LPF's Monthly LPC & LPQ

Each month,
The Loss
Prevention Foundation recognizes and congratulates
individuals who successfully completed all of the requirements set forth by the
board of directors to be LPQualified (LPQ) and/or LPCertified (LPC).
Below is a running monthly list of all the professionals who became LPQualified
(LPQ) and LPCertified (LPC) in 2022.
December's LPC and LPQ Professionals
Isha Adya, LPQ - Student - University of Cincinnati
Christopher Capano, LPQ -
Regional Asset Protection Leader - Rite Aid
John Carlone, LPQ - Loss
Prevention Manager - Bob's Discount Furniture
Scott Carpenter, LPQ
Andrew Chan, LPQ - Sr Manager,
Security and Market Safety - Philip Morris International
Cassie Flowers, LPQ - Student -
University of Cincinnati
Mary Ford, LPQ - Associate -
Theresa Goyon-Carroll, LPQ -
Asset Protection Specialist - The Home Depot
Claude Hake, LPQ - Loss
Prevention - Heinen's Grocery Stores
Balin Hale, LPQ - Asset
Protection Operations Coach - Walmart Stores, Inc.
Duane Harmon, LPQ - LP Detective
- The TJX Companies, Inc.
John Harper, LPQ - LP Detective
- The TJX Companies, Inc.
Daniel Hayden, LPQ - EHS Manager
- LEGO Systems, Inc.
Michael Ireland, LPQ - Associate
- Amazon
Dawanna Jones, LPQ - Student -
University of Cincinnati
Craig Jones, LPQ - Sr. Mgr,
Safety, Security & LP - Papa Johns
Kasey Kemble, LPQ - Warehouse
Associate - Amazon
Marco Lorentz, LPQ - Asset
Protection Agent - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Jared Porras, LPQ - Driver
Trainer - Amazon
Steven Myers, LPQ - Associate -
Kimberly Pasnik, LPQ - Loss
Prevention - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Milca Pratts, LPQ - Associate -
Joel Rosman, LPQ - Asset
Protection Specialist - The Home Depot
Joseph Saunders, LPQ - Student -
University of Cincinnati
Associate - Amazon
Elizabeth Sowinski, LPQ -
Learning Trainer - Amazon
Kristin Stoning, LPQ - General
Manager - Ulta Beauty
Natalya Thomas, LPQ - Associate
- Amazon
Cheri Vaughn, LPQ - Asset
Protection Supervisor - Bloomingdale's
Michael Williams, LPQ - Zone
Area Leader/Master Trainer - Amazon Style
Jessica Willis, LPQ - Student -
University of Cincinnati
Oscar Arango, LPC - Director of
Assets Protection, Target Canada - Target Stores, Inc.
Robert Bohen, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Specialist - Whole Foods Market
Michelle Carterette, LPC -
Region Asset Protection Leader - Rite Aid
Stratton Clark, LPC - Asset
Protection & Safety Manager - Lowes Home Improvement
Armie Decano, LPC - Assistant
Manager - Majid Al Futtaim Retail, LLC
Jeremy Faries, LPC LPQ - Asset
Protection Mgr - United Supermarkets, LLC
Jeff Hall, LPC - Senior Manager
Asset Protection - Macys
Benjamin Horste, LPC - Asset
Compliance Analyst - Busch's Inc.
Joseph Kennedy, LPC - Retail
Loss Prevention Leader - Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc.
David Kraal, LPC - Major Crimes
Investigations Manager - Walgreens
Jason LaGiglia, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Leader - Rite Aid Corporation
Theresa Myers, LPC - Loss
Prevention Investigator - Caribou Coffee Company, Inc.
Tyler Poulin, LPC - Loss
Prevention Specialist - Goodwill Northern New England
Jerry Smith, LPC - Multi-Store
Asset Protection Manager - The Home Depot
Isaac Valentin, LPC LPQ - Retail
Crime Investigator - InstaKey Security Systems
Alex Workman, LPC - Asset
Protection Operations Coach - Walmart Stores, Inc.
Robin Wynne, LPC - Area Asset
and Profit Protection Manager - TransformCo - Formerly Sears Holdings Corp.
Joseph Yelin, LPC - District
Asset Protection Manager - Albertsons Companies, Inc. |
November's LPC and LPQ Professionals
Christopher Douglas, LPQ - Asset Protection - Bloomingdale's
Paul Erite, LPQ - Associate I -
Amazon Fresh
Amanda Harrington, LPQ -
Manager, Asset Protection Merchandising - The Home Depot, Inc.
