hundreds of colleges and universities began requiring their students to return fully vaccinated in the fall. Private businesses and universities can require vaccinations for their employees and students upon returning in person.

If you’re vaccinated, you get proof in the form of a CDC-issued card. Airlines don’t necessarily want another piece of traveler information to check, so they’re eyeing digitized versions that are easy to scan.

Digital apps like iOpen act as vaccine passports, validating the proof that the user has been vaccinated. Records are uploaded directly by the vaccination site, allowing users to ditch the 3×4 paper card and rely on the mobile app.

One of West Coast's Largest Poultry Producers Hit with OSHA Fines
Cal/OSHA proposes $300K in fines tied to Foster Farms COVID outbreaks
In the wake of deadly COVID-19 outbreaks at poultry processing plants operated by Foster Farms in California’s Central Valley, the state’s health and safety agency is proposing nearly $300,000 in fines.

Foster Farms, one of the West Coast’s largest producers of poultry, faced ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19 during the pandemic. By the end of 2020, 12 Foster Farms workers had died.

The fines announced this week, which total $292,700, relate to Foster Farms’ Livingston facility in Merced County, where nine workers died last year. Merced County health officials in August ordered the Livingston facility closed temporarily, citing an outbreak that had persisted for at least two months and a failure to complete widespread coronavirus testing of workers.

Separately, an additional three people who worked at the Foster Farms Cherry Avenue plant in Fresno also died.

Labor experts and advocates for workers have said the deaths show a need for authorities to pay greater attention to workplace safety in the Central Valley. Critics say officials have long paid insufficient scrutiny to workplace safety hazards in this part of California.

Remote Work Honeymoon May Be Coming to an End
Early Embraces May Be Backfiring on Employers

'Tension' emerges between employers, employees on hybrid work preferences
● A different set of preferences is emerging between employers and their employees on how to continue work arrangements after the danger of the pandemic has passed, a survey released May 12 by employment law firm Littler has found. While 4% of employers estimated that most employees prefer to come back full time for in-person work, 28% said they expected to require such an arrangement regardless.

● For both employers and employees, hybrid work still appears to be the prevailing model of choice, with employers reporting that 71% of their employees prefer a hybrid model, and 55% of employers saying they will offer it. Employers are demonstrably wary of the workforce management issues presented by a split between in-person and remote workers, however, with 8% reporting they are "very concerned," 65% reporting they are "moderately" or "somewhat" concerned, and only 28% reporting they are not concerned.

● In April, a different survey from Morning Consult found that 87% of workers want to continue to work remotely post-pandemic at least one day per week, with close to half of remote workers stating they would look for a different job if not offered that option.

Many employers have already implemented hybrid work models, with more saying they plan to adopt such a policy by late summer. Early, publicized embraces of permanent remote work - in addition to the acknowledgment that the widespread remote-work experiment introduced by COVID-19 was a success - has helped shape employee expectations.

While the tide appears to have turned toward a future of flexible worksites, hesitant employers have reason to be uncertain about the changes such a policy would introduce if extended indefinitely. A February survey from corporate training company VitalSmarts found that remote work can have a harmful effect on workplace communication. Workplace culture has also suffered as a result of remote work.

Employers may face tension as they attempt to deliver on workers' expectations of flexibility while preserving positive workplace culture. They can set themselves up for success by developing a clear policy and conducting a cost-benefit analysis that considers how to sustain culture and networks.

Why some businesses need vaccine passports and others don’t

Pa. and N.J. to lift most restrictions just in time for Memorial Day

L.A. Seeks to Unload Some of Its $19M Worth of Masks

How COVID changed how the Bay Area shops

Walmart Takes New Security Steps After Racist Email Controversy
Walmart apologizes for sending racist emails after someone created false accounts, and says it's beefing up security
Walmart said Tuesday that it will beef up security of its customer sign-up process online after someone set up dozens of accounts using racist slurs.

The Arkansas-based company faced dozens of complaints on social media on Monday after some people received "Welcome to Walmart" emails containing the racial slurs.

