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News Brief
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#MeToo Movement - It Happens in
All Industries
Including Retail Loss Prevention
By Joan Manson,
Senior Retail Executive and Women in Loss Prevention Chair
Any man that has unlawfully sexually harassed a female in the workplace should
beware in two ways. Beware that times have changed and be aware that women have
gained new strength in numbers to report harassment like never before. Women
want to do a great job for their company and boss without the distraction of sex
in the workplace. It is best to be known as the boss or peer that raises women
up to help them flourish in their careers in our ever-growing and changing
All sexual harassment is unlawful. The risks do not outweigh the rewards when it
comes to sexual harassment. There can be criminal actions and civil penalties as
well as the loss of a job and potentially your career if you unlawfully harass a
subordinate or coworker. Women want a workplace that is free of the garbage that
a few men have subjected them to due to their male chauvinism or lack of
awareness and understanding of how it feels to be put in an awkward situation
just because you are of a different sex.
During the Women in LP discussions during the annual Protect conferences, I
continue to hear of examples of stories and I am disappointed in how some men
who are leading the LP efforts of a company, still today think sexual harassment
is permissible. It did cross my mind to list a few names herein, but will
refrain in hopes that everyone has heard this message loud and clear. It is my
hope that the men many times do not understand their words or actions and the
negative affect they have on their subordinates. It is my hope through sharing a
few of the examples, men will think about what they are doing that results in a
negative impact on the women they work with and are responsible for developing.
The following are first hand examples of what I have heard from women attending
the Protect conference.
These have all happened. Not a one on the list is made up.
Women are tired of being seen as the one who is:
● Responsible for organizing all meetings/events.
● Excluded from the after work visit to the local bar or male entertainment
venue. They are expected to arrange the event, but typically are excluded from
attending. Thankfully, the women are disgusted and wouldn’t attend regardless.
● Expected to go to the sports bar, drink with the fellows, or if they don’t,
they are considered the party pooper and an outcast.
● Expected to listen to all of the sports chatter, hunting stories, the escapade
with the online date. Verses, never being asked about what her outside interests
may be.
● Expected to rub the bosses back or asked out for dinner alone with the boss.
And, if at the bar with the gang, do not dance suggestively to the female.
● Surprised that her hotel room is adjoining the bosses room. He knocks on the
door to ask if she would like a drink!
And let’s all remember, as employers we are responsible for preventing and
protecting our female employees from harassment by third parties. It has been
reported more than once, that a male police officer become flirtatious and at
times disrespectful of the female store investigator, manager, and so on.
These activities should have been left in the 60’s, 70’s, 80's, or 90’s but not in
the 21st century. If you have ever done any of the above, or think it’s
appropriate, or watched it go on, now is the time to ensure it is immediately
stopped. With all of the attention as of late in the press, the last thing a
male supervisor should want to hear about is a complaint due to his behavior
toward a female subordinate or colleague has been treated in an unfair sexist
manner. Those days are O-V-E-R!
Men can be supportive of a female's career:
● Treat them with the same manner and respect as other male coworkers.
● If you wouldn’t want your daughter, wife, your mother or the CEO to hear,
watch or be on the receiving end of sexist conduct, it is best to count to 5,
bite your tongue and think of something more appropriate for all audiences.
● If you don’t want to see your face on the front of the newspaper with an
allegation of sexual harassment, it is best to ensure your conduct is something
you are always proud of.
● Understand a female employee may have other family obligations (so do single
dads). Be compassionate, and assist when a less experienced subordinate may
need help finding the right balance or blend of work and home.
● Never assume a female can’t be considered for a promotion due to
family/childcare obligations. Let them figure that out.
● If a female is pregnant, treat her like anyone else. Expect the same quantity
and quality of work from her unless a medical provider provides a written
document that says otherwise.
● Volunteer to become a mentor to a female in your organization or another
company. The Women in LP has a Mentoring Program and always looking for Mentors
to help advance up and comers in the industry.
● Compensate the female employee just as you would a male with the same skill
set, experience, and potential. In some states now, an applicant is not asked
for compensation history on the job application to ensure they are paid fairly
without any potential of discrimination.
Times have changed. Women just want to be treated fairly and do a great job for
their company and boss.
Be the boss or peer that raises women up to help them flourish in their careers.
Editor's Note: Understanding current events and the need for every
industry to address this issue and allow those impacted to be heard and begin
the healing process, we at the Daily offer this column and guarantee anonymity.
If you would like to submit your own story or thoughts on the subject, feel free
to email us.
How to Investigate Sexual Harassment Allegations
Make sure you have the knowledge & training you need before complaints surface
While workplace investigations in general are considered one of the toughest
parts of an HR professional’s duties, investigating sexual harassment complaints
can be particularly challenging.
“It’s an embarrassing subject for folks, which is why we often don’t hear about
it for decades,” says Judy Clark, owner of HR Answers Inc., in Tigard, Ore. “In
most situations, it’s not about sex, it’s about an abuse of power.”
So, it’s very difficult for someone new to a job or in a low-level position to
report harassment, Clark says. “It’s not just that they’re afraid of coming to
HR. They’re afraid of the consequences. ‘What happens if I lose my job? What
happens if I’m identified as a troublemaker? What happens if I lose my job and
they give me a bad reference?’ ”
Frequently, the employee who is being harassed just wants the offensive behavior
to stop, she says. That’s why it’s important to be sensitive to the individual’s
turmoil, explaining that, “We don’t want you to be subjected to this. We have to
look into this.” Then determine whether it’s necessary to take steps to protect
the individual’s physical safety and to block any retaliation.
All sexual harassment allegations should be investigated, although some
inquiries will be more extensive than others. If you write anybody off, you
could later be accused of not taking their complaints seriously, Clark says.
Likewise, she notes, a superficial or sloppy investigation will send the message
to employees “that the organization doesn’t care, that the organization thinks
I’m lying, that they’re protecting a person of power.” And an employee who might
have been upset and sad before could turn angry. “Mad means money in court,”
Clark says.
Pilot Flying J Trial May Include Secret Tapes
Secret recordings of Pilot Flying J exec to appear in court
Audio recordings are expected to make an appearance in a fraud trial involving
four former employees of Pilot Flying J. The tapes are said to include former
president Mark Hazelwood leveling racially offensive language against the city
of Cleveland and the Browns. Prosecutors say the tapes shed light on Hazelwood’s
character and leadership.
Cleveland.com reports the tapes were secretly recorded by an FBI informant.
Hazelwood and the three others on trial are accused of skimming money from
trucking companies for at least five years. Pilot Flying J and Cleveland Browns
owner Jimmy Haslam is not under trial.
Fresno Female HR Director Pleads Guilty to Stealing
$1.5M+ from International Food Distribution Company
To embezzle funds from Borges USA, Hays misreported her salary, expenses, and
vacation time to the company’s payroll processor, which then remitted the stolen
funds to Hays’s bank account. In total, Hays stole at least $1,535,420 in
inflated salary payments and false expenses reimbursements from Borges USA.
Retailers (not just Amazon and Walmart) can unlock your front door now
- If you let them
You'll soon have the option to request a package be delivered inside your home,
or fresh groceries be stocked in your fridge, when you're not around. You'll
just need an August Smart Lock.
San Francisco-based August Home has partnered with same-day delivery service
Deliv to safely open shoppers' front doors to retailers, merging August Home's
access platform with Deliv's client base, which includes such companies as
Macy's, meal-kit service Plated, Kohl's, Best Buy and Walgreens.
These are just a few of the retailers, along with other logistics services
outside of Deliv, that could reveal partnerships with August Home in the next
few months, August Home CEO Jason Johnson told CNBC.
In 2017, Walmart teamed up with the smart-lock maker to pilot this
shipment method around Silicon Valley, which was largely successful, Johnson
said. The big-box retailer is expected to make an announcement later this year
regarding its progress and the next steps to tackle in-home (and in-fridge)
Joplin, MO: Mall Security Guards Quit Over Alleged Safety Concerns
Ray Martinous and Bob Jacobous quit their jobs as security officers at Northpark
Mall shortly before Christmas. The now former security guards say ERMC, the
company Northpark Mall contracts for security and housekeeping services, has
ignored the need for security cameras inside and outside the mall.
"We had a senior shopper who was struck by a careless driver, turned out to be a
hit-and-run driver," says Martinous. "Right there, should have been enough to
have cameras installed, both inside the mall and outside. We were depending on
the mall director to tell them, hey, we need cameras here. She comes up and
says, I need you to write a report on every shoplifter who gets away. I asked
her, what is the point here? She said, well, I have to get enough reports of
crime going on so I can get these cameras out here."
Martinous says pictures included with this story show a security guard sleeping
on the routine job and also during CPR training.
A statement from CBL Properties, the company that owns Northpark Mall, reads,
"We contract with a third party to provide security services for the property.
Once made aware of these allegations, we contacted our vendor, and corrective
action was taken."