Joseph Lyons, LPQ - Asset
Protection Manager - Bloomingdale's
Alan Munro, LPQ - Asset
Protection - Bloomingdale's
Kevyn Ruiz, LPQ - Customer
Success Specialist - ALTO
Glen Smith, LPQ - Loss
Prevention Supervisor - London Drugs Limited
Moyen Tapper, LPQ - Retail
Professional - Open
Art Trujillo, LPQ - Asset
Protection - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Juan Trujillo, LPQ - Customer
Success Specialist - ALTO Alliance
Gabriel Vazquez, LPQ - Asset
Protection - Bloomingdale's
Kimberly Bassler, LPC - Asset
Protection Manager - The Home Depot
John Britton, LPC - Multi-Store
Asset Protection Manager - The Home Depot
Cem Colpan, LPC - Security &
Loss Prevention Manager - Americas - Saint Laurent
Beth Cox, LPC - Loss Prevention
& Safety Manager - At Home
Andrew Gamboa, LPC - ORC
Investigator - Bed Bath & Beyond
Sarkis Grigorian, LPC - Senior
Manager, Retail Security/Profit Protection - Topgolf Callaway Brands
Jose Gutierrez, LPC - Regional
Manager, ORC - CVS Health
Ed Hollenbach, LPC - Regional AP
Manager - SpartanNash
Kimberly Radomsky, LPC -
Supervisor, Loss Prevention Investiagtions - London Drugs Limited
Jeff Saunders, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Family Dollar Stores, Inc.
Steven Sherod, LPC - RLPM -
Tractor Supply Company
Emily Stephenson, LPC - District
Asset Protection Manager - Albertsons Safeway
Stephen Wiser, LPC - Regional
Manager, Assets & Profit Protection - Sears Stores, Inc. |
October's LPC and LPQ Professionals
Michelle Aiello, LPQ - Loss
Prevention Detective - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Jordan Anderson, LPQ - Asset Protection Team
Leader - Meijer, Inc.
Mirsad Basar, LPQ - Team leader - 7-Eleven
Sydney Bresnihan, LPQ - Student - University of
South Carolina
Theodore Calcina, LPQ - Student - University of
South Carolina
Amanda Carlson, LPQ - Loss Prevention - The TJX
Companies, Inc.
Danielle Corder, LPQ - Asset Protection Team
Leader - Meijer, Inc.
Jamel Dennis, LPQ - Asset Protection Supervisor -
The Home Depot
Lisa Dickens, LPQ - Asset Protection - Meijer,
Anna Dicks, LPQ - Student - University of South
Michael Dowd, LPQ - Loss Prevention - The TJX
Companies, Inc.
John Genders, LPQ - Loss Prevention Market Team
Leader - Meijer Inc.
Sabrina Herbold, LPQ - Lead Processing Assistant -
Outbound Pack - Amazon LLC
Jason Hoke, LPQ - Asset Protection - Meijer Inc.
Ainsley Isenhour, LPQ - Student - University of
South Carolina
Jacob Justice, LPQ - Asset Protection - Meijer
Michael LoSchiavo, LPQ - Process Guide - Amazon
Isabelle McGuire, LPQ - Student - University of
South Carolina
David Nelson, LPQ - Student - University of South
Tatum Orlando, LPQ - Student - University of South
Kyle Scidmore, LPQ - Asset Protection Team Leader
- Meijer Inc.
Jonathan Tessman, LPQ - Loss Prevention Training
Specialist - TJX Companies, Inc
Kyriakos Agathangelou, LPC - Division Asset
Protection Director - CVS Health
Meredith Atkins, LPC LPQ - Asset Protection
Analyst - Meijer, Inc.
Jared Brown, LPC - District Asset Protection
Manager - Albertsons Safeway
Joseph Conway, LPC - Director - Albertsons
Companies, Inc.
Jeffrey Cotterman, LPC LPQ - Market AP Manager -
Meijer Inc.
Vincent Cruz, LPC - Regional Asset Protection
Manager - Whole Foods Market
Greg DePuy, LPQ LPC - Regional Asset Protection
Senior Manager - Meijer Inc.
Sarah Hartman, LPC LPQ - District Loss Prevention
Manager - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Greg Huber, LPC LPQ - Market Asset Protection
Manager - Meijer Inc.
