Main Street Privacy Coalition
Outlines Principles
for Federal Privacy Legislation
November 21, 2019 - The recently
formed Main Street Privacy Coalition today called on the Senate to develop a
“uniform and fair framework” as lawmakers draft federal privacy legislation. The
coalition outlined principles for privacy legislation in a letter sent to
members of the Senate, Senate leadership and the chairmen and ranking members of
the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee; Judiciary Committee;
Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, and Health, Education, Labor and
Pensions Committee.
Safeguarding consumers’ privacy
is one of retailers’ top priorities, and National Retail Federation Senior
Vice President for Government Relations David French called on Congress to pass
legislation that leaves “no loopholes.”
“As Congress begins to finally move forward on long-awaited privacy legislation,
retailers and other Main Street Businesses want to make sure their customers’
information is properly protected,” French said. “Congress needs to make sure
there are no loopholes and that all entities that handle sensitive data are
covered. At the same time, legislation must recognize that consumers are willing
to share at least some of their information when they receive benefits in
return. Those benefits should not be outlawed by well-meaning efforts that
interfere with businesses’ legitimate use of consumer information to better
serve their customers.”
Text of Letter:
November 21, 2019
RE: The Main Street Privacy Coalition – Principles for Federal Privacy
Dear Chairmen and Ranking Members:
The undersigned associations represent over a million Main Street businesses
that Americans know and interact with every day in industries that directly
serve consumers and help support local communities across the country. Together,
as The Main Street Privacy Coalition, we wish to express our appreciation for
your leadership on consumer data privacy issues and to share with you the
principles we support in bipartisan federal privacy legislation.

The Main Street Privacy Coalition (MSPC) is comprised of a broad array of
national trade associations representing businesses that line America’s Main
Streets. From retailers to REALTORS®, hotels to home builders, grocery stores to
restaurants, and gas stations to convenience stores, our member companies
interact with consumers day in and day out. Collectively, the industries that
MSPC trade groups represent directly employ nearly 34 million Americans and
constitute over one-fifth of the U.S. economy by contributing $4.5 trillion (or
21.8%) to the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP). Our success depends on
maintaining trusted relationships with our customers and clients: trust that the
goods and services we provide are high quality and offered at competitive
prices; and trust that the information customers provide to us is kept secure
and used responsibly. For these reasons, our associations have been actively
engaged in the discussions surrounding data privacy and have come together to
support enactment of a comprehensive and uniform federal data privacy law.
American businesses have no higher priority than earning and maintaining trusted
relationships with their customers. To preserve those relationships, businesses
must protect and responsibly use the personal information that customers share
with them. As members of Congress consider legislative and regulatory solutions
to address data privacy concerns, our coalition urges adoption of the following
• Comprehensive and Uniform Federal Standard. There should be a
comprehensive federal law on data privacy that protects consumers in a
nationwide, uniform and consistent way.
• Transparency for Consumers. Consumers should be informed of the
categories of personal data that businesses collect and how that data is used by
• Preserve Customer Services and Benefits. A federal data privacy law
should preserve the ability of consumers and businesses to voluntarily establish
mutually beneficial business-customer relationships, including rewards and
loyalty programs.
• Responsibility for Own Conduct. Any privacy law should make all
businesses responsible for their own conduct. It should not expose them to
liability for privacy violations by their business partners, including
contractors, franchises and other businesses.
• Statutory Obligations for All. Small businesses should not be forced to
hold other businesses to privacy standards through contracts. All businesses
that handle consumer information should have direct privacy obligations under
the law.
• No Exemptions. Every industry sector that handles consumer information
should have equivalent legal obligations to protect consumer privacy under the
An essential element of our members’ valued customer relationships is respect
for the personal information that customers share with their businesses.
Virtually every industry sector – whether consumer-facing or
business-to-business – handles significant volumes of consumer information. To
comprehensively protect Americans’ interests in data protection, any federal
data privacy legislation should apply to all industry sectors that handle
consumer data, and should not contain any loopholes that leave consumers
unprotected when their personal data is handled by a business with which they do
not have, or expect to have, a direct relationship. Every business handling
consumer data in an information chain of custody should therefore have
equivalent statutory obligations to protect that data and honor consumer
rights requests with respect to it. Privacy law should not rely solely on
private contracts, and enforcement of them by private parties, to create these
legal obligations and ensure they are met by all businesses.
American consumers expect all businesses handling their personal information to
do so responsibly, regardless of when and where that data is collected or used.
By developing a data privacy law that does not pick regulatory winners and
losers, Congress can ensure that Americans’ privacy will be protected by federal
law regardless of which business is collecting, transmitting, storing or
otherwise processing their personal information.
We believe Congress must act to ensure that consumers’ privacy interests are
protected. We are concerned with leading state privacy laws that are being
crafted and enacted on the inaccurate presumption that consumers’ interests in
data privacy stops at the front door of a consumer-facing business. These laws
fail to appreciate that consumers are equally or more concerned with what third
parties unknown to them may do with their personal information. Furthermore,
even well-meaning state laws may make it impossible for Main Street businesses
to use data to serve their customers in the many ways consumers have come to
expect. In the end, it may be American consumers who stand to lose the most if
businesses cease to take advantage of technological innovations to better serve
them out of fear of inadvertently violating a hodge-podge of potentially
conflicting state privacy regulations. We therefore urge the committees you lead
to carefully examine the flaws in state privacy laws and improve upon them by
enacting legislation that will hold accountable all entities handling consumers’
personal information.
We look forward to working with you and the members of your committees on
federal data privacy legislation that will provide a uniform and fair framework
for consumers and businesses alike that respects and promotes consumer privacy
across all industry sectors.
American Beverage Licensees
American Hotel & Lodging Association
American Pizza Community
International Franchise Association
National Association of Convenience Stores
National Association of Home Builders
National Association of Realtors
National Association of Truck Stop Operators
National Council of Chain Restaurants
National Grocers Association
National Restaurant Association
National Retail Federation
Petroleum Marketers Association of America
Retail Industry Leaders Association
Self Storage Association
Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America
cc: The Honorable Mitch McConnell
The Honorable Charles E. Schumer
The Honorable John Thune
The Honorable Dick Durbin
Members of the U.S. Senate
About NRF
The National Retail Federation, the world’s largest retail trade association,
passionately advocates for the people, brands, policies and ideas that help
retail thrive. From its headquarters in Washington, D.C., NRF empowers the
industry that powers the economy. Retail is the nation’s largest private-sector
employer, contributing $2.6 trillion to annual GDP and supporting one in four
U.S. jobs — 42 million working Americans. For over a century, NRF has been a
voice for every retailer and every retail job, educating, inspiring and
communicating the powerful impact retail has on local communities and global