The mall crisis is secretly morphing into a
full-on Armageddon
Some retailers are choosing to let leases expire instead of closing stores,
and that number is not accounted for in store closure numbers.
stores close around the country, one symptom of the retail apocalypse has
been overlooked. While many brands announce their store closures in earnings
calls and press releases, others are quietly pulling back their footprint and
letting store leases expire.
A new report by the real-estate analysis firm Green Street Advisors found 2,468
"in-line" store closures in 2017, but 979 of those were not announced by the
parent brand.
The report specifically looked at the largest 25 mall retailers in the US, which
have the biggest impact on malls. It found that even some retailers that have
not talked about closing stores shrank their footprint in 2017, like Hallmark,
which closed 101 stores, and Stride Ride, which closed 160.
Retail’s Tax Windfall Provides Ammunition Against
How will retailers use the free cash flow from corporate tax cuts?
Instead of coal for Christmas, retailers got a war chest. Their corporate tax
rate of 35% will drop to 21%, handing them a free cash flow boost as they fight
for survival in the Amazon era.
Domestically-focused retailers like Nordstrom and Ross Stores will fare better
than those that have already taken advantage of loopholes associated with
foreign business.
Research by Loop Capital points to Williams-Sonoma, Best Buy and Ulta as those
likely to reap such rewards.
Meanwhile, deep-discount retailers have less to celebrate. Paltry tax breaks for
low-income consumers will leave them with little extra to spend. Indeed,
potential changes in entitlement programs to offset low corporate income tax
means they could be worse off.
For those retailers flush with savings, the question is how to use them. Some
will reward shareholders. Others are more likely to reinvest savings in store
remodelings, customer service and e-commerce capabilities.
In the long-term, though, retailers can look forward to battling Amazon with
renewed resources. Will it be money well spent, or just expensive life-support
for a dying industry?
NJ Ready To Give Billions In Tax Breaks For 50,000 Amazon Jobs
New Jersey is laying out the welcome mat big time to get Amazon's second
headquarters located in the state. A plan to attract Amazon's second corporate
headquarters to New Jersey was approved by the Senate this week, presenting the
company with incentives to locate a facility that could create up to 50,000 jobs
with an investment of $5 billion in tax breaks.
U.S. Employers Reveal Strongest Early-Year Hiring Plans Since 2001
Companies in the United States reported the strongest first-quarter hiring
outlook since 2001, according to ManpowerGroup's latest employment forecast for
2018. The survey of over 11,500 U.S. employers found that 21 percent plan to
increase staff in the first quarter, 5 percent plan to decrease staff and the
majority expect no change. That results in a net employment outlook of 16
percent and rises to 19 percent when seasonally adjusted, marking the 14th
consecutive quarter with an outlook of 15 percent or above.
ADT Sets Terms for $2B IPO With Shares Ranging $17-$19 Apiece
ADT has updated the terms of its initial public offering (IPO) after first
stating in December it would go public. Owned by Apollo Global Management, the
nation’s largest residential security provider plans to raise $2 billion by
offering 111.1 million shares at a price range of $17 to $19. At the midpoint of
the proposed range, ADT would command a fully diluted market value of $13.7
Bloomingdales Cuts Almost 20% of Loss
Prevention Payroll
SteinMart - Director of Asset Protection job is
no longer on their website
Walgreens sees $200 million in savings from GOP tax cut
J.C. Penney will put Sears out of business, retail expert says
Whole Foods places new limits on suppliers, upsetting some small vendors
LeBron James, Diddy and other celebrities rebuke H&M for 'monkey' hoodie
Jack in the Box CEO says 'it just makes sense' to consider replacing cashiers
with machines as minimum wages rise
Holiday Sales
American Eagle Outfitters comp's up 8%
Target comp's up 3.4%
ascena retail group comp's down 3%
Submit Your Group LP
Selfie by Tomorrow, Jan. 10th
to be Included in our Jan. 15th Live Drawing in NYC!
3 Teams Win a Pizza Party
1 Executive Wins a Free Trip to NRF Protect
All the News - One Place - One Source - One
Time The D&D Daily respects your time
and doesn't filter retail's reality