Joseph Mastalski, LPC - Asset Protection -
Albertsons Companies, Inc.
Bob Mastenbrook, LPC LPQ - Market AP Manager -
Meijer, Inc.
Sara Morrison, LPC - Asset Protection Team Leader
- Meijer Inc.
Timothy Orabone, LPC - Regional AP Manager -
Dollar General Corporation
Jacob Pitte, LPC LPQ - Market Asset Protection
Manager - Meijer, Inc.
Timothy Prominski, LPC LPQ - Asset Protection
Officer-in-Charge - Meijer, Inc.
Barbara Roper, LPC LPQ - MAPM - Meijer, Inc.
Rick San Nicolas, LPC - APM - The Home Depot
Tina Stafford, LPC - Regional AP Manager - Meijer,
David Stone, LPC LPQ - Market Asset Protection
Manager - Meijer, Inc.
Charles Thompson, LPC - District Asset Protection
Leader - CVS Health
William Waddell, LPC - Loss Prevention - Dick's
Sporting Goods
Vincent Waits, LPC - Market Investigator - Family
Dollar Stores, Inc. |
September's LPC and LPQ Professionals
Donald Alexander - Site Security Specialist - Sleep Number
Laura Krisma Arcinas, LPQ - Loss
Prevention - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Karlyn Crotty, LPQ -
Investigations Coodinator - Meijer
Rachael Dalian, LPQ - Continuous
Improvement Specialist - Loss Prevention - Meijer, Inc.
Erin Grigoletti, LPQ - Asset
Protection - Meijer, Inc.
Uriah Karkow, LPQ - Market
Supply Chain Asset Protection Manager - The Home Depot
John Ludwig, LPQ - Asset
Protection Team Leader - Meijer
Gabriel Maciel, LPQ - Loss
Prevention - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Matthew Martin, LPQ -
Supervisor, Clobal Corporate Security - Ralph Lauren
Ryan Ravenna, LPQ - Store
Manager - Marshalls
Olivia Reilly, LPQ - Intern - LP
Sergio Sevilla, LPQ - Asset
Protection Supervisor - Bloomingdale's
Tommy White, LPQ - Loss
Prevention Detective - The TJX Companies, Inc.
William Berger, LPC - District
Asset Protection Leader - CVS Health
Joseph Burgess, LPC - Security
Operations Manager - CVS Health
David Cammenga, LPC - Drug
Diversion Investigator - Meijer, Inc.
Cynthia Carbonaro, LPC LPQ -
Regional Asset Protection Manager - Meijer, Inc.
Kat Chapman, LPC LPQ - Asset
Protection Market Manager - Meijer, Inc.
Traci Cooley, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Shayna Coonin, LPC - Loss
Prevention Investigator - Charter Communications
Rachel French, LPC - Asset
Protection Leader - Meijer
Byron Gower, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
James Hutchinson, LPC - Asset
Protection Specialist - The Home Depot, Inc.
Brandon (BK) Kinney, LPC LPQ -
Loss Prevention Detective - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Oscar Nuku, LPC LPQ - Market AP
Manager - Meijer, Inc.
Scott Opitz, LPC - Manager -
Opitz & Associates
Brian Rachford, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Danielle Rahschulte, LPC - Field
Investigator - Meijer
Tonia Ramos, LPC LPQ - Asset
Protection - Meijer, Inc.
Melissa Ryan, LPC - Loss
Prevention Business Partner - Sally Beauty Holdings
Anthony Salvatore, LPC -
Corporate Security Manager - CVS Health
Patricia Svebek, LPC - Director,
Asset Protection - Dollar General Corporation
Courtney Willems, LPC LPQ - APTL
- Meijer Inc.
Jasmine Wilson, LPC - Loss
Prevention Supervisor - Dicks sporting goods
Kyle Wooten, LPC LPQ - Market
Asset Protection Manager - Meijer, Inc. |
August's LPC and LPQ Professionals
Shelly Bastian, LPQ - Asset Protection - Meijer, Inc.
Marissa Moore, LPQ - Asset
Protection Pharmacy Investigator - Rite Aid Corporation
Johnny Muniz, LPQ - Loss
Prevention - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Jason Prince, LPQ - Shrink
Analyst - Meijer, Inc.
Cindy Ritter, LPQ - Asset
Protection Specialist - Albertsons Companies, Inc.