A Walmart spokesperson told Insider Tuesday said that the company was investigating the incident and had contacted the individuals impacted to apologize and confirm that the new accounts would be deleted. The spokesperson said Walmart does not know who is responsible for the incident, but said it was not an employee and that its website was not hacked.

The spokesperson also said that Walmart is working to change its sign-up process for new customers to prevent a similar incident from happening again. Under the current system, new customers must complete a CAPTCHA test to ensure they are not bots, but they do not need to verify their email addresses.

Rachael Campbell, who was one of many to receive the racist email on Monday, said she received an apology from Walmart Tuesday morning.

The email, which was signed by Walmart's chief customer officer Janey Whiteside and reviewed by Insider, said that Walmart was "looking into all available means to hold those responsible accountable."

Still a Long Road Ahead - But NYC is Coming Back
What’s Really Going on With New York City Retail?
Today, though, the boutique is open and the streets are once again bustling with shoppers. Half of New York City residents are now at least partially vaccinated against the virus, and sunny weather is here, bringing with it a renewed sense of optimism and appetite for products like the brand’s bow-adorned sandals.

As the city’s public health outlook improves, he said, “I think there is going to be a big wave of enthusiasm for brands like ours and for retailers who are doing special things in special places.”

Even with foot traffic picking up and retailers pulling out every stop, though, there is still a long road ahead for New York City’s retail market: empty storefronts abound, office workers are just beginning to trickle back in, and tourism is expected to take years to recover.

The pockets of strength in the retail real estate market so far have been mostly in neighborhoods with plenty of residential foot traffic: corridors on the Upper West Side and Upper East Side; Williamsburg, Brooklyn; suburbs such as Westport, Greenwich, and Northern New Jersey; and high-end summer enclaves like the Hamptons.

While recovery is set to be slow and uneven, few doubt its inevitability.

New York is always going to be New York,” says Taylor Coyne, senior manager of retail research at JLL, a commercial real estate firm. “It will always be a global city and retailers want to be there. It’s just been a tough year.”

Desperate for Employees
A McDonald's in Illinois is so desperate for staff that it's giving away iPhones to new recruits if they stay for 6 months
A McDonald's restaurant in Illinois that is desperate to attract staff is giving away iPhones to new recruits if they stay for six months. A viral photo shared by Twitter user @brogawd_ shows a sign placed in the window of a restaurant reading: "Now hiring. Free iPhone."

The sign adds that staff need to work at the chain for six months and meet certain, unspecified "employment criteria" to be eligible.

A staff member at the restaurant in Altamont, Illinois – close to Effingham – confirmed to Insider that the sign belonged to the store. A restaurant manager was not available to explain the employment criteria for getting the phone.

The fast-food industry has a crushing labor shortage, causing restaurant chains such as Subway and Dunkin' to cut opening hours and close dining rooms.

Are Your Stores Ready?
Double Emergency Spending for Active Hurricane Season

The forecasters are predicting a likely range of 13 to 20 named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher), of which six to 10 could become hurricanes.

Forecasters are predicting another active Atlantic hurricane season after last year's historic number of storms, as President Biden on Monday said he's doubling emergency spending to help communities prep for weather-related disasters.

Those at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Prediction Center say there's a 60% chance for an "above-normal" Atlantic hurricane season, but they don't expect the historic level of storm activity seen in 2020.

The forecasters are predicting a likely range of 13 to 20 named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher), of which six to 10 could become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher).

US retailers face headwinds from slowing online sales, inflation

Tuesday Morning adds former Burlington execs to C-suite

Ready to Return: Fashion Rental Is Back

All the News - One Place - One Source - One Time

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When you see a shoplifter push a cart full of unpaid merchandise out the door, it’s easy to assume it is an isolated incident or merely a small loss of inventory. But this is rarely the case.

Pushout theft is real, and this form of shoplifting is far more frequent than most retailers realize. Gatekeeper Systems conducted a real-world, ten-week experiment in a major U.S. supermarket to prove this point.

The first seven weeks of the experiment were surveillance, focusing on the number of pushout thefts and each theft’s value. The experiment’s final three weeks measured success after Purchek activation, using the same metrics; frequency and dollar value.