25 Years of LP Council
Chairing the Council - Volunteering their time to help
build an industry
Former NRF LP Council
Chair Gary Johnson
Adjunct Faculty at Miller-Motte Technical College, Advisory Board
Member for ALTO USA
Former Executive
Committee Member on LP Council 2013-2016
Former Chairman on LP Council 2011-2013
Gary Johnson, a 30+ year veteran of Loss Prevention industry, began as a
College Intern in Osco Drug Stores LP program. He quickly rose to Agent and
then LP Coordinator for the Chicagoland market before joining Pier I Imports
as District LP Manager. Next, Gary went to NYC where he was appointed the
Director of LP for Barnes & Noble and stayed for nearly 13 years before
becoming Vice President of Asset Protection for A&P Supermarkets. Then he
was appointed to the newly created VP of Loss Prevention role for The
Vitamin Shoppe. Gary holds a BS degree in Law Enforcement Administration and
dual minored in Security Administration and Sociology. He’s a board
Certified Protection Professional earning the CPP designation from ASIS in
Over the years, Gary has been actively involved as an advocate for the loss
prevention Industry and served on the ASIS Retail Security Committee, the LP
Magazine Editorial Board, and the LP Foundation’s Benevolent Committee. He
has also been extremely committed to the NRF’s LP Council efforts and held
various volunteer and leadership positions including:
● Council member
● Council Vice Chairman
● Council Chairman
● Executive Committee
Committee appointments
Awards & Recognition Committee, Chairman
Legislative Committee, member
Conference Planning committee (now Content Committee)
Read our full Q&A with Gary
eBay Global Asset Protection
Parterning with Retailers Offensively Against Crime and
Theft (PROACT), since 2007
Fort Campbell soldiers sentenced in stolen military
equipment scheme involving eBay
The primary co-conspirator in a plan to steal and sell sensitive military
gear online overseas was sentenced to 44 months in prison on Monday in
federal court in Nashville.
Cory Wilson, 42, was described as a "lynchpin" in a scheme hatched by John
Roberts, 27, of Clarksville, to recruit soldiers addicted to painkillers and
others to steal the equipment from the massive military installation and
sell them online.
Wilson was also ordered to pay $500,000 in restitution to the Army. He had
requested home confinement to care for his wife and son, who has autism.
Federal judge Hugh Lawson, who was visiting from Georgia, issued the
sentence, which had been negotiated as part of a plea deal that included
Wilson cooperating with the investigation.
Two other former soldiers, Michael Barlow and Kyle Heade, were sentenced to
five years probation and 30 months in federal prison, respectively.
Read more here.
For further information on PROACT, email inquiries to

