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Genetec Receives 2024 GOVIE Award
2024 The GOVIES Government Security Award Winners

Security Today is pleased to announce the 2024 The GOVIES Government Security Awards winners. Launched in 2009, The GOVIES honors outstanding government security products in a variety of categories, including artificial intelligence, storage and video surveillance cameras.

This year,
25 companies across 31 categories are receiving a GOVIE for their innovative products.

BIG DATA ANALYTICS: Genetec Citigraf (Genetec)

About Genetec Citigraf

Genetec Citigraf situational awareness solution for real-time crime centers (RTCCs)

Genetec Citigraf™ is
a front-end solution for real-time crime centers (RTCCs) that unifies data streams and operations across city departments. Citigraf disseminates timely information and provides greater situational awareness to law enforcement agencies. Together, these capabilities allow you to improve your public safety response strategy.

Learn more here

The U.S. Crime Surge
The Retail Impact

'Detecting & Preventing Theft in a Non-Confrontational Manner'
Interview: Gatekeeper President & CEO elucidates the dynamics of retail theft

Robert Harling of Gatekeeper Systems delves into the realm of thief strategies and advanced tech empowering retailers against theft.

In the vast landscape of retail, theft remains a persistent challenge, with two primary forms distinguishing themselves:
Organised Retail Crime (ORC) and opportunistic theft.

In an exclusive interview with
Robert Harling, President & CEO of Gatekeeper Systems, a provider of loss prevention services and solutions, we delved into the nuances of these two types of theft and the strategies to combat them effectively.

Distinguishing characteristics

Harling delineates the disparities between ORC and opportunistic theft, highlighting their distinct modus operandi. Gatekeeper Systems’ extensive analysis reveals that
ORC primarily targets high-value products easy to resell, while opportunistic theft spans a broader range of items, from food to household goods.

Tactics and impacts

ORC groups execute well-planned heists, bypassing security measures and exploiting vulnerabilities during peak hours, whereas opportunistic thieves blend in with regular shoppers, often going unnoticed. Harling notes, “T
he financial impact of ORC is substantial, with the average shrink rate in FY 2022 increasing to 1.6% from 1.4% in FY 2021, representing over $112 billion in losses.”

Combatting retail theft: strategies and technologies

Gatekeeper Systems’ Purchek technology emerges as a critical tool in combating both forms of theft. Harling asserts, “Purchek technology operates on an intelligent system designed to detect and prevent theft in a non-confrontational manner.” By immobilising shopping carts with unpaid merchandise, the system prevents theft without requiring direct employee intervention, thereby enhancing store security and operational efficiency.

Staying ahead

Harling advises, “
Retailers need a comprehensive and layered technology approach to stay ahead of trends.” Gatekeeper Systems’ Purchek technology, with its non-confrontational approach and ability to prevent shoplifting, stands as a cornerstone in modern retail loss prevention strategies.

Retail Employees - Even Security Staff - Feel Powerless to Stop Theft
Shoplifting's biggest enablers might be the retailers themselves

Conflicting policies and understaffing can make it hard for workers to prevent theft.

Major retailers, including
Walmart and Target, have policies that can sometimes prevent their own staff from addressing shoplifting at their stores, as current and former employees told Business Insider.

Some workers have been disciplined or fired for going after shoplifters, according to interviews and media reports. Others say a lack of resources and follow-ups after the fact also makes it more logical for the workers to just turn a blind eye to the problem rather than do anything about it.

Most retailers have policies preventing employees from taking action when theft happens

On one hand, managers told employees to check shopping baskets, bags, and other areas where customers could hide unpaid merchandise. On the other,
associates are frequently told not to engage with customers who resist or who make threats after employees approach them.

Even if your job is actually in security, your hands are metaphorically tied.

Retailers don't always hire enough employees — or give them the tools — to prevent theft

It's not just policies that hold employees back. At some stores,
workers just don't have the resources to prevent theft. At Walmart, for instance, associates who monitor self-checkouts are supposed to conduct random "cart checks" of Spark drivers who shop an order before delivering it. But one contractor who shops and delivers for Walmart's Spark delivery service in Montana told BI that associates at his store didn't have a phone to carry out the check "nine times out of 10."

There's another seemingly chronic issue:
Companies just aren't hiring enough staff. While pandemic turnover and rising wages have been challenges, many retailers have understaffed their stores for years.

Among the report's recommendations for retailers:
Hire enough employees at stores, and make sure they aren't constantly overworked.

Progressive NY Lawmaker Caves on Tougher Penalties for Retail Assaults
Soft-on-crime NY Speaker Heastie finally caves on increased penalties for assaulting retail workers
New York Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) said he was
on board with stiffening penalties for assaults on retail workers, even as he insisted he doesn’t believe the measure deters crime.

Heastie — who has
sparked outrage for his refusal to crack down on violent shopliftersfinally agreed to increase criminal penalties on thugs who attack retail workers after Gov. Kathy Hochul announced that a provision was being included in the state budget.

