C-Stores Combat Human Trafficking
More retailers are becoming a safe harbor for victims of this vastly
unreported crime.
Convenience stores are realizing the power they have in joining forces to fight
human trafficking.
“The business community, like government and churches, has only recently started
to take on the effort. It’s wonderful from a comprehensive standpoint because we
need all eyes and ears possible,” said Bill Cronin, commissioner at the Pasco
County Commission on Human Trafficking in Florida.
Cronin noted traffickers and victims often frequent c-stores. Red flags might
include someone repeatedly buying large orders of first-aid kits, tampons or
food orders, or a big group of women who come in to eat daily, but don’t talk.
Selling single cigarettes, drug paraphernalia or single cold beers can inspire
traffickers to set up shop near your store and use it for food and supplies,
Cronin said. “The trafficking industry is very transient. They will go where
it’s easiest to make money and has the least amount of obstacles.”
If it’s harder to find the items/environment they need, the activity will be
displaced. “If somebody has to drive a little further, they might not go to rape
a girl today. The more obstacles we create, the bigger net we create. You can do
that through surveillance, sharing information. C-store video feeds can be the
missing puzzle piece for many cases law enforcement are working,” Cronin said.
Petroleum, based in Flowery Branch, Ga., has partnered with the national
anti-human-trafficking non-profit, In Our Backyard, which has developed the
program Convenience Stores Against Trafficking (CSAT). The Georgia Association
of Convenience Stores and the National Association of Convenience Stores, among
others, have also partnered with the organization.
“The partnership is free for any retailer in the country. They send free
stickers and signage to put in restroom stalls,” said Haley Bower, director of
the Clipper Petroleum Foundation, the chain’s non-profit arm. That’s because the
only time trafficking victims are often alone is in a stall, so it’s a key place
to provide information for help.
In Our Backyard also provided a training video for employees on what to watch
for, and what to do if trafficking is suspected. Clipper is also placing posters
in the windows and providing flyers to start conversations with customers. The
chain is ramping up efforts ahead of the Super Bowl in Atlanta in 2019.
Bower and Cronin both noted the taboo around talking about human trafficking is
“One-hundred girls are already sold a night in Atlanta. When big events like
conventions or the Super Bowl happen, trafficking goes up by 20%,” Bower said.
“They’re not only exploiting children, they’re exploiting our convenience
The transportation industry and NATSO—which represents America’s travel plazas
and truck stops—have been fighting human trafficking for many years. Moreover,
the Department of Transportation’s ‘Transportation Leaders Against Human
Trafficking,’ includes all areas of transportation—from buses and taxis to
airlines and truck stops.
NATSO offers online training and resources to teach the industry about human
trafficking and what to do if trafficking is suspected.
“The goal is to be a partner in helping the entire transportation sector prevent
human trafficking that happens along the interstate highway system,” said
Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman, vice president of public affairs for NATSO.
States have different requirements for businesses on whether posters on
trafficking with hotline numbers are required by law and what information is
mandatory to include.
Through a partnership with the Department of Homeland Security, NATSO has
co-branded posters that meet state requirements.
This October, NATSO also introduced a tool kit to help members implement an
anti-trafficking program at their locations.
“As part of that tool kit, there is a 50-state chart detailing each state law
regarding whether or not you must hang a poster in your business, what you’re
required to post and the penalties for non-compliance,” Neuman said.
“I would challenge the convenience store industry, to come together in a
multi-state approach (much like the transportation industry has) to share
information, and put systems in place so we can make the net a little bigger,”
Cronin said.
Gulfcoast Software Solutions’ non-profit arm, Gulfcoast Children’s Charitable
Foundation, is offering plug and play data-mining software free to any c-store
for the exclusive purpose of tracking purchase behaviors that often point to
human trafficking. Email Tim Lindblom for information
This article was originally published on