The results are quantifiable and alarming.

For more download the entire case study here.





Upcoming RH-ISAC Events

June 8 - HackerOne: How a Bug Becomes a Fix

June 10 -
EX-RH2021: First Industry-Wide Cybersecurity Exercise

June 17 -
RH-ISAC Virtual Regional Workshop Hosted by Canadian Tire

Sept. 28-29 -
2021 RH-ISAC Cyber Intelligence Summit

Inviting LP & AP to attend or get a member of their team involved, especially if their retailer is a member of RH-ISAC.

Impersonating Security Alerts to Steal Data
Windows Push Notifications Used for Fraud

McAfee: Attackers Install Malicious Apps to Harvest Data

Scammers are increasingly using Windows Push Notifications to impersonate legitimate alerts as a first step toward installing malicious Windows applications to harvest user and system information, according to a global report by McAfee.

"Browser push notifications can highly resemble Windows system notifications," the report states. "Scammers are abusing push notifications to trick users into taking action."

In the report, researchers describe the social engineering tactics used to trick victims into installing a fake Windows Defender update.

Rather than sending out emails for a phishing campaign, attackers hack into pop-up notifications and use a fake one that disguises itself by using the McAfee name and logo to inform the victim about what is opurpirted to be a Windows Defender Update. Clicking on the message leads to various fake websites informing the victim their McAfee antivirus subscription has expired and that McAfee has detected threats on their system. Or the message provides what purports to be a direct link to purchase a McAfee subscription, according to the report.

In this scam, Remove Ads and similar notification buttons "typically lead to the publisher’s chosen destination rather than anything that would help the user in disabling the popups. Also note that many of the destination sites themselves prompt the user to allow more notifications. This can have a cascading effect where the user is soon flooded with many messages on a regular basis," Craig Schmugar, senior principal engineer at McAfee, wrote in a blog post.

The installed malware is capable of stealing system information. This can include process lists, drive details, serial numbers, RAM and graphics card details. It can also access application profile data, such as Chrome, Exodus wallets, Ethereum wallets, Opera and Telegram Desktops, and user data, such as credit cards.

Some Insurers Will No Longer Reimburse for Ransomware Payments
Cyber Insurance: Higher Premiums, Limited Coverage
The increasing number of cyberthreats, especially ransomware attacks, is leading some cyber insurers to raise premiums and limit some coverage in hard-hit sectors, such as healthcare and education, according to a report from the Government Accountability Office.

A GAO survey of cyber insurance brokers found that in 2020, about half of respondents reported premiums increased 10% to 30% for their clients. Plus, some insurers reduced the amount of coverage they provided in sectors seeing a surge in attacks, the GAO reports.

The GAO report also found that the percentage of organizations eligible for cyber insurance coverage that have actually purchased it grew to 47% in 2020, up from 26% in 2016.

In particular, more companies in the hospitality and retail sectors, which are increasingly collecting more of their customers' payment card data, sought cyber insurance, the report notes. Demand also grew in the manufacturing sector as a result of risk management efforts, the GAO found.

Hefty Ransom Payments
Earlier this month, CNA Financial reportedly paid a $40 million ransom after a ransomware attack, and the CEO of Colonial Pipeline Co. admitted that his firm paid $4.4 million to a criminal gang after a ransomware attack led the company to shut down its 5,500 mile-long pipeline for nearly a week. A Congressional hearing on that attack has been scheduled for June (see: Colonial Pipeline CEO to Testify at Congressional Hearing).

It's not clear whether Colonial Pipeline and CNA are seeking reimbursement from their insurance companies for the ransoms paid. Meanwhile, global insurer AXA reportedly told its French clients that it would no longer reimburse them for the expense of paying ransoms to cybercriminal groups.

Some insurance companies are getting involved in negotiating with crime gangs about the size of ransom payments, says John Pescatore, director for emerging security trends at the SANS Institute (see: How Risky Is Cyber Insurance?).

Security must become frictionless for companies to fully secure themselves
Ensuring adequate security in the face of a rapid increase in the quantity and sophistication of cyberattacks requires more effort and resources than most organizations are typically capable of providing for themselves.