The reversal comes as Heastie, and lawmakers in general, are
facing pressure to react to a rise in increasing violent crime. Heastie, who was instrumental in pushing for changes to the state’s bail laws in 2019, told reporters earlier this year that changes to criminal penalties were not on the table for budget talks.

Heastie reiterated his
long-held stance that increasing criminal penalties will not alone deter crime.

The Bronx pol said he believes other parts of the package, particularly a new
tax credit allowing small retailers to be reimbursed for upgrading security equipment, will help shopowners grapple with an ongoing wave of larcenies.

Per conversations with those familiar with the talks as well as the Governor’s Monday announcement, the retail theft package is expected to include:

- Increased penalties for assaulting a retail worker
- A tax credit to assist bodegas and other small retail locations to upgrade security technology
- Allowing authorities to combine the value of goods stolen between different stores to make heftier charges
- $40 million in funding to help state police and local district attorneys target organized retail theft rings

“I insisted that I would
increase penalties for anyone who assaults a retail worker. We got it done,” Hochul bragged Monday.

California's Ongoing Push to Pass Package of Retail Theft Bills
Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo co-authors retail theft legislation
Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo, alongside Attorney General Rob Bonta, State Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, and a bipartisan coalition of Assembly members, has introduced
a legislative package aimed at curtailing the surge in retail crimes.

This bill package comes as a result of the
months-long effort to tackle this growing crisis, including the formation of the Select Committee on Retail Theft, of which Schiavo, D-Chatsworth, is a member, according to a news release from the assemblywoman’s office.

The package includes Assembly Bill 2943, of which Schiavo is a principal co-author. This bill specifically
targets the organized crime rings behind a growing wave of “smash-and-grab” retail theft, the release said.

AB 2943 would create
stringent penalties for “professional” retail thieves, introduce measures to combat the online sale of stolen goods, and include provisions for aggregating theft values to meet grand theft criteria, enhancing the ability of law enforcement to respond effectively to these crimes, the release said.

At last week’s press conference announcing the legislative bill package, Rivas said, “The goal of the select committee was
to act with focus and urgency, and also work to deliver comprehensive, holistic solutions to this problem. I can say that this morning, the Assembly is moving forward a comprehensive, balanced, and bipartisan legislative package that seeks to strengthen public safety, protect shoppers and business owners across California, and ensure that we deliver real, visible, quality of life improvements to Californians.”

California Chamber of Commerce also joined the press conference in support of the legislative bill package.

Deadly Store Stabbing Becomes 2024 Election Issue
Will 2024's election be another 'law and order' campaign?

Trump Leaves His Trial to Rail Against Crime and Jab at Prosecutor

After a day in court, Donald Trump visited a bodega in Harlem where a clerk stabbed a man in 2022 and was charged by Alvin Bragg

In his first campaign stop since his criminal trial in Manhattan began, former President Donald J. Trump on Tuesday visited
a bodega in Harlem where he made a pointed attack on the district attorney prosecuting him and portrayed himself as tough on crime, a central theme of his 2024 run.

His visit to the store — the site of a case that prompted political controversy for Manhattan’s district attorney when
an employee was charged after fatally stabbing a man after a confrontation — made for a striking juxtaposition.

After spending much of the day in a Manhattan courtroom as a criminal defendant, Mr. Trump immediately traveled uptown both to criticize the
district attorney, Alvin Bragg, for being too lenient on crime and to play up his “law and order” message.

Before he arrived at the bodega, his campaign attacked Mr. Bragg over his handling of the 2022 incident, in which
Jose Alba, a clerk, was charged with second-degree murder after stabbing a man, Austin Simon, in an altercation.

Mr. Bragg and his office were criticized at the time for charging Mr. Alba, as
surveillance video showed Mr. Simon shoving Mr. Alba, raising questions about whether Mr. Alba had acted in self-defense. Prosecutors eventually dropped the case, saying they would be unable to “prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was not justified in his use of deadly physical force.”

Fighting Retail Crime Across the Pond
UK: Union urges Welsh PCCs to tackle surge in retail crime
police and crime commissioners in Wales must make retail crime a priority, says a workers' union.

The retail industry is seeking commitment from candidates in the upcoming Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections on May 2 to
three pledges aimed at combating soaring retail crime.

The Welsh Retail Consortium (WRC) as part of its
#GetToughonRetailCrime campaign, has requested those contending for the four PCC roles in Wales to:

Prioritise retail crime in Police and Crime Plans
Collaborate with other policing stakeholders to use the standalone offence for assaulting a retail worker effectively, once introduced and to track its use data
Commit resources necessary for handling retail crime in their respective regions

Detroit program 'having a real impact' reducing violent crime, deputy U.S. AG says

Several gun bills inspired by mass shooting are headed for final passage in Maine

More Cities Move to Restrict New Dollar Stores
Canton council approves restrictions for new dollar stores
The next dollar store to move into Canton will have
a new set of rules to follow, including a requirement to sell fresh produce.