Andy Scantlebury Jr, MS LPQ -
Field Manager/ Special Enforcement Unit - Madison Security Group
Melissa Tyler-Patterson, LPQ -
Market Asset Protection Manager - Meijer, Inc.
Michael Vega, LPQ - Assets
Protection Specialist - Target
Rachel Willis, LPQ - Loss
Prevention - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Jody Wooster, LPQ - Asset
Protection - Meijer, Inc.
Stephen Burd, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Laura Cooper, LPC - Loss
Prevention Analytics Manager - Kroger
Heath Croom, LPC - Regional AP
Manager - Dollar General Corporation
Alfred Dauser, LPC - Regional LP
Manager - Dollar General Corporation
Heather Gruzs, LPC - Asset
Protection Partner - Walgreens
Kelly Hansen, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - CVS Health
James Harris, LPC - ETL Assets
Protection - Target
John Hasnauer, LPC LPQ -
Director of Safety and Loss Prevention - The Coastal Companies
Ellis Holcomb, LPC - Regional
Loss Prevention Manager - Dollar General Corporation
Heather Kohler, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Carl Martin, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Jeff McLain, LPC - District
Director Loss Prevention - GabeΓÇÖs
Heather Muscanere, LPC -
Regional LP & safety Manager - At Home
Clint Orndorff, LPC - Market ORC
Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Darrell Rose, LPC - Asset
Protection Officer Manager - United Supermarkets
Theresa Roy, LPC - Senior Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Jeff Scales, LPC - Asset
Protection Manager - Safeway
Mason Seewald, LPC - Senior
Asset Protection Operations and Safety Mgr - Lowe's Home Improvement
Adrian Stanciu, LPC - Asset
Protection - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Robert Stoops, LPC - District
Asset Protection Leader - CVS Health |
July's LPC and LPQ Professionals
Terry DeRossett, LPQ - Asset Protection - Meijer, Inc.
Brian Lucier, LPQ - District
Asset Protection Manager - Burlington Stores
Nathaniel Bellamy, LPQ -
Operations Mgr - Pacific Edge Hardwoods
Austin TenElshof, LPQ - Asset
Protection - Meijer Inc.
LaKesha Smith, LPQ - Department
Supervisor - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Thomas LeMoine, LPQ - Asset
Protection Solutions Partner - Walgreens
Chris Cherne, LPQ - Sr. Regional
Manager Loss Prevention & Compliance - Tire Discounters
Brian Sizick, LPQ - Senior Asset
protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Tami DiCroce, LPQ - Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Bradley Campbell, LPQ -
Logistics Manager - The Home Depot, Inc.
Jude Iaconianni, LPQ - Loss
Prevention Lead - Dicks Sporting Goods
Shannon Tietsworth, LPQ - Asset
Protection, Safety & Operations Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Mattia Olivero, LPQ - Security
Professional - U.S. State Department, Diplomatic Security Service
Tiana Jimeno, LPC - Asset
Protection Manager - Walgreens
Bill Asson, LPC - District Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Nikolas Berard, LPC - Multi
Store Asset Protection Manager - Macy's, Inc.
Christopher Burdett, LPC -
Regional Asset Protection Manager - Burlington Stores, Inc.
Kyle Harrell, LPC - Sr.
Asset Protection Operations and Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Tiana Jimeno, LPC - Asset
Protection Manager - Walgreens
Jim Kriston, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General Corporation
Clifford Rockwell, LPC - DAPM -
Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Walter Smith, LPC - DAPM -
Lowe's Companies, Inc.
James Volz, LPC - Senior Asset
Protection, Ops and Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Sylvia Sandoval, LPC - Sr. Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Andrew Smith, LPC - District
Asset Protection Operations Manager - Lowe's
Logan Iffland, LPC - District
Asset Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Brian Ellingson, LPC - SAPM -
Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Jesse Ostrowski, LPC - Senior
Asset Protection and Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Jessica Valeiko, LPC - Asset
Protection and Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Todd Huff, LPC - Regional Asset
Protection Manager - Dollar General
Hope Sanchez, LPC - Asset
Protection - Big Lots Stores, Inc.
Julia Wilson, LPC -
Administrative Manager - Corvette Radios
Jonathan LaFontaine, LPC -
Corporate AP & Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Sean Murtha, LPC - Business Lead
- Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Tom Barding, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Kevin MacKenzie, LPC - District
Loss Prevention/Safety Manager - Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM)
Michael DeBiase, LPC - Asset
Protection and Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Dennis Long, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Erin ONeill Roach, LPC LPQ -
Manager Asset & Profit Protection - TransformCo - Formerly Sears Holdings Corp.