Many businesses, organizations, and even governments are turning to private sector security vendors for help, because they offer pre-packaged cybersecurity solutions that are intended to make securing IT infrastructure easier. But in reality, vendors can introduce more complexity – 78% of CISOs have 16 or more tools in their cybersecurity vendor portfolios; 12% have 46 or more.

That’s why making security frictionless is key to securing private sector assets and, as a result, protecting national security interests. It’s worth remembering that sophisticated cyberattacks are rarely directed at a single target – they attack interconnected data networks and supply chains, creating a viral effect throughout public and private sectors and across industries.

New Iranian Threat Actor Using Ransomware in Destructive Anti-Israel Attacks






Violence, Crime & Protests

Gang-Related Violence & Shootings Plague Vancouver
IHIT investigating deadly shooting Saturday in Coquitlam
Police say a man is dead after a shooting Saturday evening in Coquitlam, B.C. Investigators say the victim was gunned down near Hart St. and Henderson Ave. around 5:30 p.m.

The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) tweeted that they believe it was a targeted shooting. The victim's identity was not immediately released, nor was any suspect information.

And IHIT did not say in their tweet whether they suspect the shooting is tied to the ongoing gang conflict in Metro Vancouver. There have been 20 gang-related homicides and 20 attempted murders in Metro Vancouver so far this year.

Police poster campaign naming known gang members raises risk of racial profiling, warn advocates
Community advocates are warning that a law enforcement strategy of naming and shaming known gang members to keep the public safe is harmful to the Lower Mainland's southeast Asian community, and raises the risk of racial profiling.

Gang-related shootings have spiked in recent weeks, prompting Vancouver police to release the names and photos of six known gangsters they believe pose a significant risk to residents.

The province's anti-gang agency has followed suit, releasing the names and photos of 11 men they say pose a significant threat to public safety because of their gang involvement and "ongoing nexus to violence."

Law enforcement officials said there are no arrest warrants out for the men identified on the poster, but that the strategy is necessary to keep the public safe.

But Mo Dhaliwal, a local advocate and the co-founder of the Poetic Justice Foundation, said he worries the strategy will create "an archetype [of] what a gangster is."

"The problem is that when you're already from a racialized community, you're already subject to more scrutiny and racism than the white counterparts of these gangsters. I think it's highly problematic and this leads to the potential for a lot of racial profiling," he said.

Alarming Lumber Theft Trend
‘It is a gold mine:’ Builders warned of rising lumber thefts across Canada
The skyrocketing cost of lumber is fuelling a trend that has authorities across the country warning builders to keep their guard up.

Canadian authorities have been warning this year about the rise in lumber thefts, which has some people quipping on social media that wood has become as desirable as gold. Det. Sgt. Tosha Ternes of the Saskatoon police said the city has seen a huge jump in thefts at construction sites since 2018.

The thefts are mainly happening on weekends between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. when fewer people are around, she said. Ternes also noted that some construction sites have been hit three or four times. One site lost $2,700 worth of lumber in one night. Thieves came back to steal appliances then went after flooring that was still in its packaging.

“Who could really blame these little bucktooth bandits, considering the price of wood these days?

Anti-Lockdown Protests in Ottawa
Farmers' market shuts down early to avoid anti-lockdown protest
A downtown Ottawa farmers' market says an anti-lockdown protest calling on the government to allow businesses to reopen is having the opposite effect, forcing vendors to close early and lose out on their most profitable hour.

The York Street Farmers' Market is a new initiative by Ottawa Markets to provide local farmers and producers with outdoor stands in the ByWard Market from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. every Saturday between May and early October.

Since it launched earlier this month, however, the last hour has coincided with a regular protest against COVID-19 restrictions that culminates on York Street. This Saturday, the approximately two dozen vendors packed up an hour early.

When large numbers of people crowd onto York Street, it can prevent vendors from being able to pack up safely, said Zachary Dayler, executive director of Ottawa Markets.