Canton City Council unanimously approved
new planning and zoning regulations Monday for small-box discount retail stores, which the city defines as stores between 3,000 and 15,000 square feet that dedicate less than 15% of shelf space to fresh or fresh frozen foods and produce, and sell an assortment of products directly to the consumer for less than $10.

Roughly 20 discount stores exist within city limits, according to Canton officials.

The vote came after council held a public hearing Monday where
no speakers attended to support or oppose the rules, which have had the public support of Mayor William V. Sherer II and were recommended by Planning Director Donn Angus and Canton's Planning Commission.

Council last month passed a
moratorium that prevents the establishment of new dollar stores and similar retailers until after Jan. 1.

Council Majority Leader John Mariol II, D-Ward 7, said the new
rules are meant to help residents gain access to healthier food options. He said dollar stores, which often offer high-calorie foods with low nutritional value, operate like a quasi-grocery store and drive out traditional grocery stores.

“I think these are very reasonable restrictions,” said Mariol, who noted that
more than a dozen other Ohio communities have passed restrictions on dollar stores and similar retailers.

dollar stores are routinely blamed for failing to maintain their properties, attracting crime due to their lean staffing, and targeting distressed neighborhoods by building multiple stores within several miles of each other.

Retail AI Training
Is IKEA Setting the Standard for Employee AI Training?
IKEA is launching an initiative to promote artificial intelligence (AI) literacy throughout its organization. The
retailer’s training programs aim to equip employees with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the evolving landscape of AI effectively.

Parag Parekh, chief digital officer at IKEA Retail (Ingka Group), stated, “Our vision is clear. It’s about enhancing the capabilities of co-workers through technology,
ensuring that IKEA continues to be the place where innovation and compassion go hand in hand.”

Starting from FY 2024, IKEA has set ambitious targets to
offer AI literacy training to approximately 3,000 co-workers and 500 leaders. Parekh views this initiative as a testament to IKEA’s belief in harnessing the power of its people to drive creativity, efficiency, and results through technology.

The training programs encompass a range of courses tailored to meet the diverse needs of employees at different levels within the organization. These courses include
AI Fundamentals, available to all individuals, as well as specialized training in Responsible AI, Mastering Gen AI, and Algorithmic Training for Ethics

Who is to Blame For Inflation?
Grocery Inflation Gets Political
A new survey shows
consumers blame government policies the most for high grocery prices, but food suppliers and grocers weren’t far behind.

In the survey of 1,150 U.S. consumers conducted by The Feedback Group, respondents were asked to attribute responsibility for increased food and grocery prices on a five-point scale where five is “highly responsible” and one is “not at all responsible.”
Government policies and actions received the highest mean score (3.86), followed by product manufacturers and suppliers (3.75), worldwide political conflicts (3.42), supermarket retailers (3.40), and labor supply shortages (3.23)

Walmart to deploy robotic cranes at milk facility

The full list of major US companies slashing staff this year


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SIA in Partnership with ISC West
New Products and Solutions (NPS) Awards

Recognizing Innovative Security Products, Services and Solutions

SIA Names Axis Communications Winner in 2 Categories & 1 Honorable Mention

The Security Industry Association (SIA) has announced the 2024 winners of the SIA New Products and Solutions (NPS) Awards, the flagship awards program presented in partnership with ISC West recognizing innovative security products, services and solutions.

Video Surveillance Cameras

Winner: Axis Communications – AXIS W110 Body Worn Camera
Honorable Mention: Axis Communications – AXIS Q9307-LV Dome Camera

Threat Detection and Response Solutions

Winner: Axis D22120-VE Radar

Learn more about the solutions by clicking
the images below

AXIS W110 Body Worn Camera

AXIS Q9307-LV Dome Camera

Axis D22120-VE Radar

View the full list of awardees here.






AI Will Enhance Skills & Productivity for Cybersecurity Pros
AI set to enhance cybersecurity roles, not replace them
In this Help Net Security interview, Caleb Sima, Chair of CSA AI Security Alliance, discusses how
AI empowers security pros, emphasizing its role in enhancing skills and productivity rather than replacing staff.

AI is seen as empowering rather than replacing security pros. How do you foresee AI changing their roles in the future?

While the future of AI replacing jobs remains uncertain, I am confident it’s not imminent. AI is a tool that can be used to empower rather than replace security pros. In fact, a survey –
State of AI and Security Survey Report – that CSA recently conducted with Google found that the majority of organizations plan to use AI to strengthen their teams, whether that means enhancing their skills and knowledge base (36%) or improving detection times (26%) and productivity (26%), rather than replacing staff altogether.

In the immediate future,
we will see AI leveraged to automate a host of repetitive tasks (such as reporting) across teams. This will free up significant chunks of time currently spent on compiling management reports, for example, and enable those teams to focus on higher-priority work. This aligns with what the survey found, where 58% of respondents indicated that they believe AI will enhance their skill set or generally support their current role. An additional 24% see AI as replacing parts of their job, allowing them to focus on other activities.