John Ibarria - Senior Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Marian Naylor, LPC LPQ -
District Asset Protection Leader - CVS Health
Marvin Standley Coats, LPC -
Regional Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General Corporation
Lee Dowdy Dowdy, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Chris Fulkerson, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Kevin Hale, LPC - Regional Asset
Protection Manager - Dollar General Corporation
Joshua Hamilton, LPC - Manager
of Field Investigations - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Justin Lambright, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General Corporation
Sergio Martinez, LPC - Director
Asset Protection - Dollar General
Holly Martin-Ruth, LPC -
Regional Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Steven Turner, LPC - Regional
Assets Protection Manager - Dollar General
Jennifer Walker-Dotson, LPC -
Regional Assets Protection Manager - Dollar General
Kimberly Coleman, LPC - Regional
Assets Protection Manager - Dollar General
Michael Cross, LPC - District
AP, Ops & Safety Mgr. - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Michael Doyle, LPC - Region
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Kevin Goeke, LPC - District
Asset Protection Manager - The Kroger Company
Chad Houghton, LPC - District
Asset Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Richard Luce, LPC - Divisional
Director - Dollar General
Andika Mukti, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Bradley Newkirk, LPC - Region
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General Corp
Chris Nilo, LPC - Sr. Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Jeanette Palmer, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Jeremy Reno, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Jeffery Marrone, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Sean Parello, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection & Operations Manager - CVS Health
Gary Pitcock, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Robert Redman, LPC - RAPM -
Burlington Stores
Charles Robb, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Rhonda Rouchka, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General Corporation
Richard Stidham, LPC - Market
Asset Protection Manager - Big Lots, Inc.
Damien Vuotto, LPC - Asset
Protection & Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Rigoberto Villa, LPC - Director
of Operations - Circle Pizza LLC
Wendy Britt, LPC - Senior Asset
Protection and Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Jacy Krogh, LPC - Asset
Protection Manager - Albertsons Companies, Inc.
Benjamin Taylor, LPC - Asset
Protection Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Sandra Villanes, LPC - DAPL -
CVS Health
Kevin Dabbs, LPC CFI - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General Corporation |
June's LPC and LPQ Professionals
Stephanie Archer, LPQ - Asset Protection Agent - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Jeremiah Dowell, LPQ - Police
Officer - Oldham County Police Department
Gary Franco, LPQ - Asset
Protection -
Jose Garza, LPQ - Senior Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Bradley Maisel, LPQ - APSM -
Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Patricia McGuiness, LPQ - Loss
Prevention Market Manager - Academy Sports + Outdoors
Aron McIntosh, LPQ - Asset
Protection - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Beau Myers, LPQ - Sr. Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Jennifer Nesar, LPQ - APSM -
Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Robert Robinson, LPQ - District
Asset Protection - Burlington Stores, Inc.
Joshua Rodriguez, LPQ - ORC
Investigator - Marmaxx
Jason Schuitema, LPQ - Asset
Protection Technology Specialist - Meijer
Mason Scott, LPQ - Senior Target
Security Specialist - Target
Kimberly Shelley, LPQ - Regional
Safety Manager - Harris Teeter Supermarkets, Inc.
Louise Silver, LPQ - Sr Project
Manager - Telaid Industries
Deanna Stanwood, LPQ - Sr.
Account Liaison - Vector Security Networks
Jason Thompson, LPQ - Senior AP
manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Steve Urquilla, LPQ - Asset
Protection Agent - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Dave Antel, LPC - Division Asset
Protection Director - Dollar General Corporation
Justin Eugene Becker, LPC -
Senior Asset Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Matthew Biron, LPC - Senior
Asset Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Melissa Bodnar, LPC - Sr. Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Jeremy Brown, LPC - AP
Specialist - Big Y Foods, Inc.
Robert Brown, LPC LPQ -
Solutions Engineer - Axis Communications
Brian Buis, LPC - Regional AP
Manager - Dollar General
Robert Clark, LPC - Senior Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Jarred Coolbaugh, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Leader - Rite Aid Corporation
Hung Dang, LPC - Asset
Protection - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Leonida DeJesus, LPC - Asset
protection and safety manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
James Duval, LPC - Asset
Protection - Dollar General
James Feil, LPC - District AP
Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Kelli Flynn, LPC - Sr. Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Logan Furiato, LPC - Asset
Protection and Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Rolando Gallardo, LPC - Sr.