Palestinian-Canadian woman says she was punched in head at weekend protest

Protesters take over steps of Israeli consulate in Toronto

COVID Update

Restrictions added in some COVID-19 hot spots, loosened in regions seeing improvement
Officials imposed new restrictions or offered support to existing and emerging COVID-19 hot spots on Monday while regions where the pandemic appeared to be loosening its grip continued to ease public health measures.

Days after Manitoba requested additional federal help, Ottawa announced it would send health workers and other supports to the Prairie province, which is currently grappling with high positivity rates and overburdened intensive care units.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, meanwhile, health officials imposed public health restrictions on a broader swath of the province's northeast on Monday, placing communities along the Trans-Canada Highway from Gambo to Badger under the second-highest alert level.

Other parts of Canada, however, moved to loosen restrictions as the COVID-19 situation showed continuing signs of improvement. Quebec, which has seen case counts trend downward, lifted the last remaining emergency lockdown measures imposed on some of its hot spot regions on Monday.

Canada Catching up to the U.S.
Canada expected to pass US on first dose Covid vaccinations as demand declines among Americans
After a devastating lack of vaccine supply earlier this year and a punishing third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, Canada is set to catch up to and even surpass the United States this week in the percentage of people with at least one dose of vaccine, data projections show.

Almost 38% of the US population has been fully vaccinated, and about 48% has had at least one dose, according to US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. While Canada has less than 4% of those eligible fully vaccinated, it has vaccinated more than 46% with at least one dose.

The Our World in Data Covid-19 vaccination database estimates that Canada is currently administering 40% more doses daily per 100 people than the US, based on a seven-day average.

Canada retail sales seen plunging in April as COVID restrictions tightened

Retail Union Drive in Canada
Some Lush workers say the cosmetic retailer is trying to suppress a union drive in Canada — including intimidating supporters in other countries
Workers at the cosmetic retailer Lush have accused the company of trying to suppress a union drive in Canada. Employees have also said that the company sent warnings to Lush workers in the US — where no unionization effort is underway — who voice support for union organizers in Canada.

Insider previously reported that in October, employees in Lush's Toronto manufacturing and distribution centers went public with their unionizing campaign. Since then, some workers have reported intimidation tactics and have filed various complaints with the Ontario Labour Relations Board, which oversees union activity in Canada, and the US's National Labor Relations Board.

In December, Workers United Canada Council, a union organizer, filed a complaint with the OLRB against Lush Cosmetics, alleging that Lush violated Canadian labor laws.

The complaint said Lush engaged in anti-union tactics, held "captive audience meetings" among employees, distributed anti-union flyers, and engaged in intimidation tactics among those who have gone public with their support for the union. (Captive-audience meetings are meetings, sometimes mandatory, with anti-union agendas.)

While organizers want 65% of support from an eligible group of almost 1,400 employees, the drive still hasn't garnered enough support — it needs 40% — to apply for a vote with the Ontario Labour Relations Board.

Montreal, CN: Jewelry store employee exposes alleged affair in viral TikTok
Former Pandora Jewelry employee took to TikTok to call out a man... . who was allegedly caught buying rings for his girlfriend and his “side piece” at the same time. “If your boyfriend’s name is Jake and he lives in [Montreal]. He just bought two rings for ‘his girl and his side piece,’” she claimed in the post. “You deserve better”. Thankfully, @ferreiroroche showed the two rings the alleged cheater bought in her video, so suspicious girlfriends (and mistresses) would know what to look for. In a follow-up post, she said she quit last week and waited until her last shift to put this man on blast. Commenters got pretty fired up. “This girl is doing God’s work,” one user wrote. Others thought it was a serious violation of a customer’s trust. “Breach of privacy. I hope this is a joke, not that Jake is in the right,” a commenter said.

US T-Shirt Retailer ‘Big Frog’ Expanding into Canada with 1st Storefront

$1.3M Robbery Spree in Toronto
Toronto, ON: 3 men arrested following investigation into $1.3M robbery spree
Three men have been arrested following a yearlong investigation into a pair of armed robberies that saw $1.3 million worth of jewelry and other goods stolen.