Security teams, for instance,
can leverage AI algorithms to identify and remediate threats exponentially faster and more effectively than they could by human action alone. Correspondingly, by inputting historical data, security teams can use AI to help predict potential threats and plan mitigation strategies before these threats escalate. Regardless, security experts will need to learn how to best leverage AI in both their organization and their individual roles.

Biggest Data Security Threat: Third-Party Vendors?
Third-Party Vendors Emerge as Data Security Threat
In today’s digitized operating environment, a business is only as good as its cyber defenses.

And with Change Healthcare reportedly facing a new ransomware attack following an earlier massive breach in February, while Roku disclosed to its customers Friday (April 12) that
591,000 accounts were impacted by two separate cyberattacks, securing their cyber perimeters and locking down vulnerable attack vectors is increasingly top of mind for modern enterprises.

This, as the U.S. government has announced that a
past data breach at Microsoft “presents a grave and unacceptable risk” to an undisclosed number of federal agencies.

Per an emergency directive issued by the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), “The threat actor is using information initially
exfiltrated from the corporate email systems, including authentication details shared between Microsoft customers and Microsoft by email, to gain, or attempt to gain, additional access to Microsoft customer systems … and has increased the volume of some aspects of the intrusion campaign, such as password sprays, by as much as 10-fold.”

The CISA has directed all affected federal agencies and those whose authentication processes have potentially been compromised to identify the full content of the agency correspondence with compromised Microsoft accounts and perform a cybersecurity impact analysis that includes taking immediate remediation action for tokens, passwords, API keys or other authentication credentials; as well as resetting credentials in associated applications and deactivate those associated applications.

After all, as the Microsoft incident shows, an organization’s cyber defenses span far beyond just its own firewalls.
Attack vectors in today’s landscape are increasingly likely to be compromised through intrusions across B2B vendors and third parties, making mitigating supply chain cyber risks an imperative for modern enterprises.

Key Sectors Under Cyberattack from China, Russia & Iran
FBI director echoes past warnings, as critical infrastructure hacking threat festers

Chris Wray says adversaries from China, Russia and Iran are ramping up cyber, espionage and other threat activity against key sectors

FBI Director Christopher Wray said state-linked threat groups are
ramping up threat activity against the U.S., and pose a continued risk to key critical infrastructure sectors, in a speech Tuesday before the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Law and National Security.

Threat actors linked with the People’s Republic of China are continuing to build out offensive capabilities, setting up access to various sectors such as the water, energy and telecommunications industries, according to Wray.

“We’re seeing
hostile nation states become more aggressive in their efforts to steal our secrets and our innovation, target our critical infrastructure, export their aggression to our shores and front and center is China,” Wray said.

Audio deepfakes: What they are, and the risks they present

5 free red teaming resources to get you started



In Case You Missed It

Rexall Using Auror's Retail Crime Intelligence Platform Canada-Wide
Solving the ORC problem with Auror's Retail Crime Intelligence Platform
Rexall is one of Canada's leading pharmacy brands, with nearly 400 locations. Like many organizations, Rexall regularly faced obstacles in combating crime, loss, and harm - especially from repeat subjects and ORC groups.

Lack of structured intel on the incidents reported by stores, delayed intelligence, and the inability to identify and link subjects were frustrating challenges that hindered asset protection/loss prevention (AP/LP).

Rexall partnered with Auror to evolve its approach to solving the ORC problem. Rexall experienced early success during their 90-day pilot, and from 2019 to 2022, reported an impactful 17% reduction in shrink across their locations.

For Daryl Blackmore, Rexall's Director of Asset Protection, ensuring store safety was a key issue to address. "Empowering stores to take safe action is easier with Auror," says Daryl. With the rise in threatening behavior and ORC, actionable intelligence has never been more important. Daryl continues, "With the right information at the right time, our team members can stop accidents before they start."

With Auror's Retail Crime Intelligence platform, Rexall gained a clear view of how significant repeat subjects were to the company's profitability. When compared to non-repeat offenders, their financial impact was obvious. The average loss per incident for repeat offenders was $153, whereas the average loss per incident for non-repeat offenders was $30.

Rexall could now show high value cases to law enforcement in the Auror platform quickly and effectively. Working with Auror, 29% of all incidents were reported to law enforcement, 14 ORC investigations resulted in arrest warrants, and 12 ORC investigations results in criminal charges.

Following their initial pilot, Rexall completed a nationwide roll-out of Auror's Retail Crime Intelligence platform. Since then, Rexall has led a shift from collecting intelligence to driving outcomes. As the wins continue to come in, it's clear their approach is working. And it will only continue to improve as visibility across their stores increases even more.

Retail Crime Gangs Targeting Self-Checkout in Toronto
How retail crime rings are using self-checkout to steal millions of dollars worth of merchandise in the Toronto area

Police say crime rings are stealing merchandise from Shoppers Drug Mart and big box stores, then selling it through online marketplaces like Amazon

In the summer of 2022, police got a tip from Shoppers Drug Mart. Security at the pharmacy chain had spotted a pattern in
a string of shoplifting incidents at suburban stores outside Toronto.