Spotlight on
StopLift's ScanItAll Checkout Vision Suite
Detected Nearly 2 Million Incidents of Unscanned Items
StopLift's ScanItAll
uses computer vision technology paired with your existing infrastructure
(Cameras & POS) to determine what occurs during each and every POS
transaction, and uses this information to identify loss at the checkout.

The ScanItAll Suite includes the
Sweethearting / Scan-Avoidance Detection
When a cashier gives away merchandise to a "Sweetheart" (friend, family,
fellow employee) with a fake scan or ring-up at the register, ScanItAll
detects cashier fraud at your front end and provides your team with
accurate, actionable incidents.
Basket-based Loss Detection
Without the need of any additional infrastructure, ScanItAll detects the
uncharged items left in your customers' shopping cart baskets: Bottom of the
Basket (BOB), Middle of the Basket (MOB), & Top of the Basket (TOB). This
can save stores thousands of dollars in loss.

Self-Checkout Loss Detection
Self-checkouts represent a significant exposure from a loss prevention
perspective. StopLift's video analytics proactively monitor the
self-checkouts to detect theft and alert store personnel.
Operational Error Detection
Even honest employees can cost retailers money by failing to scan
merchandise. ScanItAll identifies those cashiers who engage in operational
error and require either more training or management oversight.
Refund/Return Fraud Detection
Are your cashiers using receipts from previous sales to process refunds and
pocket your cash? ScanItAll automatically confirms whether a customer is
present during refunds to detect refund fraud.
For more on StopLift's ScanItAll
Suite, visit
http://www.stoplift.com/solutions/scanitall-checkout-vision/ |

Is cloud CCTV viable and secure enough for your
Growing numbers of surveillance systems are sending images to the cloud rather
than into on-site storage.
Flexible, remotely accessible and offering disaster recovery, cloud-based
storage offers many compelling benefits to security teams.
But is the model viable for every kind of organisation? Might your
infrastructural limitations make it a non-starter? And how secure can anything
online ever truly be?
CCTV consultant Simon Lambert broached the topic in conversation with IFSEC
Global, which you can see below.
“My feeling at the moment is that cloud storage is limited by the bandwidth of
the network connection up to the cloud. If you have a small corner shop with a
fast internet connection and a handful of cameras of limited resolution that you
need to send up to the cloud, I can imagine that could work perfectly well.
If you have a hundred cameras, all HD for instance, to send up that one internet
pipe down a copper or fibre wire, out of your premises, you need an incredibly
fast connection – dedicated to that. It can’t do anything else. It will be
totally absorbed in doing that.
“If you have that then fine. I imagine that’s a rare facility for most people so
only certain people will benefit from it.
“From a security point of view, of having your storage in the cloud comes down
to the modern argument of: how secure is anything that is online?
“Assurances might be given by your cloud service provider about the level of
security that they offer, about certifications they have, about [adhering to]
recognised international standards for data security, and you have to take each
of those on balance and understand what level of protection you want. And of
course, naturally, that will come at the cost of what service you are willing to
pay for.”