Toronto police’s hold-up squad recovered “a large amount of the stolen jewelry” after executing 12 search warrants, as well as a loaded handgun and clothing worn during the robberies, police said in a press release.

The investigation dates back to April 29, 2020, when officers were called to a York Region retail store in the area of Leslie Street and Elgin Mills Road East. Police said a man allegedly entered a store and pointed a black handgun at an employee.

Another man then entered the store, and the suspects tied up the employee, police said. According to police, the men took a “large amount” of jewelry and the employee’s car. The vehicle was later found abandoned after being set on fire.

Then on Nov. 28, 2020, police responded to another call for an armed robbery at a store in the Bathurst Street and Sheppard Avenue West area in Toronto. Police said a man entered the store with a handgun and knife, assaulting and tying up an employee. Again, the suspects took jewelry and the employee’s car, police allege. Like the first incident, the car was found abandoned after being set on fire.

Massive Theft Crackdown
24 people arrested in shoplifting crackdown: West Kelowna RCMP
A crackdown on shoplifters in West Kelowna last weekend resulted in several arrests, say police. During the past few months, police say West Kelowna businesses have reported an increase in violence and threats of violence towards loss-prevention officers working to stop shoplifters.

As a result, police say they rolled out an initiative last weekend that targeted shoplifting, with RCMP using a combination of plain-clothes and uniformed officers identifying alleged shoplifters and arresting them.

Police say 24 people were arrested for shoplifting and later released with future court dates. In addition, West Kelowna RCMP added that “numerous other arrests were made for other offences such as outstanding warrants, possession of a stolen car, drug trafficking, and violations of driving prohibitions.”

One dead, several arrested after mall shooting in Nanaimo, B.C.
One person is dead after a shooting at a strip mall in Nanaimo, B.C. Nanaimo RCMP say they responded to reports of shots fired at about 3 p.m. at the Rock City Plaza parking lot. One man, who suffered apparent gunshot wounds, was found dead in a vehicle at the mall.

Mounties say they arrested several people at the Best Western Hotel on Metral Drive shortly afterwards and seized a vehicle. Const. Gary O'Brien says police can't confirm whether they are looking for other suspects.

Phoning it in: Alleged thief in Regina leaves cell at scene of crime

Court hears attack in liquor store forever altered clerk’s life

Thunder Bay police search for suspect in assault, robbery at Circle K

Windsor police investigate east end store robbery

Calgary cops ring twice at home of woman suspected in mailbox thefts, vehicle break-ins

B.C. man who robbed banks with explosives faces sentencing next month

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Making Thousands on Discarded Clothing

Here's how this dumpster diver sold over $23,000 worth of discarded clothes from Ross, Marshalls, and TJ Maxx using eBay and Poshmark
The 38-year-old Texan has sold thousands of dollars' worth of "trash," thanks to a side hustle that involves sifting through dumpsters for products to resell online. Just this year, Hatfield's trash-flipping and reselling ventures have made him about $23,000 in total sales, showed screenshots of his eBay seller dashboard, which Insider viewed.

And with the gathering and reselling of discarded items having little noteworthy costs, save for transportation and cleaning supplies, his profit margin is higher than most other resellers.

"You're getting your inventory for free," Hatfield said in an interview. "That's unheard of as far as in the reselling world."

So far, Hatfield's dives have yielded a pendant necklace, a retinal scanner, and a box of Amazon Echo Dots, among other rare items. He's done it all as a member of a community of dumpster divers who turn a profit from what could easily end up in a landfill.

The average consumer throws away 70 pounds of textiles a year, the Council for Textile Recycling reported. When it comes to retailers, it's not uncommon for returned products to end up in the trash as well. A report from Optoro, a company that manages returned items for retailers, found that returns from online shopping generated 5 billion tons of landfill waste in 2019.

Hatfield's side hustle, while helpful in terms of greater sustainability efforts, is also incredibly lucrative. When shutdowns forced the closure of Hatfield's main business, a pest-control company, at the start of the pandemic, he ramped up his reselling efforts on Facebook Marketplace and eBay. Once shutdowns ended, his reselling business continued to grow.