According to police, Shoppers reported that a group of thieves was repeatedly going into stores and picking out expensive items, like electric toothbrushes, vitamins and breast pumps.
They scanned the items through a self-checkout kiosk so none of the staff got suspicious but didn’t actually complete the transaction, they just walked out with the merchandise.

Sgt. Rob Felske, who leads the Halton Police retail theft unit, said his team started looking into the tip and discovered the Shoppers thieves weren’t run-of-the-mill shoplifters.
They were part of a larger criminal organization, with foot soldiers and middle managers and a top executive operating out of a warehouse in Brampton. Police allege the group was responsible for the theft of millions of dollars worth of products from big-box stores around the Greater Toronto Area, and they were selling the stolen goods through online marketplaces such as Amazon.

Retailers are reporting
a rise in what they call “organized retail crime.” The term sounds like it’s referring to a pack of teenagers filling their pockets at a corner store, not a complex network of professional criminals. But police say organized retail crime rings are real, and worse than you think.

Retailers have tried to
thwart organized crime with new equipment and tactics at store exits, but those attempts can end up backfiring. Most recently, Loblaw — Canada’s largest retailer and the owner of Shoppers Drug Mart — tested receipt scanners at four grocery stores in Ontario, where shoppers using self-checkouts had to scan a receipt to open a gate and leave the store.

The move
sparked a public backlash, with customers complaining they felt Loblaw was treating them like criminals. Resentment against Canada’s big grocers has been bubbling for years, after heightened inflation drove up food prices while Canada’s top grocery chains increased profits. For many, it seemed out of line for the grocers to start cracking down on theft in the middle of an affordability crisis.

‘It’s just an overall explosion in homelessness’
Encampment numbers in Toronto have more than doubled over last March

A snapshot of tents and structures in Toronto is trending closer to pandemic spring numbers, according to city hall data.

Yet, as of mid-March, at least three tents were erected in this riverside greenspace, deep in northwest Toronto. To Chan McNally, it’s yet another symptom of a ballooning crisis — as city data shows the number of tents in ravines, parks and under bridges is more than double last spring’s count.

Where workers counted 82 tents or other makeshift structures set up citywide on March 15, 2023, that shot up to 202 on the same date this year — edging closer to the 291-tent count seen in the mid-pandemic spring of 2021.

Loewe Enters Canada with 1st Standalone Store at Toronto’s Yorkdale Shopping Centre

Peavey Mart Spearheads Retail Revamp of Stores Across Canada

South American Theft Group Hits Montreal Jewelry Store
Ten people face charges after $3M heist at West Island jewelry store

Eight men and two women were arrested at 1 a.m. Thursday in Pointe-Claire, soon after the robbery.

Ten people allegedly involved in a West Island
jewelry store heist were arrested early Thursday morning in possession of $3 million in stolen goods, Montreal police said. The robbery occurred between Wednesday night and early Thursday at a mall.

The alleged culprits —
eight men and two women, age 19 to 38 — were arrested at 1 a.m. Thursday in Pointe-Claire, soon after the robbery.

At the time of the simultaneous arrests,
the group had a safe belonging to the targeted business, as well as jewelry and other items. The total value was about $3 million, police said. Police said they found burglary tools in the suspects’ vehicles.

The 10 people face multiple charges, including breaking and entering, theft, conspiracy and possession of burglary tools. They remain in custody. Police said evidence indicates the
10 people are linked to South American theft groups. Operating in several countries, members of this criminal network travel to carry out organized theft activities.

Attempted Murder at Canadian Tire Store
Man accused of stabbing police officer at Saint John Canadian Tire store

Corey James Clarke, 35, pleads not guilty to seven charges, including attempted murder of a Saint John police officer

A man accused of attempted murder of a Saint John police officer after an alleged stabbing during a disturbance in a Canadian Tire pleaded not guilty. Corey James Clarke, 35, of Route 825 in Garnett Settlement, pleaded not guilty Friday to seven charges which related to an Feb. 21 incident at the Fairville Boulevard Canadian Tire store. He is charged with
attempted murder and aggravated assault of Cst. Jonathan Grenier, assault of Cst. Ryan Woodman, assaulting a woman with a knife, possession of a weapon dangerous to the public peace, mischief under $5,000 and resisting officers.

Robbery Spree Targeting Gas Stations, C-Stores
Winnipeg man arrested in connection with armed robberies at gas stations, convenience stores
Winnipeg police say a suspect is in custody in connection with a series of armed robberies along Henderson Highway.
The man is accused in six incidents at gas stations and convenience stores between April 7-9. In each case, police said, the suspect was either armed with a knife or told workers he had one, and demanded money and cigarettes. In one instance, a victim was stabbed. The suspect, 22, was spotted by officers shortly after the last store robbery on Tuesday. Police say he was in the process of trying to commit another robbery in the parking lot of a grocery store at the time he was arrested. He’s now in custody, facing a whopping 21 charges, including robbery and aggravated assault. Police said he was taken to hospital after his arrest, as officers believed he was under the influence of meth.