The Benefits of Integrating Intelligence and
Investigative Analysis
Convergence has been top of mind for years, but what about unifying security
intelligence and investigations?
Thought-leaders in the security industry frequently prescribe integration as a
cure for problems big and small, and the virtues of integrating operations with
technology or intelligence are much touted. Little has been said, however, about
unifying the security intelligence and investigative functions. Organizations
that combine the two, or at least create closer linkages, have much to gain.
Institutions pursuing this kind of integration are in a better position to
manage risk and are better able to cultivate employee development.
Facial recognition software comes to loyalty
Cali Group, the holding company that owns California restaurant chain CaliBurger,
is piloting facial recognition software to recognize loyalty program members
AI-enabled self-ordering kiosks leverage NEC’s facial recognition software to
identify registered customers and immediately activate their loyalty accounts as
they approach in-store kiosks. Customers need not swipe a card or type in
identifying information. The system can display the customer’s favorite
historical meal packages, enabling the customer to complete the ordering
transaction in a matter of seconds.
If well received, the kiosks will roll out to all CaliBurger’s locations in
2018. Payments through facial recognition will be added this year, as well.
Visa to issue new kind of 'smart' card
Visa’s newest payment card gives new meaning to the term “smart card.” The card
issuer partnered with interactive payment cards developer Dynamics to introduce
the “connected” Dynamics Wallet Card. While the card is the same size and shape
as a standard Visa credit or debit card, this new version incorporates multiple
features and technologies.
Embedded with a cell phone chip and antenna, the card enables users to
transfer data between the card and their bank in real-time. An embedded
button also enables users to access their debit, credit accounts as well as
pre-paid, multi-currency, one-time use, or loyalty cards that are loaded onto
the card.
When at a retail point-of-sale, shoppers can pay with points or credit by
pressing a button on the card, according to Venture Beat.
Banks can also quickly delete a compromised card account number, and replace it
with a new account number, according to Visa.
Meltdown, Spectre Likely Just Scratch the Surface of Microprocessor
The dust has yet to settle on the recent revelation of critical vulnerabilities
in microprocessors in most modern computers worldwide, but it's already
troublingly clear that fixing the problem isn't simply a matter of applying the
latest vendor security updates.
Last week's disclosure by researchers from Google's Project Zero team and
research teams from academia of the vulnerabilities in most Intel processors and
in some AMD and ARM processors have left organizations scrambling to gather and
security updates available for their firmware, operating systems, and
browsers. Given that operating system patches can incur significant performance
hits – some experts are estimating up to 30% degradation for Linux and Windows
platforms – there's a lot at stake in fixing the flaws.
US Gov Outlines Steps to Fight Botnets, Automated Threats
Mobile tech in stores could boost sales by nearly 150%
Pizza Hut is working on self-driving delivery trucks

Tom's Tek Tip
by Tom Meehan, CFI
Sponsored by Controltek
What is Blockchain?
A blockchain is a continuously list of records, called blocks, which are linked
and secured using cryptography. Blockchain technology allows digital information
to be distributed securely. It is a type of digital ledger typically related to
a financial transaction. It keeps a record of the financial transactions and
virtually everything of value from a data standpoint. The first cryptocurrency,
Bitcoin, is based on this technology, as are many newer ones. |
2017 Group LP Selfie Drawing
and "Live in DC" Sendoff!

Joe LaRocca and Amber Bradley wrap up yet another successful LPNN broadcast
and hand the mic over to Gus Downing, Publisher & Editor of the D&D
Daily, and "Group
LP Selfie" sponsor
NuTech National - represented by Melissa Torreano, Director of
Business Development, and Darrell Harbin, VP of Sales. See which three
lucky LP teams won a free pizza party!
Submit your team's pic
and you could be our next winner!
Sponsored By:
Solution Providers, have a video or
commercial you want to publish?
Contact us. |
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Sponsored by The Zellman Group
To Sell Gadgets To Facebook Users, Scammers
Use Every Trick In The Book
At least 44 pages posted misleading content to drive e-commerce sales
A Facebook video titled "UPDATE: Cop Who Arrested Malia Obama Found Dead
Under Suspicious Circumstances" began spreading last month from one Facebook
page to the next. It popped up on e-commerce pages with names like Cyber
Monday and EShopping Bazar, as well as on fashion-oriented Facebook pages
like Its Pretty and Fashion Foundry.
Anyone clicking the play button was treated to a two-minute commercial for a
kitchen cutter tool, complete with an upbeat harmonica soundtrack. In the
video's description, the pages sharing it posted a link to let people know
they could purchase the device for themselves, which led to a site called
The pages using the fake headline to sell a kitchen gadget are part of a
network of more than 40 pages identified by BuzzFeed News that have been
using every trick in the online scam playbook to build an audience and make
money on Facebook. They publish images and videos with inspirational quotes
or stories asking for sympathy. And, yes, they share fake news articles.
The person, or people, running this particular group of pages and sites
appears to be enjoying some success: In the last month, the link to buy
the kitchen slicer has been clicked on 11,600 times,
according to stats from
BuzzFeed News provided Facebook with an initial list of 10 of the 44 pages
involved in the same activity. The social network shut down those 10 pages,
saying that they violated a policy that states, “Pages must not contain
false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive claims or content.”
The company then banned an additional 29 pages for similar violations,
according to a person familiar with Facebook's actions. As of today, 22 of
the pages initially identified by BuzzFeed News remain online but no longer
have misleading or false content on their timelines.
US shoppers who own an Echo device spend
significantly more on Amazon
Shoppers who own an Echo device spend an average of $1,700 a year on Amazon,
or about 70% more than Amazon shoppers who do not own an Echo device
($1,000), according to a new study released by securities research firm
Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP).
Alibaba to Open 30 New Stores, Retail
Strategy in Focus
Circuit City relaunching as e-commerce website
Chatbots: temporary trend or the force of
e-commerce revolution?
"Fraud is not a person - it is a dynamic grouping of statistics that deviate
from the norm."
Stuart B. Levine, CFI, CFCI
CEO, The Zellman Group & Zelligent