"Because of the pandemic, we're actually doing so well that we're considering just selling the pest-control company at the end of the year and just doing this full time," he said.

Workers Urge Amazon to Address Pollution
Amazon workers demand end to pollution hitting people of color hardest

“As employees, we are alarmed that Amazon's pollution is disproportionately concentrated in communities of color,” a petition signed by 640 workers said.

An internal petition signed by 640 Amazon tech and corporate employees is asking the company to raise its emissions goals and address the disproportionate environmental harms its logistics empire leaves on Black, Latino, Indigenous and immigrant neighborhoods where its warehouses are often concentrated.

The petition was organized by the influential employee group Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, many of whose members receive stock with their positions, after Amazon persuaded the Securities and Exchange Commission to bar including a proposal from the group at the company’s shareholder meeting Wednesday. Amazon is the second largest employer in the country, with over 1 million workers, including Whole Foods employees and its vast fulfillment and delivery workers.

“As employees, we are alarmed that Amazon's pollution is disproportionately concentrated in communities of color,” reads the petition, which was obtained by NBC News. “We want to be proud of where we work. A company that lives up to its statements about racial equity and closes the racial equity gaps in its operations is a critical part of that.

Amazon Makes $8.45 Billion Deal for MGM







Tulsa, OK: 4 puppies, valued at over $25,000 stolen from Petland
Petland Tulsa says four puppies were stolen last Friday morning. Two men were seen on surveillance video taking two English Bulldog puppies and two French Bulldog puppies around 6:30 a.m. on May 21. “We 100% think they did not steal them to be pets for themselves or their family," said Petland Director of Operations Ryan Hamel. "But they stole them because they're high value targets and selling puppies online has become easier and easier over the years. And we think they have already sold them or are actively trying to sell them right now.” Petland says they shattered the front door and entered the business where they proceeded to the kennel and stole the puppies. “Two of these puppies were very rare colors," Hamel said. "A very rare colored English Bulldog and a very rare colored French Bulldog. The retail value of the four puppies totals well over $25,000.”

Update: Jasper County, MO: Second Dunham’s Sports shoplifter charged with robbery pleads down to felony theft
A 20-year-old man facing robbery charges from a shoplifting incident a year ago in Joplin was granted a suspended imposition of sentence and probation when he pleaded guilty to a reduced charge Monday in Jasper County Circuit Court. Andrew M. Widener, of Joplin, changed his plea to guilty on an amended count of felony stealing in a plea deal allowing the suspended imposition of sentence, and Circuit Judge David Mouton placed the defendant on probation for five years with a requirement that he pay $938.84 in restitution to Dunham's Sports. Widener had been facing charges of first-degree robbery and armed criminal action in a shoplifting incident May 30 of last year at the sporting goods store in Northpark Mall.

A probable-cause affidavit alleged that Widener entered the store with three women, all of whom began gathering items to shoplift. The defendant began stuffing shirts and a hooded sweatshirt in a backpack he grabbed in the store before topping his intended haul off with a baseball bat and a crossbow and heading out a door with his companions. Store employees tried to stop all four and got into a physical altercation with one of the women, Jenae Lewis, 24, of Joplin, who also was armed with a bat she had stolen, while Widener threatened to strike the employees with the bat he was wielding. The affidavit alleged that he also threatened to blow up the store in the course of the altercation, which ended when the four got into a vehicle and fled the parking lot. Lewis pleaded guilty Monday to a reduced charge of second-degree assault and was granted probation.

Martinez, GA: Police search for 2 suspects in $1300 Walmart theft







Shootings & Deaths

(Update) Escambia County, FL: Trial begins for man charged with killing convenience store owner
A man charged in the 2016 murder of a Pace Blvd. convenience store owner went to trial Tuesday in Escambia County. Raymond Pruitt is charged with the fatal shooting and robbery of Chung Lun Chiang. Chang was working the nightshift at A & E Food Mart. The state says Pruitt came in the store and asked to use the bathroom, but emerged with a gun, pushing his way behind the counter.

