2019 “Swing for
Certification” Golf Tournament
Hosted by The Loss Prevention Foundation preceding NRF Protect
2019 “Swing for Certification” golf tournament is set for Monday, June
10, at Coyote Hills Golf Club in Fullerton, CA, preceding the NRF
Protect conference June 11–13. Hosted by the Loss Prevention Foundation
(LPF), the event is open to all retailers and solution provider sponsors to
benefit the Bob MacLea Scholarships for loss prevention and asset
protection professionals who want to advance their careers through
obtaining their LPQ or LPC certification. Proceeds will also benefit the
Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund.
“The NRF leadership is proud of the partnership that we have developed
with the LP Foundation,” said Robert Moraca, MBA, CPP, CFE, vice
president of LP for NRF. “Both the NRF and LPF share a similar passion
to harness retail loss prevention industry knowledge and dedicated LP
professional volunteers to champion educational enrichment for the
industry. This Swing for Certification event is a fun way to continue
our combined desire for LP excellence.”
“The Loss Prevention Foundation is proud and honored to be hosting our
second Swing for Certification golf event at NRF Protect 2019,” said
Terry Sullivan, LPC, president of the LPF. “We are excited to again have
the opportunity to raise funds for the Bob MacLea scholarships and the
Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund. We are welcoming all retailers and
solution providers to participate in this networking golf event and are
thrilled to be able to announce that we already have fifteen of our
sponsors from last year returning and three new sponsors committed to
this year’s tournament, with Vector Security Systems signing on as our
Platinum sponsor for the second year.”
The event will begin at 1:00 p.m. with lunch and a shotgun start. Prizes
and awards will be handed out at a food and cocktail reception following
golf. Coyote Hills Golf Course is located at 1440 E. Bastanchury Road in
Fullerton, CA, just seven miles from the Anaheim Convention Center, site
of NRF Protect conference.
Join your colleagues for this opportune networking event by registering
today at the
“Swing for Certification” event website.
For more information or to sign up as a sponsor, contact LPF President,
Terry Sullivan at
2019 "Swing for
Certification" Sponsors