1 arrested, police seek second man after March liquor store robbery

Arrests made following investigation into store robberies in Regina

View Canadian Connections Archives







TikTok Shoppers Have Growing Privacy Concerns
Survey: Privacy concerns arise for TikTok Shop users
App privacy is very important to consumers, which is having an impact on how frequently they make purchases on the TikTok Shop.

According to a new survey of 1,015 American consumers from HostingAdvice,
87% said they believe app privacy policies are important, with 9% said privacy policies were the most important factor when downloading an app. Only 13% of survey respondents said they do not feel app privacy policies are important, increasing to 19% for Gen Z respondents.

This concern for privacy is impacting consumers who have previously purchased items off the TikTok Shop, which was launched by the online video platform in the U.S. in September 2023. For the 84% of Americans who have not made a purchase from TikTok Shop in the last six months,
16% cited privacy concerns around sharing payment information.

15% said there are too many illegitimate third-party sellers, and the same amount thought they could get better prices elsewhere. Eleven percent said there weren’t enough product reviews from verified customers.

Of the 16% of Americans surveyed who have made a purchase using TikTok Shop in the last six months (as of February 2024),
42% said they would make additional purchases based on sales incentives for featured products.

Nearly a quarter
(24%) said they were unhappy with their purchase or the product received wasn’t accurate to the listings/photos, while 23% have made additional purchases since. Eleven percent wouldn’t purchase from the TikTok Shop again because shipping was slow. More than six-in-10 (61%) of survey respondents said they do not use TikTok.

Amazon is America's Largest EV Charging Operator
How Amazon Became the Largest Private EV Charging Operator in the US

To install 17,000 delivery van chargers at 120 warehouses, the company had to be flexible, patient and spend a lot of money.

In a little more than two years, Amazon has installed more than
17,000 chargers at about 120 warehouses around the US, making the retail giant the largest operator of private electrical vehicle charging infrastructure in the country. “We’ve figured out the path,” said Tom Chempananical, who oversees Amazon’s fleet of last-mile delivery vehicles.

Logistics companies like
United Parcel Service Inc. and FedEx Corp. have rolled out their own ambitious electric vehicle targets, though many have failed to meaningfully curb the growing emissions from e-commerce deliveries. Amazon, meanwhile, backed away from a vow to make half of all deliveries with zero carbon pollution by 2030, saying that initiative was superseded by broader climate goals. But the company has come farther and faster in the transition to EVs than most of its competitors. Understanding the challenges faced by Amazon, a company known for going to extreme lengths to meet tight delivery deadlines, can help chart a roadmap for other companies across industries trying to eliminate their own carbon bills.

Personalized Emails Are Key to Winning Persuadable Shoppers’ Loyalty

Alibaba, navigating sea change, reorients business towards bread-and-butter e-commerce and AI, pares down overhaul







Placer County, CA: Rocklin Police arrest Target theft suspect with $600,000 worth of stolen merchandise
A suspect in a Target shoplifting case was arrested in connection with a series of theft incidents that totaled over $600,000, according to the Rocklin Police Department. On Monday, Rocklin PD located the suspect in a vehicle. Police said the grand theft happened earlier this year and the suspect was found with some of the stolen Target merchandise. The alleged thief was arrested for three felony and three misdemeanor warrants from three counties. Officials said the suspect was also arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia.

Tinley Park, IL: 2 Charged After Raid Of Tinley Home, $150K In Stolen Goods Recovered
Two men were arrested and charged, after the Cook County Sheriff's Department descended on a Tinley Park home as part of an organized retail theft investigation. On Tuesday, April 9, the Sheriff’s Police Community Safety Team’s (CST) Organized Retail Crimes Taskforce Investigators executed a search warrant at a home in the 17600 block of 71st Avenue. Investigators suspected Adnan Turshan, 27, and Hasan Tarshan, 28, of stealing thousands of dollars' worth of over the counter products to then re-sell them online, the Cook County Sheriff's Department said Tuesday. During their investigation, CST investigators learned that the two men had stolen thousands of dollars’ worth of over the counter products and resold them on the internet. In a search of the home, investigators found approximately $150,765 in stolen merchandise, authorities said. Investigators learned that the men would travel out of state, steal from retail stores, and then return to Illinois with the stolen merchandise to sell via online marketplaces, officials said.

Los Angeles, CA: Flash robbery crew wanted for ransacking SoCal stores
Authorities are searching for suspects wanted for a series of flash mob robberies targeting stores across Los Angeles County. The group of suspects began targeting retail shops on March 3, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. The robbery crew involves around 10 to 20 male suspects who are all between 15 to 25 years old, authorities said. The suspects entered retail stores at nighttime while wearing hooded sweatshirts and face coverings. They would quickly overtake the shops and begin grabbing as much clothing and merchandise as they could hold. They would then run out of the store without paying for the items and typically fled the area on bicycles, police said. All the recently targeted stores were located within a few miles of each other. Police believe many of the young suspects likely attend the Los Angeles Unified School District, which is located near the victimized stores.