Portions of the deadly confrontation caught on surveillance camera video were shown to the jury Tuesday. Prosecutors say a shell casing -- matching the gun used in the murder -- was found on Pruitt when he was arrested by Troy, Alabama police. They say the victim's blood was also found on the barrel.


Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Mobile, AL: 87-year-old woman stabbed in McDonald's drive-thru says suspect told her he was going to kill her
An 87-year-old woman is recovering after being stabbed in a McDonalds drive thru. Mobile police say David Kelly attempted to carjack her. MPD says she wasn't his first victim. She says she's sore today and can't believe that happened. "I just felt like he was going to kill me or my puppy dog," said Margery-Jean Baxter. 87-year-old Margery-Jean Baxter and her dog coco were in the McDonald's drive thru on dauphin street and Springdale Blvd. waiting on Margery's daily afternoon coffee. "All of a sudden from nowhere. I didn't see this happening. This man jumped in the front seat of my car with a knife and started shoving it in my face," she said.

A bystander shot video showing Margery on the ground. She says the man, MPD identifies as David Kelly sliced her hand, foot and arm and yanked her out of her car. Margery says she is usually in a wheelchair and can't' walk because of her arthritis.

"He grabbed hold of me for a few minutes and he threw me out on the ground. If I had hit the cement, it would have broken my back or crippled my hip," Baxter. She says Kelly hopped in her car, tried to back over her, but couldn't get the car to move. "It was horrible, and I was scared for my life," Baxter. Mobile police say Kelly also pulled a knife at the Circle K across the street and pointed the knife at a McDonald's employee while making threats.

Las Cruces, NM: Police arrest 15-year-old for alleged Armed Robbery of Dollar Tree
Las Cruces police arrested a 15-year-old boy who officers believe to be responsible for the armed robbery at a local Dollar Tree store that took place May 15. Police are not identifying the suspect since he is a minor. He's been charged with two counts of armed robbery and two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The night of the incident, officers responded to 1701 E. University Ave. When officers arrived, they said suspect used a semiautomatic handgun during the robbery. He allegedly used the gun to threaten two employees before fleeing with cash from the store’s register.

Oklahoma City, OK: DNA On Sunglasses Left Behind From SW OKC Liquor Store Robbery Identifies Suspect
DNA left behind from a year-old armed robbery helped Oklahoma City police solve the crime. What the suspect did not realize was that the victim kept something from the robbery that identified 52-year-old Jerry Wallace. After the robbery and a struggle over the gun, the victim realized he was holding the suspect's sunglasses. Police now have an active warrant for Wallace after DNA on his sunglasses tied him to the armed robbery of the now closed liquor store near Southwest 44th and Pennsylvania Avenue. Last July, the owner of the store had just opened in the morning when Wallace came in.

New Orleans, LA: Suspects in botched 2019 CVS robbery Uptown plead guilty to federal charges

Bridgeport, ST: Resident sentenced to 21 years in connection with 2017 robberies




C-Store – Shelbyville, IN – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Brunswick, GA – Robbery
C-Store – Audubon, MN – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Washington, DC – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Lynchburg, VA – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Kokomo, IN – Robbery
Dollar Tree – Detroit, MI – Armed Robbery
Dollar Tree – Las Cruces, NM – Armed Robbery
Grocery – Austin, TX – Armed Robbery
Grocery – Yakima, WA – Robbery
Grocery – Urbana, IL – Armed Robbery
Jewelry – Riverside, CA – Robbery
Jewelry – San Antonio, TX – Burglary
Pet – Tulsa, OK – Burglary
7-Eleven – Elkhart, IN – Armed Robbery                                  

Daily Totals:
• 13 robberies
• 2 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed

Click to enlarge map



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Sometimes the best reaction is no reaction, as the old expression "Silence is Golden" is more applicable than most think. Especially in a situation where you're unfamiliar with the surroundings, the people, the cultural beliefs, or the boundaries. The key is having the self-discipline not to react or speak. It can help prevent you from going too far or showing anger and it just might keep you from destroying a relationship or your reputation. Reacting is easy - listening and biding your time isn't. 

Just a Thought,




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