-November.gif) |
ORC News
Sponsored by
NEDAP Retail
Jackson, TN: Second person charged in $17,000
theft from Sears at Old Hickory Mall
Police have charged a second suspect in a November theft from Sears at Old
Hickory Mall. Brent Brown, 25, is charged with theft of property over $10,000.
Court documents say Brown is one of several people Sears employees saw working
together Nov. 5 to steal 283 pairs of Levi pants. The merchandise was valued at
around $16,958. Court documents say employees notified Jackson police that Brown
was one of the suspects involved in the shoplifting based on Facebook photos and
a driver’s license photo. Last week, Takeea Douglass was arrested on the same
charge in connection with the thefts.

Rainier, WA: Six arrested in Burglary sting
operation; $13,000 of merchandise recovered
Six Rainier residents are accused of stealing $13,000 in collectibles from a
Rainier home and pawning some of them in Longview. The pawn shop notified the
sheriff’s office on Dec. 27 about suspicious transactions. Using shop records
and social media posts offering the stolen merchandise, deputies found and
arrested 2 men on Jan 2. Deputies found more than $10,000 worth of stolen
collectibles at the home. Additional suspects were arrested at the scene and an
additional $3,000 to $4,000 worth of stolen items were recovered from a vehicle
on the scene.

Staten Island, NY: $6,800 in items stolen from
CVS in Mariners Harbor
Two suspects entered the store separately and allegedly removed items from a CVS
at 2045 Forest Avenue at about 9 p.m. on Dec. 11. Among the items stolen from
store shelves by the suspects were cold and allergy medications and blood
pressure monitors, according to a spokesman for the NYPD's Deputy Commissioner
of Public Information.

Terrace, WA: 1 Man Crime Wave, hits
Walmart, T-Mobile and Starbucks; 13 prior
felonies - 12 On-going investigations
Matthew Luxon told Police he has a drug problem and will do whatever it takes to
buy more. Luxon is tied to $2,000 thefts at Walmart, $2,300 theft at T-Mobile,
$300 theft at Starbucks just to name a few.
heraldnet.com |
Submit your ORC
Association News
Visit the ORC Resource Center

Retail Crime News
Shootings & Deaths
Vineland, NJ: Cumberland Mall shooting injures 1
after drug deal
Vineland police officers were sent to the area of the Boscov's department store
parking lot for a report of a gunshot victim, who indicated that he had been the
victim of a robbery and that he had been shot in the leg, police said.
Brooklyn, NY: NYPD’s Anti-Crime Team Stumble Upon
Deli Owner Fighting Armed Robber Who Shot Him
A customer suddenly appears and hears the gunshot, and runs out to the street to
flag down the first car that approaches. Inside the car just happens to be
plainclothes NYPD officers with Brooklyn North's Anti-Crime team. Sgts. Greg
Minardi and Michael Demonda and officers David Mercado and Joe Solomito run into
the store, where the gunman and clerk are still fighting over the gun. They make
the arrest, and get help for Ahmed.

Robberies & Thefts
University City, MO: City Gear store the victim
of an early morning Smash & Grab
Officers were called to City Gear around 4:15 a.m. When they arrived, they saw
the front windows of the store broken and realized several items from inside
were stolen. During the investigation, police said they learned at least two
vehicles and three suspects were involved in the smash-and-grab.

Decatur, AL: Florence man accused of stealing
$1500 in merchandise from Kay Jewelers
Police were alerted of the reported theft in late November, and the detective
working the case identified Steven Marcus Burge of Florence as the suspect in
the case. Detectives obtained a warrant for Burge's arrest in early December,
but it wasn't until Jan. 2 before Florence authorities captured him. After Burge
was transported to Decatur police, he was charged with felony theft charge.