Los Angeles County, CA: Robbery crew in California nets $90K from stolen lotto scratchers
A four-person robbery crew that targeted 7-Eleven stores across Los Angeles County collected more than $90,000 from stolen lottery scratchers, authorities announced Tuesday. Detectives with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Major Crimes Bureau say the crew was responsible for some 44 strong-arm robberies, which resulted in retail losses of $250,000 over a two-month span. While the suspects were under surveillance, detectives observed them robbing one of the 7-Eleven stores. “The suspects jumped the counter and forcibly stole over $3,000 worth of California Lottery Scratchers,” an LASD news release stated.

Brentwood, CA: Brentwood Police arrest 2 for theft at Home Depot
According to police, on Sunday, around 6:00 pm, officers were dispatched to Home Depot for two suspicious people inside the store, who are known suspects in numerous retail theft incidents from several Home Depot locations. When officers arrived, they subsequently detained 54 year-old Daniel Clark of Fairfield. The second involved person, identified as 38 year-old Thomas Hodge of Fairfield, attempted to flee the scene, however he was also subsequently detained by officers. Hodge had numerous warrants for his arrest and he is also on active felony probation out of Solano County for Grand Theft. Officers located several buckets of suspected stolen paint buckers inside the truck they both arrived in. Cash and a magnetic device that can be used to deactivate or remove security devices, were also found in the truck. Hodge and Clark were placed under arrest for Organized Retail Theft, Conspiracy to Commit a Crime, and other related charges. Hodge had additional charges for the outstanding warrants and probation violation. Clark had additional drugs for possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia. Both were transported to the Martinez Detention Facility.

Cobb County, GA: Home Depot employee gave Cobb contractors $18k in stolen merchandise

Brooklyn, NY: Around $62,000 worth of jewelry stolen from 2 Williamsburg stores in separate incidents

Bensalem Township, PA: Legos Bandit Caught, Another One Sought In Bensalem

Las Vegas, NV: Pickleball paddles, worth $4K, stolen from southwest Las Vegas store

Augusta, GA: Former Augusta National Golf Club worker charged in Chicago with stealing millions in Masters memorabilia






Shootings & Deaths

Houston, TX: Update: 4 teen suspects, aged 14 and 16, arrested and charged in store clerk's murder
Four teenagers are facing capital murder charges in connection with a robbery that turned deadly at a southeast Houston convenience store last month. The juvenile male suspects, aged 14, 14, 16, and 16, were referred to the Harris County Juvenile Probation Department, according to Houston police. Their identities or booking photos will not be released. The four suspects are charged in the death of 42-year-old Steven Mendoza De Luna. On March 20, just before 1 a.m., De Luna was working at the convenience store along the Gulf Freeway and Monroe Road when investigators said three suspects entered the business and attempted a robbery. Police said that during the robbery, one of the suspects shot De Luna, who was pronounced dead at the scene. The store clerk reportedly had a gun, but it's unclear if he was able to fire any rounds.

Chicago, IL: Woman shot at McDonald's drive-thru on Chicago's Northwest Side
An 18-year-old woman was shot at a McDonald's drive-thru early Tuesday in the Humboldt Park neighborhood. Police said the woman drove up to the drive-thru window of a McDonald's in the 4300 block of West North Avenue around 12:50 a.m., when a man approached on a bike. The man began arguing with the woman and three passengers in the car, before he pulled out a gun and started shooting. The victim drove to Ascension Saint Mary Hospital, and was later transferred to Stroger Hospital in good condition with gunshot wounds to the back and left arm. No one was in custody Tuesday morning. Area Five detectives were investigating.

Oxon Hill, MD: Man shot by Forest Heights Police officer identified
A man is in the hospital after a police officer shot him at a shopping center in Oxon Hill on Monday. According to the Forest Heights Police Department, the shooting happened at the Rivertowne Commons Marketplace on Oxon Hill Road. In a press conference, Kirk Banton with the Forest Heights Police Department said officers first stopped a car linked to an assault suspect around 5:30 p.m. The officers reportedly told the driver to exit the car but he refused. A short time later, the driver got out allegedly armed with what police believed to be a knife. Investigators later clarified that the man was holding a multi-tool with the pliers out.

Robberies, Incidents & Thefts

Clovis, CA: Assault rifle found after armed robbery outside Target in Clovis
An assault rifle and a handgun were found following the arrest of three people believed to be involved in an armed robbery at the Target store at Clovis’ Sierra Vista Mall. According to the Clovis Police Department, the armed robbery took place Monday at around 6:30 p.m. at the Target store at Clovis Avenue and Shaw Avenue. Officers say four suspects drove into the parking lot and robbed two adults at gunpoint, before driving away with the victims’ property. Following a number of 911 calls, Clovis Police officers say they pursued the suspects out of Clovis and into Fresno County pursuing them for around 20 miles. The suspects crashed the vehicle they were driving near an orchard east of Kerman. Three suspects were arrested following a search of the immediate area. Officers also reported that an assault rifle and a handgun, which were both loaded, were also found inside the suspects’ vehicle. Of the three suspects, police say one is a juvenile and the two others were identified as 20-year-old Jose Mitra Barrios and 18-year-old Abel Sanchez Martinez, both from Madera. According to police, the three suspects were arrested on suspicion of armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and evading officers. Both adult suspects have been booked into Fresno County Jail. A fourth suspect remains on the run, officers say. It is also believed that the suspects and the victims knew eath other. No injuries were reported following the incident.