Asset Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Zachary Goldstein, LPC - Asset
Protection and Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Parker Griebel, LPC LPQ - Asset
Protection Senior Specialist - Festival Foods
Brian Grigg, LPC LPQ - Asset
Protection - Rite Aid
Jacob Guthrie, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Jeffrey Hanson, LPC - Senior
Asset Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Roger Hill, LPC - Regional Lead,
Loss Prevention - OSL Retail Services
Jeremy Kauffman, LPC - DAPM -
Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Shayla Kenebrew, LPC LPQ -
District AP Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Celia Kettle, LPC - Loss
Prevention Manager - Albertsons Companies, Inc.
Jeff Lesser, LPC - North America
Field Loss Prevention Manager - The Walt Disney Company
Robert Ludy, LPC - SR APM -
Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Alan Marston, LPC - Market ORC
Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Mason Morris, LPC - Area Asset
Protection Manager - Big Lots, Inc.
Lester Moss, LPC - Area Asset
Protection Manager - Big Lots Stores, Inc.
Robert Nelson, LPC - Market
Organized Retail Crime Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Ethan Powell, LPC - Sr. Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Michael Reilly, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Burlington Stores Inc
Thomas Rice, LPC - Asset
Protection & Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Christy Rodriguez, LPC - Dapm -
Texas Tech University
James Shaffer, LPC - Senior
Asset Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Michael Shaw, LPC - Asset
Protection and Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Nicholas Shoenfelt, LPC - SAPM -
Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Ashley Tarr, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
William Ulin, LPC - Senior Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
David Welsh, LPC - Loss
Prevention Operations and Safety Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Taylor Wiechert, LPC LPQ -
District Asset Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Amber Winn, LPC - Asset
Protection - Lowe's Companies, Inc. |
May's LPC and LPQ Professionals
Allison Bertram, LPQ - Loss
Prevention manager - Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc.
Charles Campagna, LPQ - Loss Prevention - VIP Auto
Gabriella Crihfield - Student - University of
Gagandeep Dharni, LPQ - Student - University of
Myer Dixon, LPQ - Loss Prevention Manager - Dick's
Sporting Goods
Zachary Dunn, LPQ - Asset Protection - Weis
Markets, Inc.
William Getz, LPQ - Asset Protection - Giant
Kevin Hennessey, LPQ - Asset Protection Manager -
The GIANT Company
Erika Huffman, LPQ - Student - University of
Kelcie Johnson, LPQ - Asset Protection Manager -
Lowe's Companies, Inc.
David Leslie, LPQ - Regional Asset Protection
Manager - Yum Brands! Inc.
Brian McMillan, LPQ - Asset Protection Manager -
Giant Food Stores
Joshua Miller, LPQ - Asset Protection Specialist -
The Home Depot
Amanda Mullen, LPQ - Asset Protection Assistant
Store Manager - Walmart Stores, Inc.
Kaitlyn Muselman, LPQ - Student - University of
Cameron Peach, LPQ - Student - University of
Megan Radcliff - Student - University of
Regina Randall, LPQ - LP Lead - Dick's Sporting
Brandon Riepma, LPQ - Asset Protection Specialist
- The Home Depot
Michael Rossi, LPQ - Asset Protection Partner -
Francisco Villanueva, LPQ - Asset Protection
Supervisor - Luxottica
Derrick Williams, LPQ - Asset Protection
Supervisor - Luxottica
Christopher Buszka, LPC LPQ - Sr. Analyst
Ecommerce Fraud & Order Management - Levi Strauss & Co.
Amanda Callinan, LPC - Regional Loss Prevention
Manager - Amazon
Andres Dominguez, LPC - Loss Prevention Manager -
Joseph Evans, LPC - DAPL - CVS Health
Ajla Gabela, LPC - Asset Protection Manager -
Raleys, Inc.
Pasquale Gallo, LPC - Zone Asset Protection
Manager - Big Lots Stores, Inc.
Geoff Gilbert-Differ, LPC - Sr Manager, Loss
Prevention - Amazon
Robert Jonczak, LPC - District Loss Prevention
Manager - Baltimore North - Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc.
Emilia Luedtke, LPC - District Loss Prevention
Manager - Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc.
Chris Mace, LPC - Loss Prevention Multi-Site Lead
- Amazon
Chloe Mclearn, LPC - Regional Asset Protection
Leader - Rite Aid Pharmacy
Lindsay Moreno, LPC - District Asset Protection
Supervisor - Raleys, Inc.