Philadelphia, PA: Customs officers seize $22M in
cocaine hidden in furniture
Federal customs officials in Philadelphia say they recently discovered more than
700 pounds of cocaine hidden inside bedroom furniture and kitchen cabinets that
were shipped from Puerto Rico, making it the area’s largest illicit drug bust in
a decade.
Delafield, WI: Target associate facing charges for theft
of $2,000 in cash; needed money for school
Plattsmouth, NE: Shopko Employee plead guilty to $1,600
theft; 24 months’ probation and restitution
Zales Jewelers in the Castleton Square Mall,
Indianapolis, IN reported a Grab & Run on 1/8, items valued at $6,947
Sentencings & Arrests
Salem, NH: 7-Eleven Armed Robbery suspect sentenced to 2
1/2 to 5 years in Prison
Tyrone, PA: Save-A-Lot Armed Robbery suspect sentenced to
4 to 10 years
Tampa, FL: Armed Robber Sentenced To 27 Years In Federal Prison
Chantilly, VA: $55K in counterfeit Air Jordans seized at
Robberies and Burglaries
Sponsored by
Scarsdale Security Systems
Advance Auto Parts – Harrisonville, MO – Armed Robbery /
clerk stabbed
Cabela’s – Fort Mill, SC – Burglary
C- Store – Portland, OR – Armed Robbery
C- Store – Martinez, GA – Burglary
City Gear – University City, MO – Burglary
Dollar General – Tulsa, OK – Armed Robbery
Dollar General – Bowman, SC – Burglary
Gun Store – Clive, IA – Burglary
Gun Store – Mason, OH – Robbery
Gun Store – McHenry, IL – Burglary
Kohl’s – Tulsa, OK – Armed Robbery
Liquor Store – Columbus, GA – Burglary
Liquor Store – Jefferson County, IL – Armed Robbery
Metro PCS – Huntington Station, NY – Robbery
Pharmacy – Towson, MD – Armed Robbery
Raspados Funland – Tucson, AZ – Armed Robbery – Customer
shot and killed
Verizon - Menomonee Falls, WI – Armed Robbery
Walgreens – Tulsa, OK – Armed Robbery
Walgreens – Wilmington, DE – Armed Robbery/ clerk
7- Eleven – Allentown, PA – Armed Robbery
Daily Totals:
13 robberies
7 burglaries
1 shooting
killing |

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David Maxim promoted to Area Loss Prevention Investigator for Sephora |
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VP of Loss Prevention
Anaheim, CA
The Vice President is responsible for the strategic
planning and execution of the company's Loss Prevention program across more than
400 stores nationwide, and ecommerce. Reporting to the CFO, this position has
overall leadership responsibility for leading the charge in driving shrink
reduction... |

Senior Financial Analyst
Lake Buena Vista, FL; Orlando, FL
This role is responsible for identifying potential
fraud and privilege abuse at the Walt Disney World Resort, across all lines of
business including but not limited to: merchandise, food & beverage, rooms,
ticketing, and employee privileges. Fraud is identified through exception
reporting by using in house systems and databases to establish trends for
investigations... |

Senior Market AP Manager- Southern California
Burbank, CA
This Senior Market Asset Protection Manager contributes to
REI’s success by supporting improved profitability for the co-op through reduced
inventory shrinkage, improved margin, reduced Workers Comp and GL claims and
premiums, retail and supply chain management... |

Regional Asset Protection Director
Seattle, WA
The Regional Loss Prevention Director will lead Loss Prevention programs for
designated Districts and Stores within assigned Region. Reviews Loss Prevention
program processes in stores to drive shrink reduction and bottom line profits.
Provides leadership to LP teams and stores in the management of critical
incidents... |

Senior Manager of Investigations
Dublin, CA
● This position will lead the Internal Theft Investigations Team – based out
of our Dublin Corporate Office
● They are responsible for company-wide theft lead generation, field/corporate
investigations and case closures... |

Senior Manager of Crisis Operations
Dublin, CA
● This position will lead a team of Crisis Mangers, Senior Analysts and
Crisis Analysts based out of our Dublin Corporate Office
● They are responsible for all
crisis response efforts, company-wide communication, safe travel program and any
company threats... |

Regional Loss Prevention Manager - Pacific Northwest
Sacramento, CA
● Conducts internal investigations related to theft, business abuse, and safety
violations by conducting interviews, determining course of action, and writing
● Monitors compliance with loss prevention policies and
programs including routine audits/checklists for internal/external controls... |

Retail Asset Protection Team Leader
Cadillac, MI
Collaborates with the Market Asset Protection Team leader and Store Leadership
to support a Culture of Safety and 200% accountability. Oversees and ensures the
effectiveness of the asset-protection, safety and fire-protection efforts and
stock loss reduction... |

Regional Manager Loss Prevention - Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
The Regional Asset Protection Manager is responsible for the management of the
Asset Protection function to a group of the 1,200 campus stores Follett
operates. The RAPM guides the implementation and training of Asset Protection
programs, enforcement of policies and procedures, auditing, investigations and
directing of shrink reduction efforts... |

Area LP Manager - Nor Cal
Sacramento, CA
The Area Loss Prevention Manager (ALPM) drives shrink improvement and asset
protection programs for two (2) to four (4) Districts which contain
approximately 25-65 Ulta Beauty Stores. The Area Loss Prevention Manager is
responsible to assess store procedures, promote awareness and methods to
prevent, protect and control losses and protect company assets and make
recommendations to improve inventory shrinkage, safety and overall store
controls... |