Wilmington, DE: Suspect Arrested; Detectives Investigating Armed Robbery at Wilmington Kohl’s
Delaware State Police arrested 29-year-old Nyejierra Drummond of Wilmington, Delaware, for an armed robbery that occurred last week at a Kohl’s in Wilmington. On April 9, 2024, at approximately 11:37 a.m., troopers responded to Kohl’s, located at 4437 Kirkwood Highway, Wilmington, for a report of a robbery. The preliminary investigation revealed a Kohl’s employee approached a black female suspect that he recognized from previous shopliftings. The suspect began walking out of the store as the employee approached her. Once outside, the suspect turned around, pulled out a handgun from her purse, and threatened to kill the employee. The suspect then walked back into the store, stole over $1,300 worth of merchandise, and fled in an unknown direction. Through investigative means and with the assistance of Delaware Probation and Parole, Delaware State Police Troop 2 Robbery Detectives developed probationer Nyejierra Drummond as the suspect involved in the robbery and obtained a warrant for her arrest. On April 15, 2024, Drummond was taken into custody without incident by Probation and Parole and transported to Troop 2.

Collier County, FL: 3 suspects in custody after Saks Fifth Avenue robbery and chase in Collier County
Three suspects are in custody after they allegedly robbed a Saks Fith Avenue store before leading deputies on a chase across Collier County on Tuesday. According to the Collier County Sheriff's Office, the suspects took off in their vehicle after robbing the store located in the Waterside Shops. Deputies followed them from Golden Gate Parkway to Logan Boulevard before eventually detaining them near a Chic-fil-A off Immokalee Road. Deputies and crews with Greater Naples Fire Rescue are currently on scene investigating. There are no further details at this time.

Memphis, TN: Man used a 5-foot snake to try to rob a Shell convenience store

Lawrence, KS: Topeka man sentenced to 216 months in prison for C-Store armed robbery

Revere, MA: Man Charged With Convenience Store Robberies in Everett and Revere

Baton Rouge, LA: Man pleads guilty to robbing two Dollar General stores

Alton, IL: Man indicted for armed robbery of same liquor store twice

Skimmer Alert: Another credit card skimmer discovered at Northwest DC 7-Eleven



Auto – Somerset, NJ – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Las Cruces, NM – Armed Robbery
C-Store – Washington, DC – Robbery
C-Store - Brooklyn, NY – Burglary
C-Store – Fort Walton Beach, FL – Robbery
C-Store - Chicago, IL – Armed Robbery
Cellphone - Henderson, KY – Armed Robbery
Dollar – Columbus, MS – Robbery
Gas Station – Memphis, TN – Robbery
Gas Station – Dekalb County. GA – Armed Robbery
Guns – Hybla Valley, VA – Armed Robbery
Jewelry – Brooklyn, NY – Burglary
Kohl’s – Wilmington, DE – Armed Robbery
Pharmacy – Bakersfield, CA – Robbery
Restaurant – Houston, TX – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Belvidere, IL – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Chicago, IL – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Chicago, IL – Armed Robbery
Restaurant – Toms Rover, NJ – Burglary
Saks Fifth Avenue – Collier County, FL – Robbery
Sports – Las Vegas, NV – Robbery
Walmart – East Stroudsburg, PA – Robbery                                                                                                

Daily Totals:
• 19 robberies
• 3 burglaries
• 0 shootings
• 0 killed


Click map to enlarge






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Multi-Store Detective (Pittsburgh Operating Market)
Pittsburgh, PA - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

Multi-Store Detective (Cleveland Operating Market)
Cleveland, OH - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

Multi-Store Detective (Akron/Canton Operating Market)
Akron/Canton, OH - Posted April 9

Job Summary: Store Detectives are key players in serving their assigned locations in the detection and apprehension of shoplifters. Job Responsibilities: Detect and apprehend shoplifters with the use of standard visual practice and CCTV in multi-store environment; Utilize CCTV to create video records of incidents requested by law enforcement and internal departments...

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Sometimes when you're moving so fast and dealing with the mistakes of the day, the frustration levels peak and one can tend to forget that sometimes you've just got to stop, listen and take a breath and maybe talk to a friend about it all. If it's a good friend, they'll bring you back into focus and make sure you don't react too aggressively and make the mistakes even worst. There aren't many friends like that nor ones that you can absolutely trust. But if you've got a couple, make sure you thank them as well for taking the time. 

Just a Thought,


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