Katie Nelson, LPC - Senior Asset Protection and
safety manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Wesley Jose Nogueira Medeiros, LPC - Sr Regional
Loss Prevention Manager - Amazon
Kevin O'Cop, LPC - Regional Loss Prevention
Manager - Amazon
Scott Pickrel, LPC - Director of Loss Prevention -
Kittery Trading Post
Trevor Polverini, LPC - District Loss Prevention
Manager - Dick's Sporting Goods
Skyler White, LPC LPQ - Asset Protection
Specialist - The Home Depot, Inc. |
April's LPC and LPQ Professionals
Brian Applegate, LPQ - Digital loss prevention Reviewer - Dick's Sporting Goods,
Joseph Bond, LPQ - Asset
Protection Specialist - The Home Depot
Hugh Kerins, LPQ - Loss
Prevention Manager - Dicks sporting goods
Anthony Less, LPQ - KC Golf Lead
– Dick’s Sporting Goods
Luis Rodriguez Reyes, LPQ - Loss
Prevention Officer - Publix Super Markets, Inc.
Jason Smith, LPQ - Retail Crime
Investigator - Weis Markets, Inc.
Neil Underwood, LPQ - Asset
Protection Coordinator - Ralph Lauren
Morgan Weithman, LPQ - DLP Pitt
South - Dick's Sporting Goods
Pamela Blank, LPC - Regional
Loss Prevention Manager GSF - Amazon
James Caldwell, LPC - Multi-Site
Loss Prevention Site Lead - Amazon
Chris Cammarata, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
Jacob Camper, LPC - District
Asset Protection Manager - Kroger
Corey Hendrick, LPC - Asset
Protection Coordinator - The Home Depot
Kieran Lewis, LPC - Regional
Loss Prevention Manager - Amazon
Michael Lodwick, LPC - District
Loss Prevention Manager - Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc.
Jason Lotts, LPC - District
Asset Protection Leader - CVS Health
Tony McDonald, LPC - Asset
Protection Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Paul Mello, LPC - District Team
Leader - OSJL
Jeffrey Musgrave, LPC - District
Loss Prevention Lead - Dick's Sporting Goods
Bobby Parsi, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General
David Patterson, LPC - Asset
Protection - Jewel-Osco
Joey Qualls, LPC - Loss
Prevention Lead - Dicks sporting goods
Edward Rainey, LPC - District
Loss Prevention Manager - Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc.
Omar Reyes, LPC - Sr
Investigations Reporting Analyst - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Corinne Shanafelt, LPC -
District Loss Prevention Manager - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Maygen Taff, LPC - Loss
Prevention Manager – Dick’s Sporting Goods, Inc.
Trenton Telford, LPC - DLPM -
Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc.
Gregory Vurgich, LPC - Digital
Loss Prevention Analyst - Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc. |
March's LPC and LPQ Professionals
Dwayne Adderley, LPQ - Security Supervisor - Abaco Markets Limited
Ellison Branham, LPQ - Student -
University of South Carolina
Crystal Choate, LPQ - LP/S
Specialist - Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM)
Dennis Hager, LPQ - Asset
Protection Investigations Supervisor - Burlington Stores Inc.
Montaque Hall, LPQ - APS - The
Home Depot, Inc.
Claire Kester, LPQ - Student -
University of South Carolina
Account manager - Checkpoint Systems, Inc.
Chester-Mar Rihn, LPQ - Customer
Success Specialist - Alto
Rafael Rivera, LPQ - Security
Officer - FedEx
Todd Roberts, LPQ - General
Manager - Staples Canada, Inc.
Eric Servais, LPQ - National
Account Manager - Checkpoint
Francesca Snelling, LPQ - Asset
Protection Specialist - The Home Depot, Inc.
Alexis Vola, LPQ - Student -
University of South Carolina
Craig Butler, LPC - Assistant
Asset Protection Manager - Wegmans Food Markets
Rebecca Cincotta, LPC - DLPM -
The TJX Companies, Inc.
Joe Henderson, LPC - Zone LP
Manager - Purpose Financial
Shawn Moore, LPC - Asset
Protection Investigator - Goodwill Industries International
David Moser, LPC - Multi Store
Asset Protection Manager - The Home Depot, Inc.