Store Loss Prevention Manager
Daly City, CA
Store Loss Prevention Managers are responsible for leading Loss Prevention
functions within a specific location and for partnering with Store Operations in
an effort to prevent company loss. You will be responsible for driving company
objectives in profit and loss control, sales performance, customer satisfaction,
and shrink results... |

District Asset Protection Manager -
Taylor, MI
Amazing opportunity! High
profile, fast paced district available for a Multi-Unit Asset Protection
professional with operational savvy or a General Manager passionate about Asset
Protection and Safety. As the District Asset Protection Manager you will lead
administration of Asset Protection programs and training for an assigned
district in order to drive sales, profits, and a customer service culture... |
Featured Jobs
Dollar General -
Director Loss Prevention, Charlotte, NC
• Bath & Body Works -
Brand Director Asset Protection,
Reynoldsburg, OH
Goodwill Industries of Southern Oklahoma
& North Texas, Inc. -
Loss Prevention & Risk Manager - Lawton, OK
Academy Sports & Outdoors -
Safety Director, Katy, TX
Sears Holdings -
Senior Director, AP Operations & Safety,
Hoffman Estates, IL
• Walgreens -
Director, Asset Protection Solutions, West
Chester, OH
• Rue 21 -
Director of Loss Prevention, Warrendale, PA
• Living Spaces -
Director of Asset Protection, Los Angeles,
Hannaford -
Director of Asset Protection,
Scarborough, ME
Charlotte Russe -
Manager Loss Prevention and Safety,
San Francisco, CA
Director, Cyber Security Services -
New York, NY
Food Lion -
Director of Shrink, Salisbury, NC
• belk -
Manager of Corporate Security & RMC,
Charlotte, NC
Apple -
Secrecy Program Manager, Santa Clara
Valley, CA
Senior Security Shared Services Manager,
Bellevue, WA
Cybersecurity & Privacy - Director, Various
• Living Spaces -
Director of Inventory Control, Rialto, CA
• Hallmark -
Director of Information Security, Kansas
City, MO
Weis Markets -
Organized Retail Theft Investigator,
United States - Various Locations
Walgreens -
Manager, Investigations & Internal Audit,
Deerfield, IL
• Wireless Vision -
Director of Loss Prevention,
Greater Detroit Area |
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AP Specialist - Home Depot - Beaumont,
AP Specialist - Home Depot - Syracuse,
AP Manager - JC Penney - Henderson, NV
LP Supervisor - Kohl's - El Centro, CA
LP Supervisor - Kohl's - Ridgefield, CT
LP Supervisor - Kohl's - Watertown, NY
AP Manager - Kmart - Placerville, CA
LP & Safety Mgr - Lowe's -
Lawrenceburg, IN
LP 7 & Safety Mgr - Lowe's - Las Vegas,
LP Manager - Nordstrom Rack -
Emeryville, CA
Manager AP - Sam's Club - Saint Louis,
Regional ORC Investigator - TJX
Companies - Calgary, AB, Canada
Program Manager, Corporate AP Investigations
- Walgreens - Deerfield, IL
Multi District AP Mgr - Walgreens -
Miramar, FL
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Modesty, Empowerment and Confidence
Making Friends at Work Is the Key to Successful
When leaders prioritize human interactions, people skills and making sure their
team is a part of each success, nothing is impossible. Leaders who are truly
great understand that respect and these four traits make a solid team and
successful organization.
Don't keep score
In Building Your Team There Is a Huge Difference
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Whether you're building a new team, or just finding people to join an already
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OK isn't good enough
7 Ways Modest Leadership Increases Team Success
When we imagine what traits make up a successful leader we typically think of
strong, visionary and enthusiastic people. There's one important trait that gets
often overlooked in great leaders, but it's critical to drive high quality
performance and keep your team together.
brings optimism
5 Brilliant Things Leaders Do To Inspire Employee
According to Gallup, only 32% of employees in the United States are engaged in
their work. That means 85% of employees have commitment issues and aren't
enthused in their work. If you want to turn the numbers around and inspire
commitment, here's how you can prove to your team you're invested in them.
Empower collaboration |
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Tip of the Day
by Vector Security Networks
Getting advice from trusted friends, family members, co-workers and former
bosses is always a great thing to do and, quite frankly, it can help you to see
more clearly. But remember, at the end of the day it's your decision to make and
it's your decision that you have to live with. Your friends, co-workers, and
former bosses won't be living with the consequences, but your family will be. So
you've got to be more sensitive to their advice. Advice is easy to give, hard to
follow and almost impossible to live up to. And everyone has a lot of advice to
give; it's the easiest thing to give. Just remember, at 5 a.m. after all the
advice has been given, the mirror may be where the answer lies.
Just a Thought,

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