Alisha Racin-Torres, LPC - Asset
Protection Manager, Analytics - Ralph Lauren Corporation
Latisha Rice, LPC - Sr. LP
Manger - Old Navy
John Slutz, LPC - Regional Loss
Prevention Manager - Family Dollar Stores, Inc.
Rachel Trimble, LPC - Loss
Prevention Site Lead - Amazon
Hector Velazquez, LPC - Loss
Control Auditor - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Racheal Whittaker, LPC - Sr
Regional Asset Protection and Safety Manager - Whole Foods Market |
February's LPC and LPQ Professionals
Brian Hellwig, LPQ - Asset
Protection Specialist - The Home Depot
Lucas Jenswold, LPQ - Market Asset Protection
Manager - Festival Foods
Thomas McLarin, LPQ - Loss Prevention Manager -
The TJX Companies, Inc.
Thomas Raymondi, LPQ - Loss Prevention - The TJX
Companies, Inc.
Jonathan Erb, LPQ - Asset Protection Assistant
Store Manager - Walmart
Glenn Owens, LPQ - Security Supervisor - Ralph
Lauren Corporation
Dean Peterson, LPQ - Organized Retail Crime
Investigator - The Home Depot
Russell Guthormsen, LPQ - APSM - Lowe's Companies,
Corey Wood, LPQ - Asset Protection Specialist -
The Home Depot, Inc.
Paul Faranda, LPQ - Store Manager - Five Below
Kelechi Ebiringah, LPQ - Asset Protection - The
Home Depot, Inc.
Rachel Dantuono, LPQ - Loss Prevention Detective -
The TJX Companies, Inc.
Branden Gilmore, LPQ - Loss Prevention Manager -
AAFES - Army Air Force Exchange Service
Michaela Ferguson, LPC
Chelsea Tower, LPC - ALPM - ULTA Beauty
Cameron Lotridge, LPC - Senior Asset Protection
Manager - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Troy Gallegos, LPC - MAPM - The Home Depot
David Viverette, LPC - -
Michael Wareham, LPC - Loss Prevention Manager III
- Amazon
Kevin Mattox, LPC - Asset Protection - Rite Aid
Nelson Roque, LPC - Regional Loss Prevention
Manager - Family Dollar Stores, Inc.
Steven Sharp, LPC - SAPM - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Damon Downs, LPC - APM - Walmart
Nikki Soares, LPC - District Loss Prevention
Manager - Albertsons Companies, Inc.
Sungjin Park, LPC - Currently freelancer -
Currently freelancer |
January's LPC and LPQ Professionals
● Thomas Ahn, LPQ - Solution
Provider - Alto
Donald Alexander, LPQ - Asset
Protection Teammate - Under Armour
Chad Bublitz, LPQ - Loss
Prevention - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Rebecca Cota-Guzman, LPQ - Loss
Prevention - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Milagros Davila, LPQ - Loss
Prevention Investigator - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Hannah Harville, LPQ - Store
Manager - LuLuLemon
Katie Killebrew, LPQ - Loss
Prevention - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Anna Lampke, LPQ - Loss
Prevention - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Anoeil Lazar, LPQ - Loss
Prevention - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Kyle Parris, LPQ - Loss
Prevention - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Courtnie Sanchez, LPQ - Market
Asset Protection Manager - Meijer Inc.
Serena Smith, LPQ - Associate
Loss Prevention Investigator - The TJX Companies, Inc.
David Tapanes, LPQ - Loss
Prevention Detective - The TJX Companies, Inc.
Kim Anderson, LPC - Divisional
Asset Protection Director - Dollar General Corporation
Karla Bailey, LPC - District
Loss Prevention Manager - Dicks Sporting Goods
Philip Boyce, LPC - Asset
Protection Agent - Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Brandon Cummings, LPC - Director
- Corporate Asset Protection - Dollar General Corporation
Priya Donohue, LPC - Regional
Manager-Asset PRotection - Ralph Lauren Corporation
Riley Fallon, LPC - Asset
Protection Professional
Andre LaFond, LPC - Asset
Protection Consultant - VET Logistics
Jonathan McGraw, LPC - Asset
Protection Manager - Walgreens
Steve Morand, LPC - Sr Regional
Asset Protection and Safety Manager - Whole Foods Market
Shelley Pace, LPC - Regional
Manager of Asset Protection - Ralph Lauren
Cristina Rivera, LPC - Regional
Manager of Asset Protection - Ralph Lauren Corporation
Scott Vollrath, LPC - Regional
Asset Protection Manager